The Diplomatic Pouch Shortcuts

E-Mail Zine Registry

The Abyssinian Prince
Contact: Jim Burgess (
Summary: This electronic zine comes out once every three weeks, runs about half a dozen Diplomacy games with extensive postal fannish style press writing, has a letter column that features intereaction between the postal and Internet worlds of Diplomacy. Available in TeX source code format.

We also have a mail group for the szine that discusses issues regarding Internet Diplomacy and forms the basis for part of the szine's letter column. Just send the message "subscribe tap" to ""; this will automatically subscribe you to the TeX version of the zine. You can send messages to "" and a copy will go out to the entire list.

Contact: Jason Wilke (
Summary: CYBER-side is a zine devoted to Diplomacy and Machiavelli and similar games. It is run completely by e-mail. Everyone is welcome.

festina lente
Contact: David Caldwell (
Summary: fstina lente is a zine devoted completely to e-mail diplomacy variant games. Games include World at this time. More to come soon. It is free to all.

That's Armageddon!
Contact: Rich Goranson (
Summary: An email zine with weekly turnaround! A games-only zine which offers gamestarts for Standard Diplomacy as well as Gunboat (NoPress), Modern, Colonial and African. It is free to all.

Contact: Mike Dean (
Summary: An excellent source for what the editor calls "insane ramblings" and what we call useful Diplomacy information.

Diplomacy Zines on the web
See the Diplomacy Zines section of the Online Resources section for zines on the web.

If you run (or know of) an E-mail zine that you would like to have listed, just send us the title, summary and contact information.

[ The Zine | Online Resources | Showcase | Postal | Email | Face to Face ]

The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.
The E-mail Diplomacy section is currently leaderless.