The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1908 in goofy


Broadcast from Austria:

    To France: Ok on the convoy, but you have to guess how.
      E: 1  nice fake convoy
      F: 1  good fake support & bounce
      G: 1  just because you are the only one...  (...for me -- gee, sounds like
                a good song title)
      I: 1  nmrs & proxies are nice, but i still think you could do better
      R: 1  heading back home, eh?
      T: 2  thanks for the support & good shooting of oneself in the foot
    p.s. eeehaw! the transformation is complete. no more mister freddie. the
     real ruler of austria is revealed. the populace rejoices!

Broadcast from Italy:

       Broadcast message from England in goofy:
       In the Shark Tank this month...
      Italy: Hmm, a little dot-grabbing on the menu, eh? Minus points for you,
    Don't jump to conclusions!	After all, you don't gain SC's
    after a SPRING move!

Broadcast from Observer:

    The game goofy has been given the Miller Number 1994AGNrb103.
    This number can be set on the judge in the same manner that EP
    numbers are set.  Could the GM please signon and send the command:
    set mn 1994AGNrb103
    For many years, all postal variant games, except regular diplomacy,
    have been given Miller Numbers, MNs.  Early EP games were also
    given Miller Numbers directly by the North American MNC. However this
    system fell apart in 1990.
    I have been working with Lee for a few months to try and work out how
    to get Miller Numbers for ongoing, and completed E-mail games. The
    solution is that I have been given a block of Miller Numbers, from
    AAA to AZZ, for E-mail games. All postal games will receive 1 or 2 letter
    game codes, while E-mail games will receive 3 letters.
    There are 3 parts to the Miller Number.	 First is the year (1994), second
    is the 3 letter game code (AGN) and the third is the designator, or North
    American Variant Bank Catalogue Number (NAVB CN), for the variant, (rb103)
    The designator for the variant consists of 2 lowercase letters, and
    2 or 3 numbers, which are unique to each variant. These codes are
    obtained from the North American Variant Bank (NAVB), which is also
    run by Lee Kendter. A copy of the NAVB catalogue can be obtained by
    sending 5$ US to Lee. The catalogue lists over 1200 different variants,
    which can be ordered from Lee for 10 cents a page plus postage.
    Unlike EP numbers, Miller Numbers have no conditions based on them, they
    are simply for cataloguing, and keeping track of the games, and the variants
    played. All variant games are given Miller Numbers, whether they want them
    or not.
    Regular (standard) diplomacy games are given Boardman Numbers (BNs) by
    the Boardman Number Custodian (BNC), presently Vince Lutterbie.	 I was
    recently also given responsibility for dishing out these numbers for Internet
    I am in the position of being able to give out MNs to all E-mail games,
    including games on Compuserve, Prodigy, Genie and AOL. If anyone has
    any information on games being played on these forums, please contact me.
    Presently I am working on assigning MNs to 1993 and 1994 games, I will then
    give MNs to completed games that started between 1989 and 1992.	 As these
    echo numbers are given out, they will be added to the Hall of Fame and to
    the log file of MN's.
    If anyone wants a copy of MNs already given out, it is available for FTP
    as the file log.mnc in the directory of /pub/nick/diplomacy of (
    Sometime in 1994, I will start publishing an occasional publication that will
    list all MNs given out, and publish EOG summaries for all games. This
    will be available both by E-mail, and by regular post. If anyone wants
    added to the mailing list, please contact me. The publication will be
    to Alpha and Omega (A&O) published by the North American MNC.
    Here is a list of variants that designator codes (NAVB CNs) have been
    confirmed for. Incomplete codes are still being confirmed with the NAVB
    NAVB CN       Name
    ca01          Aberration
    cb60          RootZ Diplomacy
    cb61          Wraparound
    cn13          Loeb's Nine Player Variant (Loeb9)
    pw02		  Machiavelli
    rd27		  Artes' Blind Diplomacy
    rb32          Gunboat
    rb41          Fleet Rome
    rb78          Winter 1898
    rb84          Crowded
    rb95          Shift Left and Shift Right
    rb103         Goofy
    rb104         Partial Press Gunboat
    rh13          Chaos
    rh14          Half Chaos
    rm80          It Came From Outer Space
    rn39          Nuclear Yuppie Evil Empire Diplomacy
    ru09          Flood
    rx03          Intimate Diplomacy I-A
    ug16          Chromatic Diplomacy
    vb10          Pure
    vj11          Britain (McTinker Diplomacy)
    xm23          Youngstown IVa
    **            Juggernaut
    11            Federalist Diplomacy
    %%            Missing Man Diplomacy
    I will be resigning from this game in a couple of minutes, if you have
    any questions, please contact me directly.
    Nicholas Fitzpatrick
    8-499 Albert Street
    Waterloo Ontario
    N2L 5A7

Broadcast from Russia:

    rusky votes

Broadcast from Germany:

    AhHA!  I've discovered the GOOFIEST possible move in this game, one that
    has not been used yet!

Broadcast from Observer:


Broadcast from Master:

    > Diplomacy game goofy is waiting for someone to take over the abandoned Russia.
    Oops. I'd prefer to have the old Russia complete this game, so I will
    not announce the position until friday.


Broadcast from Austria:

    Snooooore! What a long time between moves.
    GPs:  ... or for MS-Windows folk, GPFs	 :-(
    E: 0  innovative? nope
    F: 2  not too bad, better than england's move
    G: 1  where is this unique move of yours? still 1 pt just for being 1
    I: 0  what a waste of armies
    R: 2  nice bounce in aeg, pity point as well
    T: 2  the bounce & other moves
    To France: sorry, didn't guess your move correctly. Will try again.
    To Italy: how many times do I have to tell you, "butthead!". Line up all
    	your armies around GAL (e.g., WAR, UKR, RUM, etc). Put a russian army
    	in GAL (optional). Do a 7 way butthead by moving WAR - GAL, UKR - GAL,
    	etc. Now that would be a good use of what I've given you.

Broadcast from Master:

    It seems that not everybody will survive to the end in this game.
    Well, we'll see...
    Your GM's goofy points for this fall:
    A1, E0, F2, G0, I2, R1, T1
    Austria:  2 points for the guessing game with France. Minus 1 point for
    not following the Turkish invitation. I suppose you will be in
    the same situation as Germany now.
    England:  Seems like it's time again to expand a bit, eh? Unluckily I
    	can't assign negative points.
    France:   Too bad not a single English soldier wanted to go to Brest.
    Too bad also that you guessed wrong about the Austrian convoy.
    Too bad that I don't have more than 2 points to spend for that :-)
    Germany:  You were correct! This was the ultimatively goofy move. Serves
    	them SC hunting English right who took Sweden from you. Your move
    	was so goofy that I didn't notice it. Hmmmm. Of course, owning
    one unit and one SC makes me fear that I might not be able to
    assign points to you in 1910. 8th point for you :-)
    Italy:    Your explosively expansive attitude makes me chuckle. However,
    why not Iri-Nao? It would have covered that corner at least. But
    maybe you realized that the Russians would have to pass there
    Russia:   Will you ever make it to the Aegean Sea? Stay tuned!
    Turkey:   Trying to help Austria into Con earns you 1 point again. Taking
    SC from poor Austria and Germany however seems not fair (but maybe


Broadcast from Germany:

    Not feeling verbose today:
    A-2  E-1  F-1  R-2  T-1

Broadcast from Germany:

    >G: 1  where is this unique move of yours? still 1 pt just for being 1
    Actually, it was HOLD.  As I remember, it's the only order that had not
    been used by any nation up until this point.

Broadcast from England:

    Gee, *Turkey* taking dots from Austria and Germany is goofy, but *me* taking
    them isn't??
    Quite right, I knew I was dot-grabbing (wreaking a little vengeance!) but
    I'll take that chance this one turn.
    France: Sorry I didn't figure out that 'boys from Liverpool' meant the unit
    that had already moved to York! Nice job.
    Germany: Moderately goofy. "Lvp s Edi-Yor" would've been goofier.
    Italy: Okay, right, you cleared off of some of those dots. I like the little
    cluster in the Alps! (Look out, I'm probably going to send my armies
    circumnavigating the North Sea!)
    Russia: Now that those fleets have passed each other, do you want support
    against that wicked Turk into StP??
    Turkey: Bbbblllllpppppppppp!
    Austria: Take me to Morocco--PLEASE!?!?!?!?
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Austria:

    England writes:
      Gee, *Turkey* taking dots from Austria and Germany is goofy, but *me* taking
      them isn't??
    That's the way I feel. As the former ruler of Italy I was thorougly
    chastised for expansion. When the current ruler does the same -- well,
    butter couldn't melt in his mouth.
    BTW: to Germany. A hold order is hardly unique. My records show at least
    three other hold orders before your own.
    >Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (goofy.024) Italy: Army Bohemia HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1907.	 (goofy.025) England: Army Burgundy HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1907.	 (goofy.025) Russia: Fleet Tunis HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1908.	 (goofy.029) Germany: Fleet Liverpool HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1908.	 (goofy.029) Russia: Army Berlin HOLD.
    BTW: to England. Would if I could but I can't.

Broadcast from Germany:

    >BTW: to Germany. A hold order is hardly unique. My records show at least
    >three other hold orders before your own.
    >Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (goofy.024) Italy: Army Bohemia HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1907.  (goofy.025) England: Army Burgundy HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1907.  (goofy.025) Russia: Fleet Tunis HOLD.
    Whoops, my mistake.  Although three holds in eight years is pretty rare...
    These were just this year:
    >Movement results for Fall of 1908.  (goofy.029) Germany: Fleet Liverpool HOLD.
    >Movement results for Fall of 1908.  (goofy.029) Russia: Army Berlin HOLD.

Broadcast from Observer:

    England: no goofs for you. mean old dot-grabber!
    Turkey:  Maximum goofiness. The northward march is great, and helping
         Austria in is cool too.
    Bre' Servo

Broadcast from Master:

    Hi players,
    I will be absent until wednesday. Hope the game continues to flow
    that long without me.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    press to M
    My link sucks.	Please don't let me go abandoned.
    (You know who I am)

Broadcast from Russia:

    A2 F2 I2 T1

Broadcast from Master:

    On behalf of our player with the disturbed link I prolongate the
    deadline a bit.

Broadcast from Italy:

    goofy votes:
    A 1 E 0 F 3 G 3 R 0 T 0
    Why?  No reason.

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.