The Diplomatic Pouch


The spring and fall links with the (very small) diplomacy map icons are linked to color images of the mapboard as it would look following the turn. The supply centers are colored according to owner and the (sometimes difficult to find) units are placed in their appropriate locations.

Orders and Results

The results icon for each season is linked to the orders and results for each turn. Spring movement and spring retreat are grouped together as are fall movement, fall retreat, and winter adjustment.


All the game's broadcasts can be accessed through the press links. Press is grouped according to the season during which it was sent.

Player Analysis

Some games will have analysis links for each turn. Those that do were run with the players having been instructed to provide additional information each turn. Sometimes they were better about doing so than others. What they did submit can be found attached to the analysis icons.
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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.
The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase (
Last updated on Sun, Sept 28, 1997.