Italy's End of Game Statement from Game "Fresh"

Broadcast message from as Italy in fresh:

   Oh, the infamy of it!   We had sculptured a very impressive "Maginot" line,
and then the Viennese deserts us?

Que sera, sera.

Arrivederci, amici.

I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of trying to keep Italy alive, and viable.
From the outset, Italy had been allied with Austria, and the alliance thrived,
until the first Sultan began leaking info to less-than-friendly forces.

Having overcome all odds, and survived, it was with great anticipation that
I looked toward a draw that included ALL surviving players.   Imagine my
shock and chagrin at the ultimate calumny of my heretofor totally loyal ally.

I will search out each and all of you in choosing future games, because this
game, despite the outcome, has been one of the most interesting and enjoyable
I have ever played.   Thank you all for the fun and good times.

George Harper
   Imperator d'Imperatum Romana Nuovo d'FRESH

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