The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1910 in ghodstoo


Private message from France to Turkey:

    I agree with the general strategy you have suggested.  I will spend some
    time with the board today, to see how we can carry this off.  Switching
    sides is always a delicate operation, so I'll want to feel confident of
    what we do.

Private message from France to Germany:

    GKJ's suggestions appear sound, as always.  I will spend some time staring
    at the board today and get back to you with my thoughts on A Sil and F Eng.

Private message from Germany to France:

    >Here is my suggestion for the move for the G/E arctic patrols.
    >Bot S GERMAN A Fin-Stp
    >Pretty obvious.
    >F Eng at the disposal of Haute Commande Francais.
    And ditto A Sil (though hoping to repossess a German home SC or take a
    Turkish SC...)

Private message from England to Master:

    I haven't been much involved in Judge Dip, outside of Ghodstoo, for a year,
    so I don't have any suggestions for Judgedip Leading Lights, except for the
    ones I mentioned last year. Alan Bick would be good, Conrad Minshall, of
    course, Dan Shoham, of course. You might look at last year's HoF game,
    which is presumably ongoing, I don't know any particulars about it. (Having
    participated in many HoF games, I cannot say that the level is really
    tiptop. It's a shame Conrad isn't doing DSI games anymore; players at the
    top of his index were generally very good indeed.)
    Not to gloat or anything, but it certainly does appear that the Judge
    players are beating the stuffing out of the postal players in Ghodstoo. :-)
    :-) :-)
    (I'm just needling. I am well aware that a single game proves nothing.)

Private message from England to Germany:

    Here is my suggestion for the move for the G/E arctic patrols.
    Bot S GERMAN A Fin-Stp
    Pretty obvious.
    F Eng at the disposal of Haute Commande Francais.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to France:

    What do you want me to do with F Eng?
    My inclination is to get it out of your way, Eng-Nth, let you go Bel-Eng,
    MAO-Por, Bre-MAO. Even if that last bounces, you can support it into MAO in
    the Fall and have an almost impregnable defense. Or maybe it is in fact
    impregnable. Yeah, I guess it is.
    Otherwise, I'd be happy to order it to Irish Sea.
    Or something else, if you have some other idea.
    I will suggest the next move for the G/E forces in a press to be sent in a
    few moments.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > How was the trip?
    Didn't accomplish my "mission objective" which was to do about 60 miles,
    but I managed to make it into a good time nonetheless.  It wasa my first
    time doing a "solo' that deep into the bush and it was an amazing
    experience.  Heck, someone with YOUR type of schedule and workload would
    find it probably the best type of vacation you could possibly take!  :)
    Let me know if you're ever up this way and I'll take you into the bush
    by canoe, okay?
    > My apologies.  I couldn't in good conscience send you a response to
    > your last letter of last turn, since I was past deadline (not that you
    > would have gotten it anyway, since you were on vacation, but
    > still...), but my reasoning was that I figured there was a less than
    > even chance of my making it into TRI (all we needed was Edi to either
    > move to ROM, or to have John move to TYR, and Edi moving to ROM was
    > about 50/50, as I saw it), and again, I really felt taking TYR was
    > important.
    Water under the bridge...
    > I agree, though, there is no way I'm making 18.  I'm losing STP this
    > year, no matter what.
    As the previously mentioned "four-centre, near end-game, Italy", it does
    my heart good to see a realistic game-leader... grin.
    > I have no problem with a four-way, to be honest, especially if I'm the
    > largest power.  It's a minor sop to my ego. :)
    With this crowd, ANY share in a draw will be just fine for MY ego.  :)
    > Truth to be told, I'd like to have a four-way for the simple external
    > reason that I'm short of time.
    I can empathize with that and from my point of view, the faster a draw
    happens of whatever size, the more likely that *I* am to be in it.  I
    just happen to have a big time distaste for draws involving over 3
    Unless it's a REALLY gridlocked stalemate (now there's redundancy for
    I don't think the game has been fully played out and the final result
    just laziness on the part of the remaining players.
    > Regardless, I'm pleased that you will be part of any draw that will
    > shake down from here on out.  We worked very well together, once we
    > got past the initial fits and starts.  (Well, there was that one turn
    > where the judge screwed us up, but that will probably be rendered moot
    > by the draw situation).
    Yup, we done good.  :)
    > All sounds good.  I agree that I need another army.  In fact, I regret
    > building 1/1 army/navy the previous year; I didn't have time to
    > carefully consider the build situation, and I fell back on my natural
    > balanced impulse, rather than build two armies as I should have.
    It also might have been better to build that army anywhere but Con.
    This way, you'll take two turns to get to Sev, which is where'll you'll
    most likely find you need it, no?  Not that big a deal, admittedly.
    > Please let me know how you want to proceed this season.
    Here's my suggested set of moves.  I don't normally make suggestions
    for your units that aren't that closely involved with mine, but since
    we're working on the big picture stalemate scenario, I thought I'd take
    the liberty.  It may come in handy if you're really busy too...
    a rom-ven
    a nap-rom
    f ven-apu
    f tun-naf
    a stp-fin (in case, Pitt wants to hang on to Nwy.  Nuisance value,
    a ukr s a war
    a war h
    a vie-boh, s by a tyo & a gal (Vital space for stalemate here)
    a tri s a tyo
    a con-bul
    a rum-sev
    f adr s a rom-ven
    f ion-tyn
    f apu-ion
    f lyo s f wes \____ This is the required
    f wes s f lyo /     sop to France...
    The army in Stp, if it gets dislodged, can always retreat to
    Lvn (if open)or Mos.
    I do want to pop that army in Piedmont (unless John pulls it back
    on his own) eventually and make the Pie-Naf line OUR territory.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to France and Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > I'll be happy to hang back while the dust settles and Jamie is taken
    > out by John.  Obviously, Pitt must go as well; probably before Jamie.
    > Maybe we can time it so that Jamie is stabbed at the same time he
    > stabs Pitt?
    Okay, if we're all agreed, then Hohn and I will make moves designed to
    shore up a stalemate along the Piedmont-North Africa line, but NO
    further.  Everywhere else, we will simply shuffle units to maintain the
    status quo.
    John, you can either sit and watch the way we move this turn to be
    assured of our good faith, or you can begin moving units that will
    relieve England of the burden of governing his current centres (heh
    With Pitt leaving Norway open, it would be a good idea for Jamie to be
    used to take out Pitt in the interests of a "four-way draw" (as he would
    be told) and just as Pitt goes, France takes the English centres.
    We've had Hohn's thoughts this season.  John?  Comments?

Private message from France to Germany:

    Sorry for leaving things hanging.  I have a grad seminar to teach this PM,
    for which I have to prepare.  After that, I'll have a chance to look at the
    FYI, TI have made overtures to me.  I would expect they've also tried to
    pull one or both of you over to their side.  It's all very curious.  Italy
    claims he will not allow Turkey to win, but so far he seems joined at the

Private message from England to Germany:

    >Yeah, I already confirmed that.  Didn't you get it?
    Hmmm. A Judge problem, or a Pitt problem? Or even, heaven forbid, a Jamie
    >And I'm waiting for John to tell me his plans are in Central Europe, too.
    Oh yeah.
    I'm curious too, but keep it between yourselves if you prefer.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    I've been away for a couple of days and am just back.  I note that the
    "September 15" deadline that I set remains in the computer?  Or did the
    turn just process on Monday.... oh, of course it did.  Never mind.
    Some of you have been sending some very enlightening "Press to Master"
    and I would encourage more of you to do so as we progress into the
    EndGame.  I do plan to run a third game in this series with more
    or less the same deadlines and rules; however, I will consider
    making the game have EVEN longer deadlines (which will surely
    turn some off, but others on, to the idea).  I appreciate both
    the public and private comments on these sorts of issues.

Private message from Germany to France:

    >Well, for the record, Turkey has not exactly 'made overtures' to me, but
    >he's tried to get me to do just about anything besides (help to) deprive
    >him of Stp, by trying to convince me that I am about to be stabbed, or that
    >I will be stabbed as soon as Turkey is out of Stp. By contrast, Italy
    >hasn't done anything to try to get me off course.
    That succintly sums up my situation, as well.
    >My guess is this: Italy is finally seeing that he won't survive if the
    >current trends continue. So he wants to have things shaken up a little,
    >maybe to see France attack England or something.
    I'm afraid I don't see it that way.  I think Italy has effectivey resigned
    himself to elimination and has decided that the only remaining affect he
    can have on the game is to help Turkey get a solo rather than see an EFGT
    draw.  At least that way he can enjoy a feeling of playing kingmaker rather
    than being an "also-ran" who had no significant influence on the endgame.
    >Turkey's motivation is too
    >obvious to require comment. All he needs is a little crack in the resolve
    >of one of the three of us, and victory is his. But he does need one of us
    >to do something dumb and unexpected. (There, I commented on the obvious.)
    Worth mentioning again anyway.
    >And again for the record, I told Hohn, "Thanks for the warning! I'll
    >certainly be keeping my eye on that ambitious Frenchman, and I'll try not
    >to let him capture my centers." (Not in those exact words, you understand.)
    >John, you inspect the board (finally), and I think you'll stop worrying
    >about Turkey winning by hoodwinking Italy. There isn't much of a threat
    >anymore. Assuming the three of *us* stick together, that is.
    I agree.  As Jamie mentioned a few days ago, we don't need Italy any more
    to prevent a Turkish solo.  If we play with the assumption that Turkey will
    eliminate him sooner or later and just make sure that we don't allow him to
    hurt us, I believe we can force the draw (assuming, again, that we three
    stick together).

Private message from England to Germany:

    >FYI, TI have made overtures to me.  I would expect they've also tried to
    >pull one or both of you over to their side.  It's all very curious.  Italy
    >claims he will not allow Turkey to win, but so far he seems joined at the
    Well, for the record, Turkey has not exactly 'made overtures' to me, but
    he's tried to get me to do just about anything besides (help to) deprive
    him of Stp, by trying to convince me that I am about to be stabbed, or that
    I will be stabbed as soon as Turkey is out of Stp. By contrast, Italy
    hasn't done anything to try to get me off course.
    My guess is this: Italy is finally seeing that he won't survive if the
    current trends continue. So he wants to have things shaken up a little,
    maybe to see France attack England or something. Turkey's motivation is too
    obvious to require comment. All he needs is a little crack in the resolve
    of one of the three of us, and victory is his. But he does need one of us
    to do something dumb and unexpected. (There, I commented on the obvious.)
    And again for the record, I told Hohn, "Thanks for the warning! I'll
    certainly be keeping my eye on that ambitious Frenchman, and I'll try not
    to let him capture my centers." (Not in those exact words, you understand.)
    John, you inspect the board (finally), and I think you'll stop worrying
    about Turkey winning by hoodwinking Italy. There isn't much of a threat
    anymore. Assuming the three of *us* stick together, that is.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Master:

    >I do plan to run a third game in this series with more
    >or less the same deadlines and rules; however, I will consider
    >making the game have EVEN longer deadlines (which will surely
    >turn some off, but others on, to the idea).  I appreciate both
    >the public and private comments on these sorts of issues.
    If there is a GHODSTHREE and I'm invited, I would prefer the deadlines to
    be no longer, certainly. (When we were choosing deadlines for GHODSTOO, I
    think I registered a preference for 48 hour movement phases.) However,
    longer deadlines wouldn't keep me from playing. GHODSTOO has been too slow
    for my tastes, but still very enjoyable. If I'm right that it will turn out
    to be a fairly short game in game-years, maybe it's just as well that the
    deadlines have been long.

Private message from England to Germany:

    So, it looks like Pitt and I have assessed things the same way. Well, not
    >I'm afraid I don't see it that way.  I think Italy has effectivey resigned
    >himself to elimination and has decided that the only remaining affect he
    >can have on the game is to help Turkey get a solo rather than see an EFGT
    >draw.  At least that way he can enjoy a feeling of playing kingmaker rather
    >than being an "also-ran" who had no significant influence on the endgame.
    Sure, could be that. I've been thinking that Cal must have some kind of
    plan for survival, albeit one I certainly can't fathom. But maybe it's just
    suddenly occured to him that his plan, well, what's the word I want here...
    yes, the technical game theoretic term is, "sucks".
    Let's hear from John and we'll finalize the plans.

Private message from England to France:

    >Okay, I see the problem.  I analyzed on the assumption we were one unified
    >force.  I did not try to see it from G's point of view.
    I'm sure he's feeling at least a little wary. Not knowing our intrinsically
    honorable natures, I mean.
    > Maybe you could
    >let him know you had to explain it to me so he does not infer I was out to
    >get him.
    I shall, but I think I'll wait to see what he says. No use pointing out the
    issue if he just doesn't notice it. Don't you think?
    >Why not try to make some progress against IT?  Probably, they'll have an
    >impenetrable line soon anyway, but we might as well give it a shot.
    Ok. As long as it doesn't endanger our own stalemate line, it's fine by me.
    I'll just be prowling around behind the lines. Or maybe I could even build
    an army to help out.
    I assume you will move Par-Bur. If not, you know, Munich could be in
    jeopardy in the Fall, with the other moves you've planned. Hmmm. You'd
    better order Mun-Tyo, too. Are you doing that?
    I'm just not completely confident about this whole approach. Suppose your A
    Pie is dislodged, destroyed. Suppose Turkey comes in and surrounds Munich.
    With a little care you're still safe this year, and you can build more
    armies next year, but I'm not sure you'll be able to move them up fast
    enough to keep everything safe. Mar and Mun, those are the soft spots. So A
    Bur will be overworked, as chess players say. Keeping your forces more
    compact makes everything very tight, and it can be done very easily and
    >BTW, I would expect you to retake Lvp with F Iri.  Owning all of one's home
    >centers has a certain emotional appeal, at least for me.
    Sure, it does.
    Hm. I was thinking of possibly moving to Nth instead of Iri. Well, if I
    move to Iri, I will plan to take Lvp, unless it appears that you will need
    the unit. I am going to go up one for Norway, you know. But I'd be very
    pleased to have five centers at the end of the year.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from uejon@TTACS.TTU.EDU as France to Italy and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > Finally had a chance to examine the board.  I will try to manuever GE so
    > that we can eliminate one of them.  The moves will continue to look hostile
    > to TI, but if you guys just play good defense, nothing will change as far
    > as we are concerned.
    Works for me.  We'll continue holding the fort for now.

Private message from France to England:

    BTW, I would expect you to retake Lvp with F Iri.  Owning all of one's home
    centers has a certain emotional appeal, at least for me.

Private message from France to Master:

    A small game report.  The stalemate is looming.  A draw is possible, but
    not inevitable.  I have given IT positive signals on allying with them for
    a 3-way.  My inclination is to stick with my small allies, and not give
    Turkey a chance to win.  I will be most interested in what Turkey does
    after the stalemate line firms up.  It seems impossible for him to take out
    Italy while holding a line against the rest of us.  But if he had some
    assurances from me, he might go for it.

Private message from France to England:

    Okay, I see the problem.  I analyzed on the assumption we were one unified
    force.  I did not try to see it from G's point of view.  Maybe you could
    let him know you had to explain it to me so he does not infer I was out to
    get him.
    Why not try to make some progress against IT?  Probably, they'll have an
    impenetrable line soon anyway, but we might as well give it a shot.

Private message from England to France:

    >Why would that move smell bad to Pitt?  We would take Stp with Fin in the
    >fall no matter what.  I certainly want us to take Stp, and we can't do it
    >without him, so that means he gets the center.  What am I not seeing?
    Well, suppose we did your suggested moves and everything worked, except
    that Pitt did not enter Warsaw (he wouldn't, very unlikely). Then if I just
    ordered Nwy S Bot-Swe in the Fall, Pitt would be out of the game. True,
    Hohn would still own Stp, but with me in Nwy and Swe (and other units with
    no responsibilities) and you in Lvn, we could almost certainly capture Stp
    before Hohn could gather up all the Italian centers to win.
    Having Pitt in Stp right away makes him safer, since he would be sure to
    keep either that center or Sweden in the Fall.
    Listen, it doesn't bother me, but I do expect it will bother him.
    But in the larger scheme of things, I am interested in what you are
    thinking of. Are we just going to work on stalemating Hohn, or are we
    trying to beat him back? If the former, what is the point of stretching out
    into Lvn, going for War, trying to hold onto the A Pie? Shouldn't the idea
    be to consolidate just a little, securing the current holdings in Germany
    and nailing down the line in France?

Private message from France to England:

    Why would that move smell bad to Pitt?  We would take Stp with Fin in the
    fall no matter what.  I certainly want us to take Stp, and we can't do it
    without him, so that means he gets the center.  What am I not seeing?

Private message from England to Master:

    Thanks for the reminder. I guess this is as good a time as any for an
    Inside Update.
    (It's before the Spring 1910 moves)
    So my present thoughts are these. First, I feel that I now have a very good
    chance to share a draw.
    Second, I believe that Italy will be eliminated, if not right away by an
    immediate Turkish attack (in which case I think Italy would be gone in
    1911), then later when the stalemate line has been solidified and it
    becomes clear to Turkey that there is no longer anything to do but reduce
    the draw.
    Third, it does look like there may be an opportunity to eliminate Germany
    without danger, and I will do that if I can. I won't take a significant
    chance of letting Turkey win, but I might take a tiny chance, and I will
    certainly do it if I can be sure of eliminating Germany with *no* risk. At
    the moment, France is making suggestions that must look too suspicious to
    Germany, suggestions which if followed would set up a very easy elimination
    of Germany in the Fall, with no real risk to F or E. And it is important
    that Germany not decide right this move to attempt to throw the game to
    Turkey. So I am taking my stand, within the FEG alliance, on Germany's
    side, to try to reassure him. (I'm not certain that John really is trying
    to set Pitt up, he hasn't told me, and he might possibly just be suggesting
    the most aggressive possible moves against Turkey, just to keep the game
    flowing and interesting and preserve some chance for himself to win.)
    Fourth, I do think I still have to watch out for France trying to eliminate
    me. I feel reasonably safe, but if I got way out of position and Turkey
    backed far from away from Stp, I would have to worry.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to France:

    Is there anything you would like to mention to me at this point?
    I don't want to speculate on your motives or plans, but that last
    suggestion must smell pretty bad to Pitt, if he's paying attention at all.
    I really don't want to see him jumping ship on this move, it could be
    ruinous. That was why I responded, shall we say, firmly, just now.
    Hmm. Listen, do you want to discuss the big picture? Do you have one in mind?

Private message from England to Germany:

    Those moves are ok with me, but, I have committed to Bot S Fin-Stp, and
    that's what I'll do unless Pitt wants me to have that fleet support you
    (John) to Livonia instead.
    I see your point, it's an aggressive move with some chance of penetrating
    the Turkish lines. But to my mind the absolute priority is to make sure
    we're together on all this stuff.

Private message from France to Turkey:

    Finally had a chance to examine the board.  I will try to manuever GE so
    that we can eliminate one of them.  The moves will continue to look hostile
    to TI, but if you guys just play good defense, nothing will change as far
    as we are concerned.

Private message from France to Germany:

    Here are my thoughts on the coming turn.  Seems to me we ought to try to
    push an army into Livonia.  We take Stp in the fall no matter what.
    I suggest f nwg-nwy, f gob s a pru - lvn, a sil - war, a fin - stp.
    GKJ, you can  move eng-iri and let me move bel-eng.
    I will focus on stopping ti from destroying a pie.
    How's that sound?

Private message from Master to England:

    So.... you plan to be the ONLY former quadrapartite member to survive,
    eh?  Indeed ;-)

Private message from England to Master:

    >So.... you plan to be the ONLY former quadrapartite member to survive,
    >eh?  Indeed ;-)

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Jamie is sending me curious press, asking if he should have any reason
    > for fear.  I haven't responded yet. :)
    I don't think you should say anything at all.  Just imply that you
    really spoken to John in the last few seasons.  S'true enuff...
    > I tend to agree with you.  [[Re: a three way draw]]
    > We'll see if John goes for it.  He's about the only one with enough leeway
    > to do it.
    He seems willing so far.  Do you read him the same way I do?  ie he
    figures we could take him down if we WANT to, so he's happy to do what
    say to make sure he gets part of the draw?
    > > It also might have been better to build that army anywhere but Con.
    > > This way, you'll take two turns to get to Sev, which is where'll you'll
    > > most likely find you need it, no?  Not that big a deal, admittedly.
    > I thought the center needed the unit more than the north.  I was
    > thinking of withdrawing STP-MOS, MOS-(UKR/SEV) this turn, so that's
    > another piece available.  But...
    That would be fine.  The north, or at least St. Pete's is toast, so
    pulling back is a good option.  I often like doing things for nuisance
    value, but it's hardly de rigeur.
    > > a stp-fin (in case, Pitt wants to hang on to Nwy.  Nuisance value,
    > > really)
    > ...that works too, I think.  As long as I can't get blown up.
    > Although if I get _into_ FIN, I will almost certainly get blown up the
    > following turn.  Perhaps STP hold, or offering an unwanted support
    > might be better?
    See above.
    I guess we're in tune as there's nothing else we need to discuss for
    now, no?
    Let me know about any more ramblings/tremblings from Jamie, ok?  :)

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > Message from as Italy to France and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Message from uejon@TTACS.TTU.EDU as France to Italy and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Finally had a chance to examine the board.  I will try to manuever GE so
    > > that we can eliminate one of them.  The moves will continue to look hostile
    > > to TI, but if you guys just play good defense, nothing will change as far
    > > as we are concerned.
    > Works for me.  We'll continue holding the fort for now.
    All sounds good.

Private message from Turkey to England:

    > Message from as England to Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > Feeling pretty happy about my prospects these days. Know any reason I
    > shouldn't be?
    Not off hand.  I do hope you plan on taking Pitt out before we call
    this thing?

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > > How was the trip?
    > Didn't accomplish my "mission objective" which was to do about 60 miles,
    > but I managed to make it into a good time nonetheless.  It wasa my first
    > time doing a "solo' that deep into the bush and it was an amazing
    > experience.  Heck, someone with YOUR type of schedule and workload would
    > find it probably the best type of vacation you could possibly take!  :)
    > Let me know if you're ever up this way and I'll take you into the bush
    > by canoe, okay?
    Thanks for the offer!  I'd love to get away some time.  Of course,
    that ain't lookin' likely lately, but it's nice to dream, eh? ;)
    > > about 50/50, as I saw it), and again, I really felt taking TYR was
    > > important.
    > Water under the bridge...
    Thanks for your understanding.
    > > I agree, though, there is no way I'm making 18.  I'm losing STP this
    > > year, no matter what.
    > As the previously mentioned "four-centre, near end-game, Italy", it does
    > my heart good to see a realistic game-leader... grin.
    > > I have no problem with a four-way, to be honest, especially if I'm the
    > > largest power.  It's a minor sop to my ego. :)
    > With this crowd, ANY share in a draw will be just fine for MY ego.  :)
    Heh again.
    Jamie is sending me curious press, asking if he should have any reason
    for fear.  I haven't responded yet. :)
    > > Truth to be told, I'd like to have a four-way for the simple external
    > > reason that I'm short of time.
    > I can empathize with that and from my point of view, the faster a
    > draw happens of whatever size, the more likely that *I* am to be in
    > it.  I just happen to have a big time distaste for draws involving
    > over 3 powers.  Unless it's a REALLY gridlocked stalemate (now
    > there's redundancy for you), I don't think the game has been fully
    > played out and the final result was just laziness on the part of the
    > remaining players.
    I tend to agree with you.  We'll see if John goes for it.  He's about
    the only one with enough leeway to do it.
    > > got past the initial fits and starts.  (Well, there was that one turn
    > > where the judge screwed us up, but that will probably be rendered moot
    > > by the draw situation).
    > Yup, we done good.  :)
    > > All sounds good.  I agree that I need another army.  In fact, I regret
    > > building 1/1 army/navy the previous year; I didn't have time to
    > > carefully consider the build situation, and I fell back on my natural
    > > balanced impulse, rather than build two armies as I should have.
    > It also might have been better to build that army anywhere but Con.
    > This way, you'll take two turns to get to Sev, which is where'll you'll
    > most likely find you need it, no?  Not that big a deal, admittedly.
    I thought the center needed the unit more than the north.  I was
    thinking of withdrawing STP-MOS, MOS-(UKR/SEV) this turn, so that's
    another piece available.  But...
    > > Please let me know how you want to proceed this season.
    > Here's my suggested set of moves.  I don't normally make suggestions
    > for your units that aren't that closely involved with mine, but since
    > we're working on the big picture stalemate scenario, I thought I'd take
    > the liberty.  It may come in handy if you're really busy too...
    > Italy
    > ^^^^^
    > a rom-ven
    > a nap-rom
    > f ven-apu
    > f tun-naf
    > Turkey
    > ^^^^^^
    > a stp-fin (in case, Pitt wants to hang on to Nwy.  Nuisance value,
    > really)
    ...that works too, I think.  As long as I can't get blown up.
    Although if I get _into_ FIN, I will almost certainly get blown up the
    following turn.  Perhaps STP hold, or offering an unwanted support
    might be better?
    > a ukr s a war
    > a war h
    > a vie-boh, s by a tyo & a gal (Vital space for stalemate here)
    > a tri s a tyo
    > a con-bul
    > a rum-sev
    > f adr s a rom-ven
    > f ion-tyn
    > f apu-ion
    > f lyo s f wes \____ This is the required
    > f wes s f lyo /     sop to France...
    All looks good.
    > The army in Stp, if it gets dislodged, can always retreat to
    > Lvn (if open)or Mos.
    See above.
    > I do want to pop that army in Piedmont (unless John pulls it back
    > on his own) eventually and make the Pie-Naf line OUR territory.
    I agree whole-heartedly.
    > Thoughts?
    Back at ya. ;)

Private message from England to Turkey:

    > I do hope you plan on taking Pitt out before we call
    >this thing?
    I'm not thinking of such a thing. You shock and astound me!
    You must have forgotten how *Gentle* I am.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Germany:

    You there? Have I again missed some press of yours?
    I'll keep my order to support you into Stp unless I hear otherwise (as I
    said a few days ago in that press to fg). While I'd like to keep John happy
    by following his suggestion, it doesn't seem terribly important to me,
    since the chance that we could do *better* than a 4-way appears to be
    miniscule, negligible. I guess with his more aggressive move suggestions,
    John is just trying to squeeze a little more play out of the position, or a
    little more fun. Or he's plotting something fiendish (but I doubt that).
    So, I'd rather follow his suggestion, but I won't exactly be heartbroken if
    you veto it (or 'pocket veto' by saying nothing at all).
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to Germany:

    I have not heard from Pitt on trying for Livonia.  It seems to me that I
    should order pru-lvn in any case, so you guys can decide whether to go with
    this.  The only danger I see is that Turkey might wipe out A Sil.
    Any suggestions?

Private message from England to Germany:

    >I have not heard from Pitt on trying for Livonia.
    Nor have I.
    > It seems to me that I
    >should order pru-lvn in any case, so you guys can decide whether to go with
    >this.  The only danger I see is that Turkey might wipe out A Sil.
    That is a danger. That army must be left with some retreat.
    >Any suggestions?
    Maybe you could have A Ber retreat to Kiel? I mean, order it to move to Kiel.
    I'm still ordering Bot S Fin-Stp.
    It would be nice if we could get FRENCH A Pru-Lvn, GER A Sil-Pru (maybe by
    retreat). Then, after Stp is secured, I could move my fleet to Bal and
    possibly convoy the German army back into Kiel, giving Pitt one of his home
    centers back. If we really intend to continue driving Turkey backward, I
    think we must make sure that Germany can gain a unit now and then.

Private message from England to France:

    At this point, I think we must face the significant worry that Pitt has
    decided we're trying to eliminate him and that he will therefore support
    Turkey into Norway. Not saying it's going to happen, or likely, but if not
    he must just be overwhelmed and too busy to respond to our press. I can't
    think of any other explanation.
    For this reason, I think I will order Eng-Nth after all. We might be in a
    lot of trouble if Pitt will really help Turkey win, but at least this way
    there's a fighting chance of my containing the assault into Scand.
    The other option is for me to proceed on the outright assumption that
    Germany has teamed with Turkey. In that case I think I'd order Bot-Swe,
    Nwg-Bar, Eng-Nth. (But at the moment I do not plan to do this.)

Private message from France to England:

    Sil-war is probably still a good idea.

Private message from France to Germany:

    GKJ has told me he will support fin-stp.  I have ordered ber-kie to make
    room for a possible German retreat from sil.  I think with that we are

Private message from England to France:

    >I suspect Pitt, again, is just overwhelmed by real life.  Still, if you are
    >having such doubts, perhaps we should just take him out.  The worst that
    >could happen, I think, is a four-way draw, right?
    Well, you think? I was afraid that the worst that could happen would be a
    Turkish win.
    I will stick with my wishywashy, sitting on the fence plan: supporting
    Germany into Stp, but also moving Eng-Nth.
    Unless I hear from Pitt in the next hour or so, I mean.

Private message from France to England:

    I suspect Pitt, again, is just overwhelmed by real life.  Still, if you are
    having such doubts, perhaps we should just take him out.  The worst that
    could happen, I think, is a four-way draw, right?

Retreats - No broadcasts sent.

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Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.