The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1901 in ruffians


Message from France to Germany in 'ruffians':

    with all this public press going on I assume you and I are still on for a
    sea lion?
    altogether too much talk by the observers, if you ask me

Message from Germany to France in 'ruffians':

     The petty chitter-chatter taking place in the broadcast press is
    doing nothing but
    annoying me (cluttering up my mailbox).  No one has suggested ANY plan
    than the Sea Lion, much less a BETTER one!  I'm with you 100%

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    Has everyone gone to WDC in Belgium?  I'm starting to feel like I'm the only
    one left, it's been so quiet.
    Who's here?
    Tsar Cal

Broadcast message from Italy in 'ruffians':

    No, I am here too...
    But I think it has been quite all the time. Apart from all this broacasting...
    The Pope

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Juge Diplomacy <> regarding Diplomacy notice:
    # Broadcast message from as Russia in 'ruffians':
    # Has everyone gone to WDC in Belgium?  I'm starting to feel like I'm the only
    # one left, it's been so quiet.
    # Who's here?
    Twenty-some observers?

Message from Germany to Italy and Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hey, Guys!
     I'm wondering if you two ever received my message proposing the
    neutralization of Tyrolia.  As you know, open space between us is the
    best way to
    ensure peace in the centerboard.  If we generate a war in the middle of
    the map, it
    will only serve as a magnet to draw the corner powers in our direction!
     I am also willing to stay out of Bohemia.
     Russia seems to be "strongly considering" a move of A Mos-Stp in
    Spring 1901,
    to place "a better claim" to Scandinavia.  I'm not too sure that I want
    that to happen.
    I'll move to Den in the Spring, so that I have the option of bouncing
    the Tsar over
    Swe this Fall.
     Most of the broadcast press in this game (thus far) has been
    nothing but idle
    chatter cluttering up my mailbox.  It resembles closely the crap that
    I've seen on
    Internet discussion groups....

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

     The Southern powers sure HAVE been quiet, save for the B.S. in the
    I've received nada from Italy, Austria or Turkey (not that I expect much
    from the

Message from Italy to Austria and Germany in 'ruffians':

    No I have not received any such message... But agree that it is a good idea.
    And that about the broadcasts too. :-)
    The Pope

Message from Russia to Germany in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >     The Southern powers sure HAVE been quiet, save for the B.S. in the
    >I've received nada from Italy, Austria or Turkey (not that I expect much
    >from the
    I've been waiting for a reply from YOU to my last message (maybe five days
    ago?).  Guess you missed it in the mail, eh?  d;-})
    The gist of it was me asking you what you had heard lately in the west.  I'm
    still considering moving that army in Moscow north, but the silence in the
    south has me too worried about a potential A/T to do so.  I'd like to, but I
    need to hear a bit more before deciding.
    Tsar Cal

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Don't let Cal off so easily, make him paranoid, tell him that you'd
    heard that everyone else has set up a private chat room and are
    talking about taking Russia out by the end of 1902.
    They  are, aren't they??
    > Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > Juge Diplomacy <> regarding Diplomacy notice:
    > ruffians:
    > # Broadcast message from as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > #
    > # Has everyone gone to WDC in Belgium?  I'm starting to feel like I'm the only
    > # one left, it's been so quiet.
    > #
    > # Who's here?
    > Twenty-some observers?

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    >Don't let Cal off so easily, make him paranoid, tell him that you'd
    >heard that everyone else has set up a private chat room and are
    >talking about taking Russia out by the end of 1902.
    >They  are, aren't they??
    Good grief, Jim.  I've been playing Diplomacy for 27 years.  Paranoia is
    ALREADY one of my most finely honed senses!
    Tsar Cal

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Well, of course it is!  That's why it would have been so easy.
    I suspect that there are a lot of Namur travelers, but it seems
    that so far everyone has just been jousting in the public press.
    At some point people will have to get down to brass tacks on their
    moves for the Spring.  I guess you still have two weeks though,
    No, I take it back, there has been LOTS of private communication,
    just not with you.....
    > Broadcast message from as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > >Don't let Cal off so easily, make him paranoid, tell him that you'd
    > >heard that everyone else has set up a private chat room and are
    > >talking about taking Russia out by the end of 1902.
    > >
    > >They  are, aren't they??
    > >
    > >Jim
    > Good grief, Jim.  I've been playing Diplomacy for 27 years.  Paranoia is
    > ALREADY one of my most finely honed senses!
    > Tsar Cal

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Don't let Cal off so easily, make him paranoid, tell him that you'd
    >  heard that everyone else has set up a private chat room and are
    >  talking about taking Russia out by the end of 1902.
    >  They  are, aren't they??
    I know I did last week. Now I need to find my English-Swedish dictionaries or
    see if I can resurrect my grandfather...
    Chellovek Rich

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    Well guys, I hope you aren't waiting for "serious" negociations to take
    place in the
    open market.  You can't please all the people all the time!

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    # Don't let Cal off so easily, make him paranoid, tell him that you'd
    # heard that everyone else has set up a private chat room and are
    # talking about taking Russia out by the end of 1902.
    # They  are, aren't they??
    Oh, I see you were at the WDC?  Or were you just guessing?

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Juge Diplomacy <> regarding Diplomacy notice:
    # Well guys, I hope you aren't waiting for "serious" negociations to take
    # place in the
    # open market.  You can't please all the people all the time!
    Do us a favour:  keep copies of all the partials you receive (all of
    you) and then release them after the game is completed.  I'm sure
    there are many lessons there for those less experienced.

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    >Do us a favour:  keep copies of all the partials you receive (all of
    >you) and then release them after the game is completed.  I'm sure
    >there are many lessons there for those less experienced.
    The private press for the last two demo games ghodstoo & pouchtoo are on
    file at the Pouch (not sure if pouchtoo is up quite yet though).  I assume
    this one will be as well when it finishes.
    Tsar Cal

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    # The private press for the last two demo games ghodstoo & pouchtoo are on
    # file at the Pouch (not sure if pouchtoo is up quite yet though).  I assume
    # this one will be as well when it finishes.
    # Tsar Cal
    Ah, excellent!  Then we will be able to see how they plotted your
    downfall :-)

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Yes, pouchtoo is not up yet, but ghodstoo is.  Since many of you observers
    will pop off to look at ghodstoo, I should explain that was the first
    and only Judge game I've ever mastered and one of the reasons that
    Rick is Master here is his experience.  This shows up in the organization
    of the press on ghodstoo at a number of points.  There is still a
    tremendous amount of meat there.
    I would advise you looking at three or four places in the ghodstoo
    press if you're looking for interesting stuff.  Fall 1901 and the
    discussions of the "quadrapartite alliance" are fascinating when
    you can look at the group and private discussions.  Then there
    are the "Press to Master" descriptions in the early mid-game
    (1903-1905) where these brilliant diplomats are explaining their
    thinking to me.  Finally, go to the last season and the end-game
    Master of ghodstoo
    > Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > # The private press for the last two demo games ghodstoo & pouchtoo are on
    > # file at the Pouch (not sure if pouchtoo is up quite yet though).  I assume
    > # this one will be as well when it finishes.
    > #
    > # Tsar Cal
    > Ah, excellent!  Then we will be able to see how they plotted your
    > downfall :-)

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    I don't know about the others, but I'm back from WDC.  It was good to finally
    meet you guys - hopefully we'll see each other again soon.
    I would like to state that we now have TWO world champions playing in this
    game - congratulations Christian on an outstanding performance.  I hope the
    bus journey back home wasn't too tiresome!  I think you should be honoured in
    the traditional way by having a target painted on your back.  I am sure your
    neigbours in this (and future) games will be practicing already.
    Congratulations are also due to Chris on winning "Best Diplomat" - you made a
    gallant defence of your title against all the odds.
    Unfortunately, I did not fare so well.  But then again, I am only an
    intermediate.  :-)

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    Juge Diplomacy writes:
     > Broadcast message from as Turkey in 'ruffians':
     > I don't know about the others, but I'm back from WDC.  It was good to finally
     > meet you guys - hopefully we'll see each other again soon.
    I feel the same way.  Perhaps next time I'll get to play in a game
    with one of you three (Chris, Chetan, Christian).  I suppose I
    shouldn't complain though, should I!  I'm sure that would have been
    much more difficult than the game I had in the first round with a
    board full of Belgian newbies.
     > I would like to state that we now have TWO world champions playing in this
     > game - congratulations Christian on an outstanding performance.  I hope the
     > bus journey back home wasn't too tiresome!  I think you should be honoured in
     > the traditional way by having a target painted on your back.  I am sure your
     > neigbours in this (and future) games will be practicing already.
     > Congratulations are also due to Chris on winning "Best Diplomat" - you made a
     > gallant defence of your title against all the odds.
    Chetan beat me to the punch.  Gratz to Christian for taking home the
    gold, and gratz also to Chris for "Best Diplomat" and "Favorite Player".
     > Unfortunately, I did not fare so well.  But then again, I am only an
     > intermediate.  :-)
    What Chetan fails to mention is that he finished 6th overall.  Of
    course, we could say that failing to make the final board justifies
    keeping him at Intermediate.  But I don't know where that would put
    the rest of us.
    I was told WDC info would be posted at
    but I just looked and nothing is there.
     > Chetan.

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Well, what should we do?
    I am planning to order A Ven - Trl, A Rom - Ven and F Nap - Ion
    The Pope
     has signed on as an Observer in game 'ruffians'.

Broadcast message from England in 'ruffians':

    So guys, who wants to ally with a World Champ? Chris? Any other? :-)
    I am England and open to all suggestions.
    /Chris from Sweden
    PS Maybe Chris is a name with magic diplomacy-powers?

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > So guys, who wants to ally with a World Champ? Chris? Any other? :-)
    >  I am England and open to all suggestions.
    OK, here's a suggestion - why not try the Yorkshire pudding opening and see
    how you get on?  It'd be different!
    >  /Chris from Sweden
    >  PS Maybe Chris is a name with magic diplomacy-powers?
    Maybe I should change my name.  At least I have the right first two letters!

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Maybe I should change my name.  At least I have the right first two
    Guess I'm out of luck.  I only have one "C"...

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > >Maybe I should change my name.  At least I have the right first two
    >  letters!
    >  >
    >  >Chetan.
    >  Guess I'm out of luck.  I only have one "C"...
    >  Cal
    You could use the alternate spelling of your title to give you another or you
    could just borrow my title!!!
    Chellovek Rich

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ruffians':
    >>  Guess I'm out of luck.  I only have one "C"...
    >>  Cal
    >You could use the alternate spelling of your title to give you another or
    >could just borrow my title!!!
    >Chellovek Rich
    Ah, trust my loyal tree toad to get me out of a jam!  d;-})
    Cchzar Cchal

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hi Chris!  Well, now that WDC is out of the way, hopefully we can get into
    some meaningful communication in this game.  It's been way too quiet for my
    taste so far.
    Was there anything discussed about this game at WDC?  It's been my
    experience that games like this DON'T get talked about too much when
    participants meet FTF at conventions.  Of course, this may have been
    different this year.
    I'd like to know what your take on the game so far is.  There hasn't been
    much discussed that *I'VE* heard so far.  Maybe I should start getting
    paranoid?  <g>
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Tsar Cal

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hi Chetan!  So did you guys all agree to gang up on me at WDC? d;-})
    Seriously though (I hope <G>), are we still on the same page as regards
    Austria?  I've heard little from him or Italy, so my initial feeling is that
    there may be an A/I.  That certainly can't be good news for you if true.
    Any hints as to what might be going on?
    The only (apparently) sure thing seems to be an F/G gangup on E.  We'll
    Tsar Cal
    PS: Nice picture of you on the WDC web site... <g>

Message from Russia to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Hi Roland!  I hope, now that WDC is over, we can get some semblance of
    communication going in this game.  Nobody has been writing, so I hope we can
    at least compare notes.
    I have still heard very little from either Austria or Turkey and that still
    makes me nervous.  Have they been in communication with you?  I'd like to
    have a little idea of what is going on so as to get a handle on where I
    should move for Spring 1901 at least.  Any suggestions?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    Hi Chris!  Now that WDC is out of the way, maybe there'll be a letter or two
    exchanged in this game... <g>.
    I'm hoping you and I are still cool on NOT having a confrontation in
    Scandinavia.  We're better off settling our particular ends of the board
    before looking anywhere else (other than diplomatically, of course).
    Have you heard anything of interest?  One tidbit you might be interested in:
    Germany has dropped a couple of hints that I might want to send my Moscow
    army north "just in case".  Since I am not about to do that, (the east is,
    IMHO, far too unsettled), I don't mind giving you the tip.
    Looking forward to hearing from you,

Message from Austria to Italy and Germany in

    Just back from Belgium and a quite lovely vacation.  Only managed 34th in
    the WDC touney, but as I came away with the votes for "Best Diplomat" and
    "Favorite Player", I suppose I can't complain.
    I agree with the DMZ of Tyrolia.  It can't do any of us any good to go
    there, and would probably do all of us harm, in the long run.
    There is so much to catch up on, I am trying to send out short notes to
    everyone.  I promise to write more soon!

Message from Italy to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Same thing here... it has been very silent. I am actually in total darkness
    me too.
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Tsar Cal
    Indeed!  I am just returned, and feel good about my placeing at the con.
    But for one mistake in judgement, I might have placed in the 20s, rather
    than 34th.  Live and Learn!
    I also met our erstwhile Turkey -- Chetan.  Good lord he is a ferocious
    player.  came in 6th overall and missed a shot at winning the whole thing by
    three centers in an earlier game.
    This game didn't get discussed by or to me at all!  Somewhat surprising, but
    we all had other things to talk about.
    My plan is to try and keep Chetan in check.  Italy is making noises about
    opening to Tyrolia and Venice, as if this wouldn't bother me in the least.
    So, if you don't want to bounce in Galacia, That would be fine by me!
    What's been going on whilst I've been away?

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Your Holiness,
    I was wondering what the plan is now?  If we are going for the joint assault
    on Germany, I'd prefer for you to not open Rome -> Venice.  To much
    potential for a stab.  OTOH, if I order Trieste -> Venice, resulting in a
    bounce there, that would be ok.  But we should co-ordinate it.
    Hey, the Swedish team really kicked butt at WDC!  Have you seen the results?

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Chetan!  Congrats again on the grand finish at WDC.  I really liked your
    wide-open style of play, by which I mean agressive and very fluid.  I am
    interested to see how you and I will fare in this game.
    I returned to find over 30 messages regarding this game!  Crazy.  What have
    you heard?  I'd really like to see us work together, are you still gung-ho
    for the anti-russian moves?
    All the best!

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Well, idea was that I was going to get Tri from you this year.
    Have you forgotten that?
    Hehe... we Swedes usually kicks butt at the WDC. I have been on the winning
    team twice! :-)
    And yes I have seen some of the results...
    Mvh Roland

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Indeed!  I am just returned, and feel good about my placeing at the con.
    >But for one mistake in judgement, I might have placed in the 20s, rather
    >than 34th.  Live and Learn!
    Happens.  FTF cons are a lot more luck than most people realize.  Sometimes
    a game is won or lost by the table assignments or by who picks what colour
    out of the box.  I've won a couple of CanCons, IMHO, by luck as much as
    >This game didn't get discussed by or to me at all!  Somewhat surprising,
    >we all had other things to talk about.
    Not so surprising.  I didn't expect much would be discussed.  Seems kinda
    weird, but that's been my experience at Cons.  Games outside of the current
    FTF setting get pretty much ignored.
    >My plan is to try and keep Chetan in check.  Italy is making noises about
    >opening to Tyrolia and Venice, as if this wouldn't bother me in the least.
    >So, if you don't want to bounce in Galacia, That would be fine by me!
    Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.  With the lack of communication, I'm not
    going to be the first to trigger a war.  My moves will be such that I can
    react effectively in F01 to ANY S01 threats.  d;-})
    >What's been going on whilst I've been away?
    Absolutely nada.  I tried to write a couple of letters, but everything went
    unanswered.  Almost seemed like a moratorium existed for the length of WDC.
    Let me know what you hear.  I'd like to commit to something, but I'm looking
    to hear that first decent offer from someone.  Hasn't happened yet, so my
    view is certainly objective!
    Looking foward to hearing from you.

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    After much thought and soul searching, I find I am not comfortable with
    giving you Trieste in 01.  In the long run, I have no objections, and it
    certainly cements the alliance between us nicely -- you know I can't build
    fleets, and wont be sneaking into Venice, and once ownership is established
    you move on and I have the same assurances.  But, against this quality of
    opposition, I think I am going to have to refrain from making this exchange
    quite so early.
    So, I have no problem opening to Bohemia, Serbia, and Albania, but please
    dont move rome -> Venice.  I shall happily support you into Munich in the
    Mvh Chris

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    In that case I will not move to Trl...
    And we will have to find somethig else to do.
    Do you still think Turkey is our biggest problem?
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Sorry to spoil our plans, but I figured we'd both be happier if we discussed
    As to problems, yes, I still think it's Chetan we need to worry about first.
    He has the savvy to play it slow, non-threateaning and then explode when
    either of us turns away.  I don't know so much about Cal, in Russia, but
    you'll want to keep an eye on John in france.  He is also quite good.
    Do you think we should go with a standard lepanto, then?

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Well, I do not seem to have much of a choice, do I...
    But okey, a standard Lepanto is fine, just great with me!
    And in this game all the players are good. No need to worry about that. :-)
    Mvh Roland

Message from Austria to Italy in 'ruffians':

    I really don't want to be a wet blanket here.  Believe me, I love a good old
    fashioned run at Munich as much as the next guy, but let's save it for 1902,
    What do you hear from John Quarto?  I haven't heard anything from him but
    the broadcast tauntings!

Message from Italy to Austria in 'ruffians':

    It is no problem. I was actually hoping for the Key Lepanto, since I
    seldome get the chance, but it is okey doing the regular one too.
    No I have not heard anything from John, not in quite a while.
    Mvh Roland

Message from England to Russia in 'ruffians':

    >I'm hoping you and I are still cool on NOT having a confrontation in
    >Scandinavia.  We're better off settling our particular ends of the board
    >before looking anywhere else (other than diplomatically, of course).
    Of course I am still wanting a non-confrontation in Scandinavia, as we both
    could take advantage from that.
    >Have you heard anything of interest?  One tidbit you might be interested in:
    >Germany has dropped a couple of hints that I might want to send my Moscow
    >army north "just in case".  Since I am not about to do that, (the east is,
    >IMHO, far too unsettled), I don't mind giving you the tip.
    All I know is that Austria (Chris) tells me heīs going to Galicia and that
    you might be moving Mos-StP. I donīt know if he says that because itīs true
    or because he wants to scare me away from working with you.

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    John!  How are you doing over there?  I have heard little from that end of
    the board once the taunting and the nose-thumbing ended.  What's new in NYC
    for you?  We should try to get together for lunch sometime, yes?

Message from Russia to Italy in 'ruffians':

    Roland:  I think it's time we started to do a bit more communicating.  I'm
    hearing rumours that Austria is planning on moving to Galicia and Turkey
    isn't even answering my letters.  This adds up to trouble for me and,
    eventually, for you.
    I need to know if there is any chance of your attacking Austria.  If you
    don't, it will give A/T a fast start and you will be the next target.  Some
    positive action against one or the either (preferably Austria) is, I think,
    definitely in your self-interest.
    Can you please give me some idea of what you intend to do? Or at least let
    me know if I'm on my own here... d;-})  Nobody is bothering to write much
    and, when they do, it's been one sentence at most.  That's rather
    disconcerting for a "demonstration" game.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as England to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Of course I am still wanting a non-confrontation in Scandinavia, as we both
    >could take advantage from that.
    Okay, agreed.
    >All I know is that Austria (Chris) tells me heīs going to Galicia and that
    >you might be moving Mos-StP. I donīt know if he says that because itīs true
    >or because he wants to scare me away from working with you.
    Whatever his reasons, it's not true.  I considered it at first, but
    obviously wanted to wait until the south sorted itself out.  With your (and
    other's) confirmation of Austria's move to Galicia and Turkey's near total
    silence (I thought this was a demo game...), I'd say the south is sorting
    itself out distinctly unfavourable to Russia.  That precludes any possible
    move north.  The head that wears the crown can rest at least THAT much
    easier tonight...

Message from England to Russia in 'ruffians':

    >The head that wears the crown can rest at least THAT much
    >easier tonight...
    You flatterer!
    But, ok, I trust youīre not moving north then. Germany will then be a
    possible victim, eh?

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as England to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >>The head that wears the crown can rest at least THAT much
    >>easier tonight...
    >You flatterer!
    >But, ok, I trust youīre not moving north then. Germany will then be a
    >possible victim, eh?
    Well yes, but probably not by me.  At least not for the first few years if
    my hunch of an A/T are correct.  If I can survive with more than a couple of
    centres to 1903, we'll have to see then.
    I'd be quite happy for you and I to work together.  At least you write
    letters!  d;-})
    We'll discuss THAT concept later, I'm sure...
        The universe was once conceived almost as a vast preserve,
      for heroes, plotted to provide them the appropriate adventures.   The
      were known and respected, the adversaries honorable, the oracles
      and precise as the directives of a six-lane parkway.  Errors of weakness
      vanity  led,  with  measured  momentum,  to  the  tragedy  which
      everything.  Today, the rules are ambiguous, the adversary is  concealed
      aliases, the oracles broadcast a babble of contradictions.
                                 --- Maya Deren, from her notes for *At

Message from Italy to Russia in 'ruffians':

    I have had quite a few ideas put to Austria but none was successful. So I
    will be some what cautious now in the beginng. I will not attack him from
    the start... Especially not if you try to threaten me!
    I am sorry to say that I do not know what Austria is planning. No idea.
    But he did not go for my plans anyway.
    Mvh Roland

Message from Russia to Italy in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Italy to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >I have had quite a few ideas put to Austria but none was successful. So I
    >will be some what cautious now in the beginng. I will not attack him from
    >the start... Especially not if you try to threaten me!
    I hope you did not take my earlier letter as a threat!  I was simply trying
    to put forward the idea that, if Austria and Turkey do have an alliance, it
    would be bad for both of us.  I would probably feel their power first, but
    you would be the next one they attacked.
    >I am sorry to say that I do not know what Austria is planning. No idea.
    >But he did not go for my plans anyway.
    I'll take that as a bad sign for both of us.
    Thanks for writing.  I'm sorry if there was any misunderstanding.

Message from Italy to Russia in 'ruffians':

    >I hope you did not take my earlier letter as a threat!  I was simply trying
    >to put forward the idea that, if Austria and Turkey do have an alliance, it
    >would be bad for both of us.  I would probably feel their power first, but
    >you would be the next one they attacked.
    Well, I did. But I am glad that it was a misunderstanding.
    I agree with you. If A & T indeed works together, we will have to take
    action fast.
    >I'll take that as a bad sign for both of us.
    Yes, I am beginning to think the same.
    >Thanks for writing.  I'm sorry if there was any misunderstanding.
    No problem, as long as we manages to make things clear.
    Mvh Roland

Message from Italy to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    How are thing s going?
    Have not heard from you in a while.
    Are you getting along with Russia?
    Mvh Roland / The Pope

Message from England to Germany in 'ruffians':

    I just wanted to make sure we still are up to working together.
    Then obviously, I wanted to ask if it could be possible for me to have Bel
    first year. Then I'd build a F Edi and an A Lon. That way I would be able
    to move against Russia, but if you prefer it I could build F Lon and F Lpl
    and move against France. If I get two builds, the decision is yours! OK? If
    you don't like this idea it's ok, I will surely be able to work with you
    even if Bel is yours first year. My opening moves will be F Lon-Nth, F
    Edi-Nrg, A Lpl-Yor.

Message from England to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Well, Cal, I guess writing to each other is an essential part of being
    allied...therefore I am very concerned about France/Germany who hasnīt
    written to me for a long time...have you heard anything nasty?
    PS More poetic words please!

Message from England to France in 'ruffians':

    I just wanted to make sure ENG is DMZ and that you are aware of the
    R/T-alliance forming.
    Then obviously, I wanted to ask if it could be possible for me to have Bel
    first year. Then I'd build a F Edi and an A Lon. OK? If you don't like this
    idea it's ok, I will surely be able to work with you even if Bel is yours
    first year. My opening moves will be F Lon-Nth, F Edi-Nrg, A Lpl-Yor.

Message from England to Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Well, Cal, I guess writing to each other is an essential part of being
    >allied...therefore I am very concerned about France/Germany who hasnīt
    >written to me for a long time...have you heard anything nasty?
    No, and that's the problem.  NOBODY, except you and, to a lesser extent,
    Italy, is writing in this game.  As far as I can tell, there is an F/G and a
    A/T going on.  That kinda throws you and together if I'm right.  The
    question is, am I right?  If I am, we're in trouble and had better stick
    together.  If I'm not and it's just that the others aren't writing, we may
    as well stick together anyway as the only letter writers.  Unfortunately,
    since the others are in a demo game for a reason, I have to assume they ARE
    writing.  Just not to us.  Sigh.  S01 will tell us a lot.
    >PS More poetic words please!
    How's this?  It's my new .sig file:
        The universe was once conceived almost as a vast
    preserve, landscaped for heroes, plotted to provide them
    the appropriate adventures.  The rules were known and
    respected, the adversaries honorable, the oracles articulate
    and precise as the directives of a six-lane parkway.  Errors
    of weakness or vanity  led, with measured  momentum,  to
    the  tragedy which resolved everything.  Today, the rules
    are ambiguous, the adversary is  concealed in aliases, the
    oracles broadcast a babble of contradictions.
                                 --- Maya Deren, from her notes for *At

Message from France to England in 'ruffians':

    Hi Christian,
    I certainly don't mind if you take Belgium in 1901, as long as we have the
    understanding that
    1) you will take it with a fleet, rather than an army
    2) you will be moving out of Belgium in 1902
    I want to concentrate on the Med, so I'd like to have as few issues to
    resolve in the North as possible. Depending on Germany's moves you and I
    will be able to co-ordinate against Germany after the winter builds.

Message from France to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Are we still on with our Sea Lion plans? I'd like to point out that our
    victim, Christian, is now the new 1999 World Champion, fresh from Namur,
    Belgium. We now have two Dip Champs (along with Chris Martin) in this game.
    He has already asked me to let him have BEL. I am hoping that if we follow
    thru on our earlier plan, we will be *way* ahead at end of 1901, with you
    supporting me into BEL and me supporting you into North Sea

Message from Germany to France in 'ruffians':

    Hi John:
     Yes, the fact that Christian is the new world champ deters me not;
    the Sea Lion
    must advance as planned!
     England has also asked me for Bel (which I've graciously
    "consented" to give
    him), and he'll be moving a standard A Lpl-Edi, F Edi-Nwg and F
    Lon-Nth.  He'll
    be set up to allow your move to the channel!
     Until Monday, my "real life" job as a Background Investigator was
    taking me on
    constant commutes throughout southeast and south central Wisconsin.  My
    material" largely lies in county libraries....  And now, finally, the
    Circuit Courts have gone online with all their data:  I can access the
    records I need
    without leaving my home PC!  My car will probably be happy to be faced
    with far
    less abuse....

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    Hi Chris!  Congratulations on your World Championship; I'm impressed, to
    say the
    very least.  I myself am a lousy FTF player; people can read my facial
    too well...or something.
     I do think that it is fairest that you get Bel; France has his two
    easy builds from
    Iberia, and Hol/Den are enough for me to get a decent start.  Without
    two builds,
    your England would be hampered against Russia, to say the least!  I'll
    hold off on
    recommending which units for you to build until we get through the first
    let's see what the opening moves look like!
     In "real life", I am a Background Investigator.  The bulk of my
    research is done
    on computer terminals at County Libraries, throughout the State of
     Now, the Wisconsin Court system has gone online and I can access
    all my dirt
    right from my home PC!  This will save my car and I a lot of stress from
    all the
    back and forth travelling, not to mention a lot of time....

Message from Russia to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Note to whoever reads these things after the game is over - Christian
    couldn't send this via the judge for the reasons stated below, so I'm just
    cycling this through for posterity's sake.
    Geez, I feel noble...  d;-})
    Tsar Cal
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Christian Dreyer <>
    To: <>
    Date: April 14, 1999 4:58 AM
    Subject: Re: Diplomacy notice: ruffians
    >Hello Cal!
    >I send this email via my hotmail account to able to write to you from
    >the university. The judge doesn't want to accept my signing on since I
    >now has another reurnaddress than when I write from home. This is why I
    >send it not via the judge...
    >Anyway, look and behold! I recieved an email from France! He tells me
    >he's going to concentrate in the Med which sounds like a lie. Noone
    >wants to start off attacking Italy when playing France, since it is
    >almost impossible to get anywhere against the mussolinis. I guess this
    >even more tells us that there is a G/F alliance and that maybe Italy is
    >in it to, just stabbing Austria in the back. This however is good for
    >you, especially if Turkey and Austria attacks you. Then you might be
    >able to convine Turkey to attack Austria instead and by that growing.
    >Well, I don't know. As you said,the first moves will show.
    >And what wise words you keep passing on to me..."The universe was once
    >conceived..." Bravo!
    >signing off

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    <<Now that WDC and the Lyon
    conference are over, I should be online essentially constantly through
    at least mid-July.
    Jacked in and ready to start hacking, hmmm?
    You have got to see "The Matrix" when it hits Europe, gang.  Killah Flik!
    The fight scenes alone are worth the price of admission.

Message from Austria to Master in 'ruffians':

    Thanks, I had a good time at the Con, and really only felt targeted for
    destruction in 2 games -- hmmm, the two games I didn't do well in. . . .
    Lyon sounds like a cool place!
    As to A Vienna, thanks -- I was waiting for diplomatic responses before
    deciding where that unit'd go.  The order is in now!

Message from Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Tsar cal,
    Well, here we are at deadline time, and I have heard nothing from Chetan,
    the Turk.  The last thing I heard from him regarding this game was before
    WDC, so I have no idea how he is going to open.  have you spoken to him
    I shall not be moving to Galacia, and I trust you shall not either.  Best of
    luck in 01, and lets look at our options for the fall when the results come
    in, yes?

Message from Russia to Austria in 'ruffians':

    >Message from as Austria to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Tsar cal,
    >Well, here we are at deadline time, and I have heard nothing from Chetan,
    >the Turk.  The last thing I heard from him regarding this game was before
    >WDC, so I have no idea how he is going to open.  have you spoken to him
    >I shall not be moving to Galacia, and I trust you shall not either.  Best
    >luck in 01, and lets look at our options for the fall when the results come
    >in, yes?
    I have also heard very little from anyone and nothing from Chetan since WDC.
    Mind you, the "little rumours" I DO hear seem to imply an A/T alliance which
    has me a bit concerned.  However, I DO think it unlikely that Chetan would
    write to you and ignore me completely, so I am prepared to disregard the
    "little rumours".
    As for Galicia, I will not be going there.  1901 will see me simply try to
    get the usual (for Russia) couple of builds and sort things out in the east.
    Since it's obvious I can trust you to keep in touch, I'm hoping very
    strongly that you and I can work together.  I'd much  rather have an ally
    who writes than an ally who is silent. Heck, I'd rather have an ally who
    writes and LIES than an ally who is silent... <g>
    I'll get back to you after the moves tonight.  I'm on afternoon shift now
    while training for my new job, so I (probably) can't answer any messages
    until I get home.
    Tsar Cal

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Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.