The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1905 in goofy


Broadcast from Austria:

       Broadcast message in goofy:
       >>>> Goofy votes:
       >>>> A - E 0 F 3 G 4 I 0 R 0 T 0
    			  Freddy, Freddy, Freddy. I fear your brains have
    			  been addled. No more than 3 votes per power. Please
    			  give one to me.
    Heh, the GM caught that too.  I must admit I don't have the rules
    copied anywhere.  OK, here they are:
    A - E 0 F 4 G 3 I 0 R 0 T 0
    Whoops, can't do that either :)
    I'll give it to "you."
    A - E 0 F 3 G 3 I 0 R 1 T 0
    You are Russia, right?  :)  If not, Russia deserves the point for
    ignoring the two armies roaming through Russia.

Broadcast from France:

    Here are the results of the French jury:
    Italy - 0 points.  Ahem, the Mid-Atlantic is DMZ
    England - 1 point.  Had to give it to someone
    Russia - 1 point.  Ditto
    Turkey - 1 point.  Just noticed Serbia unowned.  You deserve some
    credit for that.  (AF, you'll get yours later.)
    Germany - 1 point.	Every time you do something good (Sev-Arm) you do
    something bad (Fin-Swe).
    Austria - 3 points.	 Neutrality - a wise decision.	Want to try that
    convoy in the spring?

Anonymous Broadcast:

       Broadcast message from Italy in goofy:
       > Italy:	   Nice preparation for max. goofiness next year. This time however:
       >	No points.
    I>	 Wah!
       > Russia:   Go West! ...
    I>	I'm going East. Does that count?
    But Russia has the head start!  Feel free to collect Serbia,
    which is unowned.  I'm a bit sad about Trieste, as I wished to build
    another fleet.	Well, there is still time for that.
    I>	 MajorDomo
    I>	 BTW: A: 1	  I'm still confused on what you did.
    I used bogus phase orders to trigger the "partial orders
    received"          flag.  There are two ways to trigger that flag:" (1) Submit
    a full set of orders with an error (2) Submit any set of phase orders
    with an error therein.
    The reason I did not broadcast press as Austria was that
    signing on as Austria would have changed the "part" flag to just a
    "no orders received" flag.  That would have spoiled my attempt to NMR.
    The Judge will process through a "part" flag, but not through
    a "late" flag.  But it waits until the end of grace to do so,. which
    is why Robert moved up the end of the grace period.

Broadcast from England:

    Pardon a newbie's reaction, if you please, but it is heartening to see that
    in this sterile, no-misteaks-allowed world of Judge Dip, humans can still
    find ways to tinker with the machines!
    As for goofiness: Austria and France score extra, Russia (as >yawn< usual)
    scores none, others keep pluggin' away. Getting harder to develop strange
    strategy, no?
    Hey, Freddie, wanna visit Liverpool?? How 'bout it, Italy? Order da convoy,
    or proxy the appropriate units to me!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Germany:

    Austria gets 3 points for finding another clever way to NMR.  Minus two points
    	for collaborating with the ultimate evil of the Universe in order to
    	do so.
    England:  Cute random generation of moves... 1 point.
    France:	 Absolutely hilarious... 2 points.
    Italy:	In anticipation... 1 point.
    Russia:	 I'm not quite sure yet, but I think you may be onto something big. :)
    In case I'm wrong, 1 point for now with more to come.
    Turkey:	 CUTE!!	 What else can I say...	 1 point
    One thing that puzzles me... why is fin - swe a "bad" move?	 Have we gone
    the rather legalistic route of Less = Good, More = Bad?	 If you'll notice,
    I was unable to use the build (again) and I knew that would be the case.
    My fleet currently in sweden is pushing steadily forward on the quest for
    the edge of the board.  The long route we are taking was made necessary by
    our disguise of the merciless master-hunting fleets as armies, and also by
    the somewhat dissapointing revelation that the crew was unable to carry the
    merciless master-hunting dinghy "Robertjack" through the streets of St.
    Petersburg because of an obscure zoning ordinance.  Much saddened, the crew
    of the Robertjack is continuing their trek along the beaches of Scandanavia.
    ps - Russia is planning on occupying all of the centers on the board in

Broadcast from France:

    >why is fin-swe a bad move?
    because you could have played fin-gob...stp-fin-gob is goofy
    >My fleet currently in sweden is pushing steadily forward on the quest for
    >the edge of the board.  The long route we are taking was made necessary by
    >our disguise of the merciless master-hunting fleets as armies, etc.
    well if you put it that way...
    master, can you find it in your heart to take the point i gave to
    russia and give it to germany?
    ps. russia, portugal is mine.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    "Conspiring with the Ultimate Evil of the Universe?"      Ah, too bad you
    did not see the content of my lost phased orders.  A definite strike
    at the GM.
    The only conspiring with Mr. GM (Herr GM?) was arranging for an
    earlier grace, out of courtesy to the other players.
    I agree with the German's defense of his moves.  Fin - Swe is hardly
    expansionist.  Along the same lines, I note that my armies have been
    sitting in Africa for a long time immobile.	 Their position is not so
    noteworthy as the fact that my home SC's were completely undefended
    and undefendable.
    Look at it this way:  if the game were suddenly declared serious, who
    would do well, and who would fall?  Bogus supports and convoys have
    some humor, but I think real extremism, such as Germany's, ought to be
    I thought possibly that Russia was trying to occupy every SC on the
    board, but he has definitely passed up oppurtunities to expand into
    Austria.  I would like to find out what his strategy is.  As his
    armies get further west, his moves increase in goofiness.

Anonymous Broadcast:


Broadcast from Observer:

    austr!a: 3gp --- wOw! a new way tO nmr!!!
    england: 1gp --- ! g!ve up. are yOu at war w!th russ!a, Or are yOu !n
    an all!ance w!th russ!a? Or, are yOu really us!ng a randOm mOve
    generatOr prOgram?
    france: 2gp --- ! th!nk the french revOlut!On !s st!ll qu!te
    !nterest!ng... but !t lOOks l!ke austr!a prefers tO rema!n neutral
    (neuter?) fOr nOw. whOse s!de !s p!edmOnt On???
    turkey: 1gp --- fOr try!ng tO g!ve me a gp. (that was fOr me, wasn't
    serb!a: 1gp --- fOr rema!n!ng neutral fOr fOur years. keep up the
    gOOfy wOrk!
    master: 2gp --- fOr lett!ng me break the rules by g!v!ng 4 gp tO a
    player last seasOn...

Broadcast from Turkey:

    > turkey: 1gp --- fOr try!ng tO g!ve me a gp. (that was fOr me, wasn't
    > !t?)
    Uhv kors.

Broadcast from Italy:

    > Italy - 0 points.	 Ahem, the Mid-Atlantic is DMZ
    Us goofy people ignore DMZs.
    Besides, my armies have order to board the fleet and sail away. Unfortunately,
    the orders were written so the embarture point is St. Pete.	 :-)
    P.S. I agree -- PROXY FEST! -- all of my units are proxied to other powers. It
    	 is up to you to guess what units are proxied to whom.


Anonymous Broadcast:

    	France is a big poop for messing up my trip to Liverpool.

Broadcast from Italy:

       I thought the MAO was suppose to be a DMZ, eh? Or does that apply only
    to non-French units?

Broadcast from Austria:

    Goofy votes:
    England 2: Convoying an army to Liverpool would have been goofy.
    France 0:  You're no fun :(
    Italy 2:  Proxy fest fell through :(  Glad you participated.  My
    proxies for you would have been better if you'd seen A Tri s vie -
    bud, as well as A Vie S Tri - Bud.
    Germany 2:	Another participant of Proxy Fest.
    Russia 1:  Continued westward push!
    Turkey 0: Ran out of points.  Sorry.

Broadcast from Master:

    GM votes for Spring 1905
    A1, E3, F0, G1, I0, R1, T1
    Austria:  While your not responsible for the almost successful convoy, giving
    	England the chance earns you 1 point.
    England:  Yeah! This time some of your umpteen proxy orders were indeed put
    	to use! Too bad you didn't use *all* units proxied to you. And the
    almost successful convoy to Liverpool would have been even funnier
    if you hadn't put up defense against its success... Nevertheless:
    	3 points.
    France:	  You disrupted a nice convoy! Shame on you!
    Germany:  So it's no round trip around the Baltic. Sigh. But the way you
    chose to StP is also goofy, I think. Seems you may be there earlier
    than Italy, but later than Turkey.
    Italy:    Proxying all units to one nation (known to use them) is goofier
    than proxying them all to different ones.
    Russia:   Go, Russia, go!
    Turkey:   Look who made it to StP first! Also very interesting is the
    reinforcement of your Black Sea fleet.

Broadcast from Italy:

    I agree with Freddy. Here are my goofy points:
    England 2:  Convoying an army to Liverpool would have been goofy.
     France 0:  You're no fun :-( A big poop!
    Austria 2:	Proxy fest fell through :-(	 Glad you participated.
    Germany 2:	Another participant of Proxy Fest.
     Russia 0:	Ran out of points.	Sorry.
     Turkey 1:	Consulation prize.

Broadcast from Master:

    Here are the results for 1904. Note that Austria has replaced Germany
    in the leading position, while France overtook England. Russia dropped
    from position 5 to the last position (it seems long-term goofiness does
    not pay as fast as short-term goofiness).
    Top-Goofy in 1904 was France with 25 goofy points.
    	   A	E	 F	  G	   I	R	 T
    SC:	   5	5	 5	  3	   4	7	 4
    1p:	   5	5	 5	  3	   4	7	 4
    1.5p: 7.5  7.5	7.5	 4.5   6  10.5	 6
    2p:	  10   10	10	  6	   8   14	 8
    And now, the goofy points in 1904:
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC   7.5	 7.5   7.5	 4.5   6	10.5   6
      GP  20	10	  25	15	  15	 6	  18
    1902  27.5	17.5  32.5	19.5  21	20.5  24
    Goofy point totals (1901-1904):
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC  28.5	27	  31.5	18	  19.5	37.5  24
      GP  81	60	  65	85	  60	38	  54
    sum	 109.5	87	  96.5 103	  79.5	75.5  78
    rank   1	 4	   3	 2	   5	 7	   6

Broadcast from France:

    I hang my head in shame :-\
    My votes:
    Austria - 0 points.	 No orders entered.
    Italy - 0 points.	 No orders entered.
    Russia - 0 points.	 Not enough to spare.
    Turkey - 1 point.	 All I could afford.
    Germany - 3 points.	 You made it!!!! Now what?
    England - 3 points.	 All the rules would let me give you.

Broadcast from Master:

    Hmm, I probably should double check my calculations *before* I send them
    out, not afterwards. My first calculation showed Turkey with three points
    more than actually true. Here's the correction (having Russia on position
    6 and Turkey on 7).
    Goofy points sum up to less than the possible 112 since Germany goofed
    up on the voting in both seasons, thus leading to the deduction of those
    points I assigned him.
    	   A	E	 F	  G	   I	R	 T
    SC:	   5	5	 5	  3	   4	7	 4
    1p:	   5	5	 5	  3	   4	7	 4
    1.5p: 7.5  7.5	7.5	 4.5   6  10.5	 6
    2p:	  10   10	10	  6	   8   14	 8
    And now, the goofy points in 1904:
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC   7.5	 7.5   7.5	 4.5   6	10.5   6
      GP  20	10	  25	15	  15	 6	  15
    1902  27.5	17.5  32.5	19.5  21	20.5  21
    Goofy point totals (1901-1904):
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC  28.5	27	  31.5	18	  19.5	37.5  24
      GP  81	60	  65	85	  60	38	  51
    sum	 109.5	87	  96.5 103	  79.5	75.5  75
    rank   1	 4	   3	 2	   5	 6	   7

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.