England's End of Game Statement from Game "Fresh"
Broadcast message from narc@sugar.NeoSoft.COM as England in fresh:
I must say that I have had an incredibly enjoyable time playing with all
of you and that I have learned a great deal from the experience. I will not
borther going into great detail about exactly what happened. The history
speaks clearly enough.. The original Germany and I simply got our acts
together long before anyone else had figured out what was going on. The
AIRT alliance that formed to combat us was so plagued with squabbling that I
honestly don't think there was a single turn (before the new Germany
arrived) when they worked together with any goal in mind.
Austria really won this game though.. He saved me from defeat at least
once by taking a build away from Germany, fed me the movement orders of the
alliance that started under the new Germany and gave me the support I needed
to cross into Munich and Berlin. (For some time I could not understand why
he wanted to help me and took the moves he passed on very lightly.. Then I
figured out that: 1. He would not share in a draw if the alliance was
successful (so he had nothing to lose) and 2. by helping me HE decided the
fate of the game.)
Actually, now that I think about it, it is surprising that the new Germany
was able to form an alliance against me at all.. None of the other powers
had any aspirations to win and, aside from my not submitting to the GE draw
proposed by Italy, none had any grudge against me.
One other thing that really deserves noting was the attitude taken by
Russia.. This guy was such an incredibly good sport.. I honestly felt
rather stupid after taking Scandinavia when I realized that he didn't
begrudge me for it and that he was still willing to work with me. Then,
when reduced to one SC, he kept playing rather than just folding up and
waiting to die.. A remarkable effort.. If you are ever in Houston give me
a ring and we'll play something a little less decietful.
I suppose that's it...
Elvis.. (The king..)
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End of Game Statement)