The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1909 in goofy


Broadcast from Austria:

    What is the sound of one hand clapping?
    What is the sound of a tree falling in the woods with no one around to listen?
    What is the sound of a fleet beached upon the sand?

Broadcast from France:

    Belated goofy votes for France:

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Sorry for the delay.  I thought I had already voted.
    Austria: 1
    England: 0
    France: 2
    Germany: 2
    Italy: 1
    Russia: 1

Anonymous Broadcast:

    OK - here's my last goofy idea:  to occupy all seven capital cities!
    To wit:
    Prussia - Berlin
    Venice - Rome
    Ruhr - Burgundy - Paris
    Rumania - Black Sea - Ankara
    Tyrolia - Vienna
    Irish Sea - Wales - London
    Livonia - St. Pete
    Any assistance would be most appreciated!  (Esp. from Turkey!)

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Italy:	Your occupying all capital centers is strictly up to you.

Broadcast from Italy:

    press to T
    	You're no fun! :P

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > Broadcast message from Italy in goofy:
    > press to T
    >   You're no fun! :P
    Not everything is as it seems...

Broadcast from France:

    I will prepare a welcoming committee for you.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 16:44:17 -0400
       From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
    		   This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by
    			 the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
    		 Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
       Broadcast message from France in goofy:
       I will prepare a welcoming committee for you.
    Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Does this game end at the end of 1909 or 1910?

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > Does this game end at the end of 1909 or 1910?
    At the rate of playing speed lately, the sooner the better. IMHO.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 17:06:40 -0400
       From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
    		   This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by
    			 the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
    		 Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
       Broadcast message in goofy:
       > Does this game end at the end of 1909 or 1910?
       At the rate of playing speed lately, the sooner the better. IMHO.
    Well, my orders are in...and phased until the end of time!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >> Italy:  Your occupying all capital centers is strictly up to you.
    >You're no fun!
    Hmm... If the object of the game is to be goofier than other players, why
    should one be expected to *help* someone else be goofy? I sincerely hope the
    rest of you *fail* to find new and goofier orders, or at least fail in
    attempting them!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >Broadcast message in goofy:
    >> Does this game end at the end of 1909 or 1910?
    >At the rate of playing speed lately, the sooner the better. IMHO.
    Hey, at least my orders are in on time (for once)!	...

Broadcast from Master:

    > Does this game end at the end of 1909 or 1910?
    The rules say (wow, doesn't that sound sound? :-) that the game has
    a hardwired end with the builds of 1910, i.e. 1910 moves are expected
    to be played.
    Come on people, only a few more moves!

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.