Pouch Deposits

The Editor and the Readership

Here's the Mail

It's back! At long last, we have some modest feedback to include in a Pouch Deposits column!

Without further ado…

Mail Received Concerning
A Star Rises in the East and Reappears in the South

From Edi Birsan (edibirsan@gmail.com):

In your article on China and South Africa,

You could have mentioned that at the first DipCon in South Africa I attended (and won) and I was able to negotiate with Hasbro for a 5K publication of the DipMap for South African school distribution.

Edi Birsan

Mail Received Concerning
An upcoming article for a future issue of the Pouch Zine…

From Larry Peery (peery@ix.netcom.com):

If it isn't too late and you and Charles have a bit of space (e.g. maybe a little box somewhere), I'd like to put out a call for volunteers to help on an article having to do with the subject of "Taking the Measure of a Dipper? How do you read another player?"

It's not exactly a Strategy, Tactics, and Diplomacy subject; more like a Negotiations subject, I guess. Edi would be the logical person to ask since he's a master at it, but I'd like to get some input from new contributors!


Well, there you have it. Another Deposits column. Yep, it sure is.