We continue by briefly examining each of the seven minor powers. Each minor’s abbreviation is listed along with its corresponding major power in the basic game.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (C – Turkey): This lone army wields a lot of influence. Parked at the crossroads of several potential alliances, it can tip the balance of power in several directions. France, Germany, Italy, and Poland will all welcome Czech cooperation. |
EGYPT (E – Britain): The naval balance of power in the eastern Mediterranean can be tipped either way by this fleet. It can bounce Italy out of Tunis, deny Syria to Turkey, or help either nation. Italy, Turkey, or even the USSR might enjoy a trip down the Nile with Pharaoh’s fleet. |
GREECE (H – USSR): The Athenian army is the least influential minor in the advanced game. A move to Thessalonia is the obvious choice for the first turn, creating options for either helping or hindering Turkey. An opportunistic Italian might bypass Tunis for a chance at Athens in 1929, so be clear about Italy’s intentions before vacating Mount Olympus. |
RUMANIA (R – France): This former "natural" in Standard Diplomacy can influence the fate of Bulgaria, threaten the USSR, and help fight for dominance in the Balkans. Both Turkey and the USSR will woo the services of this tiny nation’s army. |
SPAIN (S – Poland): France will either love or hate Spain, depending on who controls it. This fleet can capture Portugal, fight for control of the Atlantic and western Mediterranean, or even threaten Marseilles. Britain, France and Italy will be keenly interested in the movements of Franco’s flotilla. Spain is so influential that its allocation in the advanced game can quickly upset the board. France may face an early exit if Spain falls into the wrong hands. |
SWEDEN (W – Italy): Formerly a smorgasbord of supply centers, Scandinavia is now guarded by a fleet that can influence the fates of Denmark, Finland and Oslo. Britain, Germany and the USSR will welcome any help they can get from the Swedes. Sweden enjoys a wider range of options than any other minor, dominating the north if it gains a second build. Denmark is the easiest target, since Germany will often go for Holland first instead of risking a bounce. However, the likely collision of Britain, Germany, and USSR early in the game will probably keep Sweden from evolving into a great power. |
YUGOSLAVIA (Y – Germany): This army might help you "Tito through the tulips" – or at least through the Balkans. Both Italy and Turkey will seek help from this newly emerged nation. Army Beograd can seize Hungary on the first turn but may suffer the loss of its home centre to army Athens. While it exercises considerable influence over the Balkans, it may develop into a powder keg in an east-west struggle for the peninsula. |