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General Resources
Diplomatic Pouch Resources
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Player Reference Sources
Judge PBEM Resources
Diplomacy Player Communities
Diplomacy Hobby Organizations 
Diplomacy Zines on the Web
Non-English Diplomacy Pages
Other Diplomacy Pages
Quick Reference Page
(All resources on one page)

Openings Library
The HTML version of a comprehensive library of opening moves in Diplomacy.

Library of Diplomacy Tactics
The Pouch's library of some of the more essential tactics with which all Diplomacy players should be familiar.

Diplomacy Buyer's Guide
A periodically-updated guide with information on where to buy old and new editions of the Diplomacy boardgame, and the software version of the game.

Diplomacy Maps
The maps page here at The Pouch can supply you with any of over 300 maps in a multitude of formats for the standard game and a bunch of popular variants.

Diplomacy Mapping Software
The mapping software page has links to many Diplomacy mapping tools that run on a variety of platforms.

Diplomacy Variants
The Pouch's variants page has links to pages covering over 170 different variants.

The Diplomacy Subject Index
The Diplomacy Subject Index, maintained by Simon Szykman, is a comprehensive index, organized alphabetically by subject, covering all the major topics related to the PBEM diplomacy hobby. If you need the answer to a question, the index should be able to tell you where to find it.

Stalemates A to Y
Now available in an HTML version, Stalemates A to Y is an extensive list of stalemate lines that can be set up in Diplomacy games. A tared, UNIX compressed text version is also available for downloading.

Variants A to Z
A library containing descriptions and rules for tons of Diplomacy variants. A tared, UNIX compressed text version is also available for downloading.