The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1906 in ruffians


Message from Russia to Austria and Turkey in

    Okay, I've set the board up and I'm open to suggestions.  I suspect an
    English move to Norway from North Sea is likely, but I also think that
    England expects to catch me off guard. The question is: should I move the
    army in Moscow north to St Pete's?  This would create the possibility of
    that centre being occupied in the fall if I can't get out of there.  This
    would preclude a fleet build.  The only other alternative I see is to hope
    that England holds off on a northward push one more season while I try to
    create the impression that I am concentrating on nothing but my attack on
    Turkey.  England may buy this as I've been setting him up to believe it for
    two seasons now.  That would give me a better chance of catching him off
    guard, but I'd be placing  alot of faith in his holding off from the north.
    Cyrille, I assume that my taking Sev back is still in your plans?

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Well, I DID set the board up and I'm worried about the north.  England has
    been pretty vacuous in the way he talks about stabbing Germany ("Now make
    sure you don't get any units in my way so I'll REALLY be able to attack
    Germany now!") and I'm not buying it. I figure I'll try to convince Cyrille
    that I'm only attacking Sev so as to make it look like I'm England's friend.
    If there is no really concerted push by E/G to start their eastward sweep, I
    want to knock Turkey out.  We'll need E/G to give us one turn of idleness
    and another of slow maneuvering.  Otherwise, Cyrille stays in and we present
    a united front.  Agreed?

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Dear Cyrille:
     I will be moving to face the Austrian this season, keeping his
    armies busy in the
    centerboard while your fleets keep him occupied in the South.  Perhaps
    you should
    convoy A Sev-Bul with two supports, since the war with Russia seems to
    be over?
     I will encourage Cal to move A War-Gal; is he Austria's fully ally,
    or are they
    merely neutral neighbors?

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Christian:
    >      There were no real surprises in the Winter '05 season:  we just
    > know exactly
    > what we're facing!  As I said in my last message, I will move to Gas and
    > be prepared to support you to Spain in F'06.
    >      I still think that your best move might be to place a fleet in Naf,
    > giving you the
    > capability of supporting yourself into WMS as soon as possible.
    > Unwittingly,
    > Italy has created a barrier to Austria expansion west as much as he has
    > bottled up
    > my forces in France!  You have time to set up your move into the Med
    > which you
    > might not have enjoyed otherwise....
    >      Russia is now quite secure, and stands to recover Sev from Turkey.
    > What will
    > Cal be up to next?
    >      The additional Turkish fleet will give pause to Austria; especially
    > since the
    > Sultan has apparently abandoned his northward push.  I'll give Cyrille
    > diplomatic
    > encouragement vs. Austria, you may be sure!
    >      This Spring, my A Pic will begin its long trek home.  Its job is
    > finished in
    > France and it may be needed as things come to a head with Austria!
    > Tyrolia is
    > almost surely to fall to the Austrians this season, but my keeping him
    > out of Boh
    > will minimize the threat of a solo Austrian neighbor to Munich.
    >      That sums it up.
    >                                --Paul

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Hi, Cal:
     My war with France has just about run its course; I'll be helping
    England into
    Iberia so that he can help ME into Mar, and that's about it.
     My next target will be, of course, Austria (who has picked a fight
    with me--
    what?--three times?) while I can still battle him on equal terms.  Would
    you care to
    move A War-Gal and join in the fun?  Your war with Turkey is just about
    concluded (sucessfully for you, congrats) and you'll be looking for new
    worlds to
    conquer same as I.
     I will respect the neutrality of Bal, Pru and Sil as we've agreed.
    I hope that we
    can finally become partners in the general move southward!

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    The north concerns me less, I think, than it does you -- of course I don't
    have a border there!  ;)  Seriously, all of England's attention seems to be
    on getting Iberia and the Med.  John is playing a fine fighting retreat, and
    with a little luck he can hold out until I, or Cyrille, can get there to
    help hold the line.
    The thing that concerns me is that if we DO take the time to Nail down
    Cyrille, then we lose the momentum on the other end.  I still think we can
    do it, however.  I have a plan, and it is outlined below.  The main thrust
    is this -- Cyrille almost certainly will trust us a little in the Spring,
    and England and Germany have too far to go to get to us.  By the time they
    get here, we can be MORE than ready to throw them back.
    If I take Naples and you take Sev, Then between us we reduce him to 3
    units -- and I think I could probably take Bulgaria in the Process.  Like
    Spring --
    A Ukr -> Sev
    A Mos & Rum S Ukr -> Sev (Guaranteed success, but A Sev -> Rum S by Black
    sea then Succeeds.  This should be avoidable by diplomatic means, however.)
    * A Rum S A Serbia -> Bulgaria* -- If he's going to trust us, well, we might
    as well REALLY nail that coffin up tight.  If he doesn't, we still have the
    Guaranteed attacks for success in the fall.
    A War -> Silesia.
    F Ionian -> Naples
    A Rome S F Ionian -> Naples
    F Greece *S A Serbia -> Bulgaria*// *-> Ionian*
    A Serbia -> Bulgaria
    This gets Naples unless he supports it to the Ionian (or unless Roland
    interferes) and  taking or bouncing Serbia, unless he uses all three fleets
    to take it.  The only retreat for Naples is Apulia, and that's not good --
    but unless he moved Aegean -> Ionian, he can't re-take a center there, even
    with Italian help.  And, given sound diplomacy, we should know where he
    intends to move the fleet in the Aegean -- if he is moving to the Ionian,
    then F Greece bounces him back.
    A Venice -> Tyrolia
    A Piedmont S A Venice -> Tyrolia
    A Vienna -> Bohemia
    As I say, one or both of these must succeed, and Marseilles doesn't need the
    support this season.  I can't see Roland moving Mars -> Pied, can you?
    Cyrille's moves seem fairly predictable, and indeed we should be able to
    dicate them, for one season.  I suggest we propose:
    A Sev -> Black Sea -> Bulgaria
    F Black C A Sev -> Bulgaria
    F Nap S F Ionian -> Tyrhr
    F Aegean -> Ionian
    F Con -> Aegean
    That actually sounds reasonable, and, it is what I think we Should do if he
    is to be kept alive.  This set of moves lets us take him all at once, and
    without any real hope of recovery for him afterwards.  In the Fall, he
    doesn't have any supported attacks that we can't defend against, and then he
    will be down to 3 units, and Our containment will be complete.  If he keeps
    one of the Med fleets, I will have to hunt it down, but that will make
    taking actual Turkish centers quite easy.
    Ok, so look at the other side of the board for a sec.  England and Germany
    have 8 Units west of the North Sea, and 5 units east of it.  England kept
    the German fleet in Kiel pinned down by moving Den -> Kiel last season.  In
    1904, England sent ALL of his forces west, when he had a pretty good chance
    of breaking into Moscow/Warsaw with a determined attack.  He still only has
    the one army, and that is in Wales, where it can only be convoyed to Norway
    if 2 fleets are used.  The Irish Sea and MAT fleets are clearly not in the
    game.  I have to say that St Pete's looks really, really safe this year, and
    then you will have a build.
    The German front can be stabilized as well -- though I anticipate the German
    moves to be something like this:
     A Berlin s A Mun -> Silesia
    A Munich -> Silesia
    A Bur -> Munich
    A Par -> Bur
    A Bre -> Gas
    A Pic -> Bre
    This is actually not bad for us.  With units in Tyrolia and Bohemia, Germany
    must support Munich to hold.  If I can get Roland to move A Marseilles ->
    burgundy, bouncing the Parisian unit,  then so much the better.  Warsaw is
    isolated, but Germany can't afford to move out of Berlin and into Prussia.
    So, to sum up!  The worst possible things that could happen if we attack
    Turkey, as I see it, are:
    1) Cyrille somehow senses it coming.  He doesn't move as we predict, and,
    for example, supports himself into Rumania.  If he does, we still outnumber
    his forces, and can take him apart -- with a retreat to Budapest available
    to you, there aren't any holes left to plug, and we can safely take Rum
    back -- though he will probably get Bulgaria in this case, and still be at
    Four, he can't possibly hold it in 07.
    2) England goes for the long distance convoy of Wales -> Eng Chan -> North
    Sea -> Norway.  (Now that I look at it, that unit is probably destined for
    North Africa, so I'll have to get on Roland about that also.)  Bad, but with
    the unit in Moscow, St Pete can be covered for one season.  This might deny/
    delay a fleet build in the north, but another arrmy in the south wouldn't be
    a bad thing.  Would YOU send one unit off to try to capture one center that
    far away?  especially after moving all of his pieces the other way, I think
    he is commiting to the Med.
    3) Germany springs the Kiel fleet to the Baltic, and moves A Pic -> Bel, A
    Burg -> Ruhr, and A Paris -> Burg.  This seems Most unlikely to me --
    England wont want him next to Sweden.  Even if all of these go through, the
    threat to us is still 3 seasons away at the soonest -- a German convoy to,
    say, Livonia in the fall being prevented by the supported attack on Munich.
    He'll have to wait until he gets some more units back to the Eastern Front.
    Actually, of course, for all of these things to happen at once would be the
    worst possible thing!  I think the likelihood of ANY of them is low enough
    that we can deal with it.  Looking it over, I think we have the forces and
    the opportunity to remove, or at LEAST trim, a troublesome thorn in our
    Long letter, I know.  Let me know your thoughts!

Message from England to Germany in

    I will go for Spain or Portugal. I assume that you are supporting yourself
    to Gascony. I don't want to be in NTH and threaten you so I might move it
    to NWG to keep it in position to bounce Russia if he moves up north.

Message from Russia to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':
    > Hi, Cal:
    >      My war with France has just about run its course; I'll be helping
    > England into
    > Iberia so that he can help ME into Mar, and that's about it.
    >      My next target will be, of course, Austria (who has picked a fight
    > with me--
    > what?--three times?) while I can still battle him on equal terms.  Would
    > you care to
    > move A War-Gal and join in the fun?  Your war with Turkey is just about
    > concluded (sucessfully for you, congrats) and you'll be looking for new
    > worlds to
    > conquer same as I.
    I'll still respect the DMZ.  My war with Cyrille won't be finished til he's
    >      I will respect the neutrality of Bal, Pru and Sil as we've agreed.
    > I hope that we
    > can finally become partners in the general move southward!
    Works for me but how sure are you about leaving your back open to England?
    I'm not really into this game enough to particularly care, but he's written
    me at least twice to sound me out on an attack on you.  I pretty much
    ignored him.

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > The north concerns me less, I think, than it does you -- of course I don't
    > have a border there!  ;)  Seriously, all of England's attention seems to
    > on getting Iberia and the Med.  John is playing a fine fighting retreat,
    > with a little luck he can hold out until I, or Cyrille, can get there to
    > help hold the line.
    The more I look at the north, the more I agree with you that, although I
    know England will stab me, I think I'm on the backburner for now.
    > The thing that concerns me is that if we DO take the time to Nail down
    > Cyrille, then we lose the momentum on the other end.
    > If I take Naples and you take Sev, Then between us we reduce him to 3
    > units -- and I think I could probably take Bulgaria in the Process.
    I think we can probably go ahead and do this and your moves will likely
    ensure his trust for the Fall
    > A War -> Silesia.
    This I'm not sure about yet.  my first inclination is to move it to Livonia,
    but my growing sense of Christian's "northern comfort level" saya I may not
    have to do this.  However, Paul wrote me a letter saying he stil plans to
    respect our DMZ of bal, pru & sil and I tend to believe him for this turn
    (actually, he wants me to move to Galicia which is not something I suspect
    you'd appreciate...).  I'm tempted to stay right where I am in Warsaw, but
    I'll give it some more thought.  There's merit in a move to Silesia, but I'm
    not sur i want to bring Paul's wrath down upon me.  It would also serve to
    wake Christian up.  I've been cultiating an image as someone who doesn't
    give a shit and THAT'S why I think he's backed off on me for now.  I'll let
    you know what decide.  If I DON'T go there and Germany does head south, you
    can count on me attacking Sil the following turn.
    > Cyrille's moves seem fairly predictable, and indeed we should be able to
    > dicate them, for one season.  I suggest we propose:
    > A Sev -> Black Sea -> Bulgaria
    > F Black C A Sev -> Bulgaria
    > F Nap S F Ionian -> Tyrhr
    > F Aegean -> Ionian
    > F Con -> Aegean
    Go for it.
    > Ok, so look at the other side of the board for a sec.  England and Germany
    > have 8 Units west of the North Sea, and 5 units east of it.  England kept
    > the German fleet in Kiel pinned down by moving Den -> Kiel last season.
    > 1904, England sent ALL of his forces west, when he had a pretty good
    > of breaking into Moscow/Warsaw with a determined attack.  He still only
    > the one army, and that is in Wales, where it can only be convoyed to
    > if 2 fleets are used.  The Irish Sea and MAT fleets are clearly not in the
    > game.  I have to say that St Pete's looks really, really safe this year,
    > then you will have a build.
    I agree, but I have to make sure I get to build a second F Stp(nc) the year
    after if we're to have any luck against the west.
    > The German front can be stabilized as well -- though I anticipate the
    > moves to be something like this:
    >  A Berlin s A Mun -> Silesia
    > A Munich -> Silesia
    > A Bur -> Munich
    > A Par -> Bur
    > A Bre -> Gas
    > A Pic -> Bre
    I admit these are his best moves, but I just have a feeling he'll respect
    the DMZ for one more turn.
    > So, to sum up!  The worst possible things that could happen if we attack
    > Turkey, as I see it, are:
    <List of bad things snipped>
    > Actually, of course, for all of these things to happen at once would be
    > worst possible thing!  I think the likelihood of ANY of them is low enough
    > that we can deal with it.  Looking it over, I think we have the forces and
    > the opportunity to remove, or at LEAST trim, a troublesome thorn in our
    > side.
    Here's to Better Homes and Gardens...
    > Long letter, I know.  Let me know your thoughts!
    What do you think the chances really are of your talking Roland into hitting
    Bur in the Fall?  I mean, you ARE sitting in two of his home centres.  If I
    KNEW we could count on that, Silesia would be a no-brainer, but i don't want
    to give up "don't give a s**t facade" that I've cultivated with E/G. It's
    worked so far to keep me alive.

Message from Austria to Turkey and Russia in

    Hey Guys,
    I have got a busy weekend, but I should be able to check in a couple of
    Cyrille, thanks for the disband and the extra fleet.  We should be able to
    put a solid counter on the E/G now.
    Cal, thanks for the renewed interest in the game.  I know you feel this one
    is corrupted.
    What are your thoughts?  For starters, we should get you Bulgaria,
    Cyrille -- I guess convoying the army from Sev would be best, and it would
    give you some more home security.  We should push into the Tyrh sea now, and
    advance the other fleets accordingly.
    More details later.

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

     I will move A Pic-Bel, just to cover my flanks.  My F Kie will be
    ordered to
    Den to keep him pinned there, just as he is doing the opposite with F
     But Christian will likely need the support of my A Gas to get him
    into Spain in
    the Fall; I rather doubt that he will prematurely attack me and lose
    this aid!
    Austria has the arrogant "what enemies?" attitude.  Has he no foe to
    speak of?

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I suggest that I convoy my army back to Nap now (with your support). And
    that you on yor own take on Turkey in Turkey for now.
    The Pope

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    >Dear Cyrille:
    >      I will be moving to face the Austrian this season, keeping his
    >armies busy in the
    >centerboard while your fleets keep him occupied in the South.  Perhaps
    >you should
    >convoy A Sev-Bul with two supports, since the war with Russia seems to
    >be over?
    I'd no choice, cause A and R are fully ally.
    >      I will encourage Cal to move A War-Gal; is he Austria's fully ally,
    >or are they
    >merely neutral neighbors?
    I must wait, but sooner your pressure, of you and E will be great, sooner I
    can change my side. For now, I've to wait.

Message from Turkey to Russia and Austria in

    OK, I'll convoy A Sev to Bul. I've never lost a game (meaning suffering from
    an 18 centers), and I don't want it now, but I'm quite far from this game,
    so cannot give any strong tactical opinion.

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > As you say....
    > I must wait, but sooner your pressure, of you and E will be great, sooner I
    > can change my side. For now, I've to wait.
    Wait as you like, but the longer I get bogged down vs. Austria, the sooner
    will get bored and stab me.  I foresee an ultimate A/E alliance, here.

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Ok, lets go for it.  Will you do me a favor, then, and move A Marsaille ->
    Burgundy this season?  I will be moving forces to the German border, and
    this would disrupt his plans for certain.  The support for you to hold will
    be there in the fall.

Message from Austria to Russia and Turkey in

    Ok, gents we seem to have a plan -- the deadline is tomorrow, and I think we
    are ready to go.
    Will you be supporting my fleet from the Ionian to the Tyhr?
    Will you be sending that army to Silesia?  I have been looking it over and I
    cant think of a good reason Germany won't be moving there!

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Ok, it looks like Cyrille has taken the hook, line and Sinker.  A Simple
    supported attack should be enough to take Sev, and Rumania should be free to
    support A Serbia -> Rum, which should then succeed.
    So my question is should I take Naples Now, or in the fall?  I will be
    leaving Venice, and if he retreats to Apulia, I will have to cover it --
    risking the loss of Marsaille to Germany in the Process.
    We could simply let the convoy suceed, and move on him in the fall.  Hmmmmm.
    I am inclined to take the center now, personally.  Let me know what you
    think, ok?
    Oh, and Roland asked me to support his convoy of Tunis -> Naples -- I said,
    ok, if you'll move Marsaille -> Burgundy this season!  So I hope he will go
    for it!

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Roland,
    > Ok, lets go for it.  Will you do me a favor, then, and move A Marsaille ->
    > Burgundy this season?  I will be moving forces to the German border, and
    > this would disrupt his plans for certain.  The support for you to hold will
    > be there in the fall.
    Thanks, I will do that!
    > Mvh,
    > Chris
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Just  a test, Cal, I haven't been getting any mail today, and yesterday it
    was acting wierd.

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > Just  a test, Cal, I haven't been getting any mail today, and yesterday it
    > was acting wierd.
    > Best,
    > Chris
    You just caught me walking out the door to go to work, but it seems to be
    working fine now.

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hey Cyrille, what's the holdup?

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    >Hey Cyrille, what's the holdup?
    Sorry, I forgot the situation, and don't have it with me. So, I must wait
    this WE. But, can you remember me the command to get the unit list?

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    As Bruce Willis would say : Please, what is the fucking syntax for a convoy?

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from as Turkey in 'ruffians':
    > As Bruce Willis would say : Please, what is the fucking syntax for a convoy?
    Try it like this:
    A Smy-Gre
    F Aeg c A Smy-Gre
    That's my best guess....    Paul

Broadcast message from England in

    >A Smy-Gre
    >F Aeg c A Smy-Gre
    No, like this:
    A Smy-Aeg-Gre
    F Aeg C Smy-Gre

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from as England in
    > 'ruffians':
    > >A Smy-Gre
    > >F Aeg c A Smy-Gre
    > No, like this:
    > A Smy-Aeg-Gre
    > F Aeg C Smy-Gre
    > /Christian
    ...Learn something new every day!    --Paul

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    I'm going in to the hospital for surgery on Monday, so I'll be out of action
    for a few days at least.  Seeing Cyrille's messages tells me the turn will
    likely process today, so I'd like to have an extension on the NEXT turn
    until next Saturday at least.

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    Christian is correct.  Sorry the convoy syntax is confusing.
    Will give the extension for Cal once this turn moves.

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hurrah ?! <g>

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Fair to let a week. Sorry for the delay. The last message I send was using
    Christian's email, so I think it will pass.


Message from England to Germany in

    I guess Austria will support Italy in Marseilles, so maybe you could
    support me to Spain(sc) instead? I need another army in Scandinavia now
    that Russia gets a build too.

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as England to Germany in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Hi!
    > I guess Austria will support Italy in Marseilles, so maybe you could
    > support me to Spain(sc) instead? I need another army in Scandinavia now
    > that Russia gets a build too.
    > /Christian
    Hello Christian!
     Okay, I will support F MAO-Spa(sc).  Once you are in Spain, you can
    me into Mar, okay?
     I am very disturbed about the apparent alliance between R/A:  now that
    has been driven from Russia, I am worried that Cal might send an army to the
    centerboard to help out the Austrian.
     I am seriously considering moving A Ber-Pru, A Mun-Sil, A Bur-Mun and
    A Bel-Bur.  Since I expect Austria to support A Vie-Boh, this might be the
    time for me to make those moves--before Munich comes under attack from the
    south!  I could also order F Kie-Bal (en route to Gob) so that one of us can
    the other into StP...but you would have to stop ordering F Den-Kie so that I
    can do
    it!  You might want to order F Den-Swe (en route to Fin?) to give yourself
    for future attacks on Russia!  You would suffer little risk in trusting me
    now:  it is
    I who has the most dots exposed to YOU!

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Cal:
    >       At the risk of being tiresome, I must again ask you to consider
    > moving an army
    > or two against Austria.  A War-Gal and A Ukr-Rum might set you up
    > nicely....
    >      Austria will almost surely support his A Vie-Boh this turn; all I
    > can do is gird
    > to support Mun in future turns.  But if he had new threats to
    > consider....
    >      C'mon!  Your threat from Turkey is obviated, and you have armies to
    > spare.
    > (I suppose you are getting similar notes from the Austrian, asking you
    > to move
    > against me?)
    >                       --Paul

Message from England to Germany in

    >     Okay, I will support F MAO-Spa(sc).  Once you are in Spain, you can
    >support me into Mar, okay?
    Sure, no problem.
    Sure, move Kie-Baltic. I will also move Den-Swe as you proposed.

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Oh (once) Mighty Sultan!
     If only you had supported the convoy to Bul with your F Con....
    Why not retreat
    A Sev-Arm, and try the convoy to Bul again--this time with support?
     The R/A neutrality may be a full-fledged alliance.  I am still
    trying to do something about that, before Russia turns on me again!

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Of course, the R/A alliance is there since the beginning (at least since I
    join the game). But I have nothing to say against that. After all, it's a
    valid option of game, just not good for me. But those things happen:-)
    I don't really care in this game, since I think that this alliance was there
    before I join the game (maybe it's the reason why Chetan Radia leaves the
    game - for me I won't, even if I lose it, well it's the game), but I still
    send any orders. As Russia and Austria definitely don't want to play with
    me, what can I do? I tried, as you see, with Italy, but it fakes. Now, I can
    do anything you want. Just ask, and I will.
    Good luck,
    waiting after your "suggestions" (which will be carefully studied:-).

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hi fellows A/R. As you say, you really needed me to stop England's win. But
    since you are ally for a long date, much more than I'm in the game, why do
    not stop to ask me about something? I always tell you that it will be
    foolish for me, then you ask for other things, and you take not as much as
    if you have attack me frontly. So, stop wasting (our) time!

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians': wrote:
    >             This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by David Kovar.
    >               Report JUDGE Problems to
    >               Report problems with individual games to your GM.
    >                   Please do NOT run RT games on this judge.
    >         ***********************************************************
    >           Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
    >         (I.e., if you don't have a master, the game is in jeopardy.
    >                    if in doubt, send a list <gamename>)
    >         ***********************************************************
    > Message from as Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':
    >  Now, I can do anything you want. Just ask, and I will.
    > Good luck,
    > waiting after your "suggestions" (which will be carefully studied:-).
    > Cyrille
    Okay, Cyrille.  I can't help you to regain dots, but maybe you can improve your
    overall position vs. the Austrians a bit!
     Why not F Aeg-S-F Apu-Ion, to get hold of that valuable real estate.  And
    F Blk-S-F Con-Bul ec, which keeps Bul out of Austria's hands, if nothing else.
    Hold in Arm, to keep the Russians out.
     Those are my best recommendations!   --Paul

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Well, I assure you that if the plan went according to plan, you would be in
    MUCH worse shape than you are.  ;(
    Sorry for wasting your time.  Cal didn't want you at his back, and I need
    him in the north.  You won't hear from me wasting your time again.

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.