The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1908 in goofy


Broadcast from Master:

    Goofy points from your friendly GM:
    GM: A0, E2, F1, G0, I2, R0, T2
    Austria:  Too bad France didn't remember what she wanted. Also too bad
          that you don't get a point for it.
    England:  Hurray for the convoy bounce!
    France:	  1 point for your short-term visit to Austria.
    Germany:  Being goofy with just one unit is difficult.
    Italy:	  First point since your armies were all too polite to enter first.
    		  Another point for the takeover.
    Russia:	  Fleet Tunis HOLD?? Needed an SC, eh?
    Turkey:	  Both the long convoy and the support for Austria into Con
    		  looked funny to me.

Broadcast from Austria:

    My goofy points for F'07:
    E: 2
    F: 1
    G: 1
    I: 1
    R: 0
    T: 2
    The massive convoy around England deserved lots of points -- the act
    itself, the suggestion, the ultimate bounce -- too bad I couldn't give 3
    points to all concerned!
    A personal note to Italy: Yes, your moves with the armies were cute, but
    you could do a lot better. One word: "butthead!" (not a personal insult
    here, but rather a style of play). Why don't you take those lovely armies
    that you've vamped and do it? Let me demonstrate for you with my fleets ...

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Coming attractions: I've proxied three forces to three different
    countries.  Let's see some action.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > Coming attractions: I've proxied three forces to three different
    > countries.  Let's see some action.
    >				Derffie
    I tried that once, as you, and got roundly critized that it wasn't
    goofy enough -- a more goofy move is three force to one country. Ah
    well, hope you have a better response.

Broadcast from Austria:

    Did anyone see Gary Larson's "FarSide" cartoon today? And did you notice
    Freddie (mistakenly called "Donald" in the cartoon) basking on the
    beachs of Italy? Serves him right for upsurping the proper ruler!

Broadcast from France:

    The city of Brest is ready to welcome the tourists from Liverpool.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    It's Easter and Real Analysis sucks.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 15:28:30 -0400
       From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
           This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by
             the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
         Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
       Broadcast message in goofy:
       It's Easter and Real Analysis sucks.
    Is Real Analysis good the rest of the year?
    Do the various branches of mathematics choose holidays upon which to

Broadcast from Observer:

    >	It's Easter and Real Analysis sucks.
    >Is Real Analysis good the rest of the year?
    >Do the various branches of mathematics choose holidays upon which to
     In fact, they do.  Abstract Algebra sucks on Christmas, and Topology sucks on
    Rosh Hashanah.  As for the other branches, I could really give a damn, since
    they were all sucking so often that I changed my major.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >  In fact, they do.  Abstract Algebra sucks on Christmas, and Topology sucks on
    > Rosh Hashanah.  As for the other branches, I could really give a damn, since
    > they were all sucking so often that I changed my major.
    Don't forget to mention that actuarial mathematics sucks on Valentine's
    Day, Hyperbolic Geometry sucks on Thanksgiving, and Linear Algebra sucks
    on Chinese New Year.

Broadcast from England:

    > Broadcast message from Observer in goofy:
    > Topology sucks on Rosh Hashanah.
    Aww, c'mon, that's a joyous  and contemplative time. Probably appropriate for
    something with all the ups and downs of Topology...

Broadcast from Observer:

    Somehow, 'joy' and 'topology' always struck me as rather disjoint concepts.
    Set theory (which incidentally sucks on Arbor Day), on the other hand, is quite
    the joyous subject.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Just to add to the long list of holidays on which the various branches of
    mathematics suck...Ordinary Differential Equations sucks on Groundhog
    Day, while Partial Diffies sucks on President's Day.


Broadcast from Turkey:

    Goofy points for Spring of 1908
    A: 1 (all fleets converging to Apulia; sorry I got in the way)
    E: 1 (another set of random, pointless moves)
    F: 0
    G: 2 (just for being aroung with one unit)
    I: 1 (like England, nothing spectacular, but nice and random)
    R: 2 (maybe your forces need a compass to organize better)

Broadcast from Germany:

    Italy: 2 points.  I *do* enjoy people playing with proxies.	 Too bad
    	I didn't guess that you would give your fleet to me....
    England: 1 point for some well-meant aimlessness. :)
    Austria and France: 3 points collectively (1 point each, the .5 parts
    disappear into the sub-ether) for your clownish manaeouvering
    over Italy.
    (Note: ROBERT - THIS MEANS A: 1, F: 1.  *smile*)
    Russia: 2 points.  You are a goof-off after my own heart.
    P.S.  I would like to apologize for my lateness.  A small catastrophe
    put me badly behind, and I didn't even see the first late message
    	until today.  Oh, and by the way, Numerical Analysis is just a
    	uniform shade of drab hatefulness.	It's a truly secularized
    sort of "sucking" that has no particular Holy Day ascribed to it.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Goofy votes:
    A 2 E 1 F 1 G 1 I - R 1 T 1
    Austria gets the extra point for actually using one of my proxies
    (though not to as amusing a purpose as I had hoped.)
    I'm sure that had I proxied the fleet to England, his moves would have
    gone through.
    I really wanted the army in Rumania to end up in Armenia, but I guess
    that was hoping for too much.  Maybe I should be less obscure.
    					D. D.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Broadcast message from Turkey in goofy:
       Goofy points for Spring of 1908
       A: 1 (all fleets converging to Apulia; sorry I got in the way)
    	Apulia?	 Iberia?

Broadcast from England:

    In the Shark Tank this month...
       Turkey: not a bad ploy, it's awfully tough to discover NEW ways to fight
    yourself at this point. I hope you take St. Pete. Missed the German proxy:
    tsk tsk tsk. Minimum score.
       Russia: Strung out all over the place, aren't you? I'd love to convoy your
    F Mid to Bel... No points this time.
       Italy: Hmm, a little dot-grabbing on the menu, eh? Minus points for you,
       Germany: Why you little snot! I was sure you'd support Turkey in, leaving
    the boat in the water for more interesting action in the Fall. Now you'll be
    left out of the fun in the upcoming turn. AND complete failure to pick up the
    Italian proxy. Minimum score.
       France: Pretty dismal given your entertaining history. But you DID try to
    Save the Beatles, so you get Best Actor award this time.
       England: Good work, made an effort to abandon home all at once with all
    forces. Failure of others to get the details right doesn't detract from your
       Austria: This is called "setting up for next time", right? I hope?

Broadcast from France:

    The loyal teenagers of Brest are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the
    visitors from Liverpool.

Broadcast from France:

    England, I have a better idea.	Want to play beleaguered garrison with

Broadcast from France:

    Austria, can I have my boat ride now please?  3 points if you guess
    the destination.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Oh, just forget about that boat ride.

Broadcast from France:


Anonymous Broadcast:

    Just found out proxy doesn't work for retreats :(

Broadcast from Master:

    GM's goofy votes for spring 1908
    A1, E2, F2, G0, I0, R1, T1
    Austria:  1 point for being the only one to use his Italian proxy. Btw.
    	how bad that you missed your real chance to get into Con!
    England:  The Italians prevented you from leaving your home land totally.
    	But I'm sure you'll try again.
    France:	  You showed true intentions of getting the Beatles into Brest,
    	which I think is quite goofy.
    Germany:  Can't give you mercy points for having only one unit each round,
    Italy:    Your moves looked not convincing to me.
    Russia:   Another three steps into the right direction, eh? Note that
    1910 is rushing near!
    Turkey:   Trying to help Austria into Con earns you 1 point.

Broadcast from Master:

    Just in case you want to know: The illegal Russian votes for fall 1907
    (summing up to 8 points) were replaced by a GMish point assignment.

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.