The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1911 in ghodstoo


Private message from France to England:

    I ordered pru-ber and supported it myself.  No harm done.

Private message from England to France:

    I guess I have to change the order back, to F Bal S A Pru h. Because for all
    I know you haven't managed to change *your* orders at all. Maybe you're out
    of e-mail contact or something.
    Somewhat annoying.
    If you're moving Pru-Ber, I only hope you're giving yourself some support.

Private message from England to Master:

    >Message from as Master to England in 'ghodstoo':
    >> Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    >> Hey, that's ON the record now, Burgess! Unexpungeable! Taunting one's
    >> players, what an irredeemable vice.
    >> Gentle King Jamie
    >May I presume that your "mood" has improved?   But, yes, I am a vice
    >ridden GM animal....
    Actually, my mood was rather good (though certainly anxious) when I wrote
    the above. My apologies if it came across as genuinely angry. (If I were
    really angry I wouldn't have signed my 'game name', as I think you know.)
    Also, I now think I should have said 'sin' rather than 'vice'. A subtle
    distinction, but important. ;)
    (I don't think vices can be redeemed at all, in principle; only sins.)

Private message from England to Master:

    >Comments on the likely outcome of the game from everyone's perspective
    >would appear to be a good request to make at this point.
    >What's next?
    I think the two singleton powers will be eliminated in the Fall, and then
    the three survivors will SET DRAW. Not only do I think this is what happens
    with 'best play' by all remaining parties, but I think it's obvious enough
    to survive the various ways in which real games fall short of 'best play by
    all parties'.
    The reasoning is pretty obvious, but here it is explicitly:
    1. France can just hold the line south of Stp himself this move. In all
    future moves I can order Bal S Ber, and that plus the simple French orders
    constitutes a complete stalemate south of Stp.
    2. I can order Nwy S Fin-Stp, which prevents Turkey ever from taking Stp
    under any circumstances. So Turkey is stuck at 17 if France and I play
    3. I can sail in two more fleets and force Stp, eliminating Germany and
    holding Turkey to the stalemate, eventually. So there is no point in Turkey
    supporting the German army in Stp now, unless he thinks France or I will
    make a really stupid mistake. I predict he will prefer to end the game now.
    4. Turkey will be able to construct a stalemate on his side, so there is no
    point in France and I continuing, and in any case I don't have any
    inclination to go on (I can't see how my result could improve).
    5. Then the only other possibility is that France could try to eliminate me
    too. Turkey would have to back way away from the line. But (although I
    haven't worked it all out blow by blow) I am quite sure I have more than
    enough extra force to "scuttle the ship" (throw the game to Turkey) if
    France threatens me at all, and I am quite sure that John takes my threat
    to be credible.
    If I'm judging wrong about this last item, the finish should be very
    interesting indeed!

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > >Message from as Master to England in 'ghodstoo':
    > >
    > >
    > >> Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > >>
    > >> Hey, that's ON the record now, Burgess! Unexpungeable! Taunting one's
    > >> players, what an irredeemable vice.
    > >>
    > >> Gentle King Jamie
    > >>
    > >
    > >May I presume that your "mood" has improved?   But, yes, I am a vice
    > >ridden GM animal....
    > >
    > >Jim
    > Actually, my mood was rather good (though certainly anxious) when I wrote
    > the above. My apologies if it came across as genuinely angry. (If I were
    > really angry I wouldn't have signed my 'game name', as I think you know.)
    Oh, I should have put a smiley face on my note too.  I, of course, had
    the advantage of knowing what orders France had submitted (or at least
    had submitted to that point.
    > Also, I now think I should have said 'sin' rather than 'vice'. A subtle
    > distinction, but important. ;)
    > (I don't think vices can be redeemed at all, in principle; only sins.)
    > -Jamie
    Philosophers and those principles......
    It does look mightily as if you will be the only surviving quadrapartite
    member.  Did you have a deal with Turkey to pull back and let you have
    St. Pete free and clear?  I just didn't remember seeing that press fly by.
    Cal made it easy for Hohn to surround him too.  Fascinating ending.
    It does look like the three players with the will to be part of the draw
    are.  Cal and Pitt just didn't "have it".

Private message from England to France:

    So, I'll support you to hold in Berlin, and I'll just take Stp with Fin and
    Nwy (I assume Hohn won't defend the A Stp, but if he does it's only a pain
    in the ass, not a disaster).
    Then after G and I are eliminated in the Fall, we'll set draw. (I'm pretty
    sure that's when we do it, we don't have to wait until after the
    adjustments, do we?)

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    > Comments on the likely outcome of the game from everyone's perspective
    > would appear to be a good request to make at this point.
    > What's next?
    My gambits have failed.  Oh well, I had to try.  Besides, at least I
    can take solace in the fact that I'm the biggest power. :)
    But unless John has a brain lapse of Brobdingnagian proportions, stick
    a fork in 'er.  She's done.  After this season, too, unless I miss my
    guess badly.
    Three-way EFT, 6/11/17 centers.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >Message from as Master to England, France, Germany,
    >Italy and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    >Comments on the likely outcome of the game from everyone's perspective
    >would appear to be a good request to make at this point.
    >What's next?
    You really have to ask?!
    OK, well here goes:
    Hohn finishes off Cal (like *everyone* always said he would...)
    John grins smugly (though he has to do so in the dark since undead can't
    stand direct sunlight).
    Jamie surprises everyone by *not* eliminating me in order to demonstrate
    his new playing style, "dubious self interest".
    I warp back from my alternate reality and set draw before Edi and Faz can
    further poison Jamie's pristine state of mind.
    Game over.

Private message from France to Master:

    Likely outcome: 3-way FTE.  I'll vote for it if it's proposed.  Hohn's
    broad-front retreat, however, could signal his willingness to let E-F fight
    it out.  Still, I think he'd scoop the needed center to win if we did.

Private message from England to Master:

    >Oh, I should have put a smiley face on my note too.
    I thought so, but wasn't sure.
    > I, of course, had
    >the advantage of knowing what orders France had submitted (or at least
    >had submitted to that point.
    As a matter of fact, I thought about that, and wondered whether the fact
    that you were willing to tease me about it was evidence that things were
    going to work out all right for me in the end. I did take it to be some
    evidence! Even *your* cruelty must know some bounds....
    I want to address the rest of your note, but I would like that to be "off
    the record", ok? I guess I'll bypass the Judge to send it.

Private message from England to Turkey:

    You aren't going to support A Stp, are you?
    No, of course not. Sorry I asked.

Private message from France to England:

    My orders are in, all holds and supports.  We'll set draw asap.

Private message from France to Turkey:

    Let's just call it a game.

Private message from Turkey to France:

    > Can't blame you for taking a shot at a win, but I think we've got you
    > stopped.  If you want to keep playing, I think your only option is to
    > strike a deal with me for a two-way and then concede some centers until I
    > am in position to take out England.
    Tell you what.  Let me know what centers you'd be interested in, what
    other lines we'd develop, and I'll respond to the proposal ASAP.
    > As for me, I am ready to set draw.
    Me too, if you'd rather do that.

Private message from France to Turkey:

    Can't blame you for taking a shot at a win, but I think we've got you
    stopped.  If you want to keep playing, I think your only option is to
    strike a deal with me for a two-way and then concede some centers until I
    am in position to take out England.
    As for me, I am ready to set draw.

Private message from England to Turkey:

    I believe that we can set DRAW after the retreat phase, during the
    adjustment phase, and have a 3-way draw. That is, I think Germany and Italy
    are officially *out* (no longer "survivors") as soon as they own zero
    centers, which will happen *during* the adjustment phase.
    But I am not quite sure enough of this to be willing to set DRAW and risk a
    five-way. :-)
    Does either of you know for sure? I'd ask Jim, but I figure it's more
    likely that one of you knows.

Private message from England to Turkey:

    Yeah, ok, just submit the builds then. Too bad Pitt retreated instead of
    just disbanding. Now we have to wait for *his* adjustment orders too.
    But fine, I'm submitting my order now.
    And beginning to write my EOG comments. Now don't you guys change what I
    have to write, ya hear?

Private message from Turkey to France:

    > I believe that we can set DRAW after the retreat phase, during the
    > adjustment phase, and have a 3-way draw. That is, I think Germany and Italy
    > are officially *out* (no longer "survivors") as soon as they own zero
    > centers, which will happen *during* the adjustment phase.
    > But I am not quite sure enough of this to be willing to set DRAW and risk a
    > five-way. :-)
    > Does either of you know for sure? I'd ask Jim, but I figure it's more
    > likely that one of you knows.
    My build is in.  Let's just set draw after builds are resolved; I
    agree it's not worth the risk.
    But what a shock that would be. ;)

Broadcast from Austria:

    Well it looks like there may be a three way draw here.
    Now the issue that I have always wondered at in the play is that was it
    really worth that much to go from a 4 way to a 3 way?   I still hold to the
    old old school of either you win or there is another result.  This may be
    also why I am a better ally in that if there is no victory I really value
    the alliance over some marginalization of a loss.
    Edi Birsan
    Midnight Games


Broadcast from Observer:

    So Jamie worms his way into yet another draw, just like most of the
    Hall9* games.  Good show, Gentle King!
    Looks like Pitt should have let Hohn win.

Broadcast from England:

    Gentle King Jamie, to Buckingham Palace waiter: Bring me a large dish of
    Waiter:		I'm afraid the vengeance is rather cold, Sire.
    GKJ, happily:	Bring it on with all speed, then!
    (and a glass of bordeaux, please, to toast those whose sharp blades
    slaughtered the meat....)

Adjustments - No broadcasts sent.

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Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.