The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1909 in ruffians


Broadcast message from Italy in 'ruffians':

    > Welcome to our new Turk!  All the powers of Europe are looking forward to
    > hearing the thoughts of a new administration.
    > Well, all the powers of Europe excepting Italy, of course . . .
    > ;)
    Sorry to disapoint you, Turkey and I already have established good
    relations. *smile*
    > The ArchPope
    The Exile-Pope

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Dear Leader of Italy,
    > Sorry to see u go.  Hopefully we can meet on the field later.
    I am sorry too... that you did not show up earlier. Any other Turkey would
    possibly have helped my situation.
    A tip, do not ever trust Austria. He has lied, lied and lied again. Old
    Turkey figured that out mush too late.
    > MiKaL
    Mvh Roland

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from as Italy in 'ruffians':
    >Sorry to disapoint you, Turkey and I already have established good
    >relations. *smile*
    >The Exile-Pope
    And vacation plans, I hope... d;-})
    Cal White Tsuper Tsar

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    I thought I ought to keep you abreast of developments, regarding the new
    Turk.  You will recall that with cyrille I promised to turn on you, to get
    him out of position?  I am doing the same thing with this fellah.  I hope to
    influence -- ok, I HOPE to outright dictate his moves this year, which
    should put us in pretty good shape for the fall.
    In the west, I was thinking of supporting a fleet into the Tyhrn, and asking
    John to move to the Westmed.  I think he will go for it, as he is pretty
    much at my mercy anyway.  I still think I need his good will more than
    Tunis, anyway!
    I feel certain that StPete can be regained -- it was only a question of Paul
    building armies and betraying us or fleets and going after Christian.  What
    are your thoughts here?
    I am suggesting a supported attack on Sev, and Aeg -> Con, to bounce with
    your Bulgaria -> Con.  if you don't move there, my fleet greece arrives in
    the Aegean.  In the fall, I should know what he is planning, but probably
    supporting me into Bulgaria and Rumania -- which I will not do, of course --
    and I should walk into Smyrna.
    How are you recovering?  My wife and I just saw Toy Story2 --- GREAT!!!  It
    Was GREAT!

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > I thought I ought to keep you abreast of developments, regarding the new
    > Turk.  You will recall that with cyrille I promised to turn on you, to get
    > him out of position?  I am doing the same thing with this fellah.  I hope
    > influence -- ok, I HOPE to outright dictate his moves this year, which
    > should put us in pretty good shape for the fall.
    That wll jive with what I told him.  I basically said that I couldn't see
    any logical reason for me to turn away from my attack on him.  He wrote back
    and said he understood, but that will leave your offer as his only grasping
    straw.  Should work.
    > In the west, I was thinking of supporting a fleet into the Tyhrn, and
    > John to move to the Westmed.  I think he will go for it, as he is pretty
    > much at my mercy anyway.  I still think I need his good will more than
    > Tunis, anyway!
    Yeah, makes sense to me, at least until you can build a fleet to replace
    his.  I'm not a fan of having puppets.  It only takes one show of
    independence to wreck your plans they always seem to do it at the most
    inconvenient time too.
    > I feel certain that StPete can be regained -- it was only a question of
    > building armies and betraying us or fleets and going after Christian.
    > are your thoughts here?
    I think Paul's lot was cast when we were able to watch his builds this past
    Winter.  The two fleets means he is never going to convince Christian that
    he can be more than an enemy.  Christian will be right not to believe him
    too.  For better or worse, Paul has to continue through with his attack and
    trust us at the same time.
    > I am suggesting a supported attack on Sev, and Aeg -> Con, to bounce with
    > your Bulgaria -> Con.  if you don't move there, my fleet greece arrives in
    > the Aegean.  In the fall, I should know what he is planning, but probably
    > supporting me into Bulgaria and Rumania -- which I will not do, of
    course --
    > and I should walk into Smyrna.
    Sounds okay to me.  Just repeat after me: "My long term plans require, I say
    REQUIRE, a build centre on the north coast to stop Christian and St Pete's
    is perfect.  That means I cannot stab Cal, I cannot stab Cal, I
    Throw in a few thoughts about a revitalized Turk on your flank and, well,
    you get the idea...
    > How are you recovering?  My wife and I just saw Toy Story2 --- GREAT!!!
    > Was GREAT!
    Recovering great.  I was carrying heavy stuff around last weekend, jumping
    in and out of pickup truck to load it, etc. Even planning a big canoe trip
    up in northern Ontario down the Albany River to James Bay.  I can hardly
    I'll take your word for it on the movie.  My wife is the movie buff in this
    household, not me.  I rarely watch them.  Too busy in front of the small
    screen (and if you think I meant television, bite your tongue!).
    Take care,

Message from England to Turkey in

    Well, right now I am trying to survive the German attack on me. Tell me how
    I can help you in Russia!! I am willing to do whatever you ask of me!!
    To me it seems Austria will have a solo-win unless Germany stops attacking
    me. He moves averything against me while Austria kills Turkey (you) and
    Russia, and then he stabs Germany...I think the main target right now is to
    get Germany to see that Austria is winning...
    /Christian, England

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    Hi ho John!
    happy holidays!  We have a new Turk on board, and I was wondering how far
    your good feeling towards your fellow man extended this holiday season?
    I would really, really love to get a little more Pressure on Christian asap.
    I will be moving Naples -> Tyhrn, no surprise there.  I was wondering if I
    could convince you to move to the Westmed again -- with me moving Through
    Tunis to North Africa in the fall!
    Just say the word and that is off -- but I like the idea of getting two
    fleets on MAO right away.  No one would expect me to move out of Tunis once
    I am there -- but you and I know that your fleet and it's good will are
    worth a lot more than one center!
    We should go out sometime for dinner, or a movie -- Mary and I saw Toy Story
    2 last night -- its Fabulous!
    anyway, drop me a line soon!

Message from Austria to Russia and Germany in

    I was wondering what to do with A Galicia.  I have it holding for the
    moment, I don't want to just move back to Budapest, should I move to
    Silesia, to assist in the northern defense?  I am also Supporting Belgium to
    hold, right?
    Let me know!

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Ok, I have come up with a plan.
    I will move :
    F Greece -> Aegean
    A Serbia -> bulgaria
    you should attack Sev --
    A Armenia -> Sev
    F Black S A Arm -> Sev
    F Aeg -> Con
    You should bounce with Cal's army in Con, and the attack on Sev probably
    won't go through but who knows?
    in the fall, I can cut support for Sev, and take Bulgaria.  That should set
    us up to move north together!
    Does this sound good to you?  Let me know!

Message from France to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > I would really, really love to get a little more Pressure on Christian
    I would think that Germany is the target now, having built 2 fleets he will
    keep Christian busier than anything we could do. But it is your call. I only
    ask that you make a decent play for a solo, which I know you will, and that
    if you can find 18 without eliminating me then so much the better.
    > I will be moving Naples -> Tyhrn, no surprise there.  I was wondering if I
    > could convince you to move to the Westmed again -- with me moving Through
    > Tunis to North Africa in the fall!
    ok i will move to WES (or try to)
    > We should go out sometime for dinner, or a movie -- Mary and I saw Toy
    > 2 last night -- its Fabulous!
    wow, i havent even seen ToyStory the Original yet! :)  Let's do something
    during this Xmas lull. I am going to Chicago this weekend and Montreal for
    the New Year's but have time in between

Message from Germany to Austria and Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia and Germany in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Guys,
    > I was wondering what to do with A Galicia.  I have it holding for the
    > moment, I don't want to just move back to Budapest, should I move to
    > Silesia, to assist in the northern defense?  I am also Supporting Belgium to
    > hold, right?
    > Let me know!
    > Chris:
     Well, maybe you should move A Ruhr-Bur instead!  That would leave my A Bel
    exposed; if it should be dislodged, its retreat could be conditional on the
    move to Spain (if (sc), it could go otb and be rebuilt as a fleet in the winter;
    if (nc), it
    could retreat to Pic and be in position to lend a second support to Bre).  I can
    F Kie-Hol (Bel supporting); F Hel-Nth, F Ber-Bal, A Mun-Ruh and A Den holds.
    If England takes Bel, we can take it back 4-3 so that I don't lose the dot!
     As for Gal:  if Cal wants to move A Rum-Sev and Ukr-Mos, you could perhaps
    bounce A's Gal and Ser over Rum to keep it free from Turkish predators.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Ok, I have come up with a plan.
    > I will move :
    > F Greece -> Aegean
    > A Serbia -> bulgaria
    > you should attack Sev --
    > A Armenia -> Sev
    > F Black S A Arm -> Sev
    > F Aeg -> Con
    > You should bounce with Cal's army in Con, and the attack on Sev probably
    > won't go through but who knows?
    > in the fall, I can cut support for Sev, and take Bulgaria.  That should
    > us up to move north together!
    > Does this sound good to you?  Let me know!
    > best,
    > Chris
    Dear Chris,
    I am not understanding your planning here.
    1.  How is attacking bul supported helping us.  I thought u were gonna sneak
    up on Russia in the fall.  This is a fruitless attack in the spring.
    2. What purpose does f gre - aeg accomplish, it just bounces?
    Looks like if u r gonna attack bul it would be done with support or not
    attack at all and keep stealth.
    Attacking bul in the spring gives him a heads up on your exposed bud, and
    the last thing u want is a Russian army in Austria proper.
    I assume I will not see an Austrian fleet EVER in eas?
    How about this:
    a arm - sev (will bounce)
    f bla s aeg - con
    f aeg - con (will succeed with support)
    f gre h
    f ion s nap - tyn
    a ser - bud
    a gal s ser - bud
    a ven - tri
    f con - bul(sc)
    f bla s bud - rum
    a arm - sev
    f gre s con - bul(sc)
    a tri - ser (cover retreat)
    a bud - rum
    a gal - war
    we can trade rum and bul back next year
    this way i get one for sure, u get at least one for sure and maybe two

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    hmm -- You make some good points -- unfortunately, I have some other uses
    for A Venice, which is why I don't want to leave Greece.
    But, you're right, I son't want to make Cal nervous at all -- he is certain
    I am not going to betray him.
    So, how about :
    a arm - sev (will bounce)
    f bla s A Arm -> Sev (will bounce)
    f aeg - con (will bounce, keeping me in Greece(
    f gre -> Aeg (Cal is definitely expecting this)
    f ion s nap - tyn
    a ser - > Bud
    a gal -> Bud ( defensive self bounce to keep him from attacking me)
    f Aeg S A Ser -> Bul (I know this plan doesn't net you a build this year,
    see below)
    f bla - rum
    a arm - sev
    f gre s Ser -> Bul
    a ser -> Bul
    a gal - war
    Ok -- so, why only take two from Russia when we could take three?  One
    word -- Germany.  The minute I stab  Russia, Germany is going to pitch a
    hissy fit.  He is the real person I have to fool in the spring --  To get
    into position to defend myself from him, and make sure he doesn't turn
    around and come after me.
    I should be able to do this -- but A Venice and A Gal are needed, and that
    means we can't take Rumania, 'casue I cant cover the retreat.  I am
    absolutely for switching you into Bulgaria next year, while I build to take
    Rumania and help you into Sev and Moscow.
    I know it is a little unbalanced for this year, but the need for secrecy
    hampers my movement.
    As to the Eastmed thing, you don't need to fear at all -- I am going to be
    moving Ionian away from you this season, and if everything works out between
    us, I'd like to get your fleets out into the Med where they can help against
    I am going to be a little busy in the coming weeks -- my wife is 9 months
    pregnant, and we are expecting the little fellah anytime now, but I have a
    cpu at home, and should be able to get a reply out in 48 hours.  But if you
    don't hear from me, please don't panic, I'm probably at the hospital!

Message from Austria to Russia and Germany in

    Ok, I have changed the Ruhr order to Burgundy.  Cal, thoughts on Galicia?

Message from Russia to Austria and Germany in

    > Message from as Austria to Russia and Germany
    > 'ruffians':
    > Ok, I have changed the Ruhr order to Burgundy.  Cal, thoughts on Galicia?
    Sorry to take so long to respond, been pretty busy at work.
    I think I'm pretty much in a holding pattern until Chris can take another
    centre off Turkey.  Ukraina is moving back to Moscow, so I'll have a
    supported attack on St Pete's.  I'm pretty much open to suggestion as to
    other tactics.  Sev will be supported by Rum and Bul -?.  I have some ideas,
    but I'll wait til Chris figures out what he can talk the newbie into doing.
    To answer your question, as it stands now, I don't need Gal for anything.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Chris, congrats on the little fellow on the way!!!!!!
    > spring:
    > a arm - sev (will bounce)
    > f bla s A Arm -> Sev (will bounce)
    > f aeg - con (will bounce, keeping me in Greece(
    > f gre -> Aeg (Cal is definitely expecting this)
    > f ion s nap - tyn
    > a ser - > Bud
    > a gal -> Bud ( defensive self bounce to keep him from attacking me)
    > fall:
    > f Aeg S A Ser -> Bul (I know this plan doesn't net you a build this year,
    > see below)
    > f bla - rum
    > a arm - sev
    > f gre s Ser -> Bul
    > a ser -> Bul
    > a gal - war
    k, i am sold.  My orders will read:
    a arm - sev
    f bla s Arm - Sev
    f aeg - con
    look forward to working with u.

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Good news!  I just got a letter in From Russia --
    He will be moving Ukraine to Moscow, so as to have a supported attack on
    StPete in the Fall -- he definitely believes me at this point.
    This means that I can use Serbia to hit Rum in the fall, so that your
    supported attack on Sev will work!  We can take three off him, with you
    getting Sev, and I taking Warsaw and Bulgaria.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':


Message from Turkey to England in 'ruffians':

    > Well, right now I am trying to survive the German attack on me. Tell me
    > I can help you in Russia!! I am willing to do whatever you ask of me!!
    > To me it seems Austria will have a solo-win unless Germany stops attacking
    > me. He moves averything against me while Austria kills Turkey (you) and
    > Russia, and then he stabs Germany...I think the main target right now is
    > get Germany to see that Austria is winning...
    > /Christian, England
    Dear Christian,
    Thanks for your kind words!!  I would like to see u
    a stp - mos
    f nwy - stp(nc) (cover your self from lvn)
    this will keep the pressure on Russia.
    I am trying to divide the a/r alliance.  I am not sure if I have made any
    headway.  I'll either be dead or rebounding by the end of the year.  Someone
    should have shot the last Sultan long ago.
    What's the deal with an Austrian army in Ruhr and Germany and Austria not
    going after eachother?

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.