The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1916 in ruffians


Broadcast message from England in

    >Ooooh, if this lack of attention persists, I will have to INCREASE
    >my prediction on the probability of the English win outcome!!!
    >And no one ;-) wants THAT,
    Well, actually, I do want that. So it is not only this suspicious "no one"
    who wants it :)

Message from Austria to England in 'ruffians':

    Should Munich Support Denmark to kiel, or move to Silesia?
    how do you want to handle the Med?  You can get 18 without Tunis, but why
    not push for it too?
    Let me know,

Message from England to Austria in

    >Should Munich Support Denmark to kiel, or move to Silesia?
    Supporting Den-Kiel would be good. Then again, moving to Sil would also be
    good. If I move to Kiel I will most surely bounce with Pauls F Hol. That
    way you can keep Kiel one year and have a better chance to push against
    Cal. So maybe moving to Sil is better. If I take Bel+Hol this year you
    don't have to disband against Cal and Meef this turn. Then I can move on
    into Germany next year.
    >how do you want to handle the Med?  You can get 18 without Tunis, but why
    >not push for it too?
    The med. Well, I suggest we move like this:
    Spa S Lyo-Wes
    What do you think Meef wil do?

Message from Austria to England in 'ruffians':

    Sounds good -- I'll move to Silesia.
    If I were guessing, I'd guess that He would support Ionian to Tyrh with
    everything.  his tactics aren't all that strong, actually.
    Your moves sound good!  Away we go!  Get some Pressure on StPete this year
    and I will be able to hold Cal and Meef completely until you arrive.

Message from England to Turkey in

    I assume that you will not move to Wes either.

Message from Turkey to England in 'ruffians':

    I will dmz wes and naf as agreed earlier.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 2:57 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Diplomacy notice: ruffians
    >             This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by David Kovar.
    > 	      Report JUDGE Problems to
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    >                   Please do NOT run RT games on this judge.
    >         ***********************************************************
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    > 	(I.e., if you don't have a master, the game is in jeopardy.
    > 	           if in doubt, send a list <gamename>)
    >         ***********************************************************
    > Message from as England to Turkey in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Meef,
    > I assume that you will not move to Wes either.
    > Christian

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Adjustment orders for Winter of 1915.  (ruffians.071)
    > Austria:   Removes the army in Ruhr.
    > Austria:   Removes the army in Berlin.
    > England:   Builds an army in Edinburgh.
    > Russia:    Builds an army in Moscow.
    Germany's chance of soloing goes up by 0.01%.... other effects are
    being calculated as we speak....  ;-)

Message from England to Austria in

    Chris, I will be writing to Meef telling him you will move Tus-Trn.
    Hopefully he uses Rom to bounce in Trn...

Message from England to Russia and Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Meef, Cal.
    Here is what Chris tells me he want "us" (as in he and me) to do:
    A Mun-Sil
    A Pru S A Mun-Sil
    A Gal-War
    A Bud S A Ser
    A Ser hold
    F Tus-Trn
    F Lyo-Wes
    A Pie-Ven
    To make sure that I then take Tunis he suggests I move:
    F Mar-Lyo
    F Spa(sc) S Lyo-Wes
    F Mid-NAf
    He is counting on a bounce in Trn and will then have Tus and Ven against
    Rome while he supports me to Tunis alternatively cut Trn so he can retake
    What shall I do? The best for all of us would be if Chris still thinks I am
    his friend in the fall. That way I get to know his moves again. Meef, what
    do you think about having me in NAf? Possible? Or should we bounce there to
    keep Chris thinking I am moving as he wants me to?
    Cal, I would be happy if you let Chris into Sil. That way he cannot protect
    Munich. :)

Message from Turkey to England and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Christian, Cal
    Sorry for the delay in the reply but today was VERY hectic.
    I would rather we bounced in NAF, it will serve our purposes best.
    > Message from as England to Russia and
    > Turkey in 'ruffians':
    > Meef, Cal.
    > Here is what Chris tells me he want "us" (as in he and me) to do:
    > A:
    > A Mun-Sil
    > A Pru S A Mun-Sil
    > A Gal-War
    > A Bud S A Ser
    > A Ser hold
    > F Tus-Trn
    > F Lyo-Wes
    > A Pie-Ven
    > To make sure that I then take Tunis he suggests I move:
    > F Mar-Lyo
    > F Spa(sc) S Lyo-Wes
    > F Mid-NAf
    > He is counting on a bounce in Trn and will then have Tus and Ven against
    > Rome while he supports me to Tunis alternatively cut Trn so he can retake
    > Rome.
    > What shall I do? The best for all of us would be if Chris still thinks I
    > his friend in the fall. That way I get to know his moves again. Meef, what
    > do you think about having me in NAf? Possible? Or should we bounce there
    > keep Chris thinking I am moving as he wants me to?
    > Cal, I would be happy if you let Chris into Sil. That way he cannot
    > Munich. :)
    > Christian

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Cal, thoughts on moves next season?
    > Message from as England to Russia and
    > Turkey in 'ruffians':
    > Meef, Cal.
    > Here is what Chris tells me he want "us" (as in he and me) to do:
    > A:
    > A Mun-Sil
    > A Pru S A Mun-Sil
    > A Gal-War
    > A Bud S A Ser
    > A Ser hold
    > F Tus-Trn
    > F Lyo-Wes
    > A Pie-Ven
    > To make sure that I then take Tunis he suggests I move:
    > F Mar-Lyo
    > F Spa(sc) S Lyo-Wes
    > F Mid-NAf
    > He is counting on a bounce in Trn and will then have Tus and Ven against
    > Rome while he supports me to Tunis alternatively cut Trn so he can retake
    > Rome.
    > What shall I do? The best for all of us would be if Chris still thinks I
    > his friend in the fall. That way I get to know his moves again. Meef, what
    > do you think about having me in NAf? Possible? Or should we bounce there
    > keep Chris thinking I am moving as he wants me to?
    > Cal, I would be happy if you let Chris into Sil. That way he cannot
    > Munich. :)
    > Christian

Message from England to Turkey and Russia in 'ruffians':

    OK, lets BOUNCE! *smile*
    >Christian, Cal
    >Sorry for the delay in the reply but today was VERY hectic.
    >I would rather we bounced in NAF, it will serve our purposes best.
    >> Message from as England to Russia and
    >> Turkey in 'ruffians':
    >> Meef, Cal.
    >> Here is what Chris tells me he want "us" (as in he and me) to do:
    >> A:
    >> A Mun-Sil
    >> A Pru S A Mun-Sil
    >> A Gal-War
    >> A Bud S A Ser
    >> A Ser hold
    >> F Tus-Trn
    >> F Lyo-Wes
    >> A Pie-Ven
    >> To make sure that I then take Tunis he suggests I move:
    >> F Mar-Lyo
    >> F Spa(sc) S Lyo-Wes
    >> F Mid-NAf
    >> He is counting on a bounce in Trn and will then have Tus and Ven against
    >> Rome while he supports me to Tunis alternatively cut Trn so he can retake
    >> Rome.
    >> What shall I do? The best for all of us would be if Chris still thinks I
    >> his friend in the fall. That way I get to know his moves again. Meef, what
    >> do you think about having me in NAf? Possible? Or should we bounce there
    >> keep Chris thinking I am moving as he wants me to?
    >> Cal, I would be happy if you let Chris into Sil. That way he cannot
    >> Munich. :)
    >> Christian

Message from Russia to England and Turkey in

    >Message from as England to Turkey and
    >Russia in 'ruffians':
    >OK, lets BOUNCE! *smile*
    I'm not ignoring anyone, guys, I'm just up to my asterisk in web page work.
    I'll be in touch as soon as I get a break.

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Cal, when u have time,
    Turkey: Fleet Greece -> Ionian Sea.
    Turkey: Fleet Rome -> Tyrrhenian Sea.
    Turkey: Fleet Ionian Sea -> Naples.
    Turkey: Fleet Tunis -> North Africa.
    Turkey: Army Bulgaria -> Greece.
    Turkey: Fleet Black Sea SUPPORT Army Constantinople -> Bulgaria.
    Turkey: Fleet Smyrna -> Aegean Sea.
    Turkey: Army Constantinople -> Bulgaria.

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Turkey: Fleet Greece -> Ionian Sea.
    >Turkey: Fleet Rome -> Tyrrhenian Sea.
    >Turkey: Fleet Ionian Sea -> Naples.
    >Turkey: Fleet Tunis -> North Africa.
    >Turkey: Army Bulgaria -> Greece.
    >Turkey: Fleet Black Sea SUPPORT Army Constantinople -> Bulgaria.
    >Turkey: Fleet Smyrna -> Aegean Sea.
    >Turkey: Army Constantinople -> Bulgaria.
    Without having a map in front of me, I'd say this looks good.  I don't think
    Chris will make much of a move against you in the Balkans.  He'll be more
    likely to throw everything he has against me, so you'll likely be able to to
    shuffle your armies into position.
    I'm glad you told Christian that you wanted to bounce in Naf.  We're going
    to have a hard time keeping him in check as it is without surrendering
    I'll get back to you later with my suggested moves. They'll probably be
    designed just to hold Chris off while ERT whittle him down.

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    No guys.  It's not me holding things up this time....

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    MY orders have been in for a week!

Message from Russia to England and Turkey in

    > Message from as England to Russia and
    > Turkey in 'ruffians':
    Sorry for taking so long guys, but things have been very hectic for me
    lately.  And with Chris & Paul trying to turn this into "Speed Chess", it
    doesn't make it any easier.
    Don't have much to say, just wanted to let you both know I'm still on board
    and will get orders in shortly.
    I think bouncing in Naf is a good idea as I like the idea of frustrating
    Chris in his attempt to throw the game.


Message from Russia to England and Turkey in

    Hi guys.  That shows you what happens when I get to busy to respond to mail.
      Sory, Meef, I thought you were supporting Rum from Black. Anyway, it
    should be okay, as we can get Rum back for the Fall and knock Chris down
    even further.
    Meef, can you support A Sev-Rum with your Black Sea fleet?  That will get me
    the centre back and let you take Serbia as well (although Chris may choose
    to support it from Bud. If that happens, you get it next turn).
    Christian, I assume you are going to take Paul right out this turn?  If so,
    can you move the Ska fleet into Den?  That will give us a level of comfort
    in the north.  You can see that I'm moving far enough away that you needn't
    feel threatened.  BTW, any chance of you popping Chris's Wes fleet?  I'd
    like to see you guys establish a stalemate line in the Med if possible and
    that would help.

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.