by Melinda Holley

I don't go to many face-to-face cons given time restraints. It seems that most of them conflict with a family event (DixieCon being the best example). I've gone to the WeaselMoot cons the last couple of years and this year added Tempest in a Teapot.

First, I'd like to say this is an excellently-run event. The schedule wasn't punishing and allowed for non-Diplomacy gaming and activities outside of the event. Second, I'd like to thank the organizers for picking an event location that is easily found. Those of us who are directionally challenged at times appreciate this effort!

In round 1, the players were Roland Cooke (Austria), Bill LaFosse (England), Mike Hall (Germany), Tim Richardson (Germany), Jason Mastbaum (Italy) and Andy Bartalone (Turkey) while I drew Russia. R/T faced an aggressive A/I while the Western Powers duked it out. I managed to do rather decently (7 or 8 centers) as I recall while Andy (after a horrible error on my part to keep him from building which was, yes, deliberate) came back from 1 center to 4 at the end of the game.

Round 2 (Saturday morning) found me with Joe Wheeler (Austria), Robert Rouske (France), David Maletsky (Germany), Peter Yeargin (Italy), Steve Cooley (Russia), and Mike Hall (Turkey) while I drew England. France & Germany allied against me so I worked with Russia against Germany. I did a pretty good guessing game against the F/G fleets while trying to convince my 'directionally challenged' friend Italy to turn against France. Germany was in the process of turning his centers over to France which may have played a part in this as did Austria's move against Russia. Again, I ended the game with either 7 or 8 centers.

Round 3 on Sunday morning found me with Steve Emmert (Austria), Mike Benter (England, Joe Wheeler (France), Ben Melenson (Germany), Jason Mastbaum (Russia), and David Maletsky (Turkey) while I drew Italy. I was so hosed in this game *g* I thought I had an alliance with Austria but he allied with France against him and worked pretty solidly with Turkey against Russia. England and France took on Germany in the West. I got reduced to one center and threw myself on Turkey's mercy as he could eliminate me at any time. Fortunately, I survived to give me an overall finish of 11th place.

With one misunderstanding of terminology regarding the rules, I don't think there was a single hiccup during the event. Games began on time (well, as much as on time as they ever are) and the TDs were available when needed. And for those players so inclined, we weren't located far from the hotel bar which may have affected play at some point but I doubt anyone will admit it.

I'd definitely recommend Tempest to face-to-face newbies and veterans alike.

Melinda Holley

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