If you arrived here, it either means you went through the whole solution for the second part of The Costly Case, as recounted by Dr. Watson, or you noticed the link at the end of this issue's LMS article. Whatever the case you are well versed in the details of Last Man Standing. A real connoisseur who can savour the magic of this moment. Behold then, the final maps of the six all neutral centers captured solutions, each with a unit from a different Great Power remaining. The game flow is basically the same for all and they each end in Holland or its vicinity. Your task, as always, is to reconstruct each game history. But if you're really into this, you shouldn't look at the maps just yet. Just base yourself off the premise and try to come up with your own solution before comparing them to the final maps here on this page. To help you on the way, I've added a link to the complete solution for the first map (the one that Sherlock described). The rest are ordered in increasing level of difficulty, based on my own experience. Good luck. The full solutions will be in the next issue. TurkeyAustria (0/9) Bud Gre Kie Mos Rum Swe Tri Vie War England (0/6) Den Edi Lon Lvp Nwy Stp France (0/5) Bre Mar Par Por Spa Italy (0/6) Bel Mun Nap Rom Tun Ven Russia (0/1) Bul Turkey (1/7) A Hol / Ank Ber Con Hol Ser Sev Smy The summit. The gold standard. Also the one with the maximum number of convoys in consecutive seasons. Or shall we just say, a solid number of them? The maps for the complete solution are bundled here. AustriaAustria (1/7) A Hol / Ber Bud Gre Hol Ser Vie War England (0/6) Den Edi Lon Lvp Nwy Swe France (0/5) Bre Mun Par Por Spa Italy (0/7) Bel Mar Nap Rom Tri Tun Ven Russia (0/2) Bul Kie Turkey (0/7) Ank Con Mos Rum Sev Smy Stp This time Turkey conquers the whole left side, but is absent from the West. The Baron's favorite Austrians capture the prize. What was that about convoys? No way Holmes' solution can be improved upon, you thought? Think again. EnglandAustria (0/8) Bud Gre Mos Mun Rum Tri Vie War England (1/8) F Hol / Ber Den Edi Hol Lon Lvp Nwy Swe France (0/5) Bre Mar Par Por Spa Italy (0/7) Bel Kie Nap Rom Ser Tun Ven Russia (0/1) Bul Turkey (0/5) Ank Con Sev Smy Stp Of all the raiders, England is the closest to Holland. That makes it easier to position herself, but the trick is still to be in the right spot at the right time. RussiaAustria (0/7) Bud Gre Mos Rum Tri Vie War England (0/5) Den Edi Lon Lvp Nwy France (0/6) Bre Mar Mun Par Por Spa Italy (0/7) Bel Kie Nap Rom Ser Tun Ven Russia (1/4) F Hol / Ber Bul Hol Swe Turkey (0/5) Ank Con Sev Smy Stp Russia proves to be just as adept as everyone else at getting away with the main prize, even when the Motherland remains ravaged and occupied by foreign barbarians. ItalyAustria (0/6) Ber Bud Gre Ser Vie War England (0/5) Den Edi Lon Lvp Nwy France (0/4) Bre Par Por Spa Italy (1/9) F Kie / Bel Kie Mar Mun Nap Rom Tri Tun Ven Russia (0/3) Bul Hol Swe Turkey (0/7) Ank Con Mos Rum Sev Smy Stp Italy is the odd one out. Whereas everyone else aims for Holland, Italy rows against the stream and ends up in Kiel. Napolitanis are fond of such jokes, that's why they invented opera buffa. FranceAustria (0/8) Ber Bud Gre Mos Rum Tri Vie War England (0/6) Den Edi Lon Lvp Nwy Stp France (1/7) A Hol / Bre Hol Mar Mun Par Por Spa Italy (0/5) Bel Nap Rom Tun Ven Russia (0/3) Bul Kie Swe Turkey (0/5) Ank Con Ser Sev Smy Yes, this is no mistake, France presents by far the biggest challenge, a real tour de force. Look at it from every possible angle. I mean that. Don't despair, the path to victory is hidden in there somewhere. EstheticsSix maps, each with a single unit from six different powers. Three of these are armies, three are fleets. But there are more equal partionings that can be made. Look at Serbia for example. Twice Turkish, twice Austrian, twice Italian. How simple changes like these ripple through the seasons, you will only be able to fully appreciate as you try to solve each of them. Enjoy!