The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1904 in goofy


Anonymous Broadcast:

    test no. 5519

Anonymous Broadcast:

    test no. 5520

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Me thinks, how many more novel goofy moves can we find to do? It appears
    that we have done goofiness to the max. Mayhaps we now need to do goofiness
    to the minimum?

Anonymous Broadcast:

    	Heavens!  I've run out of goofy ideas! I've gotta get off this

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >>Heavens!	I've run out of goofy ideas! I've gotta get off this
    Sorry to disapoint you, but I've already tried Army Xxx - Orbit
    three times this game for a devastating and unstoppable attack
    behind enemy lines, but the Mother Ship doesn't seem to be responding.
    Also, there seems to be something wrong with our colonization
    techniques.	 Either there is a new strain of humans on the planet
    that has developed immunity to modern brainwashing techniques, or
    my technicians are getting soft...	I should enforce discipline
    a bit more thoroughly, I believe.

Broadcast from Observer:

    		apOlOg!es fOr my tard!ness... master, please dOn't penal!ze me
    by actually cOunt!ng my vOtes...
    fall 1903
    england:  3 gp --- fOr fa!l!ng tO d!plOme w!th yOurself !n advance.
    france:   2 gp --- fOr backstabb!ng yOurself.
    !taly:    1 gp --- fOr fOrgett!ng what yOu came fOr and return!ng tO
                   headquarters fOr further !nstruct!Ons.
    ObsOrvOr: 1 gp --- fOr vOt!ng fOr an Observer.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    GRRR.... xxx proxy to observer doesn't wash.  I'm sorry, I tried....

Anonymous Broadcast:

    well, I tried proxy to master, and proxy to byzantium, and neither
    worked, so there...

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Hey, I tried pr to ma, pr to ob, and pr to ba (balkan) years ago.
    One-Up Man

Anonymous Broadcast:

    One thing I did think of trying was to proxy to a power which
    had already been eliminated.  Guess I'll have to try it elsewhere (I
    bet it would work!)

Broadcast from Master:

    Well, one of the late players has indeed asked for a delay which I didn't
    enter yet as he also provided phased orders. Unluckily some of his
    phased orders could not been parsed correctly leaving her with partial
    Thus, I shift the deadline as requested. And you, yes you know who you
    are, send in your moves asap. You are just lucky that your co-player
    actually asked for a delay...

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.