The Editor: About The
Diplomatic Pouch
Did you know the Pouch has a new Facebook page? This issue's introduction tells you where to find it, and more! (And need I even mention the usual plea for more article submissions?)
Lucas Kruijswijk: The Math of Adjudication
In this fascinating six-part article, Lucas examines the problems involved in creating algorithms for automated Diplomacy Judges, and explains how he came up with an effective solution!
Edi Birsan: WDC XIX at Origins
The next WDC will be held at Origins in Columbus, Ohio this June 24-28. Allan B Calhamer, the creator of Diplomacy, is expected to attend as a guest of honor. Find out more, and come be part of the action!
Chris Dziedzic: The Other Eastern Triangle
The triangle of Austria, Russia, and Turkey is often analyzed in Diplomacy. But what about that other triangle in the east: Austria, Russia, and — Germany? Chris analyzes the interactions in this important three-way grouping in both standard Diplomacy and the 1900 variant.
David Norman: The Most Obscure Bug
It only happens once in every billion adjudications; but when it does, it brings the DAIDE adjudicator crashing down! What is it, and how can you avoid it? Read this article to find out!
The Editor: Just
Passing Through
New issues of Diplomacy World is out, and there's a con happening in San Francisco this April, not to mention WDC in June in Ohio! Read on to find out more…
Arthur Bismark: Bismark Lecture V: Diplomacy and the CIA Connection
To play Diplomacy successfully, you need a certain level of intelligence — and a certain level of intelligence. Is it okay to use player reputations and past history when deciding on your actions? In this fifth article of the Bismark series, the Doctor considers these issues.
Arthur Bismark: Bismark Lost Lecture I: Diplomacy and Doing Right
In this recently-recovered lecture, the Doctor asks whether there can be any place for morality in this most immoral of games. Can you guess his answer?
David Norman: The Fallacy of the Unwanted Convoy
David examines a tricky move from the past that continues to be problematic today: the unwanted convoy.
Edi Birsan: An Introduction to e-Mail Diplomacy
In this introductory guide, our revered former EDItor explains how to get involved in the exciting world of Diplomacy over the Internet.
Linden Lyons: The German Navy in History and Diplomacy
Historically, England's Royal Navy was able to impose a blockade on Imperial Germany that effectively won the First World War. In Diplomacy, the Royal Navy can pose a similar threat to the Kaiser — but here's a way to counter it!
Tom Carr-Griffin: Diary of a Confused Man
An introduction to Diplomacy in a far and distant land?
David Hood: Instability and the Rome-Ankara Axis
In this reprint from Diplomacy World #53, David Hood examines the improbability of alliances between Italy and Turkey, and how to make them workable.
John Kyker: The Austro-French Alliance
John explores the possibilities of an early alliance between Austria and France, and how they can combine to defeat their mutual neighbors quickly.
The Editors and the Readership: Pouch
- A suggestion for a new DPjudge option, and an announcement of the latest issue of Th' Edge of Th' Abyss. Be sure to check it out!