The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1907 in goofy


Broadcast from Italy:

    Turkey, this time IRI is yours.

Broadcast from Russia:

       A:  cheers, me old mate.
       anyone else:  any reasonable offer considered.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    All goofy points for a ride to Edinburgh!

Broadcast from Master:

    Your master's votes:
    Fall 1906
    GM: A0, E0, F0, G2, I0, R3, T2
    Austria:  Nice convoy attempt. 1/2 of 8th point for you.
    England:  Not much to say.
    France:	  You get the other half of my non-existent 8th point for
    	destination MAO.
    Germany:  2 points for that convoy for Turkey. You would have gotten
    	3 if you disbanded that fleet, but I completely agree to your
    	reasoning for not doing so.
    Italy:	  Hope your expansion is over now...
    Russia:	  Leaving Paris again was really goofy, but what I enjoyed most
    	was that anticipation of the English attack onto NWG.
    Turkey:	  Your unit shifting looks goofy to me. To bad you didn't make
    it to Great Britain.

Broadcast from Master:

    Despite Russia going down from 6 SC to 3 and Italy going up from 6 SC
    to 9, Russia switched position with Italy.
    Point tables:
    SC      A     E     F     G     I     R     T
    1901:  6     4.5   9     6     4.5   6     7.5
    1902:  7.5   7.5   7.5   3     4.5   9     6
    1903:  7.5   7.5   7.5   4.5   4.5  12     4.5
    1904:  7.5   7.5   7.5   4.5   6    10.5   6
    1905:  6     7.5   6     4.5   9    10.5   7.5
    1906:  6    10.5   6     4.5  13.5   4.5   7.5
    sum:  40.5  45    43.5  27    42    52.5  39
    Goofy    A     E     F     G     I     R     T
    1901:   13    21    12    26    16    18     6
    1902:   24    10    16    27    10    12    11
    1903:   24    19    12    17    19     2    19
    1904:   18    11    25    16    16     6    16
    1905:   13    24    10    25    13    11    16
    1906:   16     9    12    24     7    21    23
    sum:   108    94    87   135    78    70    91
    Goofy point totals (1901-1906):
       A     E     F     G     I     R     T
     SC:  40.5  45    43.5  27    42    52.5  39
     GP: 108    94    87   135    78    70    91
    sum  148.5 139   130.5 162   120   122.5 130
    rank   2     3     4     1     7     6     5

Anonymous Broadcast:

    OK, Italy, I've got you right where I want you!

Broadcast from England:

    Robert, you dingbat! You said, "Russia:   Leaving Paris again was really
    goofy, but what I enjoyed most was that anticipation of the English attack
    onto NWG." Anticipation?! Hell, I *told* him to support me! Don't you read
    the press?
    Observers liked my moves, other players didn't... hmm, I'll have to reprogram
    the other players...
    Hey Presto! Italy keeps the Nassty Austrians off Italian soil by repelling
    the invading Russians! And even when Italy doesn't proxy to me, his unit (A
    Tyr) still does exactly as I command! Moooohahaha!
    Turkey is selling nothing but sour grapes. Don't feel bad, Ahmed, help is on
    the way!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.