The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1911 in pouchtoo


Message from Italy to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

> Austria:   Builds a fleet in Trieste.
Guess your repair job inspires a lot of your natives to take up
the naval trades, huh?



Message from Austria to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

> > Austria:   Builds a fleet in Trieste.
> >
> Guess your repair job inspires a lot of your natives to take up
> the naval trades, huh?
Naah, we just believe in redundancy.  Better have two in case one


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Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

Well, no surprises there.  I think we're all set on the moves, hold
the line in the middle and see what we can do on the ends.  If we
can't get anywhere, convince Cal to take out Manus and call it a
three way.

Kaiser D

Message from Austria to England in 'pouchtoo':

Well, we certainly changed things around anyway. (<:  I don't know that
we are much closer to getting a two way going out of this, but we'll
see what the manuevering brings for the next couple of years.  I certainly
open to making a move on Russia as long as it looks at least moderately
difficult for Jamie to throw the game to you at that point.  I assume
you are going to leave Manus alone for a bit, but perhaps in a year or
two we can discuss removing him, if nothing else in order to get us down
to a three way instead of a four way.

Happy hunting in the north.

Kaiser D

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':


Did we say Mun-Kie? And Boh-Mun, RUSS A Sil S Boh-Mun?

Let's do that. Unlikely to save my F Hel, but conceivable.

Cal should order the F MAO straight into NAO. If he decides to use both F
Por and F MAO in the Mediterranean, then I may actually have a chance to
make progress in Scandinavia. If one of those fleets goes north, then I
don't really have any chance.

Manus did agree with my suggestion that he insist on keeping his centers,
not just allow Cal to take them. I bet Cal takes one anyway. He'll need to
take one, since I'm going to take Norway.

Tsar J

Message from Italy to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

> Naah, we just believe in redundancy.  Better have two in case one
> sinks.
Ah!  I see.  Well, to justify your good planning sense, here's hoping
for a couple leaks in the hull somewhere.  :-)


Message from Austria to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

> Ah!  I see.  Well, to justify your good planning sense, here's hoping
> for a couple leaks in the hull somewhere.  :-)

It's the darn seals around the screen doors that keep leaking!

Just remember to keep up your strategy of attacking whoever stabs you
last, so when Cal steals some centers you can turn around again.  (<:

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> Did we say Mun-Kie? And Boh-Mun, RUSS A Sil S Boh-Mun?
> Let's do that. Unlikely to save my F Hel, but conceivable.
No, we didn't, but I can do that.  Ber s Mun - Kie as well I assume?

> Cal should order the F MAO straight into NAO. If he decides to use both F
> Por and F MAO in the Mediterranean, then I may actually have a chance to
> make progress in Scandinavia. If one of those fleets goes north, then I
> don't really have any chance.
Well, let's see.  You get Norway this spring.  In order to kill Hel he
has to use North and Denmark.  Baltic is available to go to Sweden which
is a pity.  He probably can lock it up, but if we get lucky or he makes
a mistake then we can get through, and maybe I can get some pressure on
in the south.  Of course we have to hope you can build another fleet this
year, which he can make difficult either by retreating to Barents or
moving Baltic to Gob.  I haven't played it out, but at least consider
moving an army into StP in the spring.  The added support could make his
decisions harder and also influence him against a retreat to Barents and
you can plan on pulling it back out in the fall.  I'm not sure it works
out, but something to consider.

> Manus did agree with my suggestion that he insist on keeping his centers,
> not just allow Cal to take them. I bet Cal takes one anyway. He'll need to
> take one, since I'm going to take Norway.
I've been exchanging friendly jibes with him and reminded him that it is
his policy to attack whoever stabs him last.  If Cal does take a center
I'll definitely make some offers, even if I don't expect them to be

Kaiser D

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

>> Did we say Mun-Kie? And Boh-Mun, RUSS A Sil S Boh-Mun?
>> Let's do that. Unlikely to save my F Hel, but conceivable.
>No, we didn't, but I can do that.  Ber s Mun - Kie as well I assume?

Oh, right. Sure, why not?
Oh, look at that, I'd already ordered it. My subconscious is smart. Or my
memory is shot.

Other stuff:
Yeah. I kind of think he'll just order Nwy-Swe. I can then hold Nwy,
probably, but it's going to be very tough to get any further. It's a shame
that they'll be able to block up the Med so easily. Of course, we could try
going to a lot of trouble to get you a bunch of fleets and line them up
along the Italian west coast. We'll have to think about whether that is (i)
possible (ii) safe (iii) worth the trouble.

Tsar J

Message from Italy to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

> It's the darn seals around the screen doors that keep leaking!
Don't you just hate that??

> Just remember to keep up your strategy of attacking whoever stabs you
> last,
(as opposed to not attacking someone when they stab me?  :-)

> so when Cal steals some centers you can turn around again.  (<:
It's kept me alive this long, and as the smallest and most frequently
used punching bag (because I dress myself up so well to look like one,
I admit), I'm starting to feel pretty proud to still be breathing.


Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Well, I've had a chance to go over the atctical situation and it looks as if
we WILL need tactical magic to get us through the Mediterranean.  They have
us better bottled up than I thought and it isn't just a matter of us
outnumbering their fleets.  As long as they hold the entire mainland of
Italy, we can be held off with just a fleet in Naples and a fleet in Ionian.
We have to avoid this...

Key to their stalemate, as I said above, is holding the entire mainland of
Italy.  Right now we have a flothold in Tuscany and we cannot afford to give
that up.  Therefore, I'd like us to do the following:

F Tus H, s by F Lyo
F Spasc-Mar
F Naf-Tun

F Por-Mid

This pretty much ensures we keep Tus for THIS season at least.  They only
way they can take it is by using Rom, Ven & Pie which I doubt will happen.
Ven will have to support Pie or they risk losing it and, if they move in
WITH Piedmont, they leave a vital space open.  I don't think it's likely.
Meanwhile, if we keep Tuscany, we keep them guessing as to what they have to

I'm expecting them to go F Tri-Alb, F Nap-Tyn, A Rom-Tus, s by A Pie, A Ven
s A Pie.  Giving up Tyn for this turn is regretable, but unavoidable if we
are to keep Tuscany.



Message from England to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Austria to England in 'pouchtoo':
>Well, we certainly changed things around anyway. (<:  I don't know that
>we are much closer to getting a two way going out of this, but we'll
>see what the manuevering brings for the next couple of years.  I certainly
>open to making a move on Russia as long as it looks at least moderately
>difficult for Jamie to throw the game to you at that point.  I assume
>you are going to leave Manus alone for a bit, but perhaps in a year or
>two we can discuss removing him, if nothing else in order to get us down
>to a three way instead of a four way.

Yeah, I'd be open to that, but obviously I'd still prefer the A/E.  An
solo is pretty much out of then question at this point  I'll keep
units up north and whenever you figure the time is right, feel free to take
shot at the Russian underbelly.

>Happy hunting in the north.

Thanks.  ;-)


Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Your wishes have translated into my commands.  May we get that tactical
magic you menitioned!  If not, the postgame comment will revolve around
how dumb I was to set myself up like that when it turns out I *didn't*
have a throw-game card.


Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Well, I TRIED to translate your wishes into my commands, but the judge
politely reminded me of a couple of things:

> Therefore, I'd like us to do the following:
> Italy
> F Tus H, s by F Lyo
> F Spasc-Mar
> F Naf-Tun
There's no unit in LYO to support Tuscany with.  My fourth fleet is in
Marseilles, not LYO.

Aauugghh!  This probably means things are even worse than you thought.


Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Shit.  Someone must have been playing with the board I have set up (my cat
comes to mind) because I also thought I had a unit in Bel, not Hol.  At
least THAT one was better for me...

I'll get back to you later. Now we REALLY need some tactical magic.  Too
bad we can't even pray for an NMR...

BTW, I was trying to check out your dead Presidents site when this came
in.  Nice site so far, but it seems to have gone down temporarily.  I'll
try that again in a little while.


> Message from as Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':
> Well, I TRIED to translate your wishes into my commands, but the judge
> politely reminded me of a couple of things:
> > Therefore, I'd like us to do the following:
> >
> > Italy
> > F Tus H, s by F Lyo
> > F Spasc-Mar
> > F Naf-Tun
> >
> There's no unit in LYO to support Tuscany with.  My fourth fleet is in
> Marseilles, not LYO.
> Aauugghh!  This probably means things are even worse than you thought.
> Manus

Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Yeah; I'm looking too.  We may be in real trouble.  :-(

> BTW, I was trying to check out your dead Presidents site when this came
> in.  Nice site so far, but it seems to have gone down temporarily.  I'll
> try that again in a little while.
Yeah; I sent that mail and promptly lost my connection.  The site went
down for what seems like it was about an hour!  Luckily, that kind of
thing rarly happens; this "starship" account is very reliable.


Message from Observer to Observer in 'pouchtoo':

In reply to the question "can Manus tilt the game to England?" the
answer is _NO_. He is trying to save his neck, again, and will not
succeed this time. The game will end in a 3-way EAR.
	Reasons: Austria and Russia are too far forward over the
North line and Itlay is out of position to get back fast enough to
do any harm.

Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Sorry to take so long.  Here's some suggestions:

F Tus-Pie, s by F Pie
F Spasc-Lyo
F Naf-Tun

That's about the best we can come up with right now I suspect.
If they play it right, we'll be facing a stalemate line anyway.
Maybe I can break thru up north.  We'll see.



Message from Russia to Austria, England, Italy and

Master in 'pouchtoo':

So, what do you say we pick up the pace a little? This current deadline
seems ridiculously long.

Also, I am starting to feel terrible, because the other remaining players
are vowels. I only remembered this depressing fact when I typed "press to
aei". Thank goodness I added Rick. Now don't you guys start getting any
cute ideas, like an ALL VOWEL DRAW. Just remember, you can't spell much
without me. (I hope they don't notice that they can't spell much with me
either. A nice ARIA? Italians and Austrians love opera. Or we could arouse
Dave's IRE by eliminating him. Or knock out Manus and divide up his AREA.)

(Remind me not to send press after 11:00 anymore.)

(Tsar) J

Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

> F Tus-Pie, s by F Pie
I assume you mean s by f mar

> F Spasc-Lyo
> F Naf-Tun
> That's about the best we can come up with right now I suspect.
Okay, I'll issue those orders.

> If they play it right, we'll be facing a stalemate line anyway.
If we can stalemate them, I might end up on the trash heap, but
at least you will be guaranteed a satisfactory result.

> Maybe I can break thru up north.  We'll see.
Best of luck!

Orders going in along those lines....


Message from England to Austria, Italy and Russia in


> Message from as Russia to Austria, England, Italy and
> Master in 'pouchtoo':
> So, what do you say we pick up the pace a little? This current deadline
> seems ridiculously long.

Fine by me. :)

> Also, I am starting to feel terrible, because the other remaining players
> are vowels. I only remembered this depressing fact when I typed "press to
> aei". Thank goodness I added Rick. Now don't you guys start getting any
> cute ideas, like an ALL VOWEL DRAW. Just remember, you can't spell much
> without me. (I hope they don't notice that they can't spell much with me
> either. A nice ARIA? Italians and Austrians love opera. Or we could arouse
> Dave's IRE by eliminating him. Or knock out Manus and divide up his AREA.)

I know how you feel.  After all, *I'm* the one who has to write to a bunch
of AIRheads...

> (Remind me not to send press after 11:00 anymore.)

Please don't send press after 11:00 please.  :)


Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

> Message from as Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':
> > F Tus-Pie, s by F Pie
> >
> I assume you mean s by f mar

Actually, that was part of the "tactical magic" I was talking about...



Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

> > I assume you mean s by f mar
> Actually, that was part of the "tactical magic" I was talking about...
> (grin).
Oh, darn.  I shouldn't have been watching your hands.  Audience error.

Okay, I'll take my WAIT off, and we'll hope for the best.


Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

>Fine by me. :)

Ok, because actually, I thought you might be the only one to object!
(Because Manus is now on your side, and the only times I've been happy to
have a very long deadline were when I was waiting... waiting... waiting...
to hear from Manus.)

Tsar J

Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':
>>Fine by me. :)
>Ok, because actually, I thought you might be the only one to object!
>(Because Manus is now on your side, and the only times I've been happy to
>have a very long deadline were when I was waiting... waiting... waiting...
>to hear from Manus.)

Oh, so NOW I know the real reason you guys attacked poor Manus.  To
give ME the pressure headaches!  Is he alive?  Is he dead?  Did he post
orders before he died?  God will getcha for that!  :-)


Message from England to Austria, Italy and Russia in


:: Judge: USWI  Game: Pouchtoo  Variant: Standard
:: Deadline: S1911M Fri Nov 13 1998 23:30:00 +0000

Game 'pouchtoo' order #044 (S1911M) has a deadline of Fri Nov 13 1998
23:30:00 +0000.
One or more players have requested that orders not be processed
until the deadline.
Those who haven't gotten their orders in will be abandoned if nothing
is received by Fri Nov 20 1998 23:30:00 +0000.

This is what I don't understand about this game.  Jamie admits there is very
going on right now (I concur) and, if I read the above correctly, we ALL
have orders in, but
someone has a Set Wait thingie going on.

Q: Why?

Puzzled in Toronto

Message from Italy to Austria, Russia and

England in 'pouchtoo':

I have no set wait on.

I feel pretty worried, because "ARE" is the most common word that
can be build from our four initials.  (Except "A", I suppose.)
And "I" am not in either one....

What a surprise!  What a shock!


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Hey, I think Cal has made an error. I now have a small chance of either
holding onto the fleet that he should have squished, or else gaining an
extra center! But I (we) have to guess right. I think it's still a bit of a
long shot. Still, something interesting to think about. He obviously could
have squished that fleet without taking any other chances. I guess he
wanted to get an army into Kiel, really badly. Huh.

Also, they've let you into TyS, and with the English fleet going to NAO
it's not clear that they can get you out. That could possibly be important
too, don't you think? Oh, the other fleet, the one that was in Por and is
now in MAO, that one will go to Wes now. I get it. So the I/E position will
be very tight until/unless you could crawl fleets all over the Italian west

Well, let's think it all over for a while.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

Hm, you *really* wanted an army in Kiel. I'm surprised that you took a risk
like this one just to get the army in Kiel.

Well, the position is certainly more interesting this way!

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

You guys are making this game a little more interesting than it should be!
Or at least, Cal is. He's leaving me some little openings that he didn't
need to leave.
I guess he *really* wanted to have an army in Kiel.

This is probably good news for you, anyway. He clearly wants to leave you
mainly in charge of defending the Mediterranean. So he'll be needing you
for some time to come.

Tsar J

Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Got this from Jamie:

> You guys are making this game a little more interesting than it should be!
> Or at least, Cal is. He's leaving me some little openings that he didn't
> need to leave. I guess he *really* wanted to have an army in Kiel.
> This is probably good news for you, anyway. He clearly wants to leave you
> mainly in charge of defending the Mediterranean. So he'll be needing you
> for some time to come.

I appreciate being left in the game, but from what he says, things didn't go
so well in the north (or are about to go worse up there).

Anyway, my men await your orders....

Rule Brittania!

Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':
>Hm, you *really* wanted an army in Kiel. I'm surprised that you took a risk
>like this one just to get the army in Kiel.
>Well, the position is certainly more interesting this way!

I'm going to have to shoot someone because right now I'm really pissed off.

Not at anyone in this game, but at one of my "so-called" friends who has
coming over to the house since I moved back to Toronto.  Apparently, he has
been playing around with the board I keep set up with this game on it and
to return the pieces to their original location.  That led to a rather
stupid set of
orders being put in on my part when I had originally sent moves guaranteed
to poof your fleet.

Oh well, time to deal with things (after I kill my "friend" that is...)


Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':
>Got this from Jamie:
>> You guys are making this game a little more interesting than it should
>> Or at least, Cal is. He's leaving me some little openings that he didn't
>> need to leave. I guess he *really* wanted to have an army in Kiel.
>> This is probably good news for you, anyway. He clearly wants to leave you
>> mainly in charge of defending the Mediterranean. So he'll be needing you
>> for some time to come.
>I appreciate being left in the game, but from what he says, things didn't
>so well in the north (or are about to go worse up there).

They didn't, but not thru anyone's fault except mine.  I don't normally put
such stupid orders, but apparently a "friend" of mine who has been coming
fairly often since I moved back to the city, was playing with the board I
leave set
up and didn't put all the pieces back in their correct location.  Add to
that the fact
that I put my orders in rather piecemeal this turn and you have a royal

Oh well, I have to deal with it, but it certainly put us back at least a

>Anyway, my men await your orders....

I'll get back to you pretty soon.  Right now I'm looking at something like

F Mar H
F Lyo s F Mid-Wes
F Tun-Ion

The move to Ion would risk Tunis, but that would only happen if you actually
got in to Ion and from there ths stalemate line would be broken.  Probably
it, I'd say.  You'd be able to pick centres left and right if it worked.

And as for you handling the defense of the Med, Jamie is pretty much right.
odds of this game stacking up into a stalemate line are pretty high and I
don't care
how many people are in a draw like that as long as they're all vital to the

Mind you, Jamie has been telling me that the game isn't likely to end until
I take
you out and what am I waiting for?  Duh.  ;)


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Hey, are you there?

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

I'm here, barely.  Things have been busy.  Your retreat is obvious at
least.  Give me an hour or so to get a chance to look at the board and
I'll send you my thoughts.


Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

Okay, I've taken a look at things and here are my thoughts.

1) Cal can not retake Norway and so must retake Holland.
2) Cal will take one of Manus's centers as he is down one and Manus lost
   a unit.

A lot is going to depend on where Cal retreats to.  My expectation is
Sweden.  To launch a successful attack on Hol, he has to cover Bel and
be concerned about Mun and Ber cutting supports.  Hel can not be cut,
so it should support.  The attack then has to come from Ruh or Kie as
he can not leave North open.  If he attacks from Kie, he has to cover
the possibility of Hol - Kie with two supports.  That means Bal must
attack Ber and Ruh/Bur must attack Mun while the other one covers Bel.
And Den must move to Kie to prevent Ber moving in.  All that leaves
nothing to support Sweden, so North has to hit Norway to prevent
you taking both Swe and Nor, giving us:

Nth - Nwy, Swe s Nth - Nwy, Den - Kie, Bal - Ber, Ruh - Mun, Bur - Bel,
Gas - Bur, Kie - Hol, Hel s Kie - Hol, Mao - Spa/sc, Nao - Nwg

The other option is to attack from Ruh, so we get something like:

Ruh - Hol, Hel s Ruh - Hol, Bur - Bel, Gas - Bur, MAO - Spa/sc,
Den s Kie, Bal s Kie, Nth - Nwy, Swe s Nth - Nwy, NAO - Nwg.

In either case it would appear that he can not spare either Den or Bal
to support Sweden.  This leads me to wonder if the best move for us

Nwy - Swe, Fin s Nwy - Swe, Hol - Kie, Ber s Hol - Kie, Mun s Hol - Kie,
Stp - Mos

I think that Sweden is a better outpost than Nwy.  It has more escape
routes to keep the fleet alive, and it lets you start the next year with
three units on Norway.  There is also the benefit that if North does go
to Norway, you may actually be able to retreat Hol to North!  I'm sure
there are some holes in this somewhere, but I'll throw it in your court
now to see how likely it is that the above could actually result in your
losing Hol and Norway without taking Sweden, and if it is worth the gamble
in that case.

In the south, there is sometemptation to head for Wes, but I don't think I
really can.  Looks like move to Ion and just hang on in Tys.

-Kaiser D

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':


>Okay, I've taken a look at things and here are my thoughts.
>1) Cal can not retake Norway and so must retake Holland.
>2) Cal will take one of Manus's centers as he is down one and Manus lost
>   a unit.

Both sound plausible.

>A lot is going to depend on where Cal retreats to.  My expectation is

I feel certain of it.

Now suppose:

>Nth - Nwy, Swe s Nth - Nwy, Den - Kie, Bal - Ber, Ruh - Mun, Bur - Bel,
>Gas - Bur, Kie - Hol, Hel s Kie - Hol, Mao - Spa/sc, Nao - Nwg

But in that case I could actually capture North Sea. Fin-Swe, Nwy S
Hol-Nth. I'm thinking of trying that move.

If instead,

>Ruh - Hol, Hel s Ruh - Hol, Bur - Bel, Gas - Bur, MAO - Spa/sc,
>Den s Kie, Bal s Kie, Nth - Nwy, Swe s Nth - Nwy, NAO - Nwg.

I could still take Nth, and you could take Ruhr; or I could take Sweden and
you could post your army in Ruhr.

Possible move for us:

>Nwy - Swe, Fin s Nwy - Swe, Hol - Kie, Ber s Hol - Kie, Mun s Hol - Kie,
>Stp - Mos

Not bad. I agree that Swe is probably a little better than Nwy for me.

>There is also the benefit that if North does go
>to Norway, you may actually be able to retreat Hol to North!

Yeah, and better yet I can just seize Nth. See above.

 I'm sure
>there are some holes in this somewhere, but I'll throw it in your court
>now to see how likely it is that the above could actually result in your
>losing Hol and Norway without taking Sweden, and if it is worth the gamble
>in that case.

Oh sure, pretty much any gamble with a really good upside is worth it at
this point. If I were just to hold Norway and get my fleet squashed, not
getting Sweden or getting control of Nth or any great thing like that, I
think the position becomes very stale. So I want to gamble one way or

At the moment, the best bet seems to be trying for North Sea.

>In the south, there is sometemptation to head for Wes, but I don't think I
>really can.  Looks like move to Ion and just hang on in Tys.

I expect Cal to move MAO-Wes. I know, he will want to take Spain, but I
think he's going to be more concerned about sealing the position than
having the units. MAO-Wes will probably be unsupported -- I bet Manus will
order GoL-Tys and Tun-Ion, trying to keep you from inhabiting Ion right
away. That won't really matter, though. You'll build another fleet and be
certain of taking Ionian next year if worse comes to worst.

So, if Cal decided he was going to protect Nth, what would his plausible
moves be?
He might do Nth S Swe-Nwy instead of vice versa. This risks losing Sweden
without regaining Nwy, but that's probably not as bad for him as letting me
into Nth would be.

Remember that we *must* protect your possession of Munich. It's easy enough
to do, even if you order Mun-Ruh, but we mustn't forget. We could lose if
you don't hold Munich.

Tsar J

Message from England to Austria, Italy and Russia in


Oops!  My bad.  It was retreat orders I missed.  An oversight.

My apologies, I thought I had sent them in.


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