The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1906 in goofy


Broadcast from Turkey:

    Help me!  My Norwegian garrison is unused to this bitter climate (it
    reminds me of Virginia).  We want a boat ride to London!

Broadcast from France:

    Let's have a bouncing party in London!

Broadcast from Turkey:

    > Let's have a bouncing party in London!
    I want to play, but there is nobody to give me a ride...

Broadcast from Master:

    Here speaks your master, now also entitled to be called Daddy, Paps,
    Father, ...
    I happily announce the birth of Martin Robert Rehbold, 4220 g, 54 cm,
    born on March 4th, 1994 at 20.42 MET.
    Be prepared for a week of vacation from me once my wife returns from
    the hospital (in about a week). I will give notice of the exact dates
    when they seem fixed.

Broadcast from Russia:

    Many congrats Robert,
     however you lose 3 goofy points for not using the names
     Norman Martin (or similar). thus genertating the initials NMR |

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Russia: I don't know what your game plan is, but would you let
    me into Piedmont?
    	Turkey: I have heard that the other coast of Bulgaria is more
    fun.  Want to try something like Bul(sc)-Con, Con - Bul(EC) to see
    what the Judge would do?
    	Italy: Go North, young man.

Broadcast from Italy:

    While I agree with Russia that the new baby's name should have had the
    initials "NMR", I suspect our beloved moderator's wife had some input into
    the decision.
    Anyway, congrats on being a father. It can be lots of fun.
    MajorDomo, parent of 2 teenagers.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Within a goofy game is it goofy to start grabbing
    build centers just because within a goofy game
    grabbing build centers is considered to be non-goofy
    and therefore to be truely goofy a power should be
    goofy to the squared power and do what everyone
    else isn't doing?
    Or am I just rationalizing?
    Goofy is as goofy does.

Broadcast from Germany:

    > [...] We want a boat ride to London!
    > McCrae
    As of now, the merciless (former-)master-hunting dinghy Robertjack,
    currently at anchor in the Norwegian Sea, is ordered to convoy
    Norway to Clyde.
    Also, the merciless (former-)master-hunting Jeep Jackrobert has rebelled
    against the constraints of good taste, and is even now on its way to
    wage vicious war upon the Balkans.  All efforts are being made to recall
    the Jackrobert, but they are maintaining radio silence.

Broadcast from Germany:

    >I happily announce the birth of Martin Robert Rehbold, 4220 g, 54 cm,
    >born on March 4th, 1994 at 20.42 MET.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Broadcast message in goofy:
       Within a goofy game is it goofy to start grabbing
       build centers just because within a goofy game
       grabbing build centers is considered to be non-goofy
       and therefore to be truely goofy a power should be
       goofy to the squared power and do what everyone
       else isn't doing?
       Or am I just rationalizing?
       Goofy is as goofy does.
    Sounds like you're just rationalizing.  While it might be contrarian
    to start grabbing build centers, I don't think it would be
    intrinsically goofy just because it is contrarian.	Maybe if you
    managed to get an interesting set of SC's (one from each country, for
    example) it would be goofy.
    If you went to a night club, and somebody stood on stage and read the
    stock market report in a dry, business-like manner, would it be funny?
    It would certainly be unusual, but there is more to humor (or
    goofiness, for that matter) than just being different or unexpected.
    If the SC count did not figure in towards victory, there might be a
    weak argument in favor of a bold-faced power grab.  I still wouldn't
    buy it.	 As things stand, a SC grab seems like an attempt to grab a
    victory through perverting the spirit of the game.
    To me, goofy means silly, stupid, inept, in a slightly humorous
    fashion.  It does not mean merely being non-conformist.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Austria:  give me support into Con (from Ank) so that we may try your
    idea in the fall.  It will more surprising to see whether this will work
    when we all get a copy of the moves than if I got one of those messages
    from the judge claiming an error in my moves.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    I have been experiencing some difficulties with my system lately, and
    messages have haphazardly gone through and some haven't.  Did my goofy
    votes for the fall go through?

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message in goofy:
    > Within a goofy game is it goofy to start grabbing
    > build centers just because within a goofy game
    > grabbing build centers is considered to be non-goofy
    > and therefore to be truely goofy a power should be
    > goofy to the squared power and do what everyone
    > else isn't doing?
    > Or am I just rationalizing?
    Well, I thought along the same lines when I prepared the call for
    participation for this game:
    >				  The Goofy Variant of Diplomacy
    >						  by Robert Rehbold
    >			 Version 0.9 (28.12.93)
    > IV. What is Goofiness?
    >	(3) A contradiction in terms?
    > A possible problem in a game in which goofiness is encouraged can be
    > that what is goofy in a normal game may not be considered goofy in a
    > goofy game. Maybe normal play is goofy if the goal is to be goofy!
    > (Now that's something to chew on, you logicians out there!)
    > Again, goofiness is in the eye of the beholder. :-)
    So, if your co-players consider it goofy to play non-goofy in this
    game, it's a successful strategy. If they don't, you might get no
    points for goofiness. Wait and see...

Broadcast from Russia:

    a mar-pie
    a bur-mar
    a lon s irs-wal
    f eng-mao
    f wmed s eng-mao
    f edi-nao

Broadcast from Turkey:

    goofy votes for the fall:
    Austria: 1
    England: 0
    France: 1
    Germany: 3
    Italy: 1
    Russia: 1

Broadcast from France:

    I saw that, Russia!

Broadcast from England:

    Dear Russia:
    I'm sorry, I just don't see how battling a player for the last of his home
    centers is goofy. I guess you force me to undefend myself (which will be
    goofy) but your refusal to participate in convoys and supports with other
    nations strikes me as severely limiting your goof potential.
    Good luck, Gen. Noriega!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Russia has a little bit of a problem.
    Edinburgh does not connect to North Atlantic Ocean.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    I have consulted my on-line dictionary to see how goofy is
    defined, in my attempt to join the current debate on what goofy play
    is.  Here is the entry (I got it by typing webster goofy, even though
    it's the Oxford Dictionary - a goofy fact itself.)
    Concise Oxford Dictionary, 8th Ed., Copyright 1991 Oxford Univ. Press
    /goofy/ <<"gu:fI>> adj. (/goofier/, /goofiest/)
    1. stupid, silly, daft.
    2. having protruding or crooked front teeth.
    /goofily/ adv. /goofiness/ n.
    So, it appears that, but #2, I must be the goofiest player on
    the board, due to my teeth!  :{)
                    Freddie the Vampire

Broadcast from Observer:

    > /gOOfy/ <<"gu:f!>> adj. (/gOOf!er/, /gOOf!est/)
    > 1. stup!d, s!lly, daft.
    > 2. hav!ng prOtrud!ng Or crOOked frOnt teeth.
      3. hav!ng One's eyes pOlked Out.

Broadcast from Austria:

    press to O
    I guess I should not have eaten the eyes.  *belch*  Yummy!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > /gOOfy/ <<"gu:f!>> adj. (/gOOf!er/, /gOOf!est/)
    > 1. stup!d, s!lly, daft.
    > 2. hav!ng prOtrud!ng Or crOOked frOnt teeth.
    > 3. hav!ng One's eyes pOlked Out.
      4. gO!ng fOr the gustO and tak!ng Over all bu!ld centers
    BTW: ShOuldn't that be pOked, nOt pOlked. Or are yOu th!nk!ng Of the pres!dent?

Anonymous Broadcast:

    the ObsOrvOr is correct...I never POKED anybody's eyes out, but I did
    POLK out the ObsOrvOr's eyes...check the His-Tree
                    Freddie the Vampire
    p.s. I really did not make up the #2 - check you DixShanary to C if
    you have the SAME

Anonymous Broadcast:

    H!s-tOr!es are bOr!ng.
    And ! d!dn't make up #4 e!ther. Check Out my d!ct!Onary.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    We have consulted the emminent Dr. Beakman, to ask his opinion about
    the "grab the build centers"  strategy.	 His assistan, Lester the Rat,
    also threw is his $.02
    BEAKMAN: Fact, the point of the game is to be goofy.  Therefore, the
    player who is goofiest should get the most points.	But playing to
    lose is goofy, so since the object of the game is to be goofy, the
    goofiest player is the player who is least goofy.  So, the goofiest
    player is the least goofy player. But, then, since the least goofy
    player and the goofiest player are getting all of the goofy votes, to
    be truly goofy, one must pursue a strategy of middling goofiness,
    which will ensure that one not become available for top-goofy points
    nor bottom-goofy points.  But, this leads inevitably to the
    middle-goofy points, which cluster around the middle-goof, who is
    trying his best to lose the game by not pursuing either the
    excessively goofy strategy or the excessively non-goofy strategy, in
    an effort to avoid the extremal voting.
    	Even this effort is futile, as...
    LESTER: Beakman, where is this going?  *sniffs his tail*
    BEAKMAN:  The only possible conclusion is that all strategies are
    equally goofy!	All players should divide their goofy points equally,
    regardless of what happens on the board.
    LESTER:	 (stroking his crooked, protruding front teeth) That's the goofiest
    thing I've heard all day!

Broadcast from Observer:

        !ts pretty gOOfy tO try tO !mpersOnate an Observer w!th grey
    press, when Observers cannOt send grey press...
    > Broadcast message in goofy:
    > H!s-tOr!es are bOr!ng.
    > And ! d!dn't make up #4 e!ther. Check Out my d!ct!Onary.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > Diplomacy game goofy is waiting for England's orders.
    Being late is definitely not goofy!

Broadcast from Master:

    Here are the point results so far (including 1905).
    Germany has taken the lead again, and England pushed France back to
    position four. Italy and Turkey are now even.
    Interestingly enough, the total ranking is the same as the goofiness
    ranking (except I/T). This should mollify those of you who thought
    that 1.5 points per SC still are too much.
    SC pts	A	  E		F	  G		I	  R		T
    1901:  6	 4.5   9	 6	   4.5	 6	   7.5
    1902:  7.5	 7.5   7.5	 3	   4.5	 9	   6
    1903:  7.5	 7.5   7.5	 4.5   4.5	12	   4.5
    1904:  7.5	 7.5   7.5	 4.5   6	10.5   6
    1905:  6	 7.5   6	 4.5   9	10.5   7.5
    sum:  34.5	34.5  37.5	22.5  28.5	48	  31.5
    Goofy	A	  E		F	  G		I	  R		T
    1901:	13	  21	12	  26	16	  18	 6
    1902:	24	  10	16	  27	10	  12	11
    1903:	24	  19	12	  17	19	   2	19
    1904:	18	  11	25	  16	16	   6	16
    1905:	13	  24	10	  25	13	  11	16
    sum:	92	  85	75	 111	71	  49	68
    Goofy point totals (1901-1905):
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC  34.5	34.5  37.5	22.5  28.5	48	  31.5
      GP  92	85	  75   111	  71	49	  68
    sum	 126.5 119.5 112.5 133.5  99.5	97	  99.5
    rank   2	 3	   4	 1	   5	 7	   5

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > This should mollify those of you who thought that
    > 1.5 points per SC still are too much.
    Wah! I want 3.0 points per SC.
    The mad grabber of centers.
    Remember: Goofy is as goofy does.

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Broadcast message in goofy:
       > This should mollify those of you who thought that
       > 1.5 points per SC still are too much.
       Wah! I want 3.0 points per SC.
       The mad grabber of centers.
       Remember: Goofy is as goofy does.
    	What is this?  Some sort of zen pithyism?
    Let's see what Robert DeNiro has to say about grabbing centers:
    RD: "This is this.  This is not anything else.  This is this.  I
    coulda been a contender, instead of the bum I am today.   You talkin'
    to me?	...."
    Mr. DeNiro is held down and given a strong dose of sedatives...

Broadcast from England:

    Army Berlin -> Munich
    Fleet Picardy s Wales -> English
    Fleet Wales -> English Channel
    Fleet North Atlantic Ocean c Liverpool -> Ireland
    Army Liverpool -> NAt -> Ireland

Broadcast from Italy:

    > Broadcast message from England in goofy:
    > Army Berlin -> Munich
    Ok, ok. So can we have your real moves submitted please?

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Yo, England!  Try submitting the orders without using broadcast!

Broadcast from England:

    >> Diplomacy game goofy is waiting for England's orders.
    > Being late is definitely not goofy!
    But simply being definitely is!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >>> Diplomacy game goofy is waiting for England's orders.
    > Being late is definitely not goofy!
    But simply being definitely is!
    Received: from by (MX
          V4.0-Beta-1 VAX) with SMTP; Thu, 10 Mar 1994 16:40:10 EST
    Received: from localhost (judge@localhost) by (8.6.5/8.6.5) id
          QAA09140 for; Thu, 10 Mar 1994 16:38:48 -0500
    Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 16:38:48 -0500
    From: Diplomacy Adjudicator 
    Message-ID: <>
    Subject: Diplomacy notice: goofy

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Argh! Forget that last broadcast! Please. I accidently sent it out
    with my real address. I hit the control-Z key too many times too fast. Ugh.

Broadcast from England:

    Yeesh... it didn't occur to a single one of you that I *did*, in fact, submit
    orders about the time press from me started showing up?? That the broadcast
    of my 'orders' was intentional, prompted by the knowledge that the Judge
    wouldn't accept a convoy to Ireland??
    Think, people, think!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!


Broadcast from Observer:

    My votes:
    Three points to Turkey. Squishing Germany's army while taking a German
    convoy to Clyde is just gratuitous. I like it.
    Two points to England, for vacating. I have spring break next week, and
    vacations are nice.
    One point to Austria, for the generally inept moves. It's been done
    before, but still funny.
    One point to France, for the same reason.
    Sore Verb

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Goofy votes for the Spring
    Austria: 2 (where in the Hell is that army going anyway)
    England: 1 (for leaving the home Isle open)
    France: 0
    Germany: 3 (for trying to fulfill my ambitions)
    Italy: 0
    Russia: 1 (just because I had one left)

Broadcast from Germany:

    Austria:  Rather enjoyable, all told... l pt.
    Russia: 3 points out of several that are long overdue.  I am actually
    getting a kick out of your long-winded tour through Europe,
    it is just that there are often moves on the board that are
    more *overtly* goofy.
    Turkey: What can I say...?  BEAUTIFUL!  ...Are you a turkey or a turtle?
    Or perhaps an ostritch? Whatever the case, you certainly have your
    head in the sand...  What do you say we try the convoy again next
    season?  3 points.
    Here lies the former-(merciless (former-)master-hunting) Jeep Jackrobert.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    I like having you around so much, take Norway from me so that you may
    continue playing in this fun game.  I enjoy this game so much, I wouldn't
    want anyone eliminated so as to deprive them of fun.
    I'll move to Sweden and we can try the convoy some other time.

Broadcast from Austria:

    Basically everybody is goofy except Italy.  Extra points for Germany, who
    has sacrificed everything for goofiness, and for Russia, for continuing to
    adhere to whatever bizarre plan he is using.
    A - E 1 F 1 G 2 I 0 R 2 T 1
    Mean ol' Italy, taking my SC's :(

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Sorry about the offer to Germany for Norway.  I forgot they owned Sweden
    AND St. Petersburg.  Convoy offer nwy-nrg-cly accepted.
    London Ho!

Broadcast from Russia:

    e2 g2
    a1 f1 t1
    i0 (mainly because if a lpl had reached Naples harbour, you would have
    bounced it from Apu |||||||
    Ruskies eat 3 rusks for breakfast|

Broadcast from Master:

    GM goofiness points for spring 1906
    A1, E1, F1, G2, I0, R0, T2
    Austria:  Nice variations of destinations for A Tunis.
    England:  It seems the most important thing for your moves is that
    no pattern should be detectable. Let me tell you that you achieved
    your goal this time :-)
    France:   Here came the deserved punishment for being in everybody's way!
    However, I like your preference for Spa(nc), one of the most
    useless spots for a fleet.
    Germany:  2 points for that convoy for Turkey. Also, you're soon to be
    the man without armies but with SC, so you might need the
    points :-)
    Italy:    Still expanding like mad, eh?
    Russia:   Do you stray from your way? Remember your goals! Preventing
    Turkey to get into Clyde was unfair :-)
    Turkey:   Yeah! Destroy the evil Germans!

Broadcast from France:

    R0 - You're seriously trying to win this game, aren't you?
    E0 - I didn't get it
    G1 - Brutally stabbed by the Turk
    I1 - Others have been rewarded for similar tactics
    A2 - A little indecision never hurt anyone
    T3 - Ank-Arm was a nice touch

Broadcast from Russia:

    to goofy-master general...
    re edi-cly ... this unit does not require to occupy this (or any other)
       sc, according to my master plan ... i was simply attempting to
       un-occupy (also unit Lon no longer requires Lon, wheras Bur quite
       likely required Par at least temporarily |

Broadcast from Master:

    Super Goof and the GM have decided to hold a trial.
    Accused: The Silly English Knight
    Accusation: Revealing Identity
    Judge: Super Goof
    Accusator: the GM
    Defender: none
    Sentence: No goofy points from the GM until 1908.
    Reasons: omitted because of obviousness
    The point assigned to England for spring 1906 has been removed again and
    instead given to Germany.

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.