Pouch Deposits

The Editor and the Readership

This issue, we receive praise on a previous article, and a question.

Mail Received Concerning
Psychology and Diplomacy:
Using Integrative Complexity to Predict Stabs

From Paul Blakeney (paul_blakeney@hotmail.com):

Dear Editor,

Great article on Integrative Complexity. I think this applies very well in Diplomacy. I guess that is why a silent neighbor is deadly. Silence is less complex than speech.

A Question About A Possible Triple Alliance

From "Santi" (diplosanti@gmail.org):

How would a triple alliance with Italy, Russia, and France work? Many opening manuals present the Italy-Russia and the France-Russia alliances as desirable, and France and Italy normally want peace with each other, so why not combine?

Editor's response: What a good idea for an article! It's certainly one of my favourite combinations. I hope someone will rise to the challenge of writing an article about it for next issue…

Well, there you have it. Another Deposits column. Yep, it sure is.