The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1904 in ruffians


Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I supported your fleet in Greece to Bulgaria, if you want it.

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    I am writing you to ask for help.
    Would you consider attacking A Mun - Trl?
    In that case I could try to retake Ven.
    The Pope

Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Let me study the board and I'll get back to you.  I AM nervous about the
    potential of Austria (mostly at your expense)....
    > I am writing you to ask for help.
    > Would you consider attacking A Mun - Trl?
    > In that case I could try to retake Ven.
    > The Pope

Message from France to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Italy, if it is any help, please feel free to move to Marseilles this fall.

Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    To the Pope:
     As you know, Austria can support his A Ven with A Tus.  My cutting
    his A Tyr
    won't assure your getting Ven back, unless his A Tus is headed for
     You might as well accept my offer of support for A Pie-Mar.  That
    will hurt my
    enemy, and give you a dot with which to keep alive and fighting.
     Bless you, Paul

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Let me study the board and I'll get back to you.  I AM nervous about the
    > growth
    > potential of Austria (mostly at your expense)....
    Good, I am also nervous. Surprise! :-)
    And I do not think Turkey and/or Russia is capable of stoping him.
    > Paul
    The Pope

Message from Italy to France in 'ruffians':

    > Italy, if it is any help, please feel free to move to Marseilles this fall.
    > -France
    Oh, thank you! And if I could get it for sure, I would gladly grab it. But
    I think I should do what I can to slow Austria down.
    The Pope

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > To the Pope:
    >      As you know, Austria can support his A Ven with A Tus.  My cutting
    > his A Tyr
    > won't assure your getting Ven back, unless his A Tus is headed for
    > Rome....
    Exactly, I think it has a chance of sucess... What else are you going to
    do with A Mun?
    >      You might as well accept my offer of support for A Pie-Mar.  That
    > will hurt my
    > enemy, and give you a dot with which to keep alive and fighting.
    Oh, thanx... I am grateful. And will take you up on that!
    >      Bless you, Paul
    The Pope

Message from Italy to France in 'ruffians':

    I have changed my mind... I will take you up on the offer of Mar.
    The Pope

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hello Chris, hope the hurricane doesn't hurt your family. In France, there's
    no Pacific Ocean (what a strange name J). It's a temperate climate, and
    sometimes "temperate" is fine. As you saw it, I like precise and simple
    plan, without any ambiguity. Maybe it's quite weak in email game. But in FTF
    it proves its "worthiness", as Toby saidJ.
    So, can you suggest a precise plan. Then, we'll be able to discuss. Now, and
    more than ever, I think we've to hurry to block England. Of course, I
    already think about something, but this time I'd rather prefer to let you
    suggest something.

Message from Turkey to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Hello Roland, my last message was
    " I suppose you want me to move in TyS. I can say that I'll not move in
    Naples and wait to see what happened of your fleet in Con. Then I'll see. Do
    you agree? If not, please tell me more about your plan. "
    So, I guess it was clear that I shall not move away from Rome. What for ? I
    don't want to threat France, and it's still early to block vs an eventual
    England's win. But some time, I'll probably have to, so I prefer not move it
    back towards Austria. Moreover, as I had no news from you and Austria for a
    long time, and as Chris seems to be very tricky, I was waiting to see what
    happened of the Con fleet. That's why I ask you for a more precise plan.
    Sorry for the misfit. Now, I can just propose to cut the support of Tuscany.
    But all will depend on Germany's attitude. He doesn't need Munich at all,
    and a big Austria will sooner or later be a problem for him. So…

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Hello Kaiser. Still warm position, but with good options, better than I
    guessed before. I wonder what do you think about the position in Italy. Can
    you tell me more. I have some options there but you can see that your army
    in Munich shall be really useful, and I don't think you'll apprecy a too big
    Austria, like a slice of ham between the two big E/A J
    Tell me more, and I hope you'll talk to Italy

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Sorry Chris, I just saw that Floyd was on the Atlantic, not the Pacific.
    Oups, and some say that americans are weal in history and geography. What
    about the european guys ? :-)

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Hello Roland, my last message was
    > " I suppose you want me to move in TyS. I can say that I'll not move in
    > Naples and wait to see what happened of your fleet in Con. Then I'll see. Do
    > you agree? If not, please tell me more about your plan. "
    > So, I guess it was clear that I shall not move away from Rome. What for ? I
    > don't want to threat France, and it's still early to block vs an eventual
    > England's win. But some time, I'll probably have to, so I prefer not move it
    > back towards Austria. Moreover, as I had no news from you and Austria for a
    > long time, and as Chris seems to be very tricky, I was waiting to see what
    > happened of the Con fleet. That's why I ask you for a more precise plan.
    > Sorry for the misfit. Now, I can just propose to cut the support of Tuscany.
    > But all will depend on Germany's attitude. He doesn't need Munich at all,
    > and a big Austria will sooner or later be a problem for him. So…
    Thanx for the reminder, I forgot about that. And was sure you would move
    out of Rome.
    Yes, please cut support and also let me keep Bul. I do not have much to
    offer in return this year... but maybe in the next.
    The Pope

Message from Germany to Italy in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from as Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > > To the Pope:
    > > >
    > >
    > > >      You might as well accept my offer of support for A Pie-Mar.  That
    > > > will hurt my
    > > > enemy, and give you a dot with which to keep alive and fighting.
    > >
    > > Oh, thanx... I am grateful. And will take you up on that!
    > >
    > > >      Bless you, Paul
    > >
    > > And so we have a deal!  Death to F/A!

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Christian:
    >      Well, my move to Bre failed but so did the French move to Paris!
    > Sometimes one has to count his blessings....
    >      This Fall, I would like to support Italian A Pie-Mar with my A
    > Bur.  If your
    > F Eng can support me, I can order A Pic-Bre also supported by Paris.
    > France can guess correctly and stop one of these moves, but he cannot
    > prevent the loss of either Bre or Mar!
    >      You can annihilate Russia's F Ska this turn, but he will possibly
    > be able to
    > rebuild it in War or StP.  Perhaps it would be better to keep Ska alive,
    > trapped
    > where it is?
    > Paul

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from as Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Hello Kaiser. Still warm position, but with good options, better than I
    > > guessed before. I wonder what do you think about the position in Italy. Can
    > > you tell me more. I have some options there but you can see that your army
    > > in Munich shall be really useful, and I don't think you'll apprecy a too big
    > > Austria, like a slice of ham between the two big E/A J
    > > Tell me more, and I hope you'll talk to Italy
    >      I have indeed been talking to Italy, and I have offered to help him to stay
    > alive
    > (best that I can).  I cannot stop Austria from taking Rome, however.
    >      Perhaps you should offer to support Russia's A Rum-Bud with your A Gal.  It
    > would take Austria by surprise; Russia just might go for it.
    >      You should keep Sev, while Russia bounces over Warsaw (that is my guess,
    > anyway).
    > Paul

Message from Italy to Germany in 'ruffians':

    > > > And so we have a deal!  Death to F/A!
    Yes! Good luck!
    The Pope

Message from England to Russia in 'ruffians':

    I will attack and hopefully disband your fleet, making it possible for you
    to build in the homecountry. Bounce me in Norway if you don't want me to be
    there threatening StP. I will not move further on you. OK?

Message from England to France in 'ruffians':

    Convince me to stab Germany...:-)

Message from England to Germany in 'ruffians':

    What do I do now woth ENG? The decision is yours.

Message from England to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Hi again!
    Didn't read your message before I wrote mine. I will support A Pic-Brest.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as England to Russia in 'ruffians':
    > Hi!
    > I will attack and hopefully disband your fleet, making it possible for you
    > to build in the homecountry. Bounce me in Norway if you don't want me to
    > there threatening StP. I will not move further on you. OK?

Message from France to England in 'ruffians':

    > Convince me to stab Germany...:-)
     well, think of your growth potential sitting right there. You are well
     positioned to leverage yourself into BEL, HOL, and DEN--there is virtually
     no German ability to stop it *plus* if he suspects a stab he walks a fine
     line: what if he acts to prevent a stab but you don't stab? Then HE looks
     like the stabber since he will have all his forces facing you whle you look
     peaceful. Furthermore, Germany's precarious position only lasts until he
     gets another build. Once he builds a fleet (or even an army) in Kiel, then
     he can much more easily deflect any stab. I think the key time for it is
     when you've gotten a build (like you just did) and he has not. If you don't
     stab this fall, then Germany is likely to get either Marseilles or Brest.
     Finally, what can you hope to pick up from France? First you have to get
     Brest, something you cannot do alone, you have to depend on Germany for the
     help. Then you have to hope that France disbands something useful to you
     he kills a fleet) otherwise you must spend two season getting a third fleet
     bordering MAO. Then you ahve to dislodge him from the knotty Spain-Portugal
     area. All during this time, presumably, Germany has comfortably digested
     Paris and Marseilles and is working against the Russia with no competition.
     I think the key has got to be "how will the East eveolve?" Austria is
     growing fast (you may recall that I tried to stall Austria somewhat the
     season before this by denying him Venice during that fall move). You need
     someone like France who can project forces into the Med very fast to at
     least even out the power struggle there while you can expand to the north.
     The other advantage to striking Germany now is that half of your work (the
     attack on Paris and eventual attack on Munich and Belgium, would get borne
     by French forces while you concentrate on the Holland-Kiel-Denmark line.
     That still leaves you with2-3 units with which to attack St Pete. The end
     result should be for you to increase +3 within 4 seasons, as opposed to +1
     when attacking France.
     that's by best argument!  :)

Message from England to France in 'ruffians':

    > that's by best argument!  :)
    And a good one it is!

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

     I have indeed been talking to Italy, and I have offered to help him to
    > > alive
    > > (best that I can).  I cannot stop Austria from taking Rome, however.
    > >      Perhaps you should offer to support Russia's A Rum-Bud with your A
    >Gal.  It
    > >
    > > would take Austria by surprise; Russia just might go for it.
    > >      You should keep Sev, while Russia bounces over Warsaw (that is my
    > > anyway).
    > >
    > > Paul
    Hello Paul,
    I'm not worry about Rome, but just think that Italy can take back Venice, if
    you cut the support in Tyrolia, and me the one in Tuscany.
    About Russia, I've no news, but will try to join it.
    All the best,

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Sorry about not getting back to you -- life has been very busy here.  No
    excuse, I know, but a hurricane, even a small one, can mix things up quite a
    bit -- I also had someone visit this weekend, and that took up a lot of time
    I had intended to use for Dip.
    Anyway.  It's too latee now to suggest something -- I will look at the
    results of this turn, and come up with a plan for hte SPring.  I won't take
    any action against you, though -- and If you want, I'll support you into
    Rumania.  I am also going to move F Greece -> Bulgaria, to try and dislodge
    that Italian Fleet -- I don't want to keep the SC, just deny it to Italy!
    More after results, and apologies again for the lateness of my reply,

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Thanks Cal, Sorry I didnt say so sooner, but I am going to go for it!


Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    Thanks to the Russians, Austrians, Italians, and Turks for so
    brilliantly illustrating the Beleagured Garrison rule in

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    <<Thanks to the Russians, Austrians, Italians, and Turks for so
    brilliantly illustrating the Beleagured Garrison rule in
    Hey, it's a showcase game, we do what we can!

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hey dude!  How do I proxy all my units to you?

Broadcast message from Italy in 'ruffians':

    > Thanks to the Russians, Austrians, Italians, and Turks for so
    > brilliantly illustrating the Beleagured Garrison rule in
    > Bulgaria!
    > Rick
    Glad to please, I really put in effort to make this work. :-)
    Still on four and amazed.
    Mvh Roland

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    You're welcome!

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Well, it doe snot seem like you are going to work with me against
    The Pope


Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Well, fer starters, I'd say build A St Pete -- lets talk about stuff in the
    Spring, shall we?

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    Damn the perfidious Italian -- that was a real bonehead move on his part.
    I'll see to it that he pays, though!

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from as Austria to Russia in
    > Well, fer starters, I'd say build A St Pete -- lets talk about stuff in
    > Spring, shall we?
    > Chris
    Whatever you say, boss.

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.