The Diplomatic Pouch

Results for Spring of 1903 in ghodstoo

Austria: Army Bulgaria => Rumania. (*bounce*)
Austria: Army Trieste => Albania. (*bounce*)
Austria: Fleet Greece SUPPORT Army Trieste => Albania.
Austria: Army Vienna SUPPORT Army Budapest => Galicia.
Austria: Army Budapest => Galicia.

England: Fleet English Channel => London.
England: Fleet Irish Sea => North Atlantic Ocean.
England: Fleet Edinburgh => North Sea.

France: Army Brest HOLD.
France: Army Gascony => Marseilles.
France: Fleet Portugal => Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: Army Paris SUPPORT Army Brest.
France: Fleet Marseilles => Spain (south coast).

Germany: Army Holland => North Sea => Yorkshire. (*no convoy*)
Germany: Army Picardy => Belgium. (*bounce*)
Germany: Fleet North Sea CONVOY Army Holland => Yorkshire. (*dislodged*)
Germany: Army Belgium => Holland. (*bounce*)
Germany: Army Ruhr => Munich.
Germany: Fleet Kiel => Helgoland Bight.

Italy: Army Apulia => Ionian Sea => Albania. (*bounce*)
Italy: Army Venice => Trieste. (*bounce*)
Italy: Fleet Ionian Sea CONVOY Army Apulia => Albania.
Italy: Fleet Adriatic Sea SUPPORT Army Apulia => Albania.

Russia: Army Ukraine => Sevastopol.
Russia: Fleet Black Sea => Armenia. (*bounce, dislodged*)
Russia: Fleet Norway SUPPORT English Fleet Edinburgh => North Sea.
Russia: Army Galicia => Rumania. (*bounce, dislodged*)
Russia: Army Moscow SUPPORT Army Ukraine => Sevastopol.

Turkey: Army Rumania => Ukraine.
Turkey: Army Armenia SUPPORT Army Sevastopol. (*cut*)
Turkey: Fleet Constantinople SUPPORT Fleet Ankara => Black Sea.
Turkey: Army Sevastopol SUPPORT Army Rumania => Ukraine. (*dislodged*)
Turkey: Fleet Ankara => Black Sea.

The following units were dislodged:

The German Fleet in the North Sea can retreat to Yorkshire or Norwegian Sea or
Skagerrak or Denmark or English Channel.
The Russian Fleet in the Black Sea with no valid retreats was destroyed.
The Russian Army in Galicia can retreat to Warsaw or Bohemia or Silesia.
The Turkish Army in Sevastopol with no valid retreats was destroyed.

Germany: Fleet North Sea => Skagerrak.
Russia: Army Galicia => Bohemia.

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Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.