The last publication of DW contained the first part of the first set of EoGs in the series. For the sake of completeness, the entire EoG set is provided here, including the part which appeared in the last DW. My apologies for the repetition for those who've read the DW article, but you can quickly skip the repeated text.
The first article, comprising the games "Cut-Throat" and "Care-Bear," follows.
Some months later, Rick Desper created two games wherein players were requested to play by the two styles. The games would nonetheless be moderated as standard games. As is now popular in Internet play, the two games were designated as anonymous. In other words, players do not know against whom they are playing, and are forbidden from revealing their identity. Game "Cut-Throat," to emphasize nastiness, allowed grey and fake press. Game "Care-Bear," to emphasize friendship, allowed proxy orders.
Playing as Russia, I won both games. The EoG statements are presented here.
You can begin reading at any point, and follow the link at the bottom of
each statement to get to the next EoG.
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EOG's for the game "Cut-Throat"
EOG's for the game "Care-Bear"
Dan Shoham
Massachusetts Institute of Technology