Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address included the phrase “…of the people, by the people, for the people…”. Lincoln was describing the normative nature of government, but I want to steal the expression to speak about The Zine. The e-publication is for, of, and (and should be) by readers – Diplomacy fans and players, Diplomacy widow(er)s and orphans. Unfortunately, there is not enough by… We need more writers! We need more editors!
I’m so pleased to see and read Zachary Jarvie’s by-line. I predict he’ll be a force in the game, and The Zine. This is my close as an HTML editor. It was tedious work at times – but worth it. I find inspiration in the workload Mario Huys carries, and the professional attitude he has about Excellence. And too many of the late players we have recently memorialized were much younger than I am. Additionally, I believe - although I can’t prove it - you enjoy The Zine. So this is a recruitment call to lend a hand with this e-publication. There are a number of ways: 1) Submit an article. You know you’ve thought ‘I gotta do that!’ We’ll use a pseudonym if you’re shy. 2) Submit photos (and Internet memes) that would be of interest to your cohorts. 3. If you can speak “HTML” you are needed to assist and convert text. Zachary submitted his piece in Word, and HTML. He included his own images. It’s a pleasure to work with a young writer/player like him. I sincerely thank you all. As Gen. Douglas MacArthur said, “Old soldiers never die. They just fade away…” Kevin is a fan of the Machiavelli variant, writing columns on it, organizing games and tracking down all related articles. In fact I suspect that's what led him to the Zine. He has lightened us up with his peculiar style of humor and contributed many new ideas. The Christmas special, where his input is most prominent, was his idea. But the most enduring is his style guide for Zine articles. We're all indebted to him and I the most. [DH]
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