About The Diplomatic Pouch

Manus Hand, Publisher

Welcome to The Pouch!

What you now behold is, as I'm sure you know, the premiere issue of The Diplomatic Pouch. Other than the information tucked safely away in the ever-up-to-date About The Pouch article (check it out!), there's not much to say here about this first issue, except to offer my heartfelt appreciation to all those who helped me get this effort off the ground. Their names dot these pages, and I hope they will continue to do so in all future issues.

Let's see, though; what else can I tell you about this issue in particular. Hmmm....

The Unfulfilled Charter

The Diplomatic Pouch was established under a charter to become the magazine for the Diplomacy hobby. The premiere issue, however, is light on some of the more important aspects of the hobby; to wit, postal play and face-to-face (tournament) play. Contributors for this first issue were culled mainly from the play-by-email hobby. This is an appeal for contributors from the other worlds of the Game. The Diplomatic Pouch needs you.


The Publisher is sad to report that the monetary cost of producing this magazine, manifested in the diskspace charge of his Internet provider, is something he didn't expect. The magazine is freely distributed and always will be, but all readers wishing to contribute to the maintenance and growth of the disk quota, thus hopefully keeping all issues perpetually available, are strongly encouraged to make their largesse, however small, known to a grateful Publisher via e-mail, who will provide a postal address to receive such contributions. The Publisher will be eternally grateful. In fact, all monetary contributors to the maintenance of the magazine will be listed as benefactors in this column of every future issue. Buy immortality; send me money.

Enjoy The Pouch!

Manus Hand
Your Publisher