"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -- President Thomas Jefferson
"Congress must be able to do more than merely nod yes or no to presidential proposals-whether out of apelike obedience or uninformed obstinacy." -- Representative Donald Rumsfeld, 1965
"Why this huge contract has not been and is not now being adequately audited is beyond me. The potential for waste and profiteering under such a contract is substantial." -- Representative Donald Rumsfeld as he urged investigation into the relationship between the private consortium working in Vietnam and the Johnson administration, in particular the infamous "President's Club," to which Brown & Root, one of the principle Vietnam contractors, had given tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions. Brown & Root is now Kellog, Brown & Root, which is the engineering and construction group of Halliburton.
Welcome to Tinamou #48, produced by Dave Partridge,
15 Woodland Drive, Brookline NH, 03033 (email: rebhuhn of rocketmail.com ). Tinamou now appears on the web in conjunction with TAP. The web page has everything you’ll find here including maps. Go to Jim’s index page /Postal/Zines/TAP and check it out, your comments and suggestions are welcome!TAP Home | Tinamou Home |
Just For Fun
1) Go to www.Google.com
2) Type in (but don't hit return): "miserable failure"
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search" button;
This happens because sites are ranked on Google by how many other sites link to them, so if by creating many links to a site with a given set of keywords, you can make that site pop up at the top of the list. Someone obviously had too much time on their hands.
This blank space was just too big for me to ignore, so I guess I need to say something. You are of course free to pretend it’s still blank. As I get older I’m starting to find that I don’t find winter as much fun as I used to. First of all, as I’m sitting typing this, my hands are cold! That’s because it’s about 8 degrees below zero outside and while the old mill building that I work in (and that I’m eating my lunch in right now, so please excuse the crumbs and stains on this) is a great building most of the time, with it’s 20 foot ceilings and tall windows that actually open and have a view of the river, it is not well insulated. Other than that though I think the biggest factor is having a family. When I was growing up winter was for skiing (I grew up in a ski resort town). I spent my time outside without any worries. Now, going skiing would involve packing up four kids, getting them all geared up, making a trip to a mountain, taking out another mortgage on the house to pay for the tickets and rentals, etc. So I get away every so often to ski on my own, but winter no longer revolves around skiing. Instead, it revolves around colds! As soon as winter sets in, some kid goes down into the basement and digs out his box of colds and flus. Then, every week, he brings in a new one to share during show and tell. The kids all pass them around and bring them home to show their families, who pass it around as well until it has mutated enough to be stored away for next year.
Bah Humbug J
Actually, I do find that Christmas is a lot of fun. Giving your child’s face light up is one of the great joys of parenthood. Another great joy for me is that my kids do NOT ask for the latest junk toy being hyped on TV. Part of that is probably because the only TV they watch is PBS and sports. I get a lot of questions from some parents about how we manage to bring up our kids the way we do, not watching TV, no Game Boy or Playstation, no violent toys, eating an organic vegetarian diet, but the answer is really quite simple. It’s what you are raised with that seems normal to you. Our children are perfectly happy and well adjusted. If they don’t get to use a Playstation, they do have plenty of toys to play with and they learn a lot more from them than just hand/eye coordination. The food is what seems to confound the most people, but there’s nothing in our diet that rules out many popular favorites such as pasta, pizza, cookies and ice cream. The fact that we make all of this ourselves and use healthy ingredients (whole wheat, organic milk, brown rice syrup instead of sugar) doesn’t make the food any less enjoyable and our children have their favorite meals like everyone else. But when the want a snack, they actually ask for an apple or a carrot because that’s what they know and like instead of wanting oreos or a candy bar.
Still got more space to fill so I’ll babble on about another of my loves, soccer. It’s a great sport and there have been great strides made in it since I was a kid. First of all are the organized leagues for the children. We have a great league where the children in our town and the neighboring town we share a school district with can play spring and fall. We had over 600 kids (with a total town population between the two towns of 11,000) this last fall. There are many different levels and the emphasis is all on having fun, with all the games being between teams in our league, no traveling, no high pressure, just a chance to get out and enjoy the game. I wish we’d had something like it when I was a kid. There are also an incredible number of different leagues around for adults to play in, and now that I don’t ski as much as I used to, soccer has become a year round sport for me. I used to avoid indoor because I wanted to save my knees. The fields were Astroturf carpet nailed over plywood and punishing to play on. Now the fields have the same sort of surfaces they use in professional football and other sports. I wear the same cleats I wear outdoors and except for the lack of divots and mud, it’s hard to tell we’re not playing on natural grass.
I’m going to go to two different deadline to allow some of the games to move faster. If anyone would prefer that a game move slower or faster please let me know.
RR, IW, Outpost games: Next TAP deadline
Diplomacy, Breaking Away: Two TAP deadlines from this issue.
TOPGame Openings:
Gunboat with press: Three signed up so far.
Perestroika Diplomacy: Add an economic twist to the classic game. Centers generate revenue, armies and fleets must be maintained, and treasuries can be sacked! Rules are available on request.
Signed up: Art Schleinkofer, Phil Reynolds, Harold Reynolds, Karl Schmit
Standard Diplomacy: That’s it, the one and only original
Signed up: Fred Wiedermeyer, Hank Alme, Cary Nichols
Just the results please: Don’t really know what to call this one as I just came up with it. Perhaps it’s been tried before. The twist for this variant is that each season only the ending unit positions are published, not the orders. You’ll know who went where, but not who helped whom, or want may have been tried unsuccessfully.
Signed up: Phil Reynolds, Doug Kent
Industrial Waste:
A new game for 3-4 players. Manager your factory and build your products, but beware, increased production means more waste, and if you aren’t careful you’ll find that working in a sludge pit affects your productivity and the bottom line.
Game Opening: Signed up: Richard Weiss, Andy York, Harold Reynolds
Railway Rivals: Be the first to try out Brendan Whyte’s new Queensland map.
Signed up: Brendan Whyte, Rip Gooch
Sign up for the next game to start when the current one finishes.
Snowball fighting: Current game is over. Anyone interested in another go? 2 signed up so far
Golden Strider: It is to running what Breaking Away is to bike riding. See Tom’s szine off-the-shelf at
http://www. olympus.net/personal/thowell/o-t-s/index.html for some games in progress.Signed up: Tom Howell
Sopwith: Be a World War I Ace (or perhaps a pile of smoking rubble). It all depends on what kind of pilot you are. See Phil’s ishkibibble at
www.diplom.org/DipPouch/ Postal/Zines/ishkibibble for a game in progress.Signed up: Brendan Whyte, Robert Dowrey, Karl Schmit
Reader’s Choice: I’m open to anything, just send me the rules and if I think I can run it, I’ll offer it.
TOP2001 A Gaming
ODYSSEYOrphaned from Deny Everything
I am continuing to hold this game over as Mike seems to have dropped out of communications. The intent is to continue with the current players and not new standbys so we’ll keep on trying.
TOPCarrier Pigeon (2003E), Standard Diplomacy,
Postal negotiations only
Very little movement this year. Neutral Holland falls to England and Austria takes Bulgaria from Turkey. Everyone else stays even.
Country |
Player |
Address |
Austria |
Alexander Woo |
2322 Shattuck Ave. #308 Berkeley, CA 94704 |
England |
Robert Dowrey |
76 Potter Avenue Orchard Park, NY 14127 |
France |
Ethan Thomas |
13 Acushnet Road Mattapoisett, MA 02739 |
Germany |
Hank Alme |
506 Paige Loop Los Alamos, NM 87544 |
Italy |
John Power |
18 Tilton Court Baltimore, MD 21236 |
Russia |
Chris Lockheardt |
54 Butler Ave Maynard, MA 01754 |
Turkey |
Fred Wiedemeyer |
Box 92010, Meadowbrook R.P.O. Edmonton, AB T6T 1N1 CANADA |
Summer 1902
Turkish Army Bul retreats to Con
Fall 1902
Country |
Moves |
Austria |
a GAL - war , a BUD - tri, a SER – tri, a BUL s r f rum, f GRE s a bul |
England |
f eng - BEL, a EDI – lon (imp), a HOL h, f NTH s hol, f SKA s r f swe - den |
France |
f GOL h, f bre - ENG, f MAO s bre – eng, a gal – bur (nsu), a PIC h, a GAS U |
Germany |
a KIE s den, a mun – BER, a RUH - hol, f DEN h |
Italy |
f ion - TYN, f eme – ION, a TUN h, a ven – PIE |
Russia |
a sil – BOH, a LVN - war, a RUM s sev , f SEV s rum, f SWE - den , a UKR - gal |
Turkey |
f bla – CON, f ANK s bla – con, a con – SMY, a arm - SYR |
Winter 1902
Country |
Centers |
Adjustments |
Austria |
tri, bud, vie, ser, gre, bul |
build 1 |
England |
lon, edi, lvp, nwy, bel, hol |
build 1 |
France |
bre, par, mar, spa, por |
even |
Germany |
kie, ber, mun, den |
even |
Italy |
rom, ven, nap, tun |
even |
Russia |
sev, war, mos, stp, swe, rum |
even |
Turkey |
con, ank, smy, |
remove 1 |
Draw proposal: AER
Please vote with your next orders. NVR = NO
(ANONYMOUS) Hullo? Hullo? Diplomacy isn't such an interesting game with only 4(?) people writing...
TOPBreaking Away: Fat Bottomed Girls
Elaine and Kramer get separated from Jerry and George!)Frank -> George: You idiot! Why didn't you draft last turn? The Howells are getting away!
GM to Rick: Shouldn’t that be Skipper to Gilligan?
(BOOB to SPECTATORS): I don't intend to let Tom walk away with this! I got a good shot at taking two of the top three sprint points here, plus the overall victory. I wonder if Abigail tried to stay out ahead? I intend to win!!! We ARE the Front Men!!!
GM to Boob: Yes you do. Yes she did. I expect you do. The front MEN, but not the front runner. Looks interesting though
(BOOB to PELATON): The idea here is to GROUP up and draft! Will ya make a pack so we can get some points??? I've got Barone at 54 and Cutler at 59 looking for some company!
GM to Boob: Well, Cutler’s got lots of company, but it didn’t do anyone any good! Now if Barone had joined the group as you suggest to everyone and moved to 61 by playing his 10 we’d have had some real drafting and some high cards.
(BOOB to ROVE HATERS): Any way we can lose this guy out of the pack??
GM to Boob: Slow down a little more and maybe you won’t be able to see him anymore!
BARNO: In light of the recent news of a gene for bioluminescence being transferred between species, this comment (seen as a .sig-file PS to a posting) has new levels of meaning:"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow worm."
MIKE to MR. GM DAVE SIR: Although I have for decades been a fan of using silly musical references in Dipzines, I have a twenty-first-century concern. As good Bayesian spam-filtering gets better and cruddy spam-filtering like AOL's gets more ubiquitous, we may run a greater risk of messages with this game's title in the subject line (or even in the content) getting blocked or discarded without a player realizing he missed something. Having a negotiation e-mail lost is an inconvenience, but losing an adjudication or correction could lead to a problem that gets someone mad enough to quit. I know all these players are good sports who would be _least_ likely to spazz out like that, especially over "silly games" like Breaking Away. The same seems to be true for the players in your RR games I'm playing. But I would have said the same about Mark Fassio or Phil Reynolds or other players who have had similar things happen in Dip games, had blowups over how to handle them, and quit the zines.
Sir Dave to Mr. Mike: Negotiations? You’re supposed to be pedaling too hard to talk here! Of course if you are truly concerned, simply use FBG in the title (not to be confused with the BFG (players who are parents may get this one)).
JUSTICE IN THE LAND OF HOMEGROWN EVIL: Roughly 12% of all drug users are black (National Household Survey on Drug Abuse). Slicing the data another way indicates that while 12.2% of all white people use drugs, only 10% of blacks use drugs. 35% of all people arrested on drug charges are black (US Department of Justice). Roughly 53% of all people tried for drug charges are black, and 70% of all time served for drug charges is served by blacks (US Department of Correctional Statistics).
Dave – Mike: While I will not make any attempt to deny that there is an issue here, I think that any generalization made with statistics is always dangerous. Statistics can be made to say anything one wants them to. For example, I’m would guess that the majority of black drug users come from poverty stricken areas of inner cities. I would further guess that a much higher percentage of white users are white collar. I wonder how the statistics would break down if you looked at what percentage of users were poor, and what percentage of those arrested were poor. I certainly expect that there is some racial profiling going on. I also expect that there is economic profiling going on as well, and I think you need to look at both to see what the driving factor is, although I’m sure being poor and black would not be good for your odds. Guess what I’m saying is that the solution might not be to look for racial bias in our courts (although I am sure it does exist); it might be to look for ways to improve people’s economic standing.
P.S. The actual break down of percentage of users is 8.5% for whites, 9.7% for blacks, 7.2% for Hispanics and 10.1% for Native Americans. The figures that you used appear to come from the specific breakdown of the 12 to 17 age bracket.
Black Bottomed Girls (Brendan Whyte) 5 points
A |
3 |
Black Pudding Bertha |
7 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
B |
3 |
Big bad Bobbette |
7 |
5 |
3 |
C |
3 |
Bo Dacious Derek |
3 |
6 |
8 |
D |
3 |
Barbarella Eden |
3 |
3 |
5 |
Homegrown Evil
(Mike Barno) 0 points
A |
15 |
Dick Cheney |
3 |
6 |
3 |
B |
10 |
John Ashcroft |
3 |
10 |
3 |
C |
16 |
Karl Rove |
3 |
10 |
4 |
D |
9 |
Donald Rumsfeld |
3 |
7 |
6 |
Thin Bottomed Girls
(Tom Howell) 16 pointsManager: Edith
A |
16 |
Abigail |
3 |
4 |
9 |
3 |
B |
6 |
Babette |
4 |
16 |
6 |
C |
18 |
Camilla |
3 |
10 |
3 |
D |
18 |
Dagmar |
3 |
16 |
3 |
The Four Kingdoms of Daniel Chapter Seven
(Eric Brosius) 5 points
A |
6 |
Babylon |
3 |
15 |
16 |
7 |
B |
3 |
Persia |
3 |
15 |
5 |
C |
10 |
Greece |
5 |
16 |
6 |
D |
10 |
Rome |
10 |
20 |
6 |
The Front Men
(Jim Burgess) 1 pointManager: Ian Curtis
A |
23 |
Jon Langford |
3 |
3 |
20 |
3 |
B |
3 |
Richard Barone |
9 |
10 |
4 |
C |
5 |
Mark Cutler |
3 |
19 |
6 |
D |
17 |
Tjinder Singh |
3 |
5 |
3 |
The Team About Nothing
(Rick Desper) 22 pointsManager: Frank Costanza
A |
3 |
Jerry Seinfeld |
3 |
11 |
15 |
4 |
B |
9 |
Elaine Benes |
3 |
19 |
3 |
C |
12 |
Cosmo Kramer |
3 |
10 |
6 |
D |
4 |
George Costanza |
3 |
20 |
3 |
Square |
Riders |
Card |
86 |
abigail (10) |
3 |
85 |
84 |
83 |
82 |
81 |
----second sprint finish line ----- |
80 |
langford |
3 |
79 |
78 |
77 |
singh |
3 |
76 |
75 |
camilla |
3 |
74 |
72 |
72 |
71 |
70 |
69 |
dagmar |
3 |
68 |
67 |
66 |
cheney |
3 |
65 |
rove |
4 |
64 |
persia, barbarella |
5 |
63 |
babylon |
7 |
62 |
bo Dacious |
8 |
61 |
60 |
bertha, elaine , bobette |
3 |
59. |
babette, cutler, greece, kramer, rome, rumsfeld |
6 |
58 |
57 |
ashcroft |
3 |
56 |
55 |
george |
3 |
54 |
jerry, barone |
4 |
Ozone (Industrial Waste) End Game Comments
Richard to Harold: Unfathomable. Unheard of. Never crossed my mind. How can you end a game as a loser when you had a reasonable chance to be a winner? Obviously you had some sort of motivation - like maybe ending the game or wanting to quit. I sure wish we'd been FTF and could have influenced you by table talk.
Richard to Eric: Congratulations.
Eric: Harold commented on my "strategy." I don't think of my win in this game as coming from a "strategy" per se, though I guess it might look like it. I have played a number of games face to face, and all of the pbem games I'm in (and I'm in at least three) are different from what I was expecting based on my ftf experience. However, all the pbem games are different from each other as well. This has made pbem Industrial Waste a very interesting and enjoyable experience. You can't just stick to a fixed strategy and hope to succeed.
In "Ozone", the thing that surprised me is that Raw Materials were selling for a lot more than I expected throughout most of the game. My response was to keep bidding fairly low, and to try to resist the temptation to pay through the nose for Raw Materials. I also tried to take card sets that included Raw Materials so I could profit from the lucrative sale prices.
Of course, this had its consequences. I didn't get a chance to produce many Orders, given my Raw Materials shortage. If I had known Raw Materials were going to be so expensive, I would have innovated early in the game on Raw Materials usage and not so much on Waste Reduction. One interesting feature of the game is how interconnected it is: as you see what Innovations other players select, it changes your optimal strategy. In another game in Zero Sum, the critical issue seems to be Waste and not Raw Materials, and that game feels totally different from this one.
Another odd effect of my "strategy" is that I took relatively few Growth cards. This meant I had no ability to end the game, even though I was in a position to win if I could have ended it. I was wondering what it would take for me to end the game (a lot of Growth cards, clearly, but would that give anyone a chance to catch up.) It was nice to see Harold end it on his own initiative, so we didn't get a chance to find out whether I could end it myself and still win.
I had a lot of fun with this game; thanks for running it!
David to Eric: You’re welcome, I enjoyed it. Congratulations.
Zero Sum II
Editor: Richard Weiss
Contact Information: 916.743.2114 Cell
A Sub-sub-subzine to Stealth West with due genuflections to the Toad Father.
Mission Statement: Enjoyment of the Game Industrial Waste, by Jurgen Strohm and distributed by Rio Grande Games
Current Game(s): Love Canal
CARDS DEALT for Turn 7 (Selection Order was Dave, Eric, Harold, Chris)
Set 1: Waste Removal, Waste Disposal, Raw Materials
Set 2: Order, Innovation, Hiring/firing
Set 3: Order, Innovation, Hiring/Firing
Set 4: Waste Disposal, Order, Growth = Dave
Set 5: Waste Disposal, Growth, Advisor
Turn 7.1
Harold ReynoldsCards: (Set 1) Waste Removal, Waste Disposal, Raw Materials Plus held Growth
Hey, I've got all this Brighto in stock, and nobody wants it! Big sale on now, come
get it real cheap! (Help...)
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
Cards: (Set 2, or is it 3?) Order, Innovation, Hiring/firing
Dave Partridge CEO: Tony Tiger.Cards: Set 4: Waste Disposal, Order, Growth, plus held Innovation
Eric BrosiusCards: (Set 5): Waste Disposal, Growth, Advisor Plus held Order
Turn 7.2
Harold ReynoldsOrders: Play Waste Removal (peddle the Brighto)(-1 to 12 and +1 all others),
Play Waste Disposal (sell more Brighto to the public) (-3 to 9) .
DUMBASS auctions the set of Five raw materials. Chris bids $10M. Tony the Tiger passes. Eric passes. The five raw materials are sold to Chris. Harold gains $10M (Money from $13 >> 23)
End of turn costs = $5M (Money now at $18M)
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
First, play Innovation (Costs $5M, reduces income to $13M) and reduce Rationalization to 2.
Second, play Hiring/Firing and reduce workers to 2.
Chris bids and buys Harold’s five raw materials for $10M (money from $13M >> $3M)
Third, Plays the Order (Money from $3M >> 19; waste from 9 >> 13; and raw materials from 7 >> 3)
End of turn costs = $2M (Money now at $17M)
Dave Partridge7.2.a) Growth (moves factory from 16 >> 17)
7.2.b) Order (generates $17M so money goes from zero to $17M, generates 3 waste so from 8 >> 11; and raw materials go from 7 >> 3)
7.2.c) Waste Disposal (get rid of that 3 waste so back from 11 >> 8)
Hold the Innovation
End of turn costs = $4M (Money now at $13M)
Eric BrosiusFirst, play Growth (moves factory from 15 >> 16).
Next, play Waste Disposal with Advisor to reduce my Waste by 6 (From 8 >> 2).
Finally, play my order (Money from zero to $16, waster from 2 >> 6; and raw materials go from 12 >> 7).
End of turn costs = $5M (Money now at $11M)
CARDS DEALT for Turn 8 (Selection Order is Eric, Harold, Chris, Dave)
Set 1: Growth, Order, Waste Disposal
Set 2: Growth, Order, Waste Removal
Set 3: Growth, Hiring/firing, Waste Removal
Set 4: Order, Innovation, Waste Disposal
Set 5: Growth, Raw Materials, Innovation
Turn 8.1
Harold ReynoldsTakes Set 1: Growth, Order, Waste Disposal. Is holding a Growth card.
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
Takes Set 2: Growth, Order, Waste Removal
Dave PartridgeTakes Set 5: Growth, Raw materials, innovation. Is also holding an innovation card.
Eric BrosiusSet 4 (Order, Innovation, Waste Disposal)
Turn 8.2
Harold ReynoldsPlays Waste Disposal, [[Waste to dispose from 9 >> 6]]
Plays Growth [[14 >> 15]]
And plays Growth. [[15 >> 16]]
Holds the order card.
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
Play Waste Removal [[Waste to Dispose from 13 >> 12 and add one to everyone else]]
Plays Growth. [[16 >> 17]]
[Buys 3 Raw materials from Dave for $4M. Money from 17 >> 13. Raw Materials from 3 >> 6]
Holds the Order.
Dave Partridgea) Innovation, reduce raw materials [[Costs 5M, Money from 13 >> 8, Raw Materials from 4 >> 3; VP from 3 >> 6]]
b) Growth [[17 >> 18]]
c) Auction off the 3 raw materials acquired. [Eric bids 3; Harold passes; Chris bids $4M. Dave passes and takes the money. Money from 8 >> 12. Raw materials stay at 3]
Save the final innovation.
Eric BrosiusFirst, Innovate to reduce the amount of waste I produce to 3. [Costs 5M, Money 11 >> 6, Waste Reduction from 4 >> 3 and VP from 3 >> 6]]
Second, play my Order, using up 3 RM and generating 3 waste. [[Money from 6 >> 22; RM from 9 >> 6; Waste to Dispose from 7 >> 10]]
Third, play my Waste Disposal, undoing the damage from the Order [[Waste to Dispose of goes from 10 >> 7]]
CARDS DEALT for Turn 9 (Selection Order is Harold, Chris, Dave, Eric)
Set 1: Raw Materials, Waste Disposal, Waste Removal
Harold takes this set with the first pick of the 9th round.Set 2
: Order, Hire/Fire, GrowthSet 3: Innovation, Order, Raw Materials
Set 4: Innovation, Adviser, Raw Materials
Set 5: Hire/Fire, Waste disposal, Order
[[15 cards left in the pile to deal next turn guarantees a disaster]]
Growth, Growth, Order, Raw Materials.
Innovation X2, Growth X4, Order X2, Raw Materials, Waste Disposal X2, Waste Removal
Turn 9.1
Harold ReynoldsTakes Set 1:
Raw Materials, Waste Disposal, Waste Removal. Holds an order card.
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
Takes Set 5: Hire/Fire, Waste disposal, Order. Holds an Order card.
Dave PartridgeTakes Set 3: Innovation, Order, Raw Materials. Holds an innovation.
Eric BrosiusTakes Set 4: Innovation, Adviser, Raw Materials
Turn 9.2
Harold Reynolds1) Plays Waste Disposal (Brighto! We got a big order for Brighto!)[Reduces Waste to Dispose from 7 >> 4]]
2) Plays Order [[Consumes 5 raw materials leaving him with none (0); makes $16M so money goes from 13 >> 29; Waste to dispose rises from 4 >> 6]],
3) Auctions off the set of five Raw Materials. Chris bids $3M, Dave jumps the bidding up to $7M, Eric passes. (Money goes from $29M >> $36M)
4) Holds the Waste Removal for next turn.
-$5M for labor
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
1) Plays Waste Disposal [[Reduces waste to be disposed of from 12 >> 9, but not far enough]];
Chris purchases Eric’s set of three Raw Materials for $3M. Chris’s money goes from $13 >> 10; his raw materials from 7 >> 10).
2) Next discards an Order;
3) Discards the Hiring/Firing.
4) Holds the same Order card
-$2M for labor
Disaster strikes, Growth from 17 >> 16, Money from $8M >> $3M
Dave Partridge1) First piece of business has to be to innovate my waste reduction.(Money goes from $8 >>$3M; Waste reduction from 3 >> 2 and VP for that from 6 >> 10)
2) Sell Order (generate $18M so money goes from $3M >> $21M; raw materials go from 3 >> 0; Waste to dispose of goes from 9 >> 11)
Dave buys Harold’s set of five Raw Materials for $7M (Money goes from $21M >> $14M; Raw Materials go from 3 >> 8).
3) Sell Raw Materials. Eric bids $3M, Harold passes; Chris passes. Dave bids $4M and purchases his own set of three Raw Materials (Money from $14M >> $10M; Raw Materials in storage from 8 >> 11)
4) Holds innovation
-$4M for labor
Disaster strikes! Growth from 18 >> 17 and Money from $6M >> $1M
Eric Brosius1) Puts the three Raw Materials up for auction. Dumbass doesn’t even bid; Chemicals R Us bids $3; Dave passes, and Eric passes. Eric’s money goes from $17M >> $20M.
2) Plays Innovation to reduce Waste Production (Money from $9 >> $4M, Waste Production goes from 3 barrels of brighto per order sold to 2 and VP for Waste Production goes from 6 >> 10).
3) Keeps Advisor.
-$5M for labor
CARDS DEALT for Turn 10 (Selection Order is Chris, Dave, Eric, Harold)
Set 1: Order, Raw Materials, Hiring/Firing
Set 2: Raw Materials, Waste Disposal, Bribery
Set 3: Advisor, Bribery, Waste Disposal
Set 4: Advisor, Innovation, Growth
Set 5: Advisor, Innovation, Waste Disposal
None after the reshuffle.
None after the reshuffle.
Turn 10.1
Play order: Chemicals ‘R US >>
Grrreat >> DeOxyRoxy >> DUMBASS >>DUMBASS
Harold ReynoldsTakes Set 3: Advisor, Bribery, Waste Disposal. Also holds a Waste Removal card
Chemicals ‘R US Chris Hassler
Takes set 5: Advisor, Innovation, Waste Disposal. Also holds an Order card.
Dave PartridgeTakes Set 1: Order, Raw Materials, Hiring/Firing. Also holds an innovation.
Eric BrosiusTakes Set 4: Advisor, Innovation, Growth. Also holds an Advisor.
Industrial Waste |
Love Canal |
Turn |
10.1 |
Player |
Play Order |
Money |
Loans |
Raw Material Supply |
Growth |
Workers |
Harold |
4 |
$31 |
$20 |
0 |
16 |
5 |
Chris |
1 |
$1 |
$0 |
9 |
16 |
2 |
Dave |
2 |
$1 |
$10 |
8 |
17 |
4 |
Eric |
3 |
$10 |
$10 |
6 |
16 |
5 |
Rationalization |
Raw Materials |
Waster Reduction |
Waste To Dispose |
Vistory Points |
Harold |
5/1 |
5/1 |
2/10 |
6 |
23 |
Chris |
2/10 |
4/3 |
4/3 |
9 |
32 |
Dave |
4/3 |
3/6 |
2/10 |
11 |
26 |
Eric |
5/1 |
3/6 |
2/10 |
7 |
28 |