Send comments or corrections (only for the HTML version of this file) to Doug Massey (
You can receive a copy of this file via E-mail by sending your local Judge a message with "get master" in the body.
To become a master for a particular game, you must be signed on as the only player and then use the "become master" command. Thus to create a new Youngstown variant game called "older" with yourself as master send the following text to the judge:
If anyone else is signed on to the game you will not be allowed to become master. If you wish to relinquish your master slot to another person the best way is to just give him your password and then he can submit a request containing:
If you wish to become the master for an existing game that has other players and/or observers signed on or if you would like to become a secondary master you should contact the administrator of the adjudicator.
To set up a "private" game you can use the set nolist command immediately after creating the game:
The nolist setting will prevent any announcements about the game to be distributed to anyone not signed onto the game. People can still use the list older command to get a status of the game, but a list command that lists all current games will not display this game. People cannot find out about the game unless they've been told. This is useful for games that you want to set up as "by invitation only". Once the invited players have signed on and powers have been assigned you can use the set list command to allow other people to begin seeing the game. Note that you don't have to be the master in such a game, it could be unmoderated with you as a player if you wish. The point demonstrated here is that the set nolist must appear before the become master or before another player signs on since either of those actions would generate an announcement on a "listed" game.
Once you have become the master for a game you can sign on to your game using the "m<name>" syntax and use the following commands:
become russia \ army rum support bul-ser \ army sev-ukr \ \ *** DON'T DO THIS! *** become turkey / army bul-rum / fleet bla support bul-rum / army arm-sev /
the Russian player will see the orders you're trying to submit for Turkey (since they'll be displayed followed by "The unit in xxxx is not owned by Russia") and he might possibly get wise to a stab.
Actually, all commands following a become command submitted by a nonmaster will be ignored to prevent the above potential disaster.
The become command is not really necessary to submit a power's orders. Orders for units belonging to one or more powers can be submitted as the master, but the true owner of the power will not receive the confirmation reply from the judge. Orders for multiple units can be specified on the same line, but you shouldn't mix orders for units belonging to multiple powers on the same line. Also note that the "orders have been received" flag will not get set for a particular power if their orders were submitted by the master without the become command. It this case, it may be necessary to use the process command to get the phase processed.
See the file index for a complete list of the rest of the flags that you can set or clear as the master.
The reply that you get back from the judge after signing on as master (unless you relinquish the master status by using the become command) will include the [partial] orders that the players have submitted. It is assumed that if you are taking the role of master that you will not leak this information to the wrong people.
As a special note about finding replacement players, the proper way to get a new player signed on is to allow him to submit the signon himself for an abandoned power. You can use the become command to resign the old player, but if you use set address and set password the judge won't properly update the internal tables that indicate who is playing that power. The dedication ratings and site access info may not reflect what is really happening if the player doesn't go through the taking over of the power himself. It is possible to submit mail to the judge and make it look like it came from the player, however. The judge only pays attention to the last "Reply-To: " line that it finds in the mail, or if there isn't a Reply-To, then to the last "From: " that it finds. Thus you can submit a message to the judge that looks like:
to ensure that that player gets signed on properly. You won't, however, get a reply from the judge (it will go to the player) so you're really operating blind if you do this. It is preferred to have the player do the signon himself.
For further information, see the files, index and how2gm which are available via mail to the judge.