Broadcasts for Fall of 1902 in goofy |
I'm happy to inform you all that I'm very pleased with the goofiness of this spring's moves. What amuses me quite a bit is the fact that this is the first game I remember where no dislodgements happened during the first 3 seasons; definitely goofy! Continue the good stuff!! Remember to vote and move... Robert
Movement results for Spring of 1902. (goofy.004) Austria: Army Norway Proxy given to Austria. Austria: Fleet Denmark Proxy given to Italy. *smile* Austria: Army Greece -> Ionian Sea -> Tunis. Austria: Army Vienna -> Trieste. Austria: Fleet Ionian Sea CONVOY Army Greece -> Tunis. Austria: Fleet Trieste -> Adriatic Sea. England: Army Norway -> North Sea -> Denmark. England: Fleet North Sea CONVOY Army Norway -> Denmark. England: Fleet Irish Sea -> Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (*bounce*) Nice convoy. Especially because it should have failed. 2 points France: Army Spain -> Marseilles. France: Army Belgium -> North Sea -> Yorkshire. (*no convoy*) France: Fleet London -> English Channel. France: Army Paris -> Gascony. France: Fleet Brest -> Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (*bounce*) France: Fleet Marseilles -> Gulf of Lyon. London - English is OK. The attempt to use the English fleet to invade Yorkshire is humorous. 1 point Germany: Army Kiel -> Ruhr. Germany: Army Munich -> Bohemia. Germany: Fleet Denmark -> Helgoland Bight. Germany: Fleet Berlin -> Prussia. Very strange. Fleet in Prussia is nice. 1 point Italy: Army Tuscany -> Rome. Italy: Army Venice -> Apulia. Italy: Fleet Western Mediterranean -> Mid-Atlantic Ocean. (*bounce*) Looks like you thought I would move to Naples. Strong defensive manuever - not goofy. The MAO bounce is good, but points are hard to come by this turn. 1 point. Russia: Army Finland -> Norway. Russia: Army Sweden SUPPORT Army Finland -> Norway. Russia: Fleet Black Sea -> Constantinople. Russia: Fleet Gulf of Bothnia -> Baltic Sea. Trying to force England to retreat to St. Pete, eh? It seems that he has outwitted you. Total lack of response to invading Turks. Nice. 2 points. Turkey: Army Rumania -> Galicia. Turkey: Army Sevastopol -> Ukraine. Turkey: Fleet Ankara SUPPORT Russian Fleet Black Sea -> Constantinople. Turkey: Fleet Constantinople -> Aegean Sea. Turkey: Fleet Smyrna -> Eastern Mediterranean. As goofy goes, this is not so goofy. Much depends on your fall moves. I still think you have passed up major goofiness by ignoring Syria. 0 points. F.F.
E G F I A T Spr 01.. 3 1 1 1 1 0 Fall 01.. 2 3 0 1 0 1 Spr 02.. 1 1 1 1 1 2 Would have given E another point (at expense of either IorA) if f Irs had moved to NAO I liked G&F moves more than 1pt suggests BUT the moves need another season to prove themselves|
Russia: Mildly interestinG, but looks mostly like an R/T alliance to me. somethinG that I have wanted to pull off in real Games, but never seemed to work: 0 Gp. (Note: I would consider it *hiGhly* Goofy if we were to trade home centers. What do you say? You circle down throuGh Scandanavia, I slip in throuGh the Barren Zone?) EnGland: I must say, norway - nth - denmark tickled my Goofy bone :) By the way, may I have permission to pass throuGh the North Sea next turn? : 1 Gp. France: The missed convoy was somewhat cute... likewise with your Parisian army runninG away into Gascony: 1 Gp. Italy: InterestinG... And the three-way bounce in the Mid-Atlantic is certainly amusinG: 1 Gp. Turkey: Rum - Gal? Hey! Get out of my way! :) Cute, thouGh...: 1 Gp. Austria: Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! 3 points for the proxies plus 2 for abandoninG Greece = 3 Gp. Since the Master and the Observers are obviously holdinG themselves aloof from my challenGes, I shall cease includinG them in my Goofy point assiGnment. Sincerely,
Dear Germ, if leaving my entire homeland open to the whims of E G A T is not goofy, then i truely deserve the 0gp. Is your assumption of a R/T alliance based on T's support moves? or on my occupation of Con, or perhaps his threat to overrun R within 2 years? Yours, Kaiser Hamlet II
You know, Hamlet, I hadn't thouGht of it that way. Master, take the Goofy points I Gave to EnGland and Turkey and Give them to Russia. Hamlet, my apoloGies. Sincerely,
> excuse 3) the judge won't allow me to convoy my fleets like I want Boy, don't I know it. It took me five sets of orders this turn to get *something* the Judge would take (including the now-infamous Nwy-Nwy), and I still wasn't happy with what I ended up using. Human GMs are better, they'll wink and nudge and go along when they see what you're up to! And now, the Silly English Evaluation... Russia: Mildly interesting but I could do much sillier things with your units. Inviting another raider army keeps score just above nil. England: says "thank you very much" to her neighbors. France: Much better. Getting the idea, methinks. Italy: We should not repeat the three-way bounce in the Mid. Your crawling armies should lift up their eyes to far shores... Points held in abeyence, let's see what you do next. Turkey: Living up to your spiteful promise, eh? Well, I shall meet you on the field of battle and we shall hash this whole thing out, what say? Will the Russian carry me to Prussia? Two goofy units out of five is low marks. Austria: Beautiful, but I don't appreciate you stealing the 'convoy-into-a-vacating-center' ploy! Otherwise full marks. Germany: Mmmm, good. The 'Four Corners' Offense, no? Best score this turn. --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!
> Master, take the Goofy points I Gave to EnGland and Turkey and Give > them to Russia. Hey! Wha! Wait a minute! You-- >choke< >gag< >splutter< ((A new form of stab: ASTONISH your opponent to death!))
Folks, I'll be unavailable from thursday noon on 'til the weekend. Unless anyone requests otherwise, this game will continue without me for that time. Robert
Sigh. I'm beginning to believe what France mentioned last year -- you can't be goofy without a lot of units. I try to be goofy by withdrawing my armies away from my borders into my homeland and by moving my fleet further and further away from my country. What do I get in return? Bombasts from Austria about being "defensive" and few points from the rest of you. Double sigh. Subtley is lost. And the area in which to move in is getting constrained. No really great goofy moves this turn on anyone's part. Russia is being a long-term goof by leaving his country open, so I gave him some extra points. My points: E: 1 F: 1 G: 1 R: 2 A: 1 T: 1 P.S. To Austria. How about convoying APU - ALB? I can convoy TUN - SPA.
I'm afraid, Game Master, that I had more trouble getting rid of all my goofy points than you did... in the end, I had to give everybody one, except hat means I have one left over, and there wasn't really a standout in goofiness this move... I end up giving the extra point to Turkey for the combination of supporting Russia into his own territory and the moves to Galicia and the Ukraine. Italy's would have been better except I remember that I suggested that move some time ago... Russia's would have been better except the support to norway and the northern fleet look too much like a coordinated offensive sweep... Germany just didn't excite me... and the rest (*are here on Gilligan's... no no no no*) were just... well... unarresting.
I am tempted to resign. I convoy one army to Africa and get ready to convoy the other one there too, and get comments from Italy and France indicating boredom and disinterest. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do. I seriously wonder what you {\em would} consider goofy. I think France is just splitting his points because he wants to win based on his SC count. OKAY, enough whining for now. Italy: My fleets will be at your service in the spring, but I really want to continue the second half of my African invasion plan. Which means Tun - Naf, and Tri - Adr - Ion - Tun. Then I'll build my third fleet and I'll be happy. Turkey: Could you hold off the invasion of England for one phase? I'd be ever so grateful. Also, could you resist the temptation to take either Vienna or Budapest? I need the SC's to build my fleet. Germany: I'll make a similar request of you - please do not invade Vienna. At least for this move. Italy(again): I think we can arrange a convoy to Albania in the spring, and you could take Serbia in the fall. The build might help. I'm sorry about the crack about your moves. F.F.
Well, firstly here are my goofy points: A: Tunis is a very silly place for an austrian army. I wish you'd get out of my way, though. I need to bring my fleets around to invade England. 2 points. E: 1 point. F: 1 point for the silly convoy. G: 2 points for managing to get your armies into a position where they are no use to each other. I: 1 point. R: 0 points. Supporting a move that actually happens is bad form. -T-
Wonnerful wonnerful! What a rilly big shoe we have for you tonight, folks... Austria: Very goofy, and in an ongoing campaign too! Invading the Azores next? Russia: Some credit for walking off a free center, but you just weren't inspired, were you? Turkey: Yeah, keep on comin', I can't wait to knock yer block off. De bounce in Con was cool, but Shirley intercepting the Austrian army would've been more fun? Italy: Mild. Wes-NAf would've been pointless for you AND frustrated the Austrian. France: Excellent. Clearly the best you've done, tie for top marks this turn. The ultimate Bel-Hol convoy AND a loop convoy, yet you managed to set your other units up for future fun. I guess *that's* the advantage of having lots of units early. Germany: Wonderful work. Getting the Swiss into play, failing to take a center while continuing to expand in every direction... Top marks. --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!
You snivelling little Russian! You can chase me to the ends of the earth, but you won't catch me you slime! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! I foil ALL your nefarious schemes to obliterate my army! I will outsilly you right back to my home centers! --The Silly English K-nnnn-ighit!
I smirked a lot. [not actually an original composition, but shamelessly stolen from Queen Elizabeth II] What is truly astounding, no, amazing, is that the judge accepted an order for a movement to Switzerland. Now that y'all have exhausted nearly the possibilities for goofy non-existent convoys, how about some goofy *successful* convoys? Le Gouf
GM goofiness points for Spring 1902 A3, E1, F0, G1, I1, R0, T1 This was a season in which many goofy things were done, thus it's difficult to pick a ranking except for the top goofy set of moves, which were given by Austria this time: Proxy-forwarding of foreign units hits me as being very goofy (and funny), also the convoy to Tunis and the build of a second fleet. Among the rest, I unluckily only have 4 more points to spend, so moves which I really consider goofy cannot be valued apropriately. France and Russia have to go without points, while EGIT get one each, E for the convoy to Denmark, G for spreading its units out into all directions (and *all* on non-SC!), I for moving its armies down south (maybe they get convoyed to Albania by Austria?) and T for the support of the Russian fleet into Con. Btw., my 8th point would have been for Russia.
Goofy points for this turn: A: 3. Very well done. You're a complete idiot. OK, what are you going to do next? Fancy going over to England with me? E: 0. Being defensive. You just wait -- I'll fix your little red wagon. F: 1. The failed convoys are getting passe. G: 3 points for discovering you could convoy to switzerland, deduct 1 point for Ruhr-Bur, total of 2 points. I: 0. R: 0. Totally logical attack on Denmark fails to gain any points. I can see what you're aiming at, however, so I'll save some for you next turn. (Gee, I'm glad I can play this game anonymously. If any of my allies from other games were watching this, they'd abandon me for sure). -T-
I have decided that it's not neccessary to wait until everybody else voted to publish my goofy points. If however anyone of you players thinks I should wait until after the next move is processed (like I did up to now) please let me know and I will return to that behaviour. So, here are the GM's goofy points for fall 1902: A2, E0, F1, G2, I0, R1, T1 My favourites this turn are A and G: A for the two armies in Africa and G for his Switzerland idea and his continued attempt to position all units as far from each other as possible. The rest is more or less equally goofy, but having only 3 points left, two have do without. Since I consider purposefully loosing an SC goofier than taking one or doing void stuff, those who don't get a point are E and I. Of course Italy currently is in a real bad position to be goofy. My 8th point would have gone to either I (for the attempt of goofy convoys) or to F (who not only left Lon but also ordered this nice convoy Mar-GoL-Mar). Btw. am I correct that the judge rejected the corresponding convoy order for F GoL? Robert
Fall 1902 E G F I A T Wouldlike 3 2 2 1 3 1 However.. 2 1 1 1 2 0 I think the rest of you have said it all, I really wish I could have given A the full 3 points (and T really did deserve at least 1) If anyone can guess my EXACT goofy plan (which i will lodge with the gm) i will give him a minimum of 3gp per year before considering his goofiness. PLEASE .. only ONE guess per power per move.
Goofy votes: England 0: Retaking London not so goofy. Neither is retreat to Kiel. You probably deserve at least one point, but points are hard-won. France 1: Your moves were uncoordinated. Leaving London was good. I think the Marseilles/Lyon move would have been better if you had actually used the convoy. But that could just be a matter of taste. Incidentally, France could have successfully done the convoy, had Lyon ordered c mar - mar. I've done such a move before, in a non-goofy game. I had two forces away from the front, and I was bored. Germany 3: Yes, we can move four forces in four different directions! The convoy to Switzerland was good. I never knew such an order could be written! Italy 1: A sympathy point for the attempted convoys. Russia 1: Guess #1: you are trying to have your forces meet in Spain? Turkey 1: Forcing Russia to stay in Con is pretty good. So are your army movements. I'll get out of your way now. I may send my fleets in the same general direction, but that does not mean I'll join you in the war. In general, players deserve a lot more points than I have. Sorry. F.F
press to r Well, I would personally Guess that you are planninG on havinG all your units meet up in Iberia. This I would consider to be *extremely* Goofy, and I Give you permission to pass freely throuGh my country on your way. If it looks like you're GoinG to be able to pull it off, I will Give you a base of at least 2 Gp up to the maximum for every year it takes you to complete it... The only favor I ask... could you spare your f con lonG enouGh to help me in my attack on Syria? I am GoinG to lose two units this turn, and so I will need a little ouside help. Also, would you mind if I took stp(sc)? Since you are movinG around to re-establish the Great Russian Empire of Iberia, you don't really have any use for it... :) Sincerely,
aaaaaAAA! NOW you see my flawless, plan, you hopeless excuse for a game master!!! So, you intended to wipe out my new fleets, eh? Well, I have disguised them as an army and moved them into Russia, so your nefarious secret agents have become confused and bewildered and cannot even find a good place to buy strudels! ...But my genius is not only defensive... Since your location is obviously not marked on the map, that leaves only two possible places where your home might be... SWITZERLAND and OFF THE EDGE OF THE WORLD! My attack on Switzerland was going smoothly, except that my French ally forgot to enter his order for Gascony -> Switzerland. On the assault on the edge of the board, I am progressing very well, although the silly Turkish bumbler continues to hinder my progress with moves to Galicia. Get you away from my way, scoundrel!! SYRIA IS MINE!!!! Sincerely,
You people are too fast for me. Anyway, my votes for the fall move: G:3 The convoy to Switzerland and the continued moving of all your units in different directions plus the press. Got to love ya baby! F:2 The Mar to Mar via GoL move was good. Too bad you didn't actually follow through on it. The move caused a very strange postscript bug in the output of my copy of 'mapit'. The proposed convoy of Bel to Hol is cute as well. Once again, too bad you aren't actually doing these moves. T:1 Not ganging together to kick Russia out of Con was a good goofy move. R:0 You may be heading to Iberia as Germany proposes, but in the meantime you are just doing normal moves. E:0 Almost goofy, but not quite. A:1 Not too goofy either but I'm bribing you with a point in order to get a convoy so that I can actually be goofy for once! Major "hard to be goofy with 3 units" Domo
My guess for Russia: He'll end up occupying NAO, MAO, and NAF. Or is that three guesses? MajorDomo
> If anyone can guess my EXACT goofy plan (which i will lodge with the > gm) i will give him a minimum of 3gp per year before considering his > goofiness. Hmmm... The good guesses (Russian units on the western edge of the board/Iberia) are taken, so I'll go with a short-term but unique idea: Bal C Den-Swe, Swe-Den. I'm sure the EXACT plan must be longer-range but there you are. --The Silly Enklish G-nnnn-ighit!
The Russian will not be sending his units to Spain. Already, they pine for the native steppes from whence they were spawned, etc. etc. His units will sweep through central europe and trot smartly home. The only question remains: will the attractions of France and Italy overwhelm their homesickness, or will they succumb and make a sharp left at Kiel? So, now that an observer has scooped all your goofy points, you can all go home. 'Bye! Le Gouf
Broadcast message from Italy in goofy: You people are too fast for me. Anyway, my votes for the fall move: A:1 Not too goofy either but I'm bribing you with a point in order to get a convoy so that I can actually be goofy for once! Major "hard to be goofy with 3 units" Domo *sigh* Both armies in Africa, but still "not too goofy." Well, I'll proxy Adriatic to you, if you like. F. F.
Broadcast message from Austria: *sigh* Both armies in Africa, but still "not too goofy." I was think about this last night as I was going to sleep (shows how boring my life is ... thinking about Diplomacy instead of orgies :-) ). Is having Austrian armies in Africa a goofy move on Austria's part or a goofy move on Italy's part for not having taken Africa in the first place? E.g., Italy didn't do a normal move. Don't get me wrong. The idea of Austrian African Armies is a neat one. But I'm wondering where the credit should go. There is at least one other place on the map that this type of situation applies to as well -- Turkey inside Russia without Russian resistance. Just some early morning thoughts. MajorDomo P.S. Thanks for the proxy. Hope I can be goofy with it!
re Russian State Lottery no prize winner yet - no player even came close
> re Russian State Lottery > no prize winner yet - no player even came close My bet is he's going to retake his homeland -- from the south. After a grand tour.
Not much awe-inspirinG about this turn to me... A: 1 for Greater Austrian North Africa E: 1 cute silly puntinG about... F: 1 beautifully botched blowabouts I: 1 + 1 sympathy point for beinG stuck without many possibilities. R: 1 hum de dum de Hi there! I am Kermit DE FroG. The Scandanavian trek strikes me as vaGuely Monty-Python-esque. Don't ask me why. T: 1 may as well... but please don't block me aGain in Galicia!! I have pressinG business to attend to in Syria. Namely the TOTAL ANHILLIATION OF THE GAME MASTER!!!!!! Sincerely,
> E: 1 cute silly puntinG about... Yay! Finally somebody figured out I was punting up the Thames! Next time, watch us drop back into the Hebrides and punt. As for Turkey trying to attack me, well, he's just a stupid punt, that's all. --the Silly English K--nnnnn--ighit!
I challenge England, and anyone else who wants to play, to a game of Finchley Central. Unfortunately, the only London Underground station name that I know is ...Let's play L'Enfant Plaza instead. I'll start. "Smithsonian" In other news, I highly approve of the Austrian African Armies. Good luck getting to the four corners of the board with only two units, Silly Helm. And my guess for the Russian master plan is: Why stop at Iberia when you can go all the way around. I expect we will eventually see the Fleet that started in StP wind up in Sev Fleet that started in Sev wind up in StP Army that started in War wind up in Mos Army that started in Mos wind up in War signed, R. Verbose
Help???? >"Smithsonian" I would love to play, but I don't know the rules.
hellO yOu gOOfy guys! i am the brand new ObsOrvOr in the game! (i knOw i can't prOve it, but the time stamp Of my signOn shOuld give yOu cause to believe me.) anyway, i just spent a cOuple of hOurs reading the histOry Of yOur game, and let me just say that yOu wOn me Over! i was extremely amused, and sO i've decided tO Observe! keep up the gOOfy wOrk, guys! Oh, and russia, i should add that i knOw yOur plan! i figured it Out as sOOn as i saw yOur spring 19O1 mOves, and i thOught it was an awesOme plan! i dOn't really want tO give it away, since i think yOu are gOing to be able tO pull it Off (and i'm rOOting fOr yOu to succeed!), sO i'll just say enOugh sO yOu can cOnfirm that i knOw what yOu're up tO: i'll bet yOu were very disappOinted in fall 19O1 (i knOw i was) to see that yOu didn't get a build, because yOu were planning tO build army stp. am i right? ObsOrvOr P.S. my favOrites sO far, besides the russian plan, have been: 1. the german unannOunced prOxies - an ingeniOus way to nmr, and hOw gOOfy to Order sOmeOne else's unit, but not yOur Own! 2. the french gOOfy cOnvOys last seasOn, thOugh i tOO wOuld have liked them better, had they succeeded. 3. the austrian placing all Of his armies in africa, and discOvering a judge bug in prOxying his enemies' units.
press tO O Dear ObsOrvOr, I am Glad tO see that I have Gained a valuable ally in my struGGle aGainst the perfidiOus and elusive mOderatOr. He has struck a GreviOus blOw aGainst me in the impendinG and inescapable eliminatiOn Of twO Of my units (althOuGh I am Glad tO say that my trick Of disGuisinG my fleets as armies wOrked rather well, and saved them frOm liGhteninG-bOlts fOr twO whOle seasOns). TherefOre, yOu cOme at my hOur Of direst need. Please, help me win Over yet mOre players, whO can help me with my twin assault On Switzerland and the edGe Of the bOard. I knOw that with the well-knOwn pOwers Of ObservatiOn nOw On the true path, nOthinG can stOp us. Sincerely,
Attention! The GM and all players of this game are ejected from the game due to goofy play. This decision seems justified by various comments I received about very goofy and meaningless moves by all players. The GM obviously decepted the German player and therefore is ejected as well. The game will continue without master and players. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned as Master in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as Austria in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as England in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as France in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as Germany in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as Italy in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as Russia in game goofy. Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has resigned someone@somewhere as Turkey in game goofy.
This is too much!! I will remove Big.Boss from this game, eh, from this judge, eh, from all judges, no, from the face of the earth! Players, please continue! has resigned Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ as troublemaker in game goofy. has resigned Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ as troublemaker on has resigned Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ as troublemaker on all judges. has removed Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ as troublemaker from the face of the earth.
Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ has signed on Big.Boss@Diplomacy.HQ as troublemaker in game goofy.
A voice booms out: So you thought you killed me, you fool! Double Trouble! The Big Boss1 touches the GM. Oh no, he's using his touch of death. Luckily for the GM, it didn't work. The Big Boss1 hits! The GM zaps his wand of death. The death ray whizzes by the Big Boss1. The death ray bounces. The death ray hits the Big Boss1. The Big Boss1 is killed! The Big Boss2 puts on the Amulet of Goofiness. The Big Boss2 seems goofy. The GM throws his rustproof +7 elite professional army named Rambo. Rambo hits the Big Boss2. The Big Boss2 is killed. But wait! The Big Boss2's amulet begins to glow. The Big Boss2 survived that attack on his life. The Big Boss2 picks up a rustproof +7 elite professional army named Rambo. The Big Boss2 throws a rustproof +7 elite professional army named Rambo at the GM. The GM reads a blessed scroll of bribing. The rustproof +7 elite professional army named Rambo disappears! The GM quaffs a potion of nonsense. Oh, everything looks so goofy now! The GM hits! The Big Boss2 is killed!
Damn and blast... trying to respond to you failed. > Game goofy does not allow partial press. > > Ignoring remainder of press/broadcast command: m > > No press/broadcast message sent, discarding text: > > Sorry, I already sent them in, although perhaps not in an obvious format: > > > From Zippy the Pinhead Wed Jan 26 10:35:14 1994 > > Subject: Re: Diplomacy notice: goofy > > To: (Diplomacy Adjudicator) > > Date: Wed, 26 Jan 94 10:35:14 EST > > > > signon fgoofy ******* > > broadcast > > > > I'm afraid, Game Master, that I had more trouble getting rid of all my > > goofy points than you did... in the end, I had to give everybody one, except > > hat means I have one left over, and there wasn't really a standout in > > goofiness this move... I end up giving the extra point to Turkey for the > > combination of supporting Russia into his own territory and the moves to > > Galicia and the Ukraine. Italy's would have been better except I remember > > that I suggested that move some time ago... Russia's would have been > > better except the support to norway and the northern fleet look too much > > like a coordinated offensive sweep... Germany just didn't excite me... > > and the rest (*are here on Gilligan's... no no no no*) were just... well... > > unarresting. > > > > Translation: Turkey gets 2, everybody else 1. > > End of message. >