Danny Loeb
The Diplomacy Programming Project
Of Retreats
In an
last Spring,
examined how the
Programming Project's Strategy Finder uses
Simulated Annealing to
search through the
astronomical number of possible
Fortunately, during the building and retreat phases, the number of
possible moves is never quite so astronomical.
It is thus possible to
do a complete one-ply analysis of these phases of the game.
Optionally, the search of a build or retreat phase could be less
complete, but could anticipate the following phase via a recursive call to
the strategic module of the program.
We will discuss the build phases in an
article to appear in the next issue of The Diplomatic Pouch.
In this issue, we will address the following questions:
For reference, we supply the rules that
govern retreats, and the syntax used by the Diplomacy Adjudicator program
(judge) and the Diplomat Interface (DPP) during retreat phases.
Daniel E. Loeb
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