Press for Fall of 1903 in ghodstoo |
I'm baaaackkkk.... I was delayed by the blizzard of '97 but I've been home for a couple of days. Problem was, I had no power. I defaulted to my trusty laptop but, for some reason, I couldn't talk to the judge that way...go figure. Anyway, all's back to normal now and my retreat is in. Edi, I was out most of the day but I was gratified to get your messages when I returned: RING RING Answering Machine: "This is Pitt's place. Please leave a message." Edi: "Pitt! You're late! Get your orders in, you bum!";-) -Pitt
I have called Pitt three times today and left messages for him to get his moves in. He is still on vacation this week. He left Sweden on Monday with me though we split up on the flights home. He suffered in Sweden from the Kill the Champion syndrome. A quick summary: There were 7 Americans, 10 French, 6-8 Brits, 1-4 Belgiums, 1 German, 1 Norwegean, 4 Finns and about 80 Swedes. Top Board had: 2 French, 1 Belgium, 1 Norwegean, 1 American (me) and 2 Swedes. Top finish was 1-Frenchman, 2-Swede, 3- Norweagean (won tie breaker with American) supply centers was 9T-7E-6R-6I-5F-2G-1A with all 7 countries alive at 1909 Top Countries went to 2 to Americans (me and Tom Korbin) 2 to French 1 to Brit 2 to Swedes The team tournament was won by an American Team ( Perry, Bonds, & ???) Top Tactician went to a Frenchmen (who won the tournament) Top Diplomat went to a Brit (who had the only 18 center win in the tournament's 40+ games). The tournament system ignored ties and awarded points based on supply centers held as of 1909 Winter. If there was a game winner then he got 100 points and everyone else got -0- If there was no winner then everyone got their supply centers +1 with bonuses of 38 for first 14 for second 7 for third Ties summed the bonuses and divided by number of tied positions.
Private message from Master to Germany:
Pitt, Knowing what a mess your mail queue must be, I will send you this update so it will be at the top. We are waiting for you to retreat your Fleet in the North Sea. Please submit it ASAP. thanks! I hope your "adventure" getting bback from World Dip Con wasn't too trying. Jim
Just to add to Edi's report on WDC VII, there were, after round 3, no fewer than three Americans in the top seven (Tom, Edi, and me). But since the rankings were posted on the wall (a practice I didn't appreciate, and about which I complained), we were marked men. Edi was smart and played round 3 instead of round 4, and thus made it into the final game. Tom and I didn't play round 3 -- we played round 4 (after the posting was made) and we dropped. In both our cases, we were openly ganged up on for the solitary reason that we were at the top of the rankings. It felt like playing a game with four instead of six players, since my two closest neighbors wouldn't even talk to me once they saw where I was placed. I was so disgusted that I sat out the final round (round 5). Anyway, I ended up 28th as a result, but for one brief and shining moment (and using only objective play as a measure), I was one of the top seven Diplomacy players in the world. So watch yourselves, 'cause I'll stab you soon, Manus
Private message from England to France:
John, You seem, in general, like the kind of player who prefers to let his moves do the talking. Shall we talk now, or shall I just listen to what your fleets have to say when the next round is processed? Germany could have given me a lot more trouble by retreating to York. Apparently he prefers to participate in the final carving up of Russia. This is not much of a relief to me. If Russia is crushed, my position will be even worse. As I recall, you were not too enthusiastic about the prospect, yourself. Gentle King Jamie
To comment a bit on Edi's and Manus' WDC VII report: >Just to add to Edi's report on WDC VII, there were, after round 3, no fewer >than three Americans in the top seven (Tom, Edi, and me). But since the >rankings were posted on the wall (a practice I didn't appreciate, and about >which I complained), we were marked men. I can certainly speak to this. As Edi noted in his brief report, I was targeted in the first two rounds because of the perception that the current World Champion was either too good or too untrustworthy to be allowed to live. (I prefer good...:-) I expected that, of course, but even I was surprised at how blatant it was. In round 1, I was Turkey. Russia, Austria, and Italy all diplomed with me prior to Spring 1901 and we made the usual nice talk. In Spring 1901, all 3 of them reneged on their promises and either stabbed me directly or set up the Lepanto. More importantly, however, when I approached all of them independently after Spring 1901, each openly and bluntly said that they were picking on me just because I was the current champ. Worse yet, two of them refused to even diplome with me any further becuase they were too afraid of me. I *was* able to get Russia to back off a bit but I was stuck in the corner as a Russian puppet fending of the AI for the rest of my miserable existence (Russia ultimately stabbed again in 1905 and I was out in 1906). Round 2 was more of the same with me as England. So, OK. I don't really blame them since I *did* have a reputation. However, the practice of posting interim scores during the tournament resulted in Manus and Tom suffering this same effect, unfairly so in my opinion. Tom missed the final board by 2 points - he was 2nd after 2 games but he placed 8th prior to the last round. Manus was in 7th after round 2 and had a decent shot, too. However, in both their cases, players in their games identified them as front-runners and targeted them for elimination in the third game. If either of them had had even a marginally good score in their third game, both would have been on the top board and there would very likely have been another US World Champion (Edi, Tom, or Manus). US players weren't the only ones zinged by this practice. The leader after 2 games was a Belgian, Jean-Louis Delattre. He didn't even make the cut for the top board. In fact, with the exception of Edi and possibly one other, none of the leaders after round 3 made it to the top board and those who did had already played all 3 of their qualifying games, so they weren't affected by the "get the leader" syndrome. In order to do this, however, you had to sit out the 4th round, which was the team tournament. Edi did this, I hope intentionally, and showed again what a smart player he is. Manus and I discussed this at the tournament and we agreed that it was useful to post scores so you could see where you stood in relation to others. However, we felt that the scores should be keyed to a player number rather than a name. That way, only those who know your number can tell where you stand (and if you divulge your number, you deserve what you get). I have a number of other thoughts on the scoring and tournament format (like how Edi got screwed in the final game tie-breaker or how setting a year-play-to limit [1909] completely destroys the end game) but I'm interested in hearing comments on this one first. What do you guys think? -Pitt
Not being too hip to the whole Dip convention scene, i was wondering if it would make sense to move this discussion over to r.g.d., since I don;t think much of the world community is observing this game. I am not upset to see it; it's cool. I just think maybe the practice can be stopped/fixed (I like the ID# system a la postign grades in college) better if you include some non ghodstoo people. maybe r.g.d., maybe via various Zines? Not sure the fora which are appropriate, but this should certainly not be the ONLY one. Andy the guy who helped Manus swing the trip and who jealously (but fortunately for his personal life stayed home
World Con >US players weren't the only ones zinged by this practice. The leader after >2 games was a Belgian, Jean-Louis Delattre Actually this is in correct. Jean-Louis and I were together in the third round, and yes I played in the 3rd round to avoid the anticipated blood bath in the team game. In that round we both had come into the game as having 'won' our prior game. While the rest of the board tried to jump on us we stuck it out together with a Russia-Turkish alliance that saw me move my Fleet Sevas through Constantinople in Spring 02 and then out to the Medit. We stunned the local's with a solid alliance and we wound up with a 13-13 finish that put both of us in the Top board. The local Swedes on our table were very shocked that we did not stab each other and made constant references to our prior standings. We countered that neither of us thought it would be good enough and that only double 'wins' would work. We were both lucky in that. I am not a big fan of the posting of results in a flowing effect since I have often been the victim of the posting of an early success. I can remember often coming in 8th and 1 center short of best country. The problem with the issue of posting is that it felt that the rumormongers amongst us would know what was the best scores and thus by positing them they give everyone the same information. The posting effect was one of the reasons that for many years in the US tournaments the scoring system was not known in detail so as to prevent players from playing the tournament rather than simply the best game. I like the idea of a number ranking so you know where you are but not exactly who everyone else is. Then again the rumormongers will have a field day. Edi
> > Broadcast message from as Observer in 'ghodstoo': > > Not being too hip to the whole Dip convention scene, i was wondering if > it would make sense to move this discussion over to r.g.d., since I don;t > think much of the world community is observing this game. > It is more extensive than you might imagine and all of the **WAY COOL** people are here -- like you! > I am not upset to see it; it's cool. I just think maybe the practice can > be stopped/fixed (I like the ID# system a la postign grades in college) > better if you include some non ghodstoo people. maybe r.g.d., maybe via > various Zines? > It certainly is going in the Abyssinian Prince Section on the game which is seen by many, many people (about 300 now, I think) and will get excerpted on Dave Kleiman's web page. The ID system might help, but the working assumption is that people will track these things and figure it out anyway. One issue buried in the discussion is the tendency for nationality groups to work together to effect the kinds of tournament behavior that is being described. Americans tend to be much more "lone rangers" in their approach in my experience. At the World Dip Con that I attended a few years ago in Birmingham, the big hew and cry at the time was against the French; however, in my experience in the games the Swedes and Brits actually were more aggressive in plotting together. In one game I was in there were three Brits, three French and me. I found myself "in the middle". While the Brits pretended to ally with me, Steve Cox (who is a brilliant player in any event) froze me out and stabbed me brilliantly with the eye on the scoring system. The French players were quite blunt (partly because of their seeming inability to be subtle in English and while I understand French very well and speak it very poorly, I chose to disguise that fact as it helped me there) in that they were REACTING to the Brits three-way gang up. That was my independent assessment as well. While I still think the concept of World Dip Con is fascinating, tournament behavior is a big issue. Jim Burgess > Not sure the fora which are appropriate, but this should certainly not be > the ONLY one. > > Andy the guy who helped Manus swing the trip and who jealously (but > fortunately for his personal life stayed home >
Private message from England to Russia:
Soooooo, Tsar, What shall we do? Specifically, do you want me to order Nth-Nwy while you go Nwy-Swe? Or shall I stay put, or take a chance on Nth-Den? I'll do it either way you like. I'm trying to get some clue from France, but he's awfully quiet, as usual. Gentle King J
Private message from Russia to England:
GKJ, Greetings! My advice (as I head out the door, late for a Pinewood Derby weigh-in....mmm boy...): Go for the fjords! I imagine Pitt will either get mad at me and try for SWE, or he'll cover Den and wait out French action (against whom, for example) before making offensive noises vs either of us in '04. I'll write more later this weekend, but for now, Jamie, take Nwy. Hohn and Edi will obviously shoot for WAR now, but I'm committed. I want viable E/I nations, and--quite honestly--if the front collapses quickly enough, it *may* throw Germany into your arms as a matter of joint convenience, to stanch the northern/western AT expansion. Hey, stranger things have happened! I imagine Edi is upset over BOH. Life's hell sometimes, wot? Cheers Tsar Faz
Private message from France to Germany:
I think that we should work together. Therefore, Mid-Iri it is. John, France
Private message from France to Italy:
Now that AT have taken care of Russia, F Con is due to sail out to the Med, and another Turkish fleet can't be far behind. Let me know when you want a little help. John, France
Private message from England to Germany:
Well, I would really like to own Norway. Hell, I'd like to own Belgium, but I'll be honest and admit that France hasn't offered it. Greedy bastard. But, there you have it, he's still got me over a barrel, I can't expect any giveaways. Of course, if I should happen to take over Norway any time soon, I would want StPete too, but I don't think I would need anyone's permission at that point, or anyone's help except for the help of not attacking me. I feel that I need to have five centers to play any significant role in the endgame. And Nwy + Stp are centers I want to own for other reasons. (No, not stalemate reasons!) One point in your favor already, from my perspective, is that you retreated to Skag instead of York. Whew. You could have kept me tied in knots; instead I have a little freedom. How I regard you in future moves will depend (assuming France is being honest with me) on what your next little projects turn out to be. Cheers! Gentle King Jamie (Have you come to terms yet with the fact that you never sent me that 'leap of faith' plan? I still wonder what it was.)
Private message from Germany to Austria:
Heya, What, if anything, do you suggest with regard to Russia and Italy? Heard anything about France and England, either? -Pitt
Private message from Germany to Turkey:
Hello, stranger! I'm as happy as anybody that you're putting the heat on Russia after what he did to me in the north. However, though I'm sure you've seen it, may I suggest a path of caution with regard to Austria? He's slippery. If, at any time, you decide you want to do something about that, please let me know. Also, if we can cooperate against Russia, I'd be happy to jump in, too. -Pitt
Private message from Germany to England:
Congratulations on taking back NTH. It seems to me that if you're going to do anything with it, you'll need me or France. Given that choice, I'd rather it was me. Is there anything we should discuss? -Pitt
Private message from Germany to Italy:
Cal, Aside from our public jesting (which I'm enjoying...;-), maybe we should talk about plans. Is there anything we can (or shoudl) do together this turn? -Pitt
Private message from Germany to Russia:
>Sorry to hear about the WorldCon thing. Take it as a "backhanded >compliment" from everyone that they ganged up on you. I do. I was part of the same thing against the 1995 World Champ at WDC VI last year. I was bothered by the fact that others, like Manus and Tom Kobrin, were subjected to the same treatment just because they played well in the early rounds in Sweden. Their results should have been kept anonymous so they were not unfairly targeted as frontrunners. >As for this game, my last letter rings true. I think you *really* need >to head east, given that AT stand to rip the front apart in a couple of >turn, leaving your eastern flank open. I'm moving to Sweden, so plan >accordingly -- take Nwy, if it helps. Thanks, but even though I'm not thrilled about your support for England into NTH, I still don't want to see you collapse. You need to hold NOR in order to stay alive. I won;t move in behind you but England might. I strongly suggest you continue to hold it and, instead, support me back into NTH. What do you think? >My goal is to buy a couple more turns of time, to enable you and Italy to >gain / hold off the AT surge. Maybe once I try and favor one side of the >AT over the other, there will be an internal "greed struggle" over >centers, and we'll see a stab. If not, I'll go down fighting. That sounds like a wrokable plan. I have already started eastward by moving my BUR army to MUN. The question is, what can we do with it? -Pitt
Private message from Germany to France:
>In contemplating my options, I see opportunities against England and >against Italy. Your move to ska (rather than yor) leads me to ask whether >you wish to put the attack on England on hold. Am I reading this >correctly? Nope. The retreat to SKA was a defensive move against England and Russia, who supported England into NTH. I can use it to cover DEN or threaten SWE or NOR, as well as support an attack into NTH. I definitely want to to keep the pressure on England. What do you think? -Pitt
Private message from France to Germany:
Welcome back! Now that the snow storms have died down, what's to be the next move in ghodstoo? In contemplating my options, I see opportunities against England and against Italy. Your move to ska (rather than yor) leads me to ask whether you wish to put the attack on England on hold. Am I reading this correctly? John, France
Private message from France to England:
King J: Message received. I will be considering my options over the next couple of days. It seems to me that G has turned his attention to Russia. Surely, threatening Sweden is no way to trouble England. He may let you stew for a while before what he hopes is the final assault. I'll be in touch. John, France
Private message from Russia to Master:
Hi Jim, A few quick Russian game thoughts for this season... In the east, Hohn continues to wait for 'the next turn" to consider stabbing Edi. of course, when he passed up the perfect chance in S'03 to hit Edi with Cal and me, I knew he was just stringing me along. he'll never make an RT happen, because it's not in his best interests to do so. He can take me down with Edi -- gaining relatively moreso than his Austrian partner -- and than stab Edi at his leisure, if it works for him. It's reassuring to know Hohn is just as underhanded and morally bankrupt as the rest of us; he had me worried for awhile! Edi hasn't offered me anything since 1902, and vice versa. He's only in this for himself, allies be damned, and if that's the gameplan, then my goal will be to help take him down a notch or two. I can help Cal get TRI this turn (doubtless for the loss of WAR) and perhaps Pitt will grab a Scandinavian center. I have a hunch the remainder of this game will see me more a kingmaker, than a pretender to any thrones of my own... In the West, my hit of Nth Sea was designed to do three things: (1) show Eng that I do indeed honor my pledges, (2) Try and entice France into a pro-Eng maneuver, balancing the west, and (3) if all else fails, get Pitt roiled enough over the "nonsensical" stab that he'd come after me, and finally (!) direct some attention to the East. For the majority of this game, he's been my greatest cheerleader, urging me to hold off AT without help, while he mops up E. Hopefully he'll now see the east for what it truly is, and perhaps take action to cover his flank, now that I (his previous flank guard) am dying. The ultimate sweet thing would be a german-Turkish hit of Edi, with E/I/F as spoilers and satellites in a final Clash of Titans. No word from France, which isn't unusual -- he's proving to be a rather weak correspondent. England and I see things pretty much eye-to-eye, and we've arranged some moves. I told Pitt to shoot for Nwy, as I'm moving to swe. I also told England to do the same, which may keep me solvent up north--benefiting the West, I 'd say! I feel kind of bad this game, but I'm losing interest in it because of time constraints -- something I expected when I signed up. I'm trying to keep the spark alive, but I wonder if I'm not subconsciously urging a 'death wish" on myself here. The logical move would've been a retreat to WAR, then have Mos and War defend each other, with Sev-Rum or Ukr. Of course, what does that do? it gives me another whole turn of defense, until they use Sev-Ukr-Gal to hit either War or Mos, and eventually I'd peter out anyway. May as well try and keep this interesting for the readership.
Private message from Italy to Turkey:
I've now have a phone number I can be reached at: (416) 281 5463 Thanx Cal
Private message from Italy to Russia:
> Message from as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > > Hi Cal > You know it's one of those days, when you get 8 Dip letters in your queue > and they're all bantering about WorldCon...sigh. On the bright side of > things, I spent 14 hours today at The Big Game -- outdor paintball > tournament held by our Cadet Close Combat team. We racked in mega-$$$ > (which is good, because that's the only way we get funded), and I got to > pick off a few sluggos with a nice weapon loaned to me by another cadet. > It's not like winning all the marbles in Dip, but hey, I take what I > can get! :>) Sounds like a bowling trophy... heh heh. I figure I'll try that stuff when they let you use REAL ammo. Keep it interesting, so to speak... :) > And speaking of ... > > You'll note I was Ultra-Nice Guy and retreated to BOH. Warsaw is > doubtless a writeoff now, and my whole position should be going to hell > shortly (if not already there). Never mind all that, though -- I'm going > to hit Vienna, and am expecting you'll take Tri, right? Edi can retreat > to Tyo, I suppose, but so what? You can build A Ven and the whle front > is back to normal, except he's out one, I'm still in BOH, and maybe Hohn > doesn't help him get back to 6 .... stranger things have happened. I'm hoping for a surprise out of Hohn this turn. Details are sketchy. Pictures at 11. > The biggest danger I see is if Hohn builds F Smy, regardless if Edi's at > 5, 6 or 7. Given that you may need another army build based on Edi's > retreat, you're now faced with three fleets vs your two come fall (Gre, > future Aeg and future EasMed). Well, let's burn that bridge when we come > to it, eh? For now, your ol' buddy, Mr Knucklehead Player 9that's me) is > going to ensure you get Tri. If Hohn moves against me, I'll probably just have to do what you're doing now: fight a delaying action and hope for help from F/G based on your reasons in the next paragraph. > Hopefully my hit of nth Sea will also > encourage Pitt to head east, and to see the writing on the wall. FG > will be loathe to hit you when they see you're the lone bulwark in a > rapidly collapsing East, I'll wager. So maybe, just maybe, we can stanch > the A/T westward flow. I'll do my share this turn, ok? Much obliged pardner! > Hang in there, me hearty! Always. Cal
Private message from Master to Russia:
Faz, I can't address this at length, obviously, but it seems to me that Internet games on the Judges are plagued by "time constraints". When you imagine that this game is about the SLOWEST that is available, so that other games move far faster, this is nearly epidemic. You can see why people descend into playing gunboat all the time.... what you are experiencing is part of the game and if I think it ever gets close to being otherwise (which it isn't) I'd approach you about asking to resign. You didn't do it, but I am responding here to let you know that if you DID inquire about resigning right now, I would talk you out of it. Thanks for playing and interjecting your play into the mix, we'll have fun analyzing it at the end! Jim
Private message from Italy to Russia:
> Message from as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > > Hi Cal > You know it's one of those days, when you get 8 Dip letters in your queue > and they're all bantering about WorldCon...sigh. On the bright side of > things, I spent 14 hours today at The Big Game -- outdor paintball > tournament held by our Cadet Close Combat team. We racked in mega-$$$ > (which is good, because that's the only way we get funded), and I got to > pick off a few sluggos with a nice weapon loaned to me by another cadet. > It's not like winning all the marbles in Dip, but hey, I take what I > can get! :>) Sounds like a bowling trophy... heh heh. I figure I'll try that stuff when they let you use REAL ammo. Keep it interesting, so to speak... :) > And speaking of ... > > You'll note I was Ultra-Nice Guy and retreated to BOH. Warsaw is > doubtless a writeoff now, and my whole position should be going to hell > shortly (if not already there). Never mind all that, though -- I'm going > to hit Vienna, and am expecting you'll take Tri, right? Edi can retreat > to Tyo, I suppose, but so what? You can build A Ven and the whle front > is back to normal, except he's out one, I'm still in BOH, and maybe Hohn > doesn't help him get back to 6 .... stranger things have happened. I'm hoping for a surprise out of Hohn this turn. Details are sketchy. Pictures at 11. > The biggest danger I see is if Hohn builds F Smy, regardless if Edi's at > 5, 6 or 7. Given that you may need another army build based on Edi's > retreat, you're now faced with three fleets vs your two come fall (Gre, > future Aeg and future EasMed). Well, let's burn that bridge when we come > to it, eh? For now, your ol' buddy, Mr Knucklehead Player 9that's me) is > going to ensure you get Tri. If Hohn moves against me, I'll probably just have to do what you're doing now: fight a delaying action and hope for help from F/G based on your reasons in the next paragraph. > Hopefully my hit of nth Sea will also > encourage Pitt to head east, and to see the writing on the wall. FG > will be loathe to hit you when they see you're the lone bulwark in a > rapidly collapsing East, I'll wager. So maybe, just maybe, we can stanch > the A/T westward flow. I'll do my share this turn, ok? Much obliged pardner! > Hang in there, me hearty! Always. Cal
Private message from Russia to Italy:
Hi Cal You know it's one of those days, when you get 8 Dip letters in your queue and they're all bantering about WorldCon...sigh. On the bright side of things, I spent 14 hours today at The Big Game -- outdor paintball tournament held by our Cadet Close Combat team. We racked in mega-$$$ (which is good, because that's the only way we get funded), and I got to pick off a few sluggos with a nice weapon loaned to me by another cadet. It's not like winning all the marbles in Dip, but hey, I take what I can get! :>) And speaking of ... You'll note I was Ultra-Nice Guy and retreated to BOH. Warsaw is doubtless a writeoff now, and my whole position should be going to hell shortly (if not already there). Never mind all that, though -- I'm going to hit Vienna, and am expecting you'll take Tri, right? Edi can retreat to Tyo, I suppose, but so what? You can build A Ven and the whle front is back to normal, except he's out one, I'm still in BOH, and maybe Hohn doesn't help him get back to 6 .... stranger things have happened. The biggest danger I see is if Hohn builds F Smy, regardless if Edi's at 5, 6 or 7. Given that you may need another army build based on Edi's retreat, you're now faced with three fleets vs your two come fall (Gre, future Aeg and future EasMed). Well, let's burn that bridge when we come to it, eh? For now, your ol' buddy, Mr Knucklehead Player 9that's me) is going to ensure you get Tri. Hopefully my hit of nth Sea will also encourage Pitt to head east, and to see the writing on the wall. FG will be loathe to hit you when they see you're the lone bulwark in a rapidly collapsing East, I'll wager. So maybe, just maybe, we can stanch the A/T westward flow. I'll do my share this turn, ok? Hang in there, me hearty! Faz
Private message from Russia to Germany:
Hi again, Pitt Sorry to hear about the WorldCon thing. Take it as a "backhanded compliment" from everyone that they ganged up on you. Typical ungrateful Europeans, you know? We save them in two world wars AND give them the Marshall Plan, and they screw you anyway! Humph. As for this game, my last letter rings true. I think you *really* need to head east, given that AT stand to rip the front apart in a couple of turn, leaving your eastern flank open. I'm moving to Sweden, so plan accordingly -- take Nwy, if it helps. My goal is to buy a couple more turns of time, to enable you and Italy to gain / hold off the AT surge. Maybe once I try and favor one side of the AT over the other, there will be an internal "greed struggle" over centers, and we'll see a stab. If not, I'll go down fighting. Anyway, welcome back from the Con, and drop a line if you get time. Mark
Private message from Russia to Germany:
I do. I was part of the same thing against the 1995 World Champ at WDC VI last year. I was bothered by the fact that others, like Manus and Tom Kobrin, were subjected to the same treatment just because they played well in the early rounds in Sweden. Their results should have been kept anonymous so they were not unfairly targeted as frontrunners. ** I concur about the visible standings at WorldCon. In a perverse way, it's merely a 'balance-of-power', i.e., see the threat, stop the threat. On the other hand, to be penalized for doing well -- and to be hit in so blatant a fashion -- seems inimical to the game. Kind of goofy. Kind of European. >As for this game, my last letter rings true. I think you *really* need >to head east, given that AT stand to rip the front apart in a couple of >turn, leaving your eastern flank open. I'm moving to Sweden, so plan >accordingly -- take Nwy, if it helps. Thanks, but even though I'm not thrilled about your support for England into NTH, I still don't want to see you collapse. You need to hold NOR in order to stay alive. I won;t move in behind you but England might. I strongly suggest you continue to hold it and, instead, support me back into NTH. What do you think? ** Thanks for not taking Sweden, but if it's ok with you, I've now managed to p*** off all my neighbors, whether deliberately or accidentally. I'd rather not perturb England again, at least until I see what happens in the East. I'll move to SWE but tell Eng I'm holding (or will support him, or something). As I fully expect Lon-Ech (to counter France), methinks Nth will fall easily for you. he's not going anywhere, and if he does bounce Nth this turn, the arrival of France's fleet will tip the balance in S'04. me in Swe eventually means "me in Bot, to guard StP and Lvn," which does indeed block up the east from the rapacious AT. >My goal is to buy a couple more turns of time, to enable you and Italy to >gain / hold off the AT surge. Maybe once I try and favor one side of the >AT over the other, there will be an internal "greed struggle" over >centers, and we'll see a stab. If not, I'll go down fighting. That sounds like a wrokable plan. I have already started eastward by moving my BUR army to MUN. The question is, what can we do with it? ** Well, not to say I told you so, but to me the best place for that army is a possible bounce this season (Mun-Tyo). This way, when I hit Vie and Cal takes TRI, Edi can't retreat forward into TYO. If Edi's not in Tyo, that means Cal can build a fleet to prevent the expected F Smy build from Hohn (which would give AT three fleets vs Cal's two and thus open up IOn in '04 for them). If Cal has that extra fleet, we almost force Hohn to stab Edi, if only to expand somehow! To me, that is indeed the best place for MUN to go. if you're still leery of it, you can always send it to SIL and help me in WAR. Thanks for the reply, Pitt, and rest assured, my focus is eastward; therein lies the threat to us all. I'm sorry I havem't been able to hold them off. Mark
Private message from Russia to Master:
Hi Jim ** Thanks for the words of wisdom (below). I can't address this at length, obviously, but it seems to me that Internet games on the Judges are plagued by "time constraints". When you imagine that this game is about the SLOWEST that is available, so that other games move far faster, this is nearly epidemic. You can see why people descend into playing gunboat all the time.... what you are experiencing is part of the game and if I think it ever gets close to being otherwise (which it isn't) I'd approach you about asking to resign. You didn't do it, but I am responding here to let you know that if you DID inquire about resigning right now, I would talk you out of it. ** Rest assured, I have no intention of resigning. I had to quit three games (my only resignations, btw) before I went off to Russia for 6 months of UN duty, and doing so left a bad taste in my mouth. After 20+ years of playing by mail, I take pride in finishing what I start, and an occasional burnout won't slow me down. I do feel a little bad that I haven't managed to keep up a frenetic pace of correspondence (one of the things that people seem to like about me, so I've been told), but work is just killing me, and will do so until October....much 'extracurricular' duty with the cadets (read: field duty for 6 weeks in summer, as well as starting up a new course). Having said all that, I've got to stop worrying about time, and get on with this game. The only thing worse than resigning from a game is to play the position in a substandard manner, and THIS was the fear I'd begun to experience. I'm not sure whether my moves are REALLY being driven by a ghods-like set of inspiration, to keep the game interesting and fluid, or if it was a death-wish to let them kill me quickly. I'm going to assume the former, and play this thing to the bloody end. My big concern is honor (as most military like to think is only proper). I won't dishonor your choice, the game, or me, by being a sluggo. Onward and upward, my friend! Faz
Private message from Italy to Germany:
> Message from as Germany to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > Aside from our public jesting (which I'm enjoying...;-), maybe we should > talk about plans. Is there anything we can (or should) do together this > turn? Don't know if there's much we CAN do together turn, but we'll certainly stay in touch. okay? Cal
Private message from England to Germany:
>>Well, I would really like to own Norway. > >Provisionally, I could consider that. The provision is that you use the SC >to build F LVP. Wellll.... I accept that provision provisionally: the provision is that you should already be attacking France, or be otherwise engaged, by the time my choice of builds comes around (and that's not too soon). Ok, here's the thing. Maybe I've got the situation all wrong and France will either now or soon order a fleet to Irish Sea or NAO or something. In that case, I would certainly use any build I got to put something in Lvp, most likely a fleet. Ok, yeah, a fleet. But if I'm right, France won't order a fleet to Iri or NAO. In that case, building F Lvp is likely to get me essentially nowhere except into a fight, a fight to which I'd have to devote at least three fleets, even though I'd have virtually no prospects of getting anywhere. And, well, that would just make it a little *too* easy for you. Here's where what I said about 'projects' comes in. If I were convinced that you were going to be engaged somewhere, and picking off Russian centers doesn't count!, then I would prefer to take my chances against France. If not, then I guess my best strategy is to sit on the fence, taking Nwy and Stp if I can. That does seem like the smart thing to do. Think about it. As I've said, I have no objection to things going smoothly and easily for you; you are not my 'enemy' in that way. Only I can't give you an easy shot at Edinburgh and London. (Well, I could! But I won't.) >>Hell, I'd like to own Belgium, but >>I'll be honest and admit that France hasn't offered it. Greedy bastard. > >Since it isn't his to offer (yet) I'm gald to hear that... Hmph. Well, we'll see about that. >OK, I'll bite...what are the reasons (and, while you're at it, why are you >so quick to jump on your erstwhile Russian ally?) I can answer those questions at the same time. I haven't regarded Russia as an ally since he took Norway. Supporting me into North Sea is all very nice, but I still have a score to settle. I've never made this explicit, I guess, so here's the scoop. I counted on Russia from the start to help me in case of a G/F alliance. (It's more complicated than that, but that will do.) He gave me all assurances. And then took Norway as soon as it looked like he could get away with it. I never counted on you or France, really, except as self-interested neutrals, but I counted on Russia's cooperation, so that was the only genuine stab. (Except for Edi's, which I still haven't figured out, but I know he's somehow responsible.) >That was *part* of the reason for my retreat. Sure, I know. You could have taken your chances with Russia, or you could take your chances with me. I appreciate your choice. >>How I regard you in future moves will depend (assuming France is being >>honest with me) on what your next little projects turn out to be. > >I'm open to more explicit suggestions. Well, it's very up-in-the-air. You have many options. Picking off indefensible Russian centers is an obviously attractive one, non-committal. In that case, I would have to be non-committal in the same way (making the large assumption that I have any choice in the matter). You have other options. You could plunge straight into Austria, shaking up the balance in the south (which is looking pretty unpleasant at the moment). That would give me some freedom too, and as I said I think my best bet would be to try to grow at France's expense (with everyone else tied up with each other). Or you might push west against France, in which case, ahem, we could try to come up with a division that everyone could live with this time :). >I did send it. Unfortunately, all mail I sent to the judge during that >2-day period disappeared into the bit bucket. At this point, it's not >worth revisiting since we're no longer in position to act on it. Thankfully, true. I guess I'm glad I never got it, all things considered. :) Gentle King Jamie
Private message from Italy to France:
> Message from as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > Now that AT have taken care of Russia, F Con is due to sail out to the Med, > and another Turkish fleet can't be far behind. Let me know when you want a > little help. If I can't break things a little this turn, I'll get back to you about this. Cal
Private message from Italy to Master:
> Message from as Master to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > Cal, > > Just to let you know, your orders show an error flag, which must have been > a .sig file oversight or something, since the submitted moves look fine. > You might want to check on it. > > Your always attentive GM, Actually, that wasn't it as I don't use a .sig any more, but I do know what it was. Let's just say it was a couple of screwups that sorted themselves out. Your always muddlin' thru, Cal
Private message from Germany to England:
>Well, I would really like to own Norway. Provisionally, I could consider that. The provision is that you use the SC to build F LVP. >Hell, I'd like to own Belgium, but >I'll be honest and admit that France hasn't offered it. Greedy bastard. Since it isn't his to offer (yet) I'm gald to hear that... >Of course, if I should happen to take over Norway any time soon, I would >want StPete too, but I don't think I would need anyone's permission at that >point, or anyone's help except for the help of not attacking me. Yeah, that sort of follows. >I feel >that I need to have five centers to play any significant role in the >endgame. And Nwy + Stp are centers I want to own for other reasons. (No, >not stalemate reasons!) OK, I'll bite...what are the reasons (and, while you're at it, why are you so quick to jump on your erstwhile Russian ally?) >One point in your favor already, from my perspective, is that you retreated >to Skag instead of York. Whew. You could have kept me tied in knots; >instead I have a little freedom. That was *part* of the reason for my retreat. >How I regard you in future moves will depend (assuming France is being >honest with me) on what your next little projects turn out to be. I'm open to more explicit suggestions. >(Have you come to terms yet with the fact that you never sent me that 'leap >of faith' plan? I still wonder what it was.) I did send it. Unfortunately, all mail I sent to the judge during that 2-day period disappeared into the bit bucket. At this point, it's not worth revisiting since we're no longer in position to act on it. -Pitt
Private message from Master to Italy:
Cal, Just to let you know, your orders show an error flag, which must have been a .sig file oversight or something, since the submitted moves look fine. You might want to check on it. Your always attentive GM, Jim
On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, USIN Diplomacy Judge wrote: > News about USIN can be found at > > > All unmoderated games will be removed. > Judge keeper is > Judge address is > > Broadcast message from as Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > > Whatever theory you guys come up with regarding" leading lights" being > jumped at tournaments, you better account for this: > > When I ran DipCon here in Toronto back in the early 90s, we held a hobby > meeting the night before the final round. At that point Gary Behnen was > leading (or close to) the tournament. > > At the meeting, we awarded him the postal Diplomacy Award for Best Player. > Everyone there said it was the absolute kiss of death for his chances to > survive the next day. > > Heh heh, not only did he survive, he grabbed an 18 centre win and took the > whole damn tournament! > > Lucy got some 'splainin' to do... > > Cal > Looks like the exception has proved the rule. James
> > >>eh heh, not only did he survive, he grabbed an 18 centre win and took the >>whole damn tournament! >> >>Lucy got some 'splainin' to do... > But that was in Canada where everyone was too cold to pay attention in the first place.
>It certainly is going in the Abyssinian Prince Section on the game which >is seen by many, many people (about 300 now, I think) and will get >excerpted on Dave Kleiman's web page. And, in more detail and with more thought based on commentary received here, will be the subject of a future Big Dipper column. >The ID system might help, but the working assumption is that people will >track these things and figure it out anyway. How? If you and the con organizers are the only ones who know that your ID is 76, how will anyone else know unless you tell them? I suppose, if you had the only solo victory in Round 1, others could tell... OK, then, we don't don't post any scores until after 2 complete rounds. If you already had *2* solo victories at that point, I don't think it matters if everyone knows what your ID # is... >One issue buried in the >discussion is the tendency for nationality groups to work together to >effect the kinds of tournament behavior that is being described. You know, in two World Dipcons, I haven't seen any of that kind of coordinated behavior at the country level. I've seen friends or acquaintances work together temporarily (Hell, I had to take on a Frenchman *and* his girlfriend on the same board as Germany and Austria to my England in Round 2 last week) in one game but I've never seen any sort of secret cabal that works to place a member of a particular nation at the top. And the temporary "meta" alliances I've seen have always fallen apart after the initial goal (get the front runner, for example) has been achieved. I recognize that it's certainly possible for these larger, unethical alliances to happen but I've never seen them nor any evidence of them. >Americans tend to be much more "lone rangers" in their approach in >my experience. >At the World Dip Con that I attended a few years >ago in Birmingham, the big hew and cry at the time was against the >French; however, in my experience in the games the Swedes and Brits >actually were more aggressive in plotting together. Swedes!? Doing anything together? For more than one turn? Must have been from a different planet... >While I still think the concept of >World Dip Con is fascinating, tournament behavior is a big issue. I agree in principle but, so far, in practice I don;t think it's been a problem. All the serious players seem to want to win, even if they do so at the expense of their countrymen. I just don't have a sense that we're going to see any bicycle racing type behavior in Diplomacy tournaments any time soon. -Pitt
>But that was in Canada where everyone was too cold to pay attention in the >first place. Nah. That's not it. They just have a different way of playing Dip up there. * At an Ottawa Diplomacy Game * Fraser: Well now, Mackenzie, we need to negotiate, eh? I'm playing France. Shall I take the English Channel or shall you? Mackenzie: Oh, you ought to have it right enough, Fraser. After all you're stuck playing the French. Fraser: Well now, that's true. Still and all, I think you ought to lay a claim, too. Mackenzie: Oh, you're too kind. I tell you what - what say neither of us takes it and we call a draw now, eh? Fraser: Oh my! That's peachy! OK, game's over. Let's have a Labatt's! * At a Montreal Diplomacy Game * Pierre: Are you going to let me have Le Manche, Jean-Louis, or am I going to have to screw your sister? Jean-Louis: Yah! You'll have to get your mother off of her first! Le Manche is mine! Pierre: Merde! Never let your filthy mouth mention my mother again! Jean-Louis: As you say - how can I mention her name when I have a mouthful of her...* At a Newfoundland Diplomacy Game * Billy-Bjorn: Huh?
On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, USIN Diplomacy Judge wrote: > News about USIN can be found at > > > All unmoderated games will be removed. > Judge keeper is > Judge address is > > has signed on as an Observer in game 'ghodstoo'. > Would this be Mr Bruce McIntyre from Burnaby, BC? If so, how ya doing guy? Long time no talk! Cal
Private message from Observer to Italy:
Yes, this is me, and I presume this is Mr Cal White of Toronto. Doing reasonably well, still well below the poverty line and currently sick with the radioactive flu (halflife 3.5 days, so in two weeks it'll be still 1/16 here). Trying to figure out how the hell all this works, and why on earth it is so complicated. Half of my commands to any Judge bounce, despite careful attention to the manuals I've downloaded. I hope I get it all together by the time my first game fills... Cheers, McBruce end press
> Broadcast message from as Germany in 'ghodstoo': > > >But that was in Canada where everyone was too cold to pay attention in the > >first place. > > Nah. That's not it. They just have a different way of playing Dip up there. > > * At an Ottawa Diplomacy Game * > > Fraser: Well now, Mackenzie, we need to negotiate, eh? I'm > playing France. Shall I take the English Channel or > shall you? > > Mackenzie: Oh, you ought to have it right enough, Fraser. After > all you're stuck playing the French. > > Fraser: Well now, that's true. Still and all, I think you ought > to lay a claim, too. > > Mackenzie: Oh, you're too kind. I tell you what - what say neither > of us takes it and we call a draw now, eh? > > Fraser: Oh my! That's peachy! OK, game's over. Let's have > a Labatt's! Uh huh, tell you what, Pitt. This Canadian sez you just keep thinking that that's the "kindler, gentler" way I play, eh?btw, it's Molson's, not Labatt. Cal
>Broadcast message from as Italy in 'ghodstoo': > >btw, it's Molson's, not Labatt. Oh, so you're an upscale Canadian, eh? ;-) -Pitt (who grew up in the wilds of Maine on the New Brunswick border watching CBC and ATV and has never fully recovered)
> Broadcast message from as Germany in 'ghodstoo': > > > >Broadcast message from as Italy in 'ghodstoo': > > > >btw, it's Molson's, not Labatt. > > Oh, so you're an upscale Canadian, eh? > > ;-) There's another kind? grin, eh? Cal
Whatever theory you guys come up with regarding" leading lights" being jumped at tournaments, you better account for this: When I ran DipCon here in Toronto back in the early 90s, we held a hobby meeting the night before the final round. At that point Gary Behnen was leading (or close to) the tournament. At the meeting, we awarded him the postal Diplomacy Award for Best Player. Everyone there said it was the absolute kiss of death for his chances to survive the next day. Heh heh, not only did he survive, he grabbed an 18 centre win and took the whole damn tournament! Lucy got some 'splainin' to do... Cal
Private message from France to Germany:
Yes, Burgundy remains open. Let's rock and roll. Jean de France
Private message from Germany to France:
>I think that we should work together. Therefore, Mid-Iri it is. Good. I'm in. May I also trust that BUR remnains vacant? I'll make another effort to get my PIC army back east via BEL. -Pitt
Private message from England to Austria:
Edi, France has not told me exactly what he plans to do (seems like a case of No News Is Bad News). I think he might possibly work against Germany. There is some chance that he would send one, or even two fleets to the Mediterranean and use the armies against Germany. Though he hasn't said so, I surmise that his move of an army to Marseilles was intended for Mar-Pie. But then what? I don't know. As to working a deal with Germany (for Norway), I've already tried. Maybe it will work. Pitt agreed on the condition that I use the build to construct a new fleet in Liverpool! Obviously, this is not exactly what you want. Not what I want either. Negotiations proceed. If it works out, I will very likely go for Stp after Norway. Pitt does seem fairly open to the idea of taking the indefensible Russian centers. That's good news for you. I don't exactly relish having German fleets all over the place if/when Pitt gets those centers and builds, but my options are awfully limited, so I'll go with that option if Pitt does. Cheers! Gentle King Jamie
Private message from France to Germany:
Edi called me last night. Apparently, the rumors are flying that France will take England's part in the coming turn. If you have caught wind of this, please ignore it. It seems to be England's disinfo campaign. John France
Private message from France to Austria:
Edi, I did not mean to be coy when you called last night. I guess that's one difference between the ftf and email games. In email, I can think about the other player's message and my response. A phone call leaves me a bit surprised. I still remain wedded to email, so I have not gained much experience with talking diplomacy over the phone. Thus, my initial reaction to your call. Well, anyway, as I said, I probably won't know what I will do until the last day. England has made a persuasive case for cooperation, but I would feel mighty exposed to turn on Germany with one of his units still on my territory. Seems to me I would also open the door to renewed G-E cooperation against me. That's exactly what had me almost out at the beginning. As for Italy, I can give you help with him regardless of what happens to the north. It's just a matter of when. He's no threat to you, however, and sending F Con to the Med will put him on the defensive. So, let's keep talking. Things will be self-explanatory after the deadline. John France
Private message from England to Russia:
Tsar Faz, HYPOTHESIS: Germany wants to set up to take Sweden himself next Spring, so prefers not to see me in Nwy and you in Swe. He'll probably bounce you in Swe, and move Hel-Den. We'll still have options. I am a little worried about this: France may eject the German army from Pic, and Pitt could let it disband and rebuild a fleet. He'd be taking a chance--if France takes Pic and goes to Bur, Germany has to beware of a land attack. But if he does build another fleet, we'll have real trouble even if/while France invades. Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Seems like Germany would support A Pic to hold, nothing else to do with that A Bel.... In the mean time, Edi is lobbying for a G/E combination to take Sweden and Norway, "to get rid of the erratic Russian play." I hope you're still in touch with Hohn. France seems to be beyond any influence, he's just got his own ideas. Fortunately, I think they are favorable to me (and to you, for that matter). I expect to see him move into the Mediterranean this season. And I *hope* he will then coordinate with Italy's new fleet and break into the eastern waters.... Cheers! Gentle King Jamie
Private message from Russia to England:
GKJ Morning! before I get ready for class, here's a short tidbit of things Teutonic.... Germany wrote; tone of the note was actually low-key. Said he didn't 'really' mind the joint RE hit of NTH, and that he understood my need to face off vs AT; hence he didn't want to reduce me as a co-defender of the faith. Bottom line: he said he's not going for Nwy or Swe. He wants me to hold in Nwy and re-support him to NTH. Now, while I half-believe him, I fully don't intend to flip-flop in the North. I told him I had no desire to face off vs you, that he and Eng needed to work together if they were to defeat the AT, and that, if he really wanted NTH, he could wait until France got to Ech and then take it next spring. Didn't get a reply to that....-grin- Told him I was still going to SWE (he's worried you'll take Nwy from behind; fancy that). Food for thought, your Nobleness..... Tsar Faz
Private message from Russia to Turkey:
Hi Hohn How's your day going? How's the work routine/searching? Hope all's well with you. Good luck here. It's obvious I can either hit GAL or VIE this turn with BOH; you can guess which one it'll be, probably. -grin- Remember what I said last note. I can't hurt (or help) both A and T, but I certainly can influence one or the other's fortunes, albeit in a small way. Despite the fact we will probably never roll the board as an RT, I wish you well. Mark
Private message from Turkey to Russia:
Mark, > How's your day going? How's the work routine/searching? Hope all's > well with you. Well, but extremely hectic. After game end, Jim and the public press stream can vouch for the fact that I've unfortunately been able to do very little negotiating this turn. > Good luck here. It's obvious I can either hit GAL or VIE this turn with > BOH; you can guess which one it'll be, probably. -grin- Heh. > Remember what I said last note. I can't hurt (or help) both A and T, > but I certainly can influence one or the other's fortunes, albeit in a > small way. Despite the fact we will probably never roll the board as an > RT, I wish you well. I feel the same. I suspect this will be an exciting turn, judging from the board positions and the messages I have waiting in my inbox that I have not yet responded to, and maybe there will be a way for us to coordinate. At least, a bit better than we have in the past. ;) Hohn
Private message from Turkey to Germany:
Pitt, > I'm as happy as anybody that you're putting the heat on Russia after what > he did to me in the north. However, though I'm sure you've seen it, may I > suggest a path of caution with regard to Austria? He's slippery. If, at > any time, you decide you want to do something about that, please let me > know. Also, if we can cooperate against Russia, I'd be happy to jump in, too. Thanks for your note, and your offers. Currently, I'm planning to retake SEV. Other than that, I'm very flexible with respect to the future. I think Mark has finally come around to a more pragmatic viewpoint, and I therefore may be able to work with him. Edi and I have been working together well so far, but believe me, I know the wiles of the BirSauron. In other matters, I hear EF have reached a rapprochement of _some_ kind, although the extent of it and how that might affect you is unknown. Good luck! Hohn
(St Petersburg) Despite the atmosphere of gloom pervading the Winter Palace, Tsar Faz recently called a press conference to discuss Russian war aims, and to allay fears that "illogical elements and unhealthy forces" were controlling Russian military actions. The Ruler of All Russias assured the audience with the following: "For two years we have attempted to broker a peace with the Turks to our south. Despite our sincere eforts to cultivate a friendship, Turkish insecurity (and, dare we say, expanding greed) has prevented a union of our forces. This is regrettable, for we feel much mutual benefit could've occurred from such an alliance. However, this *is* war, and our gallant foes have the upper hand--nothing more can be done. Their Turkish partner, Archduke Edi, has given the Tsar nothing but fluff in all correspondence since 1901. if one were to compare offers of mutual benefit to Baskin & Robbins ice cream flavors, Russia has only received "vanilla ice cream." In fact, we weren't even offered the bowl to put the ice cream in! It is clear that Austria (The Court of the Crimson King) never intended to treat Russia with anything but scorn and enforced servitude. Faced with such Balkan intransigence and a desire to exploit us, Russia has embarked on a policy of 'selective punishment.' We cannot hurt both A and T, so we shall selectively deal out what little pain it is still possible to administer. We also owe our former Quadripartite Continuum allies the honor due them, to allow some sort of beneficial gain to come from our exertions. This is why we move as we do. We are not propelled by madness, or by poor play. And while it is true that the Tsar is _not_ possessed of the same 'ghod-like' skills as his fellow diplomats, rest assured there *is* a "method to the madness" of what we do. Russia could retreat her forces to the WAR-MOS line and try to hold on; but why? In one more turn the AT forces will be in Sev/Gal/Ukr, and one or the other center will then fall anyway. Does this help our allies? It does not. Therefore, Russia shall hold on for as long as possible, and give her friends (particularly G and I) a chance to grow and face the expanding Eastern Threat. And while we do this, we shall attempt to create...conditions...that may cause a cleavage in the AT. If that occurs, then the Tsar can defend his city with a smile on his dying face. If that event still does not occur, thenlet them sing our posthumous praises in Berlin, in Paris, London and Rome, and bury us standing up--facing south. And then they shall know we fought the good fight, both for ourselves and for our allies. For honor still means something to Russia, even if 'life' does not." With that, the Tsar called a halt to questions from the press, and advised them to stay glued to the wireless for news from Central and Eastern Europe.
Private message from Russia to Italy:
Hi Cal, Well, FINALLY we pierce a small part of Edi's line. And while I'm sure that AT planned these moves all along (i.e., the swap of BUL/RUM, support to WAR, etc) it *is* nice to see Edi at 0 builds this turn, eh? And the nice part is that he didn't retreat Tri-Tyo, as he could've done to make life tough(er) for us. I'm still bitterly disappointed that Pitt didn't move to Tyo or Sil, as requested; that would've solidified the East and/or caused great heartache for Edi...makes you wonder about any A/G in-place agreements.... We now have to decide a couple things: what do you build? (I'm wagering F Nap-TyS?), and how do I move? (I'm thinking two army builds, and then either passively sitting tight--mutual War/Mos supports--or some razzle-dazzle regarding Boh and War vs Gal.) One option, if you're willing: Boh-Vie (Tri S); Apu-Alb, Ion C (Adr S) This way guarantees you don't lose Tri, as both support pieces are cut, and stands at least a small chance of getting me a center -- as compensation when either E or G hose me up north. I figure Turkey will build F Smy, and then use the two AT fleets + Smy and try to blow you out of ION. Hence my desire for your fifth build and a cementing of the sea lines...Hohn and Edi have to either slowly reduce me for more builds to get more fleets to hit you, or Hohn can take the 'easy way out" and stab Edi for quick builds--probably with you gaining something in the process. That's my current plan. Anyway, let me hear what you think of the above proposal, or anything you've got cooking in your brain at present. I'm going down to the wire with you on this one, Cal. Best Faz
Private message from Russia to England:
GKJ Well, all went exactly as I planned this turn (for once)! The northern bounce allowed me to keep both Nwy and Swe (for now, anyway), and, as you predicted, Germany is turning his big guns eastward vs me. That may buy you a turn or two, although the French stab into Iri is MOST unwelcome. It appears you'll have to come after me to compensate for centers which, while we discussed it earlier, will still cramp my style as I attempt to punish A and T. I got lucky regarding WAR and defending the south. I now have to decide whether to sit passively (using Boh-Gal, for example, while defending Mos and War with supports), or just launch some weird probes vs Ukr or Gal...any ideas? I'll obviously rebuild in WAR and STP. I imagine I'll build 2 armies, vice 1-and-1, which means we have some discussions needed for Nwy and regarding Germany. Are you going to try for Nwy? Send a fleet back toward Cly/Wal to deal with Fra? or should we try and get me into Den (Swe-Den, Nth S, Nwg-Nwy) instead? Options, options.... Anyway, me hearty, we are in a flux pattern at the moment, but certainly not as bad as it could've been (or might be in 1904)! let's hear what you're thinking, and see what we can do regarding joint ops. best Tsar Faz
Private message from Russia to Turkey:
Hello Hohn Congrats on retaking BUL (and belated...cough...congrats on reseizing SEV). I know in my heart of hearts that the AT moves were pre-coordinated regarding Rum/Bul, but nonetheless, 'thanks" for keeping Edi at 0 builds. For once this game, my moves all trned out exactly as planned, so I have a modicum of chance at keeping a small, viable rump state up north, as well as staying in BOh and continuing to harass one half of my tormentors! Here's the Russian offer of the day: turn west. Use Sev-Rum (Ukr S) and BLA-SEV (no threat to me that way). In return, I can sail to BAL when Pitt boots me from Swe, and could theoretically even go to Sil and/or Pru if the freedom to maneuver made itself apparent (i.e., no AT wolves banging on the door). This doesn't make for earth-shattering moves, I realize, but it does give you the Black Sea littoral states (and a build), and puts you and Italy in a position to further hose Edi. Granted, Italy then grows(and possibly stymies your growth), but I think a judicious use of Turk armies and Italian fleets--over Austria's rump--would cause Cal to head west against the obvious F/G alliance, while giving you army invasion corrdors into germany...ably aided by your loyal Russian subaltern. Anyway, like all my other proposals, I don't expect these seeds to fall on fertile ground either, but I have to sow them nonetheless. As longas there's an AT, I'll allow aggressive EG actions in my rear while I focus on the east, and will try to at least stop one arm of the two that are choking me. You benefit either way in these arrangements, you rascal. Take care, Hohn; good luck with work and play. Mark
Private message from Russia to Germany:
Hello Pitt, Well, "thanks" for the bounce in Nwy. Not sure if you expected the bounce and did it to "protect" your eastern flank, or if you did it to pave the way for the eventual takeover of Scandinavia (Den/Ska tag team next turn, etc). Regardless, the results allowed me to build the two armies I so desperately needed (I finally guessed right for once!), and now have a chance to slow, if not counterattack into, the AT menace. I am disappointed that you continue to play the East like the Russians did outside Warsaw in August 1944, i.e., watch from a distance as loyal opposition guys get pounded by the enemy, and only then come in to "help." I was hoping for help in either TYO or SIl this turn; the former to ensure no retreat route for Edi (and to help ensure Vienna's fall next season!)...the latter to help ensure the wall of defense in the East stayed strong. I mean, if I were Edi, I'd go GAL-Sil next turn, with Rum-Gal. This ensures they take WAR if so desired, and also puts them in a bid to take BER or MUN, should the opportunity arise, thus flanking your east. I consider that a very viable option for Edi, Pitt. As it stands now, your stated goal -- for me to hold off the hordes -- is not exactly in synch with your observed actions. Yes, there was the matter of France's status, but that seems crystal clear at present... Anyway, please consider doing "something" (in an anti-AT manner, of course) with A MUN; thanks, Pitt. We'll need to talk over the North. Eng may try for Nwy with two (whuile you try for swe with two??), but I'm hoping you both realize the benefit in a strong Russian buffer up north. Not much else to say. I have to figure what else to do with BOH (maybe grab Vie), as well as how to position the armies for a counterattack...I don't want to sit passively and await my (unsupported) fate.... Let me know how you see all of this, and we can proceed from there. Take care, Kaiser! Best Mark
Private message from Russia to France:
King Jean I would assume you have "come off the fence" by virtue of your anti-Eng move to Iri last turn, as well as the apparent beginnings of a phased German withdrawal from France. Can't say as I blame you (and thanks for not hitting Italy, btw). It's naturally bad for me, because I see the anti-E as the eventual strengthening of the F/G--with me the logical victim of Pitt in the near-term. I'm ambivalent towards the death, as my goal is the stated breakup of AT and the hurting of at least one of my two game-long tormentors. I had HOPED for German help in Tyo or Sil this turn...maybe next season, now that you two seemed to have tied the knot. Please try and help me stay alive for a few seasons more in the North. I know Germany will want Swe and Nwy as future gains, and just for security, but I'm already in-place to slow down AT. If he reduces me, they just move faster into MOS and WAR, wrecking his inadequate eastern flank, and threatening advance into STP. I can't help you stop the common AT threat if you're whittling me away at the same time,My Liege! Anyway, John, good hunting, and drop a line if you get time. How do you see all of this unfolding? Tsar Faz
Private message from Russia to Austria:
Edi I imagine that you and Hohn already worked out the BUL/RUM swap, to allow for three fleets to face off vs Cal, etc etc. I'm a litle surprised that you didn't sit tight in TRi and then retreat to TYO, to force him to build another army (thus allowing a 3:2 fleet superiority), but ALB is also crucial to your defense at this stage, I reckon. You may wonder why it seems I'm so anti-Aus, but if you look things over, you'll noticer that your AT schemings have boxed me in; have given me NO concrete incentives to *not* keep fighting; and have now made it geographically inevitable that only anti-A actions seem viable. Given the impending firestorm over Nwy (Eng) and Swe (Ger) next season, I'd LOVE to divert attention west and north - but I could stand some move ideas or guarantees (real ones, for once) from you and Hohn. Otherwise, it'll be "business as usual," with Pitt gaining WAR and SWE in fall. You guys have rubbed my nose in the dirt with superior play the whole game; at best I'm a speedbump in the road. But I'll wreck your undercarriage as a penalty, UNLESS you offer me something better than nothing. Any ideas? Tsar Faz
Must every turn in this game process late? Why does it take us a week to enter retreats and builds?
Vienna (Free Press) The distant thundering noise of Russian hordes to the northwest in Bohemia were a minor distraction to BirSauron who once again called forth the Nine Riders to bring news of the world's attentions. The Russian's moves since their double reverse in Galicia and the Black Sea remains a puzzle to those around the Dark Empire. Clearly the shift to Bohemia would tend to indicate but one intent and that of deliverance of Trieste to the Italians on a temporary loan. However what of the strategic options such a move entails. One can hardly complain about the possibilities of active proposals from Vienna to Moscow when the Russian army acts in such a manner to reduce the strategic possibilities rather than increase them. As pointed out by the Arcane Advisory panel, had the Russians retreated to Silesia they would have been in a position to expect the negotiation of an end to the Dark War since there would have been possible cooperations to be had. Repeatively the Dark Tower has held to the demand that the Russians must vacate all Austrian soil and yet the Russians are inclined always to negotiate from a position where they hold the sacred soil. One must grasp the options only after increasing them to more than a whisper of a nightmare. >signoff Edi Birsan Midnight Games Web site:
The Prime Minister wishes to make it known that he *likes* vanilla ice cream. All offers of frozen confection of any sort will be most seriously entertained in London. Gentle King Jamie
> > has signed on as an Observer in game 'ghodstoo'. > Hey, ghods, watch out! The Saint has arrived to spy on us!! I haven't said much lately, but let me take this opportunity to ask for some more "press to m" updates on your current thinking on the game. Some of you have been VERY good about this and others of you have been pretty silent (you know who you are!). Still, I think the game record will speak for itself. Jim-Bob
Private message from Master to Turkey:
Hohn, A quick Sunday reminder that you owe ghodstoo a build. With your busy schedule, I was worried that you would miss getting it in and then get buried by the week's activities. I've been following your trials and tribulations (sorry, couldn't resist the pun) in your private press to other people. Hope things go well for you on the job front! I am right now in the process of "readjusting" my job to balance a little closer to academia, so I know how it goes. Good luck! Jim
> > Broadcast message from as Austria in 'ghodstoo': > > > > where exactly do entertainment lawyers rank > > Most lawyers are entertainers. I hate to disagree, but I am fairly certain that if you took a typical lawyer (if there is such a thing) and put him on TV next to David Letterman, or Rosie that we could pretty easily determine who was the lawyer and who the entertainer. James
Private message from Italy to Russia:
> Message from as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > Thanks for your two notes. Yes indeedy, I was looking for Viennese > support this turn from Tri. As for War-Gal, let me mull it over. It > _is_ the logical move, ASSUMING Hohn and Edi aren't still a team. > > I mean, I just rec'd a note from Hohn; all of a sudden he's a "convert" > to the idea of double hits on Pitt and Edi. After I replaced my dropped > jaw and thanked my lucky stars, I began to wonder about them trying to > winkle me out of position...especially after Hohn suggested I build F > StP(nc). And now comes your proposal for hitting Gal. Well, truth to tell, I've been negotiating furiously with Hohn for the last two years, up to and including one very long phone call before the Fall moves. I pointed out that he could get limited centres from you and Edi was between me and him. His long term prospects are better in the Balkans at least in terms of centres. Unless he's a very good liar on the phone (a possibility), he seemed very interested. All he wanted was to make sure you weren't a threat any longer (as he had said all along). The Fall results weren't exactly as I had hoped for, but they were close enough. A note from Hohn earlier today indicated that he still wants to do the attack, probably starting this turn. > I like the idea, I really do. And if Hohn is with us, then it really > makes Edi's life damn miserable for the next couple turns. I'm just > hesitant at this stage to leave the Fassio Line in the event this is yet > another AT fib to lure me out of the final bunker. > > Same thing goes for you, Cal. Make sure AT aren't trying any ploy they > can to sucker your fleets and lull you to sleep, so they don't have to > fight their way through a wall they can't penetrate! Of course, I can't be absolutely sure of that. This COULD be a ruse on Hohn's part and I haven't ruled that out. However, the way I figure it, if they ARE pulling a ruse, I'm dead anyway. The alternative is to listen to Edi who is still trying to get me to go to Eastern Med... I'll stick with this, I think. > (Heh heh...this > BOH gambit of mine is starting to look better each minute! I'm glad you > got TRI, buddy.) Uh huh, me to... :) > Anyway, consider the move to Vie as a 'given,' and I'll sweat the details > over War-Gal in a couple days. Let me know what Hohn has to say. This > double offer to us both may be the beginning...or an attempt at 'the > end.' I'll let you know what I hear. Cal
> where exactly do entertainment lawyers rank Most lawyers are entertainers. Edi Birsan Midnight Games Web site:
Private message from Russia to Italy:
Hi Cal, Thanks for your two notes. Yes indeedy, I was looking for Viennese support this turn from Tri. As for War-Gal, let me mull it over. It _is_ the logical move, ASSUMING Hohn and Edi aren't still a team. I mean, I just rec'd a note from Hohn; all of a sudden he's a "convert" to the idea of double hits on Pitt and Edi. After I replaced my dropped jaw and thanked my lucky stars, I began to wonder about them trying to winkle me out of position...especially after Hohn suggested I build F StP(nc). And now comes your proposal for hitting Gal. I like the idea, I really do. And if Hohn is with us, then it really makes Edi's life damn miserable for the next couple turns. I'm just hesitant at this stage to leave the Fassio Line in the event this is yet another AT fib to lure me out of the final bunker. Same thing goes for you, Cal. Make sure AT aren't trying any ploy they can to sucker your fleets and lull you to sleep, so they don't have to fight their way through a wall they can't penetrate! (Heh heh...this BOH gambit of mine is starting to look better each minute! I'm glad you got TRI, buddy.) Anyway, consider the move to Vie as a 'given,' and I'll sweat the details over War-Gal in a couple days. Let me know what Hohn has to say. This double offer to us both may be the beginning...or an attempt at 'the end.' Death to Austria! Tsar Faz
Private message from Russia to Turkey:
Hello Hohn Thanks for the upbeat reply! Without sounding like an ingrate, you probably understand my suspicions and/or doubts that you've suddenly become an "anti-Austrian convert." Having said that, though, I definitely would like to see this come about. I may be wrong on this, but I somehow suspect the A/T was an alljance after-the-fact, whereas I *really* smell the stink of an A/G here...dunno why. I'm building two armies this turn and will stand pat, other than going for Vienna (or hitting GAL) this turn. If and when the stab comes (i.e., if Ukr-Rum is really going to happen in spring), then you've converted me and we're on the march! If Pitt his me in spring, he'll have to contest a retreat to BAL and subsequent hit on Ber, so I think he may wait until fall. (Eng may be the worse one, with two fleets on Nwy!) Once I see you out of UKR, then you can bet your bippy I'm be much more amenable to Pru or Sil movements...Germany cannot defend the flank if I'm not defending it for him, or if you and I make the move...but if we do, Edi *must* be reduced another 2 or 3, IMO--me in Vie, you in Bud/Rum (eventually Gre), Cal inTri... Anyway, Hohn, you're saying the words I want to hear, but let me see the moves in a spring turn; then I'm in your camp come fall. Count on me defending this turn (this also allows me to hover near Nwy for any autumnal battles. Sound ok? Best Mark
Private message from Italy to Russia:
Just looking at some moves and I like your suggestion about supporting you to Vienna with Trieste. If you follow it up with A War-Gal, it'll guarantee that we either take Vie or force Alb. Was that what you had in mind? Cal
Private message from Italy to Turkey:
> Message from as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo': > I am indeed still up for attacking Edi. I moved to BUL because I > didn't trust him completely, and it turned out to be a good thing. > He's telling me he just moved to RUM to prevent the Russian from > moving or retreating there, but as we didn't discuss or prearrange > that particular move, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see it. I've > played it off as no big deal, but it still grated on me. > > As for the support into WAR, that wasn't about bolstering Edi, it was > about trying to take Mark out. I still don't want to see Mark > powerful, especially given his history with me this game. I suspect that Mark's days are numbered and the number isn't particularly high given that E/G can pretty well eviscerate him. > > I really want to stress that taking out Edi is the only way for you to > > get centres FAST. There are only two more Russian centres left to take > > and I now have enough units to make it difficult for you and Edi to take > > me out quick. Also, with the apparent German stab of France, you and I > > now have enough time to take care of business at our end of the board > > and move west before they resolve that chaos. > > I agree. And I think you can see I'm in prime position to move > against Edi now. RUM is mine for sure, and BUL is in position to > attack or support an attack on GRE. Okay, I think that despite our builds, we are still in good position to continue anti-Austrian maneuvers. I can keep Trieste this turn for sure and probably the Fall as well. If you move to the Aegean we'll be able to take both those centres (Bul/Gre). Any other suggestions? > If you want to build F NAP, that's absolutely fine, but in light of > that I must of course build F SMY. Even if those things both occur, > I'm still open to working with you, and do not intend to launch a war > against you either. > > Let me know if you change your mind about your build. I think I was the last person in with builds. Should have used SET WAIT, I guess. Oh well, doesn't matter now. Waiting for your comments. Cal
Private message from Turkey to Master:
Jim, Thoughts on this past turn. Grr. Edi was right about what Mark might do. I'd really hoped to knock Mark down to 4 and build Edi up to 6. As it stands, I still think it turned out OK, although in a different sense. If things had gone as originally hoped, Edi and I would be doing well, and it would make staying with him an easy decision. There will always be a ripe opportunity for T to stab A in an AT. Now, I have to consider cutting Edi loose, given the positioning. It's earlier than I might want, especially since I consider Mark to be very unreliable, and Cal to be a wild card that I don't completely trust. (Well, when can you ever completely trust _anyone_ in Diplomacy...but in any case, I have a lower than average level of trust for Cal, right now...hopefully, that will change.) I have little doubt that Cal and I could dice Edi up very quickly. The kicker is going to be builds. If he does carry through with his threat to build F NAP, then I will probably stay with Edi. If he builds A VEN, I might stab Edi. Regardless, I will build F SMY. I will use "oh, I got your message too late" as an excuse if he decides to build A VEN, and I suspect we will still be able to work together...but with me in the position of naval superiority. Some might argue that the converse position is called for, that given a stalemate of fleets in ION, I should break the impasse by stabbing Edi. And that given the opportunity to make headway against Cal in the Med, I should do that. The latter argument is a reasonable one, and I might accept that reasoning. But the former argument is not compelling, at least not to me. The reason is that I've played Turkey a million times before. It's my second favorite country behind France, and I seem to draw Turkey more than any other country. And as Turkey, I can safely play the waiting game. Much more safely than pretty much any other nation. So long as Cal can't make headway against me, and without the army build that he will need to make further gains against Edi, I can sit back and hold my Black Sea possessions and watch as France eventually turns on Cal, or until Edi can retake his country. Meanwhile, I can possibly make gains against Mark. I can't comfortably attack Edi when Cal is poised to move on against me after Edi is gone. Hmm. Builds have just processed. Oh well, looks like I will stay with Edi, since Cal built a fleet. That's fine. Now the war to retake the Austrian homeland should reach a more favorable conclusion. And I think Edi and I can still work together well. Hohn