E-Mail Zine Registry
- The Abyssinian Prince
- Contact: Jim Burgess (burgess@world.std.com)
Summary: This electronic zine comes out once every three weeks, runs
about half a dozen Diplomacy games with extensive postal fannish
style press writing, has a letter column that features intereaction
between the postal and Internet worlds of Diplomacy. Available in
TeX source code format.
We also have a mail group for the szine that discusses issues regarding
Internet Diplomacy and forms the basis for part of the szine's
letter column. Just send the message "subscribe tap" to "majordomo@diplom.org";
this will automatically subscribe you to the TeX version of the zine. You
can send messages to "tap@diplom.org" and a copy will go out to the entire list.
- CYBER-side
- Contact: Jason Wilke
Summary: CYBER-side is a zine devoted to Diplomacy and Machiavelli and
similar games. It is run completely by e-mail. Everyone is welcome.
- festina lente
- Contact: David Caldwell
Summary: fstina lente is a zine devoted completely to e-mail
diplomacy variant games. Games include World at this time. More to
come soon. It is free to all.
- That's Armageddon!
- Contact: Rich Goranson
Summary: An email zine with weekly turnaround!
A games-only zine which offers gamestarts for Standard Diplomacy as
well as Gunboat (NoPress), Modern, Colonial and African. It is free to all.
- Psychopath
- Contact: Mike Dean (mike.dean@psychozine.co.uk)
Summary: An excellent source for what the editor calls
"insane ramblings" and what we
call useful Diplomacy information.
- Diplomacy Zines on the web
- See the Diplomacy Zines section of the Online Resources section for zines on the web.
If you run (or know of) an E-mail zine that you would like to have listed, just
send us the title, summary and contact information.
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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by
the DP Council.
The E-mail Diplomacy section is currently leaderless.