The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1906 in goofy


Broadcast from Germany:

    >Broadcast message from as Master in goofy:
    >Turkey:   Yeah! Destroy the evil Germans!
    I thought I did the repentance thing already!  What's this about evil
    ....Of course, not that I disagree, just asking.  :)
    Turkey, I truly enjoyed that last move.  Too bad about clyde... maybe
    we should go to Edinburgh instead?  Russia seems bent on inhabiting
    all of the provinces of the board, and since s/he HASN'T been in Cly
    and is ALREADY in Edi, we might be better popping in there.  What do
    you say?
    Oh, and don't worry about me going eliminated quite just yet.  If the
    other players on the board are agreeable, I would like to set a record
    as the first person to own 18 centers (a "victory" in standard) without
    owning *any* of my home centers, and while posessing only a single fleet.

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from Germany in goofy:
    > >Broadcast message from as Master in goofy:
    > >Turkey:   Yeah! Destroy the evil Germans!
    > HEY!!!!!
    > I thought I did the repentance thing already!  What's this about evil
    > Germans???
    Ahem, of course. Hmm. Well. Make that "Yeah! Destroy that nice German army!"
    Sounds ok?

Broadcast from Germany:

    >Broadcast message from as Master in goofy:
    >> Broadcast message from Germany in goofy:
    >> >Broadcast message from as Master in goofy:
    >> >Turkey:	  Yeah! Destroy the evil Germans!
    >> HEY!!!!!
    >Ahem, of course. Hmm. Well. Make that "Yeah! Destroy that nice German army!"
    >Sounds ok?
    Sounds absolutely beautiful... music to my gunwhales, so to speak.
    Tell you what... I'll give you all my goofy points next season!

Broadcast from Italy:

    > Broadcast message from France in goofy:
    > ...
    > I1 - Others have been rewarded for similar tactics
    Damn! Thanks for the point and all, but I was hoping to score zero points
    this turn. That would have been goofy!

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Onwards to Edinburgh!!!

Broadcast from France:

    I'll take you up on that trip to Clyde.	 And no, I don't expect the
    Russian to help out.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Northward Ho!
    England, you have control of IRI.
    Goofy points:
       A: 1
       E: 1
       G: 2   Sob
       F: 1
       R: 1
       T: 1

Broadcast from England:

    Turkey!!! Great move!! Squishing the German now that he's acheived his dream
    and cannot rebuild is wonderful. Your full retreat contrasts nicely with
    Russia's Manifest Destiny.
    Russia!! Weird move!! Saving England from the Turkish invasion, after doing
    your damnedest to occupy us yourself... we applaud your sudden selflessness.
    And your fleets meeting concludes a successful long-term goof.
    Austria! Very nice! The Three-Fleets Confusion was great, and made up for
    your options being limited by others ignoring you.
    Italy! Going down to the sea to meet the Austrians, then getting stood up!?
    Frustrating, ain't it?
    Germany. Too bad. Just ran out of "Goofy Movements for Two Violins"
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from England:

    > England:	It seems the most important thing for your moves is that
    > no pattern should be detectable.
    Hey! There was a detectable pattern. I cleared out Wales to ensure Russia's
    Lon-Wal, and attempted to undefend Clyde and Lvp. If R is so clumsy he can't
    rape a willing victim, well that's not my fault!
    But this was even worse...
    > Super Goof and the GM have decided to hold a trial.
    > Accused: The Silly English Knight
    > Accusation: Revealing Identity
    > Judge: Super Goof
    > Accusator: the GM
    > Defender: none
    > Sentence: No goofy points from the GM until 1908.
    > Reasons: omitted because of obviousness
    What! What!? What?? I haven't revealed myself!! I don't know what you're
    talking about!! Email me quick!! Seriously!!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from England:

    Hey Russia! Quick, support my fleet NAt-Nwg!! Goofus Maximus will be a German
    with three dots and no units!!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Observer:

    austr!a: 3 gp: cute
    england: 2 gp: help!ng russ!a tO cOnquer yOu
    france : 1 gp: st!ll attack!ng yOurself
    germany: 1 gp: yOu get the leftOver pO!nt

Broadcast from Master:

    > > Super Goof and the GM have decided to hold a trial.
    > > Accused: The Silly English Knight
    > > Accusation: Revealing Identity
    > > Judge: Super Goof
    > > Accusator: the GM
    > > Defender: none
    > > Sentence: No goofy points from the GM until 1908.
    > > Reasons: omitted because of obviousness
    > What! What!? What?? I haven't revealed myself!! I don't know what you're
    > talking about!! Email me quick!! Seriously!!
    Ahem. Super Goof hadn't eaten a super peanut lately and therefore
    confused England and Italy. The Silly E.K. is relieved of all accusations.
    MajorDomo is burdened with them (and the punishment going along with it)

Broadcast from Master:

    Due to father duties I will be on vacation from tomorrow, tuesday,
    March 15th, until sunday, March, 20th, *and* from wednesday, March, 23rd,
    to sunday, March, 27th.
    I won't disturb the game flow unless requested to do so. Don't forget
    to vote!
    Your friendly GM,

Broadcast from Italy:

    Leave out the move of one unit and look what happens. Geez, can't the
    Judge read my mind :-)
    Yes, I know, being late is not goofy. Nor is (accidently) revealing my
    secret identity. Aside from the mandatory 50 lashes with a wet noodle, do
    I also get negative goofy points?


Broadcast from Italy:

    Last one in with a move, first one out with goofy points!
    A: 1  Even Piedmont doesn't want you
    E: 1  Will LVP ever get out of jolly ol' England?
    F: 2  Ok, fairly clever
    G: 2  Gulp! First one dead.
    R: 0  Still don't see your plan, big guy.
    T: 1  Exchange with Austria ... not quite!

Broadcast from Observer:

    france : 1 gp : cute suppOrts fOr a tun
    !taly  : 2 gp : fOr tak!ng a supply frOm russ!a and bOunc!ng h!m Out Of anOther
    england: 1 gp : fOr fOrgett!ng tO blOck the german retreats
    and germany, the Other three pO!nts are yOurs !f yOu d!sband yOur fleet!!!

Broadcast from Germany:

    England:  HEY!  Tha's not nice!  2 points.
    France:	 Heh.  Anyone who proxies units to Russia is definitely goofy.
    	You get my vote...	2 points.
    Russia:	 I am becoming more and more amused with your "Around the World
    in 80 Days" campaign, whether or not that is what you are
    	specifically intending.	 I still think your plan is to occupy
    	every board space in turn...(?)	 2 points, anyways.
    Turkey:	 I tried!!	Well, I can't help it if England and Russia are
    spoilsports.  1 point for trying along with me...
    >The following units were dislodged:
    >The German Fleet in the Norwegian Sea can retreat to Barents Sea or North Sea
    >or Clyde.
    For those of you who think that it would be un-goofy for me to retreat the
    merciless (former-)master-hunting dinghy Robertjack, and instead want me
    to disband it:  I agree that Germany with three dots and no units would be
    goofy, but I still maintain that it will be much goofier once I have even
    *more* dots... I am hoping for at least a 9-center victory. :)  THEN I will
    be happy to disband the fleet... indeed, I would very much appreciate it.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    The results of the Turkish consulting ministers:
    Austria: 1
    England: 0 (for denying me the opportunity to see part of my ancestry)
    France: 1
    Germany: 3
    Italy: 2
    Russia: 0 (see England)

Broadcast from Russia:

       No comment:
       England 1
       Turkey  0
       Germany 1
       Italy   1
       Austria 3
       France  1


Broadcast from Austria:

    Goofy votes:
    A - E 0 F 1 G 2 I 1 R 2 T 1
    I'd better get out of Russia's way!
    Admiral Von Trapp, Commander, Austrian Navy

Broadcast from France:

    England, shame on you this time.  I told you what to do, and Italy was
    kind enough to cooperate.  You could have achieved goofus maximus.

Broadcast from France:

    Russia: 3 points, long overdue...will you survive long enough to
    complete your trip?
    Germany: Austria: Italy: Turkey: 1 point each

Broadcast from Observer:

    My votes for f06
    England: 2, for the attack on NWG
    Russia: 3 - 1.5 for the attack on NWG, and 1.5 for squishing Naf
    Turkey: 1, for completely inconsequential moves
    Italy: 1, for dropping Rumania.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Ah (he says cryptically) at last I have enough units. Now to get into
    position and play "head smash".

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Broadcast message from Observer in goofy:
       My votes for f06
       England: 2, for the attack on NWG
       Russia: 3 - 1.5 for the attack on NWG, and 1.5 for squishing Naf
       Turkey: 1, for completely inconsequential moves
       Italy: 1, for dropping Rumania.
    I don't know who you think you are, Revresbo(if that REALLY is
    your name), but what have you done with our beloved ObsOrvOr!
    				Major Batt Guano
    p.s. You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company for this.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company for this.
    "You'd better not try any preversions in there."
    "Yes, Uri, it's *good* to be fine."
    Long live Peter Sellers.
    ps - Russia's REAL plan is to contaminate our precious bodily fluids.
    Ever see a commie drink water?  See... there's your proof!
    -- all quotes above are meant in a sense of irony and do not reflect th --

Anonymous Broadcast:


Broadcast from Observer:

    > what have yOu dOne w!th Our belOved ObsOrvOr!
    aw... ! d!dn't knOw yOu cared... :)
    dOn't wOrry abOut me... !'m Okay... the rOpes aren't tOO t!ght at all,
    and revresbO Occas!Onally takes the gag Off Of my mOuth sO ! can dr!nk

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Gentlemen, we must not allow there to be a mine-shaft gap!

Broadcast from Observer:

    Now that I have you under my control, ObsOrvOr, let me tell you my
    evil plan. I will turn you into scrambled eggs, and force you to drink
    fluoridated water, and stuff you into a wine bottle. Then, I will have
    your votes, and my own, and will be able to vote myself Goofus
    Revresbo the Magnificenter

Anonymous Broadcast:

    The only problem with your plan, Revresbo, is that neither your nor the
    ObservOr's votes count.
    So there. Brrrrt!

Broadcast from Russia:

    |||Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis Tunis|||

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.