The Zine
Spring 2002 Retreat Issue
Editor Edward Hawthorne:
About The Diplomatic Pouch -
Find out what the new Editor has up his sleeve as he takes you on a tour of the latest developments around The Pouch and the hobby.
Edi Birsan:
Western Walls -
At the recent WDC2002, Edi found himself playing in a series of games in which western stalemate lines were a dominant factor... of misunderstanding.
David E. Cohen:
Design of a Variant: Maharajah’s Diplomacy -
The creation of a variant centered around India's history. There are rivers, seas and plenty of supply centers for seven empires to compete for.
Chip Crain:
What to Do When Everything Fails -
Lessons learned from the Endurance saga. The rules Shackleton set forth to overcome and succeed in what became the ultimate fight for survival.
Jeff Dwornicki:
The Grand Prix -
A look at past champions and how players and cons can qualify for the North American Grand Prix.
Manus Hand and Eric Mead:
Clues to The Missing Master's Mystery -
Colonel Sykes and Dr. Watson use the power of deduction to expand the list of clues which may help solve the Missing Master's Mystery.
Justin Livitski:
The Simulationist Manifesto -
Alliance (role) players unite! Justin provides a Manifesto opposite to that
of the Soloists.
Millis Miller:
What is njudge? -
Understanding the progressive, technical evolution of the electronic judge. From Ken Lowe's "judge" to njudge to DPJudge and beyond.
Larry Peery:
Book Reviews: The Latest In Peeriblah and Edi-isms -
What would Machiavelli do if Churchill waged a Cold War? What can Diplomats learn from the two?
José Torres:
Why Aren't You Playing Payola? -
José asks a good question. He tries to find the answer, but hopefully
you will make the question moot.
Larry Peery:
Have You Ever Tried to Waltz to Advance Australia Fair? -
Larry provides a detailed look into WDC2002 down under. You won't find this article in the romance section.
Sherlock Holmes:
The Curious Case of the False Start -
At first glance, the Sultan of Suwat's game is about to begin. Further examination yields a different perspective. Time is short and a solution is needed to extend an old friend's lease.
Cyrille Sevin:
The Twelfth World Diplomacy Championship -
A European view of WDC2002 in Canberra; C-Diplo versus DAANZ.
Grant Steel:
The Twelfth World Diplomacy Championship -
Grant travels across the ditch to talk tactics, tell lies and... play a little Diplomacy at WDC2002.
B.M. Powell:
1900: Austria Hungary -
Baron gives a Gamer's Guide view on how to play Austria in the 1900 variant. Second article in a series.
Matt Shields:
Box Scores -
The European Grand Prix is underway! Meanwhile, DixieCon leaves the North American Grand Prix race exceptionally close.
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits -
It seems a multitude of readers had something to say after the S2002M issue.
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