The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1910 in goofy


Broadcast from England:

	Aha! EXCELLENT goofiness by Italy, proxying the forces in others' capitals.
    MAXIMUM points. WISH I had been bright enough to see it coming! (Take my
    capital--please!--next time.)
    French orders were somewhat goofy; Germany proxying his last unit is pretty
    much the best he could do (and why didn't Russia?), but order your own next
	time and let's get that French army to Norway!
    Turkish and Italian tripledribbles were fun.
    Last chance, and I'm out of ideas... let's see goof one last time, friends!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Austria:

    Well, we've found out one thing:	the judge won't accept proxy orders
    from a defunct power.  I entered orders for every unit on the board,
    and the judge didn't give me an error message either.

Broadcast from Austria:

	Goofy vote for Austria:
	France 3 points!

Broadcast from Austria:

	Oops, what am I talking about?	All those "no order processed" were
	other people's missed proxies.        So, once again, I make the same offer:
    proxy me your units.  Whoever gives me the most proxies will get my
    three points.

Broadcast from Master:

    GM votes
    Spring 1910: A0, E2, F1, G0, I2, R1, T1
    Austria:  Nice to see you still influence the game somehow. Nice runaway
        moves for those units, too. Too bad the rules say you can't get
	points any more.
	England:  Seems your army still thinks it's convoy time, while your navy
        doesn't. Are you trying to get a fleet into the Med finally?
	France:	  1 point for the Austria proxies.
	Germany:  Will Germany survive? Watch out for the next move!
	Italy:	  The proxies to the various SC owners were amusing, though Rum
	isn't exactly Turkish.
    Russia:   They just don't let you get home. Sigh.
	Turkey:	  I wonder why Austria didn't give you 3 GP. At least you performed
        his idea of head butting in Bla.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Votes for Spring 1910
    A: 0 (sorry)
    E: 1 (the missed convoyes were somewhat amusing)
    F: 0
    G: 1 (surviving 3 years with one fleet is pretty goofy)
    I: 3 (if only I had known about the Rumania proxy)
    R: 2 (just click your heels and repeat after me...)

Broadcast from Russia:

    rusky votes .... so sorry so late, evens all round bar Germs.
    I:1 G:3 F:1 E:1 T:1

Broadcast from Germany:

    I thought that the capitals proxies were good... I also owe Russia
    a lot of back points.  Therefore,  I: 3 R: 3 E: 1  (that last point
    would have gone to Austria.  For the good work with the proxies).

Broadcast from France:

    E:  1   Moving the fleet away in face of impending convoys has been done
              before, but since I thought of it first, I'll have to give you
		  a point.
	G:	1	Poor baby.
	I:	1	Hum, the capital proxies were nice, but where was mine? And I didn't
              realize Rumania was part of Turkey.
    R:  2   Poor baby.
    T:  2   An incomplete 'headbutt' is better than none.
    It's a lot easier to assign votes with only 5 other players to give them
	to. We should have done this a long time ago  :-)
	GeneralDomo (I'm in France now, it is time to give myself a promotion)
    PS. Chant: one more turn! one more turn! I think we can! I think we can!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Freeze Frame!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Who's "Frame"?

Anonymous Broadcast:

	Who's "Frame"? Do you have to ask? It/she/he is, um, well, uh, I forget
    the name of the rock'n'roll group that sang the song (REM comes to mind, but
    I'm sure that is wrong. Eurythmics? Nah. Beatles? Hah. Hah!).  Anyway, it
	is a song where the audience freezes every once in a while. A freeze-frame.
	A snapshot. A holding pattern. Now that's goofy. Hope everyone will join
    Click. Flash. Snap.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    The J. Geils Band

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Oh yeah, right. I knew that!
    I guess the old 'grey' cells (there ought to be a pun there to go along
    with 'grey' broadcasts) just aren't functioning anymore.

Broadcast from Germany:

	I like the idea of a final snapshot for our game.  Everyone submit HOLD
	Better yet, proxy ALL of your units to either Austria or me, and we will
	issue the holds.

Broadcast from Austria:

	Don't proxy anything to the German!  I was the one who was eliminated,
    so I deserve the proxies.


Broadcast from Germany:

    BRILLIANT, Austria!!!!!
    Are you SURE we can't give him points?????????

Broadcast from Germany:

	3 points for Italy and France for participating in the group photo,
	1 to Russia for finally making it back home...

Broadcast from Austria:

	Since noone gave me a proxy, I'll give one point to each of the
    freezers, France, Germany and Italy.

Broadcast from Observer:

    >BRILLIANT, Austria!!!!!
    >Are you SURE we can't give him points?????????
	Well, what if you resign, and allow him to take over Germany in time
	to accure the points?

Broadcast from England:

	phase W1910B
	Once again, Austria would earn big points if possible. I didn't have time to
    Freeze Frame but found that goofy enough to earn points for F and I (Germany
    needed to be more creative with his *last* unit). One final point for
    pointlessness to a persistant Russia.
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Why are only powers which participated in the Freeze Frame getting goofy
    points?  Wouldn't it be more goofy to go against the flow?	  Oh, well, I
	thought it would be.
	Point assignments forthcoming...

Broadcast from Turkey:

	Point assignments for Fall 1910
	A: 0, but I wish I could give 'em all to you
    E: 3, for not taking part in the FF
    F: 0
    G: 1, because I had one to spare
    I: 0
    R: 3

Broadcast from Germany:

    >Broadcast message from Observer in 'goofy':
    >>BRILLIANT, Austria!!!!!
    >>Are you SURE we can't give him points?????????
	>Well, what if you resign, and allow him to take over Germany in time
	>to accure the points?
	I think that is an excellent idea.
	I hereby resign my position in Germany.	 Please allow Austria to
	take over.

Broadcast from Germany:

	Oh no you don't. *I'm* the one who gets to take over abandoned powers. Never-
	the-less, I loved the Austrian move.

Broadcast from Germany:

	E: 0
	G: 1
	I: 3	Snap!
	R: 0
	T: 0
	A: 3	If possible, else one each to E, R, T
	Der Fuhrer Domo
	>> Why not give myself the highest title possible?

Anonymous Broadcast:

	   Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 16:27:29 -0400
	   From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
		   This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by
			 the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
		 Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
	   Broadcast message from Germany in 'goofy':
	   I like the idea of a final snapshot for our game.  Everyone submit HOLD
	   Better yet, proxy ALL of your units to either Austria or me, and we will
	   issue the holds.
	Actually, I submitted hold orders for everybody on the board, two
	years ago.
	Now it won't seem so original. :(

Broadcast from Italy:

    Bwa hah!
    This is very funny.  I had entered phase orders to hold all the units
    on the board long before the "Freeze Frame"  idea was mentioned.
    Thus, I should not be penalized for going with the flow, but
    certainly should get some credit for participating presciently.
    In other words, I want it both ways.
    I've entered my retreat, and my goofy votes for both seasons shall be
	here soon.

Broadcast from Italy:

	S1910 votes
	A - E 1 F 1 G 2 I - R 2 T 1
	Points to Germany and Russia for long-term goofiness.
	My "capital proxies"  would have included France, but I ran out of
	armies.	 And he did not let me into France :(  I'm glad they were

Broadcast from Italy:

    Goofy votes, fall
    A - E 2 F 2 G 2 I - R 1 T 0
    Points to fellow freeze framers, France and Germany.
    Points to England for trying to allow me into London.  A late effort,
    but still appreciated.
    Leftover point for Russia.
    Austria deserves points for showing up so many times, after being

Broadcast from England:

    Thanks for letting me back in the game!

Broadcast from France:

    Snicker, snicker, snicker...
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!


Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from Italy in 'goofy':
    > S1910 votes
    > A - E 1 F 1 G 2 I - R 2 T 1
    Sorry to say that, but votes received after the results of the next
    move are not considered, but instead replaced by the GM's vote. That's
    what you get from phased orders for every unit including yonkers :-)

Broadcast from Russia:

    rusky votes .... so sorry so late, don't forget i'm in Europe (somewhere)
    G:3 for ending with 0 at the right moment
    E:2 for not having phased hold orders
    I:2 for phased hold orders (though Austria desrves these points really)
    T:0 I already had a proxy order Mos s Sil-War
    F:0 Too many units to think of anything to do with them?
    I have not contributed to the press during this game because I was
    playing a simple one track minded Russian Robot trying to tor Europe.
    My goal was simply to get my original 4 units around switzerland & end
    up back in Russia with Stp/Sev & Mos/War reversed.   When I lost one of
    the original units I lost interest for a year or so ..... so I have
    truely forgotten whether my last army was from Moscow or Warsaw.
      I enjoyed the trip and always thought I would make it (especially
    when I had 7 or so sc's which gave me some units to support my
	advances ... for which i always got 'bad' press & 0-1 point).
	  Thanks 4 the gee emm in Ronald |	9/10 points (lose 1 pt for sinking
	to the gutter press level around year 2 or 3).

Broadcast from Russia:

	rusky votes .... so sorry so late, don't forget i'm in Europe (somewhere)
	G:3 for ending with 0 at the right moment
	E:2 for not having phased hold orders
	I:2 for phased hold orders (though Austria desrves these points really)
	T:0 I already had a proxy order Mos s Sil-War
	F:0 Too many units to think of anything to do with them?
	I have not contributed to the press during this game because I was
	playing a simple one track minded Russian Robot trying to tor Europe.
	My goal was simply to get my original 4 units around switzerland & end
	up back in Russia with Stp/Sev & Mos/War reversed.	 When I lost one of
	the original units I lost interest for a year or so ..... so I have
	truely forgotten whether my last army was from Moscow or Warsaw.
	  I enjoyed the trip and always thought I would make it (especially
	when I had 7 or so sc's which gave me some units to support my
    advances ... for which i always got 'bad' press & 0-1 point).
      Thanks 4 the gee emm in Ronald |  9/10 points (lose 1 pt for sinking
    to the gutter press level around year 2 or 3).

Broadcast from Master:

    I terminated the game and -presto- the very next message from Russia
    resumed it again. What can I do to permanently terminate the game so
    that identities become revealed etc. etc.? Of course I can set the game
    non-gunboat or become every power agreeing to some made up draw, but
    there should be an easy way for the GM to terminate a game so that
    no player can resume it.

Broadcast from Observer:

    Aawwwww! I wanna keep playing!

Broadcast from Master:

    GM's goofy points
	fall 1910: A0, E0, F1, G2, I1, R3, T0
	Austria:  It's really a pity that I can't give you points.
	England:  So you remained in the convoy business until the bitter end.
	France:	  Snapshot. Nice.
	Germany:  Eliminated just in time. Plus snapshot.
	Italy:	  See France.
	Russia:	  You made it! So at least one of your units made the grand tour
	around Switzerland. I've followed its moves and it visited quite
        a number of places: Mos-StP-Fin-Nwy-Swe-Ber-Mun-Bur-Mar-Pie-
        Tyr-Mun-Ber-Sil-War. Too bad your fleets were stopped within sight
        of their home ports.
    Turkey:   Sorry for not having any more points to spare.

Broadcast from Master:

    Well, now everybody should be able to retrieve the names of the players
    by sending a summary command to the judge. For reasons unknown to me
    the list command however still says 'someone@somewhere' despite the reveal
    flag set.
    Any ideas?

Broadcast from Master:

    Hope you don't mind my assuming your identities, but it seemed like
	the only way to terminate the game permanently (with all these nasty
	observers around :-).
	I will prepare the final score list, but it may take a few days as I'll
    have other things to do first and as your mass switchings don't make
	things easier.
	I will not consider the switchings after fall 1910. For the switchings
	that were performed during the game (A <--> I in before f1907; A <--> F
	between s1909(1) and s1909(2)) the following rule will be applied:
	All points will be switched with the player. I.e. Risk Westerman gets
	GP and SC points for Italy from S1901 to S1907, for Austria from F1907
	to S1909(1) and for France from S1909(2) to the end.
	P.S.: EoG statements welcome! I will try to make up one myself when
	  my schedule allows me to.

Broadcast from Observer:

	Great, I get a judge mod in place, to automatically get notified of
	game terminations and draws, and the first thing in my mailbox?
	2 terminations, and 1 draw in goofy.  Until I read the history I thought
	I screwed up my programming.
	Nice game guys, as a tribute, I have resumed it again.	:-)
	Someone give me a shout, when there is a winner declared?

Broadcast from Master:

	> Broadcast message from [ as] Observer in 'goofy':
	> Great, I get a judge mod in place, to automatically get notified of
	> game terminations and draws, and the first thing in my mailbox?
	> 2 terminations, and 1 draw in goofy.	Until I read the history I thought
	> I screwed up my programming.
	> Nice game guys, as a tribute, I have resumed it again.  :-)
	> Someone give me a shout, when there is a winner declared?
	> Nick
	Well, we're the goofy guys, aren't we? The winner will be declared
	as soon as I find the time to calculate through things.

Broadcast from Germany:

	> Someone give me a shout, when there is a winner declared?
	> Nick
	I think everyone was a winner. The game interest was kept high even through
	several years of missed turns, the press was interesting, and the moves ...
	well, they were of the highest caliber goofiness. We did things to the
	Judge that the Judge didn't even know it could do.
    My only regret is not being able to do a 7-way "headbutt". Sigh.
    Major - General - Fuhrer Domo

Broadcast from Italy:

    Geez, GM, the fall results followed within 24 hours of the Spring.
    You could cut me a little slack.
    And, did you notice that the Judge parsed the yonkers order correctly?
    Yonkers is an acceptable abbreviation for Yorkshire!  :P

Broadcast from Italy:

    Could the bleeding observers please quit it!  I want to know who was
                        Freddie the Forger
                        Rick Desper

Broadcast from Italy:

    Incidentally, even after a game is terminated, the list does not
    reveal names.  Only the summary does.

Broadcast from France:

    Aw poor Rick! Isn't it goofy to play on when nobody else wants to?
	--The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Anonymous Broadcast:

	> Aw poor Rick! Isn't it goofy to play on when nobody else wants to?
    You could also make the time honored and time worn jokes about his
    last name and how he is desp...
    I can't go on.

Broadcast from Observer:

	Hullo again...
	P.S. - Did Austria pop into my place so that s/he could get goofy points
	for last turn?

Broadcast from Observer:

	But Austria didn't pop into your place.

Broadcast from England:

    > Broadcast message from as Master in 'goofy':
    > Austria:  It's really a pity that I can't give you points.
    It's your game. You want to give me points, just change the rules.

Broadcast from England:

	Get your build orders in, everyone...

Broadcast from Master:

	I have already received the first EOG statement for this game.
	I'd love to hear from you others (players and observers) how you
    experienced this "variant". I myself will scribe something up too,
    but most probably I won't have time to do so before monday or tuesday
	next week, as I will not be available after this afternoon for the
	rest of the week.

Broadcast from Turkey:

	Why don't we do this....
    Turkey, from 1904, was Michael H. Ross (

Broadcast from Master:

    It might be easier to look at the summary:
    > Summary of game 'goofy' through F1910R.
    >   Master:        Robert Rehbold
    >   Austria:       Rick Desper
    >    from F1907M:  Rick Westerman
    >    from S1909M:  Avi Pfeffer         avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
    >   England:       Pete Gaughan
    >    from F1910R:  Avi Pfeffer         avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
    >   France:        Tom Barringer       tomb@bedford.progress.COM
    >    from S1903M:  Avi Pfeffer         avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
    >    from S1909M:  Rick Westerman
    >    from F1910R:  Pete Gaughan
    >   Germany:       Daniel N. Percival
    >    from F1910R:  Rick Westerman
    >   Italy:         Rick Westerman
    >    from F1907M:  Rick Desper
    >   Russia:        Dave Bax  
    >   Turkey:        Del       
    >    from F1903B:  Michael H. Ross

Broadcast from Italy:

    Freddie's EOG:
	I viewed the goofy format basically as a chance to goof off.
	Never during the game was I concerned with winning so much as trying
	to pull off a few goofy stunts which I hoped would be appreciated.
	I chose Austria, because I think Austria is an inherently
	goofy country.	My next two decision were to use grey press as much as
	possible, and to become a naval power.
	I noticed that both grey and white press were enabled.
	Usually this means that nobody ever uses grey press, except to make an
	occasional sarcastic comment.  I decidedd to use grey press to conduct
	all of my negotiations, thereby making it easy for other players to
	pretend they were me!  Unfortunately, I had to broadcast my votes with
	white press.  Also, toward the end of the game, I did start including
	policy announcements with my votes, so I strayed from this policy a
	The Freddie persona was born of this line of thought.  My
	original idea was that I was Freddie the Forger, pretending to be
	Austria.  I was impersonating myself!  Later, this name was useful as
	a nickname for Francis Ferdinand, and in "Freddie's Dead."
	So, I started my naval policy.	In 1901, I bypassed Serbia and
	took Greece, so I could build a secon fleet.  In 1902, I took Tunis,
	and convoyed both armies to Africa.	 I built a third fleet.	 I thought
	I was in great shape, as Austria was completely vulnerable.	 Sure
	enough, Italy took the bait, taking half of my SC's, and knocking me
    down to a puny size.
    At this point, I have to comment about the voting.  I feel
    that voting ought to reward players who are pursuing
    long-term goofy strategies.  In my mind, throughout the first half of
    the game, only Germany, Russia, and Austria were doing so.  England
    and France would come up with interesting judge quirks from time to
    time.  Turkey and esp. Italy seemed merley expansionist.
    The definition of goofy I was using was taken from the
    dictionary:  inept, clumsy.  (Also, the part about having proutruding
    teeth REALLY was in there!)  But I saw that voting was not precisely
    folowing those lines.  And, since Italy had stolen all of my actors, I
    thought I'd do something about it.  I came very close to taking over
	France when France went CD once.  I figured such a move would be
	appropriate for this game.	But when Italy, that SC thief, went CD, I
	could not resist.  Freddie was Dead, but Derffie was born.
	For a while, I could not quite figure out what to do with
	Italy.	I wanted to get the fleet into the Channel, and convoy myself
	to England.	 I thought cruising into Scandanavia would be interesting.
	Thus was born the "grab all the capitals"  campaign.  I was never
	looking to win 18 SC's so much as give other players an oppurtunity to
    goofily hand over their capitals.  Also, at about this time I took on
    a new job, which involved my access to Internet being reduced
    somewhat.  I totally missed the time warp, and the last three years
    were largely done via phase orders.
    Some unnoticed goofiness: with phase orders, you can write
    basically whatever you want.  After my phase order NMR, I looked into
    other possibilities.  I declared war upon the GM, by entering
    something like
    phase s1907m
    I declare war upon our Game Master.
    Secretly, anonymously.
    Only Robert knew about this, which he could read every time he logged
    in.  Also, at the end of the game (F1910M) I had phased hold orders
    for each of the 64 provinces on the board.  I'm sure Robert enjoyed
	seeing that every time he logged in.  This list included the famous
	Yonkers H.	Sadly, nobody was in Yorkshire.
	On the whole, I enjoyed the game.  I thought Germany was the most fun,
	but the rest of you were fairly decent also.  It was interesting to
	seee what kinds of pathological judge quirks we could turn up.	I
	think the voting could be tweaked a little.	 I don't see the purpose
    of SC points.  I am more inclined against them than I was at the
    beginning of the game.
    One final point.  This was the second time I impersonated a vampire in
    a gunboat game.  The first was in Guns, which also included Rick
    Westerman.  Rick, did you ever think it was me?
    CU all in the funny papers.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Excuse my typos.  This keyboard is not very sensitive.
    (please fix if every publishing)

Anonymous Broadcast:

    You know, this game *could* end if the moderator would put a stop to it. Or
    this the moderator's chance to be goofy? In any case, my moves are in for S'11.
    P.S. If the game ends, then we could see a summary with names in it.

Broadcast from Germany:

    > One final point.  This was the second time I impersonated a vampire in
    > a gunboat game.  The first was in Guns, which also included Rick
    > Westerman.  Rick, did you ever think it was me?
    Not quite. The press had a familiar 'feel' to it but it wasn't until
	the end of the game when I saw who you were that I thought to my, "should
    have know it was Desper!"
	I'm glad to know you had as hard of a time playing Italy as I did. After
    I realized that having no units was getting me nowhere, I decided to expand
    and try my "headbutt" idea -- too bad you never did this, btw. Either that or
    win with 18 centers which would have also been meta-goofy. Too bad I got
    zapped by not having net access for a week or so.
    -- Rick Westerman

Broadcast from Master:

    > You know, this game *could* end if the moderator would put a stop to it. Or
    > this the moderator's chance to be goofy? In any case, my moves are in for S'11.
    Would you mind letting me know how? I terminated the game, and I finished
    it by forcing a draw, yet there is no end. Instead of making vague statements
    tell me how to do it...

Anonymous Broadcast:

    I suggest re-terminating the game. I think the termination was undone by
    one of not-so-helpful observers.

Broadcast from Master:

    > I suggest re-terminating the game. I think the termination was undone by
    > one of not-so-helpful observers.
    Ok, so I just did that. Now how can I prevent somebody to resume the game

Broadcast from Observer:

    >Why don't we do this....
	>Turkey, from 1904, was Michael H. Ross (
	Germany from S1901M was Dan Percival (,
	as was this particular Observer from after F1910M.
	Now... could someone please tell me what happened?	:)
	I resigned my post as Germany so that whichever Austria it was who
	entered that huge list of proxies in F1910M could signon and get the
	goofy points s/he deserved.	 I gave h/h a day or two to take over my
	position, and then tried to signon as Austria.	I was brutally rejected
	by a heartless machine (*grin*).  Assuming that Austria had not yet
	taken over Germany, I attempted to come back to my German position.
	Again, no such luck.  Therefore, I am now sitting in the Observer
	position, idly wondering who won and such...

Broadcast from Observer:

	> Summary of game 'goofy' through F1910R.
	>	Austria:	   Rick Desper
	>	 from S1909M:  Avi Pfeffer		   avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
	>	England:
	>	 from F1910R:  Avi Pfeffer		   avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
	>	France:
	>	 from S1903M:  Avi Pfeffer		   avi@postgres.Berkeley.EDU
	>	Italy:
	>	 from F1907M:  Rick Desper
	*wave*	Hello, Rick and Avi!  Fancy meeting you here....  *grin*
	Dan Percival.

Broadcast from Italy:

	There is no way to terminate the game which prevents obnoxious
	observers from restarting it.  However, if you terminate it again,
	maybe they'll behave better now :)
    Also, you could set the deadline to next Januaray (or April).  This
    would at least make sure nobody started the game up while you were
    away, and forced us to lose ded. points for this silly thing.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Robert, did you ever tally the Goofy votes?  I'm wondering who won.

Broadcast from Observer:

	Wouldn't it be goofiest not to bother with the points after all?

Broadcast from Master:

    Dear players,
    I'm still underway to work on the results. Please stay patient; I hope
	to complete it within the next 36 hours. Sorry for being quite busy
	elsewhere at the moment.

Broadcast from Master:

	----- Begin Included Message -----
	>From Tue May 10 19:56:16 1994
	Sender: "irishpete" 
	Date: Tue, 10 May 94 13:56:43 EDT
	Subject: goofy EOG
	End of Game statement from England, 'goofy'
	I had a blast. I didn't keep the turn records so I won't write a detailed,
	move-by-move report, but I was consistently surprised at the inventiveness of
	the other players. My unfamiliarity with the Judge meant that most of the
	time I was trying out possibilities which had occured to everyone else a turn
	or turn before!
	I pride myself on maintaining certain accomplishments for England: not
	entering the Mid-Atlantic until the final year of the game; repeatedly
	attempting to allow occupation of my home centers; never taking two centers
	from one power and never fighting over neutrals; and, as befits the finest
	navy in Europe, having more failed convoys than any other power.
	But I certainly learned more than I taught. Thanks to everyone for the fun,
	especially to Freddie and to GM Robert.
	Pete Gaughan, The Silly English (and later French) K-nnnn-ighit!
	----- End Included Message -----

Broadcast from Master:

	Well, here it comes: The results of the first (and perhaps only :-)
	game of the goofy variant. And the winner is (ta-dah, drum roll):
								   Rick Desper
	Congratulations, Rick! According to my rules you may call yourself
	"Goofy of the Year".
	A special goofiness beauty award goes to Dan Percival who achieved the
	most pure goofiness points (more than 90% of his total).
	Details can be read in the appendix.
	As the GM I want to thank all of you for a very entertaining game that
	showed twists in the judge never worked out before. I will try and
	collect a list of goofy things that happened and broadcast it soon.
	Thanks again for participating,
	Now for the technical stuff (long live Excel :-) and how I assigned the
	points to players:
	Replacements are considered together with the player they replaced unless
	there was a switching between two players. Two switchings occurred during
	the game (and are the reason why the GP table contains two entries for
	1907 and 1909):
	1) Between the moves of spring 1907 and fall 1907 Rick Desper and Rick
	   Westerman switched Austria and Italy.
	2) Between the first move for spring 1909 and the second move for spring
	   1909 Rick Westerman and Avi Pfeffer switched Italy and France.
	Goofy points are assigned to the player ordering the move; SC points are
	assigned to the player controlling that country during the winter of that

Supply Centers

Goofiness Points

Point Totals
WhoRick DesperPete GaughanTom Barringter/
Avi Pfeffer
Daniel N. PercivalRick WestermanDave BaxDel Michael H. Ross

Just as an information: The results if each owned SC would have been worth 0, 1 or 2 points
WhoRick DesperPete GaughanTom Barringter/
Avi Pfeffer
Daniel N. PercivalRick WestermanDave BaxDel Michael H. Ross
SC 166603722424556
SC 213212074448490112
Sum 1237237200221190194207
Sum 2303297237243232239263
Rank 03241765
Rank 11153764
Rank 21264753

Broadcast from Germany:

	Ha-ha. I lose the game. That is goofy in anybody's book and thus makes me
    the winner and "Goofy of the Year". But then, because I won I really lose
    and thus ...
    -- Rick Westerman

Broadcast from Master:

    Actions that struck me as very goofy during this game (in random order
    just as they come to my mind):
    Russia's idea of traveling around Switzerland with all his units and
	trying to return home just in time. He succeeded with one army, but
	could have almost succeeded with his two fleets as well!
	Surprise proxies to others as a way to have a NMR in a non-NMR game.
	Helping others into one's own SC.
    Supporting yourself in a move (like in A Bur S A Bur-Mun).
    Missed supports or convoys from your own units.
    Austria having the most fleets around at one time.
    Austria having his armies all in Africa.
    Having your units move away from home as fast as possible, desperately
    trying to make it to the corners.
    The "You first" syndrome (e.g. A Vie S A Gal-Bud, A Gal S A Vie-Bud).
    Entering proxy orders, then going CD on purpose but having the judge
    process the proxy orders just because they were there. (Quite a compli-
    cated task to come up with, to perform and obviously also to describe :-)
    Switching nations in a game (an absolute NoNo in normal games).
    Replaying a move as soon as the chance arose, also an absolute NoNo in
    normal games (a nice judge programmer proved helpful with providing
    the chance :-)
    Annoying the GM by endless lists of proxy orders that he gets every
    time he gets some acknowledgement from the judge (I'm very happy that
	Rick came up with that idea that late in the game. Probably it annoyed
	him as much as me, since he got all his proxies listed in every ack'
    just like me :-).
    Certainly you remember other goofy stuff; please feel free to add to
    my list.

Broadcast from Germany:

    Other goofy items:
       Supporting oneself to another province (paris s paris - bur)
       Didn't someone successfully write a support order to move a unit
	to Switzerland?
	   Trying to occupy all 7 capitals. Although I still think a 'headbutt'
	would have been better.
	-- Rick Westerman

Broadcast from Italy:

	I liked the convoy to Switzerland.	Very inventive.	 After I saw it
	used here, I used a variation in the game Shuppan, where I ordered my
	fleets to convoy forces both to Switzerland and the Himalayas.	(I am
	fairly sure this is the only time the word "Himalayas" has ever
	appeared in a Judge report.)
	I liked the war against the GM, the Jeep Jackrobert, the French Civil
	War, the Turkish convoy of my army into his capital (which was erased
	in the Time Warp!), the Turkish army in England, the Russian fleets
	moving through the MAO, the German signature...
	I'm a bit embarrassed, after having spent half the game whining about
    SC points, to end up winning because of them.  *blush*  I had felt Dan
    was  a lock to win this game, and I think he deserves recognition for
    getting the most goofy points.  A valiant finish by the Pete should
    also be recognized.
    So, *snicker*, Nick, do I get HoF points for this?  I think it would
    be hilarious if I were to get into Hall94 based on this game.  :)
    Seriously, I think I will try to content myself with the title "The
    Goofball of Internet Diplomacy."

Broadcast from Observer:

    >Broadcast message from Germany in 'goofy':
    HEY!  That's MY country....*grin*
	>Other goofy items:
	>	Didn't someone successfully write a support order to move a unit
    >to Switzerland?
    Yep, that would be me.  In 1901 or 1902, I convoyed a French army to
    Switzerland.  Too bad the silly guy didn't write the corresponding
	order.... :)
	Dan Percival.

Broadcast from France:

	> I'm a bit embarrassed, after having spent half the game whining
    > about SC points, to end up winning because of them.  *blush*
    You should be! I was quite relieved to see that my position would have been
    first or second no matter what value was laid on SCs. I felt I was pretty
    ungoofy several turns and would never recover in other players' eyes.
	Excellent work by the little guys (Austria, Germany) and I wish more of the
	press had been white so that could have been recognized also.
	Pete Gaughan					 |
	XXXX Detroit Ave.				 |	office phone (XXX) XXX-XXXX
	XXXX, Calif. XXXXX USA			 |	You ain't seen nuthin' yet...
	---- History terminated due to end of information.