The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1904 in ghodstoo


Broadcast from Turkey:

    Sorry I was late last turn, folks.  I've been in the process of changing jobs,
    and it's been hectic.  I actually sent my orders in a mere few hours after the
    deadline, but unfortunately the timing was bad and the judge went down, thus
    delaying processing until it came back up.
    Oh, and by the way, Pitt, where exactly do entertainment lawyers rank on your
    lawyer low-archy? ;)

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    I really like the idea of turning west with you, both
    against Pitt and against Edi.
    I propose a modification: Ukraine to Rumania, Sevastopol and
    Black Sea support.  That demilitarizes us a bit, and doesn't
    waste a move of Black Sea to Sevastopol that could otherwise
    be used to support.
    You might want to consider building a fleet in St.
    Petersburg, although of course I will understand if you feel
    it necessary to build an army instead.
    I'm trying to hammer something out with Cal right now.
    We'll see if we can come to an arrangement.

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > Well, that turn went about as well as could be reasonably expected, from
    > my point of view.
    I also thought it went very well, except for the failed attack on WAR.
    > Are you still going to attack Edi?  Your moves didn't particularly
    > indicate that you still want to go by what we discussed on the phone.
    > Admittedly, you took Bul, but that could have been a pre-arranged
    > centre-swap and you DID try to support him to War.  But for some lucky
    > guesses on Mark's part, Edi would have still built one.
    I am indeed still up for attacking Edi.  I moved to BUL because I
    didn't trust him completely, and it turned out to be a good thing.
    He's telling me he just moved to RUM to prevent the Russian from
    moving or retreating there, but as we didn't discuss or prearrange
    that particular move, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see it.  I've
    played it off as no big deal, but it still grated on me.
    As for the support into WAR, that wasn't about bolstering Edi, it was
    about trying to take Mark out.  I still don't want to see Mark
    powerful, especially given his history with me this game.
    > I really want to stress that taking out Edi is the only way for you to
    > get centres FAST.  There are only two more Russian centres left to take
    > and I now have enough units to make it difficult for you and Edi to take
    > me out quick.  Also, with the apparent German stab of France, you and I
    > now have enough time to take care of business at our end of the board
    > and move west before they resolve that chaos.
    I agree.  And I think you can see I'm in prime position to move
    against Edi now.  RUM is mine for sure, and BUL is in position to
    attack or support an attack on GRE.
    > I want to let you know in advance that, because of my uncertainty about
    > your intentions, I am forced to build a fleet in Naples this Winter,
    > just to make sure that A/T does not outnumber me in fleets.  If you're
    > still willing to work with me, this fleet can always be used in a future
    > war against France.  Either way, I am not about to launch the war
    > against you that Edi is begging me for...
    If you want to build F NAP, that's absolutely fine, but in light of
    that I must of course build F SMY.  Even if those things both occur,
    I'm still open to working with you, and do not intend to launch a war
    against you either.
    Let me know if you change your mind about your build.

Private message from Italy to France:

    Hmm, you seem to have been suckered by that dastardly German again!
    I can't do much to help other than to promise you no threat from the Med
    (like I could anyway...) although I would suggest you take as much off
    England as you can.  He's a real loose cannon and his centres are better
    off in your hands than supporting his chaotic units.
    I guess advice is all I can offer right now.
    Good luck

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    Well, that turn went about as well as could be reasonably expected, from
    my point of view.
    Are you still going to attack Edi?  Your moves didn't particularly
    indicate that you still want to go by what we discussed on the phone.
    Admittedly, you took Bul, but that could have been a pre-arranged
    centre-swap and you DID try to support him to War.  But for some lucky
    guesses on Mark's part, Edi would have still built one.
    I really want to stress that taking out Edi is the only way for you to
    get centres FAST.  There are only two more Russian centres left to take
    and I now have enough units to make it difficult for you and Edi to take
    me out quick.  Also, with the apparent German stab of France, you and I
    now have enough time to take care of business at our end of the board
    and move west before they resolve that chaos.
    I want to let you know in advance that, because of my uncertainty about
    your intentions, I am forced to build a fleet in Naples this Winter,
    just to make sure that A/T does not outnumber me in fleets.  If you're
    still willing to work with me, this fleet can always be used in a future
    war against France.  Either way, I am not about to launch the war
    against you that Edi is begging me for...

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Hi Cal,
    > Well, FINALLY we pierce a small part of Edi's line.  And while I'm sure
    > that AT planned these moves all along (i.e., the swap of BUL/RUM, support
    > to WAR, etc) it *is* nice to see Edi at 0 builds this turn, eh?  And the
    > nice part is that he didn't retreat Tri-Tyo, as he could've done to make
    > life tough(er) for us. I'm still bitterly disappointed that Pitt didn't
    > move to Tyo or Sil, as requested; that would've solidified the East
    > and/or caused great heartache for Edi...makes you wonder about any A/G
    > in-place agreements....
    I've suspected an A/G for a while.  Them being in Sweden together
    do much to change my mind...
    > We now have to decide a couple things:  what do you build?  (I'm wagering
    > F Nap-TyS?), and how do I move?   (I'm thinking two army builds, and then
    > either passively sitting tight--mutual War/Mos supports--or some
    > razzle-dazzle regarding Boh and War vs Gal.)
    I have to get something from Hohn first.  I've been working on trying to
    get him to stab Edi and, in a phone call, he seemed interested.  Fleet
    Naples is most likely whether Hohn's with me or agin me.
    > One option, if you're willing:
    > Boh-Vie (Tri S);   Apu-Alb, Ion C (Adr S)
    > This way guarantees you don't lose Tri, as both support pieces are cut,
    > and stands at least a small chance of getting me a center -- as
    > compensation when either E or G hose me up north.
    I like this option, again depending on feedback from Hohn.
    > I figure Turkey will build F Smy, and then use the two AT fleets + Smy
    > and try to blow you out of ION.  Hence my desire for your fifth build and
    > a cementing of the sea lines...Hohn and Edi have to either slowly reduce
    > me for more builds to get more fleets to hit you, or Hohn can take the
    > 'easy way out" and stab Edi for quick builds--probably with you gaining
    > something in the process.  That's my current plan.
    I vote for option 2... grin
    > Anyway, let me hear what you think of the above proposal, or anything
    > you've got cooking in your brain at present.  I'm going down to the wire
    > with you on this one, Cal.
    'preciate it, buddy.  I'll get back to you when I hear more.

Private message from Russia to Austria:

    Hi Edi,
    A resend of a mistyped address yesterday...
       ----- Original message follows -----
    --------- Begin forwarded message ----------
    Well it looks like we may have some chance of doing something if you will
    out of my Country.
    ** Funny thing, Edi:  that was MY line I was going to say to you!
    May I suggest that with the demise of the English and the
    apparant resurgance of the French-German that you consider the following
    F Swe-Baltic
    A Boh-Sil
    A War-Pru
    A StP-Mos
    A Mos-War
    ** These are moves I was also considering, although it would, as you're
    doubtless aware, require a GREAT leap of faith for me to expect you to
    let me alone and to encourage the Turk to do likewise.
    This would disengage you from my front and give you a firm position
    the German.
    ** And where does this leave me vis a vis the Turks?  Or regarding you?
    I for my part can leave you alone in Warsaw and concentrate on the
    ** You've provided nice examples for my moves; how about your own units?
    unfortunately though I can not afford to turn on the Turks at this time
    the Italians in my home centers.
    ** Wonder what it would be like if *I* said, "unfortunately I can't
    afford to turn on the Germans at this time with Turks in my home centers
    (and Austrians at the door)?"
    Anyway it is a possibility.
    ** Yes, it is.  These moves are indeed well-crafted against Pitt, but you
    can't honestly expect me to believe you'll let me alone while still
    staying allied with the Turks?  I'll take my chances hitting Vie, Gal, or
    supporting Pitt to Tyo.  Better to die with a Turkish spear in my chest,
    rather than an Austrian dagger in my back.  The last one hurt.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from France to Germany:

    Well, not all bad, but I am curious as to your move to Burgundy, which we
    both declared neutral territory.   What's up?

Private message from England to Germany:

    Hm, that was disappointing. Now I know why France wasn't offering Belgium. :)
    Well, if you'd have let me have Norway, I would certainly have built in
    Liverpool and done anything I could to help you against France. Instead,
    I'll have to let John take Liverpool, presumably by convoy, since there
    isn't a thing I can do about it. I don't really understand why you bounced
    me from Norway. I guess you must have had your reasons.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Russia:

    I'm glad you're so happy with the outcome. This season was the nail in my
    coffin, as far as I can tell. I have no way to prevent France from
    convoying into Liverpool, and no way to get Liverpool back once it's taken,
    and defending my island against an army will be hopeless.
    I don't think I'll take Norway. I have to decide whether to defend against
    Germany or France. I'll check to see whether there appears to be any chance
    that Germany will take this opportunity to invade France; otherwise I guess
    I'll have to let France walk in while I hold off Germany a few more turns,
    giving you a chance for a while longer too.
    I don't know whether the Judge is working. It didn't send the mail I sent a
    couple of days ago.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to England:

    If you were to put a fleet in Hel, things might become very interesting.
    Jean de France

Private message from Germany to France:

    >Well, not all bad, but I am curious as to your move to Burgundy, which we
    >both declared neutral territory.   What's up?
    Just curious, eh?  If I were you, I'd be a bit more concerned than that.
    However, no concern is necessary.  I wanted to be sure that I could
    successfully get PIC further west *and* protect against a stab (Yes, I did
    hear the rumors and though I was not inclined to believe them, I figured
    that I'd protect myself just in case).
    I hope you're not too concerned about it since BUR is no closer to PAR than
    PIC was and, though BUR is closer to MAR, PIC was closer to BRE.  In any
    case, BUR will be going to MUN or RUH next turn and we will then have our
    DMZ in BUR.
    I hope you're comfortable with that.  All in all we are in excellent
    position.  I intentionally blocked England in NOR to prevent him from
    getting a build in LVP.  LVP is now yours for sure and we should be able to
    make short work of him after that.
    Any other ideas or suggestions?

Private message from England to France:

    Aha. Well, that does explain (what I found very surprising) Germany's
    gung-ho attitude. I thought he'd send me a gloating message, and was
    puzzled to be essentially called a co-conspirator.
    You can't trust Pitt, you know. (Ask anybody.) Maybe you can't trust me
    either, but for sure you can't trust him. (If only you had moved to English
    Channel instead, you'd have more options. Oh well, I've had plenty of
    opportunity for "if only"s this game!) I'm under no illusion about the
    extent to which I can trust him, but I'm in one of those positions where I
    no longer have a choice.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to England:

    Actually, you may have been the recipient of some good fortune.  While I
    know you have no reason to believe anything I say and will move on the
    assumption that I am entirely hostile (which I may well be), Germany did
    violate an understanding that Burgundy remain open.  He was to have vacated
    French territory by now.   I await an explanation.  Meanwhile, I am
    reconsidering the situation.
    Jean de France

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    > The Judge was down for a while on Friday.  I apologize for some of the
    > confusion that resulted in lost mail and late results.  If Hohn would
    > like his dedication points back, I will make the appropriate request
    > to Dave Kleiman.  The Judge should be on an even keel again now.
    Considering that I have 561 ded points as of now, I think I can handle
    a few lost ones here and there. :) Please don't bother with the

Broadcast from Master:

    The Judge was down for a while on Friday.  I apologize for some of the
    confusion that resulted in lost mail and late results.  If Hohn would
    like his dedication points back, I will make the appropriate request
    to Dave Kleiman.  The Judge should be on an even keel again now.
    Your GM,

Private message from England to France:

    Well, that seals my fate!
    Seems like a funny move. I can see how you might think you'll get the
    lion's share of England, but of course you know I'll do what I can to see
    that you don't. I suppose you somehow trust Germany to look elsewhere after
    I'm disposed of.
    Or is this only my opening coming home to roost?
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to Master:

    Did not mean to ignore you.  Current thinking: I am committed to the F/G
    for the time being.  Pitt is not very communicative, but I can handle it.
    Maybe that will change now that he's done with dipcon.  Of course, I am
    more than curious about Pic-Bur.  That was supposed to be an open province.
    I wish I could help Russia more.  He's still in this, with five units on
    the board.  I thought he'd be in worse shape than that.
    Not at all upset to see Austria take a hit.  Edi helped arrange the FG
    alliance, but he did so for his own purposes, hoping I would pressure Italy
    while he dominated in the East.
    Long term possibility: finish off England and go into the Med while Germany
    takes Scandinavia.  I hope Italy is not too powerful by then.

Broadcast from Russia:

    (StP) Tsar Faz, elated at the (for now) "save" of both Nwy and War, has
    decorated Marshall Pullitoff, the architect of the "Hail Mary" option
    plan that not only delayed the AT advance, but also liberated Trieste
    and placed it under the benevolent Italian, Doge Cal.
    "The 'active proposals' put forth by the Austrian regarding A/R
    (non-)relations are indeed 'active:' actively hosing Russia since 1902
    (one need only see who owned RUM long before the Austrians jackbooted
    their way in there this year)--to include their rapacious try for War
    only this past turn.  And now the Austrians offer "peace" in their
    terms:  "leave Boh, turn on your friends, completely vacate the Southern
    Front, 'trust us, Tsar Faz,' and everything will be all right."  We in
    Russia have heard this siren song before; it nearly wrecked our ship of
    state on rocky shoals.    We are unmoved.
    No, the true course for good allies is to continue to support common war
    aims wherever possible.
    The 'whispers of a nightmare' that BirSauron (known affectionately in
    Tsarist circles as "GarbageBin") hear are not for Russia, nor are they
    the gaseous vapors that emanate from the hind sections of his Dark
    Riders (and their nags).   Nay, he hears, as the Jefferson Starship
    sings, "...Winds of Change (are) going by."
    Holy Russia -- indeed, all Europe--hopes the winds bring a new breeze to
    the continent.  One unpolluted by the Foul One and his evil minions, who
    blacken the land with their odious deeds.
    We hope the Archduke enjoys his Albanian retreat, and wish more of his
    folks would go there.
    May God grant continued success to our friends, and rebuff the grasps of
    the Dark One."
    Tsar Faz

Broadcast from Observer:

    >> > where exactly do entertainment lawyers rank
    >> Most lawyers are entertainers.
    >I hate to disagree, but I am fairly certain that if you took a typical
    >lawyer (if there is such a thing) and put him on TV next to David
    >Letterman, or Rosie that we could pretty easily determine who was the
    >lawyer and who the entertainer.
    A riddle:
    Why didn't the shark eat the lawyer?
    Professional Courtesy.
    -Another, completely different, James, who until now has had the good sense
    to remain silent.

Private message from France to Germany:

    I expected your explanation to be about what it was, because it makes
    sense.  It's true that the situation is little changed tactically.  Also,
    if you meant to attack, you'd still be in Pic.
    FYI, England is claiming that you are trying to make peace with him, in
    prep for war against me.  Also, Russia is worried that unless I attack you,
    he will suffer German attack.
    I don't know what your response is to Edi's pleas for help.  Seems to me he
    made the bed and now can lie in it.  RI v. TA should be an interesting
    Jean de France

Private message from Russia to England:

    Yes, I realize the moves were *not* the best for your country.  I was
    9obviously) focused only on the anti-G aspects of the move(s).  There is
    nothing you can do vs France this season, and if he convoys the army, you
    end up with a medium-length agonizing defense.
    If you're NOT going to take Nwy, then we need to figure a good move this
    season.  I would suggest one option to be:
    Nwg-Nwy (bouncing any 1-on-1 Hun?)
    Nth-Den (Swe S)...with me retreating to BAL if he takes swe, and then the
    two of us hitting Nwy and/or Den (or Ber) come fall.
    This obviously enrages Pitt to the point that trade one enemy (A/T) for
    another...or perhaps merely add a third neighbor to my "enemies list."
    it is, however, an option to keep Pitt occupied while France becomes the
    cornerstone of the west.
    Ghod, and I thought F/T would be the first two to die.  Curse you,
    Let me know what's shakin', Loyal Liege!
    Tsar Faz

Broadcast from England:

    >Broadcast message from as Austria in 'ghodstoo':
    >What the hell is :
    >  " dedication points back,"
    Dedication points are scores that the Judge keeps for each registered
    player. They are supposed to be a very rough indicator of a player's
    dedication. You gain points every time you submit a move on time. You lose
    points every time you are late submitting a move (and more as days pass and
    you get later). You lose a lot of points if you abandon your position.
    You can see players' dedication points in a LISTing of the game. For
    instance, you have 36.

Private message from England to Germany:

    >Yeah.  I didn't buy your "I only want to get Russia" speech and I did buy
    >Russia's "I only want to help you" speech.
    >Look like I was wrong on the latter...I'm not sure about the former.
    Well, my speech was sincere.
    But, you don't know me very well, so you are excused. Only don't let it
    happen again.
    I won't believe anything you say now. If for some reason you decide you
    want to cooperate after all, just get yourself into a position to really
    attack France. If you do, and I can get into a position to help, maybe
    we'll negotiate. (I will try to move to the English Channel anyway.)
    You don't seem to be in a particularly good position, considering.
    Dislodging Russia from Sweden is pretty risky. I won't let you into North
    Sea. And your attacking prospects vs. France are not great, either, though
    they could be great if France goes all out against me.
    Well, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I may still have a
    chance if you let me have one. Otherwise I'll just have to decide which of
    the many powers who have stabbed me deserve to have revenge wreaked upon
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Russia:

    Tsar Faz,
    Let's see.
    Well, do you think you'll use your A Stp inland, or would you want to send
    it to Scandinavia? I can think of some good plans if the latter. If the
    former, we are more constrained and would have to try a trick.
    >Nwg-Nwy (bouncing any 1-on-1 Hun?)
    Hey, don't call me "Hun", you don't know me that well!
    >Nth-Den (Swe S)...with me retreating to BAL if he takes swe, and then the
    >two of us hitting Nwy and/or Den (or Ber) come fall.
    I think maybe he won't try for Sweden, simply because a retreat to Baltic
    is so troublesome for Germany. He might well try to sneak into Norway,
    especially if he figures I'll be sending my fleets elsewhere.
    Here's a Big Secret. I am seriously considering Nth-Hel, Lon-Nth. It's a
    really good position, considering. If Stp-Nwy, Swe S Stp-Nwy, we'd be in a
    very aggressive position even if Germany dislodges you from Sweden.
    There are too many possibilities--tell me whether you are even considering
    My current feeling is to abandon any defense against France and try to
    screw up Germany's position, maybe hole up somewhere else as a renegade
    house. I'll keep you posted.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Germany to France:

    >I expected your explanation to be about what it was, because it makes
    >sense.  It's true that the situation is little changed tactically.  Also,
    >if you meant to attack, you'd still be in Pic.
    Thanks for understanding.  You'll see further confirmation next turn.
    >FYI, England is claiming that you are trying to make peace with him, in
    >prep for war against me.
    Well, of *course* he is...;-)  He's not too happy with me right now since
    my bouncing him in NOR prevented him from building in LVP and blocking you.
     Now, I'm not going to insult you and say that I might not consider an
    action like he's claiming if it were sufficiently to my advantage but I
    don't see how it could be at the moment.  He's certainly in no position to
    help me and I'm in no position to attack you without giving you advance
    warning.  Moreover, I need your help to finish off England (FYI, I *am*
    expecting a fair share of those spoils...) and I have the RA situation to
    deal with on my eastern flank.
    >Also, Russia is worried that unless I attack you,
    >he will suffer German attack.
    Well, I'm not surprised.  He's been one of the players feeding me rumors
    about your eveil intentions toward me.  It only seems right that he should
    do the same regarding me to you...      Frankly, he's right to be worried
    about my future plans.  So long as you and I can keep a strong alliance,
    he's my next target (though I'd prefer you not pass that along to him...)
    >I don't know what your response is to Edi's pleas for help.  Seems to me he
    >made the bed and now can lie in it.  RI v. TA should be an interesting
    Agreed.  If we get the opportunity, however, we should take advantage of it
    to move one or two of our units into the area.  Then we will be in a
    position to influence matters to our advantage, wherever that might lie.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >I don't really understand why you bounced
    >me from Norway. I guess you must have had your reasons.
    Yeah.  I didn't buy your "I only want to get Russia" speech and I did buy
    Russia's "I only want to help you" speech.
    Look like I was wrong on the latter...I'm not sure about the former.

Broadcast from Germany:

    >Oh, and by the way, Pitt, where exactly do entertainment lawyers rank on your
    >lawyer low-archy? ;)
    Well, there's pond scum - that would be criminal defense lawyers...
    Then there's pond slime - that would be the ambulance chasers...
    And then there's subterranean ooze - that would be about right for
    Hollywood's finest...

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >Well, "thanks" for the bounce in Nwy.  Not sure if you expected the
    >bounce and did it to "protect" your eastern flank, or if you did it to
    >pave the way for the eventual takeover of Scandinavia (Den/Ska tag team
    >next turn, etc).
    I did it to protect NWY.  I *knew* that England was going to try for NWY,
    which is why I tried to get you to cover it.  When you made it clear that
    you were not going to, I decided I had to.  I would have liked to support
    myself into NTH but it was more important to me to keep you as strong as
    >I am  disappointed that you continue to play the East like the Russians
    >did outside Warsaw in August 1944, i.e., watch from a distance as loyal
    >opposition guys get pounded by the enemy, and only then come in to
    Look...I'd love to come riding to your aid but I simply must resolve the
    situation in the west.  It's that simple.  I'm doing the best I can to help
    you stay strong (as noted above, as well as through diplomacy with other
    powers, notably Italy and Turkey).  If I just drop everything and head
    east, I won't be much help to you or anybody because that will invite a
    French stab.  I should think you'd be suitably appreciative with what I
    *am* able to do...
    >As it stands now, your stated goal -- for me to hold off the hordes -- is
    >not exactly in synch with your observed actions.  Yes, there was the
    >matter of France's status, but that seems crystal clear at present...
    I'm glad you think so.  Of course, that's easy to do when you're not
    adjacent to him and you won't be the recipient if the stab, should it come.
    >Anyway, please consider doing "something" (in an anti-AT manner, of
    >course) with A MUN; thanks, Pitt.
    I will consider it...again.  Maybe, MAYBE, I will go to TYR this year but
    no promises at this time.
    >We'll need to talk over the North.  Eng may try for Nwy with two (whuile
    >you try for swe with two??), but I'm hoping you both realize the benefit
    >in a strong Russian buffer up north.
    BOTH?!  England is only interested in your untimely demise, fer cryin' out
    loud!  I am simply amazed that you could consider anything else.  Frankly,
    I'm beginning to feel like I'm backing the wrong horse.  I knew what
    England's moves were goung to be last turn and I moved to protect you, my
    ally.  I could have moved to put myself into position to better threaten
    England but I elected not to in order to cover NWY.  Yet, you still talk of
    England and I as if you considered us both the same.  Hell, maybe I should
    have let him take NWY and gone after SWE and WAR myself, as he and Edi

Broadcast from Austria:

    What the hell is :
      " dedication points back,"

Private message from England to France:

    Fair enough.
    I'm not totally convinced that Germany's lying. Maybe he is. Or maybe he's
    lying to you. (Probably to both of us.) But your point is that Germany
    would surely say the same thing to me no matter what his actual plans. And
    I pretty much agree.
    The thing is, I have this feeling that if you ever actually committed
    yourself to making certain moves, you'd do it, or at least you'd feel some
    pull to do it. I draw this conclusion from the remarkable *absence* of any
    commitment made ahead of time in past moves.
    But, you aren't making any commitments now, either. Maybe because you are
    just hoping I'll do what you want, making it easier for you to keep Germany
    off your back while you try for all of the English centers. Or maybe for
    some other reason. So I'll have to make my decision by consulting tea
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to England:

    Can I give you a reason?  No, not really.  If Germany has, he's undoubtedly
    Jean de France

Private message from England to France:

    Yes, a fleet in Helg might be very interesting.
    I'm sure you'd like me to be in Helg. And Germany would like me to be in
    English Channel. And I have to decide. Can you give me a reason?
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Yoiks!  Looking over my note to you, I can see where you'd be somewhat
    non-plused (understatement of the decade, I'll wager).
    I do indeed appreciate you covering NWY, honest Injun.  I do disagree,
    however, that England is of necessity gunning for me.  Maybe I'm overly
    optimistic with him -- and now with his two fleets up there, we'll soon
    see -- but I honestly think he and I have no axes to grind.  Color me
    Part of my paranoia was your move to Den this turn (although entirely
    understandable, I realize, given recent E and R actions).   I tend to get
    flustered when beset upon by large coalitions (despite your anti-F
    worries, that situation has *not* been done to you this game).  I see two
    Germans near Swe, your verbal-only support for the East, and Edi's smooth
    siren songs, and I add 1+1+1... and get 5.  Crazy?  Probably...Never said
    I wasn't, though....
    I sincerely hope you don't stab me, a la BirSauron's wishes.  Edi tends
    to yelp loudest when he's beset upon, and this thing may -- may --
    actually begin to start working against him and/or Hohn soon.  To do
    that, I need to remain viable.  And that's why I *DO* appreciate your
    help and support...never doubt that!   I mean, a stab of me hastens the
    arrival of AT into SIL and WAR...and also brings in vagaries of retreats,
    Eng actions, etc etc.  It's just plain messy for us all.
    As for the north:  we can do a variety of things, if you're interested:
    - You retaking Nth (thus tying down Nwg and nth) while I retry for Nwy;
    - Me moving to nwy, supported by  Ska;
    - Me supporting you there (if you expect a bounce w/England);
    - Something new and different (surprise me).
    In the West, I honestly don't see your concern over France.  Seems to me
    you two have arranged a nice, slow, phased withdrawal, with you "backing
    out" of PIC and heading home, thus freeing MUN for the east.   I mean,
    c'mon, Pitt:  if he was such an all-fired threat to YOU, why move to iri
    to set up an anti-Eng convoy?  Why not attack you in PIC or drive you out
    somehow? bet is you've reached a deal, however "11th hour" it just doesn't look hostile between you guys.   (hence my desire
    for that eastern help.)
    It's no big deal, though.  If you can't spare the guy due to other
    worries, I'll take my chances.  I've done 'ok' (ha!) so far without
    eastern German armies, and I'll work it that way if need be.   Your
    diplomatic support is always d esired when dealing with I, A and T, by
    the way....
    But please please please, don't mistake my poorly-worded letters for
    'abuse' or as cause for your frustration.  I'm perfectly happy with the
    status quo, and think I might be able to hold these guys off as you head
    off on your plans.
    Am I sufficiently repentant?
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to England:

    Short note before soccer practice...
    I like your idea of StP-Nwy...MUCH depends on what Turkey is
    doing...supposedly he and Cal have some secret handshakes going on
    regarding Austria (if one can actually believe that)!  If true, perhaps
    it might not be bad to go trapising off to nwy....let me mull that over.
    Got the 'thundercloud" note from Pitt. He's frustrated that i don't see
    you as a threat, he "had" to move to nwy last turn because he "knew"
    you'd try for Nwy, he's mad that I said he's a sluggo in the east
    (non-support), and he's wondering if he shouldn't actually listen to
    Edi's pleas and take WAR and SWE..
    I was sufficiently repentant, with just a veil of threat about "vagaries
    of retreats" should he take SWE.  I think I've poured balm on the wound,
    but it might not hurt to check my flanks as I beat my head vs AT.
    Keep me apprised.  I like your BigSecret idea.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Italy to France:

    > Message from as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > I see you don't need my help.
    The offer is still appreciated though.
    > Good thing too, as things are beginning to heat up to the north.
    I took Germany's move to be anti-French, but Edi says they were only
    disengagement attempts (?).  Who's right?
    > Rumors are starting to circulate re Germany's
    > intentions.  Any word that might be of interest to me?
    Haven't heard anything, but if I do, I'll pass it along.  I'd really
    like to know myself if Pitt is going to stay in the west or try to move
    east.  What rumours have you heard?
    Like I said, those moves looked awfully anti-French to me...

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Great!  Yes, I'll play the "defensive" mode for another turn, just to
    make sure this isn't one last hurrah from the AT forces, but I'm feeling
    good about this.  Come fall, things will surely shake up the board!
    On the Scandinavian front:  Pitt did indeed send a note of "frustration"
    -- I guess my wonderful correspondence style touches the hearts of
    EVERYone this game, not just my Balkan neighbors -grin-.  He said "maybe
    I should just listen to Edi and take SIL and SWE....whoa.
    So, yes, I do need to watch out for Pitt and for the now-gimpy-wristed
    Jamie.  Having said that, though, I think Pitt will refrain from having
    me retreat to BAL and taking BER in the event of a hit, and Jamie has
    been mentioning some plans regarding both F and G.  So I'm worried, but
    no more than any other precarious position I'm in on the map!
    Thanks again for the note and the words of encouragement.  I think (I
    *hope*) you'll find that I'm not such a bad guy to work with after
    all...especially when you've got me essentially neutered down south
    anyway.  I certainly look forward to spreading that Hohn Cho "charm" to
    other, non-Russian neighbors! -double grin-
    Take care, Hohn.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Okay, I think that despite our builds, we are still in good position to
    > > continue anti-Austrian maneuvers.  I can keep Trieste this turn for
    > > sure and probably the Fall as well.  If you move to the Aegean we'll
    > > be able to take both those centres (Bul/Gre).  Any other suggestions?
    > Not really.  I think we're in good shape, actually.  Mark is willing
    > to pull west if I hit Edi this turn, and since I plan on doing that,
    > I'm hoping Mark will follow-through.  It's in his best interest, since
    > Pitt (and Jamie) are going to be the biggest threats to him.
    What are your specific plans this turn?  I'm going to work with Mark and
    either take Vie or Alb.  I assume you're going to take Rum this turn and
    support your Smy fleet into the Aeg?
    I tried calling your house earlier.  They suggeested I call you at work,
    but I'd rather not do that unless you're expecting my call. Don't want
    to disturb you from anything important, y'know... :)

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > I suspect that Mark's days are numbered and the number isn't
    > particularly
    > high given that E/G can pretty well eviscerate him.
    I've heard the same, that EG are going to take Mark out of
    Scandinavia...and possibly beyond.
    > Okay, I think that despite our builds, we are still in good position to
    > continue anti-Austrian maneuvers.  I can keep Trieste this turn for
    > sure and probably the Fall as well.  If you move to the Aegean we'll
    > be able to take both those centres (Bul/Gre).  Any other suggestions?
    Not really.  I think we're in good shape, actually.  Mark is willing
    to pull west if I hit Edi this turn, and since I plan on doing that,
    I'm hoping Mark will follow-through.  It's in his best interest, since
    Pitt (and Jamie) are going to be the biggest threats to him.
    > > Let me know if you change your mind about your build.
    > I think I was the last person in with builds.  Should have used SET
    > WAIT,
    > I guess.  Oh well, doesn't matter now.
    Guess not. ;)

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    All sounds good.  Do what you feel you need to do with respect to your
    defense, and I'll demilitarize UKR into RUM.  Then we can move further
    west.  On other matters, I hear England and Germany are going to boot
    you out of Scandinavia.  Be careful.
    I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Private message from France to Germany:

    England offered to move to Hel if I would help him survive.  Of course, I
    expressed interest (to see what he'd divulge), but I did not encourage the
    move.  He also said that you have been urging him to enter Eng.  That would
    no doubt give you options re Nth and Nwy, so I would not be surprised if
    you were trying to push in that direction. Still, an English fleet in Eng
    would be most uncomfortable for me, and I would not want him to make a
    supported move there.  If I defend against it, he can move to Wal and
    perhaps block me out of Lon and Lvp in the Fall, which I don't think is
    good for either of us.  Thus, I would hope you could find some other way to
    throw the English tactics into disarray.  In truth, I don't think he's
    buying it anyway.

Private message from France to Austria:

    Edi, I thought about bre-lvp, yes.  I'm not sure I trust my German pal
    enough to send an army to England.  He'd probably take offense, too,
    thinking I'm out to grab the entire island.  Until I see what's what, I am
    afraid that mar-pie is not possible.

Private message from France to Italy:

    I see you don't need my help.  Good thing too, as things are beginning to
    heat up to the north.  Rumors are starting to circulate re Germany's
    intentions.  Any word that might be of interest to me?
    Jean de France

Private message from England to France:

    i think i will go to helg after all. i figure i now have to help someone,
    and you appear to be the best candidate despite irish sea.
    but i'm not in my most rational state of mind at the moment, due to severe
    i'll confirm later, don't know when.

Broadcast from England:

    i've just broken my wrist. i've got a bunch of medical apptmnts today &
    tomorrow, & i'm having some trouble typing.
    i think i'll manage to have moves in by monday night, but maybe not.
    sorry (but sorrier for myself)

Private message from Turkey to England:

    > Broadcast message from as England in 'ghodstoo':
    > i've just broken my wrist. i've got a bunch of medical apptmnts today &
    > tomorrow, & i'm having some trouble typing.
    > i think i'll manage to have moves in by monday night, but maybe not.
    > sorry (but sorrier for myself)
    Whoo.  My condolences, man.  Sorry to hear it.
    In any case, I hear you're moving against Scandinavia.  I suppose
    that's understandable, in light of the Russian actions there these
    past few years.
    Anyway, no need to reply to this; I don't want to increase your
    response load any more than it has to be.
    Good luck on your maneuvers.

Private message from England to Russia:

    >What sayest thou to the moves up north?  You don't have evil Norwegian
    >intent on your mind, do you?
    no. but i have this brken wrist, makes typing a chore.
    >I'd like to send my in by early Monday, so whatever brain trust we can
    >decide on would be swell.  Should we do your option of Nwg-Nth, nth-Hel?
    > Should we support one of us to Den?  Bounce over Nwy and see what he
    >does via Swe?    Your thoughts?
    i will just go for helg. it would be nice to see you with army nwy, but
    that's your call, won't change my plans.
    >PS)  Don't think I re-set my address here.  To be safe, you might want to
    >send a cc copy to my address.  Don't need your reply
    >sitting in my work queue until Monday morning!
    ugh. every extra typing task is a LARGE BOTHER. oops.
    Gentle kj

Private message from England to Germany:

    Oh cut it out. "Give me a reason." We tried that already, I gave you a
    reason, you agreed, but you cut me out of Norway.
    I have no secret perspective on the game that you lack. All the reasons for
    you to attack Russia instead of me, we have already discussed. And you
    agreed with me about them. All the reasons for you to attack France instead
    of me are extremely obvious.
    If you aren't going to deal, at least say so.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Germany to France:

    >England offered to move to Hel if I would help him survive.  Of course, I
    >expressed interest (to see what he'd divulge), but I did not encourage the
    Understood.  I appreciate the insight into England's plans.
    >He also said that you have been urging him to enter Eng.  That would
    >no doubt give you options re Nth and Nwy, so I would not be surprised if
    >you were trying to push in that direction. Still, an English fleet in Eng
    >would be most uncomfortable for me, and I would not want him to make a
    >supported move there.
    Well, the options re: Nth and Nwy would be nice but I have *not* been
    encouraging England to go to Eng.  It's aparent from what he's been urging
    you to do and what he claims I've been urging him to do that his goal is to
    try to find a way to drive a wedge between us before we eliminate him.  I
    can see no good reason why I should fall prey to that and I hope that you
    won't either.
    I expect notying from England excepot treachery, so you needn't worry about
    me working with him.  My plans are the same as we previously dicussed.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >I have no secret perspective on the game that you lack. All the reasons for
    >you to attack Russia instead of me, we have already discussed. And you
    >agreed with me about them. All the reasons for you to attack France instead
    >of me are extremely obvious.
    >If you aren't going to deal, at least say so.
    I know you think that I'm just spouting verbiage to string you along but
    I'm really not (No, *really*).
    I don't deny that I've lied to you.  You've done the same to me.  That's
    Dip.  It doesn't mean that we will *always* lie to each other and it
    certainly doesn'y mean that we should stop talking.
    I am _always_ willing to deal.
    I just need to see that the deal, in toto, is my overall bst interests.  So
    far, you haven't given me one that is and I haven't found one on my own.
    It may be extremely obvious to ytou why I should attack France or Russia
    instead of you but it's not to me.  The fact that you consider it so
    apparent makes me wonder what I'm missing and that's why I keep asking for
    you to sell me on the idea.
    Of course, the fact that the only responses I get contain no plans of
    substance makes me think that you're the one who's doing the stringing along.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >Well, my speech was sincere.
    >But, you don't know me very well, so you are excused. Only don't let it
    >happen again.
    Yes, sir.  Thank you, sir,  May I have another, sir?
    >I won't believe anything you say now.
    Anything?  Well, then, what's the point in us continuing to diplome, then?
    >If for some reason you decide you
    >want to cooperate after all, just get yourself into a position to really
    >attack France. If you do, and I can get into a position to help, maybe
    >we'll negotiate. (I will try to move to the English Channel anyway.)
    Well, I suppose that's fair enough but, frankly, it seems to me that *you*
    should be the one who is trying to convince me that I have a good reason to
    attack France, not vice versa.  I can be swayed but only if you show me how
    my interests are better with you than with him (as he did a few moves ago...)
    >You don't seem to be in a particularly good position, considering.
    >Dislodging Russia from Sweden is pretty risky.
    I neither need to do this nor intend to.  Russia is still my ally.  My move
    to Nwy was only to bounce you since I knew he was vacating it.
    >I won't let you into North Sea.
    At least, you won't while you a stop me...
    >And your attacking prospects vs. France are not great, either, though
    >they could be great if France goes all out against me.
    Again, you're assuming taht I intend or desire to attack France.  I'm
    always willing to consider any options but I'd need to know that I could
    reasonably trust you in order to do this.  Your recent rhetoric is not
    >Well, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I may still have a
    >chance if you let me have one. Otherwise I'll just have to decide which of
    >the many powers who have stabbed me deserve to have revenge wreaked upon
    I stabbed you becuase I felt that you were setting me up for a stab.  Maybe
    I was wrong, maybe not.  In any event, I really don't want to see any power
    eliminated from the game.  I'm willing to conisder working with you (and
    helping you survive) but you've got to give me some reasons to do so.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >I do indeed appreciate you covering NWY, honest Injun.  I do disagree,
    >however, that England is of necessity gunning for me.  Maybe I'm overly
    >optimistic with him -- and now with his two fleets up there, we'll soon
    >see -- but I honestly think he and I have no axes to grind.  Color me
    Well, maybe, maybe not.  All I know is that he has consistently told me
    that he wants to go after you as payabck for you taking Nwy and that he has
    acted on those statements.  He *may* be irritated enough at me now to
    change that but I still think that he'll grab Nwy first chance he gets.
    >Part of my paranoia was your move to Den this turn (although entirely
    >understandable, I realize, given recent E and R actions).
    I should hope so!  If I hadn't covered DEN, England could have walked right
    in from NTH.  I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't do that, so I had to
    cover it.  I'm surprised that you'd even mention it since it was such an
    obvious move on my part.
    >I tend to get
    >flustered when beset upon by large coalitions (despite your anti-F
    >worries, that situation has *not* been done to you this game).
    Not yet, anyway.  Your recent cozying up to England has worried me,
    however, and makes me even more concerned about France.
    >I sincerely hope you don't stab me, a la BirSauron's wishes.  Edi tends
    >to yelp loudest when he's beset upon, and this thing may -- may --
    >actually begin to start working against him and/or Hohn soon.
    OK with me.  I'll say it again - I moved last turn to prop you up so *you*
    could deal successfully with AT, leaving me to deal with E and avoid
    unnecessary exposure to F.
    >As for the north:  we can do a variety of things, if you're interested:
    >- You retaking Nth (thus tying down Nwg and nth) while I retry for Nwy;
    I'd love to take Nth but it's not going to happen until you get Swe back to
    Nwy.  England has 3 fleets to hold Nth if he so desires.
    >- Me moving to nwy, supported by  Ska;
    You retake Nwy for sure but why not use STP in support while I use Ska to
    cut Nth support?  That also gives me a chance to take Nth if England gets
    cute with F Lon.
    >In the West, I honestly don't see your concern over France.  Seems to me
    >you two have arranged a nice, slow, phased withdrawal, with you "backing
    >out" of PIC and heading home, thus freeing MUN for the east.   I mean,
    >c'mon, Pitt:  if he was such an all-fired threat to YOU, why move to iri
    >to set up an anti-Eng convoy?  Why not attack you in PIC or drive you out
    >somehow? bet is you've reached a deal, however "11th hour" it
    > just doesn't look hostile between you guys.   (hence my desire
    >for that eastern help.)
      Of *course* we have a deal.  My concern is not that he's going to
    drop off England and come after me hell-bent for leather.  It would be
    stupid of him to not take Lvp.  My concern is that he comes after me as
    soon a she takes Lvp (and uses the build to my disadvantage).  I'm sure you
    can see that.
    >But please please please, don't mistake my poorly-worded letters for
    >'abuse' or as cause for your frustration.  I'm perfectly happy with the
    >status quo, and think I might be able to hold these guys off as you head
    >off on your plans.
    That's my hope.  So long as we continue to hold share a friendly border, we
    can also continue to hold and make progress on our respective fronts.  I'm
    not asking you to abandon the east to help me in the west; please don't ask
    it if me either.  At least, not right now.

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Greetings!  What do you think we should do this season?  Do you think
    Hohn is 'with" you down south?  On the one hand, a BEAUTY of a move would
    be Bul(sc) S Apu-Gre (ION C) while he simultaneously uses Ukr-Rum (Bla
    and Sev S).  Edi would lose 40% of his land in one swoop!
    On the "dark side," I could see where they might try and spoof you:
    Bul-Aeg(Gre S), Smy-Eas, thus forcing you to either defned TRi with Adr
    in fall (and lose ION), or defend ION in fall (and probably lose Tri).
    It's a hard call, this trusting of Hohn....
    Which brings me to MY part:
    (1) Do I trust Turkey and move StP-Nwy, and War-Gal?
    (2) Regarding BOH:  should we use it for Vienna this turn (Tri S),
    knowing that Alb-Tri will doubtless cut support?  Or do I use the spring
    turn to order Gal-War (BOH S)?  (Possible even the other way around, i.e,
    Boh-Gal, War S; this option, coupled with Mos-Ukr, would ensure no A/T
    funny business would take WAR this turn.
    Decisions, decisions....I would indeed like to hear your views on this,
    my friend.  It's getting close to submission time.
    PS)  Dont think I reset my address to here, so if you send it to the
    judge, please cc me  at home (  Thanks, mon ami.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to England:

    What sayest thou to the moves up north?  You don't have evil Norwegian
    intent on your mind, do you?
    I'd like to send my in by early Monday, so whatever brain trust we can
    decide on would be swell.  Should we do your option of Nwg-Nth, nth-Hel?
     Should we support one of us to Den?  Bounce over Nwy and see what he
    does via Swe?    Your thoughts?
    PS)  Don't think I re-set my address here.  To be safe, you might want to
    send a cc copy to my address.  Don't need your reply
    sitting in my work queue until Monday morning!
    Enjoy the weekend, my friend.

Private message from England to France:

    Word on the street:
    "France will order F Iri - Lvp; could be worse for England, at least it's
    not Bre-MAO-Iri-Lvp."
    Confirm? Deny?

Private message from England to Turkey:

    >In any case, I hear you're moving against Scandinavia.  I suppose
    >that's understandable, in light of the Russian actions there these
    >past few years.
    Well, I'm pretty sure you don't believe everything you hear.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Germany:

    >far, you haven't given me one that is and I haven't found one on my own.
    >It may be extremely obvious to ytou why I should attack France or Russia
    >instead of you but it's not to me.  The fact that you consider it so
    >apparent makes me wonder what I'm missing and that's why I keep asking for
    >you to sell me on the idea.
    We already discussed Russia. You can get more centers from him than from
    me, and faster. You agreed that this is so.
    As for France, you will have to face off against him sooner or later. You 2
    will be the 2 northern powers in the endgame. You can wait until he's
    swallowed two of my three centers, or you can do it now while he's chained
    to an English attack (and you've got a bulkhead in Burg.).
    >Of course, the fact that the only responses I get contain no plans of
    >substance makes me think that you're the one who's doing the stringing along.
    Of the 2 of us, only I have ever offerred any substantive suggestion. (You
    may have had one but lost it in your mailgate problem.)
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hello Pitt
    Thanks for the note.  Glad to see we can still remain "status quo!"
    The North sounds good.  Much of what I do is based on what Hohn and/or
    Edi are planning (Edi wants me to go to SIL and PRU as part of a
    disengagement deal (hahahahahaha) and Hohn seems to be "making nice" to
    me...when they both do that at once, then the full-scale assault is
    The Northern suggestions look good.  Do what you want with Ska, and
    hopefully send DEN westward, and I'll worry about Nwy.
    As for asking you to come east for help:  no problem, I won't ask
    anymore.  I had thought you were concerned about AT, which was the
    reason I asked for one guy (Mun) in Tyo/Sil to help crush Edi
    --especially when France is least threatening to you in the Mun region.
    But if you have that much 'confidence' in my ability to keep a
    rapidly-collapsing flank together while fretting that a post-Lvp grab by
    France might equate into a hostile motif vs you, then I admire your
    confidence in my abilities....
    Hopefully I can hold both War and Mos this turn, with a little gambling.
     I think I might forego the Vie attack and instead hit GAL; if I make it
    there in spring, I can threaten Vie and/or Bud come fall.
    Good luck in the West; I should think you and France can take down a
    3-center England fairly quickly..about as quickly as AT are taking me
    down -grin-.

Private message from France to Germany:

    Good to hear your views, Pitt.  Of course England is claiming whatever he
    must to survive.  My plans remain to finish him off as well.  Best of luck.

Private message from France to England:

    The street knows as much as it always knows.
    Jean de France

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Greetings!  What do you think we should do this season?  Do you think
    > Hohn is 'with" you down south?  On the one hand, a BEAUTY of a move would
    > be Bul(sc) S Apu-Gre (ION C) while he simultaneously uses Ukr-Rum (Bla
    > and Sev S).  Edi would lose 40% of his land in one swoop!
    > On the "dark side," I could see where they might try and spoof you:
    > Bul-Aeg(Gre S), Smy-Eas, thus forcing you to either defned TRi with Adr
    > in fall (and lose ION), or defend ION in fall (and probably lose Tri).
    > It's a hard call, this trusting of Hohn....
    Agreed, but if Hohn sticks with Edi, I'm dead anyway, so what the hell?
    Go for the gold.
    > Which brings me to MY part:
    > (1) Do I trust Turkey and move StP-Nwy, and War-Gal?
    Edi says to me that E/G are planning on carving you up this turn.
    You decide...
    > (2) Regarding BOH:  should we use it for Vienna this turn (Tri S),
    > knowing that Alb-Tri will doubtless cut support?  Or do I use the spring
    > turn to order Gal-War (BOH S)?  (Possible even the other way around, i.e,
    > Boh-Gal, War S; this option, coupled with Mos-Ukr, would ensure no A/T
    > funny business would take WAR this turn.
    I'd prefer to support you to Vie, so as to make sure Edi loses SOMETHING
    (Vie or Alb).  That will give us leverage on him for the Fall.
    > Decisions, decisions....I would indeed like to hear your views on this,
    > my friend.  It's getting close to submission time.
    Sorry if took a while to get back to you, but I was in Montreal this
    > PS)  Dont think I reset my address to here, so if you send it to the
    > judge, please cc me  at home (  Thanks, mon ami.

Private message from England to France:

    Ok, next time you look I'll be in Hel. :-)
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Master:

    Remember: I'll be out-of-town (and out-of-touch) from Wed. afternoon till
    I warned you of this impending absence, and now that it's almost upon us
    i'm reminding you.
    i figure i'll need only a couple of days extension on the next movement
    phase (assuming the current one processes on time and so do its retreats).

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Jim,
    > Remember: I'll be out-of-town (and out-of-touch) from Wed. afternoon till
    > Monday.
    I did remember.  Hope travelling with your broken wrist won't be too
    difficult ;-)   I'm visualizing you going to a conference and presenting
    a paper which will be quite difficult.  I broke my shoulder about five
    years ago and recall the difficulties vividly.  For teaching class I
    was writing ont he board left handed.......
    > I warned you of this impending absence, and now that it's almost upon us
    > i'm reminding you.
    > i figure i'll need only a couple of days extension on the next movement
    > phase (assuming the current one processes on time and so do its retreats).
    > Jamie
    I'll keep it in mind.  Processing on time is unlikely given the
    history of this crew ;-)

Private message from Russia to Master:

    Well, this turn could be a make-or-break; many rumors and impending moves
    on the horizon...
     Turkey says he's ready to stab Austria; at last!  Of course, it's
    completely on HIS terms (grumble, grouse...) but if he does it, at least
    it will have occured....which is more optimistic than the current AT
    troubles I'm having.  If he works with Italy and supports to GRE, Edi
    could lose Rum and Gre this turn.   Even if he goes solo, that's fine.
    He's to abandon UKR and we do a joint number westward.   Now, with him
    saying this (after years of fibs), coupled with Austria's siren song
    ("leave Boh and let's make final peace"), I half-expect a renewed crunch
    vs me.
    Turkey has more to gain by continuing to attack me, than by gaining from
    Edi.  If he and Austria hit War or Mos this turn, I'm a goner.  But there
    are threats everywhere, and the alternative is slow death--so why NOT get
    Italy is to support me to Vie, although I expect cut support from Alb.
    Still, with our planned moves, Edi either loses Vie or Alb, and Italy's
    one more step closer to Edi's door.  My hope  is that AT don't lure him
    out of mutually supporting positions and then make a fleet/land run
    against him.    Edi could be in for a tough time...we'll see.   Cal has
    to concern himself with France, too, but for the time being, he seems
    F/G have an arrangement, as seems obvious.  Germany claims fear of
    France, hence "no eastward support for me."  That's hogwash, but I can't
    call him on it.   I'm hoping he doesn't snag SWE behind me this turn, but
    again, I can't do much about it.  There are reports of E/G (!!) teaming
    plans against me in Scandinavia.
    England claims he's after HEL and NTH this turn, but I'll believe it when
    I see it.  France remains a big enigma (other than the blantant grab of
    Lvp), and the whole board seems unsettled.  Much will be made obvious
    this season, or this year for sure.  I don't think I'll be holding my
    five at the end of the year, unfortunately.

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Hi Hohn
    Just a last-minute note from home; our work system's been down since 0900
    this morning, so I have no way of reading who sent what.
    If indeed you're sincere about hitting Edi, I'd recommend Apu-Gre (Bul
    S), Smy-Aeg, Ukr-Rum (Sev & Bla S).  This annihilated Edi's fleet, allows
    you and Cal to sweep up the 'boot' from GRE, and also gives you leeway to
    boot  out Cal in the near future, should you dislike the long-term
    For me, I'm going to play it conservative this turn, as announced.  But
    there may be a twist:  Boh-Gal.  In addition to rotecting WAR -- "just in
    case" you don't break with Austria -- it allows *us* a very good position
    on not just Vie, but BUD, come fall, after the smoke clears!
    I'll stay out of UKR, to prevent any unease on your part, and allow Mos
    and StP to play guard duty.
    If this works, Hohn, you've got a loyal ally for as long as you want one!
     Good hunting, regardless.

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Just an informational advisory:  my work system went down today at 0900
    and won't be up until about the same time tomorrow.    So if you sent
    something, I'll be blissfully ignorant of its queue position until
    then...unless you've also info'ed the address.
    Good hunting to you all.  :>)
    Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Master:

    >I did remember.  Hope travelling with your broken wrist won't be too
    >difficult ;-)
    i'm a little apprehensive about it. one thing i'm looking forward to is
    passing through the airport metal detector with four stainless steel screws
    in my arm.
    but i expect to have trouble with little things like tying my own shoes!
    > I'm visualizing you going to a conference and presenting
    >a paper which will be quite difficult.
    actually, i am only chairing a session at a conference. don't think that
    will be much problem.
    >I broke my shoulder about five
    >years ago and recall the difficulties vividly.  For teaching class I
    >was writing ont he board left handed.......
    fortunately, i broke my left wrist. hm, that's a funny way to put it.
    fortunately, it was my left wrist that i broke.
    >  Processing on time is unlikely given the
    >history of this crew ;-)
    true enough.

Private message from Master to France:

    Hi, John, I note that I haven't heard much of any thoughts from you
    on the progress of the game.  I note it especially because of my
    relative surprise at your current submitted moves.  I don't think
    I need to say any more since you know I've been monitoring your messages
    to England and Germany.
    I do wish you would share some thoughts at this juncture on the progress
    of the game.  In particular, before it gets too far away, your
    thoughts on your "comeback".
    To my mind, you are showing yourself to be a truly expert E-Mail
    player and a great balance to the point of having people with
    different styles interact.
    Thanks, no rush, just when you get a chance, Jim

Private message from Master to Russia:

    Yes, Mark, lots will be told this season.  I know all, see all,
    tell nothing.... well, almost nothing:
    By the way, I note that last I checked (a couple of hours ago)
    you did not have your orders in.  Just checking to make sure your
    "system crash" didn't affect your order submission.

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    > Just a last-minute note from home; our work system's been down since 0900
    > this morning, so I have no way of reading who sent what.
    Thanks for the note.  It proved very helpful.  Sorry I haven't
    responded lately; I've been swamped, and again, I haven't had time to
    write anyone.  I have just fielded a productive phone call, though.
    See below.
    > If indeed you're sincere about hitting Edi, I'd recommend Apu-Gre (Bul
    > S), Smy-Aeg, Ukr-Rum (Sev & Bla S).  This annihilated Edi's fleet, allows
    > you and Cal to sweep up the 'boot' from GRE, and also gives you leeway to
    > boot  out Cal in the near future, should you dislike the long-term
    > arrangement.
    I have just gotten off the phone with Cal.  We like your APU-GRE idea,
    and will implement it.  With ADR-ALB to cut any possible support, it's
    a guaranteed attack unless Edi moves RUM-BUL...which I doubt.
    > For me, I'm going to play it conservative this turn, as announced.  But
    > there may be a twist:  Boh-Gal.  In addition to rotecting WAR -- "just in
    > case" you don't break with Austria -- it allows *us* a very good position
    > on not just Vie, but BUD, come fall, after the smoke clears!
    > I'll stay out of UKR, to prevent any unease on your part, and allow Mos
    > and StP to play guard duty.
    > If this works, Hohn, you've got a loyal ally for as long as you want one!
    >  Good hunting, regardless.
    OK, I'm going to go out on a limb here.  UKR-RUM, SEV S UKR-RUM, BLA S
    UKR-RUM seems like a waste, and inefficient.
    If you get this note in time, how about SEV-RUM, BLA S SEV-RUM, and
    UKR support an attack of yours to GAL, or alternatively, you support
    UKR-GAL?  That will truly seal his fate, and I'd expect him to
    evaporate down two perhaps two centers by the end of the year.
    Let me know.  I'll check my mail right before deadline, and will issue
    appropriate orders if I see a response/confirmation from you.  Since
    there may not be time for me to respond to your response, just tell me
    what you'd prefer, UKR-GAL, or UKR support a move of yours.  I will
    move accordingly.

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > What are your specific plans this turn?  I'm going to work with Mark and
    > either take Vie or Alb.  I assume you're going to take Rum this turn and
    > support your Smy fleet into the Aeg?
    > I tried calling your house earlier.  They suggeested I call you at work,
    > but I'd rather not do that unless you're expecting my call. Don't want
    > to disturb you from anything important, y'know... :)
    Thanks for your call.  You can always call me at work, btw.  It's no
    To confirm the substance of our conversation, we're going to do:
    and the other three units dependant on Mark.


Private message from Russia to Germany:

    >However, I *did* have doubts about your long term plans
    >regarding me.  Your earlier support of England for no good reason that I
    >could see coupled with your apparent ongoing distrust of me finally moved
    >me to live up to what I thought were your expectations of me.  If I was
    >wrong about that, I'm sorry.
    ** Yes, you were wrong; and apology accepted.   I mean, if I was after
    you, I'd have supported Eng to Den this turn, or not listened to you and
    gone StP-Nwy (Swe S)....ah well.
    >>The board will rapidly devolve to FG vs AT, with any switchings
    >>that will doubtless occur.   Well played on your part.
    >Perhaps.  I still have no love for England, however, and France's moves
    >showed that he's already thinking ahead to the post-England era, as I
    ** Well, of course.  What "post-England" option IS there for France, if
    you kill me and Italy is holding the line with the thinnest of ropes?!
    But to worry about France 2-3 game years from now when AT could
    conceivably be at your borders next turn is a bit excessive.  of course,
    with half my country occupied, I tend to think in dark, extremist
    > Frankly, I would not like to see you take a complete fall any
    >time soon.  I'd rather try to patch up our tattered alliance and try (TRY)
    >to work together for once.
    ** So would I, Pitt.  Truthfully, AT can take Mos this turn if I retreat
    to SIL --  and I have no problemsin doing that if we can't work out a
    deal.  I'd be down to two centers (Nwy, StP), and I'm not sure what help
    an "RG" would be at that stage.  It wouldn't hurt to see you leave SWE,
    is what I'm basically alluding to.  Either that, or finish your stab and
    shove the blade deeper.
    >>I haven't reviewed the board yet, but I'll have to weigh who gets the
    >>lion's share of my death and who doesn't.   You'll probably get the nod,
    >>as you've screwed me less than they....
    >Well, I suppose that's something, anyway...  Still, while I'm not
    >volunteering to walk out f Sweden (you'd never believe me if I said that
    >anyway), I *am* serious about trying to salvage the RG.
    ** You don't love England, yet he's in HEL and Nth.  You fear France,
    yet you're leaving the place.  And you want to salvage peace with me,
    and yet you're in SWE and BAL.  If you're serious, then I could stand to
    see some actions in favor of the alliance.  I'm holding the eastern
    ramparts, and last turn should've shown you I have no ulterior anti-G

Private message from England to Russia:

    Sure, it's complicated. Lot of options.
    I will certainly consider hel-kie to cut kie - mun (i already brought that
    up, remember?). i do think we also ought to consider nwy-swe, hel s
    nth-den. And there is France to consider, he may ask for my support into
    Bel in exchange for, well, attacking Germany in Bel, of course.

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    >A VERY short note before I head home.
    >Please at least consider your timed stab of Edi for the near-term.  I
    >can retreat to Lvn this turn, and, unless Bal-Lvn occurs, will hold you
    >guys off regarding Moscow.
    >meanwhile, Edi gets War, and, unless Cal abandons Ionian's defense,
    >he'll retake TRI this turn, too, for a +2, as opposed to your ???
    >Mos??  Not.
    >Do you want a +2 Edi?  Or, as expected, have you guys already agreed to
    >the swap of Rum as compensation for you?
    >if the latter, forget i wasted my time.  if the former, then perhaps now
    >would at least be a time to CONSIDER making your bid.  Pitt and Edi are
    >focused on me.  And I make a great toady.

Private message from Russia to England:

    Sorry for the multitude of disjointed quickie notes; am filling in the
    map (at last) and looking over options.
    Can we consider (as one of many ideas):   Nth-Den (Hel S), Lon-Nth?  I
    then go Nwy-Swe.
    In the south, I retreat to SIL and we threaten ber and/or Mun on Pitt.
    The reasoning here is NOT to weasel out of giving you Nwy; it's yours if
    you want it.  Having said that, Germany cannot defend everywhere.  if we
    threaten Den, he has to probably bounce you by swe-Den (Bal S), which
    means it's a crap shoot as to whether he defends Ber from my retreated
    Sil, or whether he uses Kiel to defend vs my attack on MUN.
    heck, it's all a crap shoot, it seems!
    The "logical" thing is for me to retreat War-Liv, and then defend Mos
    with three -- praying all the while that Pitt doesn't use Bal-Lvn to cut
    support and give Mos to Hohn.
    Man, the more I look at this, the bigger headache I get.  Ideas?
    Again, DON'T take the above to mean I'm waffling on Nwy.  If I give you
    Nwy, I'm probably on a rapid flame-out toward suicide.  if I keep Nwy
    and put you into Den, we both stand to remain solvent, albeit at more
    risk to you....    Anyway, Nwy's there if you want it.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to England:

    Am mulling my retreat options, i.e., lose MOS for Sil and anti-German
    If I do the SIL retreat, can we consider Hel-Kie to cut a support?  I
    could then do Boh-Mun (Sil S), and hope Edi doesn't come out of WAR to
    cut it.
    Food for thought....
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Just a quick update before I head home...any thoughts on RG relations,
    other than wanting them better?
    Tsar faz

Private message from Russia to France:

    King Jean
    A "put you on the spot" question...
    If Eng and Rus work together this turn against Germany (to include a
    move on Berlin and/or Mun), would France help out?
    In other words, do you see yourself wedded to the Kaiser, or are you
    willing to expand at his expense and face AT with flank allies?
    The Soon-to-Disappear tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

     Hi again Hohn
    >> Yeah, for what it's worth, I have given up on you.
    >Fair enough.
    ** ACTUALLY, I never give up on anyone.  Trusting you may be a
    1-in-a-million chance, but I can't see how you'd NOT to hit Edi
    somewhere down the line if it was in your best interests.  Of course,
    that's probably AFTER you take Mos and StP, but it never hurts to ask.
    A good Dipper never shuts off total comm lines to anyone.
    >> not, I really laugh (bitterly) when you rake me over the coals for my
    >> 1901 "indignities" and then proceed to bald-face lie to me the rest of
    >As well you should laugh.
    >It was, after all, a deliberate stratagem.
    ** Which is the bummer of it all.  You had no seeming intent to ever
    want to deal honestly after 1901....
    >> the game.   Yes, it's just a game, and YES, you probably did do 'the
    >> right thing' for Turkey...but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.
    >Again, my apologies.
    ** Aw, heck, Hohn, it happens.  part of the game, and for what it's
    worth, apologies accepted.  Fully understood.
    >> As for the last-minute "didn't hear from you, made the judgment call"
    >> part:  again, completely understandable, to a point.  I've been writing
    >> every third day or so (granted, nothing much, but still corresponding),
    >> and I know Cal's done the same.  To use a last-minute non-response from
    >> me  -- when my system was down AND when _you_ were only responding to
    >> folks at the 11th hour -- as the final "coin flip" to determine your
    >> stance, is a bit stretching in the credibility department.  Either that,
    >> or you and Edi were just stringing us along all the while--as I told Cal
    >> would probably be the final result.
    >As for credibility, you should of course feel free to believe whatever
    >you want.  Regarding the understandability of the last-minute thing,
    >I've already acknowledged my own fault in sending the message so late.
    ** Indeed.  I didn't mean to beat a dead horse into the ground.
    >> Regardless, what's done is done.  In addition to being disappointed, I'm
    >> also dead now.  I only hope Germany has better luck in not falling for
    >> your sweet talk, and in defending vs AT.
    >I think Pitt's sitting pretty darn well right now, actually.
    ** Well, he is, to a point.  He still has, so he says, an unknown France
    behind him (BS, say I, but that's his view).  If you and Edi would let
    me alone, I'd be inclined to reteat to SIL and hit MUN or BER this turn.
     Given the perfidy endured, though, it'd be a stretch to actually
    believe you.
    >> Never let it be said you guys aren't good....I do admire your play,
    ** I believe in rewarding good play as well as bad.  I'm being
    "rewarded" for misplaced trust and bad acts by being pummeled.  Your
    play has been great, and the obvious showing is your current position.
    >> Hohn, I really do.   I just wish you would've switched sides this turn
    >> (obviously).  Ah well, c'est la vie; it's the game.
    >My problem was that I just couldn't get over our 1901 interactions.  I
    >know you showed good faith later on.  But I still couldn't get over
    >it, not when there was no compelling reason for me to do so.
    ** I know, and understand that--to a point.  But does that mean you're
    unwilling to be flexible (there's that 'f' word again) because of two
    turns of "old news?"  You wanted ME to be willing to deal -- under your
    conditions -- after 1901 in a "new reality," but you yourself weren't
    willing to yield.  But again, if it was all a deliberate strategm, why
    WOULD you see fit to be nice?.
    > Edi's
    >planted seeds of you as an unreliable ally found fertile ground in me,
    >I'm afraid.
    ** Again, you chastised me for believing Edi and siding with him (the
    ol' no-one-put-a-gun-to-the-head thing).  Yet you took Edi's word -- the
    guy who masterminded the original plan to take down F and T -- and let
    him convince you I was the Heavy?!  C'mon......Didn't any of the
    post-1901 stuff mean anything?  Apparently not.
    >But as you say, it is just a game, and I certainly wish you well in
    >your other endeavors.
    ** Yes; well, it'll be a _short_ set of endeavors, thanks to you and
    Edi.  What a drag.  Oh well, lose some battles, fight on to win the war!
      You're a good man, Hohn Cho.  Keep pressing.

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Hi Cal
    Sigh...there's no use saying "I told you so," because I wanted to believe
    it, too.  Hohn pretty much let out that this has been a game-long
    conspiracy with Edi, so I'm assuming anything he says (as opposed to
    does) is so much pap.  I'm trying to stay in touch, pointing out that
    (unless they have a prearranged deal this turn), Edi stands to get TRI
    and WAR, where Hohn gets zero.  Who knows, maybe they'll trade off....
    Have also gotten angry with Germany, who stabbed me for no reason --
    unless he's no in cahoots with AT.  He can't spare one army for the east,
    but he can spare two fleets for my centers...
    As such, here's my intent:
    retreat to SIL.
    Sil then used either anti-germany (Sil/Boh vs Mun, or Sil-Ber, and Vie S
    Tri-Vie!), or
    anti-AT  (Sil S Mos-War, StP-Mos).
    The way I see it, they suckered us both good.  You can either defend TRI
    this turn (assuming I help you and/or you guess correctly by Ion-Alb to
    cut support), or you can hold Ion and lose TRI.
    As such, I at least offer you support of BOH S TRI-VIE.
    I don't know how well it works, because even if you get it (and cover
    with Apu-ven), then Edi retreats to Tyo and has Tri/Tyo vs VEN next turn
    (forcing you to hit Tri with Adr and risking Ion!).    the alternative,
    however, is to guess right in defending Tri, lose ION, and then have Edi
    build at least one, possibly two.  Shudder...
    You may need to ask France to move Mar-Pie and build F lyo next turn,
    much as I hate to say it.....
    Anyway, I'm dealing with Jamie, have written all players (including my
    tormentors) and refuse to give up hope.  Time will tell.   Just let me
    know if you want support to Vienna,  plan on holding 9AND RETREATING TO
    SERBIA?), etc....

Broadcast from Russia:

    (St petersburg)  In the dimly-lit, semi-deserted War Chancellery, Tsar
    Faz held yet another press conference, albeit in a more somber tone
    compared to last season's proclamation.
    "Once again," the Tsar began, "We trusted those whom we assumed would
    show flexibility, or those whom had earlier pledged alliance and
    nonaggression.  The season opened with great potential:  German-Russian
    forces prepared to face the AT foe; the chance for dissension within the
    AT hordes; and great potential in the balkans.   Instead, the Forces of
    Darkness lied through their teeth (again, for the upmpteenth time) and
    we--rather I, your Gullible Tsar--fell for their honey-coated words.   No
    one is to blame for Russia's dismal situation save I.
    What now for the course of future relations?  We are in a sea of actors,
    all with their roles to play:
    - Best Balancing Act:  France, for sitting astride  a fence for the
    entire game and maintaining his own internal equilibrium.
    - Optimist Boy of the Month Award:  Turkey, for seeing potential in RT
    cooperation in 1902; and 1903, and 1904...and...well, anyway, he is our
    multiple winner.
    - Rasputin Award:  For living through death repeatedly and emerging,
    plague-like, the hands-down winner is Austria.  Morris the Cat would be
    hard-pressed to equal his near-death experiences and yet emerge
    unscathed.    Would that we Russians could do as well!
    - Self-Fulfilling Prophet Award:  Germany, for seeing shadows where none
    existed, for making shadows where none were needed, and for helping open
    the AT sluice gates that much quicker...
    - Head-Banger Award:  Italy, with a flat forehead after repeatedly trying
    to force a result in Austria, and facing frustration due to perfidy.
    (NoteZ  Italy also is a co-winner, with we Russians, of the Zebco Rod and
    Reel Award, for being lured, reeled in, and gutted by the AT sportsmen.)
    - The Farragut Award:   England, for his 'damn the torpedos' atttidue and
    boldly charging  into a hail of Tuetonic steel, even as France shivs him
    in the back.
    - And we Russians?  Besides sharing the fish award with Italy, we
    classify for the PT Barnum Award; "...There's a sucker born every
    This leaves us with the obvious question:  whither Russian foreign
    policy?  Beset upon from three sides by foes, and with only enough troops
    for one true battle front, it now comes down to a roll of the die as to
    whom gets our attention, and who gets an easy gain.  It's a sad day for
    Russia, my followers.  Nonetheless, I shall remain in the War Room and
    face the approaching foes.  For you, I say the French phrase, "Sauve que
    puit."  That is the French phrase, isn't it?"  (or is it the second
    person plural with optional genitivie declension, GKJ?)
    With that,Tsar Faz shuffled out of the Chancellery, a broken man, with
    only one thing on his mind:  small-scale revenge against those who have
    sullied Russia's reputation and her loyal troops.  There is literally
    nothing else to do when options have run out.
    Curse BirSauron and Hohn the Forked-Tongue!  A plague upon rulers with
    names ending in **it!  A pox on those who refuse to face the AT before it
    reaches their borders....a...ah, what's the use...

Private message from England to Russia:

    >if we screw Pitt, it merely allows AT more rapid expansion westward,
    >with only France/Italy to hold them off.
    Hm, not so sure about that.
    >You're already facing a
    >wrecked Tsar; please don't question my pedigree as well.
    your pedigree?
    >** With me losing War, Swe, Nwy, and --once AT see my retreat -- Mos as
    >well, I don't think I can do much with a one-center StP.
    Well, also Munich.
    Ok, it does look grim.
    > YOU may be
    >able to sit up in the icy north (and support me?  :>)
    Of course!
    Pure self-interest, let alone loyalty.
    >YOUR big problem (mine too) will be trying to convince France that it's
    >worth keeping you around and in hitting Germany.
    I know. An uphill argument at best.
    >After all, he stands
    >to gain by working with an anti-east buffer and getting centers from
    >you.  If we tell him he needs to destabilize his strong friend and sink
    >his fortunes in with a 1-center Russia and a weak England, he may laugh
    >it off.   But I'll promote the same story and see what gives.
    I see it like this. France either (a) has to face off against Germany in
    the next few years, or (b) plans to stick with G into the endgame. If (b),
    we're out of luck. But to my mind that is an unrealistic hope for France.
    What worries me is that Germany apparently voluntarily left Burg of his own
    free will.
    But if (a), then this looks like the best opportunity for France to strike.
    Else Germany builds and very likely prospers (at our expense). France must
    see this. Will he trust Pitt???
    >** Hohn and I have essentially ceased communication.  He stated that I
    >propbably wouldn't believe anything he said anymore, and I replied in
    >the affirmative.  In a perverse way, if I were him, I'd hit Edi now
    >too...Especially if he can do it while Edi supports him to MOS.  But
    >truthfully, if he hits Edi, then F/I stablizie the West and he's stopped
    Oh no, not at all. To the contrary. If he's fighting Edi, Cal gets a little
    bigger, and France stops worrying about the unstoppable A-T. Hohn could get
    at least one western friend that way and plan to go with that friend to the
    finish. The danger of stalemate is rather if he and Edi overrun Italy,
    *forcing* the remaining powers to make peace and bottle the western Med.
    Well, we shall see.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    >However, I *did* have doubts about your long term plans
    >regarding me.  Your earlier support of England for no good reason that I
    >could see coupled with your apparent ongoing distrust of me finally moved
    >me to live up to what I thought were your expectations of me.  If I was
    >wrong about that, I'm sorry.
    >** Yes, you were wrong; and apology accepted.   I mean, if I was after you,
    >I'd have supported Eng to Den this turn, or not listened to you and gone
    >StP-Nwy (Swe S)....ah well.
    >>The board will rapidly devolve to FG vs AT, with any switchings
    >>that will doubtless occur.   Well played on your part.
    >Perhaps.  I still have no love for England, however, and France's moves
    >showed that he's already thinking ahead to the post-England era, as I
    >** Well, of course.  What "post-England" option IS there for France, if you
    >kill me and Italy is holding the line with the thinnest of ropes?!  But to
    >worry about France 2-3 game years from now when AT could conceivably be at
    >your borders next turn is a bit excessive.  of course, with half my country
    >occupied, I tend to think in dark, extremist terms....
    > Frankly, I would not like to see you take a complete fall any
    >time soon.  I'd rather try to patch up our tattered alliance and try (TRY)
    >to work together for once.
    >** So would I, Pitt.  Truthfully, AT can take Mos this turn if I retreat to
    >SIL --  and I have no problemsin doing that if we can't work out a deal.  I'd
    >be down to two centers (Nwy, StP), and I'm not sure what help an "RG" would
    >be at that stage.  It wouldn't hurt to see you leave SWE, is what I'm
    >basically alluding to.  Either that, or finish your stab and shove the blade
    >>I haven't reviewed the board yet, but I'll have to weigh who gets the
    >>lion's share of my death and who doesn't.   You'll probably get the nod,
    >>as you've screwed me less than they....
    >Well, I suppose that's something, anyway...  Still, while I'm not
    >volunteering to walk out f Sweden (you'd never believe me if I said that
    >anyway), I *am* serious about trying to salvage the RG.
    >** You don't love England, yet he's in HEL and Nth.  You fear France, yet
    >you're leaving the place.  And you want to salvage peace with me, and yet
    >you're in SWE and BAL.  If you're serious, then I could stand to see some
    >actions in favor of the alliance.  I'm holding the eastern ramparts, and last
    >turn should've shown you I have no ulterior anti-G motives.  I hope we *can*
    >work something out --  what are your thoughts?

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    > Yeah, for what it's worth, I have given up on you.  "Game mechanics" or
    Fair enough.
    > not, I really laugh (bitterly) when you rake me over the coals for my
    > 1901 "indignities" and then proceed to bald-face lie to me the rest of
    As well you should laugh.
    It was, after all, a deliberate stratagem.
    > the game.   Yes, it's just a game, and YES, you probably did do 'the
    > right thing' for Turkey...but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.
    Again, my apologies.
    > As for the last-minute "didn't hear from you, made the judgment call"
    > part:  again, completely understandable, to a point.  I've been writing
    > every third day or so (granted, nothing much, but still corresponding),
    > and I know Cal's done the same.  To use a last-minute non-response from
    > me  -- when my system was down AND when _you_ were only responding to
    > folks at the 11th hour -- as the final "coin flip" to determine your
    > stance, is a bit stretching in the credibility department.  Either that,
    > or you and Edi were just stringing us along all the while--as I told Cal
    > would probably be the final result.
    As for credibility, you should of course feel free to believe whatever
    you want.  Regarding the understandability of the last-minute thing,
    I've already acknowledged my own fault in sending the message so late.
    > Regardless, what's done is done.  In addition to being disappointed, I'm
    > also dead now.  I only hope Germany has better luck in not falling for
    > your sweet talk, and in defending vs AT.
    I think Pitt's sitting pretty darn well right now, actually.
    > Never let it be said you guys aren't good....I do admire your play,
    > Hohn, I really do.   I just wish you would've switched sides this turn
    > (obviously).  Ah well, c'est la vie; it's the game.
    My problem was that I just couldn't get over our 1901 interactions.  I
    know you showed good faith later on.  But I still couldn't get over
    it, not when there was no compelling reason for me to do so.  Edi's
    planted seeds of you as an unreliable ally found fertile ground in me,
    I'm afraid.
    But as you say, it is just a game, and I certainly wish you well in
    your other endeavors.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >Sheesh, that could have gone a lot better for both of us.
    Tell me about it.
    >Don't bother explaining, I can understand that you could not possibly tell
    >me that plan in advance.
    Glad you see that.  Still, I hope you'll also remember that I have
    consistently said that I was still interested in working with you.  There
    hasn't yet been enough trust on either side where we could do so
    effectively but...
    >It's just a shame. I said seasons ago that I would be glad to see you in a
    >dominant position, as long as I could have a decent one. And we could have
    >done it. But now neither of us has what we could have had. (not that you're
    >in bad shape, but it could have been much better.)
    It still can be.  How exactly, I'm not sure, yet.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >Well, looks like my grovelling wasn't sufficient after all.  Either
    >that, or you're the vulture Edi makes you out to be, going for the
    >quickie center.
    Well, I never considered your messages to be groveling (nor would I have
    wanted our relationship to be on that level).  And, I hope I'm not a
    vulture...  However, I *did* have doubts about your long term plans
    regarding me.  Your earlier support of England for no good reason that I
    could see coupled with your apparent ongoing distrust of me finally moved
    me to live up to what I thought were your expectations of me.  If I was
    wrong about that, I'm sorry.
    >The board will rapidly devolve to FG vs AT, with any switchings
    >that will doubtless occur.   Well played on your part.
    Perhaps.  I still have no love for England, however, and France's moves
    showed that he's already thinking ahead to the post-England era, as I
    expected.  Frankly, I would not like to see you take a complete fall any
    time soon.  I'd rather try to patch up our tattered alliance and try (TRY)
    to work together for once.
    >I haven't reviewed the board yet, but I'll have to weigh who gets the
    >lion's share of my death and who doesn't.   You'll probably get the nod,
    >as you've screwed me less than they....
    Well, I suppose that's something, anyway...  Still, while I'm not
    volunteering to walk out f Sweden (you'd never believe me if I said that
    anyway), I *am* serious about trying to salvage the RG.

Private message from Russia to England:

    >I definitely think you should retreat to Sil. Then go for either Mun or
    ** Yeah, that's my guess, too.  In a perverse way, I hate to screw a
    minor stabber (Pitt) while allowing AT to lie to me for six straight
    turns now and get away with it.  But I think I can only hurt Pitt at
    this stage, so this is probably the way to go.  The disadvantage?  Even
    if we screw Pitt, it merely allows AT more rapid expansion westward,
    with only France/Italy to hold them off.  Sigh, can't win for losin'.
    >Oh, you may want me to go Hel-Kie, so you can just take Mun. Hm. That
    >sounds pretty good, actually. Let me wait and think and talk to France a
    >little before I definitely decide, ok? (You aren't going to fink out, are
    ** Puh-leeze!  Fink out?!  I believed in you before, and I've offered
    you my last surviving center (practically).  You're already facing a
    wrecked Tsar; please don't question my pedigree as well.
    >The idea is pretty much what you say. Maybe we can get France to come in,
    >and utterly wreck Germany. You and I could hole up in the icy north, sit
    >back and wait for all the big powers to come to blows, and hope to slowly
    >squirm our ways back into the game.
    ** With me losing War, Swe, Nwy, and --once AT see my retreat -- Mos as
    well, I don't think I can do much with a one-center StP.  YOU may be
    able to sit up in the icy north (and support me?  :>) ))  but I don't
    see the Resurgent Russia Option anymore.  Sad, to be the first to
    >It's not the greatest plan! But it's about the only one left. And I think
    >we'd both rather see France in command than Germany, in any case.
    ** Yes, except for the rapid AT grwoth that comes from it, as mentioned
    YOUR big problem (mine too) will be trying to convince France that it's
    worth keeping you around and in hitting Germany.  After all, he stands
    to gain by working with an anti-east buffer and getting centers from
    you.  If we tell him he needs to destabilize his strong friend and sink
    his fortunes in with a 1-center Russia and a weak England, he may laugh
    it off.   But I'll promote the same story and see what gives.
    >You know... I scarcely dare say it, but this *could* be the move that Hohn
    >decides to take Rum and go for the other Balkans. Probably not, probably
    >next Spring. Too bad.
    ** Hohn and I have essentially ceased communication.  He stated that I
    propbably wouldn't believe anything he said anymore, and I replied in
    the affirmative.  In a perverse way, if I were him, I'd hit Edi now
    too...Especially if he can do it while Edi supports him to MOS.  But
    truthfully, if he hits Edi, then F/I stablizie the West and he's stopped
    up.  If he stays the course with Edi, they can break me, possibly storm
    the center (especially with me also hitting Pitt), and hopefully 'work
    around' Italy and get into the Med quickly.    I mean, hitting Edi will
    hopefully be on Hohn's agenda somewhere down the line, but I don't see
    it soon.
    Tsar faz

Private message from England to Russia:

    I definitely think you should retreat to Sil. Then go for either Mun or Berlin.
    Oh, you may want me to go Hel-Kie, so you can just take Mun. Hm. That
    sounds pretty good, actually. Let me wait and think and talk to France a
    little before I definitely decide, ok? (You aren't going to fink out, are
    The idea is pretty much what you say. Maybe we can get France to come in,
    and utterly wreck Germany. You and I could hole up in the icy north, sit
    back and wait for all the big powers to come to blows, and hope to slowly
    squirm our ways back into the game.
    It's not the greatest plan! But it's about the only one left. And I think
    we'd both rather see France in command than Germany, in any case.
    You know... I scarcely dare say it, but this *could* be the move that Hohn
    decides to take Rum and go for the other Balkans. Probably not, probably
    next Spring. Too bad.

Private message from England to Turkey:

    Dear Witch,
    I keep telling people what to do, but they never listen. If Pitt just did
    what I said, he'd be dominating the north. If Russia did what I said (given
    that Pitt didn't), he'd at least be in the game. If France did what I said
    (nad the others ignored me), he'd be bearing down on Germany.
    If *anyone* had listened, I'd be in position to play a real endgame role.
    Why doesn't anyone listen to me? :-)
    I am planning to tell you what to do next, and you'd better pay attention.
    For your own sake.
    (I did warn you that I wasn't going to skuttle Russia. And I do hope that
    you aren't getting into the habit of believing Edi!)
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to England:

    >It's just that your position could have been SO much better if only you'd
    >done the obvious and sensible thing, StP-Nwy and Swe-Bal.
    ** Yes.  But in retrospect, my position could have been SO much better
    had I gone Mos-Ukr (thus saving War), for example.  It's all hinsight.
    Pitt hadn't given me a reason to suspect him before this, and could
    explain away his moves.  Why pick a fight with him when I had my hands
    full with AT?  I trusted him, and will pay the price.   But I did not
    move as I did to cover against you -- I did it to cover Nwy AND keep StP
    nearby.  In retroespect now, it's even dumber, because am I going to use
    StP to hold the remnants of empire together?  No, it's going to support
    you into nwy...sheesh.
    >But though I have
    >never given you even the tiniest reason to mistrust me, you spent two of
    >your dwindling resources covering against a fantasy stab.
    ** see above
    >And although
    >every power on the board (practically) was urging me to take Nwy, I again
    >trusted you, and you trusted Germany instead of me.
    ** see above
    >If you are really willing to support me to Norway, I'll accept this time.
    ** Done
    >expect France to take Lvp, and this way I could still have some influence
    >and chances.
    ** Hopefully you can have France help you vs Pitt.  That's my gameplan
    for now.
    >You can order Nwy-Bar, Stp S Nth-Nwy (planning to disband the
    >F Bar).
    >If you change your mind and don't feel so generous, let me know.
    ** Should be good to go.
    ** Not so glumly as me; I'm the one losing three this turn.....
    ** What do you want to do for the south?   Think I should give up
    fighting AT and move to Sil and then two on MUN?  Or is that too
    The Even-More Glum
    Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Germany:

    Sheesh, that could have gone a lot better for both of us.
    Don't bother explaining, I can understand that you could not possibly tell
    me that plan in advance.
    It's just a shame. I said seasons ago that I would be glad to see you in a
    dominant position, as long as I could have a decent one. And we could have
    done it. But now neither of us has what we could have had. (not that you're
    in bad shape, but it could have been much better.)
    Why doesn't anyone listen to me? :-)
    I'll go tell Hohn what to do now. I know he'll pay attention.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to France:

    Curses. If only you'd decided to take Burg, I'd have very happily gotten
    Belgium for you.
    Do you want to try for it anyway? We'd have to discuss it, but I'm receptive.
    I think the Italian move Nap-Tyn was defensive. But you probably know
    better than I.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Russia:

    It's just that your position could have been SO much better if only you'd
    done the obvious and sensible thing, StP-Nwy and Swe-Bal. But though I have
    never given you even the tiniest reason to mistrust me, you spent two of
    your dwindling resources covering against a fantasy stab. And although
    every power on the board (practically) was urging me to take Nwy, I again
    trusted you, and you trusted Germany instead of me.
    If you are really willing to support me to Norway, I'll accept this time. I
    expect France to take Lvp, and this way I could still have some influence
    and chances. You can order Nwy-Bar, Stp S Nth-Nwy (planning to disband the
    F Bar).
    If you change your mind and don't feel so generous, let me know.

Private message from Russia to England:

    GKJ, Great timing, your note following mine.  I'm now seven shades of
    red, but not from embarssed discovery -- more for the fact that you
    imply I somehow let you down again.
    Yes, I listened to Germany, but he could've used two on me anyway and
    taken the place.  (Granted, it would've allowed me a better retreat...)
    But I didn't want to leave StP, because of the risk involved if they
    took War after lying to us; as is noted here.
    Heck, Jamie, I don't know what's up and down anymore.  I thought by
    staying in StP I could have a land defense of my northern empire, while
    still trying to outguess Pitt if he tried for Nwy.  It wasn't designed
    to launch an attack on you; please don't believe that if you're
    currently thinking it.
    Bottom line:  it was a dumb move in retrospect, but one that was made in
    trying to cover two flanks with forces enough for only one.  I made a
    major goof.
    Please bear with me on this one.  I'll support you to Nwy if possible
    and desired.  What the heck, I'm gonna die may as well get
    Nwy after lo, these many years.
    Still an ally, honest.
    Tsar faz

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Well, guys, I knew I shouldn't have crowed so much about keeping 5 last
    In the south, my worst fears came true:  we trusted Hohn for one last
    time, and it proved my undoing.  (I KNEW I should've hit Ukr this turn;
    damn!)   In the north, I probably should have moved StP-Nwy (Swe S), but
    nooo, I figured Germany would be occupied with Jamie; wrong again.
    I'm screwed, esepcially now that Germany's in the VultureFest against
    me.   AT suckered Cal and I, and I'm not sure I can do anything, except:
    (a) retreat to Lvn and defend Mos -- HOPING that Pitt doesn't cut its
    support!  or
    (b) retreat to Sil, use Boh/Sil vs Mun, or somehow tie down stuff so
    Jamie can hit Den/Kie.
    (In that regard, Nwy-Swe cuts Swedish support, while I go for Mun, and
    then we possibly get one or the other.)
    Truthfully, these are the initial 'reads" of the map; I haven't digested
    the options fully (we have visiting Norwegians coming in 30 mins, so I'm
    out until 2:15 today).   Guys, I'd REALLY appreciate your insights and
    recommendations on this one, to help me look less like the dufus that I
    am.  The retreats are due tonight, and I want to make sure I help you
    guys as best as I can.
    Tsar faz

Private message from England to Russia:

    :-( :-( :-(
    You deserve what you're about to get.
    And so do I. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice....
    Very disappointed indeed,
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hi Pitt
    Well, looks like my grovelling wasn't sufficient after all.  Either
    that, or you're the vulture Edi makes you out to be, going for the
    quickie center.  Oh well, it's all moot at this point.   I trusted you
    and Hohn--you because I saw no need not to, Hohn because this turn
    could've been the big hit on Austria.  In reality, it's the big hit on
    me.   The board will rapidly devolve to FG vs AT, with any switchings
    that will doubtless occur.   Well played on your part.
    I haven't reviewed the board yet, but I'll have to weigh who gets the
    lion's share of my death and who doesn't.   You'll probably get the nod,
    as you've screwed me less than they....
    It's funny...You wouldn't send one army east to help stop AT from
    plundering me, but you found the time to send two fleets to aid them in
    their carving.  Ah, life's ironies.....
    Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Austria:

    Dear Edi,
    If Pitt had seemed even the slightest bit friendly, I'd have gone for
    Norway and StP and tried to become a renegade house. Left with virtually no
    choice at all, I had to trust France.
    I don't know what Faz thinks he's doing. As far as I can tell, Pitt
    convinced him that he'd better cover Norway lest I sneak in. Mark doesn't
    seem to have a lot of sense about these things.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > I'm sorry.  For various reasons, I decided to go with Edi this turn.
    > I'm very uncomfortable with three Italian fleets, and I decided at the
    > last minute that I wasn't comfortable with an Italian in Greece,
    > either.  If it's any consolation, it was a very close and difficult
    > call not to go with you and Mark.
    I just don't understand where you expect to get centres from in the next
    few years?  Edi already has War and will likely be the one to get Ven
    and Rom.  You think you'll be satisfied with Tun & Nap?  Even if you
    how much room for expansion do you have?  One small corridor leading to
    St Pete and the Med where it's an even longer, harder road to your next
    build.  Meanwhile, Edi is going to be up around 10 centres with you
    stretched out from Turkey to Spain. You KNOW this isn't going to work
    long term.  Why not attack him now when you have a willing ally to help?
    My fleets need not bother you as you can see I moved F Nap - Tyn to show
    sincerity.  In fact, my moves were EXACTLY as advertised.  My intentions
    should be clear now.
    > I'm still keeping an open mind with respect to proposals, but I
    > suspect you are going to be significantly less so, and for good
    > reason.  Again, my sincere apologies.  Let me know if you do in fact
    > have any desire to further negotiate; I'm always willing to talk.
    No problem talking.  That's what the game is about, no? :)
    As for proposals, my offer to help you against the Birsauron still
    The only difference is that you have to hit him first.  I don't have
    enough units to defend myself and make speculative moves against
    Your call.  You know you have to do it eventually and you won't be able
    handle a 10 centre Austria.
    Good luck

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Yeah, for what it's worth, I have given up on you.  "Game mechanics" or
    not, I really laugh (bitterly) when you rake me over the coals for my
    1901 "indignities" and then proceed to bald-face lie to me the rest of
    the game.   Yes, it's just a game, and YES, you probably did do 'the
    right thing' for Turkey...but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.
    As for the last-minute "didn't hear from you, made the judgment call"
    part:  again, completely understandable, to a point.  I've been writing
    every third day or so (granted, nothing much, but still corresponding),
    and I know Cal's done the same.  To use a last-minute non-response from
    me  -- when my system was down AND when _you_ were only responding to
    folks at the 11th hour -- as the final "coin flip" to determine your
    stance, is a bit stretching in the credibility department.  Either that,
    or you and Edi were just stringing us along all the while--as I told Cal
    would probably be the final result.
    Regardless, what's done is done.  In addition to being disappointed, I'm
    also dead now.  I only hope Germany has better luck in not falling for
    your sweet talk, and in defending vs AT.
    Never let it be said you guys aren't good....I do admire your play,
    Hohn, I really do.   I just wish you would've switched sides this turn
    (obviously).  Ah well, c'est la vie; it's the game.

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Many, manyb apologies.  I didn't read your note until this morning (the
    SET ADDRESS was still to my work station; dumb!).  I decided to try for
    Vienna, only because Cal really was insistent that I do so, as "this
    ensures Edi loses either ALB or Vie."  (Again, this was a decision he
    and I agreed to before the system crashed and we really firmed anything
    up.  Hopefully this wasn't too disabling.
    I APPRECIATE your moves (will read the results shortly), and hope this
    signals a long and productive alliance.

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    Well, that went quite well.  I suppose I'm 2-1 with respect to
    guessing.  Edi and I had devised a more conservative plan originally,
    but as a result of Cal's phone call to me (and the corresponding
    information Cal gave me, and my judgment of its credibility), I
    decided to push for a riskier plan.  Happily, it worked.  What's more,
    the original plan would not have taken MOS.  I'm feeling quite pleased
    right now.
    I think I've probably burned any and all goodwill with Mark and Cal
    (particularly Mark; I'm still holding out hope that I might be able to
    negotiate with Cal at some future date), but I think Edi and I will be
    able to make slow and gradual progress now, whereas before it was much
    more in doubt.  Again, my rationale for sticking with Edi is twofold.
    For one, he's been a trustworthy and loyal ally so far; Mark and Cal
    have both lied to me (Mark much more so than Cal), and I'm leery of
    them both.  For two, any Turk should be delighted to have a strong
    alliance with any Austrian.  That fact alone should have made Cal and
    Mark realize they'd have an uphill battle convincing me to side with
    them, IMO.
    There's actually also a third reason, namely that my press to Cal just
    now indicating that I was uncomfortable with there being three Italian
    fleets is very true.
    At this point, I'm going to suggest to Edi that I take the extra
    build, perhaps by moving BLA-RUM or something.  The reasoning is that
    he won't be able to use it, since I don't think he'll have a home
    center open.  For security's sake, I wouldn't mind another army, but I
    think that Edi will push me to build a fleet.  We'll see.
    Looking at the general board situation, I'm starting to feel
    relatively comfortable and safe.  Of course, that's often the most
    dangerous time, since that's when people get complacent, and that's
    also when people begin to look at you as a threat.  If things continue
    shaping up the way they have been (Pitt not being overtly hostile to
    Edi, relative chaos in the west, Mark being whittled down in both the
    south and the north), I think I'll soon be in position to grab at
    least part of a draw.  And I hope I didn't just jinx myself. ;)

Broadcast from Austria:

    Vienna ( Austrian Free Press)
    The distant thundering of guns crossed the moat of the Dark Tower as rumors in
    a travelers Inn: full with mysterious intent but lacking any real substance.
    In the uppermost alcove the nine riders were returning from their assigned
    tasks to their grim but pleased master:
    "The pagan dogs of the northern wastes have been turned back to the land of
    the cold pilsen.  The Popish mob who plunders Trieste have themselves been
    tagged from behind and made to face about in their own ignoble endeavors
    abandoning their pagan lackeys to their distant fates.   The Poles shall rise
    up and embrace their Galician brothers and toss back the pale creatures from
    the steppes driving them to the seven hells of the last century.  In the far
    Scandinavia the Germanic tribes have sought to reunite the Viking spirit with
    their own and that in the least will deprive the Russian hordes of their
    multitude and by lack of supply they shall wither in the vines of their own
    perfidiousness.  Can there be any more signs  that the shadow of the tower
    reaches from sunrise to sunset in all things as befit the return of the Dark
    Lord to his realm."
    "Of this we can only hope and seek to reach forth to the heart of the matters
    that circle still about us.  For now the blood tide has crested and the
    daggers of past offends shall rise to the call most traditional made."

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    I'm sorry.  For various reasons, I decided to go with Edi this turn.
    I'm very uncomfortable with three Italian fleets, and I decided at the
    last minute that I wasn't comfortable with an Italian in Greece,
    either.  If it's any consolation, it was a very close and difficult
    call not to go with you and Mark.
    I'm still keeping an open mind with respect to proposals, but I
    suspect you are going to be significantly less so, and for good
    reason.  Again, my sincere apologies.  Let me know if you do in fact
    have any desire to further negotiate; I'm always willing to talk.

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    For what it's worth, you have my sincere apologies.  If it's any
    consolation, it was a very close and difficult judgment call.  When I
    didn't hear back from you regarding my last minute e-mail (and yes,
    that's my fault for putting press off so long), that made my decision
    easier, but even so, it was a difficult one.
    Sorry things haven't worked out for us this game.  While I'm still
    keeping an open mind, I suspect you've given up on me, and I certainly
    can't blame you.
    Take care,

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Thanks for your call.  You can always call me at work, btw.  It's no
    > problem.
    > To confirm the substance of our conversation, we're going to do:
    > ADR-ALB
    > NAP-TYS?
    > SMY-AEG
    > and the other three units dependant on Mark.
    Exactly, but we got lucky.  My keyboard screwed up big time as
    I was trying to send in the changes.  Lots of cut and paste
    with the mouse saved us... grin

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    >Sorry to be responding to this so's been a long day.
    ** No problem; I'm familiar with long days myself.
    >In asnwer to your question, I guess I have to say No.  I *do* want better
    >RG relations but I don't know what I can do to further that goal right now.
    ** I can; you can un-stab me and leave Sweden, and devote yourself to
    the problem of hitting the
    English -- you know, the guys you wanted to devote yourself against
    while I supposedly helped you by being the Eastern Whipping Boy?   What
    about that?   Yeah, I didn't _think_ so....
    > I suppose I can offer to support you to hold NWY...  Other than that, I'm
    >fresh out of neat solutions.
    ** Pitt, if the English didn't hit me when they had two fleets up there,
    and if he now moved to Hel, why the heck do I need your support against
    F Nth?
    If this is the best RG "improvement option" you can come up with, then I
    don't regret my retreat.  Its original intent was anti-AT, but I'm
    seeing Boh and Sil in a whole new light now.  I'm sorry that things
    can't be better, and I'm sorry you're in Sweden; it mucks up an
    otherwise workable deal vs the threat at your doorstep.   But, you got
    your center for "anti-English" operations, it seems...and I have an
    answer to my question.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Italy to Germany:

    > Message from as Germany to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > >but a Teutonic
    > >army or three heading across the plains towards Vienna might enable me
    > >to hold Edi off long enough for you gain the size you need to handle the
    > >two of them.  I'm sure Mark could be useful for a year or two doing the
    > >same thing.
    > You'll have to convince him of that, I think.  I've been trying but he's
    > only bemoaning his inevitable doom so far.  As for German armies heading
    > southeast, that depends on a) France's intentions ine the west and b)
    > Russia's plans for his retreat.  Suffice it to say that, if I can help, I
    > will help.
    I really don't think there will be a problem with Mark.  He has promised
    to help me "until the end" and his actions thus far have borne that out.
    I think if you promise to let him keep a couple of centres, he'll be
    than happy to work with us as a puppet against the terrible twosome.
    After all, Edi and Hohn are far more responsible for his demise than you
    or England.
    As for France, well, you know more than I do.  He hasn't been the most
    communicative of players thus far (at least not in this direction - I
    suppose the same could be said about me vis a vis you, although my
    total letters written this game stands at almost 200) so we don't really
    have that much of a game relationship.  He did offer a couple of years
    to send a fleet to the Med to help me out vs Turkey and I gently
    I wrote him last night about perhaps doing the same thing now and
    had a reply yet.  If he does send an army and a fleet south, that would
    probably make you more comfortable about doing the same, no?  Maybe if
    you two work out something to take England out, that would be one less
    factor to worry about.
    Anyway, let me your thoughts on the matter and I'll write Mark.  Maybe
    can do the same and we can ALL set out (minus England?) to stop the
    greatest threat to Western Civilization since the invention of

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >Just a quick update before I head home...any thoughts on RG relations,
    >other than wanting them better?
    Sorry to be responding to this so's been a long day.
    In asnwer to your question, I guess I have to say No.  I *do* want better
    RG relations but I don't know what I can do to further that goal right now.
     I suppose I can offer to support you to hold NWY...  Other than that, I'm
    fresh out of neat solutions.

Private message from Germany to Italy:

    >In other words:
    >                            HELP!
    >I'm sure you've noticed that there is a game-long alliance emerging out
    >of the East with A/T about to steamroll.  Well, you're about to lose the
    >only viable ally(ies) you have on this side of the stalemate line.
    I see and I'm concerned.
    >Is there any way you can see for you (and/or England and/or France) to
    >help me stop A/T?
    Not England, I think.  I doubt that there's anything I could do to get him
    to trust me at this point and, thus, I can't afford to trust him.
    >I'd rather not see France in the Med
    That's understandable but it may become necessary.
    >but a Teutonic
    >army or three heading across the plains towards Vienna might enable me
    >to hold Edi off long enough for you gain the size you need to handle the
    >two of them.  I'm sure Mark could be useful for a year or two doing the
    >same thing.
    You'll have to convince him of that, I think.  I've been trying but he's
    only bemoaning his inevitable doom so far.  As for German armies heading
    southeast, that depends on a) France's intentions ine the west and b)
    Russia's plans for his retreat.  Suffice it to say that, if I can help, I
    will help.

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Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.