The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1905 in ruffians


Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Your Holiness:
     If your A Mar can be spared for one turn, could you support my A
    That would be a great help in my crusade vs. the heathen frogs!

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Your Holiness:
    >      If your A Mar can be spared for one turn, could you support my A
    > Bur-Gas?
    > That would be a great help in my crusade vs. the heathen frogs!
    >      Paul
    And thank you for your support last turn.
    I am getting incrisingly worried about A and T, and need more active
    support against them.
    The question is from where?
    If you do not help me with Austria I might be forced to help France so
    that he can help me instead.
    You have a lot of armies a couple of them should be able to move across
    the alps.
    The Pope

Broadcast message from England in

    Look what funny letters I have on my comp: å ä ö

Message from England to Russia in

    I will move to Nwy whith no support. Bounce me if you like. If you are not
    in StP/Fin after this move I will vacate Scandinavia for now. Got to kick
    some French frogeaters before I stab Germany. :-)

Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    > > Your Holiness:
    > >      If your A Mar can be spared for one turn, could you support my A
    > > Bur-Gas?
    > > That would be a great help in my crusade vs. the heathen frogs!
    > >      Paul
    > Greetings!
    > And thank you for your support last turn.
    > I am getting incrisingly worried about A and T, and need more active
    > support against them.
    > The question is from where?
    > If you do not help me with Austria I might be forced to help France so
    > that he can help me instead.
    > You have a lot of armies a couple of them should be able to move across
    > the alps.
    > You are using the wrong diplomatic method here.  If you aren't going to
    > help me against France, I will join Austria against YOU.  I have two
    > problems with picking a fight with Austria now:  1) I only have one unit
    > (Mun) with which to do it, and 2)I have to wonder what is in it for me?
    > Do you remember when you helped Russia get started against me?  That
    > created a vacuum effect in the centerboard, which also resulted in
    > drawing other powers in YOUR direction.  This happens all the time when
    > G/I fight early.  Your actions invited A/T into your area, and now you
    > want me to help you pick up the pieces.  I can only deal with Austria
    > once France is broken.  The sooner you help me make builds at French
    > expense, the more units I will have to use against Austria.
    Please think about that!     Paul

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

      My plan for S'05 is to order A Pic-Bre (again); can you support
    me?  I will also send A Bur-Gas supported by Paris.
     To show his gratitude for my support, Italy is now demanding that I
    attack Austria with my A Mun.  Sigh.  I have to explain the facts of
    life to that boy....

Message from Turkey to England in 'ruffians':

    Christian, altough the talks, I guess Austria will never play with me
    against his, former
    according to Chris, but still current I think, Russia's ally. Officially, I
    still believe him,
    talking to stop England, but I believe it's the last turn where he can find
    me so stupid.
    Actually, I didn't realize that last turn was coming so fast, especially
    after several weeks
    of wait. I have no negociations in it, and the orders I send were not
    coherent at all.
    So, as long as I'm in Warsaw, I can help you. Unfortunately, your army is
    not in
    position for a convoy in Norway. Despite that, I think you'd better to take
    StP this turn.
    Unless you think it's time to stab Germany, it will be a good idea. You'll
    still be in good
    position after, ans as long as Austria plays with Russia, you'll need a
    strong ally, and I
    shall not be this one, unfortunately, so maybe you'd better to cross the
    stalemate line ASAP.
    For instance, moving F Nwg - Barents Sea, F Swe - Botnia, and Ska -Norway. I
    will soon
    be busy, and I'm quite tired in that game. I guarantee you that I'll cut the
    support in
    Moscow, if you need too. Hope that all email games are not so ... delayed.
    I mean, I use to play FTF CONTINUOUS games, and this one is not at all. The
    message of  Austria, with whom I was trying to play, arrived AFTER the
    deadline. So...
    He says he was not able to write before, but the bounce in Bul leads me to
    an opposite
    opinion. And I cannot be sure, as unlike FTF, I don't even see him. Please
    tell me
    what his your opinion.

Message from Turkey to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Roland, altough the talks, I guess Austria will never play with me against
    his, former
    according to Chris, but still current I think, Russia's ally. Officially, I
    still believe him,
    talking to stop England, but I believe it's the last turn where he can find
    me so stupid.
    Actually, I didn't realize that last turn was coming so fast, especially
    after several weeks
    of wait. I have no negociations in it, and the orders I send were not
    coherent at all.
    As you seemed too -poor french, who help you last turn:-) - want do anything
    survive, I think we can try to cooperate. I suggest to move F Con - Aegean.
    Austria will probably build army Trieste, so he can either send it in Serbia
    or in Italy.
    I will tell Austria that I still believe in him, so if he send not it in
    Serbia, you'll be able
    to take Greece, or take Con, or retreat in Con, if things go in the wrong
    way, for
    me at least:-), with Apulia, either move to Ion, or Venise, depending on
    what you want
    a do with A Marseilles. Anyway, I guarantee you that if I need to retreat
    from Rom, I'll
    not retreat in Naples. I don't want to survive a couple of years more. I
    tried Austria and
    Russia, it fakes. If it's not with you, too bad:-)
    All the best,

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    That's it, I understand. I does not even see the deadline, that's why my
    orders were so
    stupid. Now, I know. It's two months of wait, 3 days for negociation and
    orders, and
    so on. And now??

Message from England to Germany in

    I was thinking of moving my fleets about to be able to attack MAO next
    move. So I would rather move F Eng-Iri if that's ok with you.
    I guess that you might talk to Asutria and arrange the "attack" on him so
    that he doesn't lose anything from it while to Italy it seems like you are

Message from Italy to France in 'ruffians':

    Can I help you in any way?
    My army in Mar is to your disposal. I could for instance attack Bur or
    support A Gas.
    The Pope

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    >> You are using the wrong diplomatic method here.  If you aren't going to
    >> help me against France, I will join Austria against YOU.  I have two
    >> problems with picking a fight with Austria now:  1) I only have one unit
    >> (Mun) with which to do it, and 2)I have to wonder what is in it for me?
    >> Do you remember when you helped Russia get started against me?  That
    >> created a vacuum effect in the centerboard, which also resulted in
    >> drawing other powers in YOUR direction.  This happens all the time when
    >> G/I fight early.  Your actions invited A/T into your area, and now you
    >> want me to help you pick up the pieces.  I can only deal with Austria
    >> once France is broken.  The sooner you help me make builds at French
    >> expense, the more units I will have to use against Austria.
    > Please think about that!     Paul
    So you do not want to help me with Austria...
    Well, then I have to find some other way to survive. Because I do not think
    you will suddenly change your mind when/if you get Brest.
    And I will be deadhow if nothing is done now.
    The Pope

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    I have a couple of thoughts.  1st, niether of us wants Italy to get anywhere
    where he can do damage -- any MORE damage.  2nd, England is about to crack
    this whole game wide open.  if we don't work together, we are definitely
    going to get steamrolled.  I think our immediate goals should be to
    1) Finish off Italy
    2) blockade the Med,
    3) Pressure the German Rear.
    Here is my initial plan, if you think these goals are reasonable ones.    We
    need to put you in Naples, and Me in Rome.  Specifically, I think you should
    move to the Tyhrn Sea, and I should follow you in -- that way, I can support
    you into Naples in the fall.
    Italy's fleet in Bulgaria can only go 3 places, greece, Con, and the Aegean.
    If you and I bounce in the Aegean in the Spring, I can support you in in the
    fall.  I don't believe it would be a good Idea to let Roland link his two
    fleets up, even for a short while.  As it is, he might move to the Ionian,
    and then I have to worry about convoys from Tunis (ack.).
    I will be moving my new fleet to the Ionian (with any luck) at the end of
    the year.  Next year we can take Tunis, and hopefully get to Iberia before
    the Germans/English.
    The main question I have, is what to do with Russia?  We can certainly take
    3 of his centers, but can we do that AND hold Germany when he turns around,
    AND stop England at StPete?  I don't know -- it really depends on how long
    F/G stay together.
    I think I should hit rumania, and you should take Sev, in the Spring.  Maybe
    I can convice Cal to work with us -- he is pretty down on the game at this
    point.  If we could use him to hold things in the north, it would be really
    usefull.  But we have to start taking his centers, at the same time.  It's a
    tricky juggling act.
    Putting Pressure on Germany is a tough one too -- I'd like to do that right
    now, but I think Next year is when that will have to happen.
    That's my take on the situation.  Let me know what you think!

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Roland, altough the talks, I guess Austria will never play with me against
    > his, former
    > according to Chris, but still current I think, Russia's ally. Officially, I
    > still believe him,
    > talking to stop England, but I believe it's the last turn where he can find
    > me so stupid.
    Good! As Turkey you can not afford Austrai to become any larger.
    > Actually, I didn't realize that last turn was coming so fast, especially
    > after several weeks
    > of wait. I have no negociations in it, and the orders I send were not
    > coherent at all.
    > As you seemed too -poor french, who help you last turn:-)
    He offered me Mar actually.
    >- want do anything
    > to
    > survive, I think we can try to cooperate. I suggest to move F Con - Aegean.
    And I will support you there.
    > Austria will probably build army Trieste, so he can either send it in Serbia
    > or in Italy.
    > I will tell Austria that I still believe in him, so if he send not it in
    > Serbia, you'll be able
    > to take Greece, or take Con, or retreat in Con, if things go in the wrong
    > way, for
    > me at least:-),
    Yes, I think it is the best we can do.
    >with Apulia, either move to Ion, or Venise, depending on
    > what you want
    > a do with A Marseilles. Anyway, I guarantee you that if I need to retreat
    > from Rom, I'll
    > not retreat in Naples.
    >I don't want to survive a couple of years more. I
    > tried Austria and
    > Russia, it fakes. If it's not with you, too bad:-)
    > All the best,
    > Cyrille.
    The Pope

Message from France to Italy in 'ruffians':

    thanks :) you could move to Burgundy, just to cut support for anything he
    might do there. Riskless to you, invaluable to me.
    > Greetings!
    > Can I help you in any way?
    > My army in Mar is to your disposal. I could for instance attack Bur or
    > support A Gas.
    > The Pope

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as England to Germany in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Paul,
    > I was thinking of moving my fleets about to be able to attack MAO next
    > move. So I would rather move F Eng-Iri if that's ok with you.
    > I guess that you might talk to Asutria and arrange the "attack" on him so
    > that he doesn't lose anything from it while to Italy it seems like you are
    > attacking...:-)
    > /Christian
    Your fleet moves are okay with me; if I can get into Gas this Spring, I'll be
    able to
    nab Bre on my own in the Fall!
    The suggestion about arranging a "shadow stab" of Austria is an
    interesting one.
    It might keep the Italians in line!

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Dear Chris;
     I've got a problem with my new Italian "ally":  he wants me to
    attack you with a
    quixotic solo A Mun charging over the Alps.  If I don't do it, he says
    he'll throw in
    with the French.
     Is there a way that I can make a "show" move of attacking you
    without really
    doing so?  I.,e., can we arrange an attack by Mun with your
    foreknowledge, so that
    you aren't hurt by it?
      (I don't feel very suicidal right now!)

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

     You seem intent upon digging in your heels about this Austrian
    But you aren't being specific.  Just what is it that I have to do in
    order to retain your
    friendship, and can I still "buy" your support for A Bur-Gas this
      Is it a token A Mun-Tyr that you want?   I could order A Mun-Boh,
    but that
    would leave Munich untended with Austria still in Tyr.

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    To the Sultan:
     Italy is getting very insistent that I attack Austria to help him
    out, but I only have
    a solo army in Munich with which to do it.  If I am to open up another
    eastern front,
    I have to have a credible ally and the Pope ain't it!  Do you have any

Message from Italy to France in 'ruffians':

    > thanks :) you could move to Burgundy, just to cut support for anything he
    > might do there. Riskless to you, invaluable to me.
    > :)
    OK, I will do that. Orders are in. Good luck!
    The Pope

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    >To the Sultan:
    >      Italy is getting very insistent that I attack Austria to help him
    >out, but I only have
    >a solo army in Munich with which to do it.  If I am to open up another
    >eastern front,
    >I have to have a credible ally and the Pope ain't it!  Do you have any
    I'm tired of austrian's talks. I guess Russia is still his ally. So, I'll
    try to do something with Italy against him. Of course, due to our very weak
    tactical position, your help should be very useful. According to his build,
    he's not afraid at all with you. With Marseille's fall, france will not
    survive any longer. Of course, it depends on England's attitude, but I
    believe that with the A/R ally, he'd no choice but to play with you.
    He has only one army to defend his territory. I think Italy will attack
    Venise. If so, Austria will only take Rome with Venice, and so will be very
    weak in his home centers. If you move in Tyrolia, you'll have, at least, a
    50% chance of win. Moreover, the pressure on Austria will be really strong

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I agree, I'll move in Ionian, and attack Sevastopol. Please cut the support
    in Rumania.

Message from Turkey to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Fine, I'll then move in Ionian. I talked with Germany, trying yo convince
    him to move in Tyrolia. At least, and especially with Austria's build, it
    will lead to a great pressure over Austria's home country. Try to convince
    him too.

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Fine, I'll then move in Ionian. I talked with Germany, trying yo convince
    > him to move in Tyrolia. At least, and especially with Austria's build, it
    > will lead to a great pressure over Austria's home country. Try to convince
    > him too.
    I have tried, he is not interested...
    The Pope

Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    To the Pope:
     Okay, let's try to be cooperative here.  How about:
    if you agree to support my A Bur-Gas this Spring, I will order A Mun-Tyr
    this same season.
     Fair enough?

Message from England to Turkey in

    I first have to agree that email is not at all so fun as FTF Dip. Too bad
    Anyway, about our game: You know that I never tell anyone what I will do,
    but you also know that I always want BALANCE. This means that I will
    probably do something like what you have propsed, but maybe I don't...:-)
    I hope we can continue to talk and after this move you will see my
    immidiate intentions.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as England to Russia in
    > 'ruffians':
    > I will move to Nwy whith no support. Bounce me if you like. If you are not
    > in StP/Fin after this move I will vacate Scandinavia for now. Got to kick
    > some French frogeaters before I stab Germany. :-)
    Sounds good to me.


Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    Berlin to Marseilles:  So...who needs you?

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

     Could you spare your A Pie to support my A Bur-Mar this Fall?  If
    you do, I can
    send A Mun-Bur and build A's Bur and Ber in the Winter.  Come Spring, I
    can send
    armies to Sil and Pru to help you stabilize the situation in Russia!
     Our "implicit" centerboard alliance can continue to become
    "explicit"; together,
    we can be the only superpower on the board!

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

      Feel free to support yourself to MAO and to move F Nth-Eng.  That
    should cut
    the French support for Bre, and I will finally take it!  Unless someone
    supports the
    Italian in Mar, I may take that as well.
     My plan is to build two armies (if I get that many builds) and send
    them to help
    Austria "stabilize" the situation in Russia.  I promise to build no

Message from England to Germany in

    I will attack MAO and go to ENG, as you suggested. I will also move F
    Den-Kie. That way I hope you stay in Kiel, cause a F in Holland would make
    me have to stop my attack on France and rather move back to defend NTH.
    Okay? I guess you move out of Mun and builds A Ber, A Mun. Hope we win this

Message from England to Germany in

    I will attack MAO and go to ENG, as you suggested. I will also move F
    Den-Kie. That way I hope you stay in Kiel, cause a F in Holland would make
    me have to stop my attack on France and rather move back to defend NTH.
    Okay? I guess you move out of Mun and builds A Ber, A Mun. Hope we win this

Message from Italy to Turkey, Russia, England and France in

    If you haven´t noticed it yet, there is a AG-alliance for sure.
    I suggest more cooperation between T & R and between E & F now. Before it is
    too late!!!
    The Pope

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Not that I really care, but why stab me when I offered to proxy all my units
    to you?

Message from England to Italy in

    >If you haven´t noticed it yet, there is a AG-alliance for sure.
    >I suggest more cooperation between T & R and between E & F now. Before it is
    >too late!!!
    Jovisst, men jag måste nog ha en död Fransman innan jag slår mot Tyskland.
    Tyvärr. Men jag kommer inte ta något av Ryssland så om du ser till att han
    och Turken blir polare så löser det sig nog ändå, spelbalansmässigt. Tyvärr
    kanske du död ändå, men du borde kunna göra dig nyttig i ett par år med
    Tunis/Ion. Prata med Turken!!! Fast det gör du förstås!

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    C'mon -- I mean really.
    You weren't serious.
    You couldn't have been serious.
    Were you serious?
    If so, then DOH!
    But you weren't, right?

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Well, that was a good season, a couple of Little things aside -- did Roland
    seriously guess that we were bouncing in the Aegean, or were you playing a
    little game?  Take Naples, support me into the Ionian, and let's for gods
    sake get to Gibraltar before Christian can!  Support to hold in Greece would
    be Much Appriciated as well -- I think I helped you into Russia quite
    nicely, don't you?

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from as England to Germany in
    > > 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Paul:
    > > I will attack MAO and go to ENG, as you suggested. I will also move F
    > > Den-Kie. That way I hope you stay in Kiel, cause a F in Holland would make
    > > me have to stop my attack on France and rather move back to defend NTH.
    > > Okay? I guess you move out of Mun and builds A Ber, A Mun. Hope we win this
    > > game!
    > >
    > > I hope so too!  Okay, order F Den-Kie and I'll hold.  The fleet has nowhere
    > > to go anyway....
    > I hope to get support from Austria for A Bur-Mar, because France can cut
    > support
    > from Gas.  Otherwise, I'll order A Gas-Mar supported by Bur.
    > Paul

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > C'mon -- I mean really.
    > You weren't serious.
    > You couldn't have been serious.
    > Were you serious?
    > If so, then DOH!
    > But you weren't, right?
    Okay, I admit I didn't set the board up, but what's up with the move to rum?
    (maybe I better set the damned board up...)

Message from Italy to England in 'ruffians':

    > Jovisst, men jag måste nog ha en död Fransman innan jag slår mot Tyskland.
    > Tyvärr. Men jag kommer inte ta något av Ryssland så om du ser till att han
    > och Turken blir polare så löser det sig nog ändå, spelbalansmässigt. Tyvärr
    > kanske du död ändå, men du borde kunna göra dig nyttig i ett par år med
    > Tunis/Ion. Prata med Turken!!! Fast det gör du förstås!
    > /Dreyer
    Eh, varför måste Frankrike dö? Han är ju inget hot emot dig? Och inte hinner
    du till hans centers före Tyskland heller.
    Passa på nu innan Tyskland hinner bygga flottor!
    Mvh Roland

Message from England to Italy in

    >Eh, varför måste Frankrike dö? Han är ju inget hot emot dig? Och inte hinner
    >du till hans centers före Tyskland heller.
    >Passa på nu innan Tyskland hinner bygga flottor!
    Jo, alltså, förutsatt att Tyskland nu är snäll och inte bygger flottor
    detta året så får jag ju en möjlighet att FÖRST bryta stalemate-linjen och
    SEDAN anfalla Tyskland i lugn och ro. See my point?

Message from England to Germany in

    Sounds good!
    Christian Dreyer och Matilda Svensson
    Trollebergsvägen 91B
    SE-227 31 Lund
    Ph. +46 (0)46 - 15 15 23

Message from Italy to England in 'ruffians':

    > Jo, alltså, förutsatt att Tyskland nu är snäll och inte bygger flottor
    > detta året så får jag ju en möjlighet att FÖRST bryta stalemate-linjen och
    > SEDAN anfalla Tyskland i lugn och ro. See my point?
    > /Dreyer
    Jo, OM det såg ut som att du skulle ta lite centers och OM Tyskland inte
    skulle göra det. Men nu är det ju faktiskt tvärtom.
    Mvh Roland

Message from England to Italy in

    >Jo, OM det såg ut som att du skulle ta lite centers och OM Tyskland inte
    >skulle göra det. Men nu är det ju faktiskt tvärtom.
    Var inte så negativ...:-)

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Ok, when you asked about the Proxies, I assumed you were joking.  I guess
    I have tried to cut a deal with Cyrille, but that doesn't look like it's
    going to happen, he is too greedy for it to work.  Also, we are going in the
    wrong directions.
    So, the deal now is this -- you can take back Warsaw, or cover StPEte, or
    re-take Sev, but probably not two or three of these things.  I can't do you
    any more harm, well, I guess I could hit Rumania again but I am not going to
    do that!  It was a bad decision on my part in the frist place.  This damn
    I don't know what come s next -- it looks liek E/G have this sewn up unless
    they start to fight.  If you care to set the board up, and see what the
    situation is, and want to do something, let me know.
    Sorry about rumania -- I thought you were cutting your own deals elsewhere.

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    <<Could you spare your A Pie to support my A Bur-Mar this Fall? >>
    Are you HIGH?  Wait, wait, I can see it -- I support you into Marsaille, and
    in return, you'll << build A's Bur and Ber in the Winter>>  ( I assume you
    mean Mun and Ber)  to <<help you stabilize the situation in Russia>>
    WHEE!  Sure, wow, what a deal!  I haven't been offered a deal that good
    since I was teamed up on by 4 powers in S1901 as Austria!
    Hmmm -- howabout YOU support ME into Marsaille, and then you build some
    Fleets to go after ENGLAND, hmmmmm?
    Geez, what kinda patsy do you think I am?
    Am I unusually belligerant at 12:45 am?  ;)
    Seriously, you won't be getting any OVERT help from me -- though I would
    accept the support in, actually.  It'd get that Italian unit out of BOTH of
    our hair.
    And fercryin out loud, build at least ONE fleet -- your armies can't stop
    Christian where it counts.  he'll be back in the saddle once he turns the
    corner at Gibralter if SOMEone doesnt stop him, and Austria is usually NOT
    the strongest Naval power!
    I am all for a central power axis -- go get England!
     Together the only superpower -- do you write for the state department or
    what?  I like the ring of that, though, I may use it someday!

Message from Austria to England in 'ruffians':

    Letting Germany get quite the lions share up there, aren't you?

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Hey Roland!
    Still looking to stay at 4?  HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!  ;)
    Turkey has been playing me a little dirty as we tried to cut a deal this
    last turn, so I'd like to return the deed.  When he retreats to naples, what
    will you do?  Almost certainly you will go down to 3!  How about I support
    you back into Naples?  I'd even support you to hold in MArsaille, just to
    keep it out of German hands!
    What do you think?

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Ok, when you asked about the Proxies, I assumed you were joking.  I guess
    I wasn't.  Although I told Rick I would continue playing, it's my opinion
    that this game should be abandoned.  When the Judge processed that turn
    using my old orders, the game, how can I put this? became no longer valid as
    a contest of skill.  John (France) (or was it Italy?) put it correctly when
    he said that the game had lost all extracurricular value.
    >So, the deal now is this -- you can take back Warsaw, or cover StPEte, or
    >re-take Sev, but probably not two or three of these things.  I can't do you
    >any more harm, well, I guess I could hit Rumania again but I am not going
    >do that!  It was a bad decision on my part in the frist place.  This damn
    I hear that.
    >I don't know what come s next -- it looks like E/G have this sewn up unless
    >they start to fight.  If you care to set the board up, and see what the
    >situation is, and want to do something, let me know.
    >Sorry about rumania -- I thought you were cutting your own deals elsewhere.
    Nope.  I've barely been writing.  I'll set the board up and get back to you.
    Get Your Private, Free Email at

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Just set the board up and there's not much we can do together.  I would
    suggest you support me in Rumania though, because if Cyrille dislodges me,
    I'd have to retreat to an open centre.  Despite your "Rumanian Perfidy",
    Cyrille is still the one who's been yanking my chain all game, so I'd rather
    deny him a centre than take one from you.

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > <<Could you spare your A Pie to support my A Bur-Mar this Fall? >>
    > Are you HIGH?  Wait, wait, I can see it -- I support you into Marsaille, and
    > in return, you'll << build A's Bur and Ber in the Winter>>  ( I assume you
    > mean Mun and Ber)  to <<help you stabilize the situation in Russia>>
    > WHEE!  Sure, wow, what a deal!  I haven't been offered a deal that good
    > since I was teamed up on by 4 powers in S1901 as Austria!
    > Hmmm -- howabout YOU support ME into Marsaille, and then you build some
    > Fleets to go after ENGLAND, hmmmmm?
    > Geez, what kinda patsy do you think I am?
    > Am I unusually belligerant at 12:45 am?  ;)
    > Seriously, you won't be getting any OVERT help from me -- though I would
    > accept the support in, actually.  It'd get that Italian unit out of BOTH of
    > our hair.
    > And fercryin out loud, build at least ONE fleet -- your armies can't stop
    > Christian where it counts.  he'll be back in the saddle once he turns the
    > corner at Gibralter if SOMEone doesnt stop him, and Austria is usually NOT
    > the strongest Naval power!
    > I am all for a central power axis -- go get England!
    >  Together the only superpower -- do you write for the state department or
    > what?  I like the ring of that, though, I may use it someday!
    Chris:  If I build a second fleet, England jumps after Bel and I'm automatically
    the defensive.  No thanks.  I provoke England prematurely, and he allies with
    is left of France; I have to fight for everything I get.  No thanks.
     If I agree to support you to Mar, what do I get for my trouble?  Just a
    continuation of the status quo?  Oh.  Just one build, and it has to be a fleet?
    I supported Italy to Mar and what did he do?  He turned renegade.  What can I
    expect from you? Oh, oh.

Message from Italy to England in 'ruffians':

    > Var inte så negativ...:-)
    > /Dreyer
    Eh, jaha... Du menar att det ser ljust ut... ? :-)
    Mvh Roland

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Hey Roland!
    > Still looking to stay at 4?  HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!  ;)
    Oh, chocked. :-)
    > Turkey has been playing me a little dirty as we tried to cut a deal this
    > last turn, so I'd like to return the deed.  When he retreats to naples, what
    > will you do?  Almost certainly you will go down to 3!  How about I support
    > you back into Naples?  I'd even support you to hold in MArsaille, just to
    > keep it out of German hands!
    > What do you think?
    > Chris
    Okey, I can accept that! Ofcourse. :-)
    The Pope

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    A bow (of the head, anyway) to the Mighty Sultan:
     Austria has refused to support me into Mar in return for my allying
    with him
    vs. Russia.  Instead, he demands that I support HIM into Mar and that I
    build fleets
    vs. England.  Hmpf.
     I think that A Mun is headed to Tyrolia this Fall.
    At your service,
    The Chancellor

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.