Command Index
Last revised: 9 June, 1994
Send comments or corrections (only for the HTML version of this file) to Doug Massey (
You can receive a copy of this file via E-mail by sending your local Judge a message with "get index" in the body.
This is an alphabetical list of all the commands that the adjudicator will
process with a brief description. Each command is preceded by a who/where
pair. This indicates who can execute the command and where the command
can appear. The who options are:
- any: Anyone can execute the command.
- mod: Only the moderator in moderated games, anyone in unmoderated games.
- adm: Only the administrator. These commands are listed to be complete,
but should not be executed by nonadministrators. If there is any
doubt, you are not an administrator.
The where options are:
- any: Can appear either before or after a signon command.
- pre: Must appear before a signon command.
- aft: Can only appear after a signon command.
- mac: Can only appear after a signon to a Machiavelli variant game.
Items in square brackets are optional, items in UPPERCASE are keywords
and must be entered exactly as specified, items in lowercase italics are
parameters and should have an appropriate value substituted in. Words
separated by vertical bars (|) indicate a choice of one of the words.
Command Index
- adm/pre ADJUST userid increment
- The increment is added to the player's dedication rating.
- Allows the sole player signed onto a particular game to become
the master/moderator of that game. See file master.
- mod/aft BECOME power
- Allows the master for a game to assume the identity of a particular
power. See file master.
- To send a press message; options may or may not be specified, and the
message may be terminated by ENDBROADCAST, ENDPRESS, SIGNOFF,
or the end of the (incoming) mail message. See file press.
- any/aft CLEAR
- To clear any pending orders entered with the PHASE command.
- adm/pre FIXID siteid site_name
- Sets all players who have registered with the specified site name
to have a siteid as indicated. By default all users get their
area code times 100 as a siteid and must be fixed to some non-
even multiple of 100.
- any/any GET file
- To get a particular file. For a complete list of files see file
flist. See file info for a description of the more important
- To determine the user's current dedication rating.
- any/any GET PACKAGE
- To get the "new user package" of files. These files are generally
sent automatically to new users at the time they register with a
Judge (see REGISTER command), but they can be specifically requested
with this command. These files are the ones that all new users
should read before attempting any Judge Diplomacy games.
- any/pre HELP
- The general introduction text file is returned. This is equivalent to
the GET INFO command except that no other commands after the help
command will be processed.
- any/aft HELP
- Equivalent to GET INFO.
- any/any HISTORY [game] [FROM date] [TO date] [LINES n]
- Retrieves the history information for the specified game for the
time specified time period (in real time rather than game time).
The history information is all the messages that an observer would
have seen had he been signed on for the time period. The default
period is 1 week ago to the present or 1000 lines whichever comes
Dates can be specified in the following forms (only spaces should
be used to separate parts of a date, except a comma is optionally
allowed after the day of the month):
- a) Day of week (three-letter abbreviation)
- b) Day and month (three-letter abbreviation), or month and day
- c) Day, month, and year, or month, day, and year, where year
can be specified either as 80-99 (= 1980-1999) or four
Also, a time in hours and minutes (i.e., 'hh:mm' form, using a
24-hour clock) can be added after any of the above if desired;
otherwise, the time defaults to midnight (00:00) of the specified
To get the earliest part of the history (or the whole history), use
a date that is known to be earlier than the game start date; 1 Jan
1990 (or Jan 1, 1990) is usually sufficient for this purpose.
- any/any IAMALSO address
- To register a new email address. If your return address changes
you can use the IAMALSO address command to tell the adjudicator that you
are the same person without having to resubmit a complete form.
The address specified must be one that was registered previously.
- any/pre LIST [FULL|name]
- If no optional name or keyword is specified a short list of the
current games is generated. If the FULL keyword is specified
a detailed report including the player list of each game is
generated. If a name is specified, the full report for that game
is generated along with unit positions and supply center holdings.
- any/aft LIST
- The detailed report of all players and units will be generated
for the currently signed on game.
- any/pre MAP name [n]
- Send a postscript map of the current status of the game. Not all
variants are supported. The n option sends the file in plain
postscript format instead of uuencoded, compressed ps format.
(This command may be disabled.)
- any/pre MAP * [n]
- This command must prefix a LIST output from any judge and will
produce a map based on that output. The "*" is real and is not
replaced. The n option is as above.
The LIST output supplied must not have any characters added to
the beginning of the line. e.g: The comment (">") character.
(This command may be disabled)
- adm/pre NOCONTROL
- Prevents broadcast message from actually being sent. For debugging.
- any/pre OBSERVE xxxx password
- To become an observer. This command is interpreted as a signon.
- any/aft PHASE season year phase
- To specify that any following orders should be held until the
specified phase before processing. See the
Conditional Orders and
Submitting Orders for Future Phases
sections of the file syntax for details.
- To send a press message; options must be specified, and the message
may be terminated by ENDBROADCAST, ENDPRESS, SIGNOFF, or the
end of the (incoming) mail message. See file press.
- any/any REGISTER ... END
- To register yourself. See file form.
- any/aft RESIGN
- To withdraw from the game. This must be the last command in the
message to be effective; so if you want to broadcast a farewell
message, do so before you enter the RESIGN command.
- mod/aft RESUME
- To restart a completed or terminated game
- mod/aft ROLLBACK turn
- Rolls the game back to the previously processed turn. See file master.
- any/any SEND [ME] file
- Equivalent to GET file.
- To change what users can sign on. By default only people from
different sites can sign onto a game.
- any/aft SET ADDRESS [reply_address]
- To change where your reports go. If you don't specify an address
the address from the mail headers will be used. If you signon and
your the address in the mail headers does not match the reporting
address you will get two replies, one to each address. This can
be fixed by using SET ADDRESS with no reply address specified.
- mod/aft SET ALL PRESS
- To request that all partial press be sent to you as the moderator
of the game as well as to the intended recipients. Use SET NORMAL
PRESS to disable this feature.
- adm/aft SET ALLOW MASTER [-]address
- Specifies the listed person as eligible to act as master on this
Judge. The JudgeKeeper can specify a list of players who have
permission to act as Masters. Using the '-' prepender will remove
the player from the file, thereby removing this permission. See
- mod/aft SET ALLOW PLAYER [-]address
- Allows access to the game to the player specified. The Moderator
can specify a list of players which will be allowed access to
this particular game. Using the '-' prepender will remove the
player from the file, thereby removing access to the game. See
- Disables/enables optional rule that allows bribes from nonadjacent
- Disables/enables optional assassination rules.
- mod/aft SET BN|BNC [NUMBER] number
- Sets the Boardman number for a game. This command should only be
issued after receiving a number from the Boardman Number Custodian
(BNC); at the time of this writing, the BNC for Internet games is
Nick Fitzpatrick ( The Boardman number
takes the form YYYYAA, where YYYY is the year, and AA are combinations
of letters between A and ZZ. Boardman numbers are only assigned to
Standard games. The BNC number appears in the game's listing and
- mod/aft SET [NO]CD
- Same as SET [NO]NMR.
- mod/aft SET CENTERS number
- Set the number of centers required to win the game to number.
This will cause the game to end when the first player reaches this
number of winning centers. If more than one player reaches this
value, then it is advanced to one more center than the top
players have. If a draw is acceptable then a vote is required
using the SET DRAW command.
- mod/aft SET COMMENT text
- Sets the comment that appears in the brief listing format. The
text string should be under 60 characters in length.
- Sets the comment that appears in the full listing format. The
full comment consists of the rest of the input mail message up
to (an optional) SIGNOFF command.
- mod/aft SET DEADLINE date
- Changes the deadline for the current phase. See file deadlines.
- mod/aft SET DEDICATION level
- Restricts access to the game to those people with a dedication
rating equal or greater than the indicated level. The indicated
level can not be higher than the Moderator's current dedication
rating. See file deadlines.
- adm/aft SET DENY MASTER [-]address
- Denies the listed player the permission to create/moderate games
on this Judge. The JudgeKeeper can specify a list of players that
are not allowed to act as Masters. Using the '-' prepender will
remove the player from the file, thereby restoring this ability. See
- mod/aft SET DENY PLAYER [-]address
- Denies access to the game to the player specified. The Moderator
can specify a list of players which will not be allowed access to
this particular game. Using the '-' prepender will remove the
player from the file, thereby restoring access to the game. See
- mod/aft SET [NO]DIAS
- Disables/enables requirement that all draws must include all
survivors. See file draws.
- mod/mac SET [NO]DICE
- Disables/enables optional rules that introduce random events into
the game: Variable income, bank loans, assassinations, famine and
- any/aft SET [NO]DRAW [powerlist]
- Cast a vote in an automated draw. See file draws.
- mod/aft SET EP number
- Sets the Electonic Protocol number for a game. This command should
only be issued after receiving a number from the Electronic
Protocol Number Keeper (EPNK); at the time of this writing, the EPNK
is Sean Starkey ( The EP number takes the form
YY-NNN, where YY is the last two digits of the year the game started,
and NNN is the number of the game within that year (e.g., 94-1 is the
first EP game started in 1994). EP numbers are only assigned to
games that follow the Electronic Protocol House Rules
(send 'get house.rules' to any Judge to receive a copy). The EP number appears
in the game's listing and summary.
- mod/mac SET [NO]FAMINE
- Disables/enables optional famine rules.
- mod/aft SET GRACE date
- Changes the grace period for the current phase. See file deadline.
- mod/aft SET GREY [PRESS]
- Sets press option to grey only. See file press.
- Sets press option to grey by default with white allowed. See file press.
- Restricts access to a particular class of player. The three
official classes are Novice, Intermediate, and Expert. Amateur
means either Novice or Intermediate, and Advanced means either
Intermediate or Expert. Any of course means any class of player
may play. Players can change their classification (if they feel
their level has changed) by re-registering. See file form.
- mod/aft SET LIST
- Changes a game from unlisted to listed for generic list commands.
- mod/mac SET [NO]LOANS
- Disables/enables optional rules allowing players to borrow money
from the bank.
- mod/aft SET MN|MNC [NUMBER] number
- Sets the Miller number for a game. This command should only be
issued after receiving a number from the Miller Number Custodian
(MNC); at the time of this writing, the MNC for Internet games is
Nick Fitzpatrick ( The Miller number
takes the form YYYYAAAbb00, where YYYY is the year, AAA are combi-
nations of letters between A and ZZZ, and bb00 is the designation
for a specific variant, which is set by the North American Variant
Bank (NAVB). Miller numbers are only assigned to non-Standard games.
The MNC number appears in the game's listing and summary.
- any/aft SET MODERATE
- Changes a game from unmoderated to moderated.
- To change the deadline calculation. See file deadline.
- mod/aft SET NMR
- Allows orders to be processed even if all powers have not yet
submitted complete ones. See also SET NO NMR.
- See file press.
- mod/aft SET NO GREY [PRESS]
- Same as SET WHITE.
- mod/aft SET NOLIST
- If a game is set NOLIST then only people who know about it will
be able to see it. Useful for "by invitation only" games. See
also SET LIST; and file master.
- Disables the SET ALL PRESS option where all partial press is sent
to you as the moderator of a game.
- Permits observers and alternates to submit press with the same
restrictions as regular players.
- Disallows press from observers and alternates.
- Disallows observers and alternates from submitting grey press.
- mod/aft SET [PRESS] NONE
- Same as SET NOPRESS.
- mod/aft SET NO NMR
- Opposite of SET NMR.
- Disables messages to individual powers. See file press.
- mod/aft SET NO PRESS
- Disables all press/broadcast messages. See file press.
- any/aft SET NO WAIT
- Clears the effect of SET WAIT.
- mod/aft SET NO WHITE [PRESS]
- Same as SET GREY.
- Allows messages to be sent to individual powers. See file press.
- See file press.
- See file press.
- any/aft SET PASSWORD new_password
- To change your password.
- mod/mac SET [NO]PLAGUE
- Disables/enables optional plague rules.
- any/aft SET PREFERENCE list
- To establish a preference list for power assignment. Should
appear immediately after an initial signon entering a forming
game. Can be modified up until the powers are actually assigned.
- mod/aft SET PRIVATE
- Equivalent to SET NOLIST.
- mod/aft SET PUBLIC
- Equivalent to SET LIST.
- mod/aft SET [NO]QUIET
- Sets/unsets the QUIET flag. This flag prevents announcements about
power abandonment, power takeovers and such from being broadcast
to the other players or observers. Its purpose is to prevent
information from being disclosed in gunboat games, particularly
tournaments where multiple games may lose the same player.
- mod/aft SET RATED
- Changes a game to rated. By default moderated games are rated
and unmoderated games are unrated. Unrated games will not affect
the players' dedication rating.
- mod/aft SET [NO]REVEAL
- If a gunboat game is set NOREVEAL, the player list will not
be revealed in summary output after the game terminates. This
flag is useful for gunboat tournaments where player lists may
be the same in multiple games.
- mod/mac SET [NO]SPECIAL
- Disables/enables optional rules that allow double strength units.
- mod/aft SET START date
- Sets the earliest start date for the current phase. See file deadline.
- Disables/enables enforcement of grace period as an absolute time
interval after the deadline. If disabled (default), then grace
periods will always end on an appropriate order processing day.
- Changes a game from moderated to unmoderated.
- mod/aft SET UNRATED
- Changes a game from rated to unrated. Unrated games will not
affect the players' dedication rating.
- mod/aft SET VARIANT variant [options]
- To change the variant of a game. This can only be done before the
powers are assigned and before the requisite number of players for
the new variant type have signed on. For a complete list of valid
variants and options use the "SIGNON ?name password XXXX" command
(where XXXX is any invalid variant name).
- any/aft SET WAIT
- Specifies that orders should not be processed until the deadline.
See also SET NOWAIT.
- mod/aft SET WHITE [PRESS]
- Sets press option to white only. See file press.
- Sets press option to white by default with grey allowed. See file press.
- any/aft SIGNOFF
- To indicate the end of useful text. The SIGNOFF command is used
to prevent your signature file from being interpreted as orders
and/or being sent out as part of a press message.
- any/pre SIGNON pxxxx password
- To sign onto an existing power that you own or to take over an
abandoned power.
- any/pre SIGNON ? password
- To enter the next available game that is forming.
- any/pre SIGNON ?xxxx password [variant]
- To enter a particular game that is forming.
- any/pre SUMMARY name
- To get an historical summary of the specified game indicating who
took what power over when and which supply centers each power owned
throughout the game.
- any/aft SUMMARY
- To get the summary report for the signed on game as above. The
master in a gunboat game will get a slightly different summary
that includes the actual player names and addresses rather than
the generic "someone@somewhere".
- mod/aft TERMINATE
- To declare the game over.
- any/pre VERSION [level]
- To see the current version of the software. If the optional level
is specified, the log of all enhancements since that level will be
- any/pre WATCH name password
- Equivalent to OBSERVE xxxx password.
- any/any WHO user [user ...]
- Equivalent to WHOIS user [user ...].
- any/pre WHOGAME name [full]
- Retrieves WHOIS information for all players associated with game
name. Note that this command can only be used by the master
(and only after he signs on) if the game is gunboat. The optional
full argument will return information for observers and alternates
as well, while the default only returns information for the players
and the master. See also WHOIS user [user ...].
- any/aft WHOGAME [full]
- Retrieves WHOIS information for all players associated with the
currently signed on game. Note that if the game is gunboat,
only the master can use this command. The optional "full"
argument will return information for observers and alternates
as well, while the default only returns information for the
players and the master. See also WHOIS user [user ...] below.
- any/any WHOIS user [user ...]
- To retrieve registration information for particular players. All
registered people with mail addresses that start with a prefix that
matches any of the user words specified will be listed. Thus the
command WHOIS will list all users who have an email address that
starts with a "P". The entire database can be retreived with
the GET WHOIS command.
- any/aft WITHDRAW
- Equivalent to RESIGN.
* Diplomacy is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc.,
Used with permission.