The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1904 in pouchtoo


Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Kaiser Dave,

I'm leaving town this afternoon, back Sunday. But the moves aren't due
until *Tuesday*, so even if you have any changes you want to make in my
suggestion there's no problem, no rush.

I just had to comment on this:

>Broadcast message from as Observer in 'pouchtoo':
>Italy, Austria, and Russia all seem to be in a decent position to defend
>from any aggression from the other two. This appears to me to limit their
>for further growth, Austria the most,


But at least he adds,

>But then again, what do I know? I'm only an observer, and probably don't
>the level this game is being played at.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> I just had to comment on this:
> >Broadcast message from as Observer in 'pouchtoo':
> >
> >[IR]A[GE]FT
> >
> >Italy, Austria, and Russia all seem to be in a decent position to defend
> >from any aggression from the other two. This appears to me to limit their
> >options
> >for further growth, Austria the most,
> Hahahahahhahahahahahahaha!
Well put. (<:  Have a good trip!

Kaiser D

Message from Russia to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

I'm going away until Sunday.

If you have anything you want me to do (in Turkey, like support a unit?),
let me know. The next move isn't due until Tuesday, so there will be plenty
of time.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

I'm going away until Sunday.

If you have anything you want me to do let me know. The next move isn't due
until Tuesday, so there will be plenty of time.

It would be nice if you could let me know which fleet is going to move
adjacent to Norway, but it's not essential. I really am convinced that
you'll move the NAO fleet, not the Eng one.

Tsar J

Message from Italy to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> I'm going away until Sunday.
Have a good away.

> If you have anything you want me to do (in Turkey, like support a unit?),
> let me know.
Can't think of anything.  Just don't attack me with Dave's support.  :-)

> The next move isn't due until Tuesday, so there will be plenty of time.
True.  Talk to you later.


Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':
>I'm going away until Sunday.
>If you have anything you want me to do let me know. The next move isn't due
>until Tuesday, so there will be plenty of time.

Nothing for the moment that I can think of.  Have fun!

>It would be nice if you could let me know which fleet is going to move
>adjacent to Norway, but it's not essential. I really am convinced that
>you'll move the NAO fleet, not the Eng one.

You're probably correct, but I've been too busy working to set the board up


King Kal

Message from England to Germany in 'pouchtoo':

FINALLY got some time to get the board out and take a look at it.

>Message from uejon@TTACS.TTU.EDU as Germany to England in 'pouchtoo':
>While we are waiting, think about this:
>pic - par
>eng s mid - bre
>mid - bre
>nat s iri - mid
>iri - mid

>gas s mun - bur
>mun - bur
>This would give you Brest for sure, all with your own forces. The French
>fleet survives only if he orders par s bre - pic. In that case, though,
>you retreat to Belgium, and I am in Burgundy and Gascony. Otherwise, the
>fleet is wiped out. France and I might stand off, but if so, we still
>have Paris surrounded, and I can probably take it in the Fall.

The problem with this is that I'm NOT guaranteed Brest.  If he orders F
Bre-Mid, s by F Spasc, the move bounces.

I hate to admit it, but we seem to be totally dependant on Italy this
season.  If he supports Hohn to the fullest, we gain nothing.  If he does
what he SAYS he is going to do, Hohn is out by the end of the year.

As I see it, the only way to GUARANTEE a centre being taken from Hohn is

A Pic-Bre, s by F Eng
A Gas-Par

I could then also try for Por and then move F Iri-Mid and F Nat-Nrg (to meet
a possible Russian threat.  If Italy and France combine on the Mid (F Wes &
F Spasc), I'd lose the Mid but then get both Bre & Por (at least temporarily
in the case of Portugal, but it would be another wild card in their back a
la Gascony).

The only drawback is the one you mentioned: a possiblity of a French army in
Burgandy.  This would be annoting, but probably not debilitating.  A Gascony
could cut any support it could offer and F Eng could cover Belgium from any

So, here's my suggestion for our forces:


A Pic-Bre, s by F Eng;
F Mid-Por
F Iri-Mid
F Nat-Nrg


A Gas-Par
F Den-Swe
A Mun-Bur???  This could be a gamble if my hunch of a A/R phony war is


>Russia approached me about attacking Silesia. So much for the AR ruse (I
>hope). I told him I'd think about it if he'd back off in the north.

Let me know how he responds.

King Kal

Message from England to Master in 'pouchtoo':

-----Original Message-----
From: USWI Diplomacy Adjudicator 
Date: Saturday, May 09, 1998 1:46 PM
Subject: Diplomacy notice: pouchtoo

>Read before you do anything with this judge.
>If you can't read it on a web browser, email me and i'll send you a copy.
>I guess i'll have to say it again.  DO NOT CREATE ANY GAMES ON THIS JUDGE
>- The judge keeper.
>Message from as Master to England in 'pouchtoo':
>Got a phone call from John.  He asks that you call him at (510)
>372-9129.  He doesn't have computer access right now.

Done!  Thanks.  Funny how I just e-mailed him a long letter a couple of
hours ago and now he phones.

Just to keep the game notes complete, in our phone call we discussed tactics
for the upcoming turn and decided to go along with the moves I suggested in
the aforementioned letter I sent earlier.  He was in favour of supporting
Mun-Bur with A Gas, but I pointed out that the possibility of Manus
supporting the French this turn makes the moves I suggested the only
guaranteed way of taking a centre off France this turn.

Ciao 4 now

King Kal

Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

I see you're back by that touching exchange of notes with the Observers...

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I will be moving F Nat-Nrg to
meet the threat by the "pernicious white hordes"...


King Kal

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

Yep, I'm back.

Ok, thanks. That's what I figured you'd do.

Jim-Bob has awakened the observers a bit. One of them was guessing a little
too close for my comfort, so I tried to call more attention to John
O'Regan's broadcast!

If the next couple of moves go the way I am hoping/expecting, the observers
will have lots to talk about.

And it really looks to me as though we are going to pull this off and take
the game into an ERA ending without any significant challenge.

Unless I've misjudged and Dave is going to stab me.

Tsar J

Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> Message from as Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':
> Jim-Bob has awakened the observers a bit. One of them was guessing a little
> too close for my comfort, so I tried to call more attention to John
> O'Regan's broadcast!

So far I've found that the Observers have been either remarkably off in
their comments, or my idea of what is going on is dreadfully out of touch.
Guess that means I'm going to do well or die RSN  (real soon now...)  :)

> If the next couple of moves go the way I am hoping/expecting, the observers
> will have lots to talk about.

Yup.  ;)

> And it really looks to me as though we are going to pull this off and take
> the game into an ERA ending without any significant challenge.

The way things are going now, I stand to make some good gains in France
this year so we'll be strong enough to make the master plan work.  That's
of course, as long as you DON'T attack Norway (heh heh, ahem)... ;)

> Unless I've misjudged and Dave is going to stab me.

I have the same concerns about Manus... If he does what he's saying he's
going to do, France dies this year; if not... hmmm

King Kal

Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

Hi Manus!  Just finalizing my moves for tonight's deadline and I wanted to
bounce something off you.

I'm assuming you'll be taking Marseilles this turn and using F WES to cut
any possible support from Spain.  Instead of that, is there any chance of
you supporting my F MID INTO Spain this turn?.  I expect to be in a position
where I can immediately take Portugal in the Fall so I could trade you Spain
back right away (obviously a more logical division of spoils).  This way, we
maximize France's losses and I get some ammunition to convince Germany that
you are trustworthy (he DOES have some doubts as you know...).  Sound good?


King Kal

Message from England to Austria, France, Germany,

Italy, Russia, Turkey and Master in 'pouchtoo':

I think the policy was changed just before game start, wasn't it?

King Kal

>Message from as Russia to Austria, Italy, England,
>France, Germany and Master in 'pouchtoo':
>Rick, et al.,
>Wasn't there some kind of policy set before gamestart, to the effect that
>phone calls were not going to be permitted? Isn't that why Edi Birsan
>wouldn't play?
>I don't care, myself, but I'd like to be sure about what the policy is.

Message from Italy to France in 'pouchtoo':

This from England.  How does it fit with your plans for me?  Let me know ASAP.
How do you propose I respond?

> Hi Manus!  Just finalizing my moves for tonight's deadline and I wanted to
> bounce something off you.
> I'm assuming you'll be taking Marseilles this turn and using F WES to cut
> any possible support from Spain.  Instead of that, is there any chance of
> you supporting my F MID INTO Spain this turn?.  I expect to be in a position
> where I can immediately take Portugal in the Fall so I could trade you Spain
> back right away (obviously a more logical division of spoils).  This way, we
> maximize France's losses and I get some ammunition to convince Germany that
> you are trustworthy (he DOES have some doubts as you know...).  Sound good?
> Kordially,
> King Kal

Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

My only plan for this move has been to take Marseilles.  I hadn't looked at
how to do it, just that I could.  I'll have to get back to you on the rest
of your mail.  It's a busy day at work today, and I may even ask Rick for
a deadline extension because I am not sure I can get to things like this.


Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

>The way things are going now, I stand to make some good gains in France
>this year so we'll be strong enough to make the master plan work.

Good, that's what I was hoping.
You won't be able to snatch Holland, but I'm hoping that your moves this
year will 'set up' Germany so that you will easily capture a center or two
>from him next year.

> That's of course, as long as you DON'T attack Norway (heh heh, ahem)... ;)

Nothing to worry about there.
The observer note that alarmed me was exactly the one that noted that
Russia could just move to Finland and prepare an attack on Germany, instead
of invading Norway.

>I have the same concerns about Manus... If he does what he's saying he's
>going to do, France dies this year; if not... hmmm

All I can say is, I don't think you'll have too much to worry about in that
sphere either. As long as Dave is going to do what he says, you'll have no
Italian problem on your hands.

Tsar J

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Hi, I'm back, as you've noticed.

So, are we going with my proposed moves? I guess we are.

Just trying to think of something to relieve the pressure imposed by this
lengthy phase!

Oh, England will go to Nwg this season. And he's a little worried that
Italy will not do what he says he'll do, but I don't know the details of
that. One thing England might be worried about is that Italy will not help
England but go for the French centers himself; that would be fine for us.
The other thing he might be worried about is that Italy will drop the A Pie
back to protect Venice, which would not be so good.

Have you heard anything recently?

Tsar J

Message from France to Italy in 'pouchtoo':


> Message from as Italy to France in 'pouchtoo':
> This from England.  How does it fit with your plans for me?  Let me know ASAP.
> How do you propose I respond?
> > Hi Manus!  Just finalizing my moves for tonight's deadline and I wanted to
> > bounce something off you.
> > I'm assuming you'll be taking Marseilles this turn and using F WES to cut
> > any possible support from Spain.  Instead of that, is there any chance of
> > you supporting my F MID INTO Spain this turn?.  I expect to be in a position
> > where I can immediately take Portugal in the Fall so I could trade you Spain
> > back right away (obviously a more logical division of spoils).  This way, we
> > maximize France's losses and I get some ammunition to convince Germany that
> > you are trustworthy (he DOES have some doubts as you know...).  Sound good?
> > Kordially,
> > King Kal

I think we should do it like this.  It is critical to keep England out
of SPA.  I also don't know how sincere he is about the above.

In the absence of the above, I would have proposed the following:



This assures we prevent England from getting Spain, and has a decent
chance of getting me GAS (destroying the German army there, probably)
and you MAR.  BRE is a lost cause.  PAR is guaranteed safe.

Now, you might bounce in MAR this turn, but as it's spring, that's no
big deal.  We will ultimately have MAR guaranteed, what with a worst
case scenario of me in PAR and MAR and SPA(sc), and you in GOL and
PIE, even if Germany manages to get BUR and GAS bordering MAR.  MAR is
a lock for you in Fall.

Spain is therefore more important to preserve for us, IMO.  The above
set guarantees a bounce in SPA at worst, and best case you get into
SPA and I get into POR.  If you bounce in SPA and I get into POR, I
can support you into Spain guaranteed in Fall as well!  It's a

In terms of the above, if he's sincere, that means he wants your
support because GAS is doing something else.  I suspect GAS-PAR, PIC S
GAS-PAR (politically, Germany will want PAR in any event).  That would
be perfect, as it means I will take GAS!  He's just itching for
something to do with MID though.  He's probably going to leave BRE for
the fall, too, as it's his guaranteed (although he might do PIC-BRE,
ENG S PIC-BRE or something...which is fine, as I've already consigned
BRE for lost).

If you tell him WES will support MID-SPA, that will hopefully increase
the chances that he will not bounce me in POR.  And when you bounce
him out, you can get SPA guaranteed.  I do NOT advise actually
supporting him in.  You will be opposed to England in the end
regardless, based on how his fleets are situated, IMO.  Moreover, if
you support him into SPA, I will have POR, but he will have MID and
SPA both.  That makes it tricky for me to get you SPA (even with his
alleged "cooperation") and it also makes it dangerous for me in POR.

I propose telling England you'll support MID-SPA, then actually doing
the first set of orders I propose above (WES-MID, GOL-SPA, PIE-MAR).
This accomplishes our goals regardless of whether or not he is sincere
in his message.  Please let me know if you have reservations about any
of the above.

I think it's the best plan.  What do you think?


Message from England to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

>All I can say is, I don't think you'll have too much to worry about in that
>sphere either. As long as Dave is going to do what he says, you'll have no
>Italian problem on your hands.

Agreed, but it's more THIS TURN I'm worried about...

BTW, the extnsion was for Manus.  He was real busy today and, although he
answered a brief note I sent him, he said he was going to ask for an

King Kal

Message from England to Italy in 'pouchtoo':

>Message from as Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':
>My only plan for this move has been to take Marseilles.  I hadn't looked at
>how to do it, just that I could.  I'll have to get back to you on the rest
>of your mail.  It's a busy day at work today, and I may even ask Rick for
>a deadline extension because I am not sure I can get to things like this.

Okay, just let me know what you can do as I think this is the best way to
get France down ASAP.


King Kal

Message from Russia to England in 'pouchtoo':

>Agreed, but it's more THIS TURN I'm worried about...

Oh. I get it.
Well, good luck.

Tsar J

Message from Austria to Russia in 'pouchtoo':

> Hi, I'm back, as you've noticed.
Welcome back.

> So, are we going with my proposed moves? I guess we are.

> Just trying to think of something to relieve the pressure imposed by this
> lengthy phase!
I've had enough distractions.  My son turned 4 on Saturday, Mother's Day
on Sunday, looking for a new house, ....

> Oh, England will go to Nwg this season. And he's a little worried that
> Italy will not do what he says he'll do, but I don't know the details of
> that. One thing England might be worried about is that Italy will not help
> England but go for the French centers himself; that would be fine for us.
> The other thing he might be worried about is that Italy will drop the A Pie
> back to protect Venice, which would not be so good.
With only the one army, that's not a big deal unless he also moves into
Apu or Adr, and I don't think he'll do that.

> Have you heard anything recently?
Just a lot of stuff about phone calls (<:.

Kaiser D

Message from France to Italy and Master in 'pouchtoo':

I will be on vacation from May 13 to May 20, inclusive.  My orders are
in.  Manus, I'm sorry I'm not able to discuss our plans more.  I've
ordered SPA-POR, MAR-GAS, PAR S MAR-GAS and BRE-PIC.  I'd like it if
you were to move PIE-MAR, GOL-SPA, WES-MID.  We can essentially
guarantee you MAR and SPA (at least one, probably both if England is
sincere about his proposed moves) in fall, even if you might not take
MAR this turn (but I think you will, even unsupported).

I know you might be tempted to stab me right now, since you know what
my moves will be, and I'm sure Cal has made all kinds of offers to
you.  All I can say is, why split anything with him at all when you
know I'm happy to hand you everything on a silver platter?  My units
(whatever's left after this year, anyway) will be at your complete
disposal, and all I wish is to harass England a bit longer.  I think
having my fleet in POR will also be a tactical benefit to you, and I
believe I'll also be a good sounding board for you in terms of
proposed tactics and strategy.

Ultimately, for you to have a reasonable shot of actually winning this
game (as opposed to merely finishing in a draw), you will need to
break into the Atlantic.  And that means fighting England, and that
also means my POR will be crucial.  England won't be able to keep four
fleets in the area for long, what with Russia stirring things up and
Germany chafing at the bit after only taking PAR from my country.  I
will be thrilled to help you, my only ally, to ultimate victory in
this game if I can, as I am about to become a bit power.  In my mind,
having you win is the next best thing to me winning or finishing in a
draw, something which I acknowledge is practically impossible given my
sorry state of affairs.

Luck to us!


Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Okay, I need to sit down and look at a map and come to some decisions here.
Unfortunately, it's a short day at work for me, so I need to kind of do it
quickly.  I'll be looking at a map and your mail together here in a sec.


Message from Italy to England in 'pouchtoo':

Okay, I've looked at the map and well, my decision is to play it slow
and not give you the support into Spain yet.  I guess it's in my nature
(and we've seen how successful I've been with this so far), but I can't
resist the impulse to curry favor with France for one more turn.  I'm
taking Marseilles because he expects and wants me to do so, but I've
decided to lie low otherwise for another turn.  I know his cause is lost
so it shouldn't matter (and I don't think he has any power to pull Dave
west to punish me), but I don't want him to see me actively helping
E/G just yet.  I guess I'm into twisting the knife perhaps more than I
should be.

There's also a bit of concern in my decision about the possibility of
your fleet landing on the south coast, with a new fleet filling in MAO
right behind, Portugal a lock for you, etc., etc.  I know this is unlikely,
but being a Diplomacy player, I have to be a bit paranoid.  I hope you'll
forgive my paranoia, but this turn, I'll be doing the moves certainly
expected of me by the observers (might be the first time all game, and
hopefully the last).

Sorry it took me so long to get to a map, and I don't think this slows
our cause down too much.  While I have you, since our cause is going to
be finished soon, I wanted to ask you about your next cause.  Your timing,
your vision for our joint operations, etc., etc.  Any feelings on that
subject just yet?

Manus (escargot connoiseur)

Message from Russia to Austria in 'pouchtoo':

Ok, here we go. I hope nobody's late.

Listen, I *almost* wrote you a longish note explaining why you shouldn't
stab me now. :)

Positionally, it must be tempting. I am a little worried about it. I
concluded, though, that diplomatically it would be a mistake, and I am
assuming that (a) I am right about this, and (b) you can see why. So I
won't explain.

Things will be clearer all around if the move goes through as I expect/hope
it will.

Anyway, don't stab me. There, in case you were still undecided, that ought
to do it!

Tsar J

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