Please click here to submit any new information or to update information that is out of date.
No longer available You used to be able to buy all the parts for Diplomacy individually from this place, but now they only appear to carry the instruction book.
Here are a few places that currently have the new Hasbro edition of Diplomacy for sale. This is by no means comprehensive, but includes the lowest-price places I know of. Prices below do not include shipping, since shipping varies based on the method of delivery (which the customer can often select from), as well as the location of the destination. I'm including multiple sources rather than just the least expensive ones for several reasons (i.e., the game may be out of stock in some places, prices may change, not all of them ship internationally, and depending on where you want the game shipped to and how quickly you want it shipped, the lowest price after shipping might not be from the company that has the lowest price for the game alone. Because of the number of vendors selling the game for under $40, I am no longer listing stores that sell the game for over $40.
Stores that are listed above are there based on price and not because I personally endorse them. I have made purchases from, Enterprise Games, and, all without problems. I'd be happy to include comments on other peoples' experiences with these companies (good or bad) so let me know if you have anything to add.
The Hasbro edition of Diplomacy is available in the U.K. at GamesWeb for £ 39.90.
In addition to the online stores listed above, there have also been several different game dealers selling the Hasbro version of Diplomacy new on auction at Ebay, so you may want to take a look there as well. Prices recently have been hovering around $30. If you do try Ebay, be sure to check the item descriptions, not just the item titles, as most dealers do not specifically mention Hasbro in the item title (since Hasbro released the game undre the Avalon Hill name). Look for a photo of the new red box, or an item description that mentions metal pieces.
You can get a list of Diplomacy items on auction at Ebay via this link.
There were a couple of places listed here previously that still sold
original (non-Hasbro) editions of Diplomacy or Deluxe Diplomacy, but
they are both now solpd out and I don't know of any new stores that
still have Diplomacy in stock. If anyone else does, please let me
know and I'll add them here. New copies of the original Avalon Hill
Diplomacy still in shrinkwrap occasionally do come up for sale on Ebay,
so use the link above to see what's available there.
The Gibsons Games (a U.K. game company) edition of Diplomacy is no longer
in print, but copies of it are still available at several places that I
am aware of:
Apollo Boardgames in the U.K. was listed here but has been removed because
of a report of a pretty lousy customer experience. If you want to take your
chances with them, a search engine should turn up the web site.
Apollo Boardgames in the U.K. was listed here but has been removed because
of a report of a pretty lousy customer experience. If you want to take your
chances with them, a search engine should turn up the web site.
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Finding the original Avalon Hill edition of the Diplomacy boardgame new
Finding the Gibsons Games edition of the Diplomacy boardgame new
£ 17.99
They ship internationally.
£ 18.90
They ship internationally.
£ 18.99
They ship internationally.
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The Online Resources section is maintained by Eric Goodman