To the tune of "Jingle Bells"
Apologies to James Lord Pierpont
Dashing through the board,
Crushing all my foes,
Causing much discord,
And treading on their toes.
This is not a dream,
Since grabbing lots of dots,
And making bad guys scream,
Is giving me the hots.
Oh! Stabbing bells, stabbing bells,
Clang with howls of pain.
Watch and learn as I triumph,
And crush you all again!
I wish that this were true,
It's definitely not.
I feel a sense of doom,
Since neighbours won't be bought.
I know I want to be a
Mighty Dip hotshot,
But when you're stuck with Austria,
Then hope is all you've got.
Oh! Austria, Austria,
You know when you're screwed.
You can deal with one neighbour,
But not with three or two.