The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1911 in ghodstoo


Private message from France to Germany:

    Let's set up the line and end this thing.  I have no adventures planned, so
    I guess holding in Berlin is as good as anything.   My orders are in.
    I'll be out of town all of next week.  Shouldn't be a problem or even delay
    a turn, but I'll alert the Master.

Private message from England to Germany:

    >Your call.  What should my A Ber do?
    Hold, as far as I'm concerned. If John has some expedition in mind, he'll
    have to explain.
    >I appreciate your offer, Jamie.  At this point, however, all I'm looking
    >for is continued supports and a set draw once Italy is gone.
    Yeah. Maybe I'll mention that to Hohn. Nah, I'll wait.

Private message from Germany to Turkey:

    >No offense, but, well, it doesn't look like you're long for this
    Quite likely.
    >If you're going to go down, why not play spoiler and try to help me
    >win?  I'd really, really appreciate it. :)
    Nice try, Hohn, but, even if I am on my way out, there's no way I'd
    intentionally hand you (or anybody else) a solo.  You'll have to work that
    one on your own...

Private message from Germany to France:

    >The position is now pretty clear. If our alliance holds, we have it locked
    >up, and we'll have a four way draw. If anybody defects, Hohn wins. By
    >making his move now, Hohn has made us all 100% dependent on each other.
    >Pitt and I each have our own power over both Berlin and Stp, either one of
    >which is enough to give Turkey the win. I have no illusions about Pitt's
    >willingness to exercise that power, and I hope no one else has any about me.
    My perspective is the same as that expressed by Jamie above.
    >As for me, I will most assuredly order my two fleets to support Pitt's two
    >to hold, forevermore.
    >My F Swe is free to do anything useful, but it has nothing useful to do. (I
    >guess putting it in GoB is the sensible thing, but if Pitt wants me to I'll
    >move it to Denmark.)
    Your call.  What should my A Ber do?
    >Pitt, within the range of non-suicidal moves, I'll do anything you want me
    >to do, since you are the one of us most likely (and reasonably) to have
    >qualms about his own security. Tell me what position you'd like to see, or
    >where you want me to go.
    I appreciate your offer, Jamie.  At this point, however, all I'm looking
    for is continued supports and a set draw once Italy is gone.

Private message from Turkey to France:

    I take it from your silence that you're not interested in trying to
    twiddle the board for a two-way.  If so, I figure you guys can axe
    Pitt while I finish off Cal this year, and then we can just call it a
    three-way.  Sound reasonable?

Private message from England to France:

    You aren't going to answer my earlier note, huh?
    Ok. But, do you want me to support Pru-Ber, or shall I just order Bal S Ber?

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Has John left for the week???
    I'm not trying to be difficult here, but you received the same message
    that I saw.  I don't really feel at liberty to reveal anything else
    regarding John's availability.
    > So I gather from a recent message.
    > I am afraid I was expecting some reply from him which I haven't received.
    Yes, I saw your messages.  John asked the turn to go through on
    deadline and then to request a delay if necessary only after that.
    > I guess I want a postponement until some reasonably short time after he
    > returns. I hate to ask, but I don't see what else I can do.
    Hmmm, this one is difficult.  What you are asking me is as follows:
    1) Player X gets orders in and leaves town.
    2) Player Y wants more out of Player X and requests a delay until
    Player X returns.
    3) Player Z doesn't know it, but really doesn't want Player X and
    Player Y to agree on what Player Y wants.
    4) GM is asked to announce a delay and reasonably explain what
    it is for.
    > (And I most certainly do not want it generally known that it's me waiting
    > for John's reply!)
    > Jamie
    No kidding.  I want to think about this for a few minutes.  But given
    my dilemma, what precisely would you have me do?

Private message from Master to England:

    OK, you're right, but to be explicit, I would have to order the delay
    until October 7.  Is that a short delay?
    I am willing to be fairly circumspect about who requested it, but
    there are only so many people in the game.
    So, here it is: if you ask me for the delay, I will grant it.  The
    new deadline would be October 7.  I would not say who requested
    it or why.

Private message from England to Master:

    >I'm not trying to be difficult here, but you received the same message
    >that I saw.  I don't really feel at liberty to reveal anything else
    >regarding John's availability.
    >Hmmm, this one is difficult.  What you are asking me is as follows:
    >1) Player X gets orders in and leaves town.
    >2) Player Y wants more out of Player X and requests a delay until
    >Player X returns.
    >3) Player Z doesn't know it, but really doesn't want Player X and
    >Player Y to agree on what Player Y wants.
    >4) GM is asked to announce a delay and reasonably explain what
    >it is for.
    Yes, that's right. Except I'm not sure about (4). I am not requesting that
    you reasonably explain any delay, am I? (I did ask you whether John had
    requested one, but if that's not supposed to be public info, fine, no
    >No kidding.  I want to think about this for a few minutes.  But given
    >my dilemma, what precisely would you have me do?
    Announce that there will be a short postponement, but that you won't say
    who requested it. Isn't that your standard practice in any case? I don't
    see why you'd have to say any more than that.

Private message from England to Master:

    I hereby request a deadline extension.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    I have a request to extend the deadline until next Tuesday.
    Thanks for your patience.

Private message from Master to France:

    John, the request to extend this deadlie was not yours.

Private message from England to Master:

    Has John left for the week???
    So I gather from a recent message.
    I am afraid I was expecting some reply from him which I haven't received.
    I guess I want a postponement until some reasonably short time after he
    returns. I hate to ask, but I don't see what else I can do.
    (And I most certainly do not want it generally known that it's me waiting
    for John's reply!)

Private message from France to Master:

    I will be out of town from tomorrow, Monday morning, until the following
    Monday night.  It's possible this won't require a delay, since my orders
    are in.  But if another deadline arises before Tuesday evening, I would
    need an extension.

Broadcast from Observer:

    > as Master set the deadline
    >for game 'ghodstoo' to Tue Oct  7 1997 23:30:00 EST.
    >Grace period deadline advanced to Tue Nov 18 1997 14:30:00 EST.

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ghodstoo':
    > >
    > > as Master set the deadline
    > >for game 'ghodstoo' to Tue Oct  7 1997 23:30:00 EST.
    > >Grace period deadline advanced to Tue Nov 18 1997 14:30:00 EST.
    >   Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
    And to think you missed the earthshattering note that I sent ONLY
    to efgit.... we'll wake you up when the next turn processes!

Private message from England to France:

    I'm sorry, I could not submit orders without knowing what the deal is
    around Berlin. If you're ordering Pru-Ber and I don't give you support, it
    might be really bad; and if I do give the order and you don't attack, that
    would also be really bad. In either case, Pitt would likely try to throw
    the game, and would likely succeed. (You might support it in yourself from
    Kiel, and that might work, but I thought I'd better wait and be sure.)
    So I'm the one who asked for the postponement. I'll submit my orders as
    soon as I get the word from you.
    In case you somehow never got the message in which I explained my suggested
    plan, in brief it's this.
    I can keep Pitt from getting Stp forever, as long as I can get Swe-Fin this
    season (and if Pitt plans to bounce me (Stp-Fin) then Hohn will probably
    win no matter what we do). If you take Berlin, we can shore up the German
    part of the stalemate line. And you can secure the Riviera part by moving
    Mar-Gas, and Pie-Mar with support from Burg.
    If you want to keep Pitt in the draw, it's ok with me.
    Let me know,
    Gentle King Jamie

Broadcast from Austria:

    By the way the following was received in regard to DipCon XXXI.  I will be
    making every effort to attend.  I would strongly urge all of you to attend
    also and to echo it to your friends.  The Diplomacy hobby appears to need a
    shot in the arm in the public arena.  In past the E-mail community has been
    a very minor show in the face to face side of things.  I know we need to
    change that to give the hobby a boost, so it is up to you guys.
    >DIPCON 31
    >DIXIECON 12
    >The North American and World Diplomacy Championships
    >The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
    >May 22-24, 1998
    >(Memorial Day Weekend)
    >Contact: David Hood, 2905 20th Street NE, Hickory, NC 28601
    >Dan Mathias, 509 Bayview Drive, Lusby, Md 20657
    >This three-day event draws the best players from North America and
    >beyond for a multi-round Diplomacy tournament and other competitions.
    >On Friday night, May 22, players congregate for the first Diplomacy
    >round and other events.  During the Saturday night round, Con
    >participants can enter the Variant Diplomacy tournament instead, for a
    >touch of variety.  Tournaments in other games such as Titan, Miniatures,
    >History of the World, Advanced Civilization, 1830 and RoboRally will
    >proceed throughout the weekend also.  The host convention, Dixiecon, was
    >the site of the 1990 World Diplomacy Championships and 1994 DipCon.
    >Features Include: Four Round Diplomacy Tournament
    >	              Plaques and Other Prizes
    >	              Wargames, Rail Games, RoboRally and Miniatures
    >  	              Inexpensive Campus Housing
    >	              Experienced Convention Staff
    >	The Carolina Amateur Diplomats will again host World Dipcon in Chapel
    >Hill, North Carolina, in conjunction with the regional gaming convention
    >DixieCon.  World DipCon is the World Diplomacy Championships, a
    >tournament which rotates around the world.  DixieCon was the World
    >DipCon site in 1990, when the event drew the largest field of Diplomacy
    >players in North America since 1983.  It also hosted the North American
    >Championships in 1994.  This year's event promises to be another
    >outstanding Diplomacy tournament as participants from around the world
    >travel to Dixie for the chance to become the 1998 World Diplomacy
    >	Of course, World DipCon isn't just about playing Dip with the best
    >players in the world.  It's also about meeting hobbyists for the first
    >time, seeing old friends, and partaking of the many side-events,
    >including past DixieCon favorites such as Titan, 1830, History of the
    >World, Miniatures, Diplomacy variants, and others, both in tournament
    >and open-gaming formats.
    >	Below is a list of DixieCon/World DipCon/DipCon staff members, and the
    >functions they are likely to perform.  Early registrants will receive
    >future DipCon Newsletters as they are published, with information such
    >as tournament schedules, expected participants, scoring systems, travel
    >aids, and other news on the upcoming event.  Contact David Hood now to
    >put your name on that mailing list.
    >Tournament Staff
    >DipCon Committee
    >David Hood	Chairman and Tournament Director
    >Michael Lowrey	Vice-Chairman and Assistant GM
    >Dan Mathias	1830 GM and Assistant Diplomacy GM
    >DixieCon XII Committee
    >Steve Nicewarner	Chairman and Non-Diplomacy Events Director
    >Steve Koehler	Diplomacy Variant Events GM
    >Hal Hood		Miniatures Events Coordinator
    >Dan Mathias	1830 GM and Assistant Diplomacy GM. Publicity
    >Steve Cooley	Publicity/West Coast
    >Manus Hand	Publicity/Internet
    >Larry Peery	Publicity/International
    >Jim Burgess	Publicity/Northeast
    >Jamie McQuinn	Publicity/Midwest
    >Roland Isaksson	World DipCon Liaison and Special Assistant
    >          Don't Miss This Exciting Event!
    >Contact David Hood at 2905 20th Street NE, Hickory, NC, 28601
    >SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (so far)
    >Friday, May 22, 1998
    >10:00 to 5:00	Open Gaming (For early arrivals)
    >5:00 to 6:00	Registration and Check-in
    >6:00 to 12:00	Diplomacy Round One
    >		Titan/1830/Acquire
    >		Ancient and Naval Miniatures
    >Saturday, May 23, 1998
    >9:30 to 5:00	Diplomacy Round Two (Doubles as Team Tournament)
    >		History of the World
    >5:00 to 6:00	Catered Supper
    >6:00 to 12:00	Diplomacy Round Three
    >		Variant Diplomacy Event (Colonial and Machiavelli)
    >		Magic Tournament (at Cerebral Hobbies)
    >		American Civil War Miniatures
    >Sunday, May 24, 1998
    >8:30 to 9:30	Dipcon Society / WDC Meeting
    >9:30 to 6:00	Diplomacy Round Four (Ends between 4:00 and 6:00)
    >		Advanced Civilization
    >		Final Boards - Titan, Acquire, 1830
    >6:00 to ?	Open Gaming
    > -Dip games have no set ending time except for Round Four, which ends at
    >a time between 4:00 and 6:00 known to the GM but not the players.
    >-You must play at least two Dip rounds to be eligible for tournament
    >awards.  Best Country is based on a single performance.  The scoring
    >system will be outlined later.
    >-Titan, Acquire and 1830 events consist of unlimited qualifying rounds
    >for final board on Sunday.  Other event formats are TBA.
    >-Travel: Fly into Raleigh-Durham International, or take AMTRAK.  We will
    >provide free shuttles from the airport and train station.  Directions
    >for driving to Carmichael Hall, the site of the Con, will be sent to
    >-Fees: $15 to register for the Convention, $15 per night to stay in the
    >dorm, to share a room ($30 if you want a room to yourself).  Overseas
    >folks will play and stay for free.
    >-Participants: Over the years DixieCon has had participants from 26
    >states and provinces, and 5 other countries.  The 1990 WDC included
    >players from France, Britain, Austria and Australia.
    Edi Birsan
    Midnight Games

Private message from England to Master:

    This is getting sticky, I've heard nothing from John. I suppose he isn't
    back yet, though of course I can't be sure.

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > This is getting sticky, I've heard nothing from John. I suppose he isn't
    > back yet, though of course I can't be sure.
    > -Jamie
    Hi Jamie,
    You know there is nothing I can say here except to say that you have
    given me no legitimate reason to delay the game any later than tonight.
    ANYTHING else that I say could give you private information that you
    may not obtain from me.
    Have fun!

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    Hi Hohn,
    I thought I would be proactive and remind you that the deadline is
    tonight (after being delayed at the request of England).  As of
    a few minutes ago, your orders were not in.

Private message from England to Master:


Private message from France to Turkey:

    Sorry I did not get back to you earlier.  I was out of town all week.  I
    think the most desirable outcome is a 3-way including you, me and England.

Private message from France to England:

    I am back.  I don't recall receiving your message on how to shore up the
    stalemate line while taking Pitt out.  It's a good thing you asked for the
    delay.  Turkey has suggested we finish off Germany while he takes out
    Italy, then declare a 3-way.  I'm for it.  I will look over your suggested
    orders this afternoon and get back to you.

Private message from England to France:

    >  I'm for it.  I will look over your suggested
    >orders this afternoon and get back to you.
    Ok, good.
    Don't cut it too close, I don't check in really late at night. I will check
    at around 8pm EDT. If I don't have anything from you, I will try to check
    in again later than that.
    My moves are in. If I'm late, it could make Pitt really, really suspicious.
    I'd just ordered F Bal S A Pru H, but I'll change that now to F Bal S A
    I feel confident that you'll find my plan is in good order. Just don't
    forget to bring that A Pie back to Mar, with Mar-Gas. Otherwise you will
    (or might well) have a little hole in the Fall.
    This move should essentially end the game.

Private message from England to France:

    Ok, I'll check again in an hour or so if I can manage it.
    Remember, I have ordered F Bal S A Pru-Ber.

Private message from Master to England:

    And he sweats, and sweats, and......
    > Message from as England to France in 'ghodstoo':
    > Hello?
    > Ok, I'll check again in an hour or so if I can manage it.
    > Remember, I have ordered F Bal S A Pru-Ber.
    > -GKJ
    Well, we shall see, won't we?
    Sorry, can't resist.

Private message from England to Master:

    Hey, that's ON the record now, Burgess! Unexpungeable! Taunting one's
    players, what an irredeemable vice.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Hey, that's ON the record now, Burgess! Unexpungeable! Taunting one's
    > players, what an irredeemable vice.
    > Gentle King Jamie
    May I presume that your "mood" has improved?   But, yes, I am a vice
    ridden GM animal....

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    Comments on the likely outcome of the game from everyone's perspective
    would appear to be a good request to make at this point.
    What's next?

Private message from England to Germany:

    Dearest Pitt,
    Let's just say that there's no need to waste your breath or fingers with
    any begging.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Turkey:

    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    It's been a pleasure, gentlemen.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Germany to England:

    >England: Fleet Norway SUPPORT German Army St Petersburg.
    I thank you.
    >France: Army Prussia -> Berlin.
    >France: Army Kiel SUPPORT Army Prussia -> Berlin.
    I believe France deserves to be chastised.  Can we do so without giving
    Turkey a solo?  And, are you inclined to do so?  It's readily apparent that
    you can eliminate me if you chose.  I can only hope that you would rather
    keep me alive in order to a) say thanks for me not trying to throw the game
    to Turkey by letting him take STP, b) flip France the bird, and c) show to
    one and all what a generous and magnanimous person you really are.
    No, really!
    (That's as much as I'm willing to beg.  I hope it's sufficient...;-)

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Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.