The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1903 in goofy


Broadcast from Turkey:

    Here's my points for this turn:
    A:  2
    G:  2
    R:  1
    F:  1
    I:  1
    Hey, let's get that army from North Africa into Syria.	From there
    we can convoy it to St Petersburg if the Russians and the English
    do the right thing with their fleets.

Broadcast from France:

     Russia, 0 points (definitely not goofy)
     Italy, 0 points (Austria's proxy was goofy, your use of it wasn't)
     England, 1 point (Here we go round the mulberry bush, ...)
     Germany, 1 point (Would have been better if Liv s Liv-Stp
    		   hadn't been discussed on r.g.d. this week)
     Turkey, 2 points (North pole here we come!)
     And finally, Austria, 3 points (Brilliant!)
     Thank you.  You don't sound too bad yourself.  Malta are you there?

Broadcast from Observer:

    	well, here are my wOrthless vOtes:
    !taly: excellent attack! !mpress!ve backstab Of austr!a! O gp!
    russ!a: yOu tOO are surmOunt!ng an Overwhelm!ng attack On germany! yOu
    shOuld have all Of the german hOme centers under cOntrOl !n nO t!me at
    all! but  yOu are clearly  nOt	dO!ng  what !  thOught yOu were dO!ng.
    shame On yOu, s!nce !t was a really gOOfy plan... O gp. (by the way, !
    cOns!dered g!v!ng yOu a tenth Of  a pO!nt fOr cOnt!nu!ng tO leave yOur
    hOme cOuntry Open, but that !s really start!ng tO get a b!t Old, !n my
    england: well, at least yOu are mak!ng weak mOves. thOugh they dOn't
    seem all that creat!ve tO me. am ! m!ss!ng sOmeth!ng? 1 gp.
    france: !'ll g!ve yOu the same cOmment as ! gave england. and the same
    scOre: 1gp.
    turkey:	 l!ke england and  france, yOu made several weak mOves, sO yOu
    tOO earn the cOnsOlat!On pr!ze Of 1gp.
    germany: ! l!ke	 !t! ! l!ke	 !t! espec!ally s!nce  yOur	 fleet	d!dn't
    actually need any suppOrt! 2gp! (by the way, ! gave yOu a suppOrt !ntO
    stp, tOO! frOm Off-bOard!)
    austr!a: yOu must  have the least  effect!ve  arm!es !n the h!stOry Of
    d!plOmacy! and  the beauty  Of !t !s that yOur  arm!es prObably  dOn't
    even  knOw that the!r  exerc!ses are  useless!	One quest!On:  are yOu
    defend!ng afr!ca, Or are yOu st!ll attempt!ng tO cOnquer !t??? 2 gp!

Broadcast from Master:

    Welcome, new France, and thanks for taking over! 
    To the rest of you, our new France is/was our second oldest observer from
    the beginning and should therefore know every detail of this game. 

Broadcast from Master:

    GM votes for spring 1903
    GM: A3, E0, F1, G1, I1, R0, T1
    Austria:  Very goofy! I LOVE it! Giving away control over one of his most
    	important units for home defense (not that anybody in this game
    	seems to care much about home defense :-) *AND* exploring the 
    	possibilities of coastal convoys *AND* doing the perfectly useless
    	army swap in Africa. 
    England:  Also very interesting, but -alas- I only have 7 points to spend.
    	Would have gotten my 8th point.
    France:	  Goofy too. Very defensive moves...
    Germany:  Would have given you two points if the Lvn idea would have been
    	originally yours (don't know, maybe it is?). Nevertheless perfectly
    useless moves otherwise. 
    Italy:    Finally on its way to the 4th SC. And using Austria's fleet made
    	me chuckle quite a bit.
    Russia:	  I recognize that your moves correspond to your outlined idea, but
    	looking at them stand-alone they look less goofy than the moves of
    	e.g. E or F.
    Turkey:	  Good luck on your march north! I too hope that we will see that
    	infamous Syr-StP convoy during this game.

Broadcast from Master:

    The results including all of 1901 and 1902
    SC points for 1902:
    	   A	E	 F	  G	   I	R	 T
    SC:	   5	5	 5	  2	   3	6	 4
    1p:	   5	5	 5	  2	   3	6	 4
    1.5p: 7.5  7.5	7.5	  3	  4.5	9	 6
    2p:	  10   10	10	  4	   6   12	 8
    And now, the goofy points in 1902:
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC   7.5	 7.5   7.5	 3	   4.5	 9	   6
      GP  24	10	  16	27	  10	12	  11
    1902  31.5	17.5  23.5	30	  14.5	21	  17
    Note that I received no vote for fall 1902 from one player, thus the point
    I gave him/her were subtracted again (ok, guess which country it was :-).
    Therefore, the GPs sum up to only 110, not 112 as would have been
    Goofy point totals (1901-1902):
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC  13.5	12	  16.5	 9	   9	15	  13.5
      GP  37	31	  28	53	  26	30	  17
    sum	  50.5	43	  44.5	62	  35	45	  30.5
    rank   2	 5	   4	 1	   6	 3	   7
    Germany is uncontested leader at the moment (even though having only
    two units!). Austria is second, while the 3rd-5th place are very close
    to each other. Italy and Turkey have yet to prove their real goofiness.
    Note that last and first are still quite closely together, i.e. Turkey may
    easily pass Germany within two years if he/she proves goofier.
    Also, being an eliminated leader surely means loosing leadership fast...

Broadcast from Master:

    Tomorrow our mail server will be upgraded. Please be patient when expecting
    reactions from me; they won't be possible before wednesday.
    Thanks for your understanding,

Broadcast from England:

    GOOFY NOTICES... (but he's not telling!)
       Turkey: Syria to St. Petersburg is still a long ways off. (Yuck yuck!) But
    I'll try to stay prepared. As for this turn, you did the bare minimum.
       Austria: Wonderful. Two 'unneeded' convoys in one turn, and helping your
    own unit be dislodged. Time to get Out of Africa, methinks.
       Italy: I disagree with the others, your orders were part and parcel of the
    Austrian success. Share his points.
       Germany: I for one did not see the r.g.d. discussion on Lvn so I was more
    objective. I liked it!
       Russia: Your mulberry bush is considerably larger than mine, but with all
    your supply centers you should be able to dance faster! Surprise us next time
    and do something goofy.
       France: Warden of the Coast March, I salute you! With all your lookouts
    and lighthouses, will my fleets be able to sail freely?
       Master: ::scoff scoff:: I blow my nose in the direction of your so-called
    "eighth point," you empty-headed animal! I hereby join Germany's Campaign for
    Real Game Masters and dedicate my press to the eradication of GMs with no
    sense for subtle goofiness!
       ObsOrvOr: !t's gett!ng terr!bly d!ff!cult tO read yOur stuff; Eye am
    gett!ng a m-eye-gra!ne just repl-eye-ng tO !t.
       As for Me and My House: Only one person realized that I occupied every
    English province (mirror-style) in just two seasons. Well, if people think
    THIS mulberry bush was weak, they haven't seen the ultimate in proper British
    etiquette yet.
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Observer:

    england: yOu th!nk yOu are	hav!ng trOuble	read!ng my messages?  what
    abOut me! ! dOn't even have any !'s,  yOu knOw! bOy wOuld ! apprec!ate
    !t !f _sOmebOdy_ wOuld start tO put sOme pressure  On austr!a and make
    h!m return my !'s!
    p.s.   the  hardest  part  Of be!ng !-less  !s  gett!ng  the  judge tO
    understand what "s!gnOn" means... ! can't			   even use v! anymOre. ! have
    tO suffer w!th emacs!!!

Broadcast from Germany:

    Well, I did actually think about that order in before people started talking
    about it on r.g.d... I guess it's just my bad luck.
    Goofy point votes coming up in a while... I've got a lot of business to take
    care of first.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Hey, ObsOrvOr!	I don't have your !'s. All I did was POLK them out.	 I
    think they're lying (fibbing?) on the ground somewhere.  Try Greece.

Broadcast from England:

    Don't try Greece; try whipped cream instead!					Works much better!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    I'd just like to take this time to say that Numerical Analysis is quite tedious.
    Thank you, and goodnight.

Broadcast from Master:

    Players, the deadline is coming and some of you haven't entered moves yet
    nor voted for the last season. Remember that votes are not accepted after
    the next move is processed (this may be especially important for those
    of you who entered a move but didn't vote).

Broadcast from Italy:

    Sigh. The GM wants me to submit a move and votes instead of working. Isn't
    that goofy of him?
    A: 2
    E: 2
    G: 2
    F: 1
    R: 0
    T: 0

Broadcast from Russia:

    Russia has not received the Spring moves, though i have
    received a retreat and press.  retreiving a full list now.
    Will vote and move within the hour.

Broadcast from Russia:

    E:1 (almost 2)
    G:2 (almost 3)
    T:1 (almost 2)
    Cheers, Russia

Broadcast from Observer:

    >I'd just like to take this time to say that Numerical Analysis is quite
    As is actuarial mathematics (Exam 110 is on 15 February)

Broadcast from Russia:

    a ber-kie
    a kie-hol
    a stp-norway
    f norway-nth
    f aegean-ios
    f baltic-den

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Broadcast message from Russia in goofy:
    > a ber-kie
    > a kie-hol
    > a stp-norway
    > f norway-nth
    > f aegean-ios
    > f baltic-den
    Very goofy of the Czar to broadcast his orders (or maybe just plain stupid)

Broadcast from Russia:

    See what goofy accidents occur when gm's put one under pwessure |
    (and i am not even down for a maths exam ... mind you, making
    goofy votes add up to 7 is hard enuff |)
    Cheers, russia.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    >Very goofy of the Czar to broadcast his orders (or maybe just plain stupid)
    naah...that's standard practice in no-partial games

Anonymous Broadcast:

    ok, very goofy...why is the judge sending me two responses on every
    if he's not careful i will have to declare war on the judge

Broadcast from Observer:

    >ok, very goofy...why is the judge sending me two responses on every
    >if he's not careful i will have to declare war on the judge
    I will declare war on the judge with you, since the scurvy dog is doing
    the same thing to me in two other games.  Maybe we could convoy him to
    Boston (I actually tried this; it doesn't work).


Broadcast from Italy:

    Boo on Russia for being so agressive! Yeah to Germany for regaining back
    a lost center.
    My votes for Fall, 1903
    A: 1  Why not?
    E: 2  I liked the void moves plus trying to help france into the same center
    		 that you were going to (Bel).
    F: 2  The proxy to yourself & the por-spa bounce.
    G: 1  Just because
    R: 0  Natch
    T: 1  Go Turkey go!

Broadcast from Germany:

    I thought England's moves were pretty cute.  I don't know, I just did. DEAL?
    Austria, I truly enjoyed your convoy etc.
    Liked Italy, for some reason, and likewise Turkey.

Broadcast from France:

    Ok, here are my votes.
    Austria 1
    Italy 1
    England 2
    Turkey 3

Broadcast from Observer:

    I wanna vote too!
    And since I'm an observer, and the mean old master won't count my
    votes anyway, I won't bother to make the total add up to 7. So there.
    A: 2 points for trying those convoys without diploming about them at
     all, and for beaching the fleets
    E: 3 points! I love the support against your own move to Belgium ven
     more than the triple non-attack on Liverpool.
    F: 1 point for the continued lemming march
    G: 1 point for regaining a center, which can only be considered goofy
     in light of the rest of your strategy.
    I: 0 points. I don't get it.
    R: 0 points for being such a meanie, although you did let the Germans
    	 have StP.
    T: 2 points for walking out of Warsaw, and for aggressively ignoring
    	 the loss of Constantinople.
    Vere Sbor

Broadcast from Italy:

    I suggest our observer, "Vere Sbor", become a bit more observant:
    	>>> I: 0 points. I don't get it.
    Last turn I went through quite a bit of effort to grab Trieste from the
    Austrians. This included using a proxied Austria fleet (thank you Austria
    for allowing me to backstab you with your own troops) to convoy my army
    from Apulia to Trieste. This turn, just before the build phase, I walk
    away from that hard won victory back into my own home centers. Goofy, eh?

Broadcast from Germany:

    	G: AAGH!
    	Unrecognized province -> AAGH!
    	Discarding junk: [AAGH!]
    	G: I had sent in my votes when orders processed!
    	Unrecognized province -> I had sent in my votes when orders processed!
    	Discarding junk: [I had sent in my votes when orders processed!]
    	G: Please accept them...
    	Unrecognized province -> Please accept them...
    	Discarding junk: [Please accept them...]
    	G: Sincerely,
    	Unrecognized province -> Sincerely,
    	Discarding junk: [Sincerely,]
    	Germany:   1 build pending.
    	8 errors encountered.
    	Unless error-free orders are received by the deadline of
    	Mon Feb 14 20:00:00 EST you will be considered late.
    	You will be considered abandoned if nothing is received by
    	Wed Feb 16 08:00:00 EST.

Broadcast from Germany:

    ...To clarify, the votes that I just sent in were for Spring moves.
    I wrote them up before the judge processed the orders, and I humbly ask
    the Master to accept them...

Broadcast from Russia:

    I agree my moves do not appear goofy, currently;
    I certainly deserve between 0 and 1 TOTAL goofy points this season.
    My votes.....
    England 2 (The 1st moves from anyone this game that have actually
    		   made me laugh out loud).
    Austria 2 (Doing his best, worth 1pt but i owe him 1pt of acumulated
    		   0.5 pts).
    Turkey	2 (same comment as to Austria)
    Germany 1 (not really goofy BUT should encourage him in playing a
    		   long term goofy strategy of ultra low sc's)
    France  0 Not particularly impressive compared to the above 3 powers.
    Italy   0 I do see what you are doing but you will have to wait for
          the reward(s) a little longer.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Better watch what you say about math!

Anonymous Broadcast:

    If you signon to the Judge from a non-primary account, it sends a
    response to both the primary account and the account from which you
    sent the signon.

Broadcast from Austria:

    Goofy votes:
    Russia 0:  Lighten up, baby!
    England 1:  Actually, the Liverpool thing was nice, but I want to
    compensate for your capture of Belgium.
    Italy 2: I think going back home is goofy.
    Turkey 2: Make sure you leave Warsaw as you found it!
    Germany 2:  Such an approach deserves all the goofy votes it can
    muster, esp. considering the SC counts.
    France 0: Sorry, ran out of points.  You deserve better.  The
    self-proxy is nice, but it is not so different  from the proxies I did

Broadcast from England:

    Having pondered at length the implications of our actions, we conclude that
    the GameMaster is NO FUN, and will get NO NACHOS for the duration of this
    There! Die, you gravy-sucking pig!
    (And if *those* references don't drive our European friends nuts, nothing
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Observer:

    Oops. I missed that. Very clever, Italy. Correction:
    I: 1 point. Now I get it. Kind of a double-reverse Lepanto, huh?
    Brer Oves

Broadcast from England:

    The Silly English Forecast
    Russia is clearly only interested in builds. Nothing at all goofy, one
    moderately polite move in allowing Germany into StP but nothing goofy.
    Nice try on Austria's part--I always give credit for attempted moves,
    especially if success hinges on someone else.
    Turkey might have intentionally caused the convoy to fail. Support OUT of
    Warsaw could be goofy, could be an alliance with Russia; I'm not impressed.
    I like the 'proxy to self,' France--too bad you didn't proxy anything to me,
    I had some fascinating orders submitted for your other units.
    The Italian error ("Whaddya mean, I was supposed to CONVOY ??") is cute, and
    with the walk-off the goofiest set of moves this turn.
    Germany, your greed is showing! You could have gotten to the edge faster by
    Gal-Ukr! But NOOOOOOoooo! YOU had to go and take a CENTER! But you gain a
    Goof Point back with the AAGH! press item!
    Vere Sbor, thank you for being in my cheering section this time! Please
    forward suggestions on which type of mind control I should employ on players!
    >>I'd just like to take this time to say that Numerical Analysis is
    >>quite tedious
    >As is actuarial mathematics (Exam 110 is on 15 February)
    As are silly loafing college students! Get out here and work for a living,
    THEN talk about tediousness!
    --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!

Broadcast from Master:

    Unluckily my death strike against my main opponent in this game, Germany,
    hit the wrong player and killed innocent Turkey instead. Sorry, Turkey.
    And of course you see what I am able to do, Germany! Be prepared to die
    as fast as Turkey did.
    Since Turkey left us in a surprise action (it seems quite uncommon these
    days to post any reasons for resigning either to the other players or to
    the GM) we will need a new player for that position. The old Turkey did
    leave a remove for winter, but a new player might be interested to give
    that order him/herself.
    Maybe some observer wants to jump in? You will have that chance until
    tomorrow, when I will post the opening to r.g.d.
    Your friendly GM,

Broadcast from Master:

    GM votes for fall 1903
    GM: A0, E1, F1, G0, I3, R0, T2
    Austria:  Nice convoy attempt, but Turkey explicitely mentioned NAf as the
    	source province (not that it would have helped much :-) Otherwise
    	not very goofy. You would have gotten that infamous 8th point.
    England:  The various void supports earned you two points. Taking Bel lost
    	one of them again.
    France:	  Seems you are preparing to defend against that non-present F MAO.
    	I also like the self-proxy which is a funny variant of the proxy
    	to others (which might actually be used, shiver...)
    Germany:  You went for SC, which I think acceptable given your otherwise low
    	chance of being goofy in the future. But: no points
    Italy:	  Superb! First sneaking into a 4th SC and then leaving it again!
    Russia:	  Well, the only goofy thing you did was ordering your
    	broadcasted moves.
    Turkey:	  Too bad Italy and Austria didn't help that convoy to succeed.
    Leaving War in force but ignoring Con seems very goofy to me.

Broadcast from Master:

    Oops. I overlooked a email from the old Turkish player explaining his
    resignment. So, s/he's sort of absolved. Nevertheless, I'd expect people
    to have some lookahead on their workload before signing on to a new game...

Anonymous Broadcast:

    I hereby declare war on you.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    I hereby declare war on you.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Nyah, nyah.  I said it first.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    No you didn't.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Yes I did.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Did not.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Did too.

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Well, why didn't you use that unit I gave you?

Anonymous Broadcast:

    Hey, you said you would give me Portugal and then you used it yourself
    to attack me, you sniveling backstabber.

Anonymous Broadcast:


Anonymous Broadcast:

    Re: The inane "yes you did" "no I didn't" broadcasts of late ...
    It is obvious that we have an antithesis of Turkey playing in the game.
    That is, someone with too much time on his/her hands. Must be one of
    those freaking college students. Ah, but to step back to those days.
    Extra time. A young firm body. Young firm girlfriends (or at least
    fantasies thereof :-( ). Gaming everyday. Sigh. No money, but heck,
    who needs that?
    Dinosaur Rocker

Broadcast from England:

    > England 1:  Actually, the Liverpool thing was nice, but I want to
    > compensate for your capture of Belgium.
    Hey, I wasn't *trying* to take it! It was all the Frenchman's fault!

Broadcast from Germany:

    ...My Fall GOOfy vOtes:
    Turkey - Leav!nG the Game !s nOt GOOfy. :)  0 Gp.
    Russ!a - Ahh, ! see!  BR!LL!ANT!  (??)  Maybe !t becOmes Obv!Ous later.
    At wh!ch pO!nt ! m!Ght start G!v!nG yOu the max every turn, but
    fOr nOw: 0 Gp.
    Germany - !t's just as qu!ck GO!nG thrOuGh Ruman!a as thrOuGh
    Ukra!ne, and Rum !s less Of an all-Out attack On Russ!a.
    Just yOu wa!t, !'ll hunt dOwn the Master yet... 1 Gp.
    Austr!a - Decent plays, nOt really yOur best... : 1 Gp.
    France - LOVELY NMR !n P!edmOnt! : 1 Gp
    !taly - ! truly adm!re yOur backpedal!nG f!nesse... 2 Gp.
    EnGland - WONDERFUL!  H!LAR!OUS! : 2 Gp, wOuld have GOtten that leGendary
    "e!Gth pO!nt" !f ! had !t.

Broadcast from Germany:

    HEY!!  WHO SEZ????  How am I supposed to disguise my ruthless fleets
    as armies when I get:
    G: f mun(sc)
    Invalid coast specified for fleet in Munich.
    Germany:   1 build pending.
    1 error encountered.
    Unless error-free orders are received by the deadline of
    Mon Feb 14 20:00:00 EST you will be considered late.
    You will be considered abandoned if nothing is received by
    Wed Feb 16 08:00:00 EST.
    This is obviously an evil plot by the "master."

Broadcast from Germany:

    Oh, l!ghten up!
    	Message from as Master to Germany in goofy
    	This of course is a non-vote and will be disregarded
    	> Germany - !t's just as qu!ck GO!nG thrOuGh Ruman!a as thrOuGh
    >   Ukra!ne, and Rum !s less Of an all-Out attack On Russ!a.
    >   Just yOu wa!t, !'ll hunt dOwn the Master yet... 1 Gp.
    	Therefore, your whole vote is void. Try again!
    Can't you accept a l!ttle cr!t!c's l!cense...?	Okay, Okay, the vOte !s:
    T 0	 R 0  A 1  F 1	I 2	 E 3

Broadcast from Master:

    The results of 1903:
    	   A	E	 F	  G	   I	R	 T
    SC:	   5	5	 5	  3	   3	8	 3
    1p:	   5	5	 5	  3	   3	8	 3
    1.5p: 7.5  7.5	7.5	 4.5  4.5  12	4.5
    2p:	  10   10	10	  6	   6   16	 6
    And now, the goofy points in 1903:
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC   7.5	 7.5   7.5	 4.5   4.5	12	   4.5
      GP  24	19	  12	17	  19	 2	  19
    1902  31.5	26.5  19.5	21.5  23.5	14	  21.5
    Goofy point totals (1901-1903):
    	   A	 E	   F	 G	   I	 R	   T
      SC  21	19.5  24	13.5  13.5	27	  18
      GP  61	50	  40	70	  45	32	  36
    sum	  82	69.5  64.5	83.5  58.5	59	  54
    rank   2	 3	   4	 1	   6	 5	   7
    Note that Russia's lack of goofiness points brought him from 3rd to 5th
    position. Italy and Turkey closed up a bit. Austria's consistently high
    goofiness (and his 5 SC) helped him to get very close to our old and
    new leader, Germany.

Broadcast from Master:

    Hi folks,
    here's an warning in advance:
    My wife is pregnant and expected to deliver on Feb 19th. As you experienced
    parents know, babies rarely adhere to that date. My boss has agreed that I
    can take some days off once the baby decides that it is time to see the
    light, so I might disappear suddenly for a few days, maybe without prior
    I do hope that the game flow will continue without my intervention should
    the situation occur. Just remember to send me your goofy votes after each
    move, I will compare time stamps to see if they were here in time :-)
    Thank you for your understanding,

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Zee nu (Slid) Rulr uv Turki sez hehlo 2 al heez nu nabores
    Aye c zat zee Sultann wuz not 2 goofi; Aye vish 2 valt mi peple 2
    intrnashunal hites bi biing az goofi az Aye can.
    Aye alzo hav zee puur inglistch
    Slid Rulr

Anonymous Broadcast:

    > Zee nu (Slid) Rulr uv Turki sez hehlo 2 al heez nu nabores
    Same to ya buddy!
    Jeez, the nerve of them foreigners.

Anonymous Broadcast:


Anonymous Broadcast:

    	One, two  three...

Anonymous Broadcast:

    	Testing the change in Judge :)

Anonymous Broadcast:


Anonymous Broadcast:

    > someone@somewhere has resigned someone@somewhere
    > as Observer in game goofy.
    Damn! Keep missing the GM and hitting the observers.

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Last updated on Sun, Oct 12, 1997.