The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1909 in goofy


Broadcast from Master:

    Automatic deadline extension due to judge failure if your deadline was too close
    Signed - The Judge

Broadcast from Master:

    Automatic deadline extension due to judge failure if your deadline was too close
    Signed - The Judge

Broadcast from Master:

    Hi folks,
    our game is back up, but because we are the goofiest ones on this judge,
    of course *WE* *DID* have a move after April 21st. Now it would of course
    be easy to enter your old moves manually and process them.
    But, aren't we supposed to be goofy? Who gives a damn about EP house rules
    etc.? Why not redo the move? I.e. I propose that you have time to rethink
    your moves (which already were evaluated in another universe) and have
    a new (and probably different) spring result.
    However this is just a proposal and I call you to vote upon it. If any-
    body objects, I will just force the old result to be repeated and you can
    go ahead. You may vote by private email or in public (or not at all, in
    which case your vote obviously is in favour of my proposal :-).
    Voting deadline is tomorrow, April 27th, at 10.00 EFF judge time.
    Unless I receive a NO vote until then, I will simply set the game nowait
    and you can do as you please. If I receive a NO vote, I will process
    the old moves and we can simulate that nothing has happened to the game
    at all.

Broadcast from Russia:

    vote YES to replay

Broadcast from Master:

    Automatic deadline extension due to judge failure if your deadline was too close
    Signed - The Judge

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Okay, everyone...
    a/f a** proxy to austria
     "  b**   "   "    "
     "  c**   "   "    "
     "  d**   "   "    "
    a/f e** proxy to england
    a/f f** proxy to france
    a/f g** proxy to germany
     "  h**   "   "    "
    a/f i** proxy to italy
     "  j**   "   "    "
     "  k**   "   "    "
     "  l**   "   "    "
     "  m**   "   "    "
     "  n**   "   "    "
     "  o**   "   "    "
     "  p**   "   "    "
     "  q**   "   "    "
    a/f r** proxy to russia
     "  s**   "   "    "
    a/f t** proxy to turkey
     "  u**   "   "    "
     "  v**   "   "    "
     "  w**   "   "    "
     "  x**   "   "    "
     "  y**   "   "    "
     "  z**   "   "    "

Broadcast from Master:

    Our mail server is having problems. Hope that at least this message
    gets out. I'll be on a business trip for the next two days. While I
    hope that I can do something more than get this message out, I may
    not be able to do so.

Broadcast from Master:

    Hmmm, I'm not really sure how to proceed now. Russia and France went
    CD, and somebody (guess who) jumped right in. I will try to adjust
    dedications once the smoke of the judge crash has cleared.
    Here's my current point of view:
    There will be no move until everybody is back in her place (new
    or old :-). Go for it! And remember, we're still voting about replaying
    the last turn (now not only with new moves, but even with new players!).

Broadcast from Austria:

    I'll let you stay in my country as long as you let me control my
    units.	Deal?

Broadcast from Master:

    Ok, everybody seems to be on board again (though perhaps at a different
    position :-). And I received no complaints about replaying the spring
    season (of course goofiness points will be awarded for both!). Therefore
    I reset the wait flag so that the move can process as soon as those of
    you who did 'set wait' reset their flag or at friday night.
    Remember that you do have the chance to move different!
    Your happy GM
    Robert (whose mail server seems ok again)

Anonymous Broadcast:

    (scene: The admiral of the fleet is gazing across the sea towards a glorious
    		sunset. An ensign stands by his side.)
    Ensign: Sir. I know you are distraught over the loss of your country...
    Admiral: (grunt)
    Ensign: And I know you are upset about the loss of your supply centers...
    Admiral: (louder grunt)
    Ensign: And the loss of those seven magnificent armies ...
    Admiral: (scowls)
    Ensign: But I really think that ... oh my god! land ahead! Admiral, do
    		something! Quickly!
    Admiral: (chuckles as his ship grinds it's way onto a sandy beach)
    (replay of the scene above)
    Admiral: (scowls)
    Ensign: But I really think that we should do something active about it,
        not just sail around in circles. Sir.
    Admiral: And just what makes you think we are sailing around in circles,
         my young whipper-snapper? I've set our course due west. West,
    		 mind you. Far away from that forsaken land-locked city that
    		 was suppose to be my capital. West, mind you. Back home.
    Ensign: But sir, that is ...
    Admiral: (scowl) Yes! Are you questioning my judgement?
    Ensign: (quickly) No sir!
    (weeks pass by, the ship sails up a long windy river to a large city. The
     ensign and admiral are talking again)
    Ensign: Ah, sir?
    Admiral: (takes a puff on a pipe) Yes?
    Ensign: Excuse me for mentioning it, but it doesn't seem like we are in
    Admiral: Perhaps not. Well, never mind. This looks like a good place to
         drop the anchor anyway. After all, I've always liked "Paris in
         the springtime".
    (the audience groans at this feeble stab at humor)

Broadcast from France:

    Goofy points for the time warp turn:
    E: 0  Whatcha up to?
    F: 2  The convoy was cute. Not to mention giving up your country for
    		  a more deserving person  :-)
    G: 1  Sympathy vote, as usual.
    I: 1  Ok, the occupying of all 7 capitals is clever. Not as clever as
    		  a "head butt" IMHO, but good. I doubt if you'll make it though.
    R: 1  Just because.
    T: 2  Letting Italy do your moves? Dangerous.


Broadcast from Observer:

    My Votes:
    Austria: 3 pts for the suicide
    England: 2 pts for the convoyed bounce
    Russia:  1 pt for evacuating Berlin
    Turkey:  1 pt for scrambling to get out of Italy's way, and failing
    Bev Rosre

Broadcast from England:

    Good Lord, is this the best people could do with a second chance? If you
    didn't change your orders at all, you didn't deserve ANY gp, but those who
    only shifted one order hardly improved their goofiness...
    Italy: I was going to try to run in circles in Mar-Bur-Gas-Mar, but I don't
    think I can do this without getting in your way--but I'll leave Mar to you if
    you'll tell me what is so goofy about Wales??
    Russia: Sorry, I really *didn't* expect you to repeat yourself. Do you intend
    to keep trying Nwg?
    France: Nice dance. Will you still welcome the lads from Liverpool, or has
    that grown too stale?
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Italy:

       Date: Sat, 30 Apr 1994 14:18:32 -0400
       From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
    		   This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by
    			 the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
    		 Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
       Broadcast message from England in goofy:
       Good Lord, is this the best people could do with a second chance? If you
       didn't change your orders at all, you didn't deserve ANY gp, but those who
       only shifted one order hardly improved their goofiness...
    Excuse me for having a life outside Diplomacy.	I just did not log in
    for four days.
       Italy: I was going to try to run in circles in Mar-Bur-Gas-Mar, but I don'{  think I can do this without getting in your way--but I'll leave Mar
    to you if
       you'll tell me what is so goofy about Wales??
    I'm invading London.  Solo attack.	BANZAI!
       --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!
    p.s. Goofy voting stands as earlier submitted for this move.

Broadcast from Master:

    For those of you suffering from the dedication penalty caused by the
    recent judge crash: I have informed David Kovar about the players in-
    volved and he will adjust your dedication accordingly.

Broadcast from Master:

    Here are the GM's goofy points for the various spring 1909 seasons:
    (1) A1, E-, F2, G1, I2, R-, T1
    Austria:  1 point for leaving Europe forever
    England:  Your only remaining intent seem to be SC.
    France:   The mass support for Italy's move into Bur made me laugh.
    Germany:  Nice guessed support for the Italians.
    Italy:	  Nice expansionistic attitude.
    Russia:	  Infamous 8th point for you
    Turkey:	  How goofy to proxy F Bla to Italy!
    (2) A1, E2, F-, G1, I1, R1, T1
    Austria:  Did you just do a perfect guess or am I missing something?
    England:  Yeah, at least one person who took advantage of the replay!
    	I admire your Belgium bounce.
    France:	  No goofiness involved yet.
    Germany:  This time you supported Italy via proxy. I liked it.
    Italy:	  Now time becomes short to get into Ankara and Paris...
    Russia:	  1 point since the evil English didn't let you into Nwg
    Turkey:   You weren't very innovative with regards to your moves. But
    	you tried to give Italy what he wanted.
    I still need votes about spring(1) from the following players: AEIGRT
    I still need votes about spring(2) from the following players: AFIGRT
    No other votes have been received yet. If you sent some, please repeat.
    You may vote for both versions seperately or not, as you please. Just
    indicate if you want the same vote applied to both versions.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Well, I DID vote for the first move before...can't remember exactly
    what it was, but it was something like the following (which can serve
    as my vote)
    A 1 E 0 F 2 G 1 I - R 1 T 2
    This will also serve as my vote for the second spring move.

Broadcast from Russia:

    Russia squeeks (again):
    a:2 e:2 t:1 i:1 g:1  (*2)

Broadcast from France:

    I agree with England, doing the same moves in a time warp is *not* goofy.
    A: 3
    E: 3
    G: 0
    I: 0
    R: 1   (had to give it someone)
    T: 0
    And to the moderator: -3 for saying my moves weren't goofy. At least they
    were original!

Broadcast from France:

    And to England, no the boys from Liverpool aren't welcome. But the ones
    from London are! I'll lend you my fleet if you lend me yours.

Broadcast from Italy:

       Broadcast message from France in goofy:
       I agree with England, doing the same moves in a time warp is *not* goofy.
       A: 3
       E: 3
       G: 0
       I: 0
       R: 1	  (had to give it someone)
       T: 0
       And to the moderator: -3 for saying my moves weren't goofy. At least they
       were original!
    To reiterate: the entire rollback, discussion of whether there
    should be a timewarp, and processing of the timewarp took place while
    I was AFK.
    Basically, you are penalizing me for not logging in.
    Just thought I'd make it clear.
    					Guy playing Italy

Broadcast from France:

    >	Basically, you are penalizing me for not logging in.
    >	Just thought I'd make it clear.
    >                   Guy playing Italy
    Hum. Last time I was away from my mail system for 4 days (I have a
    life outside Dippy also, you know), *someone* took my country away
    from me. Just thought I'd make that clear. But since you whined, I'll
       A: 3
       E: 3
       G: 0
       I: 1   (had to give it someone)
       R: 0
       T: 0
                Person playing France

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Goofy votes for both Springs:
    A: 2
    E: 3
    F: 2
    G: 0
    I: 0
    R: 0

Broadcast from Turkey:

    I don't know if the Italian knew (and I know nobody else could have), but
    after I proxied the units to him, _I_ entered the moves to ensure his
    capture of the capitals!!  Of course, he could have entered them himself,
    but I know I did.  A nice function of proxy is that you can enter orders
    for proxied units and the guy who you proxied the unit to wouldn't know
    that you did.  Oh, well, I thought it was goofy.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Hmm...forgot who was playing France!  :)
    Sorry for whining.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Turkey:  You cannot proxy a force, and then enter its order, without
    cancelling the proxy.

Broadcast from England:

    > And to England, no the boys from Liverpool aren't welcome. But the
    > ones from London are! I'll lend you my fleet if you lend me yours.
    Deal. Eng is yours. Make way for the British Invasion!
    Thing Playing England

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >>> Diplomacy game goofy is waiting for Russia's orders.
    I'm waiting... heh, heh, heh
    The mad switcheroo.

Broadcast from Austria:

    Goofy votes for Austria, Spring 1909:
    Version 1
    T 3
    F 3
    R 1
    Version 2
    E 3
    F 2
    T 1
    R 1

Broadcast from Austria:

    Have your boys enjoyed their summer vacation?  It's time for them to
    go home.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Oh, our poor moderator. Figuring out goofy points when people keep
    changing countries and when the judge replays moves. I believe the
    following is illegal:
    	  Goofy votes for Austria, Spring 1909:
    	  Version 1
    	  T 3
    	  F 3
    	  R 1
    Since at the time of version 1, Austria was still France and thus a vote
    for France during version 1 would be a vote for oneself which is, of course,
    Or something like that.

Broadcast from Austria:

    >Oh, our poor moderator. Figuring out goofy points when people keep
    >changing countries and when the judge replays moves. I believe the
    >following is illegal:
    >	   Goofy votes for Austria, Spring 1909:
    >	   Version 1
    >	   T 3
    >	   F 3
    >	   R 1
    >Since at the time of version 1, Austria was still France and thus a vote
    >for France during version 1 would be a vote for oneself which is, of course,
    >Or something like that.
    Dear whoever-you-are:
    Please leave the moderator's job to the moderator.  I voted as
    Austria, for France.  I may be the former France.  Then again, I may
    not.  Since this game is gunboat you have no idea which is the case.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >>> Dear whoever-you-are:
    >>> Please leave the moderator's job to the moderator.  I voted as
    >>> Austria, for France.  I may be the former France.  Then again, I may
    >>> not.  Since this game is gunboat you have no idea which is the case.
    Touchy, are we not? Perhaps the problem of only having one, soon to be
    zero, fleets to play around with? Hum?

Broadcast from Austria:

    >Touchy, are we not? Perhaps the problem of only having one, soon to be
    >zero, fleets to play around with? Hum?
    I merely wish to see how the moderator will interpret and enforce the
    rules of his own game.	As for having fleets to play with, I see many
    others on the board.  I can play with all of them.

Broadcast from England:

    I, for one, cannot track who is playing what country. You could all still be
    in your original powers for all I know, and the press fluff is just a decoy.
    I'd be tempted to jump from an eight-dot power to a one-dot power, on the
    theory that this is ultimate goofiness, but I'm not online often enough to
    grab a vacant country and I'm betting nobody would reward the move.
    I know *I* haven't to date!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!


Broadcast from Master:

    To clarify: It is illegal to assign points to yourself. Since I do know
    who plays which nation in which turn, I will take care that nobody
    assigns a vote to himself. You should rely on that.

Broadcast from Master:

    Goofy points from your GM for fall 1909:
    A1, E1, F1, G1, I1, R2, T0
    Austria:  Goodbye to somebody who wasn't interested in spending the
    winter in Spain himself. One last charity point for you.
    England:  It's convoy time, isn't it? Pretty useless orders which yet
    hold onto your position. Admirable.
    France:   It might have been played already, but A Par supporting itself
    again looked goofy to me.
    Germany:  Cruising out again looks nice.
    Italy:    Somebody should stop you or you will be at 18 SC next winter :-)
    Otherwise not very surprising.
    Russia:   Finally you make it into Aeg and Nwg! But -alas- maybe too late.
    2 points for your long-term goal.
    Turkey:   I consider you the bad girl this time, not letting Russia back
    home. Your other moves earned you a point, but the one into War
    takes that point away again.
    Remember that for the last two moves next year you cannot assign points
    to Austria, and the Austrian player can only assign 3 points per move (of
    course she can assign 7 points for fall 1909).

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.