DPjudge Map Files
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File imperial.ps
%%Title: Diplomacy Map (Imperial)
%%Creator: mapit
%%Pages: (atend)
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
%%DocumentPaperSizes: Letter
%%LanguageLevel: 2
%%Orientation: Landscape

% 1207 182 aat Antarctic Atlantic
% 1553 796 aby Abyssinia
% 1594 804 ade Aden
% 1396 1000 adr Adriatic Sea
% 1443 1004 aeg Aegean Sea
% 1729 962 afg Afghanistan
% 1387 576 agl Angola
% 1706 216 ain Antarctic Indian
% 446 1224 ala Alaska
% 420 1239 ala/nc Alaska (north coast)
% 427 1181 ala/sc Alaska (south coast)
% 547 1141 alb Alberta
% 1290 963 alg Algeria
% 780 644 ama Amazon
% 1948 772 amn Andaman Islands
% 352 1191 anc Anchorage
% 1512 1007 ang Angora
% 1538 1017 ang/nc Angora (north coast)
% 1494 989 ang/sc Angora (south coast)
% 2049 810 ann Annam
% 2371 182 apa Antarctic Pacific
% 1745 789 ara Arabian
% 1554 1002 arm Armenia
% 1970 769 ase Andaman Sea
% 1326 772 ash Ashanti
% 1941 909 asm Assam
% 1490 880 asw Aswan
% 648 944 atl Atlanta
% 556 938 aus Austin
% 1163 989 azo Azores
% 1595 944 bag Baghdad
% 712 878 bah Bahamas
% 1390 1150 bal Baltic Sea
% 1681 919 ban Bangalore
% 2046 370 brr Barrier
% 1337 1274 bar Barents Sea
% 1353 1089 bav Bavaria
% 1924 827 bbe Bay of Bengal
% 511 1165 bco British Columbia
% 1057 360 bcu Brazil Current
% 1915 892 ben Bengal
% 1353 1118 ber Berlin
% 701 713 bgt Bogota
% 712 762 bgt/nc Bogota (north coast)
% 691 698 bgt/sc Bogota (south coast)
% 2424 693 bis Bismark
% 1755 1017 bkh Bokhara
% 1569 1034 bku Baku
% 1600 1015 bku/ec Baku (east coast)
% 1550 1038 bku/wc Baku (west coast)
% 1482 1046 bla Black Sea
% 2009 798 bnk Bangkok
% 2008 782 bnk/ec Bangkok (east coast)
% 1988 800 bnk/wc Bangkok (west coast)
% 1186 1046 bob Bay of Biscay
% 1813 820 bom Bombay
% 1411 1031 bos Bosnia
% 1421 1012 bos/ec Bosnia (east coast)
% 1399 1032 bos/wc Bosnia (west coast)
% 848 580 bra Brasilia
% 791 730 brc Barcelone
% 1275 1051 brd Bordeaux
% 2092 668 brn Borneo
% 1963 886 brm Burma
% 278 1167 bse Bering Sea
% 1438 480 bsw Botswana
% 1386 1080 bud Budapest
% 917 352 cag Coast of Argentina
% 1473 928 cai Cairo
% 1501 905 cai/ec Cairo (east coast)
% 1457 934 cai/nc Cairo (north coast)
% 2060 870 can Canton
% 1609 1036 cas Caspian Sea
% 690 384 cba Chilean Basin
% 2055 780 cch Cochin
% 301 901 ccu Counter Current
% 2157 659 cel Celebes
% 1857 738 cey Ceylon
% 633 1019 chc Chicago
% 840 1029 che Chesapeake
% 507 918 chi Chihuahua
% 1980 940 chk Chungking
% 744 766 clb Calabozo
% 827 725 cld Caledonia
% 2205 701 cls Celebes Sea
% 2034 788 cmb Cambodia
% 1345 708 cmn Cameroon
% 1451 616 cng Congo
% 1153 929 cny Canary
% 543 896 coa Coahula
% 805 529 coh Cochabamba
% 1469 1008 con Constantinople
% 2422 528 cor Coral
% 1441 986 cre Crete
% 2359 738 crl Caroline Islands
% 1377 1066 cro Croatia
% 1324 1021 crs Corsica
% 1419 413 ctn Cape Town
% 684 869 cub Cuba
% 867 716 cyn Cayenne
% 1500 967 cyp Cyprus
% 1474 763 dar Dar Es Sallam
% 1837 909 del Delhi
% 1343 1151 den Denmark
% 700 1048 det Detroit
% 1386 497 dml Damaraland
% 1310 736 dnk Denkyera
% 878 172 dra Drake
% 1226 1129 dub Dublin
% 760 796 eca Eastern Carribean
% 2637 746 eco Equatorial CounterCurrent
% 2151 904 ecs East China Sea
% 1249 1158 edi Edinburgh
% 2228 981 edo Edo
% 1891 667 ein East Indian
% 1252 837 elj El Jouf
% 1471 964 eme Eastern Mediterranean
% 360 752 epa Eastern Pacific
% 758 946 ese Eastern Seaboard
% 1797 1214 eve Evenki
% 899 244 fal Falkland Islands
% 2580 522 fij Fiji
% 1428 1199 fin Finland
% 1460 1239 fin/nc Finland (north coast)
% 1414 1182 fin/sc Finland (south coast)
% 2141 882 for Formosa
% 2153 987 fsn Fusan
% 2094 897 fuc Fuchan
% 1412 887 fzz Fezz
% 1552 735 gld Gall Land
% 1209 738 gcs Grain Coast
% 1559 1091 geo Georgia
% 1583 1063 geo/ec Georgia (east coast)
% 1530 1059 geo/wc Georgia (west coast)
% 1223 996 gib Gibraltar
% 1418 1094 gal Galicia
% 617 686 glp Galapagos
% 380 1132 gak Gulf of Alaska
% 1403 1171 gbo Gulf of Bothnia
% 517 794 gca Gulf of California
% 1277 688 ggu Gulf of Guinea
% 1303 1030 gly Gulf of Lyon
% 603 887 gmx Gulf of Mexico
% 1376 343 goo Goodhope
% 648 713 gpa Gulf of Panama
% 2043 737 gsi Gulf of Siam
% 806 425 goy Goyamas
% 1421 998 gre Greece
% 1025 1217 grn Greenland
% 599 811 gtm Guatemala
% 610 822 gtm/ec Guatemala (east coast)
% 594 795 gtm/wc Guatemala (west coast)
% 1786 870 guj Gujarat
% 1882 781 gma Gulf of Manaar
% 734 840 hai Haiti
% 86 846 haw Hawaii
% 1634 854 hdr Hadramaut
% 1622 888 hdr/nc Hadramaut (north coast)
% 1625 803 hdr/sc Hadramaut (south coast)
% 2084 865 hko Hong Kong
% 1316 1138 hel Helgoland Bight
% 1633 686 hoa Horn of Africa
% 1304 1106 hol Holland
% 637 780 hon Honduras
% 638 804 hon/ec Honduras (east coast)
% 636 764 hon/wc Honduras (west coast)
% 945 1158 hud Hudson
% 1874 849 hyd Hyderabad
% 1178 1216 ice Iceland
% 2293 638 ija Irian Jaya
% 2055 1046 img Inner Mongolia
% 1389 963 ion Ionian Sea
% 1948 1133 irk Irkutsk
% 1244 731 ivc Ivory Coast
% 2368 885 izu Izu Trench
% 2086 616 jav Java
% 2077 640 jse Java Sea
% 2251 1190 kam Kamchatka
% 565 998 kan Kansas
% 1807 964 kas Kashmir
% 1525 653 ken Kenya
% 2194 950 kag Kagoshima
% 1655 1014 khv Khiva
% 1335 1121 kie Kiel
% 1347 1133 kie/ec Kiel (east coast)
% 1325 1125 kie/wc Kiel (west coast)
% 1859 1043 kir Kirghiz
% 1771 1121 kra Krasnoyarsk
% 1758 919 krc Karachi
% 137 679 kse Kirbati Sea
% 1835 996 ksg Kashgar
% 1717 1065 ksl Kasala
% 2369 1024 kur Kuril
% 1980 989 lch Langchow
% 1882 890 lck Lucknow
% 689 650 lim Lima
% 1440 1154 lvn Livonia
% 1255 1112 lon London
% 763 569 lpa La Paz
% 2117 806 lus Luzon Sea
% 2149 820 luz Luzon
% 2119 1040 mac Manchuria
% 1611 533 mad Madagascar
% 2019 711 mal Malaysia
% 1305 1056 mar Marseilles
% 1075 651 mat Middle Atlantic
% 503 860 maz Mazatlan
% 1585 566 mch Malagasy Channel
% 1828 873 mdh Mandlah
% 1235 782 mdo Mandingoes
% 1834 794 mds Madras
% 1531 911 mec Mecca
% 605 841 mer Merida
% 1307 1085 met Metz
% 547 854 mex Mexico City
% 2539 752 mhl Marshal Islands
% 646 1065 min Minnesota
% 728 696 mit Mitu
% 1793 677 mld Maldives
% 1978 857 mly Mandalay
% 2179 753 mnd Mindanao
% 1182 757 mnv Monrovia
% 1951 1066 mon Mongolia
% 1515 1140 mos Moscow
% 1539 554 moz Mozambique
% 1211 943 mrc Morocco
% 1265 1081 nan Nantes
% 1031 1056 nat North Atlantic
% 570 1034 neb Nebraska
% 1570 903 nej Nejaaz
% 1741 629 nem North East Monsoon
% 926 763 ntd North East Trades
% 2327 632 ngu New Guinea
% 473 968 nme New Mexico
% 604 951 nol New Orleans
% 1328 1186 nwy Norway
% 260 1007 npa North Pacific
% 1129 1179 nps North Passage
% 909 1089 nsc Nova Scotia
% 2274 377 nsw New South Wales
% 586 1207 nte Northwest Territories
% 1288 1157 nth North Sea
% 2238 536 ntr Northern Territories
% 1260 1215 nwg Norwegian Sea
% 777 1047 nyc New York
% 2440 327 nzl New Zealand
% 550 820 oax Oaxaca
% 686 1017 ohi Ohio
% 2198 1134 okh Okhotsk
% 2196 904 oki Okinawa
% 578 971 okl Oklahoma
% 1362 669 okn Okrana
% 901 473 oli Oliveira
% 1675 846 oma Oman
% 1672 1180 oms Omsk
% 718 1105 ont Ontario
% 468 1051 ore Oregon
% 1646 1072 orn Orenburg
% 692 746 pan Panama
% 662 754 pan/nc Panama (north coast)
% 692 732 pan/sc Panama (south coast)
% 1285 1073 par Paris
% 532 557 pba Pacific Basin
% 2059 1000 pek Peking
% 2143 486 per Perth
% 1648 896 pgu Persian Gulf
% 2221 830 phi Philippine
% 1328 1061 pie Piedmont
% 848 713 pmb Paramaribo
% 2103 1021 poa Port Arthur
% 873 648 pra Pramaiba
% 856 474 prg Paraguay
% 1593 1195 prm Perm
% 1390 1132 pru Prussia
% 2328 478 qnl Queensland
% 727 566 qto Quito
% 820 1118 que Quebec
% 1794 904 raj Rajputana
% 941 525 rdj Rio de Janeiro
% 949 608 rec Recife
% 1451 555 rho Rhodesia
% 707 969 ric Richmond
% 691 1165 rla Ruperts Land
% 1960 843 rng Rangoon
% 1356 1038 rom Rome
% 1366 1039 rom/ec Rome (east coast)
% 1345 1037 rom/wc Rome (west coast)
% 1287 1095 rou Rouen
% 1565 817 rse Red Sea
% 1320 1111 ruh Ruhr
% 1438 1053 rum Rumania
% 2193 1096 sak Sakhurlin
% 1378 1023 sal Salerno
% 2231 1047 sap Sapporo
% 955 899 sar Sargasso
% 608 1129 sas Saskatchewan
% 1224 482 sat South Atlantic
% 2222 428 sau South Australia
% 2085 828 scs South China Sea
% 239 552 sct Society Islands
% 2135 1014 seo Seoul
% 2150 1028 seo/ec Seoul (east coast)
% 2132 997 seo/wc Seoul (west coast)
% 1415 1052 ser Serbia
% 1932 510 std South East Trades
% 1484 1081 sev Sevastopol
% 1672 624 sey Seychelles
% 430 1017 sfo San Francisco
% 1030 223 sgr South Georgia Islands
% 2101 941 sha Shanghai
% 2020 820 sia Siam
% 1358 999 sic Sicily
% 1152 803 sie Sierra Leone
% 1370 1113 sil Silesia
% 2041 685 sin Singapore
% 1316 1157 ska Skagerrak
% 1926 973 snk Sinkiang
% 1437 1034 sof Sofia
% 1458 1041 sof/ec Sofia (east coast)
% 1429 1021 sof/sc Sofia (south coast)
% 1245 984 sog Straits of Gibraltar
% 2187 1011 soj Sea of Japan
% 1584 702 som Somalia
% 475 924 son Sonora
% 378 402 spa South Pacific
% 2127 721 srw Sarawak
% 1483 1191 stp St Petersburg
% 1503 1206 stp/nc St Petersburg (north coast)
% 1453 1170 stp/sc St Petersburg (south coast)
% 1328 1098 stu Stuttgart
% 1504 828 sud Sudan
% 2017 673 sum Sumatra
% 2102 744 sun Sunda
% 1367 1179 swe Sweden
% 59 496 swp South West Pacific
% 1530 962 syr Syria
% 1516 933 syr/sc Syria (south coast)
% 1520 951 syr/wc Syria (west coast)
% 652 916 tam Tampa
% 2298 323 tas Tasman
% 1424 933 tbq Tubruq
% 1607 979 tbr Tabrize
% 1645 972 teh Tehran
% 659 980 ten Tennessee
% 1197 843 tgn Taganet
% 1894 946 tib Tibet
% 2217 608 tim Timor
% 1183 895 tir Tiris
% 1230 1033 tld Toledo
% 2030 846 tnk Tonkin
% 1487 452 trn Transvaal
% 1358 942 trp Tripoli
% 1791 1081 tsh Tashkent
% 1332 966 tun Tunis
% 1287 892 twr Tawarek
% 1352 1015 tys Tyrrhenian Sea
% 602 1076 ung Unorganized Territories
% 848 374 uru Uruguay
% 482 1007 uta Utah
% 486 1117 van Vancouver
% 1359 1072 ven Venice
% 446 1107 vic Victoria
% 1370 1094 vie Vienna
% 815 822 vis Virgin Islands
% 2120 1107 vla Vladivostok
% 1251 1001 vlc Valencia
% 1102 854 vrd Cape Verde Islands
% 1423 1118 war Warsaw
% 502 1070 sea Seattle
% 409 1066 wba West Bay
% 665 817 wca Western Carribean
% 398 950 wsb Western Seaboard
% 735 1018 wdc Washington DC
% 2505 1047 wst Westerlies
% 1715 462 win West Indian
% 1428 1071 wlc Wallacia
% 1309 1003 wme Western Mediterranean
% 44 849 wpa West Pacific
% 2044 938 wuh Wuhan
% 2024 1211 yak Yakutsk
% 2148 950 yse Yellow Sea
% 504 1210 yuk Yukon
% 1996 885 yun Yunnan
% 1995 824 yut Yuthia
% 1604 1314 aci Arctic Circle
% 768 389 amo Andes Mountains
% 1337 65 ant Antarctica
% 698 1078 lsu Lake Superior
% 744 1043 ler Lake Erie
% 724 1060 grl Great Lakes
% 1862 923 him Himalayas
% 1514 565 lny Lake Nyasa
% 1484 656 lta Lake Tanganyika
% 520 1102 car Canadian Rockies
% 527 1002 rmo Rocky Mountains
% 1395 781 sde Sahara Desert
% 1324 1074 swi Switzerland

% * modified by George Boyce for use with his mapit program, i.e.
% * this file provides the following procedures:
% *
% * DrawMap      draws the base map
% * DrawName     draws a province name
% * DrawArmy     draws an army
% * DrawFleet    draws a fleet
% * DrawTitle    write game title
% * DrawMessage  write a footnotemessage
% * OrderReport   positions point to write order report
% * RetreatReport
% * OwnerReport
% * AdjustReport
% * StatusReport
% * WriteOrder   writes the order line
% * WriteRetreat
% * WriteOwner
% * WriteAdjust
% * WriteStatus
% * ArrowMove    draws arrow indicating a move order
% * ArrowHold
% * ArrowSupport
% * ArrowConvoy
% * ArrowRetreat
% * BuildUnit    draws ray around newly built unit
% * DestroyUnit  draws slash through destroyed unit
% * DisbandUnit
% * RemoveUnit
% * ArrowArriveArmy  used in blind games
% * ArrowArriveFleet
% * ArrowDepart
% * ArrowRefugeArmy
% * ArrowRefugeFleet
% * ArrowFlee
% * ArrowSupportArrive
% * ArrowSupportDepart
% * ArrowConvoyArrive
% * ArrowConvoyDepart
% * FindUnit
% * LoseUnit
% * LoseArriveUnit
% * LoseRefugeUnit
% * Controls    used for vassals; adds an extra outline to every unit and 
%               sc in the controller's color
% Improved layout code and wraparound by Mario Huys (mario_huys@hotmail.com).
% The layout code gives a choice of arrangements between the map and the
% various textual reports (orders, ownership, etc.). Reports are adequately
% arranged in columns in order to better exploit the available space.
% Long lines (typical for ownership) are split over multiple rows. There are
% other guards against overflows such as when a report becomes too long.
% Furthermore the layout adapts itself automatically to various page sizes.
% Try it out. (In GhostView for example, there's a menu to choose between
% various standard pagesizes.)
% Feel free to add your own layout or to improve on the existing ones. Check 
% out SetUpPage and the various Layout procedures. 

%<< /PageSize [842 1090] >> setpagedevice

% $_DPghost$_
systemdict /pdfmark known {
currentglobal true setglobal globaldict begin
/$_CurrentGlobal$_ exch def
/$_FormCount$_ 0 def
/$_Marks$_ [] def
/$_InFormPaint$_ false def
/$_FormPaintDepth$_ 0 def
$_CurrentGlobal$_ end setglobal
/$_begin$_ {
currentglobal true setglobal globaldict begin
/$_CurrentGlobal$_ exch def
} bind def
/$_end$_ {
$_CurrentGlobal$_ end setglobal
} bind def
/$_mark$_ {
count 1 sub exch sub $_Marks$_ aload length 1 add array astore /$_Marks$_ exch def
} bind def
/$_cleartomark$_ {
count 1 sub 1 index sub $_Marks$_ 0 get sub
dup 0 gt {
dup 2 index 3 add 1 roll 1 add 1 index add exch roll { pop } repeat
} { pop pop } ifelse
$_Marks$_ dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval /$_Marks$_ exch def
} bind def
/$_GStates$_ [] def
/$_gsave$_ {
$_end$_ /$_GStates$_ $_GStates$_ aload
gstate currentgstate
exch length 1 add array astore def $_begin$_
} bind def
/$_grestore$_ {
$_end$_ /$_GStates$_ $_GStates$_ aload exch
length 1 sub array astore def $_begin$_
} bind def
/$_execform$_ /execform load def
/$_defineform$_ {
/$_FormPaintDepth$_ $_FormPaintDepth$_ 1 add def
/$_InFormPaint$_ true def
1 index
dup /BBox get aload 5 1 roll
4 2 roll matrix translate
dup 4 1 roll itransform
currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop
4 3 roll 3 2 roll div 3 1 roll div
2 copy lt { exch } if pop dup 1 gt {
dup matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix
} { pop } ifelse
exch aload pop 4 2 roll pop pop 0 0 4 2 roll 4 index itransform 4 array astore
3 2 roll dup /Matrix get 3 index exch matrix concatmatrix
$_FormCount$_ 1 add dup /$_FormCount$_ exch def
dup log cvi 1 add
exch 1 index string cvs
1 index 8 add string
dup 0 ($_Form) putinterval
dup 6 4 3 roll putinterval
dup 3 2 roll 6 add ($_) putinterval
cvn cvx 1 array astore cvx
dup 3 2 roll
6 index { 2 copy 10 2 roll } if
2 array astore
2 index /$_FormSpec$_ 3 2 roll put
1 $_mark$_ [ /_objdef 3 2 roll
/BBox 5 index
/BP pdfmark 0 $_cleartomark$_
exch aload pop exch 3 index sub exch 2 index sub rectclip
exch matrix invertmatrix concat
1 $_mark$_ dup /PaintProc get exec 0 $_cleartomark$_
0 $_mark$_ [ /EP pdfmark 0 $_cleartomark$_
$_InFormPaint$_ not {
} if
} if
$_FormPaintDepth$_ 1 sub dup /$_FormPaintDepth$_ exch def 0 le {
/$_InFormPaint$_ false def
} if
} bind def
/execform {
$_InFormPaint$_ {
dup /$_FormSpec$_ known not 1 index wcheck and {
false $_defineform$_
} if false
} {
dup /$_FormSpec$_ known {
/$_FormSpec$_ get aload pop true
} {
dup wcheck {
true $_defineform$_ true
} {
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
$_gsave$_ concat
1 $_mark$_ [ exch /SP pdfmark 0 $_cleartomark$_
} {
1 $_mark$_ $_execform$_ 0 $_cleartomark$_
} ifelse
} bind def
/$_defineresource$_ /defineresource load def
/defineresource {
dup /Form eq {
exch dup /$_FormSpec$_ known not 1 index wcheck and {
false $_defineform$_
} if exch
} if
3 $_mark$_ $_defineresource$_ 1 $_cleartomark$_
} bind def
} if
% /$_DPghost$_
/bd { bind def } bind def
/xd { exch def } bind def

/AbsoluteRoundingError .001 def
/ifloor { AbsoluteRoundingError add floor cvi } bd
/iceiling { AbsoluteRoundingError sub ceiling cvi } bd

/TextFixedFont /Courier findfont def
/TextTitleFont /Times-Roman findfont def
/TextMinorTitleFont /Courier-Bold findfont def
/MapUnitLetterFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont def
/MapNameFont MapUnitLetterFont def
/MapNumberFont /Helvetica findfont def

/MapUnitScale .4 def
/MapUnitOffset 8 def % distance above point to draw unit
/MapUnitHeight 24 def           % maximum unit height
/MapUnitHeightOffset MapUnitOffset MapUnitHeight add def
/MapUnitLetterSize 14 def
/MapNameFontSize 14 def
/MapNumberFontSize 14 def
/MapNameOffset 14 def  % distance below point to draw name

/ArrowLineThickness 1 def

/HeadLength 20 def
/HalfHeadThickness 5 def
/HalfThickness 1 def % of a move/support/convoy arrow shaft

/HoldCircle 24 def % of a support hold arrow
/MoveCircle 8 def % of a support move arrow
/ConvoyCircle 12 def % of a convoy arrow

/HalfSlashThickness 5 def
/HalfSlashLength 16 def

/Black { 0 setgray } bd
/White { .9 setgray } bd
/Grey  { .7 setgray } bd
/DarkGrey { .5 setgray } bd

/Red { 1 0 0 setrgbcolor } bd
/Pink { .3 0 0 setrgbcolor } bd
/Blue { 0 0 1 setrgbcolor } bd
/Mauve { 1 0 1 setrgbcolor } bd
/Yellow { 1 1 0 setrgbcolor } bd
/Orange { 1 .5 .3 setrgbcolor } bd
/Green { 0 .7 0 setrgbcolor } bd
/Brown { .6 .45 .2 setrgbcolor } bd
/Turquoise { .2 .7 .7 setrgbcolor } bd
/LightBlue { .4 .6 1 setrgbcolor } bd
/DarkGreen { 0 .4 0 setrgbcolor } bd

/secure_atan { 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and { pop pop 0 } { atan } ifelse } def

/ExpandBoundingBox { % llx lly urx ury x y => llx' lly' urx' ury'
  6 dict begin
  /y xd /x xd /ury xd /urx xd /lly xd /llx xd
  x llx lt { /llx x def }{ x urx gt { /urx x def } if } ifelse
  y lly lt { /lly y def }{ y ury gt { /ury y def } if } ifelse
  llx lly urx ury
} bd

/GetFontUnitBBox { % fontdict => llx lly width height
  8 dict begin
  dup /FontBBox get aload pop /Top xd /Right xd /Bottom xd /Left xd
  /FontMatrix get /FontMatrix xd
  Left Bottom FontMatrix transform 2 copy
  Left Top FontMatrix transform ExpandBoundingBox
  Right Top FontMatrix transform ExpandBoundingBox
  Right Bottom FontMatrix transform ExpandBoundingBox
} bd

/AdaptPositionToFont { % left top fontdict fontsize => x y
  exch GetFontUnitBBox exch pop exch pop
  exch 2 index mul 5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll mul sub
} bd


/Countries 20 dict def

/AddCountry { % name letter piececolour contrast => -
  8 dict dup begin 4 1 roll
  load /Contrast xd
  load /PieceColour xd
  /Letter xd
  [ /country 3 index {
    ChangeController {
      country GetControlledCountry
      /ChangeController false def
    } if
  } bind /exec load /def load ] cvx bind
  2 index xd
  Countries 3 1 roll put
} bd

/UNOWNED (?) /Brown /White AddCountry
/BRITAIN (B) /Blue /White AddCountry
/FRANCE (F) /Turquoise /Black AddCountry
/HOLLAND (H) /LightBlue /Black AddCountry
/PRUSSIA (P) /Black /White AddCountry
/AUSTRIA (A) /Red /Black AddCountry
/RUSSIA (R) /White /Black AddCountry
/TURKEY (T) /Grey /Black AddCountry
/CHINA (C) /Yellow /Black AddCountry
/JAPAN (J) /DarkGreen /White AddCountry
/USA (U) /Mauve /White AddCountry
/CSA (S) /Pink /White AddCountry
/MEXICO (X) /Orange /Black AddCountry
/BRAZIL (Z) /Green /Black AddCountry

% Letter offsets
MapUnitLetterFont MapUnitLetterSize scalefont setfont
Countries {
  /Offset [ newpath 0 0 moveto Letter true charpath pathbbox
  3 2 roll add -2 div 3 1 roll add -2 div exch ] def
  end pop
} forall

% Controlled countries
/ChangeController false def
/Controls {
    /ChangeController true def
} bd

/CreateTroop { % CountryDict BBox PaintProc => FormDict
    /BBox 4 3 roll
    /PaintProc 5 4 roll
    6 5 roll {} forall
    /FormType 1
    /Matrix matrix
} bd

/CreateTroops { % BBox PaintProc => << Country FormDict ... >>
  << 3 1 roll Countries {
    3 index 3 index CreateTroop 4 2 roll
  } forall pop pop >>
} bd

/GetControlledCountry { % name controllername => controlledname
  1 index dup length string cvs 1 index dup length string cvs
  1 index length dup 2 index length add 1 add string
  dup 0 6 5 roll putinterval dup 2 index (|) putinterval dup 3 2 roll 1 add 4 3 roll putinterval cvn
  3 1 roll Countries 3 index known {
    pop pop
  } {
    8 dict dup begin
    exch Countries exch get /PieceColour get /ControllerColour xd
    Countries 2 index get { def } forall
    dup TroopBBox /PaintControlledArmy load CreateTroop Armies 4 index 3 2 roll put
    dup TroopBBox /PaintControlledFleet load CreateTroop Fleets 4 index 3 2 roll put
    dup SupplyBBox /PaintControlledSupply load CreateTroop Supplies 4 index 3 2 roll put
    dup SupplyBBox /PaintControlledHome load CreateTroop Homes 4 index 3 2 roll put
    [ /country 4 index 5 4 roll {
      ChangeController {
        country GetControlledCountry exch
        /ChangeController false def
      } if pop
    } bind /exec load /def load ] cvx bind
    2 index xd
    Countries 2 index 3 2 roll put
  } ifelse
} bd


% Divide a rectangle such that it can contain a number of entries, 
% whereby the dimensions of one cell are as close to a square as possible.
% In addition, the rectangle might contain a number of reserved rows and columns. 
% Note that these numbers may be real numbers instead of integers.
% The calculated number of columns and rows are however integers,
% describing the inner rectangle containing the entries,
% thus without the reserved columns and rows.
% The calculated size is the smaller of the optimal cell width and height.
/FindOptimalSquareSize { % entries width height reservedcolumns reservedrows => size columns rows
  8 dict begin
  /ReservedRows xd
  /ReservedColumns xd
  /UnitHeight xd
  /UnitWidth xd
  /Entries xd

  % Mathematical formula:
  %   (c + rc) / (r + rr) = w / h
  %   c * r = e
  % Is a quadratic equation in c or r.
  % Solve for c (expected to be the smaller of the two), taking the positive root.
  % Next, round c up or down and calculate r' accordingly, such that c' * r' >= e.
  % Determine the biggest cell dimensions from there.

  UnitWidth UnitHeight div dup ReservedRows mul ReservedColumns sub
  dup dup mul 3 2 roll Entries mul 4 mul add sqrt add 2 div
  iceiling /Columns xd
  UnitWidth Columns ReservedColumns add div
  UnitHeight Entries Columns div iceiling ReservedRows add div 
  2 copy gt { exch } if pop
  Columns 1 gt {
    UnitHeight Entries Columns 1 sub div iceiling ReservedRows add div
    2 copy lt {
      /Columns Columns 1 sub def
    } if pop
  } if
  UnitHeight 2 index div ifloor ReservedRows sub

} bd

/RedistributeEntries { % (fix) var fix var ... parties columns rows => var' var' ... 
  8 dict begin
  /Rows xd
  /Columns xd
  /Parties xd
  0 1 2 Parties { index add } for /VariableCount xd
  0 2 2 Parties { index add } for /FixedCount xd
  /AvailableCount Columns Rows mul FixedCount sub def

  % Redistribute the extra or missing fields among the variable entries.
  % Make sure that no fixed party is split over several columns.
  % Move it to the next column if necessary.
  Parties 2 mod 1 eq { 
    Parties 0 
    Parties dup 1 sub exch index 
  } ifelse /AssignedCount xd -2 3 {
    dup 1 add -2 roll 1 index AvailableCount mul VariableCount idiv
    1 index 1 gt {
      dup AssignedCount add dup Rows idiv exch 3 index add 1 sub Rows idiv ne {
        AssignedCount add Rows idiv 1 add Rows mul AssignedCount sub
      } if
    } if 
    dup 3 2 roll AssignedCount add add /AssignedCount xd
    VariableCount 3 2 roll sub /VariableCount xd
    dup AvailableCount exch sub /AvailableCount xd
    exch 1 sub 1 roll
  } for pop AvailableCount
} bd

0 0 2675 1362 /BBury xd /BBurx xd /BBlly xd /BBllx xd

/SetUpMap { % MapPctX MapPctY MarginPct => ImageSizeX ImageSizeY MarginSize BorderSize
  8 dict begin
  /MarginPct xd
  /MapPctY xd
  /MapPctX xd

  currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop /PageSizeY xd /PageSizeX xd
  %/PageSizeX 8.5 72 mul def
  %/PageSizeY 11.0 72 mul def

  /MapOriginX BBllx def
  /MapOriginY BBlly def
  /MapSizeX BBurx BBllx sub def
  /MapSizeY BBury BBlly sub def  

  MapSizeX MapSizeY gt PageSizeX PageSizeY gt ne {
    PageSizeX 0 translate
    90 rotate
    PageSizeX PageSizeY /PageSizeX xd /PageSizeY xd
  } if

  PageSizeX MapPctX mul MapSizeX div PageSizeY MapPctY mul MapSizeY div 2 copy gt {
    exch pop /MapScale xd
    /MarginSize MarginPct MapSizeY mul MapPctY div def
    /MarginPctY MarginPct def
    /MarginPctX PageSizeY MarginPct mul PageSizeX div def
    /MapPctX MapScale MapSizeX mul PageSizeX div def
    pop /MapScale xd
    /MarginSize MarginPct MapSizeX mul MapPctX div def
    /MarginPctX MarginPct def
    /MarginPctY PageSizeX MarginPct mul PageSizeY div def
    /MapPctY MapScale MapSizeY mul PageSizeY div def
  } ifelse
  MarginPctX PageSizeX mul 1 MapPctY sub MarginPctY sub PageSizeY mul translate
  MapScale dup scale
  MapOriginX neg MapOriginY neg translate

  PageSizeX MapScale div MarginSize 2 mul sub
  PageSizeY MapScale div MarginSize 2 mul sub
  MarginSize 2 div

} bd

/OrdersToRightLayout { % - => ...
  32 dict begin

  /NrOfPlayers 13 def
  /NrOfSupplyCenters 85 87 add def
  /OrderColumnLength 32 def
  /OrderEntries NrOfPlayers NrOfSupplyCenters add def
  /TitleEntries 5 def
  /MinorTitleEntries 2 def
  /RetreatEntries 12 def
  /AdjustEntries 16 def
  /StatusEntries 4 def
  /OwnerEntries NrOfPlayers 1 add def
  /SupplyEntries NrOfSupplyCenters def
  /SupplyColumnLength 4 def
  /SupplyIndentation 2 def

  .75 .9 .01 SetUpMap /BorderSize xd pop /ImageSizeY xd /ImageSizeX xd

  /OrderBoxStartX BBurx BorderSize add def
  /OrderBoxStartY BBury def
  /OrderBoxWidth ImageSizeX BBurx BBllx sub sub BorderSize sub def
  /OrderBoxHeight ImageSizeY def

  % Find the optimal font size. 
  TextFixedFont setfont (X) stringwidth pop /CharWidth xd /CharHeight 1 def
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add
  OrderBoxWidth CharWidth OrderColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OrderBoxHeight CharHeight div
  0 TitleEntries
  FindOptimalSquareSize /OrderRows xd /OrderColumns xd /OrderRowHeight xd
  /OrderColumnWidth OrderBoxWidth OrderColumns div def
  /OrderColumnLength OrderColumnWidth OrderRowHeight CharWidth CharHeight div mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries RetreatEntries 3 OrderColumns OrderRows
  RedistributeEntries /RetreatEntries xd /OrderEntries xd

  /OwnerBoxStartX BBllx def
  /OwnerBoxStartY BBlly BorderSize sub def
  /OwnerBoxWidth BBurx BBllx sub def
  /OwnerBoxHeight ImageSizeY BBury BBlly sub sub BorderSize sub def

  OwnerBoxWidth CharWidth SupplyColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OwnerBoxHeight CharHeight div
  SupplyIndentation SupplyColumnLength div OwnerEntries StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add AdjustEntries add
  FindOptimalSquareSize OwnerEntries add /OwnerEntries pop xd /OwnerRowHeight xd

  /OwnerRows OwnerEntries StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add AdjustEntries add def
  /OwnerColumnLength OwnerBoxWidth CharWidth CharHeight div OwnerRowHeight mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  % Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartX BBurx BBllx sub 12 div sub
  OrderRowHeight 2 mul

  % Order Coords
  OrderBoxStartY TitleEntries OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderEntries 1 sub

  % Retreat Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OrderEntries OrderRows idiv mul add
  OrderBoxStartY TitleEntries OrderRowHeight mul sub OrderEntries OrderRows mod .6 add OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderRowHeight 1.2 mul

  % Retreat Coords
  OrderBoxStartY TitleEntries OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add
  dup RetreatEntries add 1 sub

  % Owner Coords
  OwnerEntries 1 sub

  % Status Coords
  dup StatusEntries 1 sub add

  % Adjust Title Coords
  OwnerBoxStartY OwnerEntries StatusEntries add .6 add OwnerRowHeight mul sub
  OwnerRowHeight 1.2 mul

  % Adjust Coords
  OwnerEntries StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add
  dup AdjustEntries add 1 sub

} bd

/OrdersToBottomLayout { % - => ...
  32 dict begin

  .75 .9 .01 SetUpMap /BorderSize xd pop /ImageSizeY xd /ImageSizeX xd

  /NrOfPlayers 13 def
  /NrOfSupplyCenters 85 87 add def
  /OrderColumnLength 32 def
  /OrderEntries NrOfPlayers NrOfSupplyCenters add def
  /TitleEntries 5 def
  /MinorTitleEntries 2 def
  /RetreatEntries 12 def
  /AdjustEntries 16 def
  /OwnerEntries NrOfPlayers 1 add def
  /StatusEntries 4 def
  /SupplyEntries NrOfSupplyCenters def
  /SupplyColumnLength 4 def
  /SupplyIndentation 2 def

  /OrderBoxStartX BBllx def
  /OrderBoxStartY BBlly BorderSize sub def
  /OrderBoxWidth ImageSizeX def
  /OrderBoxHeight ImageSizeY BBury BBllx sub sub BorderSize sub def

  % Find the optimal font size. 
  TextFixedFont setfont (X) stringwidth pop /CharWidth xd /CharHeight 1 def
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add
  OrderBoxWidth CharWidth OrderColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OrderBoxHeight CharHeight div
  0 0
  FindOptimalSquareSize /OrderRows xd /OrderColumns xd /OrderRowHeight xd
  /OrderColumnWidth OrderBoxWidth OrderColumns div def
  /OrderColumnLength OrderColumnWidth OrderRowHeight CharWidth CharHeight div mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries RetreatEntries 3 OrderColumns OrderRows
  RedistributeEntries /RetreatEntries xd /OrderEntries xd

  /OwnerBoxStartX BBurx BorderSize add def
  /OwnerBoxStartY BBury def
  /OwnerBoxWidth ImageSizeX BBurx BBllx sub sub BorderSize sub def
  /OwnerBoxHeight BBury BBlly sub def

  OwnerBoxWidth CharWidth SupplyColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OwnerBoxHeight CharHeight div
  SupplyIndentation SupplyColumnLength div TitleEntries OwnerEntries add StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add AdjustEntries add
  FindOptimalSquareSize OwnerEntries add /OwnerEntries xd pop /OwnerRowHeight xd

  /OwnerRows TitleEntries OwnerEntries add StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add AdjustEntries add def
  /OwnerColumnLength OwnerBoxWidth CharWidth CharHeight div OwnerRowHeight mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  % Title Coords
  OwnerBoxStartX BBurx BBllx sub 12 div sub
  OwnerRowHeight 2 mul

  % Order Coords
  OrderEntries 1 sub

  % Retreat Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OrderEntries OrderRows idiv mul add
  OrderBoxStartY OrderEntries OrderRows mod .6 add OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderRowHeight 1.2 mul

  % Retreat Coords
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add
  dup RetreatEntries add 1 sub

  % Owner Coords
  dup OwnerEntries add 1 sub

  % Status Coords
  TitleEntries OwnerEntries add
  dup StatusEntries 1 sub add

  % Adjust Title Coords
  OwnerBoxStartY TitleEntries OwnerEntries add StatusEntries add .6 add OwnerRowHeight mul sub
  OwnerRowHeight 1.2 mul

  % Adjust Coords
  TitleEntries OwnerEntries add StatusEntries add MinorTitleEntries add
  dup AdjustEntries add 1 sub

} bd

/AllToBottomLayout { % - => ...
  32 dict begin

  .98  .98 .01 SetUpMap /BorderSize xd pop /ImageSizeY xd /ImageSizeX xd

  /NrOfPlayers 13 def
  /NrOfSupplyCenters 85 87 add def
  /OrderColumnLength 36 def
  /OrderEntries NrOfPlayers NrOfSupplyCenters add def
  /TitleEntries 5 def
  /MinorTitleEntries 2 def
  /RetreatEntries 12 def
  /AdjustEntries 19 def
  /OwnerEntries NrOfPlayers 1 add def
  /StatusEntries 4 def
  /SupplyEntries NrOfSupplyCenters def
  /SupplyColumnLength 4 def
  /SupplyIndentation 2 def
  /OwnerColumns 2 def

  /OrderBoxStartX BBllx def
  /OrderBoxStartY BBlly BorderSize sub def
  /OrderBoxWidth ImageSizeX def
  /OrderBoxHeight ImageSizeY BBury BBllx sub sub BorderSize sub def

  % Find the optimal font size. 
  TextFixedFont setfont (X) stringwidth pop /CharWidth xd /CharHeight 1 def
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add MinorTitleEntries add AdjustEntries add
  OrderBoxWidth CharWidth OrderColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OrderBoxHeight CharHeight div
  OwnerColumns 0
  FindOptimalSquareSize /OrderRows xd /OrderColumns xd /OrderRowHeight xd
  /OrderColumnWidth OrderBoxWidth OrderColumns OwnerColumns add div def
  /OrderColumnLength OrderColumnWidth OrderRowHeight CharWidth CharHeight div mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries RetreatEntries MinorTitleEntries AdjustEntries 5 OrderColumns OrderRows
  RedistributeEntries /AdjustEntries xd /RetreatEntries xd /OrderEntries xd

  /OwnerBoxStartX OrderBoxStartX def
  /OwnerBoxStartY OrderBoxStartY def
  /OwnerBoxWidth OrderColumnWidth OwnerColumns mul def
  /OwnerBoxHeight OrderBoxHeight def

  OwnerBoxWidth CharWidth SupplyColumnLength .5 add mul div
  OwnerBoxHeight CharHeight div
  SupplyIndentation SupplyColumnLength div OwnerEntries StatusEntries add
  FindOptimalSquareSize OwnerEntries add /OwnerEntries xd pop /OwnerRowHeight xd

  /OwnerRows OwnerEntries StatusEntries add def
  /OwnerColumnLength OwnerBoxWidth OwnerRowHeight CharWidth CharHeight div mul div .5 sub ifloor def

  % Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartY TitleEntries OrderRowHeight mul add
  OrderRowHeight 2 mul

  % Order Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OwnerColumns mul add
  OrderEntries dup /AssignedRows xd 1 sub

  % Retreat Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OwnerColumns AssignedRows OrderRows idiv add mul add
  OrderBoxStartY .6 AssignedRows OrderRows mod add OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderRowHeight 1.2 mul
  /AssignedRows AssignedRows MinorTitleEntries add def

  % Retreat Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OwnerColumns mul add
  AssignedRows RetreatEntries add 1 sub

  % Owner Coords
  OwnerEntries 1 sub

  % Status Coords
  OwnerBoxStartY OwnerEntries OwnerRowHeight mul sub
  StatusEntries 1 sub

  % Adjust Title Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add OrderRows idiv OwnerColumns add OrderColumnWidth mul add
  OrderBoxStartY OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add OrderRows mod .6 add OrderRowHeight mul sub
  OrderRowHeight 1.2 mul

  % Adjust Coords
  OrderBoxStartX OrderColumnWidth OwnerColumns mul add
  OrderEntries MinorTitleEntries add RetreatEntries add MinorTitleEntries add
  dup AdjustEntries add 1 sub

} bd

/AdaptStartToFont { % dict fontdict => dict
  exch dup begin exch
  /Font xd
  StartX StartY Font FontSize AdaptPositionToFont /StartY xd /StartX xd
} bd

/SetUpPage {

  9 dict dup begin 9 1 roll
  /Last xd
  /First xd
  /FontSize xd
  /NrOfRows xd
  /ColumnLength xd
  /ColumnWidth xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextFixedFont AdaptStartToFont /AdjustCoords xd

  4 dict dup begin 4 1 roll
  /FontSize xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextMinorTitleFont AdaptStartToFont /AdjustTitleCoords xd

  9 dict dup begin 9 1 roll
  /Last xd
  /First xd
  /FontSize xd
  /NrOfRows xd
  /ColumnLength xd
  /ColumnWidth xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextFixedFont AdaptStartToFont /StatusCoords xd

  9 dict dup begin 9 1 roll
  /Last xd
  /First xd
  /FontSize xd
  /NrOfRows xd
  /ColumnLength xd
  /ColumnWidth xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextFixedFont AdaptStartToFont /OwnerCoords xd

  9 dict dup begin 9 1 roll
  /Last xd
  /First xd
  /FontSize xd
  /NrOfRows xd
  /ColumnLength xd
  /ColumnWidth xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextFixedFont AdaptStartToFont /RetreatCoords xd

  4 dict dup begin 4 1 roll
  /FontSize xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextMinorTitleFont AdaptStartToFont /RetreatTitleCoords xd

  9 dict dup begin 9 1 roll
  /Last xd
  /First xd
  /FontSize xd
  /NrOfRows xd
  /ColumnLength xd
  /ColumnWidth xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextFixedFont AdaptStartToFont /OrderCoords xd

  4 dict dup begin 4 1 roll
  /FontSize xd
  /StartY xd
  /StartX xd
  end TextTitleFont AdaptStartToFont /TitleCoords xd

  /InMapMode false def
  /WritingReport false def
} bd

/ShowPage {


} bd

/SwitchToMapMode {
  InMapMode not {
    /InMapMode true def
    ArrowLineThickness setlinewidth Black OkOrder
  } if
} bd

/SwitchToTextMode {
  InMapMode {
    /InMapMode false def
  } if
} bd

% Title

/DrawTitle {

  TitleCoords begin
  StartX StartY moveto
  Font FontSize scalefont setfont
  currentpoint (DIPLOMACY) show moveto
  0 FontSize neg rmoveto show
} bd

/DrawMinorTitle { % dict str => -

  exch begin
  StartX StartY moveto
  Font FontSize scalefont setfont
} bd

/DrawMessage { % str => -

  TitleCoords begin
  BBurx BBlly Font FontSize 2.5 div AdaptPositionToFont moveto
  Font FontSize 2.5 div scalefont setfont
} bd

% Reports

/StartReport { % dict => -

  /WritingCoords xd
  /WritingReport true def
  WritingCoords begin
  StartX First NrOfRows idiv ColumnWidth mul add StartY First NrOfRows mod FontSize mul sub moveto
  Font FontSize scalefont setfont
  /WritingCount xd
} bd

/FinishReport { % - => -
  WritingReport {
    /WritingReport false def
    WritingCoords begin
    WritingCount Last gt {
      WritingCount Last 1 add eq {
        WritingLast show
        (... \() show WritingCount Last sub dup 1 add log iceiling string cvs show ( more\)) show
      } ifelse
    } if
  } if
} bd

/OrderReport {
  OrderCoords StartReport
} bd
/RetreatReport {
  RetreatTitleCoords (Retreat orders:) DrawMinorTitle
  RetreatCoords StartReport
} bd
/OwnerReport {
  OwnerCoords StartReport
} bd
/AdjustReport {
  AdjustTitleCoords (Adjustments:) DrawMinorTitle
  AdjustCoords StartReport
} bd
/StatusReport {
  StatusCoords StartReport
} bd

% Writing

/SpaceChar ( ) 0 get def

% Split a string which is too long into 2 parts on a space character.
% Copy the empty space (the space characters at the start of the string) to the start of the second string.
% If asked, insert an extra indentation (can be everything).
% This splitting routine works well for monospaced fonts. For proportional fonts, 
% it becomes slightly more complex.
/SplitString { % string nrChars indentString => string false || string1 string2 true
  7 dict begin
  /indentString xd
  /nrChars xd
  /objectString xd
  /objectLast objectString length 1 sub def
  % Short string?
  objectLast nrChars lt {
    objectString false
    % Look for a suitable place to split.
    % First tracking backwards, if that doesn't work, look forward.
    /splitIndex -1 def
    nrChars -1 0 {
      objectString 1 index get SpaceChar eq {
        /splitIndex xd exit
      } if pop
    } for splitIndex -1 eq {
      nrChars 1 add 1 objectLast {
        objectString 1 index get SpaceChar eq {
          /splitIndex xd exit
        } if pop
      } for
    } if
    splitIndex -1 eq splitIndex objectLast eq or {
      objectString false
      % The first part.
      objectString 0 splitIndex getinterval
      % The second part.
      objectString splitIndex 1 add objectLast splitIndex sub getinterval
      % Add indentation if needed.
      indentString length 0 gt {
        dup length indentString length add string
        dup 0 indentString putinterval
        dup indentString length 4 3 roll putinterval
      } if
      % Add white space of the first part.
      /nonSpaceIndex objectLast 1 add def
      0 1 objectLast {
        objectString 1 index get SpaceChar ne {
          /nonSpaceIndex xd exit
        } if pop
      } for
      nonSpaceIndex 0 gt nonSpaceIndex splitIndex lt and {
        dup length nonSpaceIndex add string
        dup 0 objectString 0 nonSpaceIndex getinterval putinterval
        dup nonSpaceIndex 4 3 roll putinterval
      } if
    } ifelse
  } ifelse
} bd 

/HighLightChar (!) 0 get def

/ExtractHighLight { % string => highLightArray string'
  16 dict begin
  /copyString xd
  /pasteString copyString length string def
  /wordCount 0 def
  /copied 0 def
  /pasted 0 def
  /letterCount 0 def
  /inWord false def
  /highLighted false def
  /highLighting false def
  [ copyString {
    highLighting {
      /highLighting false def
      dup HighLightChar ne {
        /highLighted true def
      } if
      dup HighLightChar eq {
        pop false
        /highLighting true def
        letterCount 0 gt {
          pasteString pasted copyString copied letterCount getinterval putinterval
          /pasted pasted letterCount add def
          /copied copied letterCount add def 
          /letterCount 0 def
        } if
        /copied copied 1 add def
      } ifelse
    } ifelse {
      /letterCount letterCount 1 add def
      SpaceChar eq inWord eq {
        /inWord inWord not def
        inWord {
          /wordCount wordCount 1 add def
          highLighted {
            /wordCount 0 def
          } if
        } ifelse
        /highLighted false def
      } if
    } if
  } forall 
  inWord highLighting highLighted or and {
  } if ]
  copied 0 eq {
    letterCount 0 gt {
      pasteString pasted copyString copied letterCount getinterval putinterval
      /pasted pasted letterCount add def
    } if
    pasted string dup 0 pasteString 0 pasted getinterval putinterval
  } ifelse
} bd

/HighLight { % highLightArray string => highLightArray'
  1 index length 0 eq {
    Black show
    8 dict begin
    /copyString xd
    /boldArray xd
    /copied 0 def
    /letterCount 0 def
    /boldCount 0 def
    /wordCount boldArray boldCount get def
    /inWord false def
    copyString {
      SpaceChar eq inWord eq {
        /inWord inWord not def
        inWord {
          /wordCount wordCount 1 sub def
          wordCount 0 eq {
            copyString copied letterCount getinterval Black show
            /copied copied letterCount add def
            /letterCount 0 def
          } if
          wordCount 0 eq {
            copyString copied letterCount getinterval Red show
            /copied copied letterCount add def
            /letterCount 0 def
            /boldCount boldCount 1 add def
            boldArray length boldCount eq {
              /letterCount copyString length copied sub def
              /wordCount boldArray boldCount get def
            } ifelse
          } if
        } ifelse
      } if
      /letterCount letterCount 1 add def
    } forall
    copyString copied letterCount getinterval inWord wordCount 0 eq and {
      Red show
      /boldCount boldCount 1 add def
      Black show
    } ifelse
    [ wordCount 0 eq {
      boldCount 1 add
    } ifelse boldArray {
      1 index 0 eq {
        pop 1 sub
      } ifelse
    } forall pop ]
  } ifelse
} bd

/Write { % string => - 
  WritingCount 1 add exch
  WritingCoords begin
  (  ) {
    3 index Last gt {
      pop true exit
    } if
    ColumnLength exch SplitString dup { 5 2 roll }{ 4 1 roll } ifelse
    currentpoint 4 2 roll HighLight 3 1 roll
    3 index NrOfRows mod 0 eq {
      pop ColumnWidth add StartY
      FontSize sub
    } ifelse moveto
    3 2 roll not { false exit } if
    exch 1 add 3 1 roll exch () % No extra indentation for a third or later split up.
  } loop
    /WritingLast xd
  } if
  /WritingCount xd
} bd

/WriteOrder { Write } bd
/WriteRetreat { Write } bd
/WriteOwner { Write } bd
/WriteAdjust { Write } bd
/WriteStatus { Write } bd


% Western ellipse: center at (1020, 681), radii (1020, 732)
% Eastern ellipse: center at (1655, 681), radii (1020, 732)
/WorldTop 1361 def
/WorldBottom 1 def
/WorldRadiusHor 1020 def
/WorldRadiusVert 732 def
/WorldCenterLeft 1020 def
/WorldCenterRight 1655 def
/WorldCenterHor WorldCenterLeft WorldCenterRight add 2 div def
/WorldCenterVert WorldTop WorldBottom add 2 div def
/WorldOverlap 57 def

% Determines mirror point, tells how far it approximately is outside the globe
% (can also be inside if d is negative) and adds whether the projection was
% from east to west (left to right) or vice versa.
/Project { % x y => x' y' d bool
  dup WorldCenterVert sub dup mul WorldRadiusVert dup mul div 1 exch sub 
   % sqrt WorldRadiusHor mul --changed to:
   dup 0 le { pop 0 }{ sqrt WorldRadiusHor mul } ifelse
  2 index WorldCenterHor le dup {
    exch dup WorldCenterLeft sub WorldOverlap sub 5 -1 roll add
    dup 4 1 roll add WorldCenterRight add
    exch dup WorldCenterRight add WorldOverlap sub 5 -1 roll sub 
    dup 4 1 roll add WorldCenterLeft exch sub
  } ifelse
  4 1 roll
} bd

% Determines perpendicular from p onto the line p1 p2.
/Perpendicular { % x y x1 y1 x2 y2 => xp yp
  10 dict begin
  /y2 xd
  /x2 xd
  /y1 xd
  /x1 xd
  /y xd
  /x xd
  /dx x2 x1 sub def
  /dy y2 y1 sub def
  dx 0 eq dy 0 eq and {
    x1 y1
    dy dx atan matrix rotate
    x x1 sub y y1 sub 2 index itransform pop 0 3 2 roll transform y1 add exch x1 add exch
  } ifelse
} bd

/DoublePoint { % x y => x y x' y' true || x y false 
  2 copy Project pop 0 le {
    pop pop false
  } ifelse
} bd

/DoubleLine { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => x0 y0 x1' y1' x0' y0' x1 y1 true || x0 y0 x1 y1 false 
  10 dict begin
  /y1 xd
  /x1 xd
  /y0 xd
  /x0 xd
  x0 y0 Project /left0 xd /d0 xd /ay0 xd /ax0 xd
  x1 y1 Project /left1 xd /d1 xd /ay1 xd /ax1 xd
  d0 0 le d1 0 le or {
    left0 left1 eq {
      x0 y0 x1 y1 ax0 ay0 ax1 ay1 true
      x0 y0 ax1 ay1 ax0 ay0 x1 y1 true
    } ifelse
    left0 left1 eq {
      x0 y0 x1 y1 false
      x1 x0 sub dup ax0 x1 sub le left0 eq exch x0 ax1 sub le left0 eq and {
        x0 y0 x1 y1 false
        x0 y0 ax1 ay1 ax0 ay0 x1 y1 true
      } ifelse
    } ifelse
  } ifelse
} bd

/DoublePointToMidLine { % x y x1 y1 x2 y2 => x y xm' ym' x' y' xm ym true || x y xm ym false
  10 dict begin
  6 -2 roll /y xd /x xd
  x y Project /left xd /d xd /ay xd /ax xd
  DoubleLine {
    3 2 roll add 2 div /aym xd add 2 div /axm xd
    3 2 roll add 2 div /ym xd add 2 div /xm xd
    xm WorldCenterHor le left eq {
      x y xm ym ax ay axm aym true
      x y axm aym ax ay xm ym true
    } ifelse
    3 2 roll add 2 div /ym xd add 2 div /xm xd
    xm ym Project /leftm xd /dm xd /aym xd /axm xd
    left leftm eq {
      x y xm ym
      d 0 le dm 0 le or {
        ax ay axm aym true
      } ifelse
      xm x sub dup ax xm sub le left eq exch x axm sub le left eq and {
        x y xm ym false
        x y axm aym ax ay xm ym true
      } ifelse
    } ifelse
  } ifelse
} bd

/DoublePointToPerpendicularLine { % x y x1 y1 x2 y2 => x y xp' yp' x' y' xp yp true || x y xp yp false
  10 dict begin
  6 -2 roll /y xd /x xd
  x y Project /left xd /d xd /ay xd /ax xd
  DoubleLine {
    1 index WorldCenterHor le left eq {
      x y 6 2 roll Perpendicular /yp xd /xp xd
      ax ay 6 2 roll Perpendicular /ayp xd /axp xd
      ax ay 6 2 roll Perpendicular /ayp xd /axp xd
      x y 6 2 roll Perpendicular /yp xd /xp xd
    } ifelse
    x y xp yp ax ay axp ayp true
    1 index WorldCenterHor le left eq {
      x y 6 2 roll Perpendicular /yp xd /xp xd
      xp yp Project /leftp xd /dp xd /ayp xd /axp xd
      x y xp yp
      d 0 le dp 0 le or {
        ax ay axp ayp true
      } ifelse
      4 copy
      x y 6 2 roll Perpendicular /yp xd /xp xd
      ax ay 6 2 roll Perpendicular /ayp xd /axp xd
      xp x sub dup mul yp y sub dup mul add axp ax sub dup mul ayp ay sub dup mul add le {
        xp yp Project /leftp xd /dp xd /ayp xd /axp xd
        x y xp yp
        d 0 le dp 0 le or {
          ax ay axp ayp true
        } ifelse
        axp ayp Project /leftp xd /dp xd /yp xd /xp xd
        x y xp yp ax ay axp ayp true
      } ifelse
    } ifelse
  } ifelse
} bd

/ClipCircumference {
  matrix currentmatrix
  WorldCenterHor WorldCenterVert translate
  WorldRadiusHor WorldRadiusVert scale
  WorldTop WorldCenterVert sub WorldRadiusVert div
  dup dup mul 1 exch sub sqrt
  WorldCenterRight WorldCenterHor sub WorldRadiusHor div
  dup 0 1 4 index dup neg exch arc 
  neg 0 1 4 -1 roll dup 180 exch sub exch 180 add arc
} bd

% failed orders get dashed lines, good orders normal lines
/FailedOrder { SwitchToMapMode [4 6] 2 setdash } def
/OkOrder { SwitchToMapMode [] 0 setdash } def

% draw an arrow indicating a move order between two points
/SingleArrowMove { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => -
  8 dict begin
  MapUnitScale div /tipy xd
  MapUnitScale div /tipx xd
  MapUnitScale div /taily xd
  MapUnitScale div /tailx xd

  /dx tipx tailx sub def
  /dy tipy taily sub def
  /angle dy dx secure_atan def

% positon origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  tailx taily MapUnitOffset add translate
  angle rotate

  /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
  /base arrowlength HeadLength sub def

  % if base of arrow is long enough, shorten it
  % e.g. which moves arrow start beyond support circle
  /x base MapUnitLetterSize gt {/base base MapUnitLetterSize sub def MapUnitLetterSize /arrowlength arrowlength MapUnitLetterSize sub def} {0} ifelse def
  % if base is still 5 or longer, shorten it some more
  % which makes arrow head touch support circle
  base MapUnitLetterSize ge {
    /base base MapUnitLetterSize sub def
    /arrowlength arrowlength MapUnitLetterSize sub def
  } if

  x 0 translate

% draw the arrow head ...
  base HalfHeadThickness neg moveto
  arrowlength 0 lineto
  base HalfHeadThickness lineto
  closepath stroke

% now the shaft ...
  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  base 0 lineto


} bd

/ArrowMove { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => -

  DoubleLine {
  } if SingleArrowMove
} bd

% draw an arrow indicating a retreat order between two points
/SingleArrowRetreat { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => -
  8 dict begin
  MapUnitScale div /tipy xd
  MapUnitScale div /tipx xd
  MapUnitScale div /taily xd
  MapUnitScale div /tailx xd

  /dx tipx tailx sub def
  /dy tipy taily sub def
  /angle dy dx secure_atan def

% positon origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  tailx taily MapUnitOffset add translate
  angle rotate

  /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
  /base arrowlength HeadLength 2 mul HalfThickness HalfHeadThickness div sub sub def

  % if base of arrow is long enough, shorten it
  % e.g. which moves arrow start beyond support circle
  /x base MapUnitLetterSize gt {/base base MapUnitLetterSize sub def MapUnitLetterSize /arrowlength arrowlength MapUnitLetterSize sub def} {0} ifelse def
  % if base is still 5 or longer, shorten it some more
  % which makes arrow head touch support circle
  base MapUnitLetterSize ge {
    /base base MapUnitLetterSize sub def
    /arrowlength arrowlength MapUnitLetterSize sub def
  } if

  /headBase arrowlength base add HalfThickness HalfHeadThickness div sub 2 div def

  x 0 translate

% draw the double arrow head ...
  base HalfHeadThickness neg moveto
  headBase HalfThickness neg lineto
  headBase HalfHeadThickness neg lineto
  arrowlength 0 lineto
  headBase HalfHeadThickness lineto
  headBase HalfThickness lineto
  base HalfHeadThickness lineto
  closepath stroke

% now the shaft ...
  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  base 0 lineto


} bd

/ArrowRetreat { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => -

  DoubleLine {
  } if SingleArrowRetreat
} bd

% draw an arrow indicating support of a unit holding at p1
/ArrowHold { % x0 y0 x1 y1 => -

  DoubleLine {
    HoldCircle SingleArrowCircle
  } if HoldCircle SingleArrowCircle
} bd

% draw arrow indicating support of a unit moving from p1 to p2
/ArrowSupport { % x y x1 y1 x2 y2 => -

  DoublePointToMidLine {
    MoveCircle SingleArrowCircle
  } if MoveCircle SingleArrowCircle
} def

% draw arrow indicating convoy of a unit moving from p1 to p2
/ArrowConvoy { % x y x1 y1 x2 y2 => -

  DoublePointToPerpendicularLine {
    ConvoyCircle SingleArrowCircle
  } if ConvoyCircle SingleArrowCircle
} def

% like an arrow but with a circle at the tip
/SingleArrowCircle { % x0 y0 x1 y1 d => - 
  8 dict begin
  /headdiam xd
  MapUnitScale div /tipy xd
  MapUnitScale div /tipx xd
  MapUnitScale div /taily xd
  MapUnitScale div /tailx xd

  /dx tipx tailx sub def
  /dy tipy taily sub def
  /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
  /angle dy dx secure_atan def
  /base arrowlength headdiam sub def

% positon origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  tailx taily MapUnitOffset add translate
  angle rotate

  % if base of arrow is long enough, shorten it by MapUnitLetterSize
  % e.g. which moves arrow start beyond support circle
  /x base MapUnitLetterSize gt {
    /base base MapUnitLetterSize sub def
    /arrowlength arrowlength MapUnitLetterSize sub def
  } ifelse def

  x 0 translate

% draw the circle ...
  arrowlength 0 headdiam 0 360 arc
  closepath stroke  

% now the shaft ...
  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  base 0 lineto


} bd

% draw an arrow indicating an arrival order to a destination point
/SingleArrowArrive {

% position origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  -1 -1 scale

  /arrowlength 40 def
  /base arrowlength HeadLength sub def

  MapUnitLetterSize arrowlength add neg 0 translate

% draw the arrow head ...
  base HalfHeadThickness neg moveto
  arrowlength 0 lineto
  base HalfHeadThickness lineto
  closepath stroke

% now the shaft ...
  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  base 0 lineto

  HalfThickness 20 mul neg 0 moveto HalfThickness 12 mul neg 0 lineto stroke
  HalfThickness 40 mul neg 0 moveto HalfThickness 32 mul neg 0 lineto stroke

} bind def

/ArrowArrive { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if
} bd

/ArrowArriveArmy { % x y => -
} bd

/ArrowArriveFleet { % x y => -
} bd

% draw an arrow indicating a departure order from a source point
/SingleArrowDepart {

% positon origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  -1 -1 scale

  /arrowlength 28 def

  MapUnitLetterSize 0 translate

  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto arrowlength 0 lineto stroke

  arrowlength HalfThickness 12 mul add 0 moveto arrowlength HalfThickness 20 mul add 0 lineto stroke
  arrowlength HalfThickness 32 mul add 0 moveto arrowlength HalfThickness 40 mul add 0 lineto stroke

} bind def

/ArrowDepart { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if
} bd

% draw an arrow indicating an arrival order to a destination point during retreat
/SingleArrowRefuge {

% positon origin at base of arrow with arrow point along x axis
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  -1 -1 scale

  /arrowlength 40 HeadLength add def
  /base arrowlength HeadLength 2 mul HalfThickness HalfHeadThickness div sub sub def
  /headBase arrowlength base add HalfThickness HalfHeadThickness div sub 2 div def

  MapUnitLetterSize arrowlength add neg 0 translate

% draw the double arrow head ...
  base HalfHeadThickness neg moveto
  headBase HalfThickness neg lineto
  headBase HalfHeadThickness neg lineto
  arrowlength 0 lineto
  headBase HalfHeadThickness lineto
  headBase HalfThickness lineto
  base HalfHeadThickness lineto
  closepath stroke

% now the shaft ...
  HalfThickness 2 mul setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  base 0 lineto

  HalfThickness 20 mul neg 0 moveto HalfThickness 12 mul neg 0 lineto stroke
  HalfThickness 40 mul neg 0 moveto HalfThickness 32 mul neg 0 lineto stroke

} bind def

/ArrowRefuge { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if
} bd

/ArrowRefugeArmy { % x y => -
} bd

/ArrowRefugeFleet { % x y => -
} bd

% draw an arrow indicating a departure order from a source point during retreat
/ArrowFlee {
  gsave Red ArrowDepart grestore
} bind def

% support and convoy arrows for arriving and departing units
/ArrowSupportArrive {
    2 copy exch 40 MapUnitScale mul add exch ArrowSupport
} bd

/ArrowSupportDepart {
    2 copy exch 34 MapUnitScale mul sub exch ArrowSupport
} bd

/ArrowConvoyArrive {
    2 copy exch 40 MapUnitScale mul add exch ArrowConvoy
} bd

/ArrowConvoyDepart {
    2 copy exch 34 MapUnitScale mul sub exch ArrowConvoy
} bd

% draw the given name centered just below the specified point
/SingleDrawName { % x y str => -
  0 setgray
  MapNameFont MapNameFontSize scalefont setfont
  3 1 roll translate
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  % mark the spot...
%  0 0 5 0 360 arc fill
  dup stringwidth pop
  -2 div MapNameOffset neg moveto show
} bd

/DrawName { % x y str => -

  3 1 roll DoublePoint {
    4 index SingleDrawName
  } if 3 2 roll SingleDrawName  
} bd

/PaintArmy { % dict => -

  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  3 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash
  -20 7 moveto 30 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 4 0 rlineto
   0 -2 rlineto -30 0 rlineto 0  2 rlineto -4 0 rlineto
   0 4 rlineto      % barrel
   4 2 moveto 20 -10 rlineto 2 0 rlineto -8 0 rlineto
  -20  10 rlineto       % carriage
  Contrast stroke
  0 0 9 0 360 arc   % wheel
  Contrast stroke
  -20 7 moveto 30 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 4 0 rlineto
   0 -2 rlineto -30 0 rlineto 0  2 rlineto -4 0 rlineto
   0 4 rlineto      % barrel
   4 2 moveto 20 -10 rlineto 2 0 rlineto -8 0 rlineto
  -20  10 rlineto       % carriage
  PieceColour fill
  0 0 9 0 360 arc   % wheel
  PieceColour fill

  Offset aload pop moveto
  MapUnitLetterFont MapUnitLetterSize scalefont setfont
  Contrast Letter show

} bd

/PaintControlledArmy { % dict => -

  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  3 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash
  -20 7 moveto 30 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 4 0 rlineto
   0 -2 rlineto -30 0 rlineto 0  2 rlineto -4 0 rlineto
   0 4 rlineto      % barrel
   4 2 moveto 20 -10 rlineto 2 0 rlineto -8 0 rlineto
  -20  10 rlineto       % carriage
  gsave ControllerColour currentlinewidth 3 mul setlinewidth stroke grestore
  Contrast stroke
  0 0 9 0 360 arc   % wheel
  gsave ControllerColour currentlinewidth 3 mul setlinewidth stroke grestore
  Contrast stroke
  -20 7 moveto 30 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 4 0 rlineto
   0 -2 rlineto -30 0 rlineto 0  2 rlineto -4 0 rlineto
   0 4 rlineto      % barrel
   4 2 moveto 20 -10 rlineto 2 0 rlineto -8 0 rlineto
  -20  10 rlineto       % carriage
  PieceColour fill
  0 0 9 0 360 arc   % wheel
  PieceColour fill

  Offset aload pop moveto
  MapUnitLetterFont MapUnitLetterSize scalefont setfont
  Contrast Letter show

} bd

/SingleDrawArmy { % x y => -
  Armies country get execform
} bd

/DrawArmy { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if SingleDrawArmy  
} bd

/PaintFleet { % dict => -

  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  2 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash
  -26 -7 moveto 0 5 rlineto 7 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto     % to bow
  -3 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto 7 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto      % A turret
  -3 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto 8 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto     % B turret
  1 0 rlineto 0 4 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 2 rlineto       % conn tower
  2 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 4 rlineto      % Infra struct
  2 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -5 rlineto      % funnel 1
  2 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 3 rlineto      % funnel 2
  2 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -5 rlineto      % mast 2
  2 0 rlineto 0 -8 rlineto 2 0 rlineto 0 2 rlineto      % funnel 2
  8 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto -3 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto    % C turret
  7 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto -3 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto    % D turret
  6 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto 2 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto     % stern
  -1 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto
  gsave Contrast stroke grestore
  PieceColour fill

  Offset aload pop moveto
  MapUnitLetterFont MapUnitLetterSize scalefont setfont
  Contrast Letter show

} bd

/PaintControlledFleet { % dict => -

  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate
  2 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash
  -26 -7 moveto 0 5 rlineto 7 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto     % to bow
  -3 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto 7 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto      % A turret
  -3 0 rlineto 0 1 rlineto 8 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto     % B turret
  1 0 rlineto 0 4 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 2 rlineto       % conn tower
  2 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 4 rlineto      % Infra struct
  2 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -5 rlineto      % funnel 1
  2 0 rlineto 0 -4 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 3 rlineto      % funnel 2
  2 0 rlineto 0 5 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -5 rlineto      % mast 2
  2 0 rlineto 0 -8 rlineto 2 0 rlineto 0 2 rlineto      % funnel 2
  8 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto -3 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto    % C turret
  7 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto -3 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto    % D turret
  6 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto 2 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto     % stern
  -1 0 rlineto 0 -2 rlineto
  gsave ControllerColour currentlinewidth 3 mul setlinewidth stroke grestore
  gsave Contrast stroke grestore
  PieceColour fill

  Offset aload pop moveto
  MapUnitLetterFont MapUnitLetterSize scalefont setfont
  Contrast Letter show

} bd

/SingleDrawFleet { % x y => -
  Fleets country get execform
} bd

/DrawFleet { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if SingleDrawFleet  
} bd

% draw a ray around a newly built unit
/BuildUnit { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if SingleBuildUnit  
} bd

/SingleBuildUnit { % x y => -
    MapUnitScale dup scale
    0 MapUnitOffset translate
    6 setlinewidth [ 1 8 ] 0 setdash
    0 0 24 0 360 arc
    closepath stroke
} bd

% draw a slash through a unit
/SlashUnit { % x y paintProc => -
  3 1 roll DoublePoint {
    4 index SingleSlashUnit
  } if 3 2 roll SingleSlashUnit  
} bd

/SingleSlashUnit { % x y paintProc => -
  3 1 roll translate
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitOffset translate

  HalfSlashThickness neg HalfSlashLength sub HalfSlashLength neg moveto
  HalfSlashThickness neg HalfSlashLength add HalfSlashLength lineto
  HalfSlashThickness HalfSlashLength add HalfSlashLength lineto
  HalfSlashThickness HalfSlashLength sub HalfSlashLength neg lineto

  closepath exec

} bd

% draw a slash through a destroyed unit
/DestroyUnit { % x y => -

  { Red fill } SlashUnit
} bd

% draw a slash through a disbanded unit
/DisbandUnit { % x y => -

  { gsave White fill grestore Red ArrowLineThickness setlinewidth [] 0 setdash stroke } SlashUnit
} bd

% draw a slash through a removed unit
/RemoveUnit { % x y => -

  { White fill } SlashUnit
} bd

% draw a ray around a found unit
/FindUnit { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if SingleFindUnit  
} bd

/SingleFindUnit { % x y => -
    MapUnitScale dup scale
    0 MapUnitOffset translate
    6 setlinewidth [ 1 8 ] 0 setdash
    0 0 24 0 360 arc
    closepath stroke
} bd

% draw a question mark on top of a lost unit
/LoseUnit { % x y => -

  DoublePoint {
  } if SingleLoseUnit  
} bd

/SingleLoseUnit { % x y => -
  MapUnitScale dup scale
  0 MapUnitHeightOffset translate
  Countries /UNOWNED get /Offset get aload pop moveto
  /Helvetica-Bold findfont MapNameFontSize scalefont setfont
  (?) Red show
} bind def

/LoseArriveUnit { % x y => -
  pop pop
} bd

/LoseRefugeUnit { % x y => -
  pop pop
} bd

% Connection

/ConnectionHeadLength 3 def
/ConnectionHalfHeadWidth 2 def
/ConnectionHalfWidth 0.5 def
/ControlCircle 2 def

/DrawConnection { % x0 y0 x1 y1 DrawConnection -
  12 dict begin
  /y1 xd
  /x1 xd
  /y0 xd
  /x0 xd
  x0 y0 translate
  /dx x1 x0 sub def
  /dy y1 y0 sub def
  /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
  /angle dy dx atan def
  angle rotate
  /headlength arrowlength 3 div dup ConnectionHeadLength gt {pop ConnectionHeadLength} if def
  0 0 moveto 
  headlength ConnectionHalfHeadWidth lineto
  headlength ConnectionHalfWidth lineto
  arrowlength headlength sub ConnectionHalfWidth lineto
  arrowlength headlength sub ConnectionHalfHeadWidth lineto
  arrowlength 0 lineto
  arrowlength headlength sub ConnectionHalfHeadWidth neg lineto
  arrowlength headlength sub ConnectionHalfWidth neg lineto
  headlength ConnectionHalfWidth neg lineto
  headlength ConnectionHalfHeadWidth neg lineto
  closepath fill
} bd

/ControlConnection { % x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ControlConnection -
  4 copy DrawConnection
  8 dict begin
  3 2 roll add 2 div /ym xd add 2 div /xm xd /y xd /x xd
  /dx xm x sub def /dy ym y sub def
  /arrowlength dx dup mul dy dup mul add sqrt def
  /angle dy dx secure_atan def 
  x y translate
  angle rotate
  ConnectionHalfWidth 2 mul setlinewidth
  newpath arrowlength 0 ControlCircle 0 360 arc 
  arrowlength ControlCircle sub 0 moveto 0 0 lineto
} bd

/DoConnections {
  % VIC - VAN
  454 1098 466 1108 DrawConnection
  % VIC - SEA
  457 1095 477 1088 DrawConnection
  % MIN - DET
  671 1046 693 1038 DrawConnection
  % QUE - NSC
  882 1108 897 1088 DrawConnection
  % ATL - BAH
  684 903 726 895 DrawConnection
  % BAH - CUB
  729 883 714 853 DrawConnection
  % CUB - HAI
  708 851 724 835 DrawConnection
  % HAI - VIS
  756 836 786 815 DrawConnection
  % DUB - EDI
  1234 1137 1253 1142 DrawConnection
  % NWY - DEN
  1325 1169 1337 1154 DrawConnection
  % DEN - SWE
  1347 1142 1360 1153 DrawConnection
  % GIB - MRC
  1231 989 1231 973 DrawConnection
  % SIC - SAL
  1369 998 1382 1005 DrawConnection
  % ANG - CYP
  1497 988 1497 973 DrawConnection
  % CYP - SYR
  1505 973 1524 973 DrawConnection
  % VLA - SAK
  2177 1086 2198 1086 DrawConnection
  % SAP - EDO
  2217 1034 2230 1015 DrawConnection
  % EDO - KAG
  2205 967 2202 944 DrawConnection
  % LUZ - MND
  2168 799 2188 758 DrawConnection
  % MAL - SIN
  2025 699 2042 684 DrawConnection
  % CON c BLA - AEG
  1472 1021 1472 1036 1451 1019 ControlConnection
} bd

/VisitTerritories { % coastproc landproc waterproc beachproc mountainproc iceproc => -

6 dict begin
/i xd
/m xd
/b xd
/w xd
/l xd
/c xd

(AAT) 1207 182 w
(ABY) 1553 796 c
(ACI) 1604 1314 i
(ADE) 1594 804 c
(ADR) 1396 1000 w
(AEG) 1443 1004 w
(AFG) 1729 962 l
(AGL) 1387 576 c
(AIN) 1706 216 w
(ALA) 446 1224 l
(ALA/nc) 420 1239 b
(ALA/sc) 427 1181 b
(ALB) 547 1141 l
(ALG) 1290 963 c
(AMA) 780 644 l
(AMN) 1948 772 c
(ANC) 352 1191 c
(AMO) 768 389 m
(ANG) 1512 1007 l
(ANG/nc) 1538 1017 b
(ANG/sc) 1494 989 b
(ANN) 2049 810 c
(ANT) 1337 65 i
(APA) 2371 182 w
(ARA) 1745 789 w
(ARM) 1554 1002 l
(ASE) 1970 769 w
(ASH) 1326 772 l
(ASM) 1941 909 l
(ASW) 1490 880 c
(ATL) 648 944 c
(AUS) 556 938 c
(AZO) 1163 989 c
(BAG) 1595 944 c
(BAH) 712 878 c
(BAL) 1390 1150 w
(BAN) 1681 919 c
(BRR) 2046 370 w
(BAR) 1337 1274 w
(BAV) 1353 1089 l
(BBE) 1924 827 w
(BCO) 511 1165 l
(BCU) 1057 360 w
(BEN) 1915 892 c
(BER) 1353 1118 c
(BGT) 701 713 l
(BGT/nc) 712 762 b
(BGT/sc) 691 698 b
(BIS) 2424 693 w
(BKH) 1755 1017 l
(BKU) 1569 1034 l
(BKU/ec) 1600 1015 b
(BKU/wc) 1550 1038 b
(BLA) 1482 1046 w
(BNK) 2009 798 l
(BNK/ec) 2008 782 b
(BNK/wc) 1988 800 b
(BOB) 1186 1046 w
(BOM) 1813 820 c
(BOS) 1411 1031 l
(BOS/ec) 1421 1012 b
(BOS/wc) 1399 1032 b
(BRA) 848 580 l
(BRC) 791 730 l
(BRD) 1275 1051 c
(BRM) 1963 886 l
(BRN) 2092 668 c
(BSE) 278 1167 w
(BSW) 1438 480 l
(BUD) 1386 1080 l
(CAG) 917 352 w
(CAI) 1473 928 l
(CAI/ec) 1501 905 b
(CAI/nc) 1457 934 b
(CAN) 2060 870 c
(CAS) 1609 1036 w
(CBA) 690 384 w
(CCH) 2055 780 c
(CCU) 301 901 w
(CEL) 2157 659 c
(CEY) 1857 738 c
(CHC) 633 1019 l
(CHE) 840 1029 w
(CHI) 507 918 l
(CHK) 1980 940 l
(CLB) 744 766 c
(CLD) 827 725 c
(CLS) 2205 701 w
(CMB) 2034 788 c
(CMN) 1345 708 c
(CNG) 1451 616 l
(CNY) 1153 929 w
(COA) 543 896 c
(COH) 805 529 l
(CON) 1469 1008 c
(COR) 2422 528 w
(CRE) 1441 986 c
(CRL) 2359 738 c
(CRO) 1377 1066 c
(CRS) 1324 1021 c
(CTN) 1419 413 c
(CUB) 684 869 c
(CYN) 867 716 c
(CYP) 1500 967 c
(DAR) 1474 763 l
(DEL) 1837 909 l
(DEN) 1343 1151 c
(DET) 700 1048 l
(DML) 1386 497 c
(DNK) 1310 736 c
(DRA) 878 172 w
(DUB) 1226 1129 c
(ECA) 760 796 w
(ECO) 2637 746 w
(ECS) 2151 904 w
(EDI) 1249 1158 c
(EDO) 2228 981 c
(EIN) 1891 667 w
(ELJ) 1252 837 l
(EME) 1471 964 w
(EPA) 360 752 w
(ESE) 758 946 w
(EVE) 1797 1214 l
(FAL) 899 244 c
(FIJ) 2580 522 c
(FIN) 1428 1199 l
(FIN/nc) 1460 1239 b
(FIN/sc) 1414 1182 b
(FOR) 2141 882 c
(FSN) 2153 987 c
(FUC) 2094 897 c
(FZZ) 1412 887 l
(GLD) 1552 735 l
(GCS) 1209 738 c
(GEO) 1559 1091 l
(GEO/ec) 1583 1063 b
(GEO/wc) 1530 1059 b
(GIB) 1223 996 c
(LSU) 698 1078 i
(LER) 744 1043 i
(GAL) 1418 1094 l
(GLP) 617 686 c
(GAK) 380 1132 w
(GBO) 1403 1171 w
(GCA) 517 794 w
(GGU) 1277 688 w
(GMX) 603 887 w
(GOO) 1376 343 w
(GPA) 648 713 w
(GSI) 2043 737 w
(GOY) 806 425 l
(GRE) 1421 998 c
(GRL) 724 1060 i
(GRN) 1025 1217 c
(GTM) 599 811 l
(GTM/ec) 610 822 b
(GTM/wc) 594 795 b
(GUJ) 1786 870 c
(GMA) 1882 781 w
(HAI) 734 840 c
(HAW) 86 846 c
(HDR) 1634 854 l
(HDR/nc) 1622 888 b
(HDR/sc) 1625 803 b
(HIM) 1862 923 m
(HKO) 2084 865 c
(HEL) 1316 1138 w
(HOA) 1633 686 w
(HOL) 1304 1106 c
(HON) 637 780 l
(HON/ec) 638 804 b
(HON/wc) 636 764 b
(HUD) 945 1158 w
(HYD) 1874 849 c
(ICE) 1178 1216 c
(IJA) 2293 638 c
(IMG) 2055 1046 l
(ION) 1389 963 w
(IRK) 1948 1133 l
(IVC) 1244 731 c
(IZU) 2368 885 w
(JAV) 2086 616 c
(JSE) 2077 640 w
(KAM) 2251 1190 c
(KAN) 565 998 l
(KAS) 1807 964 l
(KEN) 1525 653 c
(KAG) 2194 950 c
(KHV) 1655 1014 c
(KIE) 1335 1121 l
(KIE/ec) 1347 1133 b
(KIE/wc) 1325 1125 b
(KIR) 1859 1043 l
(KRA) 1771 1121 l
(KRC) 1758 919 c
(KSE) 137 679 w
(KSG) 1835 996 l
(KSL) 1717 1065 l
(KUR) 2369 1024 w
(LCH) 1980 989 l
(LCK) 1882 890 l
(LIM) 689 650 c
(LVN) 1440 1154 c
(LNY) 1514 565 i
(LON) 1255 1112 c
(LTA) 1484 656 i
(LPA) 763 569 l
(LUS) 2117 806 w
(LUZ) 2149 820 c
(GLY) 1303 1030 w
(MAC) 2119 1040 c
(MAD) 1611 533 c
(MAL) 2019 711 c
(MAR) 1305 1056 c
(MAT) 1075 651 w
(MAZ) 503 860 c
(MCH) 1585 566 w
(MDH) 1828 873 l
(MDO) 1235 782 l
(MDS) 1834 794 c
(MEC) 1531 911 c
(MER) 605 841 c
(MET) 1307 1085 l
(MEX) 547 854 c
(MHL) 2539 752 c
(MIN) 646 1065 l
(MIT) 728 696 l
(MLD) 1793 677 c
(MLY) 1978 857 l
(MND) 2179 753 c
(MNV) 1182 757 c
(MON) 1951 1066 l
(MOS) 1515 1140 l
(MOZ) 1539 554 c
(MRC) 1211 943 c
(NAN) 1265 1081 c
(NAT) 1031 1056 w
(NEB) 570 1034 l
(NEJ) 1570 903 l
(NEM) 1741 629 w
(NTD) 926 763 w
(NGU) 2327 632 c
(NME) 473 968 l
(NOL) 604 951 c
(NWY) 1328 1186 c
(NPA) 260 1007 w
(NPS) 1129 1179 w
(NSC) 909 1089 c
(NSW) 2274 377 c
(NTE) 586 1207 l
(NTH) 1288 1157 w
(NTR) 2238 536 c
(NWG) 1260 1215 w
(NYC) 777 1047 c
(NZL) 2440 327 c
(OAX) 550 820 c
(OHI) 686 1017 l
(OKH) 2198 1134 w
(OKI) 2196 904 c
(OKL) 578 971 l
(OKN) 1362 669 c
(OLI) 901 473 c
(OMA) 1675 846 c
(OMS) 1672 1180 l
(ONT) 718 1105 c
(ORE) 468 1051 c
(ORN) 1646 1072 c
(PAN) 692 746 l
(PAN/nc) 662 754 b
(PAN/sc) 692 732 b
(PAR) 1285 1073 l
(PBA) 532 557 w
(PEK) 2059 1000 c
(PER) 2143 486 c
(PGU) 1648 896 w
(PHI) 2221 830 w
(PIE) 1328 1061 c
(PMB) 848 713 c
(POA) 2103 1021 c
(PRA) 873 648 c
(PRG) 856 474 l
(PRM) 1593 1195 l
(PRU) 1390 1132 c
(QNL) 2328 478 c
(QTO) 727 566 c
(QUE) 820 1118 c
(RAJ) 1794 904 l
(RDJ) 941 525 c
(REC) 949 608 c
(RHO) 1451 555 l
(RIC) 707 969 c
(RLA) 691 1165 c
(CAR) 520 1102 m
(RMO) 527 1002 m
(RNG) 1960 843 c
(ROM) 1356 1038 l
(ROM/ec) 1366 1039 b
(ROM/wc) 1345 1037 b
(ROU) 1287 1095 c
(RSE) 1565 817 w
(RUH) 1320 1111 l
(RUM) 1438 1053 c
(SAK) 2193 1096 c
(SAL) 1378 1023 c
(SAP) 2231 1047 c
(SAR) 955 899 w
(SAS) 608 1129 l
(SAT) 1224 482 w
(SAU) 2222 428 c
(SCS) 2085 828 w
(SCT) 239 552 c
(SDE) 1395 781 m
(SEO) 2135 1014 l
(SEO/ec) 2150 1028 b
(SEO/wc) 2132 997 b
(SER) 1415 1052 l
(STD) 1932 510 w
(SEV) 1484 1081 c
(SEY) 1672 624 c
(SFO) 430 1017 c
(SGR) 1030 223 c
(SHA) 2101 941 c
(SIA) 2020 820 l
(SIC) 1358 999 c
(SIE) 1152 803 c
(SIL) 1370 1113 l
(SIN) 2041 685 c
(SKA) 1316 1157 w
(SNK) 1926 973 l
(SOF) 1437 1034 l
(SOF/ec) 1458 1041 b
(SOF/sc) 1429 1021 b
(SOG) 1245 984 w
(SOJ) 2187 1011 w
(SOM) 1584 702 c
(SON) 475 924 c
(SPA) 378 402 w
(SRW) 2127 721 c
(STP) 1483 1191 l
(STP/nc) 1503 1206 b
(STP/sc) 1453 1170 b
(STU) 1328 1098 l
(SUD) 1504 828 c
(SUM) 2017 673 c
(SUN) 2102 744 w
(SWE) 1367 1179 c
(SWI) 1324 1074 m
(SWP) 59 496 w
(SYR) 1530 962 l
(SYR/sc) 1516 933 b
(SYR/wc) 1520 951 b
(TAM) 652 916 w
(TAS) 2298 323 w
(TBQ) 1424 933 c
(TBR) 1607 979 c
(TEH) 1645 972 c
(TEN) 659 980 l
(TGN) 1197 843 l
(TIB) 1894 946 l
(TIM) 2217 608 w
(TIR) 1183 895 c
(TLD) 1230 1033 c
(TNK) 2030 846 c
(TRN) 1487 452 c
(TRP) 1358 942 c
(TSH) 1791 1081 l
(TUN) 1332 966 c
(TWR) 1287 892 l
(TYS) 1352 1015 w
(UNG) 602 1076 l
(URU) 848 374 c
(UTA) 482 1007 l
(VAN) 486 1117 c
(VEN) 1359 1072 c
(VIC) 446 1107 c
(VIE) 1370 1094 l
(VIS) 815 822 c
(VLA) 2120 1107 c
(VLC) 1251 1001 c
(VRD) 1102 854 c
(WAR) 1423 1118 l
(SEA) 502 1070 c
(WBA) 409 1066 w
(WCA) 665 817 w
(WSB) 398 950 w
(WDC) 735 1018 c
(WST) 2505 1047 w
(WIN) 1715 462 w
(WLC) 1428 1071 l
(WME) 1309 1003 w
(WPA) 44 849 w
(WUH) 2044 938 l
(YAK) 2024 1211 l
(YSE) 2148 950 w
(YUK) 504 1210 l
(YUN) 1996 885 l
(YUT) 1995 824 l
% 100 inland 159 coastal 87 ocean 6 mountain 7 ice 38 multicoast

} bd

/DoTroops {
  { 2 copy DrawArmy 2 copy DrawFleet 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { 2 copy DrawArmy 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { 2 copy DrawFleet 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { DrawFleet pop } bind
  { DrawArmy pop } bind
  { DrawFleet pop } bind
} bd

/TroopBBox [ MapUnitLetterSize 14 div -28 1 index mul exch
  -11 1 index mul MapUnitOffset add exch
  28 1 index mul exch
  16 exch mul MapUnitOffset add ] def
/Armies TroopBBox /PaintArmy load CreateTroops def
/Fleets TroopBBox /PaintFleet load CreateTroops def

/DrawNames {
  { 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { 3 2 roll DrawName } bind
  { pop pop pop } bind
  { pop pop pop } bind
  { pop pop pop } bind
} bd

/VisitCenters { % supplyproc homeproc => -

2 dict begin
/h xd
/s xd

/ABY 1554 782 s
/ADE 1594 796 h
/ALB 544 1112 s
/AMN 1950 758 s
/ANC 404 1190 h
/ANG 1522 1018 h
/ATL 666 948 h
/AUS 570 928 h
/AZO 1153 974 s
/BAG 1582 956 h
/BAH 729 889 s
/BAN 1654 925 s
/BAV 1341 1096 s
/BEN 1921 881 s
/BER 1363 1125 h
/BGT 711 727 s
/BKU 1581 1026 s
/BNK 1995 795 s
/BOM 1804 831 h
/BRA 870 576 h
/BRC 775 732 s
/BRM 1962 898 s
/BRN 2109 671 h
/BSW 1435 501 s
/BUD 1396 1077 h
/CAI 1487 936 h
/CAN 2070 866 h
/CCH 2041 762 h
/CEY 1858 750 h
/CHC 670 1035 h
/CHK 2001 922 h
/CMB 2028 780 h
/CMN 1347 720 s
/CON 1472 1021 h
/CRE 1452 982 s
/CRL 2338 751 s
/CRO 1377 1058 h
/CRS 1332 1030 h
/CTN 1398 398 h
/CUB 699 860 s
/CYN 865 705 h
/CYP 1511 977 h
/DEL 1823 918 h
/DEN 1329 1151 s
/DET 701 1038 h
/DUB 1218 1119 h
/EDI 1262 1155 h
/EDO 2244 981 h
/FAL 899 256 h
/FIJ 2563 538 s
/FOR 2139 871 s
/FSN 2154 977 s
/GCS 1198 730 h
/GEO 1556 1065 h
/GIB 1231 992 h
/GLP 609 668 s
/GRE 1416 1007 s
/GRN 1082 1234 s
/HAI 747 838 s
/HAW 105 846 s
/HKO 2082 856 h
/HOL 1309 1117 h
/HON 638 799 s
/IJA 2286 657 s
/IRK 1942 1112 h
/IVC 1256 737 s
/JAV 2057 621 h
/KAG 2199 940 h
/KAN 584 1002 s
/KAS 1806 953 s
/KHV 1678 1010 s
/KIE 1337 1131 s
/KRC 1738 906 s
/LIM 689 634 s
/LON 1274 1111 h
/LPA 773 553 s
/LUZ 2179 808 s
/MAC 2122 1055 h
/MAD 1601 516 s
/MAL 2017 725 s
/MAR 1307 1047 h
/MAZ 499 875 h
/MDS 1833 780 s
/MER 609 852 h
/MEX 535 847 h
/MHL 2526 763 s
/MLD 1797 690 s
/MND 2155 760 s
/MNV 1176 749 h
/MOS 1487 1128 h
/MRC 1225 955 s
/NAN 1267 1071 h
/NEB 559 1062 s
/NGU 2341 620 s
/NME 493 966 s
/NOL 619 932 h
/NWY 1340 1183 s
/NSC 893 1084 h
/NSW 2310 388 s
/NYC 763 1032 h
/NZL 2455 340 s
/OKI 2206 899 h
/OKL 564 973 s
/OKN 1340 673 s
/OLI 898 424 h
/OMA 1681 862 s
/OMS 1721 1150 h
/ORE 450 1051 h
/ORN 1642 1088 h
/PAN 676 746 s
/PAR 1288 1083 h
/PEK 2072 1012 h
/PER 2091 407 h
/PIE 1338 1058 s
/POA 2103 1012 h
/PRG 835 491 s
/PMB 852 725 h
/PRU 1403 1131 h
/QNL 2316 533 s
/QUE 811 1085 h
/RDJ 946 494 h
/REC 999 615 h
/RHO 1466 541 s
/RIC 719 988 h
/RNG 1963 829 s
/ROM 1350 1047 s
/RUH 1317 1102 h
/RUM 1450 1064 s
/SAK 2212 1082 s
/SAL 1382 1009 s
/SAP 2224 1039 h
/SCT 239 542 h
/SEA 484 1079 s
/SEO 2143 1023 s
/SER 1406 1051 s
/SEV 1497 1070 h
/SEY 1656 628 s
/SFO 423 997 h
/SGR 1044 230 s
/SHA 2123 940 h
/SIC 1368 995 s
/SIE 1155 788 s
/SIL 1378 1109 h
/SIN 2044 677 h
/SNK 1930 961 h
/SOF 1448 1038 h
/SRW 2107 697 s
/STP 1453 1182 h
/STU 1329 1086 s
/SUD 1484 814 s
/SUM 2032 651 h
/SWE 1358 1167 s
/TEH 1658 980 s
/TNK 2038 857 s
/TRN 1471 454 h
/TRP 1372 937 s
/TSH 1790 1064 s
/TUN 1332 979 s
/URU 827 368 s
/VAN 472 1104 h
/VEN 1350 1068 h
/VIC 448 1091 s
/VIE 1370 1085 h
/VIS 789 810 s
/VLA 2159 1045 h
/VLC 1251 1014 s
/VRD 1089 843 s
/WAR 1401 1113 h
/WDC 736 1005 h
/WUH 2043 924 h
/YUK 502 1190 s
/YUT 1995 835 s
% 85 hc's 87 sc's


} bd

/DoCenters {
    0 1 0 setrgbcolor
    0 0 3 0 360 arc fill
  } bind
    1 0 0 setrgbcolor
    -2 -2 4 4 rectfill
  } bind
} bd

/PaintSupply { % dict => -
  newpath 0 0 3 0 360 arc fill
} bd

/PaintControlledSupply { % dict => -
  newpath 0 0 6 0 360 arc fill
  newpath 0 0 4.5 0 360 arc fill
  newpath 0 0 3 0 360 arc fill
} bd

/PaintHome { % dict => -
  -2 -2 4 4 rectfill
} bd

/PaintControlledHome { % dict => -
  -4 -4 8 8 rectfill
  -3 -3 6 6 rectfill
  -2 -2 4 4 rectfill
} bd

/SupplyBBox [ -5 -5 5 5 ] def
/Supplies SupplyBBox /PaintSupply load CreateTroops def
/Homes SupplyBBox /PaintHome load CreateTroops def

  Supplies currentdict {
    5 1 roll 3 1 roll 3 index 4 array astore cvx put
  } bind /exec load
] cvx [
  Homes currentdict {
    5 1 roll 3 1 roll 3 index 4 array astore cvx put
  } bind /exec load
] cvx VisitCenters

/SingleSupply { % dict x y => -
  country get execform
} bd

/supply { % dict x y name => -
  Centers exch false put


  DoublePoint {
    4 index 3 2 roll SingleSupply
  } if
} bd

/Centers << { pop pop true } bind dup VisitCenters >> def

/ReinitializeCenters { % - => -
  /Centers << Centers { pop true } forall >> def
} bd

/DrawRemainingCenters { % - => -
  Centers {
    { load exec supply } { pop } ifelse
  } forall
} bd


32 dict begin

/ContinentalOutline {
1140 1252 m
1155 1251 l
1153.333 1245.833  1146.667 1245.500  1142 1244.500  c 
1137.667 1243.667  1133.167 1242.333  1129 1242  c 
1123.333 1241.333  1118.333 1241.333  1113 1240.333  c 
1111 1239.833  1108.667 1240.333  1107 1239.500  c 
1099 1235.833  1093.333 1229  1085 1226.333  c 
1078.167 1224  1070.833 1223  1064 1221.333  c 
1061 1220.500  1057.333 1220.333  1055 1218.500  c 
1052.500 1216.833  1051.167 1214  1049 1212  c 
1041.833 1205.333  1035.333 1198.167  1029 1191  c 
1025.833 1187.500  1022.500 1181.167  1018 1179.500  c 
1015.167 1178.333  1011.333 1181.667  1009 1182.833  c 
1004.833 1184.667  999.500 1185.500  996 1188.333  c 
992.333 1191  988.333 1199.500  987.167 1204  c 
985.333 1209.833  985 1216  983.667 1222  c 
983 1224.500  981.333 1227.167  982.167 1230  c 
983.167 1234  988.833 1240  992.167 1242.500  c 
996 1245.500  1002.333 1241.833  1005.667 1245  c 
1009 1248.500  1010.500 1254.833  1013.500 1259  c 
1015 1261.167  1019.333 1263.333  1022 1264.833  c 
1031 1269.667  1040.667 1274.167  1050 1278.833  c 
1052.333 1280  1058.333 1281.500  1059.500 1284  c 
1060.500 1286.500  1056.167 1291  1055 1293  c 
1062 1298.500  1071 1302  1079 1306  c 
1083 1308.333  1088.167 1313  1093 1313.500  c 
1098.500 1314  1101 1305.500  1107 1307  c 
1112.667 1308.667  1118.333 1311.500  1124 1313.500  c 
1135.167 1318  1146.667 1321.833  1158 1326.333  c 
1163.833 1328.500  1169.833 1330.333  1176 1332.333  c 
1178 1332.833  1179.667 1334.500  1182 1334.833  c 
1183.667 1334.833  1185.167 1334  1187 1334  c 
1191.667 1333.500  1197.333 1334  1202 1332.500  c 
1204.333 1331.833  1206.500 1330.833  1209 1330.333  c 
1212.167 1329.500  1215.667 1330.333  1219 1329.833  c 
1221.500 1329.333  1230.500 1328.500  1229.833 1325  c 
1229.167 1322  1221.333 1319.667  1219 1319  c 
1212.833 1317.500  1207.500 1314.500  1202 1312  c 
1198.833 1310.500  1194.667 1308.833  1192 1306.500  c 
1187 1302  1197.667 1299.667  1194.500 1294  c 
1192 1289.500  1186.833 1285.667  1183 1282.500  c 
1178.333 1279  1173.667 1274.333  1170 1270  c 
1167.667 1267.167  1168.667 1263.333  1166 1261  c 
1163.833 1259.333  1160.500 1259.333  1158 1259  c 
1152.333 1258.167  1143 1256.667  1140 1252  c 
1852 1287 m
1832 1272 l
1858 1278 l
1903 1271 l
1917 1273 l
1944 1274 l
1958 1270.500 l
1980 1257 l
2004 1261.500 l
2011 1262.500 l
2016 1269.500 l
2023 1270 l
2032 1266.833 l
2052 1263 l
2090 1258 l
2103 1255 l
2111 1254.500 l
2123 1252 l
2129 1251.500 l
2144 1247 l
2179 1247 l
2193 1244 l
2201 1242 l
2198 1248 l
2203 1250.333  2214.167 1249.833  2220 1248.833  c 
2221.667 1248.333  2223.167 1247.333  2225 1247  c 
2226.667 1246.833  2228.167 1247.833  2230 1247.833  c 
2232.333 1247.500  2234.500 1246.167  2237 1246  c 
2247.167 1245  2257 1243.833  2267 1240.833  c 
2268.667 1240.167  2270.167 1238.833  2272 1238.333  c 
2274.167 1237.500  2276.667 1238.167  2279 1237.500  c 
2287.500 1235.500  2295.667 1232  2304 1229  c 
2307.167 1227.833  2311.500 1226.333  2315 1226  c 
2320.833 1225.333  2326.167 1226.333  2331 1222  c 
2333.333 1219.667  2337.833 1216.500  2335.667 1213  c 
2332.500 1208  2327.167 1211.500  2323 1212.500  c 
2314.667 1214.667  2306.167 1216.500  2298 1218.833  c 
2293.667 1219.833  2291.167 1221.667  2287 1220  c 
2290 1214 l
2275 1212 l
2293 1203.500 l
2302 1199 l
2312 1195 l
2312 1194 l
2299 1188.500 l
2267 1179.833 l
2255 1176.833 l
2249.500 1174.833 l
2255 1167 l
2272 1152 l
2276.667 1148 l
2278.167 1143 l
2279.667 1134 l
2274.167 1121 l
2272 1107 l
2260 1117 l
2235 1142 l
2226 1153 l
2227.667 1160 l
2233.167 1177 l
2236.167 1183 l
2231 1194.833 l
2225 1193 l
2226.333 1189.500  2224.833 1179.333  2219 1181.500  c 
2216.167 1182.333  2214.333 1186  2212 1187.500  c 
2208.500 1189.833  2203.667 1189  2200 1189  c 
2198.667 1189  2197.167 1189.167  2196.167 1188.500  c 
2194.667 1187.500  2194.833 1185.333  2194.667 1184  c 
2193.833 1180.167  2194.500 1174.333  2192.500 1171  c 
2191.167 1168.667  2186.333 1168  2184 1167.333  c 
2182.167 1166.667  2178.833 1165.833  2177 1166.333  c 
2171.667 1167.333  2168.333 1173.167  2163 1174  c 
2159.167 1174.500  2156.333 1173.333  2153 1172.333  c 
2150.667 1171.500  2148.167 1172.167  2146 1172  c 
2142.500 1171.667  2139.333 1170  2136 1169.333  c 
2133.167 1168.667  2130.167 1169.500  2128 1167.833  c 
2122 1163.167  2120.167 1153.500  2117.667 1147  c 
2116.667 1144.500  2114.833 1141.667  2115 1139  c 
2115 1136.833  2116.167 1135.833  2118 1135  c 
2120.333 1133.667  2123.333 1133.500  2126 1132.500  c 
2129.500 1131.333  2133.833 1128.667  2138 1129  c 
2140.500 1129  2142.333 1132.333  2145 1131.500  c 
2146.833 1130.833  2148.333 1128.333  2150 1127  c 
2153.667 1124  2156.833 1121.667  2160.167 1118  c 
2163 1114.667  2167 1112.333  2169.667 1109  c 
2172.500 1105.500  2174.833 1100.667  2177.167 1097  c 
2179.167 1093.833  2181.833 1090.667  2182.667 1087  c 
2183.167 1083.833  2181 1081.167  2181 1078  c 
2180.833 1066.667  2179.833 1055.167  2175 1045  c 
2173.333 1041.833  2171.833 1038.167  2169 1036  c 
2163.333 1032  2153.667 1044.333  2150.167 1035  c 
2148.333 1029.667  2150.667 1023.333  2148.500 1018  c 
2147 1014.667  2142.500 1011.833  2144.500 1008  c 
2145.667 1005.167  2148.833 1003.833  2151 1002  c 
2153.333 999.833  2155.167 997.333  2157.167 995  c 
2159.500 992.500  2162.667 991.167  2164.667 988.667  c 
2167.667 985.500  2170 978  2168 974  c 
2165.667 969.667  2159.833 970.667  2156 969.667  c 
2153.667 969  2151.333 966.833  2149.167 969.167  c 
2145.333 973  2144.500 982.667  2143.167 988  c 
2142.833 989.667  2143 991.333  2141.667 993  c 
2139.833 995.500  2136.833 995.833  2134 996  c 
2132.167 996  2129.667 995.500  2128.500 997.167  c 
2126 1000.333  2130.333 1007.833  2126.667 1010.500  c 
2125 1011.667  2122.667 1010.500  2121 1010.667  c 
2117.500 1010.833  2113.167 1013  2110 1011.500  c 
2107.167 1010.167  2104.500 1005.500  2101 1007.500  c 
2097.667 1009  2096.500 1015.833  2095 1019  c 
2089.833 1017.500  2085.333 1011.167  2082.167 1007  c 
2081 1005.167  2079.500 1003.167  2080.167 1001  c 
2081 997.500  2085.333 995.667  2088 994  c 
2089.667 992.833  2091.833 990.333  2094 990.167  c 
2097.500 989.500  2098.833 994.500  2102 995.167  c 
2104.167 995.500  2113.500 991  2114.167 989  c 
2114.833 987  2113 985.167  2112 984  c 
2109.333 981  2099.333 974.500  2101.500 970  c 
2102.833 966.500  2107.167 963.833  2110 961.667  c 
2114.667 957.667  2119.667 953.333  2124 949  c 
2126 946.667  2131 941.333  2130.167 938  c 
2129.500 935.500  2126.333 933  2125 931  c 
2134 927 l
2131.500 918.667  2130 910.167  2127.667 902  c 
2126.667 898  2125.833 893.333  2123.667 890  c 
2119.833 884.333  2114.667 879  2109 875.167  c 
2105 872.667  2100.667 870.667  2097.167 867.667  c 
2093 864  2090.667 857.333  2085.667 854.500  c 
2082.167 852.333  2077.500 855.167  2074 854.667  c 
2070.333 854.167  2066.667 850.333  2063 851.500  c 
2060.333 852.167  2057 854.333  2055 856  c 
2053.500 857.167  2052.167 859.167  2050 858.667  c 
2047.500 858.333  2047 855.667  2045.833 854  c 
2042.833 850.167  2039.167 847.167  2037 843  c 
2034.833 838.833  2038.667 836.167  2041 833  c 
2046.833 824.333  2054.333 817.167  2060.667 809  c 
2064.500 803.667  2065.167 798  2066.667 792  c 
2067.500 789  2069 786  2069 783  c 
2069 780.500  2068.333 776  2066.667 774.167  c 
2062.667 769.667  2055 769.667  2051.167 765  c 
2046.833 759.500  2044.333 753.333  2038 750  c 
2035.167 755.333  2034.500 761.833  2031.500 767  c 
2029.833 769.500  2027.167 770.833  2025 773  c 
2018 779.167  2011.167 786.500  2002 789  c 
1998.833 781.833  1997.667 773.667  1997 766  c 
1996.667 762.667  1994.667 758.167  1996.500 755  c 
1998.167 751.667  2003.167 749.333  2006 747  c 
2011.833 741.500  2017.500 736.167  2022 730  c 
2024 727.167  2027 725  2028.500 722  c 
2030.500 717.167  2029.667 710  2030 705  c 
2030.167 701.833  2033.667 697.167  2031.500 694.167  c 
2029 690.833  2024.167 695.667  2022 697  c 
2018.833 698.667  2015.500 699.167  2013 702  c 
2009 706.500  2008.500 714.333  2006.333 720  c 
2004.333 724.667  2002.667 729.833  1999.500 734  c 
1996.333 738.167  1990.667 743.667  1989 749  c 
1987.667 754  1990.167 759  1990.333 764  c 
1990.333 767.167  1989.500 770.667  1990 774  c 
1990.500 776.333  1992 778.333  1992 781  c 
1991.500 787.167  1987.333 793.333  1985 799  c 
1983.500 802.167  1983.500 805.833  1982 809  c 
1981 810.833  1979.167 812  1978 814  c 
1976.500 816.667  1976.167 820.167  1975 823  c 
1970.500 818 l
1960 813.667 l
1956 813.500 l
1954.333 818 l
1953 833 l
1949.333 841 l
1932 861 l
1922 867.667 l
1913 862.500 l
1909 862.500 l
1899 857.500 l
1887 844 l
1864.833 818 l
1857 811 l
1852 807 l
1853 787 l
1852.500 773 l
1848.333 763 l
1839 750.667 l
1835 748.167 l
1829 751.167 l
1817.833 772 l
1809.333 797 l
1807.500 805 l
1798 828 l
1791 858 l
1778 852.167 l
1774 855 l
1765 864 l
1769 871 l
1763.333 875.333  1756.333 877.667  1751 882.167  c 
1747.667 885  1746.167 890.500  1742 891.667  c 
1735.333 893.833  1727.667 892.333  1721 893  c 
1713.667 893.667  1706.167 894.667  1699 895  c 
1693.667 895.167  1686.833 893.500  1682 895.167  c 
1678.500 896.167  1676 900  1674.333 903  c 
1673.333 904.333  1672.667 906.500  1671 907  c 
1666.500 908  1662.333 899.333  1657 902.500  c 
1654 904.167  1653.333 908.667  1650 910.500  c 
1646.167 912.500  1641.667 910.833  1638 912.167  c 
1632 914.333  1628 923.167  1624.500 928  c 
1622.667 930.667  1617.667 934  1614 931.500  c 
1611.833 929.833  1612.833 923.500  1613 921  c 
1613 912.833  1620.167 907.667  1624 901  c 
1625.333 898.500  1626.833 894.333  1630 893.667  c 
1631.333 893.167  1633.500 894.500  1635 895  c 
1636.333 891.667  1635.667 885.833  1638.333 883.167  c 
1639.500 881.667  1641.167 882  1643 882  c 
1647.167 881.833  1654.333 880.667  1658 883.167  c 
1660.833 885  1663.333 888.167  1665.500 891  c 
1666.500 892  1667.333 894  1669 894.167  c 
1671.500 894.833  1674.333 889.667  1675.500 888  c 
1677.833 884.333  1679.167 880.667  1683 878.167  c 
1684.500 877.167  1686.333 877.333  1688 876.500  c 
1690.667 875  1692.167 872.167  1694 870  c 
1695 868.667  1696.833 867.500  1697 866  c 
1697.500 863.833  1695 860.667  1694 859  c 
1691 852.667  1688.833 846.167  1684.333 841  c 
1681.500 837.667  1678.333 834.333  1675.833 831  c 
1674 828.500  1672.500 825.167  1670 823.500  c 
1665.167 820.333  1659.333 822.667  1655 820.500  c 
1649.667 817.667  1647.333 810.333  1642 807.500  c 
1640.167 806.500  1637.833 806.333  1636 805.667  c 
1629.667 803  1623.333 800.833  1617 798.500  c 
1612.500 796.667  1607 795  1603 792.667  c 
1598 789.500  1591.667 786  1586 789.500  c 
1577 794.667  1578 803  1578 812  c 
1578 815.167  1578.500 819  1576.500 822  c 
1569.500 832.833  1556.667 840.500  1550.500 852  c 
1546.333 859.500  1548.833 870.500  1544.500 878  c 
1542.500 881.167  1537.500 883  1535 886  c 
1530 891.333  1527.167 898.667  1523.500 905  c 
1521.333 908.667  1517.667 912.833  1516.333 917  c 
1513.833 923.833  1522 928.667  1519 936  c 
1510 924 l
1506 922.500 l
1499.833 929.667 l
1495 929 l
1502 918 l
1518.833 890 l
1522.500 880 l
1524.333 871 l
1534.500 859 l
1536.500 842 l
1545.500 830 l
1550.500 822 l
1553 814 l
1566.500 801 l
1578.333 783 l
1583.500 777 l
1592 767.500 l
1608 770.667 l
1640 780 l
1641.500 776.167  1640.333 773.833  1640 770  c 
1639.333 764.333  1637.333 760.167  1635.333 755  c 
1633.333 750.167  1632.333 745.500  1630 741  c 
1626.333 733  1622.833 724.833  1619 717  c 
1617.167 713  1615.667 708.333  1612.500 705.167  c 
1610.500 703.167  1607.500 705  1605 703  c 
1601.167 699.833  1599.167 695.500  1595.833 692.167  c 
1588.333 685.167  1579.833 678.667  1573 671  c 
1568 665.500  1564.333 658  1560.333 652  c 
1558.333 649  1555 644.333  1554 641  c 
1553.500 639  1554.167 636.833  1554 635  c 
1553.500 629.833  1552.333 625  1553 620  c 
1553.833 610.167  1557.833 600.167  1560.500 591  c 
1562.500 584.500  1562 577.500  1562 571  c 
1562 566  1562.500 560.833  1562 556  c 
1561.333 550.500  1556.167 548.500  1553 545  c 
1545.500 536.667  1537.833 528  1529 521.167  c 
1524.500 518  1517 515  1514.500 510  c 
1513.333 507.667  1514.667 505.333  1515 503  c 
1515.500 496.833  1516.333 491  1517 485  c 
1517.167 482  1519 478.833  1517.500 476  c 
1515.667 472.667  1512.500 473.500  1510 471.500  c 
1508.333 470.167  1507.667 467.833  1506.500 466  c 
1504.833 463  1502.167 460.833  1500.500 458  c 
1497.500 453.167  1499.167 447  1496.500 442  c 
1491.167 432.333  1481.333 426.333  1474 419  c 
1467.833 412.833  1462.667 404.667  1455.833 399.333  c 
1450 394.833  1441.667 393.500  1435 391.500  c 
1425.833 389  1416.333 388.833  1407 388  c 
1402.833 387.500  1400.500 386  1397 389  c 
1394.333 391  1388.833 396.167  1390.500 400  c 
1391.667 402.667  1395.167 404.500  1395.333 408  c 
1395.333 411.500  1392.333 416.667  1390.833 420  c 
1385.833 430.333  1380.833 440.167  1376.500 451  c 
1374.833 455.333  1372.333 459.167  1371.333 464  c 
1370.833 466  1371.167 467.833  1371 470  c 
1370.333 475.667  1368.500 481.167  1368 487  c 
1367.500 490  1367.667 494  1366.500 497  c 
1362.833 505.833  1355.333 513.167  1351.500 522  c 
1348.833 527.667  1349 534.667  1349 541  c 
1349 544.667  1348.167 549.333  1349.333 553  c 
1352.500 563.500  1363.500 573.333  1363.500 585  c 
1363.500 589.333  1361.333 593.667  1361 598  c 
1360.333 603.667  1358.500 609.167  1358 615  c 
1357.500 619  1357.167 623.167  1355.500 627  c 
1354 630  1351.833 632.833  1350.500 636  c 
1349.333 638.333  1349.167 640.667  1347.500 643  c 
1343 649.500  1338.333 656.333  1333.500 663  c 
1331.333 666  1328.333 669.167  1327.333 673  c 
1326.167 676.500  1328.333 679.833  1329.833 683  c 
1331.667 687.333  1334.167 692.333  1335.500 697  c 
1337.333 702.667  1330.833 709.167  1328.500 714  c 
1327.333 716  1327 719  1325.500 720.667  c 
1323.667 722.667  1321 721.667  1319 721  c 
1315.500 719.833  1308.500 716.333  1305 717.167  c 
1302.833 717.500  1301.667 720.167  1300.833 722  c 
1298.833 725.833  1297 734.167  1292 735  c 
1285.833 735.833  1280.333 733.333  1275 731.167  c 
1268 728.333  1261 726  1254 723.667  c 
1251.167 722.667  1248.833 721.167  1246 721  c 
1241 720.500  1235.500 723  1231 724.167  c 
1228.333 725  1225.667 726.500  1223 725.667  c 
1217.667 724.167  1217.167 717.333  1211 718  c 
1207.167 718.167  1200 719.167  1197 721.167  c 
1193.833 723.167  1191.833 726.500  1189 728.667  c 
1183 732.667  1178 736.667  1173 742  c 
1170.167 744.667  1165.167 746.500  1163.500 750  c 
1161.500 753.667  1164 758.167  1161.500 762  c 
1159.167 765.500  1155.833 768  1153 771  c 
1148.833 775  1144.833 780.833  1142 786  c 
1139.167 790.833  1138.500 797.667  1137 803  c 
1135.167 808.500  1140 815  1141.500 820  c 
1142.500 822.833  1142.667 826.833  1143 830  c 
1143.333 834.167  1143.333 838.667  1144 843  c 
1144.167 845  1146 846.833  1145.500 849  c 
1144.333 853.333  1138.833 855.833  1140.333 861  c 
1141 863.333  1142.667 865.500  1143.500 868  c 
1145.167 871.667  1145.667 876.333  1147.500 880  c 
1151.833 888.667  1159.500 896.333  1165.500 904  c 
1168.167 907.167  1170.333 910.833  1173 914  c 
1179.833 921.167  1189.833 925.667  1195.500 934  c 
1198.833 938.667  1197.500 944.833  1200 950  c 
1201 952.167  1203 953.333  1205 955  c 
1209.500 958.833  1214.667 962.833  1218.333 968  c 
1220.667 971.333  1220.833 976.333  1225 978.500  c 
1228 980  1233.667 978.833  1237 978.167  c 
1242.333 977.167  1250.500 975.500  1256 977.500  c 
1263.500 980.167  1271.500 982.167  1279 985.167  c 
1283.333 987  1287 989.500  1292 990  c 
1299.500 990.667  1308.333 990.667  1316 990  c 
1319 989.667  1321.833 988.500  1325 989  c 
1329.833 989.667  1329.500 994.500  1333 996.500  c 
1336.167 998.167  1343.500 992.833  1346 991  c 
1341.667 984  1342.167 979.667  1343 972  c 
1343.333 967.167  1342.667 962.333  1348 960  c 
1352.667 957.667  1359.667 956.500  1365 955.167  c 
1368 954.500  1371.500 954.333  1373.833 951.667  c 
1375.667 949.667  1374.500 946.167  1376.500 944.167  c 
1377.667 942.667  1379.333 943.167  1381 942.667  c 
1383 941.833  1384.833 940.167  1387 939.167  c 
1389.500 938.167  1392.333 937.667  1395 936.667  c 
1396.833 935.833  1399.833 933.167  1402 933.667  c 
1403.167 933.833  1404.167 935.167  1405 936  c 
1406.667 937.667  1408.833 939.333  1409 942  c 
1409 944.833  1406.667 948  1408.500 951  c 
1409.667 953.167  1419.333 955.833  1422 956  c 
1429.333 956  1436.333 949.833  1443 947.667  c 
1447.833 945.833  1453 945  1458 943.667  c 
1461.500 942.500  1465 940.167  1469 940.167  c 
1471.667 940  1473.333 942  1476 942.667  c 
1479 943.500  1482.833 943  1486 943  c 
1499 943 l
1500.833 943  1503.167 942.500  1505 943.500  c 
1509.333 945.667  1511.500 953.667  1513.333 958  c 
1514.333 960.833  1516.667 963  1517.500 966  c 
1518.667 969.167  1519 977.833  1517.500 981  c 
1516.667 982.500  1515.167 983.833  1514 985  c 
1512.333 986.500  1509.333 989.833  1507 990.167  c 
1505 990.333  1504 988.333  1502.833 987.167  c 
1500.833 985.500  1497.500 982.167  1495 981.500  c 
1491 980.167  1487.500 987.333  1484 988.500  c 
1480.667 989.500  1480.167 984.667  1478 983.500  c 
1475.167 981.833  1467.500 983.833  1465 985.500  c 
1454.167 992.333  1454.667 1005.500  1450 1016  c 
1454.833 1019  1461.333 1016.667  1464 1023  c 
1459 1025  1454 1023.333  1449 1023  c 
1443.167 1022.333  1437.667 1021.500  1432 1021  c 
1429.667 1020.667  1423.833 1021  1422.500 1018.667  c 
1420.500 1015.833  1425.333 1014  1426.500 1012  c 
1428.667 1007.833  1426.333 1001.167  1426 997  c 
1425.833 995.333  1426.333 993.500  1425.500 992.167  c 
1424.333 990.500  1421.833 989.500  1420 990.167  c 
1416.667 991  1415.167 997.167  1413.833 1000  c 
1411.333 1004.667  1409.333 1010.333  1406.500 1015  c 
1405.167 1016.833  1403 1017.667  1402.333 1020  c 
1401.333 1022.500  1402 1025.333  1401 1028  c 
1399.667 1031  1397.500 1032.667  1395.333 1035  c 
1389.167 1041.667  1383 1046.833  1376 1052.333  c 
1372 1055.333  1369.167 1059.833  1365 1062.500  c 
1359.500 1066.167  1351.333 1061.500  1353.500 1055  c 
1355.667 1049.167  1359.833 1047  1363.833 1043  c 
1366.667 1039.833  1368.500 1035.833  1372 1033.333  c 
1373.833 1031.833  1376.500 1030.167  1379 1030  c 
1381.333 1029.667  1384.667 1030.833  1386.833 1029.500  c 
1388.833 1028.167  1388.333 1025.833  1389.500 1024  c 
1391.167 1021.333  1394.167 1019.833  1396 1017  c 
1394.667 1016  1393.667 1014.667  1392 1015.500  c 
1390 1016.167  1387.333 1019  1385 1017.500  c 
1382.167 1015.500  1386.167 1012.167  1386.500 1010  c 
1386.833 1006.833  1382.333 1000.500  1379 1001.167  c 
1377 1001.500  1377 1003.333  1377 1005  c 
1376.667 1008.167  1377.333 1012.333  1374.833 1014.667  c 
1373.333 1016  1371.333 1016  1370 1017.167  c 
1368.333 1018.333  1367.833 1020.333  1366.500 1021.667  c 
1364.833 1023.667  1362.167 1025.333  1360 1026.500  c 
1355.167 1029.500  1349 1031.667  1345.333 1036  c 
1341 1041.333  1336.833 1054.167  1329 1053  c 
1322.167 1051.833  1318.333 1043.333  1312 1041.500  c 
1307.333 1040.333  1301.667 1046.833  1297 1044.500  c 
1291 1041.500  1293.500 1034.167  1289.833 1030  c 
1286.667 1026.500  1281 1023.500  1277 1021.167  c 
1274.667 1020  1271.833 1019.500  1270 1017.667  c 
1267.500 1014.833  1269.667 1010.167  1268.500 1007  c 
1266.833 1001.500  1259.167 992.833  1254 990.500  c 
1249.667 988.500  1244.333 991.167  1240 989.667  c 
1236.667 988.500  1234.500 983.667  1231 984.167  c 
1226.500 984.500  1224.167 990.333  1220 991.667  c 
1216.333 992.667  1209.833 990  1207.500 994  c 
1206.667 995  1206.833 996.667  1206.500 998  c 
1206 1000.167  1205 1002.667  1205 1005  c 
1205 1013  1209.167 1021  1210 1029  c 
1210.333 1032.500  1208.500 1038.667  1210.500 1041.833  c 
1211.667 1043.833  1217.667 1046.167  1220 1046.833  c 
1222.667 1047.500  1226.167 1047  1229 1047  c 
1248 1047 l
1252 1047  1256.500 1045.833  1258.833 1050  c 
1261 1054.167  1262 1061.167  1262 1066  c 
1262 1067.833  1262.333 1070  1260.833 1071.500  c 
1259 1073.333  1256 1074  1254 1075.333  c 
1249 1078.167  1243.500 1081.833  1241 1087  c 
1246.333 1089.167  1252.500 1086.333  1258 1088  c 
1261.500 1089.167  1261.500 1093.833  1265 1094.833  c 
1268 1095.667  1270.833 1093  1274 1094.500  c 
1276.500 1095.500  1280 1097.667  1281.833 1100  c 
1284 1102.667  1285.167 1106.167  1288 1108.500  c 
1291.667 1111.167  1296.833 1111  1300 1114  c 
1302.333 1116.333  1302.167 1120.667  1305 1122.500  c 
1306 1123.167  1307.667 1122.833  1309 1123.500  c 
1314 1125.500  1318.667 1127  1324 1128.500  c 
1325.500 1129  1327.333 1128.667  1328.500 1130  c 
1331 1132.667  1329.167 1135.500  1328 1138  c 
1326 1142.500  1322.833 1151.500  1326.500 1156  c 
1328.333 1158  1330.667 1156.667  1333 1157.333  c 
1335 1157.833  1336.833 1159.167  1339 1160  c 
1339.833 1157.667  1339.333 1153.833  1341 1152  c 
1343.333 1149.833  1346.333 1151.833  1348.833 1150.500  c 
1351.833 1148.500  1353.667 1141.333  1349 1140.333  c 
1347 1139.833  1345.667 1141.333  1344 1141.833  c 
1341 1142.500  1337.500 1142  1335 1141  c 
1338.667 1131.833  1348.333 1134.667  1356 1134  c 
1360.833 1133.500  1364 1131.667  1369 1133.333  c 
1372.500 1134.500  1377.167 1137.833  1381 1137.833  c 
1386.667 1137.500  1392 1136  1398 1136  c 
1400.167 1136  1403 1135.333  1404.833 1137  c 
1406.333 1138.667  1406 1141  1406 1143  c 
1406 1147.167  1405.833 1151.833  1407.333 1156  c 
1408.500 1159.333  1411.500 1160.667  1415 1159.500  c 
1417.167 1159  1419.500 1156.833  1421.500 1159  c 
1425.833 1163.500  1417.833 1167.500  1421 1172  c 
1425.333 1177.833  1434.833 1173.667  1441 1175.333  c 
1443.667 1176  1448 1178.500  1447.500 1182  c 
1447.500 1183.167  1446.167 1184  1445 1184  c 
1441.333 1183.667  1437.500 1182  1434 1181.333  c 
1426.333 1179.833  1419.167 1178.833  1412 1180.500  c 
1409.667 1181.167  1407.833 1181  1406.333 1183  c 
1404.333 1185.333  1404.333 1190  1404 1193  c 
1403.667 1194.500  1402.833 1196.333  1403 1198  c 
1404.833 1206  1418.667 1208  1421.500 1216  c 
1423.500 1222.167  1412.333 1222.500  1409 1222  c 
1403.500 1221  1404.667 1213.500  1400.833 1210.333  c 
1399.167 1209  1396.833 1208.667  1395 1207.833  c 
1389.167 1205  1382.667 1201.333  1380.833 1195  c 
1379.833 1192.167  1378.833 1187.667  1381 1185.333  c 
1383.500 1182.667  1389.500 1181  1390 1177  c 
1390.667 1172.833  1383.333 1169.667  1381.333 1167  c 
1378.667 1163.500  1379.333 1158.500  1377.500 1155  c 
1375.333 1151.167  1371.500 1149.667  1368 1147.833  c 
1366 1146.667  1364 1144.833  1362 1144.333  c 
1357.833 1143.167  1356 1147.833  1355 1151  c 
1352.500 1158.167  1349.833 1169.167  1343 1173.500  c 
1335.833 1178.167  1331.833 1164.500  1326 1163  c 
1324.333 1162.667  1322.333 1163.833  1321 1164.333  c 
1319 1164.833  1316.667 1165.333  1315 1166.500  c 
1310 1169.667  1310.500 1177.667  1310 1183  c 
1309.667 1185.500  1308.167 1188.333  1309 1191  c 
1310.333 1194.500  1318.833 1197  1322 1199.333  c 
1330.500 1205.167  1338.833 1211.667  1347 1218.333  c 
1353.333 1223.500  1362 1230  1366.833 1237  c 
1368.667 1239.667  1367 1243.167  1370 1245.500  c 
1372.167 1247.333  1375.333 1247.833  1378 1249  c 
1380.833 1250.500  1384.667 1253  1388 1253.500  c 
1391 1253.833  1393.833 1251.500  1397 1252.333  c 
1405.500 1254.500  1413.833 1260  1423 1261  c 
1431 1261.667  1437.500 1255.333  1445 1253.333  c 
1448.333 1252.167  1452.333 1252.500  1456 1251.500  c 
1467.667 1248.667  1479.667 1245.667  1491 1241.333  c 
1495.333 1239.500  1501.833 1239  1506 1236.500  c 
1510.500 1233.500  1505.833 1225.333  1502 1224  c 
1499.167 1223.333  1496.500 1225  1494 1225.500  c 
1488.833 1226.833  1484 1227.333  1479 1228.333  c 
1474.667 1229  1471 1230.667  1467 1229  c 
1475 1222 l
1488 1212.500 l
1494 1208 l
1491 1217 l
1504 1217 l
1510.833 1216.500 l
1513.333 1227 l
1518.500 1237 l
1521 1241.500 l
1527 1241 l
1540 1237 l
1538.667 1234.833  1535.333 1227.167  1541 1228  c 
1545.167 1228.833  1545 1234.333  1548 1236.500  c 
1552.833 1239.833  1559.500 1239.333  1565 1241.333  c 
1566.833 1242  1568.833 1243.667  1571 1243.833  c 
1573.833 1243.833  1575.333 1240.833  1578 1240  c 
1583.500 1238.333  1592 1240  1598 1240  c 
1600.333 1240  1603.667 1239.333  1606 1240  c 
1610.833 1241.667  1607.500 1249.333  1613 1250  c 
1616.833 1250.333  1622 1248  1626 1247.333  c 
1633 1245.833  1640 1245.667  1647 1243.500  c 
1650.333 1242.667  1652.500 1241.167  1656 1242  c 
1653 1246.500  1647.167 1250.167  1643 1254  c 
1641.667 1255  1639.167 1256.167  1638.500 1258  c 
1637.833 1260.333  1640.833 1263.833  1642 1266  c 
1643.500 1268.667  1644.833 1272.833  1648 1274.500  c 
1650.833 1275.833  1654.167 1273  1657 1272.333  c 
1658.833 1271.667  1661 1271.833  1663 1271  c 
1666.333 1269  1664 1265.833  1664 1263  c 
1663.833 1260.667  1664.833 1258.833  1666 1257  c 
1669.833 1250.167  1688.500 1240.500  1679.500 1231  c 
1676.833 1228.167  1671.500 1229.333  1669 1226  c 
1671.667 1224.833  1680 1222.833  1682.833 1224.500  c 
1684.667 1225.500  1685.667 1228.167  1687 1230  c 
1688.500 1231.500  1691.500 1233.500  1691.500 1236  c 
1691.333 1238.500  1687.667 1241  1686.333 1243  c 
1682.833 1247.333  1679.500 1251.667  1676 1256  c 
1674.500 1257.667  1672 1259.667  1671.500 1262  c 
1670.167 1267  1677.167 1270.333  1681 1267.833  c 
1683.667 1266  1686 1263.833  1689 1262.500  c 
1692.333 1260.667  1695.667 1259  1699 1257  c 
1699 1267 l
1699 1272.833 l
1705 1274.333 l
1718 1277 l
1725.833 1278 l
1726 1285 l
1735 1287.333 l
1751 1291 l
1759 1291.333 l
1770 1294 l
1782 1295 l
1793 1301 l
1810 1296 l
1816 1295.833 l
1821 1294 l
1839 1293.500 l
1852 1287 l
872 1276 m
867 1268 l
870.333 1266.500  874.833 1266  877.667 1269  c 
879.500 1270.667  882.167 1276.500  885 1276.500  c 
887.500 1276.333  890.833 1272.500  893 1271  c 
897.833 1267.667  903.500 1264.167  909 1261.500  c 
911.667 1260  917.167 1259  918.500 1255.833  c 
920.167 1251.667  910.500 1249.500  914.167 1245.333  c 
916.667 1242.333  921.667 1242.500  925 1240.500  c 
928 1238.500  929.667 1234.833  931.667 1232  c 
932.333 1230.833  933.833 1229.333  934.167 1228  c 
934.333 1225.667  931.500 1222.500  930 1221.333  c 
927.333 1219.333  922 1216.500  919 1218.333  c 
915.667 1220  914.500 1224.833  911 1225.833  c 
908.167 1226.500  905.167 1224.333  903 1223  c 
909.500 1214 l
908.667 1203 l
905 1198 l
889 1204 l
890.500 1201.167  899.167 1195.667  894 1193  c 
891.167 1191.500  888.500 1192.667  886 1193.500  c 
879.833 1195.667  871.667 1197  867.167 1202  c 
864 1205.333  862 1211.167  857 1212  c 
850.333 1213  844.667 1209  838 1210  c 
835.167 1210.333  832.833 1213.167  830 1212.833  c 
824 1211.833  820.333 1204.500  815 1204  c 
810.833 1203.500  807.833 1207.500  804 1207.333  c 
798.833 1207  794.500 1202.333  789 1203  c 
783.333 1203.500  779.833 1208.333  775 1209.833  c 
772.500 1210.500  770.167 1209.167  768 1209  c 
763.833 1208.500  760 1208.667  756 1207.500  c 
753 1206.833  750.667 1205  748 1204  c 
745.333 1202.833  742.333 1203.167  740 1201.500  c 
737.833 1200.167  736.833 1197.833  735 1196.333  c 
731.833 1193.833  728.167 1192.167  725.167 1189.833  c 
722.833 1187.833  721.167 1185  719 1183  c 
715.667 1179.833  709.833 1177.667  708.500 1173  c 
707.333 1169.500  712.167 1168.833  712.667 1166  c 
713.500 1162.333  707 1158.500  709.500 1155  c 
711 1152.667  714 1155  716 1155.500  c 
718.500 1156.333  724.167 1156.833  727 1156.500  c 
730.333 1155.833  731.667 1153.167  734 1151  c 
736.167 1148.667  739.333 1146  742 1144.333  c 
744.333 1142.667  747.167 1143.167  750 1142.500  c 
754.833 1141.500  758.333 1140.500  762 1137  c 
758.833 1133.833  754.333 1130.333  753.167 1126  c 
752.500 1123.500  751.500 1119.167  752.167 1117  c 
754.167 1111.333  762.833 1109.667  768 1111  c 
775.167 1113.167  778.667 1121.167  779.667 1128  c 
780.167 1130.667  779.333 1133.500  781.167 1136  c 
783.500 1139.167  787.500 1140.333  791 1142  c 
798 1145.167  805 1148.333  809.667 1155  c 
810.667 1156.500  813.167 1159.833  812.500 1162  c 
811.333 1165  805.833 1166  806.167 1170  c 
806.500 1172.667  810.333 1175.667  812 1178  c 
815.333 1182.333  818 1186.667  822 1191  c 
823.167 1192.333  824.167 1194.500  826 1195.500  c 
828.500 1196.833  833.167 1196  836 1196  c 
840.667 1196  847.333 1197.167  852 1195.500  c 
854.833 1194.500  857.667 1191.833  860 1190  c 
861.333 1188.667  864.333 1186.833  864.667 1185  c 
865 1183.333  864 1182.167  863.500 1181  c 
861.833 1176.667  859.500 1173  857.667 1169  c 
857 1167.333  855 1163.833  857.167 1162.500  c 
859.167 1161  866.833 1164.833  869 1166  c 
874.833 1169.167  880.667 1173.167  887 1176  c 
888.667 1176.667  892 1178.167  894 1177.500  c 
897.333 1176  896.500 1172.667  897.167 1170  c 
897.833 1167.833  899.333 1166  899.667 1164  c 
900.167 1159  893.500 1156.833  894.167 1152  c 
895.500 1142.500  907.500 1137.667  914 1132.500  c 
917 1130.167  921.667 1126.333  919.500 1122  c 
918 1119.167  915.333 1118.167  913 1116.500  c 
911.167 1115.333  909.833 1113.333  908 1112.500  c 
904.667 1110.833  899.667 1111.167  896 1110  c 
892.333 1108.667  887.167 1106  884.167 1103.500  c 
882.500 1102.333  881.833 1100.667  880 1100  c 
876.833 1099.167  872.167 1100  869 1100  c 
860.500 1100  852.167 1100  844 1100.500  c 
836.500 1100.667  831 1095.667  825 1092.500  c 
822.333 1091  818 1089.333  817.167 1086  c 
816.333 1081.500  822.833 1083.167  825 1084  c 
833.167 1086.833  840.833 1094.833  850 1091  c 
843.167 1079 l
844 1073 l
847.167 1067.500 l
853 1066.833 l
860 1063 l
857.333 1059.333  853.667 1058.333  850 1056.500  c 
845.500 1054.167  841.667 1051  837 1049  c 
834.333 1048  828.167 1045.667  828.167 1051  c 
828.167 1053  830.333 1053.500  832 1054.333  c 
835.500 1055.833  838.833 1056.500  841 1060  c 
837.500 1062  833.833 1061  830 1060.333  c 
822.333 1058.833  816.833 1056.333  810 1053  c 
805.167 1050.833  799.167 1049.667  795 1046.500  c 
792.333 1044.667  791.333 1041.500  789.667 1039  c 
788.167 1036  784.333 1032.333  781.667 1030.500  c 
777.667 1027.500  771.333 1029.167  767 1026.500  c 
763 1024  762.667 1018.167  759 1015  c 
757.167 1013.333  754.833 1012.667  753 1011.167  c 
751 1009.833  749.833 1007.667  748 1006.167  c 
744.167 1003.500  739.833 1002  737.167 998  c 
734.500 993.667  736.333 987.500  737 983  c 
737.333 979.833  738.667 977.667  736 975.167  c 
730 969.833  719.833 963.167  712 961.167  c 
709 960.500  705.500 961.667  703 960.500  c 
700.500 959.167  698.833 956.667  697 955  c 
693.667 952  690.333 949.667  687.667 946  c 
684.167 940.667  685.667 929.833  687.167 924  c 
687.500 922.167  688.667 920.833  689 919  c 
689.333 915.667  688.667 912.167  689.167 909  c 
690.333 903.333  690.500 894.667  683 893.167  c 
679.167 892.500  677 897.333  675.500 900  c 
673 903.833  668.833 910  669 915  c 
669 920  676 924.333  670 928.667  c 
667 930.500  663.167 930.333  660 931.167  c 
657.333 932  655.333 933.833  653 934.667  c 
648.167 936.167  642.667 934.333  638 934  c 
635.167 933.667  631.500 934.833  629 933.500  c 
624 930.833  628.667 922.667  621 923  c 
618.333 923  617 925.333  615 926.500  c 
612.833 927.500  610.167 928.500  608 929.500  c 
603.167 931.333  594.667 930  590 928.667  c 
584.667 927.500  582 923.167  578 920.167  c 
573.833 917.333  566.833 915.667  564.500 911  c 
562.500 907  565.167 902.167  563.667 898  c 
560.333 889.500  554 881.167  553 872  c 
552.333 867.333  554.500 863.167  555.667 859  c 
557 853.333  556.833 847.667  560.167 843  c 
561.500 841.333  563.167 840.167  564.667 838.667  c 
567 836.333  569.167 833.333  573 833  c 
575.667 832.667  578.333 834  581 834.667  c 
584.833 835.333  589.667 834.500  593 837.167  c 
598.500 841.667  598.500 851  604.167 855.667  c 
606.167 857.500  610.167 857.500  613 858.167  c 
617 859.333  626.667 863.333  630.667 860.500  c 
634.500 857.667  629 851.167  627 849.167  c 
624.167 846.333  621.167 840.833  620.167 837  c 
619 833.167  619.833 828.833  618.667 825  c 
617.667 822  613.500 818.167  614.667 815  c 
615.667 811.833  622.833 808.667  626 809.167  c 
628.833 809.833  631.167 812.333  634 813.500  c 
638.500 815.167  645.667 813.833  648.667 810  c 
652 805.833  649.167 798.333  648.167 794  c 
646.833 786.333  643.500 775.333  647 768  c 
648 765.500  650 763.833  651.667 762  c 
653 760.333  654 758.333  656 757.500  c 
663.333 753.500  670.167 761.333  677 762  c 
680.667 762.333  683.333 760  686 757.667  c 
688 756  691.667 750.500  694.667 752.500  c 
695.833 753.167  696.333 754.833  697 756  c 
699 759.833  699.667 764.333  702.167 768  c 
704.333 770.833  707.167 772.167  710 774  c 
718 779  726.333 782  736 782  c 
738.667 782  742.333 782.500  745 781.667  c 
748.167 780.667  749.333 777.333  751.167 775  c 
753.333 772.333  757.833 767.667  761 766.667  c 
764.167 765.500  769.667 767.833  773 768.667  c 
779 769.833  786.667 771  793 771  c 
795.833 771  800.333 771.667  802.667 769.667  c 
805.667 767  805.667 762  809.167 759.167  c 
812.167 756.833  816.333 757.500  818.500 754  c 
822.667 746.667  827.167 740.167  833 734  c 
834.500 732.167  835.667 729.500  838 728.500  c 
840.500 727  842.500 729.167  845 729.667  c 
848.500 730.667  854.333 731.500  858 731  c 
861.833 730.333  864.167 726.500  867.167 724.167  c 
872.333 720.167  877.333 716.167  881.667 711  c 
884.667 707.167  893 699.167  891.667 694  c 
890.167 688.833  886.667 682.500  884.167 678  c 
882.833 675.500  880.667 672.667  883.167 670.167  c 
885.167 668.167  893 663.667  896 664.167  c 
898.667 664.500  901.833 667.667  904 669.167  c 
906 671  909 675.500  912 675.500  c 
913.667 675.333  915.500 673.500  917 672.667  c 
920.167 670.500  923.500 668.667  927 667.167  c 
928.333 666.667  930.667 666.333  931.500 664.667  c 
932.833 662.167  928.833 657.667  932.167 655.500  c 
933.500 654.500  936.333 654.833  938 655  c 
941.667 655  946.167 655.500  950 656.167  c 
951.500 656.333  953.333 657.333  955 657.167  c 
957.333 657  959.667 655.167  962 654.167  c 
970 650.333  977.500 645.833  986 642.500  c 
990 640.833  996.833 639.500  999.667 636  c 
1001.333 633.667  1001.500 630.500  1002.167 628  c 
1003.333 624  1006.833 618.167  1005.667 614  c 
1004.500 610.333  1001.167 607  999.167 604  c 
994.667 596.500  989.500 589.167  984.667 582  c 
983 579.667  980.833 577.667  980.167 575  c 
979.333 572  980.167 568.833  980 566  c 
979.167 557.667  978.667 549.167  978 541  c 
977.667 538.667  978.333 536.167  977.667 534  c 
975.333 524.667  969.167 516  966.167 507  c 
965 502.833  963.667 499  962.167 495  c 
961.667 493  961.167 490.500  959.667 489  c 
956.167 485.667  949.167 489.333  945 487.500  c 
937 483.833  930.833 476.333  924 471.333  c 
921 469.167  916.167 467.333  914.500 464  c 
911.333 458  920 451  918.667 445  c 
917.667 441.333  914 439  912.500 436  c 
911.667 434.333  912.167 432.500  911.667 431  c 
910.833 428.667  909.500 426.167  908.667 424  c 
904.500 414.667  898.667 406  894.167 397  c 
891.833 392.500  889.167 382.333  884 380.500  c 
880.500 379.500  877.333 383.167  875 384.833  c 
871.167 387.333  866.333 388.667  862 390  c 
861 382.500  869.500 375.333  875 371  c 
865 362 l
835 340 l
824.167 332 l
825 323 l
826.667 298 l
827.500 292 l
840.667 280 l
838.667 274 l
834.167 260 l
833.500 252.167 l
840 247.667 l
861 232.167 l
867.167 227 l
857 217.500 l
848 218.667 l
832 224.667 l
821 229.667 l
814.167 232.167 l
807.667 241.667 l
786.667 269 l
771.167 290 l
772 300 l
773 315 l
775 328 l
771 336 l
759.667 355 l
755.500 364 l
757.667 371 l
760.167 389 l
763 401 l
760 409 l
758 420 l
754 465 l
755.167 475 l
753 492 l
750 514 l
747.667 526 l
734 535.167 l
706 553.167 l
698.667 563 l
683.667 589 l
665.667 619 l
661.500 626 l
661.167 643 l
671 658 l
664.167 660.167 l
664 666 l
667.167 684 l
683.500 706 l
687.167 719 l
690.667 731 l
687.167 737 l
681 751 l
676 754.167 l
664 740 l
662.667 742.333  661.500 745  659 746.500  c 
654.500 748.833  650.167 748.333  646 751.667  c 
642.500 754.167  641.333 758.667  638 761.167  c 
635.833 762.833  632 762.167  630.500 764.167  c 
628 767.167  629 772.500  627.500 776  c 
625.333 780.333  620.833 783.333  619 788  c 
618 790.167  618.667 793.833  617.500 795.667  c 
615.833 798  610.333 799.333  608 800.667  c 
606.833 801.333  606.167 801.833  605 801.500  c 
603.167 800.667  602.333 798.167  601 797.167  c 
598.667 795.333  595.500 795.833  593 797  c 
587.167 799.500  582 804.333  578 809  c 
575.500 811.667  573.667 815.500  570 816.667  c 
567 817.500  565.333 815.333  563 814.500  c 
560.667 813.500  558.167 814.333  556 813.667  c 
553.167 812.833  551 811.500  548 812  c 
544.667 812.333  542.500 815.167  540 817.167  c 
536.167 819.833  532 822.333  528 824.667  c 
524.500 826.500  519.667 829.333  516 830.667  c 
513.333 831.500  510.500 830.833  508 832.500  c 
504.333 834.667  502.167 839.667  499.500 843  c 
498 845  495.500 846.667  494.500 849  c 
491.833 854  498.500 857.167  497.500 862  c 
496.500 868  492 872.833  489 878  c 
483.833 887.500  477.333 896.667  471.333 906  c 
468 910.833  463.667 916.167  462.333 922  c 
461.667 924.500  462.167 927.167  462 930  c 
461.500 934.833  461.833 946.667  454 945.667  c 
452.500 945.333  452 944.333  452 943  c 
451.667 938.500  450 932  451 928  c 
451.500 926.167  452.833 924.667  453.500 923  c 
456.167 917  458.333 910.833  460.500 905  c 
462.833 899.333  462.667 893.500  464.500 888  c 
465.667 884.833  472.833 877  468 874.500  c 
464 872.333  459.667 879.333  458 882  c 
456.333 884.667  454.667 886.500  455 890  c 
455.167 892.333  456.833 894.667  455.500 897  c 
452 903.833  442.833 907.500  439 914  c 
441.167 914.667  446 913.500  446.833 917  c 
447.667 920.833  442 925.167  441 929  c 
438.833 937.333  439.333 946.500  437.833 955  c 
435.833 964.667  426.500 964.167  421.500 971.167  c 
416.500 977.833  418.667 985.333  418 993  c 
417.167 1001.333  415.500 1010.500  418.333 1019  c 
419.667 1023.500  423 1027  425.500 1031  c 
428.333 1035.167  431 1039.500  433.500 1044  c 
435.667 1047.500  436.667 1052.667  439.500 1055.833  c 
440.333 1056.833  441.667 1056.667  442.833 1057.500  c 
444.833 1059  447.333 1062.500  448.500 1065  c 
450.167 1068.667  451.333 1073.833  452.500 1078  c 
453.333 1080.167  453.833 1083  456 1084.500  c 
457 1085  458 1084.833  459 1085  c 
466.333 1085  463.667 1081  466 1076  c 
468 1078.500  471.833 1082.500  472.500 1086  c 
473 1087.833  471.833 1089.167  471.333 1091  c 
468.833 1098.333  463.500 1103  458.500 1109  c 
457.667 1110  456 1110.833  455.500 1112  c 
454.333 1114.500  457.333 1118  458.500 1120  c 
461.500 1124.333  466.500 1130.167  465.500 1136  c 
464.833 1140.667  458 1137.833  455 1140.500  c 
452.833 1142.333  454.833 1145.500  453.500 1148  c 
452.167 1149.833  449.500 1149.333  448.500 1151  c 
447.833 1152.167  448.667 1153.833  448.833 1155  c 
449 1156.833  448.667 1159  449 1161  c 
449.667 1163  451.500 1164.667  450.500 1167  c 
447.167 1174.167  437.333 1179.167  430 1180  c 
427.167 1180.167  424.667 1179.667  422 1180.500  c 
418.167 1181.833  415.500 1185.833  412 1186.833  c 
409.333 1187.333  407.667 1185.500  406 1184  c 
403 1181.667  399.167 1178.167  396 1176.500  c 
394 1175.333  391 1176  389 1176  c 
383.833 1176  378.167 1173.167  374 1176  c 
382 1180.500 l
388 1181 l
399 1188 l
393.833 1191.667  391.333 1189.333  386 1187.833  c 
376.167 1185  364 1180.833  356 1175  c 
359 1171 l
349 1165 l
353 1163 l
350.167 1155.833  346.333 1154.500  340 1151.833  c 
338 1151  336 1149.500  334 1149.333  c 
329.167 1148.833  329 1153  331 1156  c 
315 1151.333 l
292 1142.333 l
283 1141.500 l
276 1137.500 l
268 1135.500 l
251 1131 l
245.167 1131.500 l
246 1137 l
262 1142 l
274 1144.333 l
288 1149.500 l
296 1150.333 l
305 1155 l
332 1169 l
312 1171 l
316 1177 l
314.833 1177.667  314.333 1178.500  313 1178.500  c 
310.333 1178.167  306.667 1175.667  304 1177.500  c 
302.167 1178.833  303.167 1181.167  304 1183  c 
306.333 1188.500  308.500 1190  314 1192.500  c 
318.500 1194.500  322.333 1197.667  327 1199.500  c 
335.167 1203.167  346 1203.333  355 1205.500  c 
360.333 1207  366.167 1207.833  368 1214  c 
362.833 1216  356 1214.500  351 1213  c 
347.833 1212  342.667 1210.667  340 1213.333  c 
335.333 1217.833  348.167 1222.500  351 1223.833  c 
357 1226.667  361.500 1226.667  368 1226  c 
370.667 1225.667  374.167 1223.500  377 1224  c 
380.667 1224.833  381 1232.167  379.500 1235  c 
378.500 1236.500  376.333 1237.833  375 1239  c 
379.167 1246.167  386.833 1243.167  394 1244  c 
398.667 1244.333  403.167 1246.667  408 1247.500  c 
413.333 1248.667  418.667 1249.500  424 1251.333  c 
430.167 1253.333  436.667 1254.333  443 1256.333  c 
449.167 1258.167  454.167 1261.333  461 1261.333  c 
465.333 1261.333  468.833 1259.833  473 1259  c 
475.167 1258.667  477.667 1259.333  480 1258.500  c 
485 1257.167  489.667 1254.500  495 1254  c 
500.833 1253.333  507 1253.500  513 1253  c 
515.833 1252.667  519 1253.500  522 1252.500  c 
527.667 1250.833  533.167 1243.833  539 1243.333  c 
541.833 1243  545 1244.667  548 1245  c 
553.667 1245.500  559.333 1246.333  565 1247.500  c 
568.500 1248  573.167 1251  577 1249.500  c 
579.167 1248.833  579.333 1246.667  581.167 1245.500  c 
582.833 1244.333  585.167 1244.833  587 1243.500  c 
590.333 1241.333  593 1237  596 1234  c 
597.833 1232  600 1227.333  603 1226.833  c 
607.167 1225.833  611.333 1232  616 1231.500  c 
620.333 1230.833  625.167 1226.500  629 1224.333  c 
630.333 1223.333  632.667 1222.667  633.500 1221  c 
634.833 1217.500  630 1215.167  630.167 1212  c 
630.500 1209.833  632.333 1208.667  634 1207.500  c 
637.667 1204.833  643.333 1199.167  648 1198.500  c 
652.167 1198  656.167 1201.500  660 1202.500  c 
667.333 1204.833  675.333 1204.833  683 1207  c 
689.167 1209  695.500 1211.167  702 1212.500  c 
709.667 1214.333  717 1215.167  725 1216  c 
731.667 1216.500  738.167 1219.333  745 1220  c 
750.167 1220.500  755.667 1220.333  761 1221  c 
767.500 1221.500  774.667 1223.833  781 1225.500  c 
783.167 1226.167  785.667 1225.667  788 1226.333  c 
791.333 1227  794.667 1228.500  798 1229.500  c 
800.833 1230.500  804.167 1230.167  807 1231.500  c 
808.667 1232.333  810.167 1233.833  812 1234.833  c 
817.667 1237.667  823.333 1239.333  829 1243  c 
831.667 1244.667  836.167 1246.500  837.500 1250  c 
838.833 1254  833.167 1253.667  831 1254  c 
824 1255.167  816.500 1252.833  813 1260  c 
838 1262.500 l
849 1275.833 l
856 1277 l
872 1276 l
1147 1222 m
1149.333 1223.833  1152.833 1227.167  1156 1227.500  c 
1159.833 1228.167  1161.833 1222.833  1166 1223  c 
1170.833 1223.333  1176.333 1225.167  1181 1226.500  c 
1184.500 1227.667  1189.167 1226.833  1193 1227  c 
1197.833 1227  1198.167 1226.833  1201 1223.333  c 
1202 1222  1203.333 1221.667  1203.500 1220  c 
1203.833 1214.167  1196.333 1210.333  1192 1209  c 
1186.667 1207.667  1181.500 1204.500  1176 1204  c 
1172 1203.500  1167.667 1204.833  1164 1205.500  c 
1161.667 1206  1158 1206  1156 1207.500  c 
1152.833 1210  1158 1213.833  1156.500 1216.833  c 
1155.500 1218.167  1153.333 1217.833  1152 1218.333  c 
1149.500 1218.833  1148.500 1220  1147 1222  c 
1258 1169 m
1258 1161.500 l
1265.833 1159 l
1265.333 1146 l
1272.500 1137 l
1278.333 1125 l
1286 1120 l
1281 1111 l
1277.833 1105.500 l
1269 1105 l
1252 1102 l
1241 1103 l
1248 1111 l
1244 1115 l
1251 1125.833 l
1255.333 1131 l
1248 1137 l
1243 1151 l
1240 1158 l
1242 1163 l
1246 1169.500 l
1258 1169 l
1232 1142.500 m
1235.500 1143  1242.667 1142.500  1240.833 1137  c 
1239.833 1134.333  1237.500 1132.667  1236.833 1130  c 
1235.667 1126.333  1236.667 1122  1234.500 1119  c 
1231.333 1114.333  1220.333 1111.833  1215 1112  c 
1206.500 1112  1211.500 1120.833  1212.833 1125  c 
1213.333 1127  1213.167 1131  1214.500 1132.833  c 
1215.833 1134.833  1219 1134.333  1221 1135.500  c 
1224.667 1137.500  1227.167 1142  1232 1142.500  c 
2170 1125 m
2181 1115 l
2201 1097 l
2208 1089 l
2201 1090 l
2198 1082.333  2209.167 1073.500  2215 1070  c 
2213.333 1067.833  2210.167 1063.167  2207 1064.500  c 
2202.333 1066.167  2200 1075.167  2197.667 1079  c 
2194.333 1083.833  2190.833 1088.333  2187.167 1093  c 
2184.167 1097  2182.333 1102  2179 1106  c 
2174 1111.500  2166.500 1116.833  2170 1125  c 
447 1109 m
453.167 1108.500  455.833 1102.167  460 1098  c 
461.333 1096.333  464.500 1093.333  461.833 1091.500  c 
459.167 1089.667  455.667 1092.333  454 1094  c 
449.167 1098.167  445.333 1102.500  447 1109  c 
908 1105 m
910.167 1098.500 l
916 1098 l
924 1095 l
922.333 1092.667  920 1089.833  921.167 1087  c 
921.667 1085.167  923.500 1085  924.667 1083.833  c 
926.667 1081.167  926 1077.500  924.667 1075  c 
923.667 1073.167  922.167 1070.500  920 1070  c 
914.500 1069  912.333 1075.167  914 1079  c 
910.167 1080.500  907.833 1079.333  904 1079  c 
896.833 1078.167  889 1076.333  883 1081  c 
890 1090 l
896.667 1095 l
908 1105 l
697 1092.500 m
701 1093.167  705.500 1092.500  709 1089.833  c 
710.500 1088.500  711.333 1086.500  713 1085.333  c 
714.667 1083.833  716.833 1083.667  717 1081  c 
717.167 1073.333  706.833 1069.500  701 1069  c 
694.667 1068.167  694 1073.500  689 1075.333  c 
687.500 1075.667  685.333 1075  684 1074.833  c 
679.500 1073.833  675.167 1072.833  671 1071.500  c 
668.833 1071  665.500 1070.333  664.500 1073  c 
663 1076.333  668.667 1078.667  671 1079.833  c 
674 1081.333  676.833 1083.667  680 1085  c 
682.167 1085.833  684.667 1085.667  687 1087  c 
690.167 1088.667  693.167 1092  697 1092.500  c 
1522 1075.500 m
1524.167 1075.833  1528.167 1076.500  1527.500 1073  c 
1527 1069.667  1523.333 1065.667  1521.500 1063  c 
1520.333 1061  1518.333 1059.500  1519.500 1057  c 
1521 1053.333  1525 1052.500  1528 1050.500  c 
1533.667 1046.667  1539.167 1042.667  1545 1038.500  c 
1546.833 1037.333  1550.500 1035.667  1550.500 1033  c 
1550.500 1029.667  1544.500 1026.333  1542 1025  c 
1537.333 1022.833  1531 1024  1526 1024  c 
1524 1024  1521.667 1023.667  1520 1024.500  c 
1514.500 1026.833  1510.167 1033  1504 1034  c 
1496.333 1035  1489 1031.667  1482 1029.333  c 
1479.167 1028.333  1475.833 1026  1473 1026.500  c 
1471.167 1026.667  1469.500 1028  1468 1028.833  c 
1465 1030.167  1459.833 1031.667  1458.500 1035  c 
1457.667 1036.833  1459.167 1038.167  1459.500 1040  c 
1460.167 1041.833  1459.667 1044  1460.333 1046  c 
1461 1048.500  1463.167 1049.833  1464.500 1052  c 
1466.333 1055.667  1465.667 1060.667  1469 1063.500  c 
1471 1065.167  1473.833 1066  1476 1067.333  c 
1478 1068.500  1480.500 1071.167  1483 1071.500  c 
1485.833 1072.167  1490.167 1067.667  1490.333 1065  c 
1490.333 1063.167  1488.667 1061.833  1488.833 1060  c 
1489.167 1055.667  1496.667 1049.833  1501 1051.333  c 
1503.833 1052.167  1508.333 1055.333  1510.833 1057.333  c 
1511.833 1058  1512.167 1059.667  1511.500 1060.833  c 
1509.833 1063.167  1502.333 1061.167  1503 1066  c 
1503.500 1068.333  1506 1069.167  1508 1070  c 
1512.500 1072.333  1517 1074.333  1522 1075.500  c 
1618 1075 m
1620 1071.833  1623.667 1064.500  1620.500 1061  c 
1618.500 1058.667  1607.833 1056.333  1609.500 1052  c 
1610.167 1050  1612.500 1048.333  1614 1047  c 
1617.167 1043.500  1621 1039.667  1623.833 1036  c 
1627.333 1031.167  1626.333 1024.167  1629 1019  c 
1630.333 1016  1632.667 1014  1634 1011  c 
1635.500 1008  1636.500 1004.833  1638 1002  c 
1639.167 999.500  1641.500 996.833  1640.833 994  c 
1637.833 982.667  1622.333 991.333  1616 993.167  c 
1613.333 994  1610.167 994.167  1608 996.167  c 
1605.833 998.167  1603.500 1003.667  1604 1007  c 
1604.833 1010.333  1608.500 1014.333  1607 1018  c 
1605.833 1021.500  1602 1024.833  1599.833 1028  c 
1596.167 1032.833  1593 1038  1589.500 1043  c 
1587.333 1046.167  1582.167 1050.333  1583 1055  c 
1583.667 1058.167  1587.667 1060.833  1589.833 1063  c 
1591.500 1064.833  1592.667 1067.167  1595 1068.500  c 
1602 1072.167  1610.833 1070.667  1618 1075  c 
710 1063 m
694.500 1052.833 l
690.167 1046 l
686 1034 l
675 1029 l
671 1038.167  678.333 1047.667  683.167 1055  c 
685.167 1057.833  686 1061.500  689 1063.500  c 
692.333 1066  696.167 1065.500  700 1066.333  c 
704.500 1067.167  708.333 1068.333  713 1069  c 
715.333 1069.167  717.500 1070.667  720 1071  c 
723.833 1071.167  730.833 1070  734 1067.500  c 
736.500 1065.667  742.500 1057.167  737 1055  c 
734.167 1054  730.500 1056.500  728.167 1054.833  c 
725.167 1052.667  721.833 1043.167  718 1043.500  c 
716 1043.833  715 1045.833  713.667 1046.833  c 
711.667 1048  708.667 1046.167  707.500 1049  c 
705.667 1052.667  711.833 1056.333  712.167 1060  c 
712.167 1060.833  710.333 1062.500  710 1063  c 
2215 1057 m
2225 1053.500 l
2230 1053.833 l
2233 1052.500 l
2239.667 1053.500 l
2241.167 1050 l
2243.500 1046.833 l
2239.500 1040 l
2234 1030.500 l
2224 1032.833 l
2217 1026.333 l
2215 1027.833 l
2212.500 1030 l
2217.667 1046 l
2215 1057 l
732 1043 m
729.167 1051.500  745 1050  750 1051  c 
751.667 1051.500  753.167 1053  755 1053.333  c 
756.833 1053.500  759.167 1051.833  759.667 1050  c 
760.333 1047.833  759 1046.500  758.167 1045  c 
757.500 1043.833  756.833 1042.167  755.667 1041.500  c 
750.833 1038.333  745 1041.333  740 1039.833  c 
737 1038.833  735.500 1035.833  733 1034.500  c 
728.333 1032  722.833 1030.167  718 1028.500  c 
715 1027.667  712 1025.500  709 1025.333  c 
706 1025  699.667 1029.333  702.167 1032.833  c 
703.833 1034.833  707.667 1033.500  710 1034.333  c 
712.667 1035.167  715.167 1037  718 1038  c 
722.833 1039.667  727.333 1040.667  732 1043  c 
1326 1028 m
1325.167 1028.500  1323.667 1029.500  1323 1030.333  c 
1317.333 1036  1327.500 1037.833  1327.833 1031  c 
1327.833 1029.667  1326.500 1028.667  1326 1028  c 
1328 1017 m
1327.167 1018  1326.333 1018.500  1326 1020  c 
1325 1027.167  1334.667 1025.167  1330.833 1019  c 
1330 1017.667  1329 1017.500  1328 1017  c 
2229 1024 m
2230.167 1021.833  2231 1017.833  2233.167 1016.500  c 
2234.833 1015.333  2237 1016.333  2238.667 1014.667  c 
2244.167 1009.167  2246 999.167  2248.167 992  c 
2249.500 988  2251.500 982  2249.500 978  c 
2246.333 971.833  2237.667 970.667  2233 966.667  c 
2231 965  2230 960.667  2227 961.167  c 
2223.167 962  2223.167 967.667  2219 968.500  c 
2213.500 969.333  2210.333 963  2206 961.500  c 
2203.500 960.500  2200.833 962.167  2200.667 965  c 
2200.667 967.167  2204.667 973  2207 973.667  c 
2209 974.500  2210.833 973.667  2213 975.167  c 
2214.667 976.333  2216.500 978.667  2216.667 981  c 
2217 982.667  2215.833 984  2217.167 985.667  c 
2218.833 987.833  2221.667 987.167  2224 988.500  c 
2226 989.667  2229.333 994.667  2230.167 997  c 
2231.333 1000.667  2226.833 1001.500  2225.500 1004.167  c 
2224.167 1006.333  2225.833 1009.500  2225.667 1012  c 
2225.667 1017.500  2223.667 1020  2229 1024  c 
1355 1003.500 m
1359.167 1004.333  1367 1004.833  1371 1002.500  c 
1375.333 999.833  1378 991  1372 988.500  c 
1370.333 987.833  1368.333 988.667  1367 989.167  c 
1363.333 990.667  1356.667 992.167  1354 995.167  c 
1352.333 997  1351.167 1002.667  1355 1003.500  c 
1149 992.500 m
1151 992.167  1151.500 990.667  1149 990.667  c 
1148.167 990.667  1148.500 992.500  1149 992.500  c 
1157 990.500 m
1159 990.167  1159.500 988.667  1157 988.667  c 
1156.167 988.667  1156.500 990.500  1157 990.500  c 
1148 984.500 m
1150 984.167  1150.500 982.667  1148 982.667  c 
1147.167 982.667  1147.500 984.500  1148 984.500  c 
1158 982.500 m
1160 982.167  1160.500 980.667  1158 980.667  c 
1157.167 980.667  1157.500 982.500  1158 982.500  c 
1447 979 m
1447 978 l
1441.833 975.833  1434 975.500  1432 982  c 
1447 979 l
1164 976.500 m
1166 976.167  1166.500 974.667  1164 974.667  c 
1163.167 974.667  1163.500 976.500  1164 976.500  c 
1505 973 m
1500.833 969.833  1492.833 966.333  1491 973  c 
1505 973 l
2218 963 m
2219.833 958.167  2214.667 954.833  2211 952  c 
2207 957.500  2212.833 960.833  2218 963  c 
2188 943 m
2184.667 948.167  2183.167 954  2189 957.500  c 
2190.167 958.167  2191.333 959.500  2193 959.167  c 
2196.667 958.833  2203.667 952.333  2205 949  c 
2205.500 947.333  2204.833 945.667  2205.167 944  c 
2205.500 940.167  2204.833 931.167  2199 931.500  c 
2191.167 931.667  2196.500 946.333  2188 943  c 
2203 910.500 m
2205.167 910.667  2208 910  2206.500 907  c 
2205.333 904.833  2202.667 904.500  2201.167 902.667  c 
2199.833 901.167  2198.667 896.167  2196 896.167  c 
2192.167 896.167  2193 900.833  2194.167 903  c 
2196 906.833  2198.333 909.833  2203 910.500  c 
710.167 904.500 m
712 904.167  712.500 902.667  710.167 902.667  c 
709.167 902.667  709.500 904.500  710.167 904.500  c 
702.167 903.500 m
704 903.167  704.500 901.667  702.167 901.667  c 
701.167 901.667  701.500 903.500  702.167 903.500  c 
713.167 895.500 m
715 895.167  715.500 893.667  713.167 893.667  c 
712.167 893.667  712.500 895.500  713.167 895.500  c 
704.167 891.500 m
706 891.167  706.500 889.667  704.167 889.667  c 
703.167 889.667  703.500 891.500  704.167 891.500  c 
2141 891.500 m
2151.167 890.500  2147.333 877.167  2145.167 871  c 
2144.500 868.500  2144.500 862.167  2141 862.167  c 
2139 862.167  2137.167 864.667  2136 866  c 
2131.167 871.167  2132.167 879.333  2135.667 885  c 
2136.500 886.333  2138.833 891.667  2141 891.500  c 
716.167 884.500 m
718 884.167  718.500 882.667  716.167 882.667  c 
715.167 882.667  715.500 884.500  716.167 884.500  c 
651 867 m
653.833 874.333  661.667 876  669 876  c 
675.833 876  682.500 874.833  689 872  c 
691.167 871  692.833 869.167  695 868.167  c 
699.667 865.667  703.833 864.500  708.167 861.167  c 
711.667 858.500  721.167 856.500  721.167 851  c 
721.167 849.833  720.167 847.667  719 847.500  c 
714.667 846.333  709.333 847.667  705 846.667  c 
703.167 846.167  700.833 844.500  699 845.500  c 
695.833 846.833  697 852.333  694.667 854.667  c 
689.500 860.333  681.667 863.500  675 866.667  c 
671.333 868.500  665.833 869.667  662 868.667  c 
658 867.500  655 865.333  651 867  c 
720.167 875.500 m
722 875.167  722.500 873.667  720.167 873.667  c 
719.167 873.667  719.500 875.500  720.167 875.500  c 
725.167 867.500 m
727 867.167  727.500 865.667  725.167 865.667  c 
724.167 865.667  724.500 867.500  725.167 867.500  c 
90 861.500 m
92 861.167  92.500 859.667  90 859.667  c 
89.167 859.667  89.500 861.500  90 861.500  c 
82 858.500 m
84 858.167  84.500 856.667  82 856.667  c 
81.167 856.667  81.500 858.500  82 858.500  c 
1088 857.500 m
1090 857.167  1090.500 855.667  1088 855.667  c 
1087.167 855.667  1087.500 857.500  1088 857.500  c 
105 856.500 m
107 856.167  107.500 854.667  105 854.667  c 
104.167 854.667  104.500 856.500  105 856.500  c 
1109 855.500 m
1111 855.167  1111.500 853.667  1109 853.667  c 
1108.167 853.667  1108.500 855.500  1109 855.500  c 
1097 854.500 m
1099 854.167  1099.500 852.667  1097 852.667  c 
1096.167 852.667  1096.500 854.500  1097 854.500  c 
115 853.500 m
117 853.167  117.500 851.667  115 851.667  c 
114.167 851.667  114.500 853.500  115 853.500  c 
123 849.500 m
125 849.167  125.500 847.667  123 847.667  c 
122.167 847.667  122.500 849.500  123 849.500  c 
1109 848.500 m
1111 848.167  1111.500 846.667  1109 846.667  c 
1108.167 846.667  1108.500 848.500  1109 848.500  c 
728 847.500 m
736.333 849.333  747.500 848.833  755 844.667  c 
759.333 842  769.667 835.667  760 832.167  c 
757.667 831.500  755.167 832.167  753 832  c 
749.333 831.500  745.500 830  742 830  c 
737.833 830  732.833 830.833  729 831.667  c 
726.500 832  722.167 831  720.167 832.500  c 
715.833 835.500  723.167 842.667  725.167 845  c 
725.667 845.667  726.833 847.167  728 847.500  c 
130 845.500 m
131 845.667  132.667 846.500  133.667 845.500  c 
136 843.167  135 839.167  132 838.167  c 
126.833 836.667  125.333 844.500  130 845.500  c 
1100 843.500 m
1102 843.167  1102.500 841.667  1100 841.667  c 
1099.167 841.667  1099.500 843.500  1100 843.500  c 
2150 804 m
2144 802.500 l
2142.667 810 l
2140.500 823.667 l
2145 825 l
2143.333 828.500  2142.500 831.333  2144.667 835  c 
2145.333 836.333  2146 838.333  2148 838.667  c 
2150.167 838.833  2151.667 836.333  2154 836.500  c 
2156.500 836.667  2160.333 841.167  2162.500 836.667  c 
2163.833 834  2159.667 830.833  2160.167 828  c 
2160.333 825.833  2162.667 824.167  2161.500 822  c 
2159.833 818.833  2155.167 820.333  2155 816  c 
2154.833 814.167  2156.667 807.500  2158.167 806.500  c 
2159.333 805.500  2161.500 806  2163 805.667  c 
2166.833 804.667  2171.500 801.333  2171.667 797  c 
2172.167 788.333  2164 797.667  2162 798.500  c 
2159.667 799.167  2158 796.833  2156 797  c 
2151.833 797  2151.167 801.167  2150 804  c 
706 832 m
702.333 827.500  693.833 826.667  692.167 834  c 
691.333 838.833  699.833 836.833  702 835.667  c 
703.333 834.667  704.667 833.167  706 832  c 
790.167 831.500 m
792 831.167  792.500 829.667  790.167 829.667  c 
789.167 829.667  789.500 831.500  790.167 831.500  c 
780.167 825.500 m
782 825.167  782.500 823.667  780.167 823.667  c 
779.167 823.667  779.500 825.500  780.167 825.500  c 
798.167 823.500 m
800 823.167  800.500 821.667  798.167 821.667  c 
797.167 821.667  797.500 823.500  798.167 823.500  c 
803.167 813.500 m
805 813.167  805.500 811.667  803.167 811.667  c 
802.167 811.667  802.500 813.500  803.167 813.500  c 
813.167 803.500 m
815 803.167  815.500 801.667  813.167 801.667  c 
812.167 801.667  812.500 803.500  813.167 803.500  c 
2148.167 793.500 m
2150.833 793.500  2156.833 791.833  2158.667 789.667  c 
2160.833 787.500  2158.500 785  2156 785  c 
2153.667 784.833  2149.500 787.167  2148.167 789  c 
2147.667 789.500  2146 793.333  2148.167 793.500  c 
2179 789 m
2185.167 783 l
2190 776 l
2189 775 l
2179 780 l
2179 789 l
2174 779 m
2169.833 776  2168.167 778.667  2165 782  c 
2169.167 784.833  2171.500 783.167  2174 779  c 
1943 781.500 m
1945 781.167  1945.500 779.667  1943 779.667  c 
1942.167 779.667  1942.500 781.500  1943 781.500  c 
2153 780 m
2156.333 775.167  2152.167 768.500  2147 767  c 
2144.667 772.167  2149.333 776.167  2153 780  c 
1941 774.500 m
1943 774.167  1943.500 772.667  1941 772.667  c 
1940.167 772.667  1940.500 774.500  1941 774.500  c 
2168 773 m
2169 763 l
2163.333 764.500  2161.667 771  2168 773  c 
2180 770 m
2181.667 765.667  2179.167 763.167  2175 765  c 
2180 770 l
2515.167 768.500 m
2517 768.167  2517.500 766.667  2515.167 766.667  c 
2514.167 766.667  2514.500 768.500  2515.167 768.500  c 
1941 767.500 m
1943 767.167  1943.500 765.667  1941 765.667  c 
1940.167 765.667  1940.500 767.500  1941 767.500  c 
2185 729 m
2180.500 734.667 l
2175.667 740 l
2172 746 l
2163 740 l
2160.500 745.667  2163.167 748.333  2166.667 753  c 
2167.500 754.167  2167.833 755.667  2169.167 756.500  c 
2170.667 757.500  2173 756.667  2175 757.167  c 
2178.333 758.333  2178.833 759  2182 757  c 
2186 764.500 l
2192 760 l
2193 748 l
2194 742 l
2188.167 735.667 l
2185 729 l
2536.167 762.500 m
2538 762.167  2538.500 760.667  2536.167 760.667  c 
2535.167 760.667  2535.500 762.500  2536.167 762.500  c 
1855 760 m
1863.500 750 l
1871 739 l
1862 729.167 l
1857 729 l
1851 728.500 l
1847.500 733 l
1845 739 l
1852.500 750 l
1855 760 l
2348.167 759.500 m
2350 759.167  2350.500 757.667  2348.167 757.667  c 
2347.167 757.667  2347.500 759.500  2348.167 759.500  c 
1942 758.500 m
1944 758.167  1944.500 756.667  1942 756.667  c 
1941.167 756.667  1941.500 758.500  1942 758.500  c 
2376.167 755.500 m
2378 755.167  2378.500 753.667  2376.167 753.667  c 
2375.167 753.667  2375.500 755.500  2376.167 755.500  c 
2522.167 754.500 m
2524 754.167  2524.500 752.667  2522.167 752.667  c 
2521.167 752.667  2521.500 754.500  2522.167 754.500  c 
2361.167 753.500 m
2363 753.167  2363.500 751.667  2361.167 751.667  c 
2360.167 751.667  2360.500 753.500  2361.167 753.500  c 
2352.167 751.500 m
2354 751.167  2354.500 749.667  2352.167 749.667  c 
2351.167 749.667  2351.500 751.500  2352.167 751.500  c 
2535.167 751.500 m
2537 751.167  2537.500 749.667  2535.167 749.667  c 
2534.167 749.667  2534.500 751.500  2535.167 751.500  c 
2385.167 748.500 m
2387 748.167  2387.500 746.667  2385.167 746.667  c 
2384.167 746.667  2384.500 748.500  2385.167 748.500  c 
2367.167 746.500 m
2369 746.167  2369.500 744.667  2367.167 744.667  c 
2366.167 744.667  2366.500 746.500  2367.167 746.500  c 
2525.167 745.500 m
2527 745.167  2527.500 743.667  2525.167 743.667  c 
2524.167 743.667  2524.500 745.500  2525.167 745.500  c 
2344.167 744.500 m
2346 744.167  2346.500 742.667  2344.167 742.667  c 
2343.167 742.667  2343.500 744.500  2344.167 744.500  c 
2374.167 741.500 m
2376 741.167  2376.500 739.667  2374.167 739.667  c 
2373.167 739.667  2373.500 741.500  2374.167 741.500  c 
2335.167 740.500 m
2337 740.167  2337.500 738.667  2335.167 738.667  c 
2334.167 738.667  2334.500 740.500  2335.167 740.500  c 
2358.167 740.500 m
2360 740.167  2360.500 738.667  2358.167 738.667  c 
2357.167 738.667  2357.500 740.500  2358.167 740.500  c 
2535.167 740.500 m
2537 740.167  2537.500 738.667  2535.167 738.667  c 
2534.167 738.667  2534.500 740.500  2535.167 740.500  c 
2144 688 m
2141.833 686.167  2138.833 685  2137.167 683  c 
2135 680.333  2134.667 676  2133.667 673  c 
2132 668.167  2129.167 664.333  2127.167 660  c 
2125 655.500  2123.333 646.833  2119 644.500  c 
2112.167 640.667  2110.167 649.333  2105 650.667  c 
2100.167 651.833  2094.667 652.500  2090 653  c 
2087.667 653.167  2085 652.333  2083 653.500  c 
2080.167 655  2078.333 660.167  2076.667 663  c 
2073.167 669  2067.667 678.500  2070.167 686  c 
2071.333 689  2074.167 692.167  2076 695  c 
2077 694.333  2078.667 692.833  2080 692.500  c 
2086.667 690.500  2084.833 700.333  2089.167 702.500  c 
2091 703.333  2092.833 701.500  2095 702.500  c 
2097.667 703.667  2099 706.833  2101 709  c 
2106 714.500  2111.667 719.667  2117 725  c 
2119.833 727.833  2123 730.833  2125.667 734  c 
2126.833 735.167  2127.833 737.167  2130 736.667  c 
2132 736.333  2134.500 732.500  2135.667 731  c 
2137.667 728.667  2142.167 725  2142.500 722  c 
2142.500 719.667  2140.500 717.667  2139.167 716  c 
2137.167 712.833  2134.500 708.833  2135 705  c 
2135.500 699  2140.833 692.667  2144 688  c 
1969 724.500 m
1973.500 725  1978.667 722.833  1983 721.667  c 
1984.667 721.333  1986.333 721  1987.500 719.667  c 
1991.667 715.500  1994.667 710.167  1999 706  c 
2001.667 703.167  2005 701.500  2008 699  c 
2012.333 695  2016.333 690.833  2021 687.167  c 
2023.167 685.167  2025.833 684  2028 682  c 
2030.500 679.333  2031.500 675.833  2033.333 673  c 
2035.833 668.667  2039.833 664.833  2043 661  c 
2045.167 658  2049.333 653.667  2049.667 650  c 
2050.167 646.167  2047.833 642.333  2046.833 639  c 
2045.833 636.167  2045.167 631  2042 630.167  c 
2039 629.333  2036.500 631.833  2034 632.667  c 
2031.667 633.333  2029 633  2027 634.500  c 
2023.667 636.500  2019.833 641.500  2018 645  c 
2012.500 655.333  2006.167 665.167  2001 676  c 
1999 680.500  1998.833 685.833  1995.833 690  c 
1991 696.333  1983.333 704  1977 708.667  c 
1975.333 709.833  1973.500 710.167  1972 711.167  c 
1968.167 713.833  1967.833 716.667  1968 721  c 
1968 721.667  1967.833 724.167  1969 724.500  c 
1793 707.500 m
1795 707.167  1795.500 705.667  1793 705.667  c 
1792.167 705.667  1792.500 707.500  1793 707.500  c 
1785 704.500 m
1787 704.167  1787.500 702.667  1785 702.667  c 
1784.167 702.667  1784.500 704.500  1785 704.500  c 
1791 699.500 m
1793 699.167  1793.500 697.667  1791 697.667  c 
1790.167 697.667  1790.500 699.500  1791 699.500  c 
1784 697.500 m
1786 697.167  1786.500 695.667  1784 695.667  c 
1783.167 695.667  1783.500 697.500  1784 697.500  c 
609.167 692.500 m
611 692.167  611.500 690.667  609.167 690.667  c 
608.167 690.667  608.500 692.500  609.167 692.500  c 
2159 666 m
2173 669 l
2171.500 665.500  2166.667 662.333  2166.167 659  c 
2165.833 655  2171.500 652.167  2171.667 648  c 
2172 645  2168.667 634.667  2164.167 638.167  c 
2160.333 641.167  2160.667 647  2159 651  c 
2151 631 l
2147.667 637  2148.500 641.333  2148 648  c 
2147.667 650.833  2145.833 654  2146.167 657  c 
2146.333 659  2147.667 661  2148.167 663  c 
2149.833 667.667  2150.833 671.500  2153.167 676  c 
2154.833 679.333  2155 684.167  2158.167 686.667  c 
2161.167 689.500  2166.333 687.333  2170 687  c 
2176.500 686.167  2180 686  2186 689.667  c 
2187.500 690.500  2190.833 693.333  2192.500 690.667  c 
2194.333 687.333  2188 680.333  2185 680  c 
2178.167 678.833  2167.667 684.500  2162 679  c 
2160.333 677.333  2159.500 675  2158.667 673  c 
2157.833 670.167  2157.833 668.500  2159 666  c 
1786 690.500 m
1788 690.167  1788.500 688.667  1786 688.667  c 
1785.167 688.667  1785.500 690.500  1786 690.500  c 
2039 688.500 m
2045.667 689.833  2047.167 686.833  2048.167 681  c 
2049 677.167  2049.667 672.667  2045 671.167  c 
2039.333 669.667  2034 680.667  2036 685  c 
2036.333 685.833  2037.833 688.167  2039 688.500  c 
616.167 686.500 m
618 686.167  618.500 684.667  616.167 684.667  c 
615.167 684.667  615.500 686.500  616.167 686.500  c 
625.167 681.500 m
627 681.167  627.500 679.667  625.167 679.667  c 
624.167 679.667  624.500 681.500  625.167 681.500  c 
601.167 680.500 m
603 680.167  603.500 678.667  601.167 678.667  c 
600.167 678.667  600.500 680.500  601.167 680.500  c 
609.167 680.500 m
611 680.167  611.500 678.667  609.167 678.667  c 
608.167 678.667  608.500 680.500  609.167 680.500  c 
1788 680.500 m
1790 680.167  1790.500 678.667  1788 678.667  c 
1787.167 678.667  1787.500 680.500  1788 680.500  c 
618.167 676.500 m
620 676.167  620.500 674.667  618.167 674.667  c 
617.167 674.667  617.500 676.500  618.167 676.500  c 
2242 674.500 m
2245.833 675.167  2254.667 673.500  2257.667 670.667  c 
2261.167 667.167  2256.500 661.167  2253 660.167  c 
2248.667 659.167  2241 660.833  2238 664  c 
2234.667 667.167  2237.500 673.500  2242 674.500  c 
1487 669.167 m
1492 667.500  1490.167 664.167  1490 660  c 
1489.667 655.833  1490.500 654.667  1488.333 651  c 
1487 648.667  1485.167 644.500  1482 645.167  c 
1479.500 645.500  1479.833 649.167  1479.333 651  c 
1477.333 657.333  1476 663.500  1483 667.500  c 
1483.667 667.833  1486.167 669.500  1487 669.167  c 
2375 590 m
2371.667 587.500  2369.833 588.167  2366 589  c 
2362.167 589.667  2357.833 589.333  2355 592  c 
2349.500 596.667  2347.500 606.500  2341 609.667  c 
2338.167 610.833  2330.833 615  2328.167 613.500  c 
2324.500 611.333  2325.333 605  2323.500 602  c 
2321.167 598.333  2313.500 600  2310 600  c 
2308.667 600  2307.167 599.833  2306 600.500  c 
2303.500 601.667  2302.333 604.833  2300.667 606.667  c 
2297 610.500  2292.500 613.167  2290.167 618  c 
2287.333 623.333  2286.500 630  2281 633.667  c 
2278.667 635  2275.500 635.333  2273 636.167  c 
2266 638.500  2258.667 640.333  2252 643.167  c 
2249 644.333  2243.167 646.667  2244.167 651  c 
2244.500 653  2247.167 653.333  2249 653.667  c 
2251.167 654.333  2254.500 655.833  2257 655.167  c 
2260.333 654.167  2262.833 648.667  2267 650.500  c 
2271.333 652.333  2275.500 658.500  2279 662  c 
2280.667 663.667  2282.333 665.833  2285 666  c 
2288.167 666  2291.167 663.167  2294 661.667  c 
2300 658.667  2306 656.333  2312 653  c 
2319.333 648.500  2329 647.833  2336 642.667  c 
2340.333 639.500  2344 634.833  2348 631  c 
2349.667 629.167  2352.333 627.167  2353.500 625  c 
2355.500 620.833  2352.667 616  2355.167 612  c 
2360.500 603.833  2369.333 597.833  2375 590  c 
1665 639.500 m
1667 639.167  1667.500 637.667  1665 637.667  c 
1664.167 637.667  1664.500 639.500  1665 639.500  c 
1663 631.500 m
1665 631.167  1665.500 629.667  1663 629.667  c 
1662.167 629.667  1662.500 631.500  1663 631.500  c 
1670 629.500 m
1672 629.167  1672.500 627.667  1670 627.667  c 
1669.167 627.667  1669.500 629.500  1670 629.500  c 
2139 605 m
2134.333 599.167  2127.167 603.833  2121 604  c 
2112.833 604  2104.833 604.667  2097 606.167  c 
2093.833 606.833  2091 608.500  2088 609  c 
2079.167 609.833  2071.167 608.833  2063 612.167  c 
2057.667 614.167  2052.333 615.167  2047 616.167  c 
2045.333 616.667  2042.500 617  2042 619  c 
2040.833 625.500  2050.167 625.500  2054 626.167  c 
2055.833 626.667  2058 627.500  2060 626.667  c 
2063.500 625.500  2064.667 621.500  2069 621  c 
2075.833 620  2083.333 623.667  2090 621.667  c 
2097.167 619.667  2102.833 612.667  2110 610.167  c 
2118.833 607.333  2130.833 610.667  2139 605  c 
1664 625.500 m
1666 625.167  1666.500 623.667  1664 623.667  c 
1663.167 623.667  1663.500 625.500  1664 625.500  c 
1660 618.500 m
1662 618.167  1662.500 616.667  1660 616.667  c 
1659.167 616.667  1659.500 618.500  1660 618.500  c 
1511 599 m
1513.667 596.167  1516.500 593.167  1516.500 589  c 
1516.333 585.500  1513.167 580  1514.500 577  c 
1515.333 574.667  1517.667 573  1518.833 571  c 
1519.667 569  1520 566.833  1521 565  c 
1523.667 559  1527.667 554  1525.500 547  c 
1524.500 543.667  1522 540.500  1520 538  c 
1514.500 548 l
1516.500 557.667 l
1505.500 562 l
1507.833 577 l
1511 599 l
2238 399 m
2232.333 397.333  2228 391.667  2223 388.833  c 
2221.333 387.833  2219 386.333  2217.167 387.500  c 
2213.500 389.500  2213.500 397.333  2212.667 401  c 
2211.333 405.833  2204 411.333  2199 411.833  c 
2197.167 411.833  2195.667 411  2194 411  c 
2189.833 410.500  2184.833 411.833  2181 410.833  c 
2179 410.167  2177.833 408.667  2176 408  c 
2170.500 406.333  2164 406.500  2159 404.500  c 
2150.833 401.167  2143.833 395  2136 391.500  c 
2132.500 389.833  2127.667 391.333  2124 391  c 
2118.167 390.333  2112.667 389.500  2107 389  c 
2101.833 388.500  2096.667 386  2092 384.500  c 
2086 382.833  2082.833 380.167  2078 386  c 
2072.333 392.500  2082 398  2084.500 404  c 
2086.500 409  2085 417.333  2085 423  c 
2085 430.500  2082.833 438.333  2084 446  c 
2084.500 449.667  2086.500 453  2087 457  c 
2087.667 464.500  2085.833 474.833  2089.500 482  c 
2091.333 485.833  2096.333 492  2100 494.833  c 
2103.667 497.667  2109.500 498.667  2114 500.333  c 
2119.333 502.167  2124.333 505  2130 506.500  c 
2134.667 508  2140.833 508.667  2144.667 512.167  c 
2148.667 515.333  2151.500 520.167  2155 524  c 
2158.500 528  2163.167 530.667  2166.667 535  c 
2170.833 540.167  2174.667 547.500  2180 551.667  c 
2183 554.167  2187.333 555  2191 556.167  c 
2193.333 557.167  2195.500 559  2198 559.667  c 
2202.500 560.667  2201.500 556.500  2203.500 554.167  c 
2204.833 552.167  2211.667 551.333  2214 552.167  c 
2217.667 553.500  2214 558.167  2216.167 561  c 
2220.333 566.500  2228.667 570.167  2234 575  c 
2236.167 577  2237.833 579.500  2241 580  c 
2249 581.167  2259 578.500  2267 577  c 
2269.333 576.500  2272.167 574.833  2271.667 572  c 
2271.500 570.333  2270 569.167  2269.167 568  c 
2267 564.333  2264.167 561.333  2261.667 558  c 
2260.500 556.500  2258.833 554.833  2259.167 553  c 
2259.500 550.167  2263 548.333  2265 546.667  c 
2269.500 543.167  2274.333 540.167  2279 536.667  c 
2281.833 534.333  2286.167 530  2290 529.167  c 
2294.667 528.333  2295.833 537  2297.167 540  c 
2302 551.167  2305 563.167  2308.667 575  c 
2309.500 578  2309.667 585  2314 585  c 
2317.833 585  2316.667 580.500  2317 578  c 
2317.500 572.667  2318.333 567.167  2319 562  c 
2319.167 560  2318.500 557.833  2320.167 556.167  c 
2323.167 553.333  2328.167 554.167  2330.500 550  c 
2334.667 541.833  2330 530.333  2333.500 522  c 
2335 517.833  2338.667 514.667  2341 511  c 
2343 507.500  2344.167 503.500  2346.167 500  c 
2350.667 491.333  2356 483.333  2361 475  c 
2363.333 470.667  2367.500 466.667  2368.667 462  c 
2370 457.333  2368.333 452.333  2368 448  c 
2367.667 445.667  2368.167 443.167  2368 441  c 
2367.167 435.833  2362.167 431.833  2359.167 428  c 
2354.500 421.667  2349.833 415.333  2345.167 409  c 
2344 407  2342.333 405  2341.500 403  c 
2340.667 401.333  2341 399.667  2339.667 398.333  c 
2337.833 396.167  2335 395  2333 393  c 
2329.333 389.333  2325.333 385.833  2322.167 382  c 
2318 377.167  2312.667 372.167  2309.167 367  c 
2307.833 364.667  2307.667 362  2305.667 360  c 
2300.833 355.500  2291 355.500  2285 353  c 
2282.500 351.833  2280.667 350  2278 350  c 
2272.833 349.667  2273.167 356.500  2269 356.500  c 
2264.833 356.667  2260.833 350.833  2257 350  c 
2254.333 349.500  2252.833 351.167  2251 352.500  c 
2247.500 355  2243.167 356.500  2240 359.333  c 
2236 362.500  2238.667 367.833  2239 372  c 
2239 373.333  2239.167 375.500  2238.500 376.833  c 
2237.167 378.500  2235 378.333  2235 381  c 
2234.500 387  2240.167 393.167  2238 399  c 
1624 577.500 m
1626 577.667  1627.333 577.833  1628.500 576  c 
1629.333 574.333  1628.833 571.667  1629.333 570  c 
1630.500 563.667  1633 556.167  1633 550  c 
1633 540.500  1625.667 530.167  1622 522  c 
1615.333 507.667  1612.500 491.500  1606.500 477  c 
1604.167 471  1601.333 469  1596 466  c 
1594.500 465  1592.833 463.167  1591 463.333  c 
1587.667 463.333  1584.500 468.500  1583 471  c 
1581.333 473.333  1578.833 476  1578 479  c 
1576.667 484.167  1577.167 493.667  1578 499  c 
1578.667 504.167  1584.667 507.667  1585.500 513  c 
1586 515  1584.167 516.833  1584 519  c 
1583.167 523.833  1585.333 528.167  1586 533  c 
1586.167 535.667  1586.167 539.500  1588.333 541.667  c 
1590.667 544.333  1596.667 542.667  1600 544.167  c 
1604 546.167  1607 552.333  1609.500 556  c 
1613.500 561.500  1617.167 567.333  1621 573  c 
1621.667 573.667  1623.167 577.333  1624 577.500  c 
244.167 558.500 m
246 558.167  246.500 556.667  244.167 556.667  c 
243.167 556.667  243.500 558.500  244.167 558.500  c 
236.167 557.500 m
238 557.167  238.500 555.667  236.167 555.667  c 
235.167 555.667  235.500 557.500  236.167 557.500  c 
228.167 555.500 m
230 555.167  230.500 553.667  228.167 553.667  c 
227.167 553.667  227.500 555.500  228.167 555.500  c 
224.167 549.500 m
226 549.167  226.500 547.667  224.167 547.667  c 
223.167 547.667  223.500 549.500  224.167 549.500  c 
231.167 547.500 m
233 547.167  233.500 545.667  231.167 545.667  c 
230.167 545.667  230.500 547.500  231.167 547.500  c 
2590 546 m
2590 544 l
2585 542 l
2588 537 l
2584 534.167  2584 536.333  2580 536.667  c 
2576.833 537  2574.333 532.167  2571.167 534.500  c 
2568 536.500  2571 542.833  2573.167 544.667  c 
2577 547.667  2585.667 547.667  2590 546  c 
2558 530.667 m
2560.833 530.333  2566.667 526.833  2566.167 523  c 
2565.500 519  2559.667 518.667  2557 517.667  c 
2555.667 517.167  2554.333 516.167  2553 516.167  c 
2549.833 516.667  2548.500 520.167  2549 523  c 
2549.333 526.333  2554.167 530.833  2558 530.667  c 
2579 531 m
2581 531 l
2581 526 l
2579 526 l
2579 531 l
2576 523 m
2576 518 l
2572 520 l
2576 523 l
2483 369.500 m
2489.500 369.833  2485 363.333  2489 360  c 
2492.500 357.333  2494.667 361.500  2498 362.500  c 
2499.167 363  2501.667 363.167  2502.500 361.833  c 
2504.500 358  2497 354.833  2495 353.500  c 
2486.667 348.500  2479.833 342.667  2473 336  c 
2470 333.167  2466.333 328.333  2462 329  c 
2455 330  2462.167 336.333  2463.167 339  c 
2464.167 342.167  2459.667 344.667  2461.500 347.833  c 
2462.333 349.333  2464.333 349.500  2466 350.333  c 
2469.500 351.833  2472.500 353.500  2474.667 357  c 
2476.167 359.500  2479.167 369.500  2483 369.500  c 
2447 338 m
2452 331 l
2450.167 326.500  2446 325.333  2443 322  c 
2438.833 317.500  2435 313.667  2430 310.333  c 
2422.833 305.500  2414.167 303.167  2407 299  c 
2403.333 296.833  2400.500 293.833  2397 292  c 
2390.500 288.500  2385.667 284.333  2379 288.500  c 
2377.667 289.333  2376 290.500  2375.500 292  c 
2374.667 294  2376.667 295  2378 296  c 
2381.667 299.333  2386 302.500  2390.167 305.500  c 
2393.167 307.500  2396.667 307.167  2400 308.500  c 
2404.833 310.333  2410.333 313.500  2415 316.333  c 
2422.333 320.667  2430 325.333  2437 330.333  c 
2440.500 332.833  2442.667 336.333  2447 338  c 
890 255.667 m
895.333 254.667  893 250  892.167 246  c 
891.667 244  892 240.500  889 241.167  c 
884.833 241.833  885.333 250.167  886.500 253  c 
886.667 253.667  889 255.667  890 255.667  c 
900 251 m
904.333 246.500  905 242  898 240  c 
900 251 l
1026 234 m
1030.667 232.667  1037.333 229  1034 224  c 
1024 232 l
1026 234 l
} bd

/MountainOutline {
2291 1255 m
2277 1246.500 l
2271 1239.500 l
2266 1241 l
2251 1244.500 l
2237 1246 l
2230 1247.833 l
2225 1247 l
2219 1249 l
2198 1248 l
2201 1242 l
2193 1244 l
2179 1247 l
2144 1247 l
2129 1251.500 l
2123 1252 l
2111 1254.500 l
2103 1255 l
2090 1258 l
2052 1263 l
2032 1266.833 l
2023 1270 l
2016 1269.500 l
2011 1262.500 l
2004 1261.500 l
1980 1257 l
1958 1270.500 l
1944 1274 l
1917 1273 l
1903 1271 l
1858 1278 l
1832 1272 l
1852 1287 l
1839 1293.500 l
1821 1294 l
1816 1295.833 l
1810 1296 l
1793 1301 l
1782 1295 l
1770 1294 l
1759 1291.333 l
1751 1291 l
1735 1287.333 l
1726 1285 l
1725.833 1278 l
1718 1277 l
1705 1274.333 l
1699 1272.833 l
1699 1267 l
1699 1257 l
1695.667 1259  1692.333 1260.667  1689 1262.500  c 
1686 1263.833  1683.667 1266  1681 1267.833  c 
1677.167 1270.333  1670.167 1267  1671.500 1262  c 
1672 1259.667  1674.500 1257.667  1676 1256  c 
1679.500 1251.667  1682.833 1247.333  1686.333 1243  c 
1687.667 1241  1691.333 1238.500  1691.500 1236  c 
1691.500 1233.500  1688.500 1231.500  1687 1230  c 
1685.667 1228.167  1684.667 1225.500  1682.833 1224.500  c 
1680 1222.833  1671.667 1224.833  1669 1226  c 
1671.500 1229.333  1676.833 1228.167  1679.500 1231  c 
1688.500 1240.500  1669.833 1250.167  1666 1257  c 
1664.833 1258.833  1663.833 1260.667  1664 1263  c 
1664 1265.833  1666.333 1269  1663 1271  c 
1661 1271.833  1658.833 1271.667  1657 1272.333  c 
1654.167 1273  1650.833 1275.833  1648 1274.500  c 
1644.833 1272.833  1643.500 1268.667  1642 1266  c 
1640.833 1263.833  1637.833 1260.333  1638.500 1258  c 
1639.167 1256.167  1641.667 1255  1643 1254  c 
1647.167 1250.167  1653 1246.500  1656 1242  c 
1639 1245.500 l
1631 1246.333 l
1614 1250 l
1607 1240.500 l
1599 1240 l
1577 1240 l
1571 1248 l
1561.500 1259 l
1555.833 1266.500 l
1543 1271.333 l
1529 1276.833 l
1516 1280.333 l
1473 1296.333 l
1463 1300.500 l
1452 1303.333 l
1446 1306.500 l
1435 1309.500 l
1422 1315 l
1397 1309.500 l
1376 1299 l
1369 1295 l
1365 1297.500 l
1346 1310.833 l
1333 1310 l
1302 1311 l
1288 1311.333 l
1265 1316.333 l
1249 1322.833 l
1235 1324.833 l
1220 1329.500 l
1210 1330 l
1202 1332.500 l
1187 1334 l
1182 1334.833 l
1176 1332.333 l
1158 1326.333 l
1124 1313.500 l
1107 1307 l
1093 1313.500 l
1079 1306 l
1055 1293 l
1059.500 1284 l
1050 1278.833 l
1024 1265.833 l
1013 1261 l
1007.667 1268 l
999 1282 l
994 1290 l
988 1292.333 l
969 1296 l
956 1298.833 l
938 1301 l
923 1303.500 l
917 1300.500 l
907 1294 l
910.333 1291  915.667 1289  917.667 1285  c 
920.500 1279.500  919.500 1270.667  916.167 1266  c 
914.833 1264  912.833 1260.667  910 1261  c 
908.333 1261.333  907.167 1262.667  906 1263.500  c 
901.167 1266  896.333 1268.500  892 1271.833  c 
890.167 1273.167  887.333 1276.333  885 1276.500  c 
882.167 1276.500  879.500 1270.667  877.667 1269  c 
874.833 1266  870.333 1266.500  867 1268  c 
872 1276 l
856 1277 l
849 1275.833 l
838 1262.500 l
813 1260 l
816.500 1252.833  824 1255.167  831 1254  c 
833.167 1253.667  838.833 1254  837.500 1250  c 
836.167 1246.500  831.667 1244.667  829 1243  c 
823.333 1239.333  817.667 1237.667  812 1234.833  c 
810.167 1233.833  808.667 1232.333  807 1231.500  c 
804.167 1230.167  800.833 1230.500  798 1229.500  c 
794.667 1228.500  791.333 1227  788 1226.333  c 
785.667 1225.667  783.167 1226.167  781 1225.500  c 
774.667 1223.833  767.500 1221.500  761 1221  c 
755.667 1220.333  750.167 1220.500  745 1220  c 
738.167 1219.333  731.667 1216.500  725 1216  c 
717 1215.167  709.667 1214.333  702 1212.500  c 
695.500 1211.167  689.167 1209  683 1207  c 
675.333 1204.833  667.333 1204.833  660 1202.500  c 
656.167 1201.500  652.167 1198  648 1198.500  c 
643.333 1199.167  637.667 1204.833  634 1207.500  c 
632.333 1208.667  630.500 1209.833  630.167 1212  c 
629.833 1216  636.500 1218.667  632 1222.500  c 
628.500 1225.500  619.500 1231.667  615 1231.500  c 
610.833 1231.167  605.667 1225.333  602 1227.333  c 
600 1228.167  599 1230.333  597.667 1232  c 
595 1235.167  592 1238.833  589 1242  c 
586.333 1244.333  583.667 1243.667  581.167 1245.500  c 
578.667 1247  578.667 1249.833  575 1250  c 
571.500 1250  568.167 1248  565 1247.500  c 
556.833 1246  548.167 1243.667  540 1243.333  c 
537.167 1243.167  535 1245.167  533 1246.500  c 
529.167 1249.167  524.500 1252.333  520 1253  c 
511.667 1253.833  503.167 1253.167  495 1254  c 
489.667 1254.500  485 1257.167  480 1258.500  c 
477.667 1259.333  475.167 1258.667  473 1259  c 
470.833 1259.500  469 1260.667  467 1261  c 
465.167 1261.167  463.500 1260.667  462 1261.500  c 
454.833 1265  451.833 1275.333  449 1282  c 
447.500 1285.167  444.833 1287.500  444 1291  c 
520 1323.500 l
556 1336.500 l
606 1353.333 l
618 1357.500 l
624 1360.500 l
639 1361 l
668 1361 l
762 1361 l
1064 1361 l
1738 1361 l
1948 1361 l
2013 1361 l
2049 1359.500 l
2078 1348.333 l
2147 1324.333 l
2214 1296.833 l
2265 1271 l
2293 1255 l
536 1166 m
535 1162.333  532.667 1159.167  531.167 1156  c 
527.667 1149.167  524.333 1142.333  520.667 1136  c 
518.500 1132.333  514.333 1127.167  514.167 1123  c 
514 1120.500  515.833 1118.667  517.167 1117  c 
520.833 1111.833  526.667 1106.833  529.500 1101  c 
530.500 1098.667  529.667 1096.167  529.167 1094  c 
528.500 1090.333  528.500 1086.500  528 1083  c 
527.667 1081.333  526.833 1079.500  527.167 1078  c 
528.333 1072.667  532.667 1066.667  535.167 1062  c 
537.667 1056.667  541 1051.500  543.167 1046  c 
543.833 1044.167  544.500 1041.667  542.667 1040  c 
539.500 1037.333  533.333 1045.333  532.167 1048  c 
531.500 1049.667  532.833 1051.167  532.667 1053  c 
532.333 1058.333  527 1056.333  524 1055  c 
520 1063 l
520.500 1063.167  522.333 1064  523 1064.500  c 
528.500 1069.333  519.667 1073.333  519 1078  c 
518.333 1081.833  520.833 1089.333  518.500 1092.833  c 
517.167 1094.500  514.667 1094.167  513.167 1096  c 
510.167 1099.833  510.333 1106.333  508.500 1111  c 
507.167 1114.500  504.167 1118  504 1122  c 
503.333 1130.333  511.833 1138.333  515.667 1145  c 
518.833 1150  522 1155  525.167 1160  c 
526.500 1162  527.667 1165.167  530 1166.500  c 
532 1167.500  534 1166.667  536 1166  c 
1319 1080.500 m
1322.500 1080.500  1326.167 1080  1330 1080  c 
1331.333 1080  1333.500 1080.333  1334.833 1079.500  c 
1341.333 1075  1332.333 1068.500  1328 1068  c 
1323.833 1067.333  1317.667 1067.167  1315 1071  c 
1313.500 1073.167  1315.667 1080.333  1319 1080.500  c 
549 1011 m
530 995.167 l
517.500 988.667 l
517.667 982 l
518 974 l
519 969 l
515 965.167 l
513 969 l
512.667 981 l
510.833 988 l
520 999 l
534 1013.167 l
549 1011 l
1895 914 m
1896.500 911.500  1900.167 906  1896.833 903.500  c 
1895.333 902.333  1892.500 903  1891 903  c 
1888 903  1884.667 902.333  1882 903.167  c 
1878.667 904.167  1876.167 906.667  1873 907.667  c 
1869.667 908.500  1866.167 907.333  1863 908.167  c 
1859.333 909.333  1856.167 912  1853 913.667  c 
1849.333 915.667  1844.833 917.333  1842 920.167  c 
1840.333 921.500  1838.667 924.667  1839 927  c 
1839.500 929  1841.667 931.167  1843 933  c 
1838 936.833  1829 938.667  1825.500 944.167  c 
1823.167 947.500  1822.167 953.667  1828 954.167  c 
1830.833 954.333  1833.833 950.667  1836 949  c 
1839.500 946  1845.500 941.667  1850 940.167  c 
1854.667 938.667  1861.500 941.833  1866 939.500  c 
1871.833 936.167  1874 926.667  1880 923.500  c 
1881.667 922.500  1884.167 923  1886 923  c 
1900 923 l
1902.667 923  1905.833 923.167  1906.833 920  c 
1908.500 913.500  1898.167 915.333  1895 914  c 
1396 636 m
1384 651 l
1385 666 l
1393.500 677 l
1399.333 698 l
1401.833 709 l
1399 711 l
1386 709.667 l
1383 703 l
1382 703 l
1378 709  1375.333 716.167  1372.500 723  c 
1371.667 725.333  1369.167 728.167  1369.500 731  c 
1370.333 738.500  1378.500 743  1375.833 752  c 
1374 757.500  1366.333 760.500  1364.500 766  c 
1363.500 768.500  1366.833 770.667  1367.500 773  c 
1369 776.833  1367.333 781  1367 785  c 
1366.667 788  1367.500 790.333  1365 792.667  c 
1360.500 797  1358.333 792.167  1354 792.667  c 
1352.500 793  1351.500 794.500  1350 794.500  c 
1343.333 794.333  1337.333 791.500  1331 791  c 
1322.333 790.167  1314.167 792.500  1306 794.167  c 
1303.333 794.833  1300.500 796.167  1298 796  c 
1291 795.167  1294.833 785.500  1290.833 782.167  c 
1288.833 780.667  1282.833 781.667  1281 783.167  c 
1278.667 785  1277 788.500  1275 791  c 
1271 796.333  1267.167 801.667  1263 807  c 
1267.333 810  1275.500 810.333  1281 811  c 
1284.333 811.167  1287.167 810.167  1289.833 813  c 
1294.500 817.833  1295.833 825.667  1295 832  c 
1294.500 834.833  1291.833 841.333  1294 843.667  c 
1296.333 846.333  1301 845.333  1304 846.167  c 
1306.500 847.167  1308.833 849.167  1311 850.667  c 
1320.167 857.667  1329.500 864.500  1339 871.167  c 
1341.833 873.333  1345.333 877.333  1349 878.167  c 
1354.667 879.667  1363.167 875  1369 873.667  c 
1374.167 872.667  1377.167 878  1382 877.500  c 
1385.333 877  1389 874  1392 872.167  c 
1397.833 868.833  1403.833 865.333  1410 862.167  c 
1417 858.333  1424 854.333  1431 850.167  c 
1433.500 848.667  1437.833 847.667  1439.500 845  c 
1441.167 841.667  1439.167 837.167  1439 834  c 
1438.333 828.333  1440.500 820  1437.500 815  c 
1436 812.500  1433 813.167  1431.500 811  c 
1430.167 809.167  1430.167 806.833  1429.500 805  c 
1428.333 800.333  1425.833 795.667  1425.333 791  c 
1424.833 787.167  1428.167 782.167  1429.833 779  c 
1432.333 773.333  1433.167 767.500  1435.333 762  c 
1438.167 754.167  1446.333 747.833  1451.500 742  c 
1455.833 737.167  1459.667 731.833  1463.500 727  c 
1465.500 724.500  1467.500 721  1470 719.167  c 
1473.500 716.333  1478.833 719  1483 717.667  c 
1486.667 716.500  1490.667 709.500  1491.833 706  c 
1492.167 704.167  1493 700.667  1492.500 699  c 
1491.333 694  1485.667 690.833  1484 686  c 
1482.333 680.167  1483.833 673.333  1481.500 668  c 
1479.667 664  1477.500 659.333  1473 658.167  c 
1469.833 657.333  1465.833 658  1463 656.500  c 
1459.167 654.500  1459.167 650  1456.500 647.167  c 
1454.167 644.333  1446.333 643.833  1443 645.167  c 
1438.167 646.667  1438.833 656.833  1434 657.500  c 
1430.833 657.833  1426.833 655.500  1424 654.667  c 
1419.833 653.333  1414.667 652.667  1411 650.500  c 
1405.333 647  1400.500 640.500  1396 636  c 
756 531 m
772.167 496 l
778 482 l
771 472 l
772.667 453 l
764.167 435 l
767.667 424 l
766.167 415 l
772.500 402 l
776 397 l
774 369 l
780.667 355 l
781.167 332 l
800.667 293 l
800 283 l
800 276 l
799.500 267 l
813.667 253 l
819 244.500 l
829 244 l
839 239.667 l
848.167 225.167 l
860 221 l
856.667 215.667  853 216.833  848 218.667  c 
842.333 220.500  837.167 222.333  832 224.667  c 
828.333 226.333  824.500 228.333  821 229.667  c 
818.500 230.333  816.167 230.500  814.167 232.167  c 
811.167 234.667  810 238.833  807.667 241.667  c 
796.833 254.333  787.500 268  777.167 281  c 
775.167 283.500  772.333 286.667  771.167 290  c 
770.167 293.333  771.667 296.667  772 300  c 
772.333 304.833  772.500 309.833  773 315  c 
773.333 319.333  776 325.667  774.667 330  c 
773.167 334.500  769 339.167  766.167 343  c 
763.500 346.500  761.833 351  759.667 355  c 
758.333 357.500  756 360  755.667 363  c 
755.167 365.833  757.333 369  757.667 372  c 
758.667 377.500  759.167 383.333  760.167 389  c 
761 392.667  763 397  763 401  c 
763 403.833  761 406.333  760 409  c 
758.667 412.167  758.167 416.500  758 420  c 
757 429.500  756.833 439.333  756 449  c 
755.167 456  753 463.833  753.667 471  c 
753.833 472.333  755 473.500  755.167 475  c 
755.833 480  753.833 485.833  753.167 491  c 
752 497.500  751.833 504.333  750.667 511  c 
749.833 514.500  748 521.500  749.167 525  c 
750.333 527.833  753.500 529.500  756 531  c 
368 113 m
381 113 l
400 113 l
468 113 l
679 113 l
1339 113 l
1999 113 l
2210 113 l
2278 113 l
2297 113 l
2310 113 l
371 112 m
387.667 100.500  406.167 91.167  424 81.833  c 
464.667 60.333  506.833 43.333  550 26.500  c 
566.667 20  583.833 14.500  601 9.167  c 
608.167 7  615.667 5.167  623 3.167  c 
625.833 2.333  628 0.167  631 0  c 
642.333 -1.167  654.500 0  666 0  c 
739 0 l
960 0 l
1805 0 l
1974 0 l
2029 0 l
2037.667 0  2047.167 -0.833  2056 0  c 
2058.667 0.167  2060.500 1.833  2063 3  c 
2067.500 4.833  2073.167 6.167  2078 7.500  c 
2097.333 13  2116.167 20.333  2135 27.500  c 
2165 39.333  2194.833 51.333  2224 65  c 
2236.500 71  2248.500 78.167  2261 84.833  c 
2276.167 92.833  2293.500 100.833  2307 112  c 
} bd
/NationalOutline {
1418 1222 m
1414 1227.667  1406.167 1237.333  1414 1242.833  c 
1416.500 1244.500  1419.500 1243.167  1422 1245  c 
1424.833 1247.333  1425.667 1251.500  1430 1252  c 
1434 1252.333  1438 1249.667  1442 1249.500  c 
1444.333 1249.167  1446.667 1250.333  1449 1251  c 
524 1250 m
467 1202.333 l
451 1189 l
446 1183 l
452.833 1181.500 l
457 1175 l
470.500 1174 l
470 1154 l
473 1148 l
480 1138 l
493 1154 l
500.833 1156.500 l
503.500 1144 l
511 1140 l
649 1197 m
649.500 1189 l
655 1184 l
665 1175 l
672.167 1168 l
665 1160.833 l
648 1148.500 l
640.167 1144 l
640.667 1132 l
647.167 1106 l
651.167 1094.500 l
658 1092.833 l
668 1087.333 l
680 1085 l
1406 1140 m
1407.500 1138.500  1410.500 1136.833  1411.500 1135  c 
1412.833 1132.167  1409.667 1127  1407 1126  c 
1398.333 1123.167  1384.833 1128.333  1383 1116  c 
1382.667 1114.667  1382.833 1113  1383.333 1112  c 
1384.500 1107.833  1389.333 1099.500  1394 1099  c 
1397.667 1098.500  1402.167 1100.500  1406 1101  c 
1416.333 1102  1427 1103  1435.833 1095.500  c 
1438.167 1093.500  1438.333 1090.167  1440.333 1088  c 
1441.833 1086  1444.167 1086.167  1446 1084.833  c 
1448.667 1082.500  1450.167 1078  1451.833 1075  c 
1453.333 1071.833  1455.667 1064  1459 1062.500  c 
1460.833 1061.500  1465.500 1063  1468 1063  c 
479 1137 m
476.167 1131.500  469.500 1129.167  464 1127  c 
1351 1133 m
1356 1127 l
1352 1124  1347.833 1126.500  1344 1124.500  c 
1339.667 1122.167  1341 1119.167  1344 1117  c 
1341.833 1115.333  1337.333 1114.667  1336.500 1112  c 
1334.667 1107.167  1341.500 1107.333  1344 1106.500  c 
1346.167 1105.833  1348 1104  1350 1103  c 
1351 1104.667  1351.333 1108  1353 1109  c 
1357.500 1112.167  1362.333 1108.667  1366 1106.333  c 
1370.667 1103.167  1376.833 1101.667  1382 1099.500  c 
1385.500 1098  1387.167 1096  1391 1098  c 
1323 1127 m
1322.167 1126.167  1320.667 1125  1320.333 1124  c 
1317.167 1117.500  1327.500 1118.333  1331 1117  c 
1329.333 1112.667  1325.333 1110.667  1323.333 1107  c 
1321 1102.833  1324.167 1098  1318 1095.500  c 
1314.333 1094  1310.833 1097.500  1311 1101  c 
1311.167 1107.833  1314.167 1114.333  1318 1120  c 
1827 956 m
1823.333 962.667  1817 971.833  1811 976.667  c 
1804.167 981.833  1794.833 985.833  1789 992.167  c 
1786.833 994.833  1788 999.167  1785.500 1001.667  c 
1782.833 1004.667  1778 1001  1776.333 1006  c 
1775.500 1008  1776 1010  1776.833 1012  c 
1777.333 1013.667  1778 1016.333  1779.333 1017.667  c 
1782.667 1021.333  1788.833 1018.833  1793 1020.167  c 
1795.500 1021.167  1797.667 1023.500  1800 1025  c 
1803 1027.500  1807.500 1029.667  1809.833 1033  c 
1811.333 1035.167  1810.667 1037.333  1811 1040  c 
1811.167 1042.667  1812.833 1045.167  1811.833 1048  c 
1810.833 1050.167  1807.667 1052.167  1808 1055  c 
1809 1060.167  1817.500 1057.333  1819 1062  c 
1820.333 1065.333  1815.500 1071.833  1819 1074.500  c 
1822.500 1076.833  1830 1071.833  1832.500 1075  c 
1833.500 1076.667  1832.667 1079.167  1833 1081  c 
1834 1084.333  1838.667 1091.833  1842 1093.500  c 
1844.667 1094.833  1848 1093.333  1851 1094.333  c 
1859 1096.667  1864.667 1105  1874 1104  c 
1878.833 1103.333  1881.500 1098.667  1886 1097.333  c 
1890.833 1095.667  1900.833 1096  1905 1099  c 
1902.167 1102.833  1897.500 1112.167  1906 1113.833  c 
1908.333 1114.167  1911.667 1112  1914 1111.333  c 
1918.833 1109.667  1924.333 1108.167  1929 1105.833  c 
1932.333 1104  1935.167 1100.500  1939 1099.333  c 
1943.667 1097.667  1949.667 1100.667  1955 1099.500  c 
1962 1098.167  1968.833 1095  1976 1093.333  c 
1982.500 1091.667  1993.167 1092  2000 1093  c 
2004.333 1093.500  2006.667 1098.333  2011 1098.833  c 
2015.667 1099.333  2022.333 1095.833  2027 1094.500  c 
2028.667 1094  2031 1092.667  2033 1093  c 
2038.333 1094.167  2039.333 1102.667  2040 1107  c 
2040.167 1108.500  2041 1110.333  2040.833 1112  c 
2040.167 1114.500  2037.500 1115.667  2036.500 1118  c 
2034.667 1121.833  2039.833 1124.500  2043 1125  c 
2047 1125.333  2051.167 1123.833  2055 1122.500  c 
2068.333 1118.167  2077.833 1108.333  2089 1099.500  c 
2091.833 1097.333  2094.667 1094  2098 1092.500  c 
2103.833 1089.500  2111.667 1090  2118 1087.500  c 
2122 1086  2122.833 1080  2127 1079  c 
2128.500 1078.667  2130.500 1079.667  2132 1080  c 
2137.167 1081.333  2148.833 1086.167  2150.667 1079  c 
2151.833 1074.167  2152.333 1068.833  2153 1064  c 
2153 1062.667  2153.667 1061.167  2153.167 1060  c 
2152.167 1056.833  2148 1057  2147.167 1054  c 
2146.333 1051.333  2148.833 1049.333  2148.667 1047  c 
2148.333 1042.667  2143.333 1037.500  2141.167 1034  c 
2140.333 1032.333  2140 1030.333  2138.667 1029  c 
2136.500 1027  2133.500 1028.667  2131 1027.500  c 
2128.667 1026.333  2126.667 1023.667  2125 1022  c 
2121.667 1018.667  2118 1016.833  2118 1012  c 
1625 1036 m
1628.500 1036  1633.333 1036.833  1637 1035.500  c 
1639.167 1034.833  1640.833 1033.167  1643 1032  c 
1644.833 1031.167  1647.667 1029.167  1649.500 1031  c 
1651.500 1033  1650.333 1035.667  1649.833 1038  c 
1648.667 1042.167  1647.667 1046.500  1646.500 1051  c 
1646 1053.167  1645.167 1055.833  1647 1057.833  c 
1651.333 1062.167  1660.167 1062.333  1665 1059.500  c 
1667.333 1058.167  1672.833 1053.500  1676 1054.500  c 
1678.167 1055.333  1679.167 1059  1680 1061  c 
1683 1066.667  1684.833 1072.667  1691 1075.833  c 
1696 1078.333  1701.500 1082  1707 1083.500  c 
1711.167 1084.833  1715.667 1084.500  1720 1085  c 
1732.333 1086.167  1744.500 1087.667  1757 1089  c 
1760.167 1089.167  1763.667 1088.500  1767 1089  c 
1770 1089.333  1771.833 1091.833  1774 1094  c 
1777.167 1097.167  1780.833 1100.500  1784 1104  c 
1785.167 1105.167  1786.167 1107.667  1788 1108.500  c 
1790.333 1109.500  1795.500 1107.333  1798 1106.833  c 
1801.167 1106  1805.167 1107.500  1808 1106.500  c 
1813.333 1104.167  1817.667 1098.667  1823 1096  c 
1827.667 1093.667  1833 1094.833  1838 1092  c 
1287 1106 m
1294.500 1104 l
1297 1098.500 l
1310 1097 l
1365 1106 m
1362.333 1104.167  1355.667 1103.500  1355 1100  c 
1354.333 1095.333  1361.833 1092.667  1361.500 1088  c 
1360.667 1079.667  1352.500 1081.500  1347 1081  c 
1343.167 1080.500  1339.833 1080  1336 1080  c 
471 1095 m
513 1095 l
649 1095 m
632 1093.500 l
627.667 1087 l
620.667 1072 l
608.667 1046 l
603.167 1035 l
603 1025 l
603 1006 l
598.667 986 l
598.167 978.500 l
614 978 l
620 972 l
626 976 l
637 987.667 l
651 989.500 l
670 1000.667 l
685.667 996.667 l
687.500 992 l
695 989 l
703 992.667 l
721 1003 l
729.500 1000.667 l
732 994 l
734 994 l
1319 1095 m
1322.833 1091 l
1317 1080 l
1440 1086 m
1438.833 1083.667  1435.667 1080.667  1436.333 1078  c 
1437.333 1073.167  1447 1066.833  1442.500 1061  c 
1440.500 1058.833  1434.667 1060  1432 1060  c 
1430.167 1060  1428.500 1060  1427 1059.500  c 
1424.833 1058.500  1423.333 1056.500  1421 1056.500  c 
1415.167 1056.333  1408.333 1064.667  1402 1060.500  c 
1400.667 1059.500  1400.333 1057.333  1400 1056  c 
1397.500 1048.167  1402 1043.667  1410 1043.500  c 
1413 1043.500  1415.333 1044.667  1418 1046  c 
1419.333 1046.833  1421.167 1048.667  1423 1048.500  c 
1425 1048.500  1426.167 1046.333  1428 1045.500  c 
1430.500 1044.167  1437.167 1043.500  1440 1044.333  c 
1443 1045.167  1447.333 1046.500  1450 1048.333  c 
1452.833 1050.167  1454.667 1053.833  1458 1055.500  c 
1459.667 1056.333  1462 1056  1464 1056  c 
758 1053 m
760.833 1054.333  763.667 1056.500  767 1057.500  c 
769.500 1058.500  772.500 1058.333  775 1059.500  c 
777.333 1060.500  779.333 1062.833  782 1063.500  c 
786.333 1065  789.667 1060.333  794 1061  c 
799.333 1062  805 1069.500  809 1073  c 
812.333 1076  819.667 1083.667  824.667 1078.500  c 
827.333 1076  823 1070.667  822.167 1068  c 
821.667 1065.333  823.167 1063.167  824 1061  c 
1337 1074 m
1343.333 1073.167  1341.167 1068  1344.333 1064  c 
1346 1061.500  1349.167 1060.500  1352 1060  c 
714 1072 m
715 1070 l
452 1070 m
462 1065 l
485 1065 l
493.500 1063.833 l
494.500 1058 l
487.333 1045 l
482.833 1036.500 l
476 1036 l
461 1036 l
454 1035.500 l
446.833 1023 l
439 1007 l
442.500 996 l
452.500 972 l
455.833 961 l
455 954.167 l
462 950.667 l
473 946 l
487 947 l
497 947 l
512 947 l
514.167 950.500 l
530.667 951.500 l
533 958 l
535 969 l
538 975.667 l
553.667 975.500 l
555 973 l
553.667 963 l
554.167 958.500 l
561 957.667 l
580 956 l
587.667 957.167 l
596 978 l
1318 1066 m
1316 1059 l
1321 1051 l
1392 1040 m
1393.167 1041.333  1395.167 1042.667  1394.500 1045  c 
1393.833 1046.500  1392 1047.833  1391 1049  c 
1388.333 1051.500  1384.833 1054.500  1383.500 1058  c 
1382 1061.500  1385.833 1063.667  1389 1063.500  c 
1390.167 1063.500  1391.667 1062.833  1393 1062.500  c 
1395.333 1062  1397.500 1061.333  1400 1061  c 
1524 1054 m
1527.333 1054  1529.833 1056.833  1533 1056.500  c 
1536.500 1056.333  1540.667 1053.500  1544 1052.333  c 
1551.167 1049.333  1558.667 1046.500  1566 1043.500  c 
1568.167 1042.667  1571.500 1040.333  1574 1040.500  c 
1577.500 1040.500  1582.500 1045.667  1583 1049  c 
1258 1047 m
1275 1038.500 l
1280 1038 l
1292 1036 l
2150 1046 m
2154 1040 l
713 1045 m
707 1035 l
1551 1030 m
1564 1026.500 l
1568 1020 l
1573 1011 l
1576.333 995 l
1588.333 981 l
1587.500 966 l
1603.500 949 l
1608 938 l
1613 932 l
2094 1019 m
2095.833 1023.833  2100.833 1029.833  2107 1026.500  c 
2110 1024.667  2109.667 1021.333  2111.500 1019.167  c 
2112.500 1017.667  2115.167 1017.333  2117 1017  c 
1411 1010 m
1416.500 1014.333  1419.833 1010.333  1426 1010  c 
1217 994 m
1217.333 996.167  1217.333 1000  1219 1001.667  c 
1225.833 1007.833  1237.167 997.500  1238 991  c 
1616 799 m
1612.333 802.500  1609.167 806.167  1606 810  c 
1604 812  1602.500 815  1600 816.500  c 
1596.167 818.333  1589 814.667  1586 817.167  c 
1583.500 819.333  1583.833 825.833  1582.500 829  c 
1580.667 834.167  1577.333 839.833  1574.833 845  c 
1571.167 852.167  1568.500 860.333  1563.500 867  c 
1558.667 873.333  1552.167 879  1548.333 886  c 
1544.167 893.167  1542.833 903  1540.333 911  c 
1537.667 918.500  1535.167 926.167  1533 934  c 
1532.500 936.333  1531.167 939.500  1532.500 942  c 
1534.500 946  1540.167 945.667  1542.833 949.167  c 
1544.333 951.333  1542.333 954.333  1543 957  c 
1544.333 960.667  1550.500 961.333  1554 961  c 
1560.333 960.167  1566.833 953  1572 949.167  c 
1585 939.333  1598 928.667  1612 920  c 
440 955 m
453 955 l
513 946 m
514.667 943  517.833 941  519.500 938  c 
521.333 934.167  518.167 928.333  524 926.667  c 
529.167 925  533.500 934  539 930  c 
547.833 923.333  544.833 914.333  549.667 906  c 
552 902  558.500 900.667  562 898  c 
1444 946 m
1441 934 l
1443 920 l
1446 888 l
1447 877 l
1448.333 868 l
1461 866 l
1497 866 l
1508 862.167 l
1513 866 l
1522 874 l
1826 941 m
1814 926 l
1810 919 l
1812.500 910 l
1816 902.167 l
1824 899 l
1816.833 887.167 l
1809.333 883 l
1808.333 875 l
1810.333 870 l
1804.333 861 l
1798 836 l
1908 918 m
1909.333 913.500  1913.167 917.167  1917 917  c 
1920.833 916.667  1925 914  1929 915.167  c 
1936.833 917.833  1943 929.333  1953 924.500  c 
1956.667 922.500  1959.500 918.500  1963 916.167  c 
1964.833 914.833  1967 915.500  1968.833 914.500  c 
1971.333 912.833  1975 904.833  1975.500 902  c 
1976.167 896.333  1970.333 891.833  1971 886  c 
1971.500 879.500  1975.167 881.667  1978.500 878  c 
1983.500 872.500  1985 863.667  1992 860  c 
1994.167 858.667  2001.667 857  2003.500 859.167  c 
2005.333 861.333  2004.500 864.500  2007 866.667  c 
2010.167 869.500  2013.333 868  2017 869.500  c 
2020.333 870.833  2023 873.667  2027 874  c 
2030.833 874.167  2037.167 870.833  2039.500 868  c 
2040.833 866.333  2041.333 864.333  2043 863  c 
2045.167 860.667  2048.333 860.667  2051 859  c 
1862 908 m
1867.167 902.667  1872.500 896  1869.833 888  c 
1869.167 886.167  1867.333 885.500  1866.500 884  c 
1865.667 882.500  1865.833 880.500  1866 879  c 
1866 875  1870.667 871.667  1869.500 868  c 
1868.833 865.500  1866.667 863.833  1865.333 862  c 
1861.667 857.333  1857.333 852.833  1854.333 848  c 
1851 842.833  1856.167 838.167  1850 834.167  c 
1844.667 830.667  1841.667 840.167  1837 840.167  c 
1835 840.167  1832.167 837.833  1831 836.667  c 
1828.167 834  1829.167 831.167  1829 828  c 
1828.500 823.667  1827.167 818  1825.500 814  c 
1823.167 807.833  1814.500 804.333  1810 800  c 
2072 854 m
2073 856  2074.667 857.667  2075.667 860  c 
2077 863  2077 866.333  2079.167 869  c 
2083.167 873.333  2093.167 871.333  2097 868  c 
620 838 m
608 833 l
598 832.500 l
594.167 823 l
595.500 818.167 l
589 816.500 l
580 810 l
1586 815 m
1578 807 l
2022 777 m
2021.167 780.833  2018.833 785  2019 789  c 
2019 790.833  2020 792.333  2021 794  c 
2024.167 799.333  2030.500 802.333  2037 799.500  c 
2039 798.500  2040.667 796.833  2043 796  c 
2043.500 797.167  2044 799.667  2045 800.500  c 
2046.333 801.333  2051.667 801.167  2053 800.500  c 
2055 799.333  2055 796.667  2056.167 795  c 
2058.833 791.167  2061.500 790  2066 790  c 
1163 763 m
1168 769 l
1169 768.167  1170.667 766.667  1172 766.500  c 
1181 764.667  1179.833 777.833  1184 781.667  c 
1185.333 783  1187.167 782.833  1189 783.167  c 
1193.833 784.333  1202 786.333  1207 784.667  c 
1209.500 784  1211.833 780.500  1210.500 778  c 
1208.833 774.833  1199.667 773.333  1203.500 768.167  c 
1205.833 764.667  1212.667 768.500  1215.833 765.667  c 
1221.167 761.167  1218.167 752  1220 746  c 
1222 739.833  1236.500 740.667  1230.500 732.167  c 
1230 731.167  1228.833 730.500  1228 730.167  c 
1226 729  1223.833 728.167  1222 727  c 
861 728 m
857.167 719 l
860 699 l
854.167 701.333  844.333 700.667  839 697.667  c 
835.667 696  831 691.167  827 692.167  c 
818.833 694.333  820.500 700.833  820 707  c 
819.667 709.333  819 711.500  819 714  c 
818.833 717.333  820.167 724  815 724  c 
808.667 724  804.833 714.500  799 713.167  c 
795.333 712.167  789.167 716.833  786.167 714.500  c 
783 712.167  788.833 705.333  789.667 703  c 
791.167 698.667  785.500 691.333  782 689.500  c 
779.333 688  771.333 688.333  769 690.167  c 
766.667 691.833  766.333 695  764 696.500  c 
761.167 698  757.500 696.167  755 695.167  c 
752.167 694.333  748.333 693.333  746 691.667  c 
742.500 689  738.833 681.833  737.500 678  c 
735.333 672.333  742 671.833  745 669  c 
748.667 665.167  750.333 657  748.667 652  c 
746 644.500  740.667 649.333  736 647  c 
731.667 644.667  724 641  721.500 637  c 
719.167 633.333  719.333 627.833  718.667 624  c 
718 621  716.167 616.833  717.500 614  c 
719.167 610  723 606.167  725.667 603  c 
726.667 601.833  727.500 600  729 599.500  c 
732.167 598  736.500 601.333  740 599.500  c 
743.667 597.333  743 589  748 589.167  c 
750.500 589.333  753.333 590.833  756 591.667  c 
760.500 592.833  765.333 594  770 595.167  c 
772 595.833  774.667 597.333  777 596.667  c 
782.667 595.167  781.500 583.833  786 580.167  c 
788.167 578.500  791.333 578  794 576.667  c 
798.833 574.500  804 572.333  809 570.167  c 
811.667 569.167  814.833 568.333  816.667 566  c 
820.667 560.833  817.833 551.500  821.500 546  c 
823.667 542.333  828.500 544.833  832 543.667  c 
835.667 542.667  841.500 534.500  842.667 531  c 
844.167 525.833  840 519.167  840 514  c 
840 509  842.500 503.667  843.667 499  c 
844 496.833  844 494.667  845.167 493  c 
846.833 490.667  849.667 489.833  852 488.500  c 
857.500 485.333  865 483.667  870 479.500  c 
874.167 476  869.833 472  871.167 468  c 
872 464.833  875.667 466.833  877.667 464.833  c 
879.167 463  879.667 459.167  880.167 457  c 
881 452.667  878.667 450.833  876 448  c 
864 436 l
862.167 434.167  857.167 430.833  858.500 428  c 
859.833 424.333  868 424.500  871 422.500  c 
874.333 420.333  876.833 416.667  880 414  c 
885 409.333  890 404.833  895 400  c 
839 727 m
834.167 716 l
843 701 l
2082 692 m
2082.167 690.667  2082 690  2082.667 689  c 
2087 682.500  2091.833 690.500  2097 691.500  c 
2101 692.167  2106.167 687  2110 689.167  c 
2111.667 690.333  2112.167 692.333  2113.167 694  c 
2115.333 698.167  2117.500 702.500  2119.667 707  c 
2120.667 708.667  2121.333 711.333  2123.167 712.500  c 
2125.833 714.167  2131.833 713  2135 713  c 
879 711 m
871 700.500 l
862 700 l
2208 551 m
2205 527 l
2198 473 l
2190 413 l
1382 442 m
1383.833 442  1386.167 442.333  1388 441.500  c 
1390.167 440.333  1391.333 438.333  1394 438  c 
1396 437.667  1399 437.667  1401 438.333  c 
1403.167 439  1405.333 441  1408 441  c 
1410.500 440.833  1411.333 437.667  1414 438.500  c 
1419.333 439.833  1422.167 447.167  1428 448  c 
1434.667 448.833  1434.167 439.833  1440 438.833  c 
1441.667 438.333  1444.500 440.333  1446 441  c 
1447.500 441.833  1449.833 443.167  1450.333 445  c 
1450.833 447.333  1448 449.167  1449.500 452  c 
1451.333 456  1456.333 458.167  1458.500 462  c 
1460.167 464.667  1458.167 467.167  1459.500 470  c 
1460.500 472.333  1463.167 474  1464.833 476  c 
1470.167 482.333  1473.667 485.667  1482 487.833  c 
1483.833 488.167  1486 489.333  1488 488.833  c 
1492.667 487.500  1494.167 478.833  1496 475  c 
1496.833 473.167  1497.833 471.833  1497.833 470  c 
1497.500 464.667  1491.667 458  1499 456  c 
} bd

/InternalOutlinePart1 {
1203 1223 m
1223 1230.833 l
1262 1247 l
1279 1254.333 l
1284 1256.500 l
1291 1254.333 l
1303 1249.333 l
1338 1234.833 l
1357 1227 l
1149 1246 m
1158 1228 l
1639 1245 m
1639.500 1239.667  1643.500 1236.833  1646.833 1233  c 
1648 1231.500  1650.667 1228.833  1650.333 1227  c 
1649.333 1222.833  1643.333 1220.167  1642 1216  c 
1640.333 1210.333  1641.500 1203.667  1641 1198  c 
1640.333 1192  1639.500 1185.833  1639 1180  c 
1638.333 1173.333  1640 1166.333  1638.500 1160  c 
1637.500 1155  1636.500 1149.833  1635.333 1145  c 
1634.667 1142.500  1634.500 1140  1632 1139  c 
1628.500 1137.667  1619.833 1136.333  1617.500 1140  c 
1616.500 1141.500  1617 1143.333  1617 1145  c 
1616.667 1149.167  1617 1160.333  1610 1158.833  c 
1606 1157.833  1607.167 1151.667  1605.500 1149  c 
1603.667 1146.500  1599.333 1146.500  1597 1144.500  c 
1592.500 1141.167  1592.167 1136  1586 1136  c 
540 1244 m
534 1233 l
540 1231 l
533.667 1217 l
530.167 1210 l
533.667 1198 l
532.167 1190 l
536.667 1185 l
541 1175 l
1446 1184 m
1447.500 1188.333  1454.667 1195.167  1453.500 1200  c 
1452.833 1203.167  1449 1205.333  1447 1208  c 
1444.333 1211.667  1443.833 1218.333  1443 1223  c 
1442.667 1224.500  1441.833 1226.333  1442.333 1228  c 
1443.167 1231.833  1448.500 1233  1452 1231.833  c 
1454.667 1230.833  1454.833 1227.833  1458 1227  c 
1459 1231 l
1467 1230 l
408 1224 m
419 1212 l
422.500 1207 l
417.833 1200 l
408 1186 l
366 1211 m
388 1217.500 l
408 1224 l
1200 1212 m
1248 1170 l
1258 1170 m
1274.500 1189 l
1283 1198.333 l
1290 1196.833 l
1309 1191 l
1872 1175 m
1887 1182 l
1895 1166 l
1907 1161.500 l
1924 1156 l
1931 1157 l
1956 1160 l
1974 1162.500 l
1990 1176 l
1999 1183.333 l
2005 1182 l
2020 1176.500 l
2025.500 1173.833 l
2024.333 1170 l
2019 1160 l
2035 1151 l
2108 1181 m
2116.667 1178.833 l
2121 1173.500 l
2131 1169 l
1445 1176 m
1443 1170 l
1447.667 1166.167  1449.500 1168.167  1455 1168.500  c 
1457 1168.500  1458.833 1167.333  1461 1167  c 
1462.333 1166.833  1463.500 1167.667  1465 1167.500  c 
1467.500 1167  1469.333 1165.167  1472 1165  c 
1477.667 1164.500  1484.167 1167.167  1490 1168  c 
1497.333 1169  1504.667 1170.167  1512 1171.500  c 
1515.333 1172.333  1519.667 1172  1523 1173.333  c 
1527.500 1174.833  1527.333 1179.500  1533 1180  c 
584 1176 m
575.167 1147 l
559 1095 l
533 1175 m
528 1164 l
1388 1172 m
1393 1164.333 l
1407 1157 l
1324 1149 m
1320 1149  1312 1148.833  1309 1151.333  c 
1303.333 1155.500  1309.833 1164.500  1314 1167  c 
924 1094 m
955 1100.500 l
966.667 1103.500 l
969.167 1107 l
977.500 1118 l
976.500 1133 l
989 1142 l
1024 1165 l
1613 1111 m
1618.833 1108.833  1624.833 1106.667  1631 1105  c 
1633.500 1104.333  1636.333 1103  1639 1103  c 
1643.833 1103.333  1649.167 1105.500  1654 1106.500  c 
1658.833 1107.667  1664 1108.500  1669 1109.833  c 
1671.833 1110.500  1676 1113  1673.500 1116.833  c 
1672 1118.833  1666.167 1118.833  1664 1120  c 
1667 1129.500 l
1678 1133.333 l
1697 1139.500 l
1707 1142.500 l
1718 1139.333 l
1729 1143 l
1735 1150.500 l
1746 1152.833 l
1761 1149.333 l
1797 1140.333 l
1815 1143 l
1820 1143.833 l
1824 1140 l
1834 1131 l
1843 1128.500 l
1850 1124.500 l
1854.500 1120 l
1856.500 1111 l
1865 1102 l
1250 1122 m
1253.833 1122.833  1260.333 1118.500  1263.833 1120.500  c 
1267.167 1122.333  1265 1126.167  1264.333 1129  c 
1263.667 1131.500  1263.500 1134.333  1262.500 1137  c 
1261.333 1140.167  1258.500 1142.833  1257 1146  c 
1265 1146 l
1352 1144 m
1357 1147 l
1306 1123 m
1302.500 1135  1315.167 1143  1326 1144  c 
1410 1136 m
1414.333 1135.500  1419.833 1131.500  1424 1132  c 
1431.167 1133.167  1435.333 1142.667  1444 1139.500  c 
1449.333 1137.667  1454 1131.833  1458 1128  c 
1459.500 1126.333  1462 1124.500  1462 1122  c 
1462 1118.167  1457.500 1116.500  1455 1115  c 
1461 1103 l
208 1129 m
245 1134 l
2273 1111 m
2297 1106.500 l
2353 1096.500 l
2375 1092.500 l
2387 1091.333 l
2408 1101.833 l
2441 1117 l
2463 1128 l
455 1084 m
449 1084  443 1083.667  438 1087.333  c 
430.667 1092.500  430.833 1110.833  437 1117  c 
442.833 1122.833  451.333 1122  459 1122  c 
1359 1110 m
1364 1117.500 l
1369 1118.333 l
1374 1119.500 l
1383 1116 l
1234 1118 m
1237 1115  1239.667 1112.333  1244 1114  c 
2268 1110 m
2252.167 1088 l
2226 1054 l
1269 1105 m
1268 1095 l
1528 1099 m
1525.833 1085.333 l
1520 1083 l
1523 1076 l
1297 1098 m
1293 1083 l
355 1097 m
361.500 1076 l
370.333 1050 l
375.500 1034 l
366.333 1021 l
350.500 1001 l
345 993 l
346 985 l
345.333 980 l
349.833 971 l
358.833 952 l
387 889 l
400 860 l
1390 1096 m
1386 1091 l
569 1094 m
573.500 1079 l
578 1076 l
581.500 1061 l
580.500 1057 l
584.667 1049 l
591 1039 l
602 1035 l
1274 1094 m
1277 1084 l
2208 1089 m
2211.500 1087.833  2222.333 1081.833  2215 1077.500  c 
2212.833 1076.167  2209.167 1077  2207 1077  c 
1768 1088 m
1758.333 1072 l
1752.833 1063.333 l
1732 1054 l
1750 1036 l
1435 1086 m
1438 1084 l
1432 1081 m
1435 1086 l
1365 1082 m
1370 1080 l
1356 1081 m
1359.833 1077.333  1361.333 1078.333  1365 1082  c 
1375 1075 m
1369.500 1070 l
1369 1060 l
1306 1071 m
1309 1068 l
1315 1072 l
919 1070 m
920 1055 l
920 1039 l
920.500 1026 l
914 1022.667 l
898 1015.667 l
859 994.667 l
842 985 l
2179 1058 m
2203 1069 l
1406 1067 m
1407 1063 l
1275 1065 m
1273.667 1062.500  1271.833 1056.500  1268 1058.500  c 
1266 1059.333  1264.333 1062.333  1263 1064  c 
2211 1065 m
2215 1058 l
1290 1060 m
1291.167 1058.500  1293.500 1057  1293.833 1055  c 
1294.167 1052.167  1290.667 1050.500  1289 1049  c 
1285 1045.667  1283 1044.167  1283 1039  c 
1428 1044 m
1419.333 1032 l
1424 1020 l
1324 1040.500 m
1340.167 1041.500  1341.500 1011.667  1325 1012  c 
1313.833 1012  1311.667 1027.667  1316.500 1035  c 
1318 1037  1321 1040.500  1324 1040.500  c 
485 1037 m
538 1040 l
429 1035 m
455 1035 l
1446 1023 m
1447.333 1029.333  1453.167 1032.667  1459 1035  c 
1914 1033 m
1936 1032.500 l
1958 1025.333 l
1990 1021 l
2075 1031 m
2076.500 1024 l
2085 1013 l
2229 1031 m
2229 1025 l
1513 1028 m
1505 1020.167 l
1493 1022.667 l
1492.500 1011 l
1476 1000 l
1484 989 l
1525 984 m
1523.667 990.333  1526 999.500  1530 1005  c 
1536 1002 l
1534 1010 l
1541 1011.167 l
1549 1015.167 l
1558 1026 l
1572 1015 m
1585 1007.667 l
1599 1012.500 l
1604 1007 l
1881 1008 m
1901 1011 l
2503 1010 m
2519.167 993.667  2536.833 978.333  2554 963  c 
2559.667 957.667  2566.667 952.833  2572 947  c 
2575.333 943  2573.333 934.833  2573 930  c 
2572.667 928  2571.500 925.833  2572.500 924  c 
2574.500 920  2582.167 918.500  2586 916.667  c 
2596.333 911.667  2607.333 907.667  2618 902.667  c 
2623 900.333  2628.333 897  2634 896  c 
2030 1009 m
2030 1004.333  2028.500 1000.333  2027.333 996  c 
2025.167 988.333  2023.167 980.667  2021 973  c 
2019.667 967.333  2018 961.500  2023.333 957.167  c 
2026.333 954.500  2030 960  2032 962  c 
2036.167 966.167  2042 970.500  2044.833 976  c 
2046 978.333  2045.833 983  2049 984.167  c 
2049.833 984.333  2051 984  2052 983.667  c 
2053.833 983.333  2057.333 983.167  2058.167 981  c 
2059.833 977.167  2054.500 974.833  2058 971  c 
2059.833 968.833  2064.333 967.500  2065.500 964.667  c 
2066.500 962  2060.167 956.333  2059 954  c 
2066.833 948.833  2075.167 940.167  2080 932  c 
2492 999 m
2503 1010 l
548 1008 m
601 1008 l
1156 1004.667 m
1179.500 1007.167  1183.167 966  1159 964  c 
1141.667 962.500  1137.667 982.833  1144 995  c 
1146.333 999.500  1150.333 1004  1156 1004.667  c 
1641 994 m
1645.833 995.667  1652.500 1000.833  1658 1000.500  c 
1662.833 1000  1668.500 996.167  1673 994.167  c 
1679.167 991.167  1685.833 989  1692 985.667  c 
1696 983.500  1702 977.333  1707 977.667  c 
1708.833 977.667  1710.500 979.500  1712 980.667  c 
1715.333 983.167  1718.667 986  1722 989  c 
1724 990.833  1726 993.833  1729 994.667  c 
1734 995.833  1738 989.167  1743 991.167  c 
1747 992.667  1751.333 996.667  1755 999.167  c 
1756.333 1000.333  1758 1002.167  1760 1001.500  c 
1762.333 1000.500  1762.500 996  1763.333 994  c 
1766.333 985.833  1761.833 976.167  1759.833 968  c 
1758.500 963.167  1758 957.333  1755.833 953  c 
1753 947.500  1748 943.333  1744 939  c 
1741.333 936.167  1739.667 932.667  1736 931.167  c 
1731.667 929.667  1726.333 929.500  1722 928.667  c 
1719.667 928  1717.333 927  1715 927.167  c 
1710.500 927.333  1706.500 929  1702 929  c 
2141 995 m
2151 1001 l
1439 992.667 m
1445.833 993.500  1455.333 990.500  1457.500 983  c 
1459.500 976.500  1450 971.333  1445 971  c 
1438.333 970.333  1428.500 972.667  1426.333 980  c 
1424.333 986.167  1433.833 991.833  1439 992.667  c 
1211 992 m
1209.167 982.667  1211.167 974.667  1218 968  c 
1255 991 m
1256 986 l
1249 977 l
689 990 m
679 980 l
689 978 l
671 966 l
1555 985 m
1552 963 l
540 983 m
597 983 l
450 982 m
511 982 l
1514 961 m
1507.167 961  1495.667 958.833  1490 963.167  c 
1483.833 967.833  1485 978.333  1491 982  c 
844 958 m
870 970.167 l
878 974.167 l
886 973 l
906 970 l
932 966 l
951 969 l
998 977 l
1016 979.667 l
1023 976.167 l
1045 966.167 l
1093 944.667 l
1113 936 l
2250 977 m
2265 975 l
2318 968 l
2458 950 l
2496 945 l
2518 942 l
1825 963 m
1830.833 966.500  1838 968  1845 966.667  c 
1848 966  1851.667 963.833  1855 964.167  c 
1860.167 964.667  1864.667 969.333  1870 970.667  c 
1875.667 972  1884 974  1890 973.667  c 
1894.667 973.500  1899.167 971.333  1904 971  c 
2169 973 m
2187 957 l
623 972 m
616 954 l
615 942 l
619.167 940.167  630.167 943.500  629 937  c 
628 936 l
628 935 l
628 934 l
1623 957 m
1631.667 955.333  1640.333 953.333  1649 951.667  c 
1653.833 950.500  1657.667 948.833  1662 952  c 
1658.333 958 l
1667 964.167 l
1677 968 l
1694 966 l
2001 909 m
1993 916 l
1991 909 l
1990 899 l
1974.500 921 l
1970 927.500 l
1965 928.167 l
1954 932.667 l
1948 936 l
1945.833 955 l
1946.500 960 l
1952 964.667 l
1956 967.167 l
1963 963.500 l
1970 961.167 l
2013 952 l
1344 962 m
1325 943 l
2203 961 m
2199 957 l
587 956 m
590.500 952 l
589.167 943 l
591.500 938 l
591 929 l
1257 953 m
1265.500 943 l
1263 936 l
1282 928.667 l
1289 926.167 l
1295 931.667 l
1323 939 l
1506 943 m
1513 930 l
1520 936 m
1532 943 l
1782 917 m
1789.333 917.167  1793.333 919.500  1795.500 927  c 
1796.333 929.167  1795.333 931.833  1796.500 934  c 
1797.833 936.333  1803.333 938.667  1806 938.167  c 
1807.500 938  1808.833 935.833  1810 935  c 
1816 929 l
1936 936 m
1942 925 l
1325 934 m
1354 928.167 l
1369 925.500 l
1384 915.167 l
1399 920.667 l
1403.833 924 l
1402 934 l
524 926 m
523 914 l
522.167 907 l
530.500 893 l
529.167 888 l
531 883 l
626 924 m
632.667 914 l
637.167 907.500 l
651.667 902 l
654.167 895 l
662 876 l
1605 923 m
1604.667 919.667  1602.500 916.167  1603.333 913  c 
1604.333 908.333  1607 903.333  1609 899  c 
1609.667 897.333  1611 895.667  1610.500 894  c 
1609.667 889.667  1602.333 885.667  1603.500 881  c 
1604.500 877.500  1608.667 874.500  1611 872  c 
1615.500 866.833  1619 860  1618 853  c 
1617 847.167  1607 847  1604.500 842  c 
1603.500 840.167  1604 837.833  1603.500 836  c 
1602.333 829.333  1602.833 822.500  1601 816  c 
2201 916.667 m
2221.167 919.333  2225.833 886  2205 884  c 
2185.333 882  2182 914  2201 916.667  c 
689 914 m
703.667 916.667  718 916.500  731 907.667  c 
744.667 898  746.833 878.667  735 867  c 
732.333 864.500  729 863.500  726 862  c 
1922 916 m
1916 905 l
1935 894.667 l
1938.500 886 l
1944 881 l
1175 915 m
1204 915 l
1445 911 m
1450.333 911.333  1456.667 912  1462 913.167  c 
1464.667 913.833  1469 916.333  1471.833 914.500  c 
1474.667 912.333  1473.333 907.833  1474.333 905  c 
1475.333 901.500  1479.167 896.167  1482 894.167  c 
1485.333 891.500  1490.333 893.333  1494 894.667  c 
1497.167 896  1500.667 896.500  1504 898  c 
1506.667 899.167  1509.167 900.833  1512 902  c 
1899 905 m
1892 890 l
1899.500 885 l
1905 873 l
1910 863 l
691 902 m
703.833 896.833  702.667 875.833  689 873  c 
1827 902 m
1831 895.500 l
1843 891 l
1838 881 l
1844.667 877  1843.667 885  1849 886.667  c 
1851.833 887.667  1855 886.167  1858 886  c 
1860.833 885.667  1864 886  1867 886  c 
1825 900 m
1827 902 l
490 899 m
482 891 l
2025 875 m
2031 881 l
2019 886 l
2027 888.167 l
2032 890.667 l
2037 890.167 l
2043 891.167 l
2052 892.167 l
2057 882.167 l
2066 884.667 l
2076.667 881.667 l
2079.167 878.500 l
2087 878.667 l
2093 871 l
1730 892 m
1726.833 887.167  1725 881.667  1721.500 877  c 
1716.667 870  1706.167 866.167  1698 866  c 
1796 892 m
1809 885 l
1172 804 m
1179 812.500 l
1188 813 l
1209 813 l
1222.833 814.167 l
1223.333 822 l
1222 836 l
1221 857 l
1219 877 l
1218.500 889.667 l
1223 891 l
1234 891 l
1764 888 m
1778 881.167 l
1784 883.667 l
1796 892 l
455 890 m
439 858 l
1946 887 m
1948 887  1951 887.500  1953 886.500  c 
1955.833 884.667  1959.333 877.167  1958.500 874  c 
1957.833 870.667  1953.500 865.167  1954.500 862  c 
1955.667 858.667  1960.333 855.667  1963 853.667  c 
1968.333 849.333  1972.167 843.833  1977 839  c 
1643 881 m
1644.667 872.333  1651.500 872.333  1659 870.167  c 
1661.333 869.667  1666.167 869.500  1667.333 867  c 
1668 865.167  1666.667 862.667  1666.333 861  c 
1665.167 856.333  1665.167 848.333  1661 845.500  c 
1658.167 843.667  1654 842.500  1651 841.167  c 
1649.500 840.667  1647.167 840.333  1646.500 838.667  c 
1645.667 837  1647 835.333  1647.833 834  c 
1649.833 829.667  1652.333 825.333  1654 821  c 
628 862 m
651 868 l
1096 867.667 m
1116.667 870.500  1129 842.167  1110 830.667  c 
1107.500 829.333  1104.667 828.167  1102 828  c 
1090.167 826.833  1077.667 836.333  1079 849  c 
1079.500 854  1082.333 858.333  1086 862  c 
1088.500 864.500  1092.167 867  1096 867.667  c 
99 866.667 m
111.833 868.333  125.833 866.167  138 861.167  c 
143.500 859  149.833 855.167  151.667 849  c 
153 844  148.667 839.167  145 836.667  c 
136.833 831  125.500 828.833  116 828  c 
102.833 826.667  89 828.667  77 833.667  c 
71.667 835.667  66 839  64.333 845  c 
63 849.500  66.667 854  70 856.667  c 
77.667 863.333  89.167 865.167  99 866.667  c 
1448 867 m
1446 861 l
1443.833 851.167 l
1437 848 l
2009 867 m
2017.500 851 l
2032.333 826 l
2041.500 810 l
2037 801 l
1805 860 m
1816 857.167 l
1830 860 l
1843 857 l
1862 860 l
730 857 m
707 833 l
2143 851 m
2113 822 l
2100.167 806 l
2101 796 l
2102 775 l
511 849 m
525 846 l
533.167 834.500 l
538 832.667 l
546 828.167 l
557 828 l
946 842 m
965.167 812 l
983 784 l
838 817 m
863 822.667 l
898 830.667 l
931 838.167 l
946 842 l
1885 839 m
1899.333 813 l
1910 805.167 l
1936 785 l
764 835 m
774 829 l
1848 834 m
1847.833 830.167  1846 826.667  1846 823  c 
1846 816.833  1848 811.500  1853 808  c 
703 829 m
694 820 l
1587 772 m
1585.333 770.333  1582.500 768.667  1581.500 766.667  c 
1579 762.667  1583 756  1586 753.667  c 
1591.500 749  1600.667 746.333  1608 745.167  c 
1611.500 744.500  1614.667 745.333  1618 744  c 
1611.333 732 l
1607.833 726.167 l
1602 723.667 l
1590 718.167 l
1581 716.667 l
1565 705 l
1563.833 706.333  1562.500 708.500  1561 709.500  c 
1557 711.667  1554.167 707.333  1551 706.167  c 
1549.167 705.667  1546.667 705.667  1545 706  c 
1538.833 706.667  1533.333 711.333  1528 713.667  c 
1525 715  1521.833 715.167  1519 716.167  c 
1512 719  1515.167 726.167  1512.500 731  c 
1511.333 732.667  1508.500 733.667  1507 735  c 
1512.500 738 l
1513 748 l
1515.333 762 l
1517.500 769.667 l
1521.833 772 l
1522.500 782 l
1531.500 795 l
1534 813 l
1536 823.667 l
1546 828 l
2161 827 m
2191.500 827  2212.167 784.833  2190 762  c 
2141 818 m
2133.333 810.333  2128 800.833  2127 790  c 
2124.833 769  2141.167 747  2163 747  c 
1986 817 m
1996 806.500 l
2003 807 l
2008 806 l
2019.833 804.500 l
2025 799 l
1955 814 m
1946.500 805 l
1945 791 l
709 813 m
699 802 l
694.667 798 l
697.667 791 l
709 774 l
2437 809 m
2455 802 l
2461.167 798 l
2456 791 l
2467 786.667 l
2496 776.167 l
2510 771 l
828 802 m
844.667 761 l
845 748 l
846 731 l
2044 795 m
2044 791.667  2043.667 788.167  2044 785  c 
2044.167 782  2045.667 778.833  2044.833 776  c 
2043.167 771.167  2036.500 768  2032 768  c 
1606 794 m
1614 773 l
994 789 m
1032 758.167 l
1042 750.167 l
1045.500 747 l
1042.333 733 l
1030.333 690 l
1023.667 666 l
1020.667 657.500 l
1009 660.167 l
985 667.667 l
975 670.167 l
970 666 l
960 656 l
1291 781 m
1284 751 l
1285 735 l
2089 775 m
2084.167 754 l
2080.667 740 l
2071 733.667 l
2051 721 l
2554 756 m
2590 762 l
2664 774 l
1364 767 m
1351 746 l
1347.500 739 l
1338 737.667 l
1324 723 l
1205 766 m
1194 756 l
1190.500 752 l
1194.500 740 l
1190 730 l
2356 765.667 m
2369.333 767.500  2392 763  2396.667 748  c 
2398.167 743  2395.333 738.333  2392 735  c 
2385.500 728.500  2375.667 725.833  2367 725  c 
2353.833 723.667  2330.833 727  2326.167 742  c 
2324.667 746.833  2327.667 751.500  2331 755  c 
2337.667 762  2346.500 764.333  2356 765.667  c 
1932 765 m
1923 756 l
1914 746.500 l
1901 743.667 l
1871 738 l
632 762 m
593 722 l
745 738 m
749.667 748 l
748 753 l
762 752 l
774 753.167 l
784 754.500 l
802 737.500 l
810 737 l
1945 750 m
1947.500 736 l
1967 720 l
1833 748 m
1820 734 l
1801 714 l
1997 737 m
2002 740.500 l
2011 732.167 l
2017 732.167 l
2021 730 l
1706 732 m
1720 724.667 l
1756 707.667 l
1776 698 l
1705 731 m
1706 732 l
1668 645 m
1695.333 708 l
1705 731 l
2530 729 m
2535.667 698 l
2541.667 665 l
2544.667 649 l
2546.167 641 l
2554 635.667 l
2567 628.167 l
2574.667 622 l
2574 615 l
2573 603 l
2572 584 l
2570 564 l
734 723 m
744 715.167 l
760 723 l
1990 718 m
2005 723 l
681 684 m
690 693 l
695 697.167 l
706.667 694.500 l
710.167 700 l
719 716 l
728 717.167 l
734 723 l
1206 718 m
1203 700 l
1200.500 690 l
1194 684.667 l
1181 674.667 l
1138 641.667 l
1119 627.167 l
1112.500 622 l
1113.833 617 l
1120.833 603 l
1147 549 l
1114 532.667 l
1061 507.833 l
1039 497.500 l
1032 495.500 l
1020 508 l
990 540 l
979 551 l
611 701.667 m
635.833 705  641.333 661.333  616 659  c 
595.500 657  589.333 683.667  602 696  c 
604.333 698.167  607.500 701.167  611 701.667  c 
1384 702 m
1381.167 695.167  1376.667 697.667  1371 698  c 
1359.167 698.333  1347.500 699  1336 700  c 
828 691 m
828 684  827.500 677.667  834 673.167  c 
836.333 671.667  843 671.167  844.500 668.667  c 
845.667 666.500  842 661  841.167 659  c 
838.333 653  836.167 646.833  833.667 641  c 
833 639  830.167 635  830.667 633  c 
831.333 629.667  838.333 626.167  841 624.167  c 
851 615.667  865.500 614  878 610.667  c 
881.500 609.667  887.167 606.500  891 607.167  c 
894 607.833  897.167 610.333  900 611.667  c 
901.333 612.500  903.667 613  904.667 614.167  c 
906.167 615.833  905 618  907 619.667  c 
910.500 622.667  915.833 625.667  920 628  c 
915.667 634 l
921.667 647 l
922 670 l
1792 663 m
1792 545 l
1792 520 l
1791 508 l
1717 538.667 l
1698 546.667 l
1691.500 550.167 l
1694 559 l
1701 579 l
1703.500 587 l
1697 595 l
1679 614 l
254 656 m
327 581 l
1481 645 m
1482.333 627 l
1486.500 618 l
1489 610.167 l
1511 599 l
2047 638 m
2053 636.167  2054 633.833  2056 628  c 
1355 629 m
1356.833 629.667  1358.833 631.167  1361 631.500  c 
1362.500 631.667  1364.333 631  1366 631  c 
1371.167 630.667  1380.833 632.500  1384.500 628  c 
1388 623.667  1388.167 614  1394 612.167  c 
1397.500 611  1402.333 611.667  1404.500 615  c 
1405.500 616.500  1405.333 619.167  1407 620.500  c 
1409.667 622.167  1418.500 620.500  1420.833 618.667  c 
1422.833 616.667  1422.667 613.500  1423 611  c 
1424 605.167  1425.167 599.667  1426 594  c 
1426.167 591.833  1426.167 587.833  1428 586.500  c 
1430 585  1433.667 586.167  1436 585.667  c 
1442.833 584.667  1450 584  1457 582.667  c 
1464.833 581  1469.500 572.500  1476 568.167  c 
1478.333 566.333  1481.500 567.667  1483.833 565.667  c 
1485.667 564  1488.833 558.500  1489 556  c 
1489 553.333  1486.833 551.333  1488.333 549  c 
1491.333 543.333  1500.333 542.333  1503.500 537  c 
1505.333 533.500  1503.667 527.500  1503 524  c 
1502.667 520.667  1503.667 517  1502.500 514  c 
1501.667 511  1499 508.500  1497.333 506  c 
1494.667 502.333  1492.333 496.500  1488 494.833  c 
1485.167 493.667  1481.500 495.500  1479 496  c 
1476.833 496.667  1473.833 496.500  1472 497.500  c 
1469.167 498.833  1467.333 502.500  1465.500 505  c 
1461.500 510.333  1457.333 515.500  1453.333 521  c 
1451 524  1448.333 529.500  1445 531.500  c 
1442.333 532.833  1437.667 532  1435 532  c 
1426.500 532  1418.333 531.667  1410 531  c 
1399.167 529.833  1389.500 533.833  1379 535  c 
1372.833 535.500  1367 536.333  1361 537  c 
1357 537.333  1353.667 536.833  1350 538  c 
1558 603 m
1584 603 l
1596 603.167 l
1603 614.667 l
1616 617.167 l
1651 625 l
58 611 m
14 559 l
1666 610 m
1661.333 584 l
1658.833 573 l
1650 567.667 l
1632 559 l
1516 582 m
1530 583 l
1542 583.167 l
1559 593 l
937 576 m
940.167 571.500 l
947 572.167 l
962 567 l
970.500 562 l
965 551 l
977 541 l
886 528 m
888.667 532.667  894.667 532.333  900 533  c 
901.833 533.167  904 532.500  905.667 534.167  c 
909.333 538.167  908 547  911 552  c 
916.667 561.667  927.833 569.500  937 576  c 
781 496 m
780 518 l
780.667 532 l
785.167 541.500 l
792 541 l
799 543 l
790 551 l
808 568 l
234 564.667 m
240.500 565.500  248.333 564.500  254 560.667  c 
264.333 553.333  261 542.833  250 539  c 
247.333 538  244.500 537.167  242 537  c 
233.667 536.167  222 538.333  217.500 546  c 
211.500 555.833  226 563.500  234 564.667  c 
2601 539 m
2659 558 l
723 541 m
701 518 l
692 509.333 l
688 510.833 l
675 518.167 l
669 519.667 l
658.667 509 l
643 491 l
587 427 l
2484 371 m
2482 394 l
2480 429 l
2479 443 l
2478.500 452 l
2488 459.333 l
2510 475 l
2519.167 483 l
2516.167 490 l
2510.667 502 l
2507.500 509 l
2515 515.167 l
2539 529 l
807 495 m
820 487 l
838 475.333 l
848.500 467.833 l
848 452.500 l
855 452 l
865 452.500 l
871 465 l
2198 470 m
2257 456.333 l
2273 453 l
2280.667 450.833 l
2279.167 444 l
2272.167 430 l
2258.167 403 l
2252 393.500 l
2239 399 l
1589 463 m
1577 439 l
1553 389 l
1543 368 l
1538 359 l
1511 341 l
1451 301.333 l
1416 278.333 l
1399 267.333 l
1379 270 l
1341 276 l
1322 279.500 l
1313.500 290 l
1296.500 314 l
1269.500 352 l
1262.500 362 l
1259.500 367 l
1264 373 l
1281 389 l
1293 400 l
1301 407.500 l
1312 409 l
1330 411 l
1374 416 l
1391 418 l
1479 450 m
1482 442.833  1483 437.500  1492 436  c 
1442 438 m
1432.500 431 l
1437 425.500 l
1447 425 l
1452 425.333 l
1463 434 l
1469 434.500 l
1474.833 440 l
1476 446 l
1479 450 l
858 426 m
855.167 422 l
854.667 414 l
834.167 402.500 l
831.667 396.500 l
827 394.500 l
815 390 l
807.500 386 l
806.500 371 l
792.167 364 l
793 358 l
794 347 l
794.500 340 l
783 331 l
2349 414 m
2389 381.500 l
2433 347 l
1787 382 m
1795.500 344 l
1799.333 330 l
1807 327 l
1824 321 l
1885 299.500 l
1919 287.833 l
1932 284.500 l
1937 290 l
1952.333 307 l
1968 324 l
1992 351 l
2162 334 m
2187 320 l
2247 285.833 l
2268 273.500 l
2277 269 l
2286 271 l
2304 275.500 l
2351 287.333 l
2375 293 l
2077 318 m
2062.167 294 l
2031.500 245 l
2018 223 l
2056 206.667 l
2133 174.167 l
2164 161.167 l
2176.667 155 l
2180.167 143 l
2188 114 l
200 241 m
213 245.667 l
249 258.500 l
331 288.333 l
361 299.333 l
380 306 l
387 305 l
402 304 l
412 304 l
462 300 l
487 299 l
552 294 l
577 293 l
627 289 l
637 289 l
662 287 l
2459 306 m
2471.167 263 l
2477 243 l
895 261.500 m
906.667 263.167  923.333 251.333  912 240  c 
910.833 238.833  909.333 237.833  908 237.167  c 
905.667 236  902.500 235.167  900 235  c 
892.833 234.167  882.833 237.500  880.167 245  c 
877.333 253.333  887.667 260.667  895 261.500  c 
1030 244.667 m
1038.167 245.667  1046.167 241.667  1049.500 234  c 
1053.833 224.167  1046.167 213  1036 212  c 
1028.833 211.167  1022.333 213.833  1018.167 220  c 
1012 229.333  1018.833 243  1030 244.667  c 
834 223 m
801 191 l
793 183 l
789.667 179 l
792.167 174 l
801.167 162 l
837 115 l
953 180 m
958.667 163 l
962.167 138 l
968.500 127 l
969 114 l
} bd

/InternalOutlinePart2 {
1962 1267 m
1951 1251 l
1962 1242.333 l
1966.333 1238 l
1960 1230 l
1946.333 1216 l
1936 1205.500 l
1928 1207.500 l
1904 1216.500 l
1894 1218.833 l
1889 1214 l
1871 1197.333 l
1862.500 1188 l
1866.333 1181 l
1875.333 1167 l
1878.500 1160 l
1874 1157.500 l
1865 1154 l
1851 1148 l
1843 1144.500 l
1837.833 1137.333 l
1831 1135 l
1699 1256 m
1708.333 1246.833 l
1707.333 1238 l
1721 1234.833 l
1732.500 1224 l
1726.333 1212 l
1704 1180 l
1716 1174.500 l
1722.833 1165 l
1734 1151 l
1149 1246 m
1158 1227 l
2153 1246 m
2161 1236 l
2140 1231 l
2129 1228.500 l
2120 1215 l
2129 1210 l
2127.500 1206.167  2124.500 1199.500  2121 1197.500  c 
2118 1195.833  2111.667 1197.833  2109.500 1194.833  c 
2106.833 1191.167  2109.667 1183.833  2107.500 1180  c 
2104.167 1174  2095.500 1171.667  2091.167 1166.833  c 
2087.833 1162.833  2086.167 1155.667  2084.167 1151  c 
2083.333 1148.500  2082.667 1145  2080 1144  c 
2078 1143.333  2075 1144  2073 1144  c 
2067.667 1144  2060.833 1142.667  2056 1144.333  c 
2047.167 1147  2038.167 1156  2030 1146.500  c 
2028 1144.167  2030.667 1141.167  2031.833 1139  c 
2034.167 1133.833  2036 1128.667  2039 1124  c 
1346 1172 m
1348.833 1175  1350.167 1178.167  1352 1182  c 
1353 1183.667  1354.667 1185.833  1354.500 1188  c 
1354 1190.667  1351 1192.167  1350.333 1195  c 
1349.500 1197.667  1351.333 1204.333  1352.333 1207  c 
1353.833 1211  1358.167 1208.833  1360.500 1212  c 
1362.667 1215.333  1362 1220.500  1364.333 1224  c 
1369.833 1232.333  1377 1237.167  1386 1241  c 
1388.833 1242.333  1392.667 1244.667  1396 1244.500  c 
1400.500 1244.167  1406.167 1240.333  1410 1238  c 
1578 1239 m
1574.833 1227.500 l
1561 1224.500 l
1531 1215 l
1533 1211 l
1517 1205 l
1519.667 1199.333  1520.833 1198  1519 1192  c 
1528 1194 l
1535.500 1176 l
1541 1172 l
1549 1175 l
1555 1179 l
1558.667 1175.167  1563.833 1170.667  1566.500 1166  c 
1568.667 1161.833  1567.167 1155.667  1570 1152  c 
1572.500 1148.833  1577 1148.167  1580 1145.833  c 
1582.167 1143.833  1588 1138.333  1584.833 1135.333  c 
1581 1131.667  1571.667 1136.167  1568 1138  c 
1565.833 1139.167  1563.333 1141.333  1561 1139.833  c 
1557.167 1137.167  1560.667 1132.333  1558.500 1129  c 
1557 1126.167  1554.333 1122.333  1551.833 1120.333  c 
1549.167 1118.167  1545.500 1117.667  1543.333 1115  c 
1540.333 1111.167  1539.833 1104.167  1535.833 1101.500  c 
1530.667 1098  1524.500 1099.500  1519 1099  c 
1516.500 1098.667  1514.333 1098  1512 1098  c 
1509.667 1097.833  1506 1097.167  1504 1098.500  c 
1499.833 1101  1499.333 1108.667  1494 1109.833  c 
1488.333 1110.833  1483.667 1105.833  1479 1104.333  c 
1471 1101.667  1461.167 1102.667  1453 1102  c 
1446.833 1101.333  1441 1098.333  1435 1098  c 
1017 1178 m
1023.167 1165.500 l
1037 1165 l
1076 1163 l
1089 1162.833 l
1094 1156 l
1099.833 1145 l
1104 1139 l
1112 1137 l
1138 1131.500 l
1210 1116 l
470 1174 m
661 1177 l
1472 1165 m
1471.167 1161.167  1468.167 1158.500  1467.333 1155  c 
1465.833 1149.167  1470.833 1143.500  1475 1141  c 
1473.667 1139  1471.500 1136.500  1469 1136  c 
1467.167 1135.667  1465.500 1137  1464 1137.333  c 
1460.167 1138  1455.167 1136.500  1454 1133  c 
733 1152 m
687 1134.333 l
670 1127.500 l
663.667 1120 l
650 1102 l
1725 1141 m
1725.833 1136.500  1729.167 1133.500  1731.833 1130  c 
1733.167 1128  1735.833 1125.500  1735.333 1123  c 
1734.833 1120.500  1732.333 1118.667  1731 1117  c 
1727.500 1113  1724.333 1108.833  1721 1105  c 
1719.333 1103.167  1718.333 1100.833  1716 1100  c 
1711 1098.500  1704 1102.167  1699 1102  c 
1695.833 1101.667  1689.833 1096.333  1690.500 1093  c 
1691.167 1090.333  1694 1089.667  1696 1088.500  c 
1698.167 1087  1700 1084.833  1702 1083  c 
1329 1138 m
1337 1138 l
1621 1138 m
1615.833 1119 l
1612 1109.333 l
1592 1101.333 l
1585.333 1097.833 l
1583.833 1092 l
1583.333 1088 l
1586.500 1083 l
1596 1070 l
1384 1137 m
1384 1130 l
1374 1126.833 l
1370.500 1124.833 l
1372 1120 l
1372 1120 l
229 1132 m
217.167 1106 l
189.167 1045 l
107 867 l
254 1131 m
324 1106.500 l
340 1101.500 l
354 1097 l
362 1098 l
375 1099 l
410 1101 l
432 1103 l
1331 1114 m
1337 1113 l
763 1110 m
761.167 1100.333  757.500 1091.333  755.167 1082  c 
754.333 1079.167  751.167 1073.667  753.167 1071  c 
755 1068.500  759.167 1068.167  762 1066.833  c 
763.833 1065.833  765.667 1064  768 1064  c 
772.500 1063.833  774.667 1068  778 1063  c 
1333 1082 m
1336.500 1092 l
1333.500 1100.833 l
1337 1102 l
1350 1102 l
880 1099 m
887 1087 l
2093 1095 m
2086 1081 l
2089.333 1078.833  2096.167 1077.333  2095.667 1072  c 
2095.333 1069.167  2092.500 1069.500  2091.167 1067.833  c 
2089.500 1065.667  2092 1061.833  2093.167 1060  c 
2094.667 1057.167  2096.667 1057.500  2098.667 1055.833  c 
2100.833 1054  2102 1051.167  2103.167 1049  c 
2103.500 1048  2104.333 1047  2104.167 1046  c 
2103.667 1044  2101.333 1042.833  2100 1041.833  c 
2096.333 1039  2092.500 1036.667  2089 1034  c 
2087.333 1033  2085 1030.500  2083 1030.500  c 
2080.500 1030.333  2077.833 1033.833  2076 1035  c 
2075 1032.667  2075.333 1029.833  2073.667 1028  c 
2068.833 1021.667  2066.833 1029  2062 1029.333  c 
2059.500 1029.333  2056 1026.833  2054 1025.833  c 
2049.667 1023.667  2042 1020.667  2039 1017  c 
2037.500 1014.833  2038.333 1012  2036 1010.500  c 
2031.333 1007.500  2025.667 1009.667  2021 1010.667  c 
2010.500 1012.667  1998.667 1014.500  1990 1021  c 
2004 1032.500 l
2020 1036.833 l
2029.833 1045 l
2020 1050 l
2030 1057.500 l
2045 1059 l
2053 1064.500 l
2062 1066.333 l
2078 1075 l
2074.333 1079.833  2068.667 1080.667  2063 1082.333  c 
2057 1083.833  2052.167 1085.833  2046 1084.500  c 
2041.167 1083.667  2036.667 1082.500  2032 1081.500  c 
2030.333 1081.167  2028.500 1080.500  2027 1081.500  c 
2022.833 1084  2029 1089.833  2031 1092  c 
531 1094 m
630 1094 l
1855 1094 m
1855.167 1090.833  1856 1087.500  1859 1086  c 
1862 1084.333  1865.833 1085.333  1868.500 1082.833  c 
1872.667 1078.833  1877.333 1071.167  1879.500 1066  c 
1881.500 1061.500  1881.833 1054.667  1885 1051  c 
1888.667 1046.833  1897 1047.500  1902 1045.500  c 
1906 1044  1911.500 1037.833  1913.500 1034  c 
1918 1024.667  1904.667 1024.500  1901 1020.667  c 
1899.167 1018.833  1900 1016.167  1900.500 1014  c 
1900.833 1012.667  1901 1011.333  1902 1010.167  c 
1903.833 1008.500  1906.833 1007.833  1909 1006.667  c 
1914.667 1003.833  1919.667 1002.500  1926 1001.167  c 
1928.833 1000.667  1932.167 1000.833  1935 999.500  c 
1937.667 997.833  1940.500 994.833  1943 992.667  c 
1946.167 990  1953.500 983.167  1951.500 978  c 
1950.500 975.667  1948.167 974  1947 972  c 
1956 968 l
2395 1094 m
2413 1084.333 l
2445 1065.333 l
2459 1057 l
2465.667 1052.833 l
2476.167 1031 l
2496.167 989 l
2511.167 957 l
2518 942 l
2515.167 934 l
2508.167 915 l
2488.167 861 l
2479.667 839 l
2468 830.667 l
2445 815.667 l
2369 766 l
1394 1089 m
1398 1091.500 l
1405 1088.500 l
1412 1086.333 l
1426 1084.500 l
1431 1080 l
1426.500 1078  1419.833 1079.167  1416 1082  c 
1414.167 1077.500  1415.833 1071.500  1419 1068  c 
1409 1069 l
1403 1066 l
1394 1068 l
1387 1069.500 l
1383 1071.833 l
1378 1072.500 l
1370 1080 l
1376.333 1083.333  1382.167 1092.167  1390 1091  c 
1391.167 1090.833  1392.833 1089.500  1394 1089  c 
1158 1005 m
1144.500 1043 l
1141.500 1052 l
1140.500 1055.833 l
1146 1060 l
1161 1070 l
1177 1080.333 l
1187 1086.500 l
1196 1088 l
1208 1090 l
1214 1089 l
1240 1087 l
1286 1087.500 m
1292.667 1088  1290.833 1083.167  1295 1080  c 
1296.667 1078.833  1298 1080  1299.833 1079.333  c 
1301.833 1078.333  1307.333 1073.500  1306.500 1071  c 
1305.833 1069.167  1301.667 1064.333  1300 1063.500  c 
1298.333 1063  1296.500 1064.167  1295 1063.833  c 
1293 1063.333  1291.667 1061.833  1290 1061.333  c 
1287.667 1060.667  1284.333 1060.167  1282 1060  c 
1275.333 1059.167  1276.333 1063.500  1274 1068  c 
1273 1069.833  1270.667 1071.667  1271 1074  c 
1271.333 1075.500  1272.667 1076.667  1273.500 1078  c 
1276.333 1081.833  1280.500 1087.333  1286 1087.500  c 
1347 1061 m
1344.333 1056 l
1344.833 1050 l
1341 1045 l
1422 1056 m
1422 1049 l
1677 1053 m
1690 1047 l
1707 1045.833 l
1725 1027 l
1734 1021.667 l
1741.333 1028 l
1755 1038.833 l
1762 1038.833 l
1766 1037.500 l
1770 1041 l
1786 1040 l
1810 1038 l
611 1048 m
639 1048 l
651 1047.833 l
655.167 1040.500 l
661 1040 l
674 1040 l
541 1039 m
549 1010 l
1220 1004 m
1223 1015.500 l
1227 1016.167 l
1246 1020.500 l
1253 1027.500 l
1273 1039 l
1650 1031 m
1655.500 1027.500  1655.833 1031.333  1660 1034.500  c 
1661.333 1035.667  1663.333 1036.333  1665 1037  c 
1666.500 1037.833  1668.167 1039.167  1670 1038.500  c 
1674.167 1036.500  1675.667 1029.667  1680 1027.500  c 
1682.333 1026.167  1685.500 1027.833  1688 1026.500  c 
1692.167 1024.167  1693.833 1018  1698 1015.500  c 
1709 1008.333  1723.500 1006.500  1731 995  c 
1366 1038 m
1365.167 1036.333  1363.500 1033.833  1364.500 1032  c 
1366 1028.333  1370.333 1028.833  1367.333 1024.333  c 
1366 1023 l
734 1034 m
733 1030 l
751 1030 l
765 1026 l
375 1033 m
419 1022 l
684 1033 m
702 1030 l
1810 1031 m
1828 1020.167 l
1842 1022.667 l
1867 1013.167 l
1880 1008.500 l
1883 1001.167 l
1902 992.667 l
1905 979 l
1906 974 l
1904.500 969 l
1906.833 964 l
1913 952.167 l
1918 949.667 l
1922 943 l
1927 939.667 l
1933 936.167 l
1947 940 l
674 1030 m
665.167 1016 l
643 990 l
724 1030 m
723.667 1026.167  722 1018.667  719 1016.167  c 
716.333 1013.833  712 1013.500  709 1012.667  c 
701.167 1010.500  690 1004.667  687 997  c 
1337 1028 m
1355 1029 l
1268 1006 m
1278.167 1005.167  1288.833 999.333  1296.833 1009.167  c 
1298.833 1011.667  1296.500 1016.500  1299 1018.500  c 
1303 1021.333  1310.333 1017  1315 1019  c 
1572 1015 m
1585 1007.667 l
1599 1012.500 l
1604 1007 l
1328 1011 m
1335 997 l
834 1001 m
841.667 984 l
838.167 969 l
846.167 953 l
848.500 946.167 l
841 941.667 l
823 932.667 l
771 907.667 l
742 894 l
1380 1001 m
1379.500 997.333  1378.500 996.333  1375 996  c 
737 977 m
756 977 l
779 976 l
797 983.667 l
834 1001 l
1345 992 m
1353 996 l
1517 983 m
1530 984 l
1543 983 l
1551 985.167 l
1556 985.500 l
1575 995 l
1418 992 m
1416.333 986.667  1411.333 986.833  1407 984.667  c 
1402.833 982.833  1395.667 978.333  1391 979  c 
1388.667 979.167  1387.667 980.500  1386 981.667  c 
1382.167 983.833  1377 986.333  1373 988  c 
1765 989 m
1789 991 l
1423 990 m
1427 985 l
519 988 m
542 988 l
536 974 l
1317 989 m
1317.333 976 l
1320 969 l
1320.333 960 l
1324.333 946 l
1324 938 l
1327.333 919 l
1336.500 903 l
1351 879 l
1635 988 m
1626.333 966 l
1621.833 956.167 l
1604 949 l
1176 986 m
1210 983 l
1465 985 m
1458 983 l
1694 983 m
1696 958 l
1697 949 l
1697.500 945.167 l
1705 942 l
1701.333 929 l
1714 914 l
1718.500 907 l
1707 895 l
141 861 m
271 938.167 l
318 966.167 l
345 982 l
1759 877 m
1764 889 l
1763 897 l
1781.500 916 l
1785.333 929 l
1790.500 940 l
1795 965 l
1797.333 975.667 l
1807 978 l
1253 976 m
1257.333 960 l
1258.333 954 l
1245 949.500 l
1223 931.167 l
1210 926.667 l
1204 922 l
1204.500 914 l
1211 908.667 l
1224 898.667 l
1268 864.167 l
1286 850.667 l
1292 841 l
2066 965 m
2067.833 966  2069.667 968.167  2072 968.500  c 
2075.667 968.833  2079.167 965.167  2083 966.167  c 
2089.167 968  2093.167 975.833  2100 972  c 
1434 973 m
1424 956 l
1143 972 m
1120.833 945 l
1112.500 935 l
1107.500 912 l
1099 868 l
621 966 m
659 966 l
675 965.500 l
680 961 l
691 951 l
2022 887 m
2004 901.667 l
1995 905 l
2007 911 l
2004 915 l
2009.500 917.500  2010.833 914.333  2016 913  c 
2013.500 923 l
2020.500 931 l
2017 938 l
2012 949 l
2013 954 l
2014 958.500 l
2021 960 l
487 945 m
487.500 937.167 l
493 932 l
491.500 919.167 l
487.333 915 l
488.500 908 l
492 896 l
497 891.167 l
506 900 l
515 896.167 l
519 895.500 l
523 898 l
528 897 l
2073 883 m
2067.667 908 l
2065.667 918 l
2071 924 l
2081 931.500 l
2086 927 l
2100 912.167 l
2109 909.667 l
2128 907 l
2199 931 m
2202 917 l
2137 928 m
2164 915.667 l
2189 905 l
2134 927 m
2137 928 l
1367 926 m
1361.333 911 l
1364 903.167 l
1380 900 l
1392 898.167 l
1404 909.667 l
1415 913.167 l
1442 917 l
1964 914 m
1960 907.167 l
1956 906.500 l
1949 898 l
1941.500 870 l
1936 858 l
2219 897 m
2240 880.167 l
2286 842.167 l
2303 828.167 l
2311.167 821 l
2305.667 808 l
2304.167 802 l
2309 798.167 l
2319 791.167 l
2355 766 l
2145 872 m
2160 879.667 l
2189 896 l
39 895 m
70 858 l
502 841 m
510.833 850 l
509 860 l
513.500 866 l
510 873 l
511.500 874.833  512.667 877.667  515 879  c 
519.667 881.333  526 880.333  531 883  c 
534.167 884.667  535.333 890.667  539.667 886  c 
544.167 880.833  538.500 876.333  539.167 871  c 
539.667 865.667  542.833 862.500  548 863.667  c 
550 864.333  551.833 865.167  554 866  c 
1181 813 m
1181 816.167  1183.167 820.833  1181.500 824  c 
1179.333 827.667  1173.833 828.667  1171.333 832  c 
1167 837.333  1165.833 843.333  1164.500 850  c 
1164.167 852.500  1162.667 856.333  1163 859  c 
1163.833 863.167  1169.333 867.667  1172 871  c 
1174.333 874  1177.833 880  1182 880.667  c 
1187.333 881.833  1190.333 873.500  1195 872.167  c 
1203.500 869.500  1210.667 875.167  1218 878  c 
1973 881 m
1971 870 l
1970.500 865.167 l
1959 858 l
1871 870 m
1882 874.167 l
1887 878.500 l
1898 874.167 l
1904 875 l
2093 861 m
2114 860.167 l
2134 870 l
706 864 m
708.667 864.167  711.167 865.167  714 865  c 
722.500 864.167  734 857.833  736 849  c 
1479 865 m
1481.833 849 l
1481.833 842 l
1473 836 l
1465 837.167 l
1462.500 833 l
1457.333 819 l
1455.500 814 l
1460 809.667 l
1471 801.667 l
1483 792.667 l
1488 789.167 l
1500 794.167 l
1507 790.167 l
1522 781 l
2141 862 m
2146 839 l
152 847 m
202 850 l
216 850 l
259 853 l
273 853 l
336 857 l
350 857 l
374 859 l
388 859 l
420 859.167 l
437.833 857.500 l
441 852 l
449 835 l
463.833 805 l
473.833 783 l
479.833 772 l
484 765.500 l
500 765 l
539 765 l
555 764.500 l
561 758 l
573.167 744 l
610 702 l
2012 861 m
2009.333 859  2007.833 855.333  2005 854.167  c 
2000.500 852.500  1995.333 852.500  1991 850.667  c 
1988.833 849.667  1987 848.167  1985 847.167  c 
1982.333 845.667  1979 844.833  1977.833 842  c 
1974.333 833.667  1986 825.667  1986 818  c 
1986 815  1983.667 812.833  1982 811  c 
693 856 m
685.833 848.667  683.333 836.333  688.167 827  c 
691.833 819.333  701.500 813.667  710 813  c 
721.167 811.833  730.500 820.333  736 829  c 
2001 807 m
2003.500 817 l
2004.500 823 l
2011.833 832 l
2012 839 l
2018 849 l
1120 847 m
1143 838 l
64 845 m
8 774 l
797 840.667 m
810.500 842.500  829 838.167  835.667 825  c 
844.500 807.833  823 796.333  809 795  c 
796.333 793.667  780 796.833  772.167 808  c 
760.667 824.500  782.500 838.500  797 840.667  c 
563 840 m
557 828 l
561 824.667  569.500 822.667  575 824.167  c 
578.167 825.167  581.667 826  585 827.167  c 
586.167 827.667  587.500 828.667  588.667 828.167  c 
590.333 827.667  591.833 825  593 824  c 
983 784 m
1012 798.667 l
1056 822.167 l
1082 837 l
2029 832 m
2038 835 l
127 829 m
170 798.667 l
257 737.167 l
292 712.667 l
303.333 704 l
301 700 l
292 693 l
254 657 l
106 828 m
100.333 803 l
87.333 746 l
82.833 726 l
80 719.667 l
68 723.167 l
34 736 l
29 710 l
21 660 l
18 642 l
17.500 636 l
25 630.667 l
43 620.667 l
96 590.667 l
114 580.667 l
122 576.167 l
131 579.667 l
153 592 l
164 597 l
178 588.167 l
206 570.667 l
223 561 l
1143 820 m
1155 820 l
1160 820.167 l
1166 814 l
1183 782 l
614 814 m
610 810 l
613.333 807.167  621.333 805.500  619.500 800  c 
619 798.833  617.667 797.667  617 797  c 
1223 814 m
1239 804.667 l
1246 801.500 l
1253 804.667 l
1263 808 l
1642 807 m
1656 795.667 l
1686 770 l
1695 762.167 l
1698.500 758 l
1696 753 l
1689 740 l
1706 732 l
2131 804 m
2148 794 l
1944 790.667 m
1948 790.833  1950.167 788.833  1953 786  c 
1959.667 778.833  1961.167 766.333  1956 758  c 
1954 754.333  1950.333 750.167  1946 750  c 
1941.833 749.667  1938.500 753  1936 756  c 
1930.167 763.167  1930.167 776.667  1936 784  c 
1937.667 785.833  1941.167 790.500  1944 790.667  c 
2160 786 m
2166 783 l
2527 782.667 m
2541 784.500  2552.667 771.167  2554 758  c 
2554.833 749.167  2551.167 740.833  2545 735  c 
2541.667 731.833  2537.500 729.333  2533 729  c 
2517.333 727.333  2505.500 743.167  2507 758  c 
2507.667 765.167  2510.833 771  2516 776  c 
2518.833 778.833  2522.500 782  2527 782.667  c 
734 782 m
725.667 765 l
722.167 758 l
725.667 748 l
730 739.500 l
737 739 l
755 736.167 l
762.500 733.667 l
761 722 l
763 711 l
760.500 705 l
764 697 l
2199 781 m
2267 763.667 l
2326 749 l
2068 779 m
2089 775.167 l
2119 774 l
2129 775 l
2174 778 m
2194 768 l
1522 772 m
1531 764.667 l
1546 756.667 l
1555 752.167 l
1564 756.667 l
1580 765 l
1289 770 m
1309 751.500 l
1316 752 l
1329 753 l
1334 753.667 l
1339.833 745 l
1338 739 l
1220 762 m
1226.833 759.333  1233.500 754.333  1240 750.667  c 
1244.333 748  1249.500 745.333  1255 747.167  c 
1259.667 748.667  1261.333 755.667  1265 758.667  c 
1267 760  1269.667 760.167  1272 760.667  c 
1276.500 761.833  1281.167 763.500  1286 764  c 
652 762 m
647 752 l
698 756 m
700 753.667  702.833 751  703.667 748  c 
705.167 742.833  702.167 734.167  697 732.167  c 
695.167 731.667  692.833 732  691 732  c 
818 753 m
817.167 749.167  816.667 744.333  815 741  c 
813.667 738.667  810.833 738.333  810.167 736  c 
808.333 731  812.833 726.167  816 723  c 
682 748 m
680.500 740.333  674.500 738.500  670 745  c 
2155 748 m
2143 741.667 l
2137 731 l
2194 741 m
2205.167 729 l
2211.167 721.500 l
2216 722.667 l
2232 730 l
2284 666 l
1825 739 m
1831.833 734.833  1838.500 732.167  1847 732  c 
2026 726 m
2059 719.167 l
2071 716.667 l
2090 703 l
1790 719.667 m
1796.833 720  1800.333 714.500  1803 709  c 
1808.500 697.833  1808.500 684  1803 673  c 
1800.833 668.167  1797.833 663.333  1792 663  c 
1785.500 662.500  1782.167 668  1779.833 673  c 
1774.333 684  1774.333 697.833  1779.833 709  c 
1781.667 712.667  1784.833 719.333  1790 719.667  c 
1491 710 m
1517 716 l
1565 704 m
1565.333 681 l
1572 671 l
673 692 m
683 680 l
688 673.500 l
702 673 l
737 673 l
1200 690 m
1222 674.167 l
1261 645.667 l
1275 635.167 l
1283 630.167 l
1288 631.667 l
1300 636.667 l
1339 653 l
633 680 m
664 674 l
260 556 m
289 566.667 l
347 587.667 l
518 649.167 l
565 666.167 l
595 677 l
2134 674 m
2137.167 667.500  2136.833 659.667  2146 659  c 
2171 652 m
2187 650 l
2251 643 l
2321 648 m
2300 607 l
1665 644.667 m
1686.167 647.500  1691.333 612.167  1669 610  c 
1651.833 608.333  1646 629.333  1657 640  c 
1659.167 642  1661.833 644.167  1665 644.667  c 
2364 604 m
2380 606.667 l
2410 612.667 l
2498 630.167 l
2547 640 l
2047 638 m
2053 636.167  2054 633.833  2056 628  c 
2149 638 m
2115 609 l
1793 590 m
1813 595.667 l
1846 606 l
1857 590 l
1862 583.500 l
1873 586.167 l
1904 596.167 l
1985 622.167 l
2023 636 l
1397 635 m
1408 621 l
834 628 m
831.667 624.333  830.167 617.833  826 616.167  c 
820.667 614.333  814.333 613.667  809 612.167  c 
807.167 611.833  804.333 611.667  803.500 609.667  c 
802.667 608.333  803.667 606.333  804.167 605  c 
804.667 602.333  805 599.167  806.500 597  c 
810 591.667  816.833 590.667  813.500 583  c 
813 581.833  811.833 580.833  811 580.167  c 
809.167 579  806.833 578.500  805 577.667  c 
802.500 576.833  800.500 576.167  798 576  c 
716 618 m
703 606 l
699.500 601 l
705.667 590 l
708 577 l
708.667 572 l
701 560 l
891 607 m
888 595 l
889 588 l
892 577.167 l
902 573 l
913.667 574.500 l
918 562 l
2108 604 m
2127 590.167 l
2162 566 l
2182 553 l
732 598 m
749 551 l
752.167 546.167 l
757.500 543 l
756 531 l
2312 598 m
2315 585 l
1440 584 m
1438.833 572.167 l
1424.500 568.667 l
1424 559 l
1423.500 544 l
1435 533 l
2566 563.667 m
2583.833 566  2602.667 549.333  2601 531  c 
2600 521.167  2593.333 512.500  2585 507.833  c 
2581.333 505.833  2577 504.333  2573 504  c 
2555.167 502.167  2537.167 517.500  2539 536  c 
2539.833 545.333  2546.167 553.833  2554 559  c 
2557.333 561.167  2561.667 563  2566 563.667  c 
1490 558 m
1506 562 l
260 547 m
286 537.167 l
340 517.167 l
497 459.333 l
562 435.333 l
579 429 l
585.667 425.833 l
595.167 408 l
610.167 381 l
656.667 297 l
671.667 270 l
680.167 255.167 l
685 254 l
699 253 l
732 250 l
751 248.667 l
758 244 l
770 234 l
810 201 l
843 533 m
852 541.667 l
858 539.167 l
870 534.167 l
910 513.167 l
922.667 504.833 l
926 491 l
935 481 l
236 537 m
229.167 522 l
213.167 492 l
173.667 416 l
156.667 384 l
151.167 373 l
156.667 362 l
168.667 337 l
193.167 285 l
212 246 l
2280 535 m
2270.667 508 l
2255 457 l
1414 531 m
1415 520 l
1415 507 l
1416 499 l
1408 493 l
1408 475 l
1407 441 l
776 490 m
777.667 491.667  780.333 495.500  783 496  c 
787.167 497  791.500 490.500  796 490.500  c 
798.333 490.500  801.833 493  804 494  c 
809.833 497.333  810.167 504  811.667 510  c 
812 511.667  812.167 514.333  813.500 515.667  c 
814.667 517.167  817.167 517.333  819 518  c 
826.833 520.333  831.500 517.667  839 515  c 
1792 518 m
1829 508.833 l
1843.833 504.500 l
1847 486 l
1854 431 l
1856 415 l
1856.500 408 l
1846 404 l
1816 393.500 l
1704 355.500 l
1672 344.500 l
1660 341.500 l
1657.833 345 l
1652.833 357 l
1643.333 379 l
1634 400 l
1602 393.500 l
1551 384 l
1068 511 m
1075.833 495 l
1094.833 460 l
1100.833 449 l
1105 442.500 l
1114 442 l
1139 443 l
1149.833 441.833 l
1152.333 436 l
1157.333 421 l
1180 355 l
1165 350.500 l
1134 343 l
1106 335.500 l
1074 321 l
1052 311.333 l
1042.500 306 l
1040 290 l
1034 245 l
966 502 m
995 475 l
1005.167 465 l
1003.167 459 l
997.167 447 l
978.667 408 l
973.667 398 l
971.500 393 l
978 386 l
1003 364.833 l
1011.500 356 l
1009.167 352 l
1000.167 339 l
974.167 298 l
966.167 286 l
961.667 279.500 l
952 279 l
929 280 l
921 279.833 l
913 273 l
901 262 l
1489 494 m
1492 487 l
1498 446 m
1513 449 l
1536 454.500 l
1553 460 l
1549.333 470 l
1548.500 475 l
1555 478 l
1576 484 l
2235 379 m
2194 352.500 l
2166 335 l
2143 330.500 l
2090 320.833 l
2057 314.500 l
2042 312 l
2035 317 l
2021 328.500 l
1970 371 l
1956 382.500 l
1948.500 389 l
1950.833 395 l
1958 408 l
1981.500 450 l
1987.833 461 l
1991 466.500 l
2000 468 l
2019 471 l
2067 478 l
2088 481 l
2272 426 m
2324 412.500 l
2343 408 l
2429 325 m
2422.333 347.500  2451.167 370.167  2470 353  c 
2480 341 m
2480.500 334  2482.167 327.667  2478.667 321  c 
2473.500 310.333  2460.667 303.500  2449 306.333  c 
2443.333 307.500  2439.167 310.333  2435 314  c 
1051 229 m
1091 236.667 l
1171 253.667 l
1201 260 l
1213.833 263.333 l
1213.333 273 l
1211 290 l
1210.500 294.833 l
1216 297.333 l
1233 302.333 l
1293 320 l
1397 267 m
1402.333 256 l
1414.500 238 l
1463 167 l
1415 138 l
1447 114 l
857 236 m
880 246 l
900 235 m
908.667 218 l
923.667 191 l
928.667 182 l
932.167 176.500 l
937 177.667 l
949 181.167 l
955 180.167 l
967 186.667 l
990 199.667 l
1020 217 l
969 127 m
969 114 l
} bd

/incompound false def
/m { moveto } bd
/l { lineto } bd
/c { curveto } bd
/F { incompound not {fill} if } bd
/f { closepath F } bd
/S { stroke } bd
/*u { /incompound true def } bd
/*U { /incompound false def f} bd

/LandColor { 0.8 0.7 0.4 setrgbcolor } bd
/SeaColor { 0.1 0.4 0.6 setrgbcolor } bd
/MountainColor { 0.5 setgray } bd
/BorderColor { 0.1 setgray } bd
/NationalBorder { 2.5 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash BorderColor } bd
%/InternalBorder { 1 setlinewidth [6 2] 3 setdash BorderColor } bd
/InternalBorder { 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash BorderColor } bd
/CoastalBorder { 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash BorderColor } bd
/MountainBorder { 2.5 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash BorderColor } bd

currentdict end

/MapForm <<
  /MapDict 4 -1 roll
  /FormType 1
  /BBox [ BBllx 4 sub BBlly 4 sub BBurx 4 add BBury 4 add ]
  /Matrix matrix
  /PaintProc {
    /MapDict get begin

    % Continents and seas
    SeaColor clippath fill 

    /Seas [ 9 10 11 12 14 102 110 ] def
    /ObjectNr 0 def

    % Number the territories to find out which is sea, lake, mountain or land. 
    MapNumberFont MapNumberFontSize scalefont setfont

    /S {
      % Needed for drawing the territory number.
      Seas length 1 ge {
        Seas 0 get ObjectNr eq {
          /Seas [ Seas aload pop counttomark -1 roll pop ] def
        } ifelse
      } ifelse
      fill grestore stroke 

      % Draw a number in the middle of the territory.
      %3 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div exch
      %1 0 0 setrgbcolor
      %ObjectNr 4 string cvs dup 4 1 roll 0 0 moveto true charpath pathbbox newpath
      %3 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div exch
      %3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub exch moveto show

      /ObjectNr ObjectNr 1 add def
    } bd

    2 setlinecap


    % Mountains and ice

    /S {
      gsave MountainColor fill grestore stroke
    } bd



    % National borders

    /S { stroke } bd



    % Internal borders

    /S { stroke } bd





    CoastalBorder currentlinewidth 2 mul setlinewidth clippath stroke
  } bind
>> def

/DrawMap {

MapForm execform



ArrowLineThickness setlinewidth Black OkOrder

} bd

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