The Zine
Spring 2002 Retreat Issue
Editor Edward Hawthorne:
About The Diplomatic Pouch
Find out what the new Editor has up his sleeve as he takes you on a tour of the latest developments around The Pouch and the hobby.
Edi Birsan:
Western Walls
At the recent WDC2002, Edi found himself playing in a series of games in which western stalemate lines were a dominant factor... of misunderstanding.
David E. Cohen:
Design of a Variant: Maharajah’s Diplomacy
The creation of a variant centered around India's history. There are rivers, seas and plenty of supply centers for seven empires to compete for.
Chip Crain:
What to Do When Everything Fails
Lessons learned from the Endurance saga. The rules Shackleton set forth to overcome and succeed in what became the ultimate fight for survival.
Jeff Dwornicki:
The Grand Prix
A look at past champions and how players and cons can qualify for the North American Grand Prix.
Manus Hand and Eric Mead:
Clues to The Missing Master's Mystery
Colonel Sykes and Dr. Watson use the power of deduction to expand the list of clues which may help solve the Missing Master's Mystery.
Justin Livitski:
The Simulationist Manifesto
Alliance (role) players unite! Justin provides a Manifesto opposite to that
of the Soloists.
Millis Miller:
What is njudge?
Understanding the progressive, technical evolution of the electronic judge. From Ken Lowe's "judge" to njudge to DPJudge and beyond.
Larry Peery:
Book Reviews: The Latest In Peeriblah and Edi-isms
What would Machiavelli do if Churchill waged a Cold War? What can Diplomats learn from the two?
José Torres:
Why Aren't You Playing Payola?
José asks a good question. He tries to find the answer, but hopefully
you will make the question moot.
Larry Peery:
Have You Ever Tried to Waltz to Advance Australia Fair?
Larry provides a detailed look into WDC2002 down under. You won't find this article in the romance section.
Sherlock Holmes:
The Curious Case of the False Start
At first glance, the Sultan of Suwat's game is about to begin. Further examination yields a different perspective. Time is short and a solution is needed to extend an old friend's lease.
Cyrille Sevin:
The Twelfth World Diplomacy Championship
A European view of WDC2002 in Canberra; C-Diplo versus DAANZ.
Grant Steel:
The Twelfth World Diplomacy Championship
Grant travels across the ditch to talk tactics, tell lies and... play a little Diplomacy at WDC2002.
B.M. Powell:
1900: Austria Hungary
Baron gives a Gamer's Guide view on how to play Austria in the 1900 variant. Second article in a series.
Matt Shields:
Box Scores
The European Grand Prix is underway! Meanwhile, DixieCon leaves the North American Grand Prix race exceptionally close.
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits
It seems a multitude of readers had something to say after the S2002M issue.
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