The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1907 in ruffians


Message from England to Germany in

    I guess the best is if you support me to Spain(sc) this Spring while I move
    IRI-MAO. Then in the fall you get Mar.
    About north I do as I told you earlier.

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Paul,
    > I guess the best is if you support me to Spain(sc) this Spring while I move
    > IRI-MAO. Then in the fall you get Mar.
    > About north I do as I told you earlier.
    >     It doesn't hurt to try!  You have the support--good luck!  -Paul

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > Well, that went well.  I hope you are recovering.  I think it's a pretty
    > obvious A Moscow, and then we try to crack Munich -- it might even happen!
    > If you are feeling risky, you could Waive the build, and play one short,
    > the hopes of building in Sev next year.
    I guess there's a shot at Munich, but you're taking a chance of Germany
    slipping into Boh or Gal.  I've put in orders that have A War & A Rum
    bouncing in Gal to cover your back door, but if you want something
    different, let me know.

Message from Russia to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':
    > Cal:
    > Yeah, I know my move to Sil is a pain in the ass...but SOMEBODY has  to
    put units in place to contain
    > Austria!!
    I think Austria is a LOT less of a threat to you than the possibility of an
    English stab.
    >Hey, it's not like I have enough units in the area  to attack War.
    That's true.
    > What I want to do, if you will allow me, is to try a supported attack on
    Boh in the Spring.  That wouldn't
    > be a threat to you...would it?
    As long as A Sil is the one attacking, I'd have no problem with that move.
    I'm going to turn my attention to making sure England gets squat from his
    northern maneuvers...

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

    > As long as A Sil is the one attacking, I'd have no problem with that move.
    Deal.  A Sil-Boh supported by A Mun.  No units following up into Sil.
    > I'm going to turn my attention to making sure England gets squat from his
    > northern maneuvers...
    No problem there!  I don't think that Christian will stab me as long as Austria
    has a
    shot at taking the lion's share of my home dots & building an even bigger
    navy as a result.
     I may be naive, but I don't think so.

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Well, I guess you are right, we can afford to wait a minute on the German
    I guess I'd rather you moved Rumania to Bulgaria -- it's the only attack
    that is guaranteed to succeed there.  I can't see Germany moving to Galicia,
    with Munich under attack and all.
    We could either try to puch Germany in the Prussia corridor, or Turkey in
    the south -- either way we're going to need to co-ordinate, yes?
    I guess I'd like to see this:
    A Rum -> Bul
    A Sev -> Rum
    A Mos -> Sev
    A War S A Bohemia -> Gal
    Stp hold
    While I go
    a Serbia S A Rum -> Bul
    F Greece S F ionian -> Aegean
    F ionian -> aegean
    A Tyr -> Boh
    A Boh -> Gal
    That makes Bulgaria a lock for you, I cover the Galician corridor, and then
    we push for Silesia in the fall.  Slow but steady!

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Well, I guess you are right, we can afford to wait a minute on the German
    I guess I'd rather you moved Rumania to Bulgaria -- it's the only attack
    that is guaranteed to succeed there.  I can't see Germany moving to Galicia,
    with Munich under attack and all.
    We could either try to puch Germany in the Prussia corridor, or Turkey in
    the south -- either way we're going to need to co-ordinate, yes?
    I guess I'd like to see this:
    A Rum -> Bul
    A Sev -> Rum
    A Mos -> Sev
    A War S A Bohemia -> Gal
    Stp hold
    While I go
    a Serbia S A Rum -> Bul
    F Greece S F ionian -> Aegean
    F ionian -> aegean
    A Tyr -> Boh
    A Boh -> Gal
    A Ven -> Tyr
    That makes Bulgaria a lock for you, I cover the Galician corridor, and then
    we push for Silesia in the fall.  Slow but steady!

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Could you move the fleet to the GoLyon, to support Spain to hold?  Or
    through Tunis to NAF?  Sooner or later England will try to outflank France.
    That would be bad for both of us, yes?

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > I guess I'd like to see this:
    > A Rum -> Bul
    > A Sev -> Rum
    > A Mos -> Sev
    > A War S A Bohemia -> Gal
    > Stp hold
    > While I go
    > a Serbia S A Rum -> Bul
    > F Greece S F ionian -> Aegean
    > F ionian -> aegean
    > A Tyr -> Boh
    > A Boh -> Gal
    > That makes Bulgaria a lock for you, I cover the Galician corridor, and
    > we push for Silesia in the fall.  Slow but steady!
    Actually, I guess I can live with this. I'll put the orders in now.  The
    more we ding Cyrille, the better.  Man, I've never seen a player LESS
    capable of working in an alliance.

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Roland,
    > Could you move the fleet to the GoLyon, to support Spain to hold?  Or
    > through Tunis to NAF?  Sooner or later England will try to outflank France.
    > That would be bad for both of us, yes?
    Hmm... It might be a good idea. I shal look at the map and consider it.
    > Chris
    Mvh Roland

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    Sorry for not writing much, but my enery level is still pretty low.
    I don't understand why you are attacking me when Germany is such an obvious
    Here's a few points for you to ponder:
    1- You've got a perfect chance to attack Germany as you said you wanted to.
    2- He's essentially fleetless and cannot defend against you.
    3- I'm still viable enough to help out.  Take me down (if you can) and you
    face Germany alone.
    4- If you attack Germany WITH my help you'd likely pick up the lion's share
    of his centres, both at home and in France.  By attacking me, you stand to
    pick up, what?  St Pete's and Moscow?  That's nuts.
    BTW, if Germany has convinced you that Austria is such a threat, remember
    that Turkey is still able to do damage and Austria is quite spread out.
    It's not as if attacking Germany is going to let Austria sweep the board.
    You'll never have a better chance.
    I really think you need to take a look at your overall strategy.  Let me
    know if I can help, or do I just throw everything northward for defense?

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    I am sorry to hear that.  I don't know how you plan on getting another fleet
    in the water.  I certainly won't be giving one of my hard won centers up for
    nothing!  Are you open to the possibility of dislodging the army in Naples
    so it can be re-built as a fleet?
    I hope you understand that I am not threatening you -- I simply cannot
    afford to lose units right now.
    I have a thought though -- if you move the fleet to the Gulf of Lyon, I
    don't need the army in Piedmont.  Would that be an acceptable compromise?

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Roland is making noises like he want back in the game.  How frustrating!
    Should I let him take Rome back?  I'd hate to pull a unit off the line!

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Roland,
    > I am sorry to hear that.  I don't know how you plan on getting another fleet
    > in the water.  I certainly won't be giving one of my hard won centers up for
    > nothing!  Are you open to the possibility of dislodging the army in Naples
    > so it can be re-built as a fleet?
    Well, I thought you said I could have Rome back... ?
    > I hope you understand that I am not threatening you -- I simply cannot
    > afford to lose units right now.
    But I could?
    > I have a thought though -- if you move the fleet to the Gulf of Lyon, I
    > don't need the army in Piedmont.  Would that be an acceptable compromise?
    Sorry, I do not accept any promises from you. You have lied far to many
    > Best,
    > Chris
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    I don't get it.  I have kept you in this game.  I guess I'll just have to
    take you out of it.

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Definite change of plans.  I have to take the trouble to finish Roland off.
    Would you bounce me in Galicia instead of supporting me in?
    The Plan for Turkey shouldn't need to change, though!

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    I can't support Roland any longer in Marsaille.  He is going to war with me,
    after all I've done for him!  ;)
    would you fall back to Tunis?  Convoy to NAF now and take Tun with the fleet
    in the army in the fall?  I 'll support you to hold there forever!

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Roland,
    > I don't get it.  I have kept you in this game.  I guess I'll just have to
    > take you out of it.
    > Chris
    How have you kept me in the game?
    All you have done is supported Mar, and that is only for your own good, not
    Else you have tried to take my centers all the time.
    If you start to REALLY help me, maybe I can change my attitude.
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Dang -- I have to go to work.  Look, take rome in the spring, and move the
    fleet into the GoL in the fall, ok?  I need to concentrate on Turkey!
    How does THat sound?

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Damn.  Ignore me.  I got all het up about nothing.  Do not bounce me please!
    I know I know, rantings and ravings.

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Roland,
    > Dang -- I have to go to work.  Look, take rome in the spring, and move the
    > fleet into the GoL in the fall, ok?  I need to concentrate on Turkey!
    > How does THat sound?
    > Chirs
    Ok, much better!
    Mvh Roland

Message from France to Austria in 'ruffians':

    (but I thought this was a fall turn. In which case it is unlikely that I
    will have two units with which to force Tunis next spring.)

Message from France to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > would you fall back to Tunis?  Convoy to NAF now and take Tun with the
    > in the army in the fall?  I 'll support you to hold there forever!
    Of course I don't believe you. However I have entered the orders anyway. It
    would, in fact, give me some personal pleasure if *AS A PERSONAL FAVOR TO
    ME* if you kept me alive long enough to see Germany eliminated first. The
    coming war between E/G will be rather vicious, although I must tell you from
    personal experience as Christian's (our England) ally in other games that he
    does NOT use very aggressive moves. So use that info accordingly! :)

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > Damn.  Ignore me.  I got all het up about nothing.  Do not bounce me
    > I know I know, rantings and ravings.
    > Sorry,
    S'okay, I was ignoring you anyway.  Negotiating after deadlines and all
    that... Rick doesn't like it and I know not to do it... d;-})

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    Nope, last order to process was F 06.  This is S07 coming up.
    I'll keep you around as long as I can!


Message from England to Germany in

    I´ll give you support A Gas-Mar. OK?
    Anything more we need to co-ordinate?

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as England to Germany in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Paul,
    > I´ll give you support A Gas-Mar. OK?
    > Anything more we need to co-ordinate?
    > /Christian
    Your support for my move of A Gas-Mar will be greatly appreciated-- thank
    you in
     I also appreciate your moving out of Nth, for obvious reasons.
     Next Spring, we might want to consider your allowing my F Kiel-Den.
    Then, in the Fall, you could support yourself back in, and I could retreat
    the fleet otb.  It
    would solve our problem with the needless German Fleet!

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    > England: Fleet Denmark -> Kiel.  (*bounce*)
    damn. too bad that didn't work in a spring move, it would have been
    devastating. Nevertheless there is time to outguess Germany still for the
    fall, plus England will gain two builds minimum this year, which will make
    short work of the German position in 1908/09.  Sail on, England, Sail on!

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from as France in 'ruffians':
    > > England: Fleet Denmark -> Kiel.  (*bounce*)
    > damn. too bad that didn't work in a spring move, it would have been
    > devastating. Nevertheless there is time to outguess Germany still for the
    > fall, plus England will gain two builds minimum this year, which will make
    > short work of the German position in 1908/09.  Sail on, England, Sail on!
    Your press is more cutesy than it is pathetic, but only barely.  Hardly worthy
    of a
    player of your stature, I must say....  Paul

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > > Broadcast message from as France in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > > England: Fleet Denmark -> Kiel.  (*bounce*)
    > >
    > > damn. too bad that didn't work in a spring move, it would have been
    > > devastating. Nevertheless there is time to outguess Germany still for
    > > fall, plus England will gain two builds minimum this year, which will
    > > short work of the German position in 1908/09.  Sail on, England, Sail
    > Your press is more cutesy than it is pathetic, but only barely.  Hardly
    > of a
    > player of your stature, I must say....  Paul
    Now, now, Paul, you're starting to sound nervous... d;-})

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    > Now, now, Paul, you're starting to sound nervous... d;-})
    he should be! With Russia having built a unit, and England not only up +2
    this coming winter, he should re-evaluate just how powerful a minor amount
    of press can be. Silence from Germany, Proposition from England, which one
    should I take? hmm, a no-brainer.

Message from Italy to France in 'ruffians':

    What is happening, what is the deal with A Naf?
    Is there anything we can do together? Can I support you to Spa?
    The Pope

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Now if I can keep Rome, Nap and Tun I will build a new fleet and stop the
    intruders in the Med.
    Can you support me to Tun? I do not trust France.
    The Pope

Message from Italy to England in 'ruffians':

    Så vad händer?
    Inte behöver du väl hjälpa Tyskland till Mar va?!
    Mvh Roland

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.