The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1908 in pouchtoo


Message from Russia to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Hm, for some reason I misread the results of the Spring move, thinking you
had ordered F Spa-MAO. You really should have! Oh well.

Let's see what we can cook up now. If you have no objection, I'll order
Tyo-Pie, and Aeg-Ion. That looks pretty good.

Also, I'm going down one for Budapest, and you obviously could take
another. Can we discuss that? For example, if Dave isn't going to open any
of his home centers for a build, maybe you could take Smy instead of Ank?
(I do think you should get a build, though. It's obvious that the only weak
point in the line is your fleet position.)

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

So, now what?

It looks like Mun is a very long shot, unless I take a chance of losing Berlin.

Here's what I think. I think I should order Tyrolia-Piedmont. I also think
Manus should take Ankara, because that's the best way to get the extra
fleet into position. (I guess we might not need another, if my F Aeg is
included, but I figured I might disband that one when I lose a unit in the

You ought to move into Tyrolia, by force -- Vie S Tri-Tyo, and opening Tri
for a build.

If I go down two, we're still ok for maintaining the stalemate line, but
cutting it a little close (I'd still have one spare army, I think). Manus
could take Smy instead of Ank, if you're willing, too.

My personal plan is to make good and sure that I have enough strength to
throw the game if necessary! Yours too, I figure.

Aside from that, I'm ready to propose that we call it a draw. Maybe wait
until after the coming move.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Wait, Munich might not be as unlikely as I'd thought. After all, Cal didn't
convoy and then move to Burgundy just to support A Mun, and as far as I can
tell he doesn't expect you to attack him.

If you want to try for it, I can give you two supports. If Cal does take
Berlin, you'll have Munich, which is just as good (we could hold it
forever, right?). The only problem is that this would mean I can't go
Tyo-Pie, and Manus will likely lose Marseilles some time soon. Well, maybe
not. Hmmm. Presumably he'll move TyS-GoL, and you could go Tri-Ven-Pie, so
Mar and Spa would still be safe if it's still Italian then... which it
would be, unless Cal tries something trickly like Bur-Gas, Bel-Bur. Yep,
that seems right.

Well, still, let me know if you want to take a try for Munich, otherwise
I'm content to leave that part of the board as it stands and order Tyo-Pied.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Jamie,

Sorry about the cut of the Berlin. If I'd had a chance to read the
mail from you and Cal before I'd sent in my moves I wouldn't have
done it, but I had to send them in Tuesday afternoon.

I'll print out the results and take a look at them tonight, but as
far as I'm concerned I think the 4-way is probably reasonable.  I'm
not in a position to hope for much more and I don't want to mess
around and hand Cal the win!

Let's see what Manus has to say and then if we are agreed we can
present it to Cal.


Message from Austria to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Manus,

I had to send my orders in on Tuesday, thus missing the last flurry
of notes.  Had I gotten them I probably would have concurred with your
moves of the fleets to the west.  Jamie is asking about going for the
4-way at this point.  What do you think?  I'm willing to go along with
whatever the majority wants, I think a 4-way for the two of us isn't
bad given the position we were in.


Message from Italy to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

I concur.  I'll accept a four-way.  Would you like to broadcast a call
for a DIAS to be considered.  I will set draw right away.


Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

Since I suspect nobody else will write (at least to me) this turn, I want to
make sure we keep out communication lines open.

I appreciate your retreat to Livonia (Bot would have worried me a bit) and I
hope you intended it as a gesture of good faith, because that's how I'm
looking at it.

I'm going to continue moving my units south into the Med.  In the
properly-spelled centre I will consolidate my position as best I can (but as
I said, there will be no incursions into the neutral line of Tyo-Pru (or
attempts at Berlin).  Up north I will continue to send a unit to Norway to
continue our bouncing, but will not move anything else towards St Pete's.

Fair enough?

Sorry this is short, but we're in the middle of packing for our move next

Message from Russia to Austria and Italy in



Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Ok, so if we *ever* hear from Manus, we'll be ready.

Tsar J

Message from England to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Dave:  Hope we still have things to talk about.  As I think I mentioned
previously, I have not made any attempt to broach the neutral provinces
between us and I hope we can at least avoid any open conflict.

Let me know what, if anything, I can do to get your cooperation in an
attempt at a 2-way.  It's pretty obvious that a solo is unlikely and I'd
really like to avoid a boring 4-way.  This game deserves to finish with a
better result than that.


Message from Austria to Russia and Italy in


Greetings fellow despots!

It seems we are agreed on the principle of a 4-way.  From the latest
dispatch from England I think he is likely to veto that for at least
the first round so I think we need to go ahead with the draw proposal
>from someone, but then prepare our moves.

My thoughts on the moves:

Italy needs to fill in the Med and protect his two centers.  Count on
Cal heading into Gascony as soon as he sees that happening if not sooner.
My suggestions:

Spa - Mar, Wes - Spa, Tys - Gol, Ion - Tun

In the north there is a chance at trying for Munich.  However it does not
seem likely to succeed.  It seems more important to me to have Tyr go to
Pie in order to shore up Mar.  If we have the Russian army there supporting
then the Italian fleets are free to defend the Med.  So, my suggestions are:

Tyr - Pie, Sil s Ber, Pru s Ber, Ber s Lvn - Bal, Lvn - Bal.

Vie - Tyr, Boh s Vie - Tyr

Through fortuituous circumstances, Russia can protect Norway with a single
unit this turn.  We do need more fleets in the south.  I think that the
best approach is to have Armenia go to Ankara.  My reasons for this are:

1) Jamie is the devil and can't be trusted.  *grin*
2) We want Manus to build one more fleet he can send west to complete the
3) By having Jamie disband some southern units, it will clear up our areas
   of influence some.  More imporantly, Jamie can then take back a center
   next year and build another fleet in St Pete to shore up the northern

Them's my thoughts.  Comments?

Kaiser Dave

Message from Italy to Russia and Austria in


Manus speaks!

It's just that my mother always told me it wasn't nice to speak
before being spolen to.

Yeah, that's the ticket.


Message from Russia to Austria and Italy in


Ok, I can live with all those moves.

I'll go down two units. I'll disband the southern fleet, since Manus will
build a new fleet. I agree that's better. I much prefer *not* having to
coordinate moves with Manus before each turn! He's just too damned polite.
So let Manus handle the Med line all by himself, with my A Pied just
supporting something in or into Mar.

Hmm. Just for the sake of completeness:
if the line is going to hold Mar and Spa both, Manus needs F GoL, F Wes, F
Naf. Well, strictly speaking, U Naf. Along with U Spa, U Mar, I mean. He'll
have enough units. There are potential problems, though. For example,
against Dave's suggested moves, if Cal orders


then there's a problem holding Spain next year (since it's vacant).

Or, if instead Cal does Bur-Mar, then the problem will be holding Mar while
protecting Spain.

Still, the fallback position holding Mar and not Spain would be very simple
and completely tight. And Manus has that Turkish army to remove if/when he
loses Spain.

I'm a little confused about something. What do you mean, Dave, by saying
that I can protect Norway with a single unit? I first thought you must mean
I could protect Stp, but in fact I can protect Stp with zero units, since
Cal has no units next to Stp. I don't own Norway. Ah, that's it, you
thought I owned Norway.

Since I don't, there is not a lot of point in my trying to build a northern
fleet, I think.

Well, anyway, the moves suggested are fine with me. (Most of them I
suggested to Dave, I think!)

The only thing I don't agree with is this:

>so I think we need to go ahead with the draw proposal
>from someone, but then prepare our moves.

Let's not propose anything now. There isn't much Cal can do, but things are
just a little neater if he is unaware this season that we're just going to
be setting up the final drawn position.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

>Since I suspect nobody else will write (at least to me) this turn, I want to
>make sure we keep out communication lines open.


Nobody's talking at all. Unless Manus is talking to Dave, which I doubt
very much.

>I appreciate your retreat to Livonia (Bot would have worried me a bit) and I
>hope you intended it as a gesture of good faith, because that's how I'm
>looking at it.
>I'm going to continue moving my units south into the Med.  In the
>properly-spelled centre I will consolidate my position as best I can (but as
>I said, there will be no incursions into the neutral line of Tyo-Pru (or
>attempts at Berlin).  Up north I will continue to send a unit to Norway to
>continue our bouncing, but will not move anything else towards St Pete's.
>Fair enough?

Yes, in the sense that if you do all that, you may expect me not to try any
attacks against you.

I am not sure that I can attack anyone else this move, though. You've made
yourself into a pretty big leader.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia and Italy in


> I'll go down two units. I'll disband the southern fleet, since Manus will
> build a new fleet. I agree that's better. I much prefer *not* having to
> coordinate moves with Manus before each turn! He's just too damned polite.

Yeah, I've noticed that about him.  Needs to get down in the trenches a
little and roughen up his approach.

> Hmm. Just for the sake of completeness:
> if the line is going to hold Mar and Spa both, Manus needs F GoL, F Wes, F
> Naf. Well, strictly speaking, U Naf. Along with U Spa, U Mar, I mean. He'll
> have enough units. There are potential problems, though. For example,
> against Dave's suggested moves, if Cal orders
> 	Por-Spa
> 	Bur-Gas
> 	Pic-Bur
> then there's a problem holding Spain next year (since it's vacant).
That is the reason I suggested TYS - Gol, not wes.  Having it bounce would
be ugly.  In the above scenario we end up with a guessing game as there
can be a double attack on Mar or a triple on Spa.  Either way Tun moves to
Naf and the line holds.

> Or, if instead Cal does Bur-Mar, then the problem will be holding Mar while
> protecting Spain.
> Still, the fallback position holding Mar and not Spain would be very simple
> and completely tight. And Manus has that Turkish army to remove if/when he
> loses Spain.

> I'm a little confused about something. What do you mean, Dave, by saying
> that I can protect Norway with a single unit? I first thought you must mean
> I could protect Stp, but in fact I can protect Stp with zero units, since
> Cal has no units next to Stp. I don't own Norway. Ah, that's it, you
> thought I owned Norway.
> Since I don't, there is not a lot of point in my trying to build a northern
> fleet, I think.
Ah.  You are right, I was thinking you owned Norway.  Just keep bouncing
it.  To be annoying and increase our bargaining power we can still consider
having you move to Fin and build in STP next year.

> Well, anyway, the moves suggested are fine with me. (Most of them I
> suggested to Dave, I think!)
Ayup again.

> The only thing I don't agree with is this:
> >so I think we need to go ahead with the draw proposal
> >from someone, but then prepare our moves.
> Let's not propose anything now. There isn't much Cal can do, but things are
> just a little neater if he is unaware this season that we're just going to
> be setting up the final drawn position.
Sounds good to me.  I haven't figured out how to deal with draws yet
anyway.  It's been 5 years since I played on the judges.

Kaiser D.

Message from Italy to Russia and Austria in


I agree with the plans you guys have put forth.  More substantive
response later, but likely all positive.

Sorry so short.

Politely yours,

Message from Italy to Russia and Austria in


> > I'll go down two units. I'll disband the southern fleet, since Manus will
> > build a new fleet. I agree that's better. I much prefer *not* having to
> > coordinate moves with Manus before each turn! He's just too damned polite.
> Yeah, I've noticed that about him.  Needs to get down in the trenches a
> little and roughen up his approach.
Okay, you bastards, I've had it with you insulting me by calling me polite.
You're a couple of rotten no-good backstabbers, who cheated me out of my
rightful solo in this game.  I'm sick and tired of the way you treat me
like Mr. Nice Guy when in fact I'm the meanest, most scurviest, low-down
son of a bitch you'll ever have the misfortune to come across.  I reek of
contempt for my fellow man.  I would be happy if the NBA never ended its
strike.  I hate Mark McGwire with a passion.  Al Davis is my best friend.

How's that?  Better?  Gee, I sure hope you like it.  Gosh, I'd be so sad
if you didn't.   I wouldHonest.  Please tell me I'm up to expectations now
Pretty please?  With a cherry on top?

Politely (oops -- I mean, uh, antagonistically) yours,

Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Manus!  I guess, given the game situation, we don't have much to talk
about, eh?  Actually, I hope real life has settled down enough so you CAN
talk if you want.  Guess I'll be going thru the same thing next week as I
move back to Toronto from Aurora.  Ah well, at least MY job requires only 8
hours a day from me (well, night actualy, it'a midnight shift).

Anyway, here's hoping we can at least keep the lines of communication open.
Maybe you'll want that when YOU'RE the leader we're all trying to stop...



Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>>Fair enough?
>Yes, in the sense that if you do all that, you may expect me not to try any
>attacks against you.
>I am not sure that I can attack anyone else this move, though. You've made
>yourself into a pretty big leader.

Understood.  The one thing you could help me with most without openly
attacking anyone would be to make sure that Manus doesn't benefit from
Turkish centres.  You're in position now to do that with a couple of your

It'd also be nice if he didn't take Sevastopol... 



Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Sorry so silent lately.  As you surmised, it was just real life.

I think you have misinterpreted my moves and my silence as being
somehow anti-England.  Please allow me to correct you if this
is the case.  I do not view you as the leader we're all trying
to stop, and in truth, I hope I am still allied with you against
Jamie.  Honest.

I was simply convinced that now would be the time to set up the
stalemate line along Gibraltar.  Jamie promised me he'd pull
back to allow me to do so, and I felt that if I didn't someday
say that the "someday I'll set up the stalemate line" I kept
saying was coming had arrived, it might never get here because
I would be too busy prosecuting the war on Jamie.

I do realize that my sudden moves west, which occurred without me
consulting you (again, the blame is due entirely to real life,
I assure you) probably looked like I was out to get you.

I am not.  No indeed.  I intend to set up a line at Gibraltar
and then turn back the remaining units and keep up the battle
eastward.  Dave left voluntarily and Jamie left under pressure,
but neither of them are quite out of my doghouse, if you know what
I mean.

You, on the other hand, and despite all the "you're puppeting
for Jamie!" talk of a few game-years ago, have only tried to
toss me overboard when it would gain you an undeniably superior
advantage (contrast to Dave's stab of me) and I have nothing but
respect for your plan, and hope we are indeed still allied in
our causes.

As I say, I just felt that the time was right to set up the line that,
in my position, I am sure you would feel the need to set up as well.
However, I do not, by my actions intend to cause you to pull back
any of your units to that line, for it is not only unnecessary but
also counterproductive to our shared aims.  I have no designs at all
on passing Gibraltar, and if allowed to keep Marseilles and Spain,
that's all I will ask for.

If I've scared you more than this message makes up for, let me know.
I certainly hope not, but if so, I will talk until I turn blue to
let you know that my aim is just to satisfy the east for a spell,
allow Jamie to honor his pledge to leave, and set up a stalemate line.
Beyond there, my planning, I hope, includes your planning.


Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

P.S. As further evidence of my plan to remain in your good graces, I will
     tell you that while Jamie liked my moves, he was sorely disappointed
     that I did not move into the MAO as he had asked.  As I told you
     (but I did not tell him), such a move would be beyond my scope.

Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Found a typo in the echo of my first message to you:

> You, on the other hand, and despite all the "you're puppeting
> for Jamie!" talk of a few game-years ago, have only tried to
> toss me overboard when it would gain you an undeniably superior
> advantage (contrast to Dave's stab of me) and I have nothing but
> respect for your plan, and hope we are indeed still allied in
> our causes.
For "plan" read "play" (although I suppose both work, but "play"
was intended).

Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':
>I think you have misinterpreted my moves and my silence as being
>somehow anti-England.  Please allow me to correct you if this
>is the case.  I do not view you as the leader we're all trying
>to stop, and in truth, I hope I am still allied with you against
>Jamie.  Honest.

Okay, that's a relief.  I'm feeling like a pretty big target right now, so I
think you can understand my reaction.

>I was simply convinced that now would be the time to set up the
>stalemate line along Gibraltar.  Jamie promised me he'd pull
>back to allow me to do so, and I felt that if I didn't someday
>say that the "someday I'll set up the stalemate line" I kept
>saying was coming had arrived, it might never get here because
>I would be too busy prosecuting the war on Jamie.

I'm admit I'm a little concerned about the amount of force you're
sending my way, force that could be used against Jamie...

>I am not.  No indeed.  I intend to set up a line at Gibraltar
>and then turn back the remaining units and keep up the battle
>eastward.  Dave left voluntarily and Jamie left under pressure,
>but neither of them are quite out of my doghouse, if you know what
>I mean.

I hear you. ;)

>You, on the other hand, and despite all the "you're puppeting
>for Jamie!" talk of a few game-years ago, have only tried to
>toss me overboard when it would gain you an undeniably superior
>advantage (contrast to Dave's stab of me) and I have nothing but
>respect for your play, and hope we are indeed still allied in
>our causes.

I'd certainly like to stay that way.  Jamie and Dave have made it
clear that they feel I am very dangerous right now.  I'm of the opinion
that a solo is out of the question for anybody, but I WOULD like to cut
down the draw size a bit.  Jamie would be the prime candidate in MY
mind (which is the reason for concern that you're letting him back
up off the canvas...), assuming I get any choice in the matter.

>As I say, I just felt that the time was right to set up the line that,
>in my position, I am sure you would feel the need to set up as well.
>However, I do not, by my actions intend to cause you to pull back
>any of your units to that line, for it is not only unnecessary but
>also counterproductive to our shared aims.  I have no designs at all
>on passing Gibraltar, and if allowed to keep Marseilles and Spain,
>that's all I will ask for.

That's fair enough.  Will you be able to get any builds to attack Russia

>If I've scared you more than this message makes up for, let me know.
>I certainly hope not, but if so, I will talk until I turn blue to
>let you know that my aim is just to satisfy the east for a spell,
>allow Jamie to honor his pledge to leave, and set up a stalemate line.
>Beyond there, my planning, I hope, includes your planning.

I've outlined my concerns above, but other than that, I'm okay with
things.  I think you realize that you can't get beyond the line and I want
you to know that I consider a solo out of the question.  Let's operate
within that framework and we'll be okay.


Message from Austria to England in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Cal,

I agree with you that a four way is boring.  The problem of course remains
the same.  I need to find a way to turn it into a two way that does not
lead to either you getting a solo or my being crushed between I and R.
So far I have not come up with a long term plan that I think will achieve
that.  The first steps are to see if I can hang onto my small gains this
year and keep Jamie backing off.

After that I need to find a way that I can attack one or the other of
them without committing suicide in the process.  The biggest problem
I see is that you are obviously going to want to hold your stalemate
lines to prevent your own collapse, but that puts you on the front
lines and means that if I hit I or R from behind you'll be in a position
to exploit that before I can form up my own lines.

Thoughts or ideas from you on how we can work around that are very
welcome.  I'm not giving up on the idea, and am willing to take some
small steps the next few turns while we look for a solution.


Message from England to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Austria to England in 'pouchtoo':
>I agree with you that a four way is boring.  The problem of course remains
>the same.  I need to find a way to turn it into a two way that does not
>lead to either you getting a solo or my being crushed between I and R.
>So far I have not come up with a long term plan that I think will achieve
>that.  The first steps are to see if I can hang onto my small gains this
>year and keep Jamie backing off.

Makes sense.  I'll be pretty much doing the same thing, consolidating my

>After that I need to find a way that I can attack one or the other of
>them without committing suicide in the process.  The biggest problem
>I see is that you are obviously going to want to hold your stalemate
>lines to prevent your own collapse, but that puts you on the front
>lines and means that if I hit I or R from behind you'll be in a position
>to exploit that before I can form up my own lines.

>Thoughts or ideas from you on how we can work around that are very
>welcome.  I'm not giving up on the idea, and am willing to take some
>small steps the next few turns while we look for a solution.

The best way to do it, I think, is for you to, as you said, take a year or
making some small incremental moves to put you in a position for an attack
on one or the either.  When the attack actually comes, you do the moving
and I'll do the supporting.  If you make all the gains, our size disparity
evens out to the point where, hopefully,  we can trust each other.

Any preferences as to a target?  Manus's moves have pretty much forced
me to try to enter the Med, so that would make it easier for me.  If we
attack him, I'd pick up Marseilles & Spain, but you'd get all of Italy and

On the other hand, Jamie and you have a history and he IS the next most
dangerous power to you after me, given the game situation.  I have a
reasonable number of forces up north to do the job, but would you be
willing to have me help you attack him while I'm still putting pressure on
Manus in the Med?

Your call.



Message from Italy to Austria and Russia in


Okay, boys.  I think the deadline is tomorrow, and I'd like to beat
it (what a kind soul I am, sometimes).  How we set for planning?


Message from Russia to Italy and Austria in


>Okay, boys.  I think the deadline is tomorrow, and I'd like to beat
>it (what a kind soul I am, sometimes).  How we set for planning?

Well, we are pretty well set, except we are waiting to hear what you think
of the plans.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Manus,

Just a reminder so you don't have to dig through all the old mail,
what we figured on was:

Arm - Ank, Spa - Mar, Wes - Spa, Tys - Gol, Ion - Tun.

That protects Mar, gives the best protection for Mar and Spa next
turn and you get another fleet build from Ank.

Jamie will move to Pie to lend support for Mar.  He'll lose two which
will include the southern fleet and thus make us a lot safer.


Message from Italy to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Thanks, Dave.  That does save me some time.  Now I only need to pull
up a map and double-check a couple things.

Much obliged!


Message from Austria to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Guess we should both build fleets?


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Could have taken Munich. Can't save Spain anyway.

Oh well!

You know, I think we probably *could* eliminate Italy safely....

Nah. :-)
No, I'll remove the F Ion and A Gre.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria and Italy in



Build F Rom!
And, when Cal dislodges your F Spa in the Spring, you can just retreat to
Wes and the line is secure (with the new fleet in TyS).

I can put the army that's currently in Ukr into Warsaw. Then that part of
the line is secure. (When Cal finally gets around to taking Stp, I retreat
to Mos.)

Dave, it would be kind of nice if you'd waive your build. If it's too late,
never mind, I think I can tolerate an extra red unit running around with
nothing to do....

After the adjustments, let's gently inform Cal that the game is over.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

Sorry, you were just too scary. I couldn't attack anyone, because whoever I
attacked would just throw the game once he had nothing left to lose.

This was pretty obvious, wasn't it? We were just pretending. :)

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria and Italy in


Hm. You know, it's probably best if you (Manus) just order Spa-Wes with
support from Tys. Because if you order Tun-Wes and Spa H, it has no place
to retreat if it's dislodged. And if you don't order Tun-Wes and try to
support Spa, Cal could sail into Wes.


If you get Tun-Naf, which I expect you will, the line is especially simple:
all you have to order is Naf S Wes, and GoL S Mar! I'll add Pie S Mar. Your
new fleet isn't even necessary.
If by unlikely chance Cal bounces you from Naf, you can still start doing
stalemate orders right away with GoL S Mar, Tys&Tun S Naf, or Tun-Naf, TyS
S Wes.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>You know, I think we probably *could* eliminate Italy safely....
>Nah. :-)
>No, I'll remove the F Ion and A Gre.

Now, now, stop giving me ideas. (<:

> And, when Cal dislodges your F Spa in the Spring, you can just retreat to
> Wes and the line is secure (with the new fleet in TyS).
Just for fun, I was thinking about the following spring moves:

Mar - Gas, Spa - Mar, Pie s Spa - Mar, Gol s Spa - Mar
Rom - Tys, Tun - Naf.

Since Cal is going to assume that Manus will do Mar s Spa, Gol s Spa,
Tun - Wes, he's going to have to hit Spain with three units, and he
can't wait until fall because of the fleet coming up from Tun.  The
only guaranteed attack he has is to attack from Gas and have Bur hit
Mar.  That means that if we do the above, we end up with fleets in
Naf, Gol, Mar, Tys and armies in Pie and Gas.  That Gas army could
give Cal fits.  We can also take a shot at Munich.

I don't know if there is much point if we are going to just call it
quits, but if we are going to go on and consider things....



Message from Italy to Austria and Russia in


This is a complete nightmare day for me but I thought I would at least
check in and let you know your messages are being received.

This is the worst day -- I hope tonight is better.


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':


>Just for fun, I was thinking about the following spring moves:
>Mar - Gas, Spa - Mar, Pie s Spa - Mar, Gol s Spa - Mar
>Rom - Tys, Tun - Naf.
>Since Cal is going to assume that Manus will do Mar s Spa, Gol s Spa,
>Tun - Wes, he's going to have to hit Spain with three units, and he
>can't wait until fall because of the fleet coming up from Tun.  The
>only guaranteed attack he has is to attack from Gas and have Bur hit
>Mar.  That means that if we do the above, we end up with fleets in
>Naf, Gol, Mar, Tys and armies in Pie and Gas.  That Gas army could
>give Cal fits.  We can also take a shot at Munich.

That's true, only he can see he has an extremely good shot at getting Spain
by supporting MAO with Por and Gas. (Those would be my orders, I think.)
That fails only if Italy orders Mar-Gas and also has GoL S Spa, which is a
risky move (it loses Mar, obviously, to Bur S Gas-Mar). Of course, even if
Cal does not leave Gas vacant, it is unlikely to cause any real trouble. If
he plays Por&Gas S MAO-Spa, for example, Manus can still just retreat
Spa-Wes and he has the stalemate line.

The only possible downside would be in case of a very odd set of English
moves: Por S Gas-Spa, MAO-Wes, Bur-Gas. That would be ugly, since the
Italian F Spa would have to disband, and Cal would be in Wes. Manus could
not build next winter in that case, either. Unless the A Ank took Sev or
Con, which I wouldn't be too happy about. Anyway I'd rather avoid that.
What I'm hoping is that Manus can just disband that army next winter,
paying for the loss of Spain.

How about your suggested moves but with GoL-Wes instead? The support GoL S
Spa-Mar is pointless anyway (Pie S Spa-Mar by itself is just as good no
matter what Cal does). That way, even if Cal played the moves I'm worried
about, he wouldn't be in Wes, and Manus could just do Naf S TyS-Wes in the
Fall, completing the stalemate line.

>I don't know if there is much point if we are going to just call it
>quits, but if we are going to go on and consider things....

I think it's a draw, but I am willing to go along with moves that are
completely safe and also a little bit aggressive.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> Hmmm.
> That's true, only he can see he has an extremely good shot at getting Spain
> by supporting MAO with Por and Gas. (Those would be my orders, I think.)
> That fails only if Italy orders Mar-Gas and also has GoL S Spa, which is a
> risky move (it loses Mar, obviously, to Bur S Gas-Mar). Of course, even if
> Cal does not leave Gas vacant, it is unlikely to cause any real trouble. If
> he plays Por&Gas S MAO-Spa, for example, Manus can still just retreat
> Spa-Wes and he has the stalemate line.
> The only possible downside would be in case of a very odd set of English
> moves: Por S Gas-Spa, MAO-Wes, Bur-Gas. That would be ugly, since the
> Italian F Spa would have to disband, and Cal would be in Wes. Manus could
> not build next winter in that case, either. Unless the A Ank took Sev or
> Con, which I wouldn't be too happy about. Anyway I'd rather avoid that.
> What I'm hoping is that Manus can just disband that army next winter,
> paying for the loss of Spain.
> How about your suggested moves but with GoL-Wes instead? The support GoL S
> Spa-Mar is pointless anyway (Pie S Spa-Mar by itself is just as good no
> matter what Cal does). That way, even if Cal played the moves I'm worried
> about, he wouldn't be in Wes, and Manus could just do Naf S TyS-Wes in the
> Fall, completing the stalemate line.
That would force fleet Spain to disband wouldn't it?  That was the original
reason I didn't go for that move, but now that I think about it some more,
it's probably not a big deal.  All right, how about that.   We don't need
those moves until after the builds anyway.


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

(I'm about to go home)

>> Hmmm.
>> That's true, only he can see he has an extremely good shot at getting Spain
>> by supporting MAO with Por and Gas. (Those would be my orders, I think.)
>> That fails only if Italy orders Mar-Gas and also has GoL S Spa, which is a
>> risky move (it loses Mar, obviously, to Bur S Gas-Mar). Of course, even if
>> Cal does not leave Gas vacant, it is unlikely to cause any real trouble. If
>> he plays Por&Gas S MAO-Spa, for example, Manus can still just retreat
>> Spa-Wes and he has the stalemate line.
>> The only possible downside would be in case of a very odd set of English
>> moves: Por S Gas-Spa, MAO-Wes, Bur-Gas. That would be ugly, since the
>> Italian F Spa would have to disband, and Cal would be in Wes. Manus could
>> not build next winter in that case, either. Unless the A Ank took Sev or
>> Con, which I wouldn't be too happy about. Anyway I'd rather avoid that.
>> What I'm hoping is that Manus can just disband that army next winter,
>> paying for the loss of Spain.
>> How about your suggested moves but with GoL-Wes instead? The support GoL S
>> Spa-Mar is pointless anyway (Pie S Spa-Mar by itself is just as good no
>> matter what Cal does). That way, even if Cal played the moves I'm worried
>> about, he wouldn't be in Wes, and Manus could just do Naf S TyS-Wes in the
>> Fall, completing the stalemate line.
>That would force fleet Spain to disband wouldn't it?

Yes, it would, but I don't think that would be a problem anymore. Since the
result would be Italian fleets in Naf, GoL, and TyS, so Manus could get the
F TyS into Wes in the Fall, and the three fleets Naf/Wes/GoL plus A Mar, A
Pie, would be a stalemate line.

  >That was the original
>reason I didn't go for that move, but now that I think about it some more,
>it's probably not a big deal.  All right, how about that.   We don't need
>those moves until after the builds anyway.

But it might be wise to inform Manus pretty soon anyway :-) That's why I
was mentioning his Spring moves earlier, because I worry about his, uh,

Tsar J

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Last updated on Wed, July 21, 1999.